Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1963, p. 6

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AUCKLAND N1 Clfi talk11km Um upmhu nl Lard nhlmm who MIMI MI mu flortrnnrmncnl of Now lrnlnml lull ynr lxu prmrll In Ix runway bul Mllrr hm Lard Mum In moodlnm uXur GovernorOmen III an In Ml uvhm uh allled Io Inund rommon mm km nmrrrclnllnn ml hu man Vlhlfl and der nrhnllr ahIp lrlnllun limoImp by Nu Zulnml nlmludInn muldly mid uul ulllmul nu Illvl demand Ahmluunl llllnll In new haw lunuam In all In mm All mm mm In publch llun lnInl dannlgd ll hm nlrlmml requrll In lhu nul unrd nnmul Tlml mnnlu Imn In In IndMp mlninl 1le nmnmllnnym mmmnnlnl In NM ZealM by Lou Cublum hlvu brm dulroycd hy Uulnh klng Judah lint the nnd book Chronlclu In Bl hlo nyl ho wcnl lnrfll and brake dawn lhn Will Alh dad or II may hnvn bun rmd by Auyrlnn ILan Slum who conqutrud he Karim In Tm urnon laund rnlmtnl vlclory mlo Tho lower at lhll 1mm II mumcd to him been used looknul um lho VII Mull ma hlxhwny um ml nlonl lhu Mediterranean mm mm Emil toward Syrla Ind Mun otnmla and Wu mm It mportann lo the Mama Napoleon and millh Gun Slr Henry Allcnhy Smnll mull lnund In mnu mvu and Illll llllud wllh hamI Indlcnlu Hm Ihlllfllnl Inhdod wnl dulm In tho PJ The two Phlllsline occupullan lave Idcnllilrd In In an owl ously 1mm lhvl 1201 Ind HUI ccnlurlu ILC They lncluda lhl nmnlns 10mm wlth brick walls about our fee thltk Book Speeches Aussie Top Seller Th he addtd suppurllns tha Irndmunul vlnw thnl cl Isrnclllu prompmd by rolln nus numb clam destroyed the Cnnunnlla city Aahdud In ha mm on Iury 11C Thch In no evidenco lhnl the Israelites Mlerward oe cupicd ho alto and II probnbli remained 1n ruin unIH he Philllllncs rcbullt ll That he Kali mean from ha last Cnnnnnlle nullmen lo ho Phlhllna occqnnllon FIND FOIITRESS Frucdmnn mld lhls yearl ex cnvntlnn lurncd up much evld cum how Ashdod looked dur in ma Iraqslllon rum tho 1m bmnza pcrlndthe lath to flu nth centuries 30 lo II early lrpn axq The digging was Iponsored by Isrne Antiquities lhe Fm burgh Theoluzlul Scmlnary and by the Curnnulu Museum Plluburzh Up to 250 people lncludlnz many awdanll from Canada and he Unlltd Sula look purl JERUSALEM ANPurl Aahdod ono of llve Phlllatlm cltles menllonud In the Blbla has been du up In the cautll balt of lame between Tel Avlv Ind tho Gnu Strlp Prol Davld Freedman at the Plusbmh Theological Sem lnnry who dlrcctcd tha excu vallng my Axhdud Is thc larg est Holy Land town yet un eurlhed from the Iron ngethl 12th to tho xlxth centurch hm In ChrIKt REV CLAUDE DESROCH ms at he youngest Ro man Catholic Priest In Mont mal chm with parllhloner Hi mill wnterlmnl diocese Ashdod Dug Up At Gaza MRI ml3fllmDAY AUGUST 11 PA 0712 SANDERSON MONUMENT CO lull IM human DENIS HIIEAHD LTD LUMflEn AND DUILDEHS SUPPLIES ltnllh loom Hum film nmlu lnhuwlck PA 60150 Modern Asfidud mm was the old ml and clan to Mm um Alhdod wan bull unln Then wan destroyed again the end he sev enth century HC either under Ktnl Jolllh ol Judah or under Klnz quchldneuar of Baby lonRebullt yet anolher llme It lullede final decflna In the 511an grn or Item past mum The Inscription wan carved In cun allnrm chmmen yet unda clpharzd which includes 0000 pm work en wan let up an ex periment alter non workm requuted the larvlcu of chapllln Photo film If Blmull 7X14 1lll7 THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS mm cumu MIMI11 mu Inkyrm mm mm nlmnd unlm nme AM mm Ih Chum TM um In 10 mm um hllfll gm mm mun muuu HCHANDLENS BHELL HERVICE STATION FINA SERVICE STATION mi Duan um Cor Ann and John II ATTle THI CHURCH OF VOUR CHOICI In 11 Hum