Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Aug 1963, p. 4

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Candi mm Numm Anullflul TM In hm n4 In And Fumu ll Llflull mm vnIvmn Av mm cm mm hand no dm 0mm limo mum IIIAN film NIIIIIIDI cum noun 1mm muon umnn nomauv mu mm mm It Io lull In omn rm mun1 In mum mm II IIII mm ll Ind all In Barrie Enmlncr Aug 1021 mm llno weather next cnuplu weeks Narlh Slmcoo wlll hnve bumprr crop hellrr than 115 year Slcwnrl Page Igrlcullural rcprescnlnllvc pmllclml Second annual Onlarlo rwlmmlnx cham plamhlpx lo bu held In llnrrlc next week end with 100 but compellng Dr Slmpmn chnlrmnn managcnwnt Barrio Board of EdIICMIDn nnnouncrd Alallchnngu MBCIIou In Adam of Toronlo rcplnm Mr PT 1n Ilnlclor Mlu Mnry Gordon of Vlng hnm mm Helen no of Barrio and mm chennal 01 Waterloo other new trachm Min Jun inmllcllow 101m Prince of WI Ila mm Margaret Mlllrr Mulord Ind Mlu Margaret 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN But there 15 another and considerably less lensanl Ilde Illa cannot be Ignor ed 19 best lold In parllal sling at what occurred oulslde the regularly lcheduled concerts and as nuc was seen by lew lown residents It docs not make pleasant reading but is evidence that cannot be Ignored Unlvmlly of Toronto chartered bus parked ln Couchlchlng Park was broken Allhflll an rm omu um pymnI Dally lund No one will ruggest that the concert In the Oval were not wellhandled and beyond reproach in the matter of aud ience behavior Most people will agree that the tun and excitement brought the weekend inllux of youth was wort the inconvenience it caused it the mat ter had stopped there iew would have my quarrel with the festival But by it very nature any such event as the Mariposa Folk Festival inevitably escape the bestplanned control and through Its very size becomes uncon trollable Therein Me the danger that must be Accepted realixtlcally when mak In dcclrlon as to the future relation lhlp between town and festlval It 15 true that the festival brought thouaanda at people to the town or the weekend and that countless worda put ltdztng Orlllla appeared tn newspapers and were heard on the 311 from coast to coast It la true that the festival man agement took every measure to handle crowds 1smwlde accommodatton assure an exce ent program and cooperate wlth the town aut orltlcs tn evcrythtng that was asked of them leo it or not there come time In every life when fact must be weighed evidence considered and declslon made Orillla today laces just such time In the matter of the MArlposa Folk Festival This newspa er in oi the opinion that the Mariposn oik Festival should not again be invited to Orillia Weelif The Editorial Mitig read Lev Make Sure Thats the Last mu val Here Hero ts W11 the Orlllla daily um think about it just in case then are name who might begin auggexun that tho lestivnl could be invited to mic Instead next year Since there is great local interest in the happenings at our neighboring com munity we looked for the newspapers reaction to this years tolk festival held last weekend It was attended by con Iiderabie numbers oi young eople from Barrie and we trust none them were included in Oriilias troubles of Saturday night and Sunday morning For thls reason we are Auctlng from °3£FL399 91 14 this One year ago the Oriliia Packet and Times wrote an editorial denouncing the Merlpose Folk Festival following it weekend in that Slmeoe County town The ectuaipertormenoea and iolk aln ing in themselves were not condemne just the aide and sitareffects on the town and citizens by the antics oi the unwanted minority who seem attracted to this ty event There aoon np peared eluge at protests from various reople claiming the pa er was unfair hat business would be flat to the com munlty and so on Orillia Daily Last Folk Festival Here The Barrie Examiner WaIIl Puhlhhef 112 Earriv Examinpr Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE SATURDAY AUGUST 1m PIH It is not that the town is inhospit nbie but it must now be obvious to everyone that an oven at he icsiivail gouge has grown beyond the ca acily oi rillin proper to handle even if tcan actually be considered as on asset to Iho licloinmuniiy doubtful opinion ni ii 05 It must also be considered that the publicity brought to Orlliia by the fes tival may prove not unmixed blessing Stories theft immorality illegal drinking and monumental traffic jams are not the stuff of which tourist attrac tions are made and make no mlafake about if this aspect of the festival will be singled out and emphasized in every new nory that follow the event This fact must be taken tnlo constdcr ation together with the probability that another Iesttvat next year may well at tract an even larger percentage of an undesirable element even as It drives away the better followers of folk music dtsgusted or vlcttmtzed this year Oriiiia is town which depends for its summer trade upon cottagera and vis itors at neigth ng resorts As such it cannot attord to harbor any event which will jeopardize this regular trade and cause cottagera to seek future accommo datlon in locations less subject to the in convenience and disturbance thaLchar acterized the festival weekend All these things are contained in police reports and in the statement of the pol lce chief that it was disgrace to the town and of an OPP sergeant who termed the goingson wanton disre gard of morals liquor laws and respect or property Both officers agreed that the concerts were blameless and most of those in at tendance at high calibre In their opin ion the trouble came after the regular concerts particularly on Saturday night and was caused by relativelr small group who came to the festive on the hunt for trouble main street so clogged with traffic on Saturday that progress along it was nextto Impossiblel The ominous presence on the main street at notorious motorcycle club with blackgacketed members lounging on the sad lo their parked vehicles in obvious readiness for trouble Dozens upon dozens of instances of theft possessions destruction or per sonal property such as clothing and sleeping bags cases 01 assault and im moralit involving girls of 16 years and less wdespread damage to lawns of homes near Silver Sleeve Camp where cars wererparked and sleeping bags spread regardless of the owners wishes lfquor thatpblicrerfdafiél fl lmpossTBié cope with short of arresting literally thousands total disregard the llquor lulu raw boys and glrls in thelr teens con sumlng ll nor in plaln vlew on tho maln rtreel at he town or reeling drunkenly about Sllver Sleeve Park where lhe publiclzed hootenanny was held So wide 1118881 sevwmwpp into and cameras clothing and other personal possesslons wantoth smashed and thrown may or stolen Suggests Mr Hmllh he aXd llml prolculunl hum Mrlcu llo mm Mrltn In mo and nmnlncd lhm tor lmly yam Hu Nam Thu Ilml rrlnlu many MI Idvmluru wllh wllrl nnlmnl I11ml II Illa Iludy ol lhclr III Ill when Wnlpuldnnyn ruched flu rmper If he marrled mm woman whu wn chasm by unrlc In hll ll chnnxcd when whllu doclar than him In MI drlvcr From Ihcn run he hnd man tonlnrt ullh while pm Ia and ulna help ed ml goth whlm Ind Muck wlm modiclnu mnde mm huh In null 01 lhr furl lhll WAI puldnnyn unlnnl 1m nlucnllon Ind wurkrd with whllu peopl hu hm our arunkcn lho tul lum Nu prlmlllvl unculan and II mud to ho In lhfillllnl THE NATUIIH OF THE MIAMT Murry Smlm IluLGnM mu lnund nl Emma can In New fly Tllfi MAN PM Aul ltlma Mlnlmr Muiran Klnl Iml Imldrnl nnm wl um nl Unirnlmrr mu un Many IPMIH an hlnrle mnlor nre on homllphevlc dr lrnru TM Innuuuml Join rimnu rommurm would be ul up to In lolmu Nnnh mulu Althmuh mmml Ill mm mm mum In ummml um lmulo monled lIulmlnnnln nlalnwd ummlc anpuldnnynl tamer worked II he mlulnn and Iharlly gim hll lnillnllon Walpuldