Hydro To Unveil Plaque At Bala Contest Winner wmnson nnL lIThrrc nmun Imyl under Mr way In Hm unrimldp lhe Am thmldnr nrldu Mnminy 1M Ilmc he Delrnll rim Ind Mold Iulhmlllu Annxllln guldn my 100le or onl 09 mm lho hold my MM climb 1mm pllllr alwul mm lhorl Flu lnldm Im Ml lulu moulh mch mun lullmr Mnnurl Juk mm In ml In lenn Iymlml nmeu leIr nl llu Uï¬ rm IMIIMUOMI nldua ml mlde lhclr nlnnl IINI Imam bunHI lhl mdw Mr Wlddum mulled Hul IG Jud bun lrnvelllnl wnl on Co llrr SI al 15 when ll ccultd lppum In mm hlm The lnmllinllnz omcrr llannld Fltind InId Mr Wkk Hum Ikldded 41 Ml Menu TmmMl Gordan Mc Ilurk lnlrl the bench lhnl he khnrxr lulul Ml cllenl had hrcn Iald under lhe wrnnl no llnn lhe Ad Ile Inld flu Ihm II wovIlnn In In Id lynl In rnr mnvlnl on The mm was old by Sprtlnl Crown Fromulnr Scumam lhnl nu cum had mndn Ulurn rum lhc 10th In he noth Ma Collinr Sl mu lurn md hccn cnmplcltd whm hzr 1m ï¬crmnn tlll wm Ilrutk on the 1th run under nnd hub um ma rhlclc drlvcn by Alu ndcr Wkklum ur minin damage In In lull run rndcr Mnrgnrcl Slownrl wan zhnr xrd with nlllnz lo lnrn out to have hnll lhc road In countc Man will an alien lllcxcd In June lnkrn plate on Cnlllcr EL July 23 Lexnl arguments on tho pr dm mcnnln or speciï¬c churn under he Illzhwny Traffic Act ullevcd lhc lcdium liquor Ind lrnltlc ollnnru heard be lore Mughlrale lecr ytslnrdny Robert Buyer 2nd vlcwhalr mun ul Ontario llydro wlll un vcll plaque nrcclcd by On lurlo llydro at Enlu cere mony al 230 pm Frlday The pnque rend Balullowr Tlle planner generallng Milan on lhe llluskoku lllvcr provlrled elec lrk power Eula Purl Curl inu MacTicr And surroundan dislrlcla Camplclcd In l917 was bull and aperalcd by he Bala Elcclrlc Jam and Power tumpnny In the 1800 llmbu dam and wulnrwhccl were bull nl lhls all lo supply motive power or snwmlll whlclr op erulcd unlll 19141 The electric power planl was purchased by Omarln llydrn In um and dc lnnuled Ball Gmnrallng Stu lion No The development wilh cupscily ul 145 kilowatts rugs mlrcd lmm mvlce In 19 nin milng Ivas held at Ed gar School ownr Campbell Got an Bidwcll and John Currie ru nupolnlcd commlllce lo pur bLnse cleaning caulpmem for the Bcsl Schuol but he Mrlng 0r cnrclaker hr the school was laflcd until Amp 23 Chase Pigeons FouledUp Will Auction Nevis School Tender at Valley Coach Line for 31500 to convey Pupils 1mm Nevis School In Rugby School was accepted by ualcca of 0m School Arm lhelr Agusl mpelln ï¬ué cnnlï¬btvwllh the bus com pnny v13 flogcnalloncd lay 19 Nevis School vhlch will be Iold by puhllc auction Aug Charles Thnmlon was engaged ax auclloneer Susan Rodgers IO 122 Sun nldale Ave0 Barrie won first place In the CNE muslc compe tlllon 1n the bassoon cometlllon or sludenls l7 and under The compolltlun was held In the East Audllnrlum of Iha urnndallnd Mls Rodgers student at Burrle Central Collegiate nu Iludled bassoon or our yam lhe hluh school orchestra and or the past year Ind hall hu stude HI Royal Conserva my Muslc Tomnlo Pravl quxIS aha studied plane for alx years oblalnlng her and eight pertlllcabe In that lnslmment Entering Grade 18 this all Miss Rodgers said she does not éxpect Io pnrsu career In mu nlc but hope lo Kn to univers fly aner completing hlzh Khan Arguments 0n Trafï¬c Act Spark Interest In Court THE IARRIE EXAMINEF TUE AUGUST In ma At CN nld ha Ernuculianl wll Mu Mr lum had lull ch lhll did not my the lib mud unll nho had vlrlullly completed her lum Thu delenca wm lethnlcnl delcnce he Inld bu II In nuclhnl hld mull II Hddld that here clly byan prohlblllnz Uluml when to posted Dunne counsel lald mm rmncuunn mus pmvu meal of lhe lwa vehicles The prvvlllon the nu worn mrnnl In apply In em npprouchln each nmur lrom apposite dlr minus one or bath