AUTOMOTIVE CARS URGENTLY NEEDED ght cash paid tor clean automobiles Liens paid oti lrads up or down ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST SEE US NOW Moron CARS FOR SALE tl YOU car coon DEAL AND coon DEAL MORE as FRENCH MOTORS IS Bradiord St PA 85971 PONTIAC loa llll AP ply corner oi MIPIIHI lard Em streets Ann TODD Mint be sold by Ali Irst 00 or reasonabia olise This car is In good condition Ialepburta Ivarstttu Islli lift All ili con En CO inst nu Telephone rn sorts aitar vIfls sass about Custom nayI auto maila slob button control arrow tires lea and clean inside as ealleat molar Needs Apply Holst arts ussoro ter salt clean in nae new mt battery 11 hone PA sin ar pm tor urthsr details amni Istr srunsaausn daiuas sla cylinder automatic trarrrinl on good tires snow tires radio Wind aiiald washers Talaphoaa Ivy IM PONTIAC tourdoor Two rem Ind lhltl In running condition Ape suing to Mr Tcmpcb own 9th Concession Innisili rm ciravnohfl Mensa Custom 00 with radio and Iaiat belts lllrst sell Tellnhonl PA or PA Mail altar par VOLKSWAGEN Dllufl axe Elloant condition Radio saso oIsII Contlct Mr Olsen III Dlldlom SINIL ms roan automatic condlllon said Can be lara an Station Pan Strut or tslephon PA user sitar eta ms nsa vnrrxnnu ladsn in seed condition rnvm sale Cali PA ems arm par tor iurthar Datamation lm DODGE Royal VS automatic radio aood body and motor one ownr TIIIDMIII WIII Black ior milhlr tIlIolmI our FORD PIlrlans Sniahld srhita With Ind hilt III Loriorr isnIlIIcIllata condition Ex calllnt tlflm Telephone Lilla It PA Midi liter DJII rm roan cunemnn door in on arts Instqu or custom law mum whitewall sum with down Taleohe an user sss MORRIS Icoo two door sedan or laid In very bod tmldltiorr nsl and mat Pale hllla vrith rhlnl interior Telephone PA COIN iul am Is Icr rsis condi liott Reasonably rlcrd Custom time an tires clun lhrauthout slephons Sireud 10R PRIVATE IA ma Plymouth Savoy V4 alliorri transmission radio two Iona belle and cocoa nl condition rsrrnr avail Telephorre IA MSW TNIUIIANCII Bil CAR drtr WI lentil EL PA Ml mt stoNAllCll Luearria vs dart radio ITIth aecesso while with black and red lItlar Excellent condition Telephone PA EATS III DJDI or Inï¬ll In mule lass Manon our door sedan two ions srssn and while with Ittalchlsll interior loud Ilrcr Ooofl runnlnf on or out otter re aphena nits in IONTIAL ltrltn Chiet witll Laurel sanl and lulrl thl trial an an 1V rr low miles whllls 50 with down PACKARD Clipper III In blur with slim and Ir tertol fllnflnw wall III down ml in Urll sls eyitndar two siror hnls In malalilt bias with Whlllwlli tlrss In immaculate Eflzilflillllfll Tale ml meals oer man hana Aubrey tiltsrd st IA DST lrar rourrac sertlbla pom st or brain custom ad autumn tic transmission va molar um wall tlrrs Islet scout dsn tinted la Ithl01 do PA last nouns dsn In Immarul rnuior rnmrIsl arl tnsl rnlor aand wil malrhlnl Interior din III In iire m1 Ior lIa Iol sy season ylnw law Inn of star with down Ill Milli Irsa ntrvrt rim Iranians Mini and won nutrmm Standard lnyltnnn llrtllo while us windulna etc AI rm itvrtrlat lisluss stsnoant Va meriranlcslir Ill motm uulrnu lrrrlr mun lso sun can atmr or rail rttuctts rttarLsrts Frr rntt twins rtmro low Ill MI llirrtllllrm III amt or Ill ssrls aivr TIAII I31 07 III till ration rover mntnu rn class on twitter details urea 10 nov III our door or tohdlllmt Nara wIDI lnr lll Wi NllI T00 tlilllllll mid tor restless ciehrt automobiles IIIIJCIHONI IA lli7i that All ï¬crtlnrr arrested until II III tiny beiota plmilrsiion PHONE IA Mill Please apply in writia PERSONALS ROOM AND BOARD Small remuneration Available Sept ior iernaie student ab tending school in Toronto In exchange tor light household services aox so BARBIE EXAMINER loleltl Wantedr Mats and wear owlarr wants Ladlar Ind Mlxld item via Bowl Tsiephan or PA III WILL TIT OWNER GI UII Mall