MM 131mg She Is rebel who turned lrcm her parents and their BudA dhlsl rellglun and married powcr Sha lonk like playful killen untilyou unllce he in at her lnw and watch how she handle plslnl She ham cammunlsm and battles Buddhlsl bccnuse she say they peddle lh Commu nlnt line and use half ample to brand revolution against the government South Vlot Nam She Is Mrs Ngu Dlnh Nhu ulstertnlaw or the bachelor president Snuth Vtct Nam and olttclally hls ï¬rst lady The N30 are Roman Catholic This is the woman who vari ously has been called Queen Bee 50th V12 Nnms Joan An and Lucrctla Dorgla mnuapus snows Au why and unlnhIhIIed In her casllgallnn the Buddhlsts as she was In Kelllng dancinl ouIIawod even In Ihc US Em bast In SnIgan she says the Ilery uacrIIice oI Buddhlsl monks mdmum who burned Ihcmselvex aIIve are monk bnrbncue shows perpclrnlcd by what she calls rclIgIous cult that make ham of rall mon Io hIde ll polIllcnl ma chInaIIans 1111 Is power bchlnd the 1th110 In South Vlcl Nnm Ihal IILnry Cabot Lodxe In new Us ambassador now on routn In lhnl country must deal wIIh In making uIIchive lhe onnl USSovIclVI¢I Nnm proflrum In rlddIng 50m Vch Nam of communIsm Pan her power mull Irom lhc Incl that she mnnlcd Nun Dlnh Nhu hrnlhcr 01 Pm Idcnt Nxo Dlnh Diem nnd Na man In he country as hand the secret pnllcr Pm came from he womcnl tights campzllun she hm waxed Into 11157 hulldinn up mean whllc an auxiliary nrmy or men mllilnry umcm In usiux weapons and clvillnn army at Mumcn welluro Wfllk Ira numhrrlnu more lhun 1200 000 and mvinu nu pollllcal mum nclwork It If nunr who mu larmkd nul lo Wldulngtnn nmhnmdnr Io nu 11th mm and who pm Inml hrr lwlvrcm be llviullon Mu Nun Id II in tqwnnl She Is nut nahnmul hu dcnuncmlom lrom lhu llmn lwo dccndn ngn lho mu 11 Ihrn Ihc luld htr nrlnncrnll mullth mnthur ll nu Innl lnlk wnh Ionic man lxnuw my FAMILY ROYALTY NEH bANMIC illI llnmim qnnlrll Mm Nuo mylnn hrr nwlhur II unllr ulllmunh nlw dm nnl him My mum nlwul ll than 9me llrr mnlhrr was momer hr Ionmr raynl hunlly her ulhcr llll lnlcllrclunl Mm wnl ducmdnl from An old Mnn dntln lnmlly Hucnll Mn Nut Iolnl Mnr Kumln ll RKIIII the NEW Ymk llcrnld Tribunr III Inlcrvlrw lhnl lwr use hr mm lmr lmur ln rnnurdlnn mm Ihu monk NICIIHUI wnl Irllhem bccnnu it lmd SM qunlml lxy Mln ll am an my 11 I1 nrcmury Inmrlmw la flunk he mm nul ol lhll lrnncr In uhlch ll lmkl Scum Vlrl Nnm wllh ullrrly Mu vhlnn ulmul nllllnll pt ucullnn whlch 1an rm ul In Illm vrln ulw wmle Inn klur In lhu N¢w ork Tlmml Innl urrk Iunundlnl mm cm ll hm la whcn lho uurld mumr nnul well nlmul Hm wrullrd llllllllllhl ler mud flrrlmhmk la mm nrnm nml rams hellu lr umlmlnnrl llw mllly In DIIHIHIXI mldul unklnd ward or Mr mulhrr whn Ilfll Imrn ahunlul mil Ilw IIIIHIII In an ullh Hm Mull Vlrl Nam drlenaUun Unllnl Nu lnllm DELEGATES TO THE ANG LICAN World Congress In Tor anm were Invited to our Queen Bee Stings In Fight Against Reds Thl Nu mu nmu Mul ANGLICANS FROM CONGRESS ARE INVITED T0 TOUR CAMP BURDEN ally remanslrnlcd willl lwr mllon that she would clnp hands ll lha honzufluddhlsl prlcslnwrre bcalcn lD UmL mm mm killed lhemsclvu llcr answer mm am has llcr answer mm am has no couan to dmounra on how la mndnm and Ilupldily haw can mu evcr hope In con wllh other wrongs cl humunfly explolltd In lh Inme Inshlun by Communhl lo mnkn xnlns cy are Ilka Hm dull Sovm Prcmltr Khrunh th unva la Cnrollna Kummly You puxh It down but when you Ink yan hnngl gwny ll mug It Wu ln lcrml blunt lhls lhnl Iha lnld Amclnlod reu wrllor Malcolm Browne Iwo yam ago Thu Communlsll look lor mnluslon Camp Borden by Brigadier Harden Commander 0n lho