Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Aug 1963, p. 14

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The Quebec loll Included Iva mm Ind nursn klllcd In Snlurdly crush ncnr lllvlcreAdu Laup and lour young chlldren and lholr teenage babyslllur hurnnd 1n westorey farm house near Ashenus nx province hid In other IlrnIHc deaths and our drown nga Canadian Iru survey from pm Friday to mldnlnhl Sunday local time recorded In deaihr on lh highways nine parrnn drowned ilvu killed by iire and one accidenlnlly shot Ontario rcpuricd I1 inlnlillu ii in lraiiic Ind one drowning British Coiumbln had drown in And nix mad deathslive oi them in one crash on the Tran Crnndl Hizhway Thorn worn iiva lrniile dcnihs in Album and one person drowned in Saskatchnwnnr Binn iioha rcporicd drnwninz nnd lnnccidcnlni rhoounu By THE CANADIAN PRESS Accldcnu look lolul of live 1cm Canada during um wnekendu of them In Quebec New Brunswick had our road duthl Newfoundland two Princs Edward Island on and Nov Scull reported hluhwny mnlllynnd dmwnl The lure do not Include in dmlrlal IccldcnlsIuch the on that killed our men In BC pulpwnad plant Sunday knnwn sulcldes or llaylngs Thu Omnrlo dead SUNDAY Laurie Skellan dnuxhlcr Mr And Mn Edwln Skellnn Tnmnln thruwn through lhn windshltld hr alhcrl car infill lwaclr cmh near succu WASHINGTON AP So vld Premiar Khmshchuv in re porlrd planning In vlslt Glhn In On all In alrenulhcn hll mslv lion In the ammo th II Thin over lrudmhlp 01 Cum munlsl mnvcmonu lhrouxhoul Iha Mrld US flmtllh who um Khrmhrhrv In make lhe lrlp In IVIHI in he nexl lwa ur lhrre mnnthx dluaunl the pan Ilbllily Ihnl he wlll mm the Unlled Nullnnl mch nmm bly unlnn In New York pm In 5pr ll YIul they may mmn new duvelopmcnl In the Chlnn fluvch dlapule mlzhl Induco hlm lo noun ALL ll MK MMILTON lCl Ham poll eurumd mare lhnn rhllvlnn lmm dawnlnwn um hm Ivldly Mlunmn lollnulu myllulaul plum mm who uld lmmh hull horn plnnlnl In an huIMInl and Mum uplndn wllhln mlnum rnllrl umhm lh build but MM bomb hhrunhchav lullll ln Ylum Iluvll lth wrck Cuhn may ha hII nul bll lrlp Khmlhrhnv IrnhIIMy wll lly In Iona lwn annr punmu by rnlllnz ml MI Wrdlflll Immin when rnmrlde nml urenl urIL lrrlnin Fltlel rulro nue mlrnou unum hr mlnd lhr kmld nmw lllnl II lrol nulml our luhn nuku ll Ihu llnl umnumlll rnunhy In lhr Mnlrm Imnllphrxr Irlumvh lnr Klmuluhrvn Arm ml willy all pfudnl runIN mu wlxlll i1 drnnuncnd hlnm Khruululwv munml urnmI mm In on llm unlnw mum In Lnnlllrl MIII MI Ill And my lhmlm Hulll Ilw amounl Ixmmn hr um ru In For will hm mu wmlld in In ml mme hull lnr min lrnImn hu lvmn Culan and llul lrullrd 5mm Krwlnn nlhnn mum nmy Inlnl In unllnl Hunm rullmnlrd mom In Imrumhvv could hum ln lHrAh lluwn US lull mnm it up mmlml Iuhn hr muld In lure lhn ml Prim Minlnllr Penman miles ha Iddmse ha Franchlunzulxe Weekly New plpm Alsocmian conventlon Black Weekend Kills 64 13 Die In Ontario Mr To Visit Castro 7A3 unldenlmcd woman by Imlnu rrlulnrly Ivy nlmmmhl PEARSON DISCUSSES SEPARATISM lluvcd lo ho from Cleveland Ohlo klllnd In lwmcnr crush on tho Quccn Elizahelh Way nnprunurlllgloyy VAilhinny Dulifi 66 Kitchener whusu cnr rolled over an High way 01 near Mlllon Dumlngns Dncosla Toronto when cm Upped over on Highway 401 nurlhwcst Duk ville Jnnnlfcr Lyn dnughler Mr and Mrs Leslie Lye Ol lnwu nnd Mrs Gunovluvo Bram nnn Dtseronlo