Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1963, p. 3

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at pink an Ilny Mn It lluldrn Irrrlml In mrmlrru mnl IIN Invduxrr flnlpll Illrlllmt IKIIIIIHIVI Im wk Imnlwl In trplnl llm uhm In hlm Mu Mule nhn rrnlllwl rle Indnullln lur Um ram and karrp hwy Ivc lhtlr land Irwlnl Ilu Inmhllul Iluhl mm In Mlhwur lhl uld OTTAWA CmThe Cami iinn Hydrnuraphlc Service has hunched survey In mnko nnlc Gcnrglan my mm or pleasure boats The projcct nxpcclcd lndlrcclly lo Increase Americnn lourisl spending In Cunada The objective 011an to nuvlgmiannl mule In lhu unrlhvrn mnslnl wnlm of lho buy mm Parry Snund an IM Mario mainland Lllllo Cur Icnl on Mnnlloulln Islund dis lnncc of sum 100 milcs This IOUmun slrclch nl wnlcr niuhmnrn Iur nnvlgnlun npcclnlly the umnluur plcnsum bun npcmlur ll munIns myrlud small islands hhonll and reel cslimnlcd number upward 01 30000 Gruy Dumlnlon Hydro lraphcr any available chnrll II stclian Gnarglnn Buy In cnmplclcly lnndcqunlc or 1119 nnvlunlinn lrcscnt chum aru huxuc lm hu Anys le51 HI lhcm mu pnnarnd More the lurn II lhc ccnlury Tho nmnlcur plunsure honl npcrnlm has no than hich nnnblu hlm In II lhc Tho plunsure honl npcrnlm hurl Nth nnnblu lravcl his dmnncu lama rl Ihnvln llnnnl lrldn In uunmhip hnmu Mu hullwlnl valrnlny In lhw Humn anCIIHIIIIII Snclrly mrmhm lmlml mm human mmlcnu MIL Jenn GnhIr ANrMnry null Vu nm nrulrml nmi Imml Ihlll AHIKHIJ Ahnw lllulh grlllc Vnvu bcnn nII mnny nun Inna lull lhh mm wu llw lul Our Ill 1mm um llllrvL Iml numhrr nl Ahrrll um unmhml Hu mlr wlmll lllmnml Ivy mu lhr Ilnhl Into lmklnmh Nmnly Auvmpnuylni hr min hu nrly Immhun ml llw lvlu Mu Ilu SM Mumy rrthlrnl quvm IIrIlllulllIIml Rn rly and mumII and Mr ml Mn Wan lhu Ilur onln Iluvllulllvlrnl Roch1y Coll rmr Tour Indicates Pride In Homes THE ARCIIDEACON un Rev EhflL with his host THE BISHOP 0F Burrnck rackpore Indln Very Nev mnd 11 Bryan chats wilh hls hosts Mr and Mrs Jan Launches Survey Of Georgian Bay Gmy my lhu lntk of pom mlqu nnvlnn hnmrd whlrh hn hem BISHOPS VISIT BARRIECHURCHES of Dub Jenkins Rev without Mr Guy my chrzlnn nny can he used by plcusm haul ram every man In lhn Grcnl Lakes Is csllmalcd lhul In Mlchlxnn alone lhcrc an 500 009 rculslcrcd pleasure lgnngs survey purly headed by Auslln Quirk ol lho Hydro uraphlc Scrvlce branch at lha ledml luhnlcul Iurvtya dcxmrlmcnl has rumplcxcd about lehlrds the survey mm work 1110 pnrly opmflnu mm lho hydronrnphlc uscl Hnyllcld ll cxpcclcd lo cum plclu ll work next year and nun wlll ha made lhnl time on he rodurunn at My chums Tho inlnn to publish phnlm arnphloly clunru of lhe qmmcn hellch nnleupu anh than will cover ll lnncu elxhl In In mllcs Ibo lmrnllu mule All nl lho chmls will he nul lnxrlhcr In loose lul laldrr lor may hnmllnu lnlcnsllicd ln rccml year by slcudy annual lncrcnsc In the number Cnnndlan and Amnr can plensuru beau uslng RM waterway OPEN 10 LAKES An lncr gy large num ber American bum urn crnllnu In lho are and lhn nrnllnhllily at new nccumlo nnlenllunnl chnrls