whlch 111ch la Allow hall the mud in UN oncoming which Mnllllllll Fall umcntd lhnl MI lnlzrpretnllnn lhu wluun cl he Ml coinclded wllh lhul Mr McTurk Ind that ha would Ilka In hmr cam tilt on hoh Ildll Journal unfll mxl Maudy or rnlm ways Mnislcr Mnanuzhlon Ontario opencd new $315000 brldge over he Muskrat ï¬lm In Ottawa Valley own Mnndqy It pm bypass which wlll dlvcrl lhrouxh lral iic on the Transcmndn mu way lrom pnulnz dawn lhe narrow main 11ml Warren and Mike both agreed the best aspch ol the jambarce was touring The Grccki in the south are hospitabl and volatile people Thuugh they have lower standard living lhan In Cnnndn they scum happy xnld Warren Mike who visited the narlh The olhcr mule were Eran guys to talkwiul and we learn ed lot about other nallonal llicl aald Mike Queen Scnuu Warren Law Third Barrie and Mike Brecht Fauth Barrio who at icndcd the Jamboree came back yesterday The were generally pleased with the iw0weck vlei but expressed disappointment at lack oi planning in various cale Eorlgs But certain disappulnlmenls me lo be cxpccltd anywhere nne goes xald Warren 0n lhc whole the two scouks said they had very unad lme BEST ASPECT The lllh World Boy Scout Jamboree held in Greece WE originally Intended to produce load llme lor allbndlnu sepals rubllc hlzhway Ind mnklnx an WWW WE MacNaughton Opens Bridge Find Jamboree Lacked Planning PEMng lch ï¬nish yopcum at any PLAZA sroni Plumm qlhmllz Auto llch LEchr Tuln Olin lel Whoa Ill MfrryOo Mum Ihvllllng FlyA KIDDIE CARNIVAL BIG RIDES WELLINGTON ANNE STREETS PER RIDE SCOUTS MIKE OBRECHT RIGHT AND WARREN LAW lip He BARRIE PLAZA He pleaded guilty In nnnle mnxulmlnl courl In chmgo ul lulllng lo yield he rlxhl way In comer of Dundonnld and Codrlnglon AerMl July 23 Spcclnl Crown mm told lhe court the accused had been lrnvclllnn nunh on Dundonnld When he fnllcd lo yield Um rlxhlolwny la mm lrlvnlllnx ml on Codrlnalon alop sign on Dundannld la tlenrly marked Wlllhm Edward llnrgrcum 20 Dnmo nuumcd mspomibll Ily yutcrday or an accident In which we cm were damaged la lh uth 31100 Mr am am cnuvlulon mumd Inn no and 150 costs 11 named Anld had Ixcn convlmd an vm wwan ol ltnm lln wnn nrdmd hy um court lo Illtnd lho Irntlic school mn by lha police dc nrlmcnt an lwo Inccmlu Tuts ny mnlnxl In Srpttmbfl We heard rumnr la Canadian lhlp bun1n our dim play was porblockcd by nuke laid Vnrrcn Mike added They were only rumors however Bul when you look back he Jamboree was wuth said Warren Ind Mike In spite ul Ihese minor dilll cullicslhe scouts said lhey ac compibhed quill bil One ol lhcir accomplishment was earning an Epalhion anhni lor Laurel award which was given on camplcllon of live out of elgm requirements To earn this Warren Iwarn in the Mcdilcrrancan Sea live limes ale one meal wilh scouts ol nnolher nationality lFrmch and New Zealandcrn luok part in campwide game or collcél in no name on card visited lnlernallanal displays ol various counlrles and took part in the Laban Hercules son of obstacle tours Mike pcrlnrmcd the same rc qulrcmcnl with tho cxccpllun of eating with ether nauonalily mm Instead he look pan in Ikil or Talumarnmnl play Inz Inva xkil on Canadlan bar bershoga and hurlzcrshoppinn Anolhcr KM ppo the two scouts aald they tn countercd along with other Can adian scouts was the lack Canadlan exhibit among Inter The most difficult part ha lambnrce wns camping Were not used to camping an mud flat wlth constant wind no 5thch and lack water laid Warren crn part Grccuc expressed hl delight at seeing arm grnw wllhuul constant wnlcr lng Admits Guilt In Accident Nine young men appeared be fore Magistrate Foster in Barrie Magistrates Caurt yester day They mended gullly lh charge havlng Inlaxlcallng hcvcrngcx In placu