killed when the can In whlch boy were rldinz cmshcd 1a mllc east at Bella In in nulumnliiIc £110in hukrd lhe Angllcnn Cunurm Sunday 0n lhe nlhnr sldc the pluc ud on the tool cur worn the wards Nun Prolulnm nonbiblical nanChristina The Anglican Conans ls unfair In em Cnnndlnn youth SATURDAY Chnrlcs Rumll Caddy 13 Embrn In curruck crush Emm Mom 61 of Toronto drove Along the meal and past S1 James Cathedral bearan alnn inylnl The Annllcnn Confirm In sygsion wllh Christ on lhe onl xl watch out for busy feet Murriy Bay Que Silur day Laughing wllh he puma mlnlsler an loll tn 1th Mam Farm St Jurnma Que Picketer Bebukes Anglicans Says Parley Unfair To Youth SH00 lwmun WM WW shoes do TORONTO In your wlnn huklol=hool pur chnn urry an ouhnndlng ulm lon ol flylu lor glrll and boy an WI Ipuhlln Snvlgo Ihou con un lor hlldrun In pmpor Hing Why no pay VIII lomormw1 ll Dunlap LKWEL SHOES Alex Ehnrnny 79 Toronto killed by nick he crowd Tamnlo Ilreel Mr Mohb old reporter he to ma congress ls nonPmlu um because Is cnnxlderlnl nusslblo union wllh Roman nlhallcism In far he ulhet charm he Hid churchmen tn Ilny are rand hecnuu may no lmncr bclicvu in he truth the Now Tunme This alhclsm he uld He said the lruuble hmn wiih he dlspule nvrr evolullon whlrh ls lncomnnllbla wllh lho Icnchlnxs the Bible The nunx mm wha war lluuhl lhl theory or evolullun 30 year no me he clcruymcn lnday Mr Mobhl mld nlqg mllg wcsl Wopdslock Barry Donald nansbury lobcrmory when his car lull highway nix about 60 mllu nnglh 01 Owen Sound Gebrrgre twirl 79 RR Cnrlelun Place muck by car 07mm Vwm of Ottawa James Large 50 of Amcllu hutch Onl drowned whlla wlmmlng ylo Ihora mm mum ban In In Bay of Qulnle lIUDAY Lydia Spccdle as or Game hrldac 0nL In pllcun near mum mm Involved three cm and lraclnr ucbec 75m Mlnlllcr Lion Beltuna CP Wlnphoto chairman Mn Chlmpllhl Le lne wit ha pmldcn nl ha puwaglpurllflchqllonl 9nd um le to lend Iccondralc jet llh an to India or familiarl utlon Ipparentb to bo ready to counter Red Chlncse Air al lankl in the event Pcklnu dc chin to renew lhe flaming aver tha IndlnChlna boxden 1n the Hllnglpyn nun Communist bulldlng allHeld In nelfhborlng Tibet There urn no fun they havu any plane on hem yet but neyncanlqlllw own In lanyllmp Ii the Chlncso dn brim In pinnea it will be up in Briinin and the United Siniu to help guard Indias nlr lpngefi TM the unalllchl usump Hon hem In nonallzncd Indin as well In Waahlnglnn and London Pekinna Ilr lore If prim qgcd ado MSW lllhlm and 1121 bomb Chinese Communists Build Airfields India Threatened AP News ANALYSIS nanny nnmsnzu pw Eyllnh and he v5arg p50 Burke mid here were Time Eula tn Inrllnmrul Hit tn the liemrlcra GuHm yonder them mt Fourth Entaln morn tmportanl fur than that all When Thnmun Imlylo wrote these words morn tlmn cenluly nun adding the mew to the chunh the peemtm and the commoner ho me looking shrewdly into the future No enuld nee despotimn on the mnreh in counlrim with newnpupem under the thumb of government He could see freedom on the mureh where the prom wnn free No other term lhnn Fourth Inlnlu enuld nde quntely demihn the utmtinn of free Drum10L quite mm purliument but not outside it either am They nra hath absalcla types by blupnwcr standard but Moscow apparently has xe lused to send Pcklng anything holler The Indian Mr Farm has six lou Improved MIG21 and cxpcclcd to