Mongk 03E CD Camp left tho hrlgadlcr mm RI up ninln Cnnfuxlnn or no common In US pulley lllTlCllEl IOIE IInmnn CnlhnIIc by mnvrnlnn pmlnlcd the pearsomnth nIler nha marrlfll lhn pm denll IxruIIIrr Aha mm In rncycllcnl nI lhe Inky 1qu John XXIII lIml CIIIINI or more ml wellnrl She mld nl II 01 plmm ucryona wllh Ihll rnryuIIrnL Ilul II Inmrlhlnl plrmn cvcry um can Ive upInIlnl SM mnku plnln vrr Impli lkrnce wllh nny Aulmllon by XIuldcnl an Um hr Mum ï¬rm to mmu llmldhlul drmnnrll or more llIurnl muva mum and lmr hm lor Um mm dhlnl rrllzloun organhmlnm an lnrlInlurnlrd wnmnn Irwin Ihm Innxunuu Vlet numm Frcnrh lml Enllllh Whrn Ihl Ilnrlml hrr rnm rnlun Inlml prmlllullnn Im nl tunuucrmlvn ml dmclnl 1m mnllrr when In prnr haul IM ml ululu lrnm Ilm morn Hun 7000 Amulch Mnnk bnrhccuu shnWl llm term Mrs Nan Dlnll Nhu4 Ilslurlmlnw Vin Nnm bachelor pruldenl und olllcl ally hla hrs lady nppllu la lhc icry pmlm sulcldu lluddhlsl monks She bullle lhz Buddhlsls bccnusu shn any lhey are peddllnx lhn commun nnulllu ï¬lmpla 4m Elllmnm FREE llCKlll AND DELIVFJIY lhm IA um Mlllllr WMMal II 0w Illn ldll Nd lull da IIM BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK nuamï¬nn 15 line and min Ihclr temples In breed rcvolullun axnlm the govtrnmcnl Vlcl mm The Iny darkeyed wamnn has led and wan campaigns against mnny lhings she consider sncinl ms Includan dancing In lhn us Emhnssy In Sul gun AP Wirepholob llxcn In South Vlnl Nnm She suld dnnclng mull hn bnrrnd nnl nnly the US Embassy but aim at prlvnlc npnrlmcnl 01 pmunnnl Fordan came here no lo dnnce hut lo help Vietnamese Iighl tum munism Dnnclnx with dcnlh ll mlliclcnl As youwatch foothall on TV take five for fifty ale may Enjoy Cnnmllun Im Foolbnll on TV and llm nlo llml brings Io youCanadas lunlosl growing nloLnlmns 50 A10 WASHINGTON AP The Alllnnce for Progress Presldcnl Kennedys master plan for helix an Lalln Amcrlcnn nullona lwa yuan old and has recclvcd 82500000000 ln gramsoulrlgh Killsum lnnns mm lhe Unllcd States There an mlxtd vlcw on how well ll ls dolnz TWEED Ont CPIA wnmnn and ouryenruld girl wm klllcd and nine arson were In Jured three cum In two car crash three miles south hey 5an night band are Jenn er Lye daugh ter announcer Leslie Lye Radio stalloanIRA Onawn and Mm Genevlove Brennan of De Ont Bellcvllla Menu rlnl Hospital said Lyn 18 his who Jacqueline 35 and Dlnne Manrcn 13 passenger In lhelr car were In serious com dlflon The Lyos IIIyenwld daughlcr Dnrlnnne was In Mr condluon Iï¬rdfl announccEILï¬ua 64c salon IIawn Ia and bar husband broken 3ng aggfyme 3mm rIghl leg and arm Diane Mb OIIIcluIs Bellcvllla Memo ï¬x flu IospIInI xaId Lyn 18 bi wlIu Jacqucllnc 35 and blame as chm passenger In Irnclurcd shuuldcr and Kather Inn Caurnycn was quIcrIng Ihelr car were In scrInus con duh The Ly ycnwld ram 1ch anraslon and shock daughlcr Dnrlnnne was In InIr ï¬lm 5mm HIP condIIlon Ilaccrnlluns Calcnn was suIIer Brcnnun husband In from shock and mum Anne James was rcparlcd In good has mm bruiscsv candlllnn and heir childrenI Tweed mIIns can PanIda 12 CaIccn and Ecllcvllle Mrs Lye has muIIIpIe Injur Tho lunar program now two yuan old USLalln Amor lcnn undulnkin nlmcd at rc plnclnz MM and slngnnllun with economic nnd socinl pro EIESS long weekend 01 second nn nlverlury nbservnnee climaxes here Tuesday Kennedy will meet wim Alllunce or Progress vlsuon and VlcePresIdem Lyn den Juhmon wlll address lhu Orgunlzullon Slates mw Bryan bishop of right Mos ncv Cough Barrackpora India 0n the Archbishop Sydney Aus The Kennedy ndmlnlalrnllanl llal on whnl Iho Emmi hu Accumpllsbcd In to Ins two year wllh the help US ur Ilmncn