Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1963, p. 4

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There In no doubt that 1113 recent de uslon by Ontario Supreme Court Judge Grant concerning the uchool board and tgwn councll Ala marked Begin City Council this week Several aldeh men commented on letter mm the Banla District Cone ate Board concern hgg ghg proposed ml llamdollar vocntloxll mun lng the roposed milliondollar vocauon al addi onto North Collegiate it is true that 75 is paid by highar overn ment but the remainder mua coma mm the taxpayers oi Barrie and the municipalities céncerned The letter was finally referred to counciia finance gpmnmtea for study and recommenda 1M Recent years have seen sharp clashes oi viewpoint between councils and school boards throu hunt the province Naturally the boar want to provide the best teaching facilities and student accommodation possible while the coun cils went to keep the tax rate within the ability of the ratepayers to provide Too often school boards have regarded municl ai council too lightly in their demsn They have every right to current operatin funds but Mr Jua tice Grants decia on seems to be pre cedent regarding capital funds for con struction The best way would be or the two bodies to work more closely together in lseeklnglcommog saluting1 L20 hnmnlclg Ea nancng pro ems as no can too apparent locally at least dun ing the past couple of decades New re 00 are certainly needed but must never be forgotten that they represent Decision May HaVé Efféct On Councils School Boards Barrie Examiner August 1923 Wai ier Duii and Alexander Cowan of Bar ria received high honora by Masonic Grand Lodge Canada Barrie Fire Brigade won prize as bestdressed in parade at Bracebridga of Northern Vol unteer Firemans Association Joe Milnea Barrie baseball club won aavenih airaight Ime beaiin Knock 125 Oro Fool all League out protest by Dalston against Guthriaa playing of Nor man Srioddart whowas igclarqgi eliglblo 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN banla struEEEnother minima wgll prqylplingwater pu and trans Mn vu are allone daily rJFSulllvnnSiayner or address ed United Farmers of Nort Simcoe at Wasaga Beach rally and said when the party got into party in Ottawa Ind was able to control the tarllf we will crush the Tories of Ontario like June bu They are wearing livery of the hi1 teresta and controlled the miilon alres Board oi Educ ion decided to roceed with lrnfirovernenis to King oorgo School in east end Hon Dru former premier declared that the ted Farmer oi Ontario party was controlled cilquo Ind needs new blood CN superintendent Weeger denied rumor Allendan termin ai would be removed to Gravenhurrt due CARDINAL SEES RED PERIL Sarnin Observer Richard Cardinal Cushing ArcthIhop oi Boston put into war aomeihin which has becomo more apparent Ind arming during recent yum Spcnkln In Detroit the Roman Calh oHc churc man deplored lho probiem ol the Church In Lnlln Amerlcn which was In said humnnly Ipulklng hopeless Ho oulllnud the up mnl act thntvWVe cannot cope wllh Communln prop gandn Cnrdinal Cuahlng like other who have volced the reasons or Communist Inm mllon ln Chdsllnn counlrlea surges that Communlnma gmlm hnlp Id vanclng llu Ideology II wanknoxn on our pm rather than my Ilrunfllh or great nm on tho Mnrxlnt nldm Latin America can he lull in Cudlnnl Cunhlnsl Church Ho 1qu Hm wlll no be captured by any lrolcnllnl doc nomlnnllon Mme 1n how denselypop ulnled nntlom have become dlnlllunlonul with lhn whim mun Ill econumlcl Ind mum and Hm rm mm In vlmml om and yumM ll putu In Duly lllndnyl m1 mums and IINNIIH mm Illllnhn IIIIAN llfllflnv I1 ll Mlllllllfl null AMI Innm Mun All munm AI IIIUIAIL DENNILL Clnlhl flubullvllun duly ma cm In In III mnnw no mum mum Unllllu ma rumn pa Milan ma ma IntIn mm mr mum In film 7mm WWI Ola hum Nilum NI Mrmhu an In rm ml In mm Auflll ll Clunllllnn ptllnd In via munn mini quIm Iml mu mun Walk Publisher The Barrie Examiner 112 flfiarrir Examiner Published by Canndlnn Newspaper Limited 16 Hayfield Street Bums Only10 OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE hioNDAXAUOUT ll Brian 5mm 0mm Mum helvy load on rent estate taxation The recent iegnl decision 1101 to bring about balance between ac ooi board and c9qnciinin0rttpflo The school rd of Ajax demanded that ihe town council rovidc out of current tax revenues money with which to build high school gymnasium The council refused The oerd took the matter tocourt Ind Mr Jusilce 0m ruled in Ivor piguuncii Under the Puhllc Schools Act mun lclpsl councils es the revenue produo lng authority must euppw the orat lng and capltnl funds school oerd deems as necessary There have been occasions when councils became blt bulky on tth and had to be ut ln tholr place by the courts Ce lte costs are one thlng and current cos are another and somehow they can become contus wIlhe Ontario Munlcl Board whlch la the watchdog over vk cpendfng has gncouraggdlmunlcwalltkg $9 gran iong 99 can EDEHQ scieciufefioifiit meh budgeted ALI mn term cafiftal spandfnfi may qoulrdrltayiylg re filremenu nitEM débenuiré de In In ordery fashion and not incur overburdensome dgbta It would seem that the Ajax school board forgot about thla limitation p130 ed on municipal councils The mnas ium must not have been lnclud in the longran capital work program chug able to towns taxpayera lho coun cil therefore reiused to lace ltsoli in Rocket between Ichool om on one and and municipal baud on tho other to increase In might turtle over line east of Lake Slmcoe Fire medals awndud by Inspector Garvin or top Entrance students went to Buchemn 90111 and Min Morgue McMutln Excessive speed blamed for death of two Toronto younp people In car Accident near Crown H11 Allan HutchinsonI ne rown Hill Allan Hutc on Ag liel for North Simcoe reporte eat arvcsi very good some laid lrom 3540 bushels per acre Edward Gallic non of Mr and Mra Wil liam Gallle of Barrie waa nemod Hun terian Professor Surgery in the no al Collefe of Surgeons England Ju es Braai po ular Toronto comedian en gazed for lerb bennoxa annual oiitlcal gicnic Winning rink at Bar Lawn owllng Club was composed of Thompson Lennox Ken nedy Turner aki St An drowa iniahcd junior urch buobail league schedule undefeated wlth gltch in by Ernie McKnight and Buster lurk nos Twlss first baseman was leading hitter Fillygear jewel 1001 re sentedrto Peter quiet Li rol Boys his son Jack and daughter Doro my all were undefeated In Northern 0n Tennls Tournament at BIgwIn Inn Malllnnd BnnIIng of BanIo had low score at Slmcoo County golf Iourney In OrIllIu Work blurted on large ld dIlIon Io WellIngIon Hotel rullglon hm been lumped to other rushed In the balance Ind oun WIM ng Moscows realest moi in Lniin lim orica is not iolchin oi or the onmpiox oi Lonln hut make ovon Communism look good lo the oopio than on ihoir own vealed inloroa 1an upper chum Yonrl oi ex lolililon Ind pavoriy hnvo loll iho oxpio mi and poor with no hope or the future Ind no ro gnni or their