lllldl submarine ll rnsant IIIV illltiilll the ultra XI av can managarot the Roxy The liars to the motion Inevia PT WOMENS COLUMN LEARN EAIRDRESSINO Guvemmcnt Chartered School Thorough training in all bran ches oi beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOL 12 WORSLEY ST PA Mm MAI IND Coldwaral data etc by cartitlad goalirdrassmsrug III II aTin Ia use as an LOST FOUND CAT LonMala black and in strip wtth collar and III wt xlnlston address MIG Sllnnldlll mud SW IIdI PA um Rawsrd IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP Young Lady Required ll CASHIER CLERK SDAY WEEK Must be experienced typist and able to handle clerical work Apply in person or call III RANDALL at PA Hm INDUSTRIAL ACCEPTANCE CORP LTD ll Collier St Barrie REGISTERED NURSES GRADUATE NURSES Required by Greenacrea Rome tor the Aged at Newman kot Salary ranges Register ed nurses my $362 Graduate nurses mt sass Shlit allow ances tor attemoon and hires shiits cumulative sick pay and pension plan are in citect Ap SUPERINTENDENT Greonacrcs Home For The Aged 194 Eagle Street NEWMARKET ONT OI PERSONNEL OFFICE 387 Bloor St East TORONTO Ont CLIIIICAL Position all lor Im Irradiata plaelmlnt Ta whom PA WIS tor IPPninimaIII IIILIIIILI oral or woman want uhlid lard Its srparlsnesd res 11 or Marioriss rm Sivilng Cam stoma sue phonl damp ordan MIDDLEAGED hotlnkleblr or farm llama with used list uIrrI IIIIIDAII lot progressive ntlli store with roll tnlarut Ill mlatlnl hlpublic Al ta art decid In aids or II nipples will be raply In writing luL iv ng tull around to lhs Marv lllr Pars SaIdI lll Dilan arms In MALE HELP CIVILIAN RADIO OPERATOR ONTARIO PROVINCIAL roucr FORCE suntan Young man iDAilI must have Ull loilowing qusllilcatlons Grads 10 education height at least it inr weight lsosoo lbe good phrrlcai condition Good as ary permanent employ ment Applicant selected wil be trained to Roll Al DARRIE EXAM NEIL lAlIN run MoNn unttrt nmomcs hm Instruction in can be no Night read In Elas lmnlr rods RADIO EOIJllll Of CANADA III in Mt Rial Ilsasl Toronto mm lmIrta Illal III lrrrild strrlll Dalila CII IA Id In lurlhsr details urzrtasn rtrtrtanrl re aird Apply at sehsmttens rlna elicit 7I Anna aim rtmsnam nay ut Im medialiv rum panon ma Accommodation le Had runs an ennuiaymsnt sisphoaa ra sorrlt mntnrs ra strsr SMPLOVMENT woman atomsMun Carr rodslea Mr Eat as OI with sllrstt small children or hshtu In my run home while hills llm en iaiephrma wILI most sites preschool In my nww hntrta In All ms and our yard with amt riallnusrd equip on N0 10 TOWNSHIP OF ESSA ltrrptlrcr one liomnn toilloile as Premium leather inr ist it Mnlser tin aty schedule Iil00ll300 Reply Illillil msnililcntlnm and name at last inllmlnr Irr FHIRIITAIlhIIIIIASURIJII Tina lBi ANGUS ONTARIO TEE EARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST ll INSll II IEGAI NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF DORO THY ADELINE JOHNSON late oi the City oi Barrie Ont mile dglctaascd err or as persons having claims against the estate oi the said DOROTHY ADEL lNE JOHNSON who died on or about the 10th day at July tml gteh amiged on or betora the ay September 1963 to Illa prooi oi such claim with tha undersigned moutrix All er such date thsaxecutrlx will proceed to distribute the Islets oi the estate having regard only to the claims at which she titan as notice DATED at Toronto this Dtlr day oi Austral ms Miss Marion Hopa Hamid Es eeutrix DI Mudowvaia Drive Toronto in Ontario ADDY AND ADDY at Richmond West Suite soc Toronto Ontario Solicitors tor the Executrix l2 TENDERS FOR SALE BY TENDER In Cement brick house on south east corner oi incisiil and Til lla streets The same to be either torn down and material Indwflghll rearinovedmirorrxrI the pro or rs ouaa moved intact Closing data tor tenders Sep ternber it 1063 at oitloa oi tits SI COE DISTRICT COOPERA SERVICES Tiliin Harris la AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE ANTIQUE Household Furniture ii The Underalgned Auctioneer has received instructions trom ARCIIIBALD JAMIESON at Cart Vespra right on Highway Vs mile north at Dalston Store on WEDNESDAY EVENING AUGUST 2151 at 580 sharp SELL FOLLOWING Vlltlng tBurner Eleotrld Range brand new Leonard thrble leet Refrigerator In good can ditlon Drop Len Kitchen Ta ble Philco Mantel Radio Antique Beds with Mattress Springs complete Antique Chest oi Drawers Anti ue Mirrors to match Dressers tioua Clack Antique Rook Case Antique Great ot Drawers An Uque Writing Desk Antique Dresser with Marble Top Kitchen Chairs Wicker Sot tont Antique Dining Room drain Wicker Bottom Bed room Chairs Antique China Cabinet Antique Oval Tables Fern stand Antique Rocking Chairs Antique Sellers An tique Upholstered Occasional malts Arnique ithstNot In beautiful shape Antique Table and Lamp Paris oi Toilet Sets Beetstitltl Nicknackr Victrola Record Pi er with hundreds oi ltceords outliul condition Record Cabinet with is Volumes ot Records Antiqua Electric Lamp Domestic Sewing lita chlne studio Couch Antique Wash stand Pine Cupboards Antique Chest oi Drawers Antique Orpbcard Wicker Chairs SIIIIIla liiaiiress and Springs Burner Plats nat lone Oval Arm hair stendrl Lawn Doy Power Lawn Mower good as new lrotr Kettles Are Iigus Pictures and Frames Crocksry Sevrrsl Milk including Strainer Laundry This Garden Tools Drowns Drand New Garden Srayer Step Ladder Quantity Fruit Quantity oi Nlckttacks Quanti ty oi Kitchen Utensils snilty ol Silverware Quantty oi Dimes Soma Grins Quantity oi Linens liming Decanter Set corrrplotsr and many other articles toe rnrmcrotta to list TERMS CASH No Reserve as the llama la sold Nothing to be removed until settled tor Marta emant will not be held rssponsi la tor accidents CLERKS Frank Webb Allan Drown JERRY COUOHLIN AUCTIONEER AUCTION SALE Saturday Sept 21 pm tor HOY OODPEIILOW South to oi lot sl cartersalon l0 lnalsill nrllra east and mile south oi litmud Atrcilan little at rsrm Stock and Implements Terms Cash RIIIOU Allttlmtttr EIGHT RESULTS iiiiarrtl Tlracll Fla ltlll Rodriqutr lhlll Cuba won technical hrlatilrml over Danny lilnycr lsm iartland 0rs Tesla lnirrrlrl Nnknmlrra apart oulpulnied iuntlp Kemurys liilt Thailand it All Rams llaiy Salvatore Durrlni lit Italy Slop Jacques Jatois liT Fla IIKAIM SWIM UROUI TORONTO lCliJamel Tommy director at the mile Atlantic Ily awllll was elected plerlrlenl oi the World iIoira sinnal Marathon Slimming Iwlrrslinn at meeting hm Saturday slot at Denver Kaliha Dct lIamilton MP Writes To Playboy Knocks Religion HAMILTON CPLDr Wil liam Howe New Democratic Forty member of Parliament tor Hamilton South has taken swipe at religion in letter to Playbo ms asiae He crime rell ion had nar rowed and choke both develop ment and growth at society He added religion had m1 bi his and hylpocritas out at tel gent poop Dr Hows was commenting on recent series oiarticles in the maaaslaa He said Saturday hs may ave been too blunt tor some oi his constituents but didnt write tor the approval oi arty ons Packers Back On Title Trail By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Green Bey Packers look saris our about winning their third National Football League title succession When they lost star haiiback Patti HoralIngaurpcndad tor ear in the gambling scandalit urt thepowsrtul Packers And when they took it on the chin truth the United states College AliStarr in an exhibition at Chi ergo gzeopla started to talk Packers bounced back against Pittsburgh Stealer 217 in an exhibition ame week later and looked it the tenors oi old in 3110 rump over Dal las Cowboys Saturday Probab the most impressive ieature the Packer periorm race was the running at tull bscir Jim Taylor lie gave his suing knee its iirst heav test and reported It lists and salty lc ed up