olhnr lhnn lhnlr homes Furl Wllllnm Scullnnd 10 mph William Hobbs 72 or mcr Cnnndlnn cowbny who mndo two fortune and him duccd Nnrlh Amtrlcnn lyle mulc ranching lo Scollnnd Dam Pnklstnn Mnulvl Tnmlzuddln Khnn Speaker of he Pakistan Nullunnl Assem bly or bronchialmenu Im AnltléIMcl GnHughcr to mom wrllcr and sperm man stroke Fllrbnnkl Willlnm lllll Shandbcrm About 55 lormcr pmldcnl Grcnlcr Anchornno Inc and mcmhcr plunccr Aluskn mlning nmlly allnckcd by bcnr okvule om Kathleen Mary Pnrlnw wldclyrkmwn Cnnndlnn vlollnhl In summer the fancy of sums young men turn to thoughts of hnvlnz llquar place other Ihnn residence The temperature may have lullen over Ihc wcckcnd but Ihe mm at vlsltors InnIslil Township remnlncd at summer Invent Six mlnorl Ilsa appuer on charges of consuming alcohol undcr the legal nu Few he accused had 1an say In their own once Thclr silence intro Hue wuxlu fund by 9350 lines Thirsts Sharp Fines Total $350 WILL cam ron SCHOOLS Mrs Buchanan has cater ed at Vaughar Road Collegi ate in Toronto for years but the school has now gone uvpr to automnts Mrs nun told some of ma Board members she prepared to come to Enr rle and Interview the pres ent 5th lo see how many arcAwilIlnu l9 work wilh her Barrie Dlslrlcl Collcglnlc Board speclal moulan Inst night at Central Collegi aler voted to ncgollnle can lrnct with Mrsr Buchanan as caterer for both North and Central gulleglaleq The Board héard snmplé menus and prlccs Wman cnurlcmu mvlm Auk your dndnr nlmut our phnrmncy um um ho wrllu pmcrlpllon or yum ll COLLIER SWEET IA mu BRING YOUR NEXT PRESCRIPTION HERE WE nlwm ulrn yuu pmlae prman cmlrlcmu mvlre Auk yuur dndnr nlmul our pharmacy um um ho wrllu prucllpllon or yuu Two Locallonl Io Suva You BIN CHRISTMAS thB WHITTY thB WRAY thB DEATHS FAST EMERGENCY SERVICE accused had any In their own It allyncp increase FHAAMACY llc anld some wlll Inc llnhl cr colnrcd nnlmnl wlll produce more men nnd milk nhllu all us think dark colored one will ho hum THY EXAMINER WANT ADS IHUNE IA um Murray Vnrnlca whose father In Pollcd Hereford breeder and uhgse Inmlly one Ihe lwn aldcsl breeder In Canada explained he above situation In members lhe Kcmpcnlcn Kiwaan Club yesterday aller noan nl Ihe Warnlca mm near Pnlnswlck Spcuklmz hrwflnx Mr Wnrnlcn snld There no ads lrcrm Jusl like In clnlhlng Insh Ions And Its really qulla Knesslnfl unme ln keep one Jump ahead 01 ha buyers you hold mi lax slallam nry In mm bull channel are ynu wont be nllackcd How ever wuve lhal Hug vlolcnlly md lhe bull will advance quick He mid lcmpcrnmcul flmnlll bulb was usually herodilary and Um cnvlronmcnl mean There are approxlmnlcly 200 ncrr al the Warnlca mm with nnolhcr 300 rented and count rcmnlnx Inlrly Ilcady nl aboul 150 head 01 culle ELECTRICAL CONTRACT Barrle cl Colloglnlo Board at special mcellng last nlghl rmlved lender or re wlrlng and revllghllnz ol Central Collegiate The Board voted In Rival power lo the chalrman ol lha building commuter and the board to won the contract ASSUME SHARE Counclls 01 On lnnlslll and Vesprn Townshlps have advlred Bgrrla Dlslrlcl Collexlale Board lhal lhrlr respucuve munlclpnl lllc will assume lhclr share of the debenture ol the leclmlul addillon lo Norlh Collegiate twprromum QPENING Stewart dcpuly min lur education and Mn Stew art will be guests the amclnl opening Central Callcnlnl audllnrium and technical wlng Oct Mr Shwarl will be next speaker Loam 6mm COMMUTE SERVICE Barrie Dinrlci Collazlale Board will provide twoway commuter service bclween Cen tral and North Cnllezilies tar sludenl who want lo take op Iional subichm The Board volcd unanimouslr at special meni ing has nlhl to pmvlda this service Barrie District Caiielinta Board last night discussed pra biems arising in