Kumlnu nmh Allllllrfmllll llw nmu cl lonlul Il humus Arllvlllu HILL IMle BHELL HERVICE STATION CMUIC All ll 1m NICK figndly HERIRAM HOS LTD BUILDING MATERIALS IM Bunon Aw thnoIJy Thundly annm Rum GlPll IUD15 llllh 5i We in more Hum qlmt for speed quest apnea Come to Church nnd ml In Incl file only hope of mankind which ever much beyond them walla are our religious beliefs In our churches we come to know Hm Eternal the Everywhcre Fnith dlnnolm ruatrnllom But nhould Iha dny coma when hum can llvo to 150 and roundtrip to the moon will be called commullna wull alil In livxny wirhln the lam walla Hm dintmlu We am told that science In Indan ways to multi ply time to divide dlnlnnco gndfiet can arm you an hour jet will cut your Journey In half Tlme and Distance like priaon wnllu surround every life ultimately ruatrnung mans hopes and dreams Never hna hero Ilved mnn who accomplished all he wanted to 110 or wont everywhere he meant to gm The VIanrl Ira mcmhm In useclaliun ulled The Frlcndl he Bum the bum belnl the elavntlan In Mont marlu on which Smed Hurt Cathedral llands npeclnl nuwn yromm was devoled to lnlervlewl wllh Montrenlara making Sunday punImus to tha tamed old district at Plrll once lhs hum of Ulrlllo Touloulu Lautm and only 1199 pnlnlcrl 1th lncluda lonuhoremen emu Chechen clerk Ind curlLy gumd1 The almond man who vllll the pun ncll year do no lull under 111 mm dlcllon but an helped by chip lllm tho Cathollc Enllon Club and the Montreal Enllon lmlltule PARIS CHLlnkl between Monlml and Monlmarlre were dlscuued recently on French lelgvillnn if Icqunlnlod with lhom lunch Um at their tavern haynu Fnlhor Desracheru who de Icrihu hll job uperlmemnl Ind umpnnry his net up an oilch In ll heart MI lrllh and met mm 01 hll panhlanu PaulEmile Cardinli Lem Archhllhop oi Monimi lecied Father Deliother and obtained perminion irom the Vatican to ardnin him heioro hll mh birthday the mud minimum age or ordinliinn nmr reéeivln several rcquull imm part Win an im the low can jhnplqin Quebec French Link Discussed MONTREAL cm ounlm Roman Cnlhalle print MenuMl hu been Ivan one the mall challen In 1an In the flamechm to the 0000 par worker emvlofed lnnl he Izmlle waterfron In tho um anllnmunl far Rev Claude Dolmchm 2tho nm chlpilln or th pun work Pxiest Covers TWelve Miles On Waterfront Carvth Hull AdvIll linkv1 STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME mu Wmm 5L 00K CARTAGE AND 81 IA mm mm Eu loud HMS mvi IL JOHNSON SON MACHINE SHOP my LOCK Xmp HOWEY ELECTRIC Howey 9111 FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES JOll mm 600 pm rmsr BAPTISTCHURCH Wndnudly at 730 Our MoIhIr of PupMl Hclp Navmn SUNDAY MASS um l0 mm 30 mm Auluu mn lolh Duly Vuullun Blbla Bchool CHURCH DIRECTORY Chmnon Worllny 11 mm 5mm In Andnwl Pmbylulln Church 10 mm Sundny Echm an Roman Caiholic EVENING DEVOTIONB Sundly pan pan Evenlnl 5mm In Flm nlplm Church 31 MARYS CHURCH MULCAIIER 81 PA Mm wqrshlp the Lordln the beauty 6f hoiihess COMING flllurdly ColoIll 111120 can Ron Bl Vlncml REV II VAN NIE mm mm Sandy Schnol lu held ln Juan Church It Crown IIIIL THE BARRII REFORMED CHURCH ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE nifm 100 mm Eunlallflln Servch Emblem WHY CHRIST DIED YOU ARE MOST WELCOME Céplaln and Mn Randall Phona PA was SUNDAY SCHOOL 030 mm Yem and Our 00 mm Yom Ind Over Numry Cm Provided or Innnll Coma Ana Mu null Church Numry Fullqu Aullnbla Friendly Hummur Suvch Evavynne Valcomo Owen and hairy ll REV ADM LA maxm Hum Dummy ST ANDREWS Wedneldly pan Prlyer nfl Blhlc study THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA Na hbbllh lchooll Dnrlnl