as yards on Is rush ng attempts and picked up Iailrother III on one pass recep an III other NSLedgarner New York Giants ralll tor sen edge over Detroit Hoar Briti more Orlolea draw record toot bsll crowd oi but into Cleve lands Munch ai Stadium as they whippded levelsnd Drowns TM and lnnesota Vikings trounced Dos Angeles Rams 27 at toe lingcles 1n Amerch Football League action Kansas Citys dctending champion Chielsknown as the Houston otters last year whipped Oakland Raiders but at Seattle and Denvers Bron cos handed San Diego Chargers their iirst exhibition loss ever BALI LEADERS By THE ASSOCIATED PRES National Leagua AB HP Croat ELL 489 SS l6 Gonzales Pita 451 00 its 321 Clemente Pgh us as its 337 DIVII LA 321 Plhron Cin lie 70 too 520 RunsAaron Milwaukee Di Runs Daticd illAaron RiteGreat loo DoublesGreat es TriplesPinton it Home Runs hicCovey San Francisco St Stolen linesWills Les An gates in Pitching Perrerrosld Los Angeler ild esr StrikeoutsRoutes Lor Ans gates 22 American largua All II II Pei Ysstrmrlrl lioa era 70 its 385 it it 31 3M 05 IN All Pearson LA its ltd 100 hlslrone Dos It 52 its 209 Runs Yastrrcmsitl and Mr New York 7d It Satted laSluart UUI ton ea liltslasirsemskl lie Doubles ainerruitl II Triples rsaiios Minne ria and Hinton Washington Home RunsStuart 30 Staten RaresIlpariclo Drill arose 80 PhchlagRadatr Boston ll 750 Strikeouts Dunning Da trolt lill Rollins hiin IAIIKRIION TO FIGHT NEW YORK MUFloyd Ials Irrsoa ls looking over tho iirld at European heavyweights with possible mldANovrntInr over seas match In raian alter dril nlleiy deciding to continue IIOX ing The tnrtttsr world heavy weight champion received nod ol mall lrom inns urging him to continua llll ring carasr LEONARD IAHIEII VANCOUVER lCIIlii Frill tnnn siyrnrrold protrssiorlsl It irotn Tacoma With eun III ms Iitllirh Colurititia Optn gull tournament Sunday In smlrirnr drslh Bilge wilit deianrllng champion tan Leonard oi Vau muvrr Frldrttnn and Leonard nnlrhed the regulation at hrricr with Illllliltlflrpai siDs Frid man tool the this nnrl 000 ilrst prise money at the second erlra hols when Mallard hooked do It Ins and came up with va WIN SENIOR TENNIS IIEIONIOHV CLUII Que ICII Canada won litigator Clubs senior lntsmallonsi tennis tour natnrnt Sunday lor the ilr time In the events llrear tnty tailing all tour singles and one at the tmrr rinuhirn matches irorn United ltsier players 0a and meeting In January SCISSORED SPORT otta doubler mnlch Sunday ll Knrrtrallt at Houston Tait attd Lol Ii Iuweli oi Walllinlllon won or 01 over lllunl Cooke at Toronto sttd ll Tallhy oi Kitchener ilsion punchlll Luis Rodriguer middleweight Danny Meyer rrlils clubbing rights in the eighth larrl nlnlh tortnde then stop as technical Ira sekout latulday night in battle oi recently da poeedehsmplons II Itilml to WHITE EDIT puss ao T0 TWO LUCKY KIDS These two White House Hippies Butterfly and Streak er born to Pushinks daugh By PETER mum HUE South Viet Nam MP The elderly Roman Catholic priest spread his lingers expres sivelyand ke in rapid Viet name to hs translator are sorry that young girls have to be beaten and load shed But the government has to do this to survive We support this because the gov rnnle survival is our sun vs As Father Tran Van Noag has speaking company at soldiers drove past shrine out side his church marking the spot where visitation oi the Virgin Mary was reported by local Catholics in 1m Tile soldisrs were seeking partv oi Communist guerrillas night to give propaganda lec had entered village be urea to the population Father ittong was not speak lng about the Communists who errorire the mountains et Cen tral Viet Nam Particularly In the hills behind his church at La Vang near Quang Trl He was talking about Sudd birtr MANY SHARE RELIEF Father DIongs view about he Buddhist crisis in Viet Nam recent months seems to be shared by most Vietnamese