will boost Hmlr number he said TM xhnuld hnvo lhe cflccl or hnlp In Cnnadn la urn mom Amer imn lourlsl dollnr Duvnl Banlo and Archdea con Read pastor of Mn Hy Anglican Church The Blshop chnplnln famous Rooey pastor of St 611 Angllcan and CaptIn Moore The Archdeacon You canl mlu your uvlnc mom with FSP Iho IIIolnnuved aunmnloml Invlngu plan Get In dunlln ham anyone whowovh ul Scollnhnnk cluslve with THE nnyx 0F NOW 50mm éflMBHNK Com um 111d In on Mamie 3205 nx nlmml r00 pcopo nuch lhn nucllon Mr iuunhlin mld unHuuu mur hrlh urnl or cum Price for prime dock are hgh and holdinu slcndy Jury Coughlln rnmrlcd lodny nflcr succmml fink the arm JanI Prusscr Chumhlll 1m nucllon nl slack lam lmplthnls nnd boasthold tcls look plnw Snlurduy nller noon Mr mer has mlml mud wlll he moving In mum Mr Couuhlln mid lhn¢ in cm lord bull 01 21 mandu brought llm nuLdlIndan prim 50 Sixwrckohl piglcu ready wnm hrnughl Hnnl bld 013 each TOT IS STRUCK BY MOTORCYCLE Bidding High At Farm Sale Brnlsh Ghurka Army regi ment ls allcnding Ihu Angllc nn Vorld CnnIcrcnce In To mntn attending the Anglican con ference In Toronto lhrwycnmld Barri boy was xlruck by tenage mmarcycllsl when he wan dmd nnlv lhn mad near his home 615 Snndgy cvpnlna Iclnr Campbell 179 Grove 51 Ensl was report ed lo hnve been hit by mnwrcycle driven by Barry Anlhnny Mllcs 17 ml 131 Owen St Although the physlclnn nd mlnlstcrtng treatment was unnvntlnblc tnr cammmt huspttnl oltlctuls snld lhla mornlnu that the boy spent good MRI and was mt nx tn mllslnrlnry condttlnnt Dld you know MAuulAErunlns THAT Lila lnumncn plymenu mldn In Ilvn pnllryownrrl urnally urnd lho nmounu pnld lull lnncnm Dining IBM 10 payment made under Munuluclurcn poilcy tonlrndx won lhn Hvinl Nn you nerd not tile wln wllh Llls lnIurnncul Thn flexlhlllly modern phm enable you to uve Inr ynur rallnmnl whllo pm lctllnl your lumllydunu er damn drnl yam nr mm In lnrmllon cnnlncl ll DUle IT EMT MI IA Ml flu PA 3mm EXAMINER Monummaun 10 Healhcr mm Barrio placed In In Ihe I7 and under French horn compnllllon and llcgry Yencnrk Western on In tho npnn cnrnol clnu Ron Gllbm Eloblcokc pllctd llrul Hymn Dow Want wn ucnnd Ind Donald Cnskrncllu SI Culhnrlnu lhlrd Anzllcan Church mlnlmn Il tcndlnu the World Anzlicnn Con gress In Toronm wm guests Saturday of Erlgadler adoozk Commander Camp Bor en TORONTO CPI Youlhl mm across lho pmvlncu Ind purl Quebec compelcd In lho woodwind and brass compell llom II he Cnnndhm Nlllonnl Exhlblllon Saturday DON CAMPBELL They repruenlzd ieven cann trles and all were chaplains In armed torcu enrllar 111 um careers Amang lha nucsls won The Most Rev DeMcl mei ropolilnn indie Pakistan Burma and Ceylon Mas Rev Gouzh archbishop of Syd ney Anslralla RI Rev Builmfleld bishop Vermont US Rev Nunis bishop oi Brandon Ind bishop urdlnnry Io tha Anglican chap lain in the Cnnadlan armed or cci Rev Anderson tumnun bixhap ni Rupert Land Gmup Captain Vcnarahib SLight deputy chnphln en ml direcinr oi relixiuul ad The Dnmlnlon Regatta was plagued with In rough water and high winds Including