nclugiu lhcw gum 15000000 pcaplu ch 14000 hum 0200 clun lyxlnml and 000 hospitals nnd Radio Announcers Daughter Is Killed In TwoCar Crash JFK Alliance Gets $2 Billion Anne Ihree weekswon In islnctory cundilinn Katherine Cournycn of Enterprise Ont 25 mllus nmhwcsl of nylon passenger in their car was also In sallslnclary cnndillon rooms 700 community wnicr health centres hullt 450000 arm credit loan is aucd 4000000 books published MAY STREAMLINE The New York Tlmu any that Latin America and the United Slutcs will mnku mn ior attempt this all to nixcam line the leadership at the nili nncc Vnshlnglon dispnich says an exccuiivn commlitcn wlli he set up lnrncly an the pnltnrn oi the Organizntlun tor Ecnnnmlc Conpcmllnn and De anopmcnt through which the United Stniu has channelled postwnr nld in Europe The new group will he knnwn as ho InletAmerican Dpvclap mcnl Commltlce and wlll be In lnndcd Io um the alliance lnm ply coopangllvo uninfprlsc Ilnnnm ho nlllnntn must cease la appear merely an now lrumcwork or cum Ildcd Unch 5mm nld pro grams and must ulve Lnlln Amerlcnns dlrul rcsponslhllily In plnnnan and executing pal Iciu lhu zlnry In En mllus nmhwcsl of passenger in their also In sallsluclary OTTAWA CP The Over bmok Prugresslve Conscrvnllva Assnclnuun Russell commu ency has asked Premier E04 hurt to Intervene to prevent minus parly spilt In Ihe rld nfl Iclezram in the premier whasa contents were made pub lic Sulurdny xald Indecision and irusirailan relln supreme In the ridinls Conscrvailve assa ciniian it my consolidated stand is necessary ii lhn parly la main the scaiin the Sept 25 cicciicn The Overbraak mup wants the premlorlu conllrm limb alan by Rum Assnclallnn President Edgar Blsson to hold nnw nannullun convention and that Mr flabnru persun ally endnm flu lucccssful canA dldnlc Oiiiciai Conscrvnllve candl dale is anrcnce but his nomination convention has been disowncd by the consiilu any association Tho seal was won by Gordon annrxne armor mnyar Enslvlcw In the last provincial olccllon FREE ELMES HEIRUT AWAH slaves II he mural rculon ul Snud Arn blu have bcen purchased by lha xavcrnmcnl and given hclr hwdum the newspnvcr Orlcnl rcpom Qualan Snurll gov crnmcm bulletin Orlunz said 16M privatelywwnod lanl in he cenlml raglan were Involved In he purchnxc Saudi Arabia oullnwcd shwcry Inst year MAKE MAFIA ARRESTS PALERMO Slclly AWPu llce MUCH IBM Saturday Ilnlys blx drive lo wipe out um Marin sacral crlmlnal mulrly nn Island has brouxhl nhoul the nrrcsls of 761 persons slnce July 01 mt number I55 have llncc hum relcnscd they IRM Thu other Ara allhcr In crowdrd jnlls am under strlcllon no la lenvu lhelr humu Iowm lrnlla jnln lhl Brigadier and Bishop Brynn Roberts Asked To Help 101 MI EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUII TORONTO CBPeople unca called 11 Rev James Plke hurdle Eplmpal priesll In penguin even stnytgdgpyapnlqz to lry the coiarlul Callfurnlg When If he laid he was an mic about the now the plrgh of Christ The trlel never come ufl Elm hop Pikes Iccueerr retreated when he ruggesled that raelal Ie reznllon In Georgia parlahe Inlhl be heresy worth In vexlllnung Blrhop Pike here for the An fllcen Congress he also been abelled Communist lraup In own mu once waged light to unseat him on me Frounde lhat he In both theolox any and pollllcnlly IUbVO hive Blrhnp Plke won phat bal oo Bishop Pikes own descrip lion oi himstii is an exRo nun Cuba who arrived at Anglicanism vin agnosticlsm In an inlcrview ha ioid why In the Roman Catholic In my mom year col lega lludled he quexuun nI blth cnntrnl Iound that In Icllcclually could not accem the