loadorl And hoir church to South Amurlcn on two nclll occu lonu MPnpul dulognto It ho uw cnuml dlalmu Ho Md hll Dntroll audlonco thnt Every time get down Iherul Iocl mm ntnrlln revolution Ynu cant touch religion on tho utomlchl little chlldrun no blown up our Hm cs thulr normnl Ilm Latin Amoflcn II no Ilrnn km to plantingllqnl Pppo Jan XXX lacing hlm lelml Curhln II prominent Hz uro In hII Church ul Itronu In my ho ho In ml 0an mln ngnlnll montr min Alln marlan your 01 groodf pnwornlunlad Ind unchrlllln reaps who ny llp AurvIco lo rhulr rng on on Hon an and Ignore lhn Inching they prnfm helluva Accordln In this Cnrdlnll tho Church in loslng 00 Cnlhollu dl In Brull lhll would call or lmmcd Ito Ictlon nut unions lhoy chnngo lho Iodll ordor down lhm It will ha 100 Mm Ono mlum Inlorpret lho words 01 Ill Prince the Church to mom Hut hl wm nl loan In much concerned wllh mo mm or Latin America HI human bclnfln momlxm the Human Cnlho Church It would he encouragan to hopo thll Ml word mlfht III on ruromlvc am In novammen wall In on ha cul lnunml consclencon ho vealed chum cl lnln Amurlcn whu could b9 riding hllpdlx lo lhoulnll qllfhglr innmlnnulnl min In wolchrVotrlhuVliroénblood Accordlng In this Cnrdlnll tho Church MumWould mm mm bl prim mlnlllor of cum or fly mu or 0mm you mm but ovum mun olflco In Ollm you would pick thI mam Whln Cnnadl Win baby In ha url dm Conlederltlon our Plr Imem and our mim munl In Oluwn wen concen mled In lhe clulter ol thre Elllllldlnzl crownlnl Plrlllmn Tho Cenln Block hound lhu SenI Ind he Ccmmonl whHI ha Eu Block and me Well Bjock hauled lhl nt 01 av umnu Now 96 yam Mar 11 Iwollzn mm but canmu ll Inflated um mm but many hr lnlo mun Ind mwar alllu bulldlnu Al Imp tho Privy Councll Ind hla deputmant morn1 IL OTTAWA REPORT In why lhl prlml mln liter and tho mmer ol mm or menu mm lhc only two mlnlllm lull Iccommc daled In ulm fireconlcdmllou ny Ilnno Go In hulldlnn on arllamenl Hill And of all ho ofllm In PM In Block mm thl comer 0ch on lh ucond floor med by our lorolln mlnlller BOWEN GALORE bll room so cal Iqul And with him celiinli it im um ia window on lwo Iidll Flcnl weal on can look over in mm inwnl ol Pullmm Hill ptrh with in In mixmud mm laur llll Ipoiibound by in nreclllon mlrchinl ol Clllldlln toldim to in mullc of bump Ind trumpet Ind drum they chum Iin um mry lummnr morn lnl bnckdmp hm in In improuivl Purlllmenl nuiidlnl wiih ii mnlui Pam Tower 0r looking noulh liu minilltr an ht buuiio bun and ur and pednuinn in buly Conicdlrlllon punInf nilln wllhaul lhouuhl our rnuiunl Canadian Wu Mamornl On hllh Iurquolupllnled our pruenl la min on Iaul erl hill hd Clnudlln all pInllnn hun Thm thl mm med Inn um MOM Counlr Illlaud hy hll Mawr Mlylln 111m II um whlll Inawmpo dollrd wllh bumlo Moll mull mm In ehumln Mni Ind hlul rhololnph my mum Cou Dlm pmmltd lo Mr Mnr lln duvlnl hl menl law Cajymbll Illvr lynx Mm parom nuled puked whlu owned mum InlnI up Imhlmnrd In an lullm Kllnwnl Ile uluwhlrh lho mlnlllcr mm mum on tho um lmnl well ug mo on IIMI ml an Impr IIVI Inigo and van and which hld mnlcd hlm Icpl II whn mlnlmr ol hullh Ind wal had evened lhI Hnlel him lol In Cornwall 0m lieId mlmlflunl hru wllh ohm hnmlln our Id la communnrllo Ill uunlullon hy Tunku Mulul lull thpuly prim mlnmrr ol MAIn NE HAPPY IMIIIN Mr erlln ll hlmed wllh Mpg llmlly In hll olllu II pho myh hlmull wllh hln uy wllo Nan Ind lhrlr In In hlldml llul m1 Mary Ium The In mm nl hII run lhmn lrlln Ind lulu Chouuurd um Iboul PATRICK NICHOUON External Affairs Has