viol ent squall Samssy sullend broken ms and Poker and Fair were capslzed The Ontnrio on attracted 51 enirlas ram 11 ed mm Can Idn and the United Slates Two races were run on Salurdny in heavy weather Ind one on Sun dny under ideal light weather sailing conditions The Oninrio We went to Larsen Chin laqua New York for the sec ond consecutive nehfinn The Barrio boats were man ned by Bill Porter with Bill Evans crew Bill Prior with Mary Catherine Prior créw Petu Sarossy with Maya Sar ouy crew In the Dominion ivaa Sunny with Peter Samuy crew in the Ontario chk Fair with Grant Fair crew in tha Dominion and Susan Bai iour Oakviiie Yacht Squadron crew in the Ontario Maya Sar msy also crewcd far Fletcher 01 Oicott NY in he Onlnrio Beeuse of the race condllinn ml the calibre of he comyelll ors Barrie sklpperl feel that will pmxrcsa behlfl made 01 51 cnlrlcs In the Onlarlo lhclr position were Forlnr ll Prior 18 Fair 13 Sarosay Amonx um 18 cnlrlc In um Domlnlnn lhe pmlllons warn Porter 11 Prior Sanst Fair 20 Growth In Inlcresl In Snlpe ualllng In Canada hlxhlighlcd by lho choice Oakville the locnllon or the Wealcrn Nem lxphm Flnals nuxl yur when lhe champion nl Ilflecn coun Scene at Bmle Yacht CIub sailing ncuvlty nhlfled In Like Ontario last week when our Snipe class boats took plgt In the regatta It Oakvnla nlpn Week Barrie Girl Wins Ht CNE Bishops Guests AthmpBorden Misfortunes Hit Boatsr Of Barrie mlnlllrutlon PL RCAF Rev Canon McDonnId Ger many Rev Canon Ger rlsh England qun EL Wright US and Mlennsoln Enul gl The delegate were taken an tour at Ihe Royal Cunadlnn Ar mored Corp School Camp Bor den Protestant Chapel tho Camp dlstrlclmlgh school pub IIc school married quarters and tho campl recreatlonul lnstllute lhe RCAF Stallon um dlnner lhn Royal Clnadlnn School Infantry Qlllcgrs Anolher guest in Barriewns lhe Archdeacon Dublin The Ven Jenkins who want In the home Captain and Mn Moore 24 Weldon SL Sunday In Ruv Bryan Bishop Burrnckwre Indla who ulna vlsllcd Camp Borden Saturday was guest It the home of Mr and Mn Duval Clgppeglan St tries wlll cunlcst the mm Bar rie sailor an already wonder Ing why Knmpcnlcll Bay could not be the spot on which to de termlna the Canadian lillehold er lay1n 1965 Thu Royal Canadlan Mr Force has announced Ihe pro mollon Flying OIliccr BrnwnIey to Ihu rank lllght llculannnt FL Brawnlcy was born In Barrlm andcducmod lhero before jolnlng the serv Iccs Ind ualnu In lhc noan Mlmary College In Klnstun Onlarla In September 1954 Ho zradunlcd as nnvlgnlnr In August 1937 Ind ublnlncd hl BS at In cnllcxe In 1959 Be fora cumin In pmscnl na IllIun as an lnslruclnrnl Ihn Mr Navlgnllun School In Win nlpcz he served with Nu 415 Squadron Alr Trnnspnn Com mand Upon rotlecllon heros nolhlng like the dlstlncllvn flavour of cool Labaus Pilsonor Boer Ono look In the glass mvoals tho clear spatkllns boauly of It all Labausl Pflsonor Boar without poor raw KM mkmuaa PROMOTED labafl Pllsener Bear first choice beer of so many people One the Muses searches In Ontarln hlslnry began year ago today