Catholic attitude to Buddhism ll recent weeks Tire Buddhists have contin ually asserted that their civil disobediencs campaign Is aimed at the government at Roman Catholic Presidenthgo Dinh Diem and his iamlly and not at the church ltscii In Saigon the struggle still continues on this level But in Hue Vlct Namr an Stroke and Caroline Kea nedys pet Cltarlisheld by presidential aide Trapltea clent capital where Catholicism tlrst got Its roots the spectre Ioi religious struggle is loom ng The Catholic Archbishop oi Rue Ngo Dinh Thuc older brother at Preslch Diem In rrccnt address said Catholicism was under an Association at Buddhists other Catholic priests interviewed In litre went urther Father Than member at the acuity at lluas Catholic rcrrdnary who studied in Roma ior three years declared Buddhlst pagodas have been tnilltratcd by the Communists since 1054 Many monks are ig norant The group that Is in con trol oi the Buddhist association Is staring at the destruction oi the government We must pro vent this PROTESTS ILLEOAL Father Thuan characterized the three Buddhist processions that ended in violence at the hands at government troops as illegal demonstrations Tha tmops and police who wounded more than 200 persons and killed ii in sup resrlng the demonstrations ha ample lur lItlcntIon he said in tact the girls called the soldlcra dogs Who can accept this insult and not rencti The most inllucatial man in Central Viet Nam ls Ngo Dinh Curl another at President Dicms brothers He Is Catholic About 00 per cent oi the popu ltï¬lon in this area ls nonCalh Tcnslan between Buddhism and Catholicism has been evi dent since the llrst Catholic mis sionaries came here In the Nth century Toronto To Study Computers For Educational Research TORONTO iCP Ohtorio should establish is system at electronic computers to store educational research iniomta ion governor oi the Ontario Tsachers Federation said here Sund It Oilllas told the annual meeting at icdorsllon overnors that decisions concern ng Orrin rios education program were being made without rctercnco to alert research tladlngs Iln said much at the Demon dour built at new lniormation coming both Canada and the United States was uralara because other research groups were not aware at it lrom researchers in com utsr system in which intormal on could be stored and constantly brought up to date waxid relievs this situation he so ills proposal will he studied report read to board CLAIM WORLD Illictlllll MOSCth tAli Soviet womens sprlal team has laimed norld record at rma minute In seenmis in the sac rrtetra relay 11 women posted the time at the Soviet littnrta Iari which ended Saturday It ioreows Lenin Stadium AiiilliELL SHOOT ACE MONTREAL CPI Cisrtnca Campbell pmldeut oi the Na tinna lolncd golia sa sci rircie Its scared holsinona Friday on tha iIl ard eight hole at new conrtlei tourslrnn II turtle haa loll Club using RODRIIIUEZ WINS MIAMI IIEACH Fla lAIi Itelterwll ropoedhror In the nlnlh round on The governors also voted on the distribution oi $86000 within the next it months 0000 oi which will be used ior curricu lum revision and the Inlmdue lion at modern mathematics Into Ontario schools PAY FOR STUDIES The remainder will be spent by more than 20 icdrrulian cam mittccs lor studies In auto mated teaching guidance and other tieids in other sessions during the wccircrrd Iha icdersliqn decided to lctlilotr the Ontario govern meat to lnvrslillala ways and means at improving teaching standards Earlier in the weak Longmuir ast president at the HT sad elemen school teachers should have minimum at three years uni vrrslly training rather than the rcrcttt oneyear teacher train ng program 1Crirhraa its 20th anniver rnry next year and honor George Drew Canadian high corrtrttlrrlunrr in lhs United Kltifllrlill who was Ontarios ntln Slll oi education when the Teaching lroiesslorl Act