Best Office EMERGING FROM THE ICE AGE Du um tho lnmlly lived In Pembrokn Ont Ind Paul Win In Ichool lhm waI cona pondunco bookl contain lnu leum Iwmhw Ilmlura mud th hookMr Mm lln II vo clouI radaren lmed Relantleu NIHonIwlth lnraword by Lum Punon And lho uhlrny conlIlnlnl cl nr uh Mr MIrun IMOYI In orcIIlanIl Clllr Ind yuu Ind mlshl In mom 10 ember ccrlnln amount rulhlm nun II accepud necemry In Ill polillcnl ludm DON OlllMlN TORONTOOno Ihc hu Irdl of poulch potential in lrllfluda ll Ha chlpl In dawn they cant Illord to frlandlhlm or mm Interfere wllh Iuccm There hnl been comldmhlc commcnl And numhlr IL lulllonl lboul lhc Iuddtn InnMon bl Travul and Publim Hy Mlnllm Brynn Culth Bul Mr Calhcan MI prlncl pally bun vlcllm nl chnnxlnl Imo And In necullllu vol cm Mr Cnlhcm loynl party mm IIyI hl II nllrlnl he nun In Ind Ihn dellro to tn mm of lhI bullur lhlnu Mr Cnlhcm II II rut IM ho II mobMy hi you In no that than wlltor molt olhmhlvu var Inn runny mm rellra bmum In or or any nlhrr mmn then lhc wrlhr know nolhlu IL About mm ll ILL VlODnOUH gmus PARK For llle Irlvel mlnllkr II mun who lhorwuzhly HIM pnl lllu hII not much lnleml In Inythln And Illll Iu lumen aul vllnr No Mr Cuthcul la nllrln hruun the Illa Ind llmu anller Ind 01 at In Onlnrlo new Iudar nml 3m lgvornynr Rnhml look to It hnl bun lm In hulld mu Pu our lwn yur menu for If Chum Bil 10w ililo lho wllduiu hldln In lxuun yuylh In MI ha uh mob th wanted In In In lhm olhm did wllh dlflmnl NIZIZIM NEW MEN And lhl wnyl In nun Hm m1 up In lnmnmenl Mlh Ir rrull vlll nol III III In vllh hII nwna Man Mr labHI la comlllun hh org lnvurnmrng IXIDM WINE MMTIIII In In wlnt la mmn Ind mm mm VIIIy vlmylrdn In South Amlulu Amt Mr Calth 011qu II loo bud howm Ihll Minister Retires Due To Politics By nm CANADIAN PRES All 1m do no hIVD Iomt menu Mill racolnlllon to men who hm llvm Ian and lay pub Icrvlcu And then lhmuuh nlw condlunm droppedor dmn out Brynn Camcan hu llvtn Inn Ind loyal mvlco hm lll hll been dedlulad to lhl nub llc Inlerul And pumall would Ilka lo MI ulramunl murktd by man than law Dr llcu and canlrovmy ll dc th more Cmdlms plld lull ll year no lodl lmwhun unit lhl 2nd Dlvlllon nlded the Funcll own 01 Dleppe durlnl lhl Sacond World Wm DI lhc nurly 0000 men who mind tho Eulhh clun ml 3360 wm klllod wounded or cl lured mnln body Alllck wm Illllcd on the buchu Ind only hundlul of lung muned to bmk Into lawn Dasplla the zml Ion lhI Illck wu regriled by mlny mllllnry Ilrllellm vainbl leuon lot Illu Icnbornu llndlnzl ATTENTION IanPlanni Ivialor Or villa Wright wnl born TODAY IN HISTORY DUNMI IT AVOID 1H TERMOPENING RUSH lnr Or your llllh lrhonl luv ull In llnl mull lcpmll ulfll yuur but unlll nqulud WEAYMOUTHS For The High School Students By JOSEPH MOWER MD but Dr Molnm 0nd or mm uuonlnl chlll eppm homrldllh Itrnnu on om 610 Ind lurdly day an by that dont hlvo tome OLIhyIn wigh mxnlooq TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH yam and lhu attach but am III rlendl tell problth WI and up wig ujcvrp you MinnMn 11 um wlth your Mendl Thu nun ol ulcorl II no known but ll ware ho leuwnlnl many morn peoplo phgm pemn wllh Inch condl In Ilcl Ivan mllder am more lot d1 balwm uullnl In ulcer Ind muting om Jul wl ullnu um lunar can be irrullnl umu In dillarenl mm min thll wlwlnl my 5le llnlo lgeara Inn unod too Inn Ind loo Ilelduy Ind In no llrze Imnunll can cause luauIlls or lrrllnllan uHha Ilomnch mam hrgnq qnlle Inulher Ihlnl Io IIIY whet umeunl II on much Some Itomnchl are tough oth er may he unulullly