In Bcclnn nr 10 ycar old Thnmaslna Baker who vnnlshcd from her arm home The girl was called In car he alde ma road adlulnA In the Baker farm on Sunday nighl Aug In It 830 pm She and her brother were rclumlng lo the armhouse from swim mlpllhple about ZSQyard hr mnversatian with lh driver was believed lo have lai lnwcd and Ihcn Thnmasina gal lnlo lim car and he car drove away The Baker home is on lhe alh Conccsslan Tecumth Tawn shlp and lime mile west Buelon IN BATHan SUIT Th was our 1ch lull so pounds blonde hair In ponytail style and blue eyes the Ilmn or her dlsn penance she was wearing alhlnz nun mi while bathing cap Mom lhnn score or area armors scoured he are for some sign or her on the first nlahl By the Ialluwlng Sunday more Ihan 5000 persons had mucth or he girl on fool cur and pinup lnlul 1700 square mllc was covered In the search 250 squara mlch with acnrchm walklng Almoxt ihnulchO shoulder The Mlnrnnyficncmls Depart ment poslnd 35000 reward or Informnllnn on persons rcspun iihle or her dlsnppcannce Inspcclnr James Harris ha nrovinclal pellet was In charge Faurly hm personl tour ed Earrla zurdena Ind lhe Holden Estate In Shlnlx Bay Beéton Girl Vanished One Year Ago Today TOUR BARBIE GARDENS and um handle the occasions Ilp brought During the week long search police queslloned mm at persons Each day of the search brouzh more volunteers Includlnz iuv ml hundred army and air nrco personnel from Camp Borden Search hendqunrlcrx were orig lnally at he ancr term but lalur mnvcd to In Benton mm EMO personnel from Slmcoe Cuunly and oher areas helptd wllh cnmmunlcnllnns or Um scurchm Food was dunnlcd by hundreds at nm rusidcnts FIND TOY lay belonging to Iha Baker yesterdny The Earth Harm cultural Society xpnnsorcd the our and 14 members the Vesprl Horucullnnl Society qomsm mum WEEKEND QUIET It was qula weekend ln narrle on lhe llro and pollen prulecllon lrnnls There were nu lire call and he lncnl dclnch man 01 lhe valnclal Pall rcpnrled only the usual mlnnr accldnnla rum cm lollowlnx loo cluscly on me hllhway mug an the year mud Interest have been aroused by pollce chucking clues In the ammo general area but In each casenewsmcn were laid It wn routine lnvcsugallon Tha Rnya Vlclurla lnaplln had quch weekend Mn Mathews admittlng allicer ludny It was probably thc quietest weekend ever nm wm mummm amlly was found on Ihe am Ilnc AdJala Tawnahlp on poinl In Ihe search and blnod hounds were rushed ram Klng slon to track through the Iwam py arena balhlng null and hats were lound but none matched he descrlplion ol Thomnsinnlr At one time searchers were old In he on the lookout or any clothinl lhnl might hava below ad to Julle Volanskl Toronto gig slain two yeah earlier Mrs Mnlhews Iild noun ol lhu case was of Inriuu nature There were 62 emergency en 13 which Is dawn confidanth mm normaL and mm emu gcncy admssinnlu Weekend Quiet At The Hospital also attended Hen Mu Holden third from lha right lend narly on tour Ibo grounds Examiner Photo ms 133

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