not ant moral mjssflca tram Mnmw But at the lnresecnblo Mum Indln luck power to meat hqplnnes in the Chinese ulr farce nellhbnra particularly Pakis lan Therefore the West he do clined so far Indla has hoped tho Wes would glve lhn lntcst plancx But they are vanly cxpcnslyn and would cronlefxoblcm nl unbalance wlhln luju tguptuy The Plclllc Island or Nuuru am called the rlchnst In the SouthSens now is worked out or In once vast phosphalo da pnslll Man by Tm 7mm hamw munhr my mmn Mapm rummu Amlllhn WORKED OUT AN INFORMED PUBLIC 18 THE BL GUARANTEE or FHLEDOM The Fourth Estate OTFAWA CPIMal Ruv Geargo Slmms Archhlnhop nl Dnhllnmnd Primate ul Vlrcland any lhu Anxllcan Congress In Toronlo has hucomu very quickly communl For sung alter lhe arrvnl jndlvlgunlsl Archblslmn Slmmn preached lho sermon Ouawa Anglia Culhcdrul Ho spun ths wee end wllh hlsnlstcr Mrs Brian OBrien before mumlng Io lhn cungrus which rcaumcd today Mm lull stssjnns Mnny of lhe nearly 1000 dela nntcs to lhe mnxrcu leH Tar nnlo tnr the weekend Ind preached in churches lhroulh out Ontario fiJusi as the My Spirit at Ltho chmchm beginning hnumi dll rent lych and la llonam uunlly so lhu lnlercsts of mm country lhn COHEN We soon Men b0 lhe cdnccm at every country lhroughuul Ihc world Arch hlshop 51mm old lhecongrq Mun Says Congress Binds Many Types Its the same lodny Thu prom willow alnll of The Cnnndinn Prom tho dnily ncwnpnpcm cnopornlivo mneintinn nnd ro porlcrn WIlRllfld lo the gnllmy by individual nrwn pnpm inform millions of Innndinna lnily on tho dulmlm nnd denimona lhnt nllmt lllelr dnily livm Thom journnlinls aorvu gunrnnlcc tlnd lhu Hnnlllcnt net of iwvcrnmcnl nlinll he nirly Illmlltd in the pwplon huillin ilfllllll nunlnat mnloncli mont on lrcodmna tnkcn so much for umnlml You lmve only in pink up your newemnpor to lltlli ll nll New frmn lluwn Ncwu rum evuiynlnm Kwp nhrmmt nl the world ovury dny in your dully ncwnpnpcr By ALLEN SACKMANN EDMONTON CF Mum lhan mo Roman Catholics tram across the country lulled null 0L urcalcr Cnnadlnn lorclgn ald Ihey wrapped up Mr Iona Catholic soclal life can fernncuSunday They endorsed recent slntc ment by External Altair Min ister Paul Martin that Canadas toretgn atd pollcy should ex panded and said they helluva Canadians dexlrcylo thclr country mnko substantial and DIES 0F INJURIES LONDON Ont CPIDonald FlddlLry 49 Welland Juncllon 15 mllcs southwest of Nlnzm Falls Only dlcd hare Frlda lram lnlurlua rccclved when he fell under the wheel nl cam blnu Wednesday Na lnquesl will he held llTfll HARME EXARflNER MONDAY AUGQEI ms Catholic Conference Requests Canada Raise Foreign Aid even sacriflqlul ncpdy cnunmes pc the rcsnlullon cum from an address earller by ncv Smylh direc lnr at the Condy Insllluleat An llgonlsh NS He said Canada hm um secondhighest Ilund nrd of llvlng in lhe world but It cnnlrlbulluns to needy coun tries were the secondlowest 12 contrihullng cannula Farciqn nld Is an obligntlnn internullmml suclnl Justice he snld Luck concern nbaul lwn lhirds of tho world llvlng in pav my Is the mask flagrant kncIBI sln at he ccmury Propnslng world cochrcnca nn pnnce and aflnhs Msgr Smylh snld bcl us nut become obsessed wllh trying In hid the country Mather with blculluralism and he re The win1d cunlerencarwfisnol mnde resolution conlrlhullon In

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