was Limtli rr mt Mr Draw will altered ths ilrst honorary lilo membership in tha OTF and be speaker at the celebrations ELECTED PRESIDENT It Coretta principal at General Amherst hlghschnul Amherslbur Ont was elected president tire I1000mernilar edersilnn ila succsadr htr Ion niulr Other executive tucm rs tor twat Include tiarla Duh re Welland vies prasidaol and ialrlcll OLssry liranliord vltc resident Ilertrh Convention listi Its es Dilly Regan called hall ltilavsit bottle at ms oi the ninth atler liayar had got up lastlyeyed lram his second IsothtIOIII obvioust unable to continua REPORT widlh to it bud satr adios co dart break iootbali drill halo sy and died tear hours LL DEATH ped trier trout what doctors called massive brain hemorrha The victim Robert Marion ls did net sin com leusasaa him be ltlwa as lung House Weschesler iii and Maris Bruce Columbta Mo lira Whita House announced tend to lump Archbishop Thue and Ngo Dinh can as ntiers oi Ileir area They see Catholic support at Archbishop Ihuc who supports govsrtrrncnt poli cies and who Indeed is said to create some at them as an In dication that Catholics opposl their demands Buddhists here In general dont accept the view that some at their leaders are Influenced by the Communists There Is an ironic sldelight in the church at La Vang huge oil painting shows an early Catholic convert In Cea tral Viet Nam about to be be headed at the order oi Budd bist King Thu Duc Father Ta declared Catholicism has had hard stru gie In Viet Nam We were cruer treated by the Buddhist royalty in those days Construction 0n integratloalst moo other Negroes In peace through two Industrial suburbs rtedy selected the two mag sters irom over ilve thousand letters written by children asking tor the puppies AP ter oi Soviet apace dog Erylntwlllbosenttoltaaen todoyr Mus JOhII Ren Wirephotoi Bloodshed ecessary Says Viet Nam Priest livers Leads Negro Rally DETROIT AP liilssissl is Charles Evcrs ed demonstration ad then scolded his tellow marchers sharply Stop blaming the white man for racial Inequality Even told rally alter the march its your tault new The National Association tor he Advancement oi Colored Fcople sponsored the demon lration Evcrs said In the northern United States the Negro is his own greatest obstacle Youre so salisiied Its sickening stop lighting among yourselves Oat registered and vote Evert brother and successor slain Mississippi NAACP Field Secretary Media Tehran said he was disgusted to see Negroes in Chicago selling their ales Hospital Halted By Teamsters Union LISTOWEL Ont CPIRob art Parrish Listoch gravel and manuiacturer it claimed Friday that the Team rterr Union ilnd has hailed mom contract on 500000 Ontario hospital being built live miles north at here Mr Parrish said the Team rtorr had thrown lckcts around the construction to preventing his employees tram working since they belong to dilicrent union Employees oi the Robert Parrish Construction Company Limited belong to the Nalonai Cotanfli at It It Labor In Ellis Don Construction at Lon don with whom the Teamsters have contract are building the main portion oi the hospital They subcontracted to Farrlsh Construction mcnn our jobs Teamsters inlm lheyhave jurisdiction vcr any work involving Ellis Farrlsh said his man Dan lilr voted tor membership la Car ndion union and announced he as appealed to the Ontario do nrlmcnt oi labor Meanwhile Is llrm has been barred imm lrovllding materials to tha bos We have twoyear contract tilh the NCCL and we cant be long to two unions saidMr Parrish it seems Amerlcm ornlnatcd unions ara allowed to true priority in Ontario One worker said You cant lose 00000 contract without urtlng lot otlpcople it would Listoch II 15 attics north at traitord suor FREE FOR YEAR tAPiA War Grand Prize $1000 Bonus Prize $500 plus 400 Como lotionPrlxos SEE RULES ON FREE BALLOTS rrvtrlrllric only at CNE