Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Aug 1963, p. 1

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In ran Brl go the Prime Min xlcr lnld about so pcnplc third of them holidaying Amer Ecanl lhlnl vflfl Cnnadn went At Elliot Lake lhe boom tawn uranium mining commu ntty whlch has suffered from lhrunken markets ML Pear son expressed hope that new way wtll be tound to mnlntaln employment utter $20000000 Itackpiltnx program runs out nut July By 1970 he said there Ihould be steady and growing market or uranlum Va Ar LII arlunala In having In our nnluhbur grant democ nny II but In and us Driving here to the suulhwcsi corner at ram Sudhury Mon day Mr Pearson declared ha wlll not take on active part pen sonally in the current Oninrio elecllon campaign but Iwice euggcnled lo Ihe volerc that many oi inelr local problem depend on he outcome the Ontario contest He told group el American lourisis Ihal while relallnnr with lhe United States will al ways he Canadas ioremosl for eign aiinirs problem Canada has deep and abidan lriend rhip and respect ier the US In the lender ei ihe freeworld democracies Mr and Mn Pearson fly lo day to Chunlcnu In Ihe nurlh western comer his rldlnx Ind then In Killnrney ln he Inuthenstarn corner Tnnlghl Ind Wednesday lhcy will be an Manlloulln Island LUCKY TO AVE Io run ll mm as mle Ipucllng dnmncrncy we know perfccll well In we are or mum our gran nelghbor So when you read In ma pa per hat the lecral zuvcm men dammlan In make Canada Iala fur Canadiansor THESSALON Ont CF Prime Minister Pearson re minding his own electors ha is lilil their MP or AlgomnEnst in the length and breadth oi his sprawling Northern Ontario constituency todayi rd nho helmu ll known lhn source lnslde in turmullon hnl hnlpcd lhe xunu hold up lhe Ginsan Lonan mnl lrnln In mllc nonhuch London 11 days ago and ucnpcd Iflh 3600000 $7800000 In Brjllst currency LONDONScallnnd 10 name today on perm wanlrd wllh Brllnlnl mat Ivory Dclccllvu were conlidtnl lhu luxlllvu could no slny hidden mxIchulungcr In lhnsc 12 dnyl lhc and ha Ilnxcd one ho blues mun hunn 1n Briudl hlslnry Mnro Khan 100 much wnrrnnu have men lsmrd The unnuu pro holdup hldroul nml lhc hunt nuarlm whm he rnld wu lnnncrl have hccn dlscuvcrul Ivc pmnnx lmvu llrnn nrmlrd and aboul Huh ho Alolcn momy lms hem rccnvrmL 99ih Yur No 194 OW flu th TM mull ol ynunnlm mlly In down to flu jnb ul Yard To Question 19 For Robbery PM Promises Elliot Lake Will NotDie MnFI holnrsnndrélulfilr vml For Examine Want AdITtIO phone PA mm 1113 telephone number to call or Ihe Buslnw or Edllurlll DepL 13 PA 65537 Our Telephones BOYS CLIMB UP FOR CLOSER LOOK and had In tannccllnn lrnln rob OWEN SOUND CHA mo tion to bar the press from all city councll commltlee meet lnxs was defeated to Man dnyplghL Blind River in asked tho town council what he could do or the calmnunin line locai MP Someone suxgcsiod new home or In aged and Mn Pearson said lhat was row vlncial government ruponsblb ily He suggested the voters bear that in mind in he orth comlng provincial election In hls Elllal Lake spanoh he sald lhe hardMl town can no lnrward under bowl ovum man In Ollawa but need some help lrnm lhe provlnclal government He smlled and nddnd wlll any no more than that Wilh lwceplnz pmmlse that he Iown wlll not dle he sald we wlll llnd some way to keep hlgh level of employment