Ienllllve Mexlcln land or lnallnce II huh Iemned but ple eat their live when din reu Douhueu however here are Iome Mequm who comlone hive lo llmll them lelvql ln plendq eh HIGH scHooI STUDENTS would your lonbodlnn About ul cm with Iln ol nltor min chll powder you wm lolnl Io hm ulcers from ml came you would luv mm by now TORONTO Archlledl heed with tho problem bulldlnl In ll hr north wlll anon hm Iomowhuro to hm with their dlflcullu 11M Unlvmlly Turonlnl Ichwl Irchlleclura hu up pointed younl Aullnllnn nmnln nuw gradual coun nn Irchlleclure In hem en vlronmanh Evan bclurt buun an U5 Illonal Aera nlutlu Ind 5p Admlnlnrl tlon Ind Couldnt northern allnlrl dopmmenl hlva prmed lnlerul coum hm Hudlnl 1h pronum In In mm Proknor John Andnwl 29 win wnl llnallu In the In arnlllonll compellllon In 135 la find dulxn lnr Tommnl nuw ally hull Although um pr went to Flnnllh Irchllet Vmu Rewgll Mr Andrawl umu lo Toronlo lo work on he Ml dcslzm Mo wn Ippronchcd by the unl vmlly to mom panllmc luchur Toronto To Give Course In Cold Cliniate Architecture Th Ilm or flu came Iludy whul man nudl to hi all 1le In extrema envlrnm menu Iuch II In Arctic PM Andrew uld In lnlervlew 80ml ulenllm all kind mm In needed lhl mum hu uule tho Ind vroducz Ike Irchllcdl pllnl mull bu lull Ibh lor muonlbly cnmlombll Ulcers Require Extra Food Care BOOK STORE trima Iemo ol prauun lullnen ln lha pll ol the Item nch heartburn Mum or the llkoauy away mm mm mm condlmanu cnllrely llmu th return In hum cautiously Ind ula lmlllar Imounu Thu purpon or twonln II to anhance Haven Uled to It dulroyl lhe real Into lood Ind you Ire the Iowa Dear Dr Molm You hmr mentioned Inlecllona or ml coxe vclnn Almost lhroo em no had lhlu done The oclor nld It would last only alx mnnlhs that blood would llow lhroulh Iln ll dld In fact lhe condllon ll worn Why didnt mlno wllher and burden lI llmlon the Imwurl hm JK lnjocllon no lllll um In lullnblu emu Thoy my not he pracllcnble In all Ind lhu tholco xhould be based on whlch mclhod wlll bcsl serve tho Tumml Your doclnr lornlold who would happen Probably the veln was on lam for per manenl mull to ho nllnlncd Yes llzallon or more llkcly Ilrlpolni or mmplalo removal that one vcln probably the IMWN Dur Dr Molnar flow due penlclllln help prulccl lhe heart mlml munmen rheumulc lawnMn 50 Penicillin In nnlihinllc and lupprusu blclerlnl lnlccllun amen alreplocuccus cluso rheumnic lovur Hence monthly nuol longlullng lyps ol penicillin live conlin uinz pmleclinn against Ilrep inleclianl mail sure lhronl loluillilis etc which could cause llareup In rheu mlllc lover you mount llvlnl Most the mHwlll cum from VIrInuI unlvenlly department mm FROM scum We mllh Ind Hm Inulheni man In lncnfabla ol lamian lha Ilrlln northern Amie condluuns The Eskimo can do but It mluhl lake gemHung or us In adapt Perhaps wo smouldnl build In lhl Arcllc Frnl Andrew nohd lhn Fm hhhor Bay NVT has underv mund tunnels connocllnl ll hulldinn but he suggested loll enclmd bubble cllle rnlxhl bu more agreebl or Inhnhllunls We hm huh Icrllch We hlVB lo bu the Arcllc and not lmmlur old ldnns north Fruit Ind vngclnlxlu could be grown lhmulh solllcss lul culture Glrhnla Ind wash would In prnhlem but prnhlL My could bu burned ar hut For lhm one God In one medlllnr bclwun God and men lho nun mm Jeml llm om Men Imlllullom and olhcr men to mtdlau wllh God lhem hut Chrhl Ibo gnly lladlaldrwfieivéch min lian rind BIBLE THOUGHT PA Moll to build nqu limp htxnu rrem

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