Cathnllc unsunan an the nublact Ii an In Church MARKS BIRTHDAY TORONTO CHSir Ems MocMIllan dean or Canadian muslchns celebrated his lmh birthday by doing nnlhlngmerely rcsllng at hls home hereo Slr Ernest con ductor ol the Toronto Sym phony orchestra untll 1115 re llremenl In 1958 sold hls greab ts pleasure now In the lrpvnl 1an he does or the wnllare muslc your man sentenced to year or healing crIppIc wIIII hl mulch In the Course II rob blng hlm was dcscrIbLd In murt not worth the money cast In pul hlm away Mauls trnle Gordan Scott mud lhe remark In sentnnclnl Narmnn James SandIurd NAB SIX YOUTIIS MONTREAL CplPolice In suburban Weslmoum any may have picked up le youth or delnclnu properly by painting Icpnrnlls slogan on 10 allan nnd buildings Among lhn bulld lngs delncod was lhu Jewlxh Re lnrm Temple Emanuel pallca cpnkoamnn luld Snlurdny spray pun was employed In wrlle such Hogan Viva Quebec and Viva la Repub llque du Quebec ACCIDENT MARS PARADE VANCOUVER CWThirteen Bishop Labelled Heretic Red persons includlng nln chll drcn were rented or mlnnr Injurlu Salurdny whcn police mnlorcycle skidded durimz the nnnunl Pnclllc anlonnl Exhibi llun parade Cnnsl John Lcnry whn wu rldlng ll machlne when It hi the specular on downtown street wax rented or Irm Injurlu He wax lnkinx 1an in predslon drlll manoeu vre CUBANS no BAREFOOT MIAMI Fla ANCuba ll becomlnu Ihoelcu nnliun woman refugee who escaped lhc 1ch Cum kldnnppcrl mid here Shoe ltlllfll mmr Ill lha llme and thou unda In Cub barcloot ptdnlly childrtn Mn Oln d9 Hrrnnndu rcpnrltd BEAT CRIWLE VANCOUVER CF 27 WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Thll led me quesllnn lhu doclrlna ol pupal lnlalllbllily because It seemed In me the Pope had Ipaken otflclnfly In mallet of moral when he can demncd blth control Then Just drifled tell ulnuuly Evenlually jolned the Ems copal Anglican Church1n the Unlud States Bolero becnmlnl Elshopuol Calllornla In 1359 Blsha Pike was dean the Cnlhedrl of SL Johnflm Dlvlna In New York He crenlcd llr hero by hold Ing service thanksgiving In memory of Sigmund Freud on the moth annlvemry of he psychoanalysll blrth nnmnn Calhnllc lehop Ful ton Sheen had once called Freud fuex mad pwchla lrm Ind Bishop Pike quickly EN min FF at lot or psychocernfl mic Elshup Plkaa Invented term or crackan mall abnu lheVFreud serviceL ven though Freud was In Ilholn hll leaching were revelallon ol God The Holy Spirit all over lace God nut choosy about ll instru menu AIRPORT TO CLOSE OGDENSBURG NY AP The alrpon In this clly an lhi SL Lawrence Rlvzr will In clam to commercial alr try for least two month mm In Aug In pom lengthenq In and wldenlnl ol thu run ways SUGAR CROP DOWN HAVANA AWA Cubanrnh Icla any Cuba well behind lhla year In fulï¬lment at its plan or planan lugnr cane maul Henera so informed no sugar technical commlsslon rat the Cuban Agrarian Belorm Inn stilule Friday FIND DEB TOKYO AMSearch plane cnmblnz walen nclr anhllo Sunday rcporled Ilndinl dzbrh belleved to be mm Fulit Island 100 miles south of Tokyg Alrllncs plane missing wllh persons aboard Ollldlls both Ihe marltlmu lately Iguncy Ind the Ilrllne said 10 were presumed to be dead ESCAPES IN CAR TRUNK VIENNA Austria AP young Ens German escaped the West vln Hungary hiddené the luggage compartment ol our police reported sunning REPORT UPRISING TAIPEI Furmou AWThu Chungslng new nmncy re orlcd Sunday lhul An uprlslnl nvolvlng 5000 phlncgn erupleq In Human pmvlncc 1n mum Cammunlst Chlnn an Aug Tnn Nullonnlisl Chlnm lgnncy said more than 200 Communlm wtre killed AdelM 24HOUR SERVICE SALES Ind SERVICE HEATINO EOUIP llenlln mm BOWENS rA um