In Elllot Luke so hat when slockplllng ls over then wlll no he collapse that time Alderman Gordon French pm scnlcd the mnuon which appar ently arose from newspaper report spuclnl mccllnu nl council notattundcd by he prcsl remdim plan or the new clly hallhurncd down In February 196 Alderman F1 on ch claimed that cummlllca mceunxs wm hnld In caucus than would ham been rcvcnusproduclnz hulldlnu an the silo two yam ML Pearson who has upra scnlcd Algoma East In Parlia ment or 15 yam was maklnu his first visit to tho rldinz alncu lhu Aprll general elccflun HID nus parls of London wen rnldcd Monday nlshl New lnrnrmullon sent Dclco livn Inspector Jnhn cmslcy ho flying mum to How Sml mnulslrnles court fnr lwo mom search wnrrnnla They rclcrrnd to two lhu pcople who Wm on me gunxx plnnnlnu commit to lhnl mat In house In mm London meet hat what we are gains to doynu can count on our lrlendA ship and you can count on our suppnr In ha Km responsl blllue that you have In th Uulted Skate at ths time loliw naked Interpol he in lcmnllonnl pnllcu orxnnlullon to rclny rcqucal la mllce In munl Eurapcnn clllu lo hcrk men when rum Inndun and boqklmu hatch nul lha pollen were cnnlldcnl lhn uuxa lonl wclahinu mm Hum lamnull II In nrllnln The mass clrculullou Dnlly Expmn clnlmcd Scullmi and Imcw our of ma rInIlcnderl nnd Innuut Hm lhn In mum on he pnllm wlnltd nu man would bu dlscloscd bTILL IN nmmm Motion To Oust Owen Sound Press Defeated To uhhh wan pm he Armed hum dlnpluy ul lha Cub gllnn Nallnunl Enhiblflnn in ioloilli halode Modaly Ehl maer TOKYO mumA march pnrly today found no luerer man In pcrmnl nbanrd He ron ulrllncr lhnl crnahnd an mglmlnlnlsldo mmh pf Tykyn Thu pline carry IM Itllkcrl and um crew mcm gen wns mlulnl limo Sutur ny ulrllncr mlonzlnz In lln Alrllnu dilnp emd nvtr Snnnml My 120 In mum cl Tokyn Mm lnklnu ram anhljo mm or Tokyo STRIPPED FOR ACTION Tokyo Air Crash Has No Survivors PRIME MINISTER PW SON interde during the public barbecul In hll honor wu If dny Al the 0th Ilnn AM he Inmll lry warm rd nnywhu mm pholo Kicklnl at Inndals he hurried lhrnulh Iha halldny crowds and ripped all hls Imuscrs when rcnchcd 2h water line Hundred or people were looking at me Jim laid Mnrdny night BOURNEMOUTH En lnnd APbJlm Wllllnms 27yearold bricklayer wal lounulng on he beach last weekend when he heard mesa crv for he Thcn inn Ind blushed pull up my Iruuxara Iwnm out lo lhc mun ln trouble druutd hlm oul mndo Aura he was all rluhl nnd dldnl Illck around lo ho thanked xieamrgnum hllhlnl hunks niust 71m been mi all Plugh very cpsily Rescue Workers Drill To Get Out 3Miners TORONTO CPL The entry at DouiIuIzlmofBchnmr burg Clndy 11 ms judged but In the mare class at the cm Horseshow Monday Goodwill Marge owned by Ivan Cochrane Nestlelon was me and Mary Who owned by Mr and mm Cm ol Rock wood took lhlrd Ducky locust II alanon owned by Mr and Mn cm nn Bockwood wnl Judged best in he lhrceycar oldandnver trngr horioéwiuéd by Hoyt Norwich anlant 1M pnccd tend mnh nu owned by Cccll honey Senlorlh wun lha lhm yur old and aver pacer clusl The lwotycnrold alnlllon elm wutakcn by The Clunsmnn owned by Cnrlcr Ind Findlay Brnnllurd Sccnnd spot wnl cinimtd by Lucky Lu Sevul owned by John lnm lllgn of guclpf WASHINGTON AP flen flmnml Iawrr chlrl lb ML Elralmc Afr Comlnnnd 0pm 10 mum nuclear ml lmn truly ml III lhn llul lnlmm In United