nomination with my Qaqndariu El CJBrydgcs principal at Narih Collegiate said up penred in ha sprlnx liml we couldn handle quite all ha in crpgsed enmlmenll Wa though that rather than move the boundary we could have some of the students to whom the distance to Narlh Ind Centre Ilmasl equal allcnd Ccpual Ray bhrlsflo said that whm fewer than dozen pupils Ira Dont Wave Flag Rt Bull Kiwanis Told COLLEGIATE BOUNDARIES defield Is Voted The Dividing Line DUNLOI If IA Years ago we had light and think well have In rover to Charles Griiiin said The building seem in be open to everyone Mr Burton and were amund he olhcr nigh and he lights had been ieil an in the shops TilflOUGll YEARS This somctmna we have hnd down through lhc years and we dnnl know just whit what stone was thrown through window The board voted that the Iflvl dlng boundary be Bnyflelq Slrcel and that any adjustments should be Id In the principals Mrs Bessie Clcmmens cast Ihe only dlmnllni voter The Bond also dlscusscd report nl the admlnlslralor of malicious damage in lha school In regard to paint having been spread over parts of the machlnu mom under the stay the auditorium Thu Board was told can sldcnbla amount of paint was splashed around ho audlmrlum Pain wax splallered an the floor and on the walls The mnllu ha hem reported in mllpc WILSON MOORBYlcl llslcns Murray Wnrnlu and Dal Jcrmcy right ex number 20 30 then the board could more ho boundary BOUNDARY lnvolvud the mailer should he left Harrie Prm said heHeVI lnbatts Pllsener Beer Is true hanesttogoodness beer thats so popuiar It doesnt have to brag Nevertheless has cloat spalkllna taste you mt cant help talldng about laboflh ID Bur ï¬rs gholpe baergf 36 many people Youre first choicefm PlaqgeZWill Be Unveiled fflt FirstHydroOwned Plant The plant completed in 1914 operated separale unit and served the northern poxIon Onlarlu County Ind western pafl 01 Victoria until 1921 when It became part of Ontario Hydrol Georgian Bay System Several Harrie cllllen will Ai land ceremony ll Wasdell Fall lenernllnl station 210 pm Aug Provincial im xurethnmu Allan will un veil pin on hehall oi lha historical ranch Ontario Dc gmmeni of Travel and Public Wusdell Fl zencratlnz ata Ilon on he Severn River ms the Mrs plan In be both bull dawned by Ontario Hydra Wasdell Fall was displaced by larger plants and withdrawn 1mm xervlce in 1955 but It re cords Ihe beginning at one the work ludlng public power systems plaln llne point on breeding ullle The Kempenlell KL wank Club wnl lnvod lo the was wanted hat person may have hccn In lhn hufldlnu when the door were locked and Illa he did the damage and than wen ouL Ihere 3m people came up mm Taronlo to leach studenls pri vate lulllon Ind my are leaned kcy and use guy Incilllles Also on hand for the unveil lng ceremony will In Hebe Smith MP Simcoe North Arthur Evans MPP Slmcoe Centre and Lloyd Malherby MPP or Sim coe East Wamch am In Palmwlck one at ha oldest Ilnck brew In llmllle In Canada Exp amlnu Pholu The publlc wlll welcome at he conmo whlch 11 mil lion lo ML la wlll be Illend ed by Government Ind Hydro nlflclals includlng flux Strllu Hydm chalrman and Bob Boyer MFP second vlce ï¬hï¬lrman and member or Mul The allowmz retired Hydro Workers who were connected with Wudcll Falls will also It Icnd lrom Barrln Archie lMflnult IL Pickles Charlel Palmer chk flque It wu alsn mutated that lhl paint my hnve been uplllmed argynd lo cgvegflup on thqgl Attending from Banla will In Ferguson manager of the Georglnn Bay Region IL Brannemnn nperallons engineer Hugh Macdonald and Sulli van opgrgllops supgyvlspr consider manor more murky Inm he cnnlrnclon have an and Is necessary for only cerium muons lo havu keys The can lraclora will ha through this