llolldny lem mm FEMONIIICHION 0F CAEMII UNION SERVICES 950 am Sunday School 1100 am anhip Servlca AIIWeleomo Rev HEALING It If Fraud Fm Fmfllellm II MONEV1hnbIcn Hou tho Imldl Itoryfiold In puhllc Sunday ovanlnq BURTON AVENUE UNITED ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN THE SALVATION ARMY BARRIE CITADEL Whn Abou BETHEL CHURCH PHONE PA 11 Binder 91 Pm sml utiunw No Jonah Mumm OL Al MI mm ADULT BIBLE 0M 10 mm 1100 mm CIIEXSTE GIFT OF PEACE John 1421 II the In Innan mmou SERIII on NOW 10 lea IN LATER YEARS IN BURTON AVE UNITED CHURCH 00 Im humorn Hopr immune lun me am EVERYONE lUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD PENIECOSTAL Mm AND10 BE Iflll iWOBl cancum PREACHER IN AMERICA IUNDAY ICHDOL 00 ORAL ROBERTS Rev Tunkl Pastor JOHNSON 5T SCHOOL mt 11 mm Sandbox ILA Knox Cullen Toronto WELCOME MiniIn REV MP SUMMERS HA Nunm1 Ind Klndulmel hell WESTMINSTER Rn Gear Rm VIII Ml mm SUNDAY lCllOOl moo mum Ind 1x00 pm GUEST SPEAKER REV STEPHEN Un Ynur Pflvllen To Wonhlp 0M ALLIANCE CHURCH Dmdor at Full Mn McKlInwl ll Coal sum luv Honey ll8c L111 mm Holy Commnnlnl mm Morning Prun Imam Annular of Dnllll STEEL 1nd CODE STREET ST GIlES CHURCH New In lllllcmt achool Andlwflum aenlm Enlpended For CLARKEEURO NAURENE CAMP MEETING Clulubum datum Aulull In It sundy Clmp lenlm IMO NAZARENE you ARI wmofi CHURCH OF THE THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA pm Golpll 945 mm Sunday School lor all lflll mm Tho Lordu Supp lINITY CONGRESS SUNI ST GEORGES Wodnudly prn Prlyor alblo Study ALL ARE WELCOME Wilm Dyer MO mm Holy Column 00 Im Manna min lonlm ln lulll Ihl chum in man to he Inur ndlu pronm um um onlun mu Inna1 100 pm It Vlnalnl mm hum nu amome Hm PA pm 1n hunt My lull himUlla School um IIIIWIIIIII Imm 1l0 vm Evenlnl mm In many lch Month In NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL mm CHRISTIAN woman cuuncfl Im BIBLE SCHOOL IIM lJn FAMILY WORSHIP Mn OUTDOOR CHURCH HELD IN 61 VINCENT PARK WEATHER PERMIIIINO OTHERWISE IN THE EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH UNION SERVICES BAPTIST CHURCH Wu unrealh your mponn to flag CAMPAXON lon alum Hume North Coll thin put Melt VICIHOI Blhle School ruched mum ol chllmn with Illa lion My Fllherl Wurld him many Mull heard Ind all mm at mu mu you 3mm Wale Jam Mlnllln VlllIOIl AND NIWCOMIII WILCOMI Sandy Survlm THIS SUNDAY ATTEND YHE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Gun Sm DVH8 Cummzncel on Manny Morn It Am Euh momlnl thrown Fddly kill 7111 PARENTB NIGHT GABJILLID BALLOON GIVEN FREE 10 THE FIRST IN CHILDREN ON MONDAY CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY ALLANDALE Burton Menu AI CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH 0mva mm 159 Com Suvlco And Sunday School mm Tullmonlll Mulan 2nd Wed pm BARRIE CHURCH OF CHRIST IMIY lflnNO nunu AVAILMILI VIII COLllER ST UNITED CHURCH II CENIRAI UNIIED CHURCH MINISTER REV DONALD JAY BA 1D Mullu rampant Codrlnmn It School 1100 Lu Sunny MISSING IHE HIGHEST THANK YOU BARRIE EMMANUEL 00 um 00 mm DARRIE DAY WIllOWDAlE UNITED CHURCH REV RONALD ATKINJON TurmIrly Student ll Shanty Buy Ir WUludeIl Church UNITED CllUllCfl lhnly my run thc lla Counnual Vhlum nl Inmmcr mldcnh Inn ll Callie sum Nut to Poll om Thl Van Red In Holy Communion MI 111 Holy Copimnnlou 1100 am Mon rum Drudun am CRIB lEnVlCM HELD IN ON Elul sum Puhllu School Mn Lou Chuklndn Ina plum 100 nm run Fm Methodlfl Church TRINITY CHURCH CHURCH NOTICES MUST BE IN BY 400 PM THURSDAY II Janeen rum 100 mm EVENING IEKVICI 1000 mm hmll Bible School mm mm MORNING WORSHIP ST VINCENT 5T

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