Slum Spnnxlcr uwncd by Wrny nxrvcy Dunllnrd cup lured Iha ychld Ilnlllun clan wllh Sennlur Mn also owned by Mr Turvty plucnl mond Guy Imumoy owned by Mn Crlchlon of Ihckwood placed hlrd by Llnyd unvlim Wllh lhll lullmnny Ilvrn yl vmly Mandny helm lha Ilc Numdmn nubcommlllu Paw mks my mm noIlJ lnwp cl mlmnry rommumlm ulm luppovl the hall II lull undunnund Mmu nulny other mpnMnl of Hm Irrnly nr lid Tiller an nl Hm Man Hm hydrnucn bomb lu IIHrI pulvlkly bvhlw Will mullnl as lhl Bram laulm Illlonl rnml mvlcu Am Nrnnlo Hmue nl opium llvr Inmlc morn mmmlller Tcller ndvlm ln nlr am on Inlllnlc lylle II hardening nl mln old In mumdilu mlllu In Ink um runl ol lhl lmly unuld have run mm uenru er mtu llw lulled 5qu MI lhc unvl Vols Worthy owned by Mr and Mn Crufl wan nm In lhn threeyearold mly clnn And Irncyl Trollar ownui by Robert Mounch Wm dawn wnl lemma TM woyenmld lllly clan wn won by Hello Illa Brenda owned by Munro cl Em pr mnr Molly Lgeuwncd HEADS FILLIES to sign autouraphs or his youlhlul udmkefl Over 1500 ptoplo attended the barbecue Schombergs Cindy Best In Exhibitions Mare Class Bmln Onmlo Canidn Tuuday Augun 20 1963 SAC Chief Denies Treatys Value numd luUmm ll cl Gcamm lowm was lha runnerup Koyh OllrmwbyCfll Hay ol Narwlch came third Grecnlrco Susan owned by Mr Turvcy wnl judged but In the ycuMld filly class with In and spot golnu lo Fanlnhuluus fllddcll owned by Mr Palmer lsl Dchby up uwncd by Thu Entry of Frank Mac Kllllgun Gnu took bin ribbon in the brood mm with on by Ildo class Second place went to Lnlrdl Rlla owned by Mr Palmer llnl McKllIup owned by Lloyd Dnvlsonol nn ficorgplpwn wgu erd Gm Cunln 14May ll Mr om chlnl nah undu quullow Inn huwnor lhll II II lull mn nlnl In flu mpoanl Ilnn Ihlnk wnud murmur Alainl It AHr Ln1mm lhll nylnx he mm In Iva qnIllon mm Thumumd uloum Lam in cloud mum AMI wu nde Ivy lhu lor rlun Imam dllllmlfl wu nun Fulbrllhl Winnu mm oerl to but clulmd er VWMHHIMWL mm Mr lulmm innlullc Rid dcll captured lhu an 63 elm Mr Munrol cnlry wnl placed ucond Slr Leo Who owned by Frank MncKllIlnn plnud third In In mad publlc lulu but Chulnmn Juhn Stcnnll Dun MIHJ rammed Mn pollllon Bon nlnr Blmm Tlmrmuml mm quoml Power nth It would lrcnl mlnlnkl lo rnl lly lhll lml and uld umd wllh in vlow lawrrl Ilnml wu ln dlrm conlllcl wllh mu lhq held lhrl ulr am army navy Ind mulurn who lrlllled puhlldy Monday In Aumml It truly nrnvIIhxl um minimum ult xuudl nu lnmnlum Pnr IYborn child prodlly Iludlcd undtr tom the man vlallnhll lnurcd wldcly In Europe and North Amcrlcn lhcn rclurncd In Canada In lull Io leach Ind parlolm am we her llnl mllnl II he my cl and lnlrr Mcnma In Nnrlh Amultnn Ilu dcnl In rural Inc lmpcrlnl DAKVILLE Onl CWKI Iccn Mary Pnrluw 73 wldcly known Cnnndlnn vloIlnlsl dlrd Monday compllcnllanl allow Inu all lhm weekl no in whith filo proko ha Np nnd Ila lha 5001b ulcer CP Wirephotu Violinist Kathleen Parlow Dies Following Accident ihlunro fol Lmbro laid By RONALD FARQUIIAE BELGRADE Beulenl N1 klh Khruahchuv today received In Ids and hug from Pm denz Tito when the Ruxslan pra mler arrived for wowcek working vacatlnn Diplomat who greeted Khrushchav Included the ond mercury the Chinese 005mgqu embassy The hollday was expected In Include lmpoflanMalkl on thu $193Sovlle ldeoloxjangumgel Khrushchev Ind Tho bath lmlllnz beneath panama hula embraced and kissed each other and then walked Lida by lldu along red carpet alter lhu Russian stepped mm airliner Tho Chinese chum dAiinires iluwuvar was absent was the Albanian chum dniinirca who country does not have dliplomniic rciuiions with Ru IE FOLLOWS sovIErs mo Mild In welcoming re mark that Yuzonlnvln ln clon ely following Savlet 2110115 or vengeful goexlslengc Khrushchev said hls delega Uon wlll canllnuu discusslunl Ilarled earlier on quesllonl mutual Inleresba creme lo hl 1956 visit here AI Khrushchev and Tim druvo lrom lhn nlrpurt la the clly cmde lined the Inzbedcckad 1mm V1AM haw nld All you In Im 11 And how obd ma andon NEWMARKEF Dnl CF Leslie Kira 35 Toronto was fined 75 and cash Monday lcr bclnz convicted duller nu watcr Ikilnx ulcguard Wifllnm Bayd tos mlcd Klrn cam wllhln two feel of lemmen an lens our occasion at Slbhnld Polnt Prov lnclnl Park on Lake Slmcw July Ha mid ha warmd Klrn and Mar reported the mailer to tha police Returning lo Cpnndn at outbreak 71 ha Second World Win In hrluw orfnn Iud ha Cnnndlnn Trlo wrirh Inrlurlcd blr Emu MuMIllnn pllnlI and anl Nellnvn Winnipeg ulllll 11m Pnrluw Ilrlnu qunrm hlch Iho orlnn Izod armed rmlurnlly on III CIC Ind mur Inn Hhe hid Imn an Hm null 01 hi man ConanMary Mn cln Tornnln ulna ML And nvn min Irrluru mllnll ll ha Univmlly Wmml 0n lnrln In bundun or worn at Indy ullln an nnnll boyl mnlhn van marlIn Ill Ind ulhrr unvmonmlu mwunco 111 MM mu lnl MI Iml MIle hrr Inm utuTenuhrr mini air gun umunlm nu mt III Nam mlnd mde Ml but WILIIIL Inlwum In lull in Conscrvflary In St Pelrriburr now Lenlnlrnd under Leopad Aucr when other puplll In cludcd Jnscllu Itllnlx Mucha Eln1nn In Nathan Milllcln Sha mm mm of Mr cancer Illa In Europa but pluytd dur lnu usle mm wllh moal lhn lmporhml orchutm In lhcUnlttd Blnlu chtrnl crib In of Ilw llmo ducrlhcd her In rtnllll womnn vlollnm In In warld Stephen Emly of Toronto Will thnmd wllh dungnmul baallnz And rcmnndcd one wttk Sh mndo her nrmnl dchul ll 17 In flcrlln lhrn man In pulled lourl Europe Ind the Orltnl PLAY IN Ul Holiday With NeWmarket Man Fined Strings HERES ONE m7 By JAMEB LAMB HAZLENN Pl AP Do relcuu worker pushnd ahead today lhrnuxh on and dampneu with two drllllnl operations in efforts to reach three miner trapped nearly 400 Ice underground or seven dayl Concern row or one ha miners who hurl Under glarlnz spotlight ln lho mlddlo the nlnhl 40 Ian electrically operated drlll lug rlg capnha nl box1n hole 48 lnchgs ln dlnmeler began op erallon aimed at openlnz hole 24 Inches ln dlameler In order llml Illa mm can he llllcd lo lhe surlqce mad about quarter mlla long had to be made by bulldoxer to enable the 50000 nppuralusH high lzcel wlda and 50m lung to be moved to the scene Simultananusly In renewed mm providn Ilfellne to Mu save 42 of Pnlkeuon vllle rescuer resumed drglllnz lwln IIxlnch hola near the one through which contact was establishad Sunday night wilh Ihn rapped men Bovn in lep nrnlcd ram he olher two by debris hasnt been heard from since Monday momma EILENCE TROUBLEB ll BfChIrmbury 11m lac rcmy of mines sald he wu capcemcd about Bovn Tho lma drlll began anew lion at 845 am Em with Iiipinch hlt Plans were In en lam tho npenlng to 171 Inches uni many 24 inches um um dor lho but candlllonl the 40 lun drlll could dlg not In hour This means would aka IltUc more than eluh hour la in 331 eat when the men are lmprcd Bu mm engineer csllmulc It could ha low an Ice an hour dcpmdlnz on what lypu of rock encoun lend Mum ul Inlr ll mom cw r1 IN Wlll loolblll much 31060 May his mum libel um hm 1M Illuldny mln IM Th1 Pu Mama nyyhvplm mm in Rmua workers who had dul far le day at rock and rubble Inr under lhe written Nnrlh Amerlcnl deepest wal mlnc were greeted with lhu words cuman through cum pressed llr plpe Then an DETROIT 1M Hawk Vaunl IlImhInI rrohlun boy Nullvnnl Hockey Leanne wu Irmled on dmnk Ind dbnrdnly thlrlll In In wnlu thl polka lrrnm lI diuluxlunu nmnu mlqunl lndIy Youul defenmnun on Ile In wu IIIM Ind NM or IIIII IIln today Thu dinner rte11d Iho much urealtr one at Sprlnzhlll on 221959 NEW YORK Mm Mill mmplmrl 010mm ell Idml onkm am Gm Moody INK lull alwvmi ll wn llnl hulk wilh mum to mm below remInd Ihmlh Th board ol eduullon In mlulm Tm can and pm at umd had bun completed or flu Adm In Com IIIImL Brooklyn Coach Wingsa Million In pour sun llUlINOS All Ml Arltnllnll Homo Ichoul lcnrhcu have mm on Ilrlkr llvlnl lha cuunlryl hlldrrn nn unupcrlnd mld wlnlrr Iulldny uponman Inld Maudy mat ho unrlm Imam man In my and mum mow nmnay $2 Million New School Tom Down Argentinas Teachers Want Pay Hike Hockeys Howey Young Arrested Tlllfl DIAGRAM drawn mm lnIvrmnllon nvnllnblo In Irma In llnzlelm Pn mlna rclcul cpcrnllun alum how mcue wnrkm pm In nmnvn three minm lrlp Concerned For Injured Man Silent Since MondayAM NEWS BRIEFS Nev Mora Thu For Copy11 Fag sunny Iodw WINmet tumor row with 1th winds Low to night 49 Hllh tomorrow 15 For mmmnry see page two Local Weather us here coma and at The undemmmd uphuval mapped 11 men In Um mine le days earlier The avcnlunl death toll was 75 sugapm puma Enrly this mumlng Devh Fellln 59 of Sheppton one the trapped miner euneated that worker drlll the large at care hale llve feet west 01 the or ulna But instead the drllllnl be en elghl eel west ol the ads nal hole Fellln apparently had change mlnd Charm bury enld olllclnle mndo lhe d9 clllon to drlll elghl leet west the nrlglnnl hole alter talklnz lo Iellln who know the mlno ln elde out The Muller 11x Inch twin hole wu helnz drilled 15 feet can the original Enzlnem explalned that they drilled loo claw lo lb or lzlnal hole It could cause lat eral mnvemznl the earth cud could block the smaller llfellnu halo In Felllnl part owner ol the mlne and Henry Thme 23 of llnzlnlon They are lo nelth Ind are rzpnrled la ho In need Iplrlls The twin llxlnch hole was be gun Monday mm but shortly helm mldnlghl drllllnl In Bovl was halted at no lee becam the nolsu In drfll wu Inlet lerlnz wllh commmlcallom lo Fellin Ind Throne More and uplrIn walcr flashllzht chnwlnl tobacco and In menu cm were lawarld lo Fellln and Throne who won lrappcd Ilonz unzwny when they fled met the mnln ma wall ol yenmlntcollapuqz two men Ind mcum were an oil About mlnum when lpan or where Follln and Thrana are located lalled flu cum cuuldul relay any lnlor mnllon Io Illa Iwn men lhlu was rcmcdlcd when new weaker was lowered lnla llu mlne Fullln reported In Dov mm 15 feet mm hlm Ind Thrnne Ho anld ha had been talklnx to Rev at Interval and that Java nppnrcnlly had lul lcrtd My injury per by cnvuln ll ll ullmn ltd lhnl il wlll llkl 12 huurl In week Ia drlll Zalnth dlnmclar ucnpn mm In Hm 000100 10ch wlwrn lhn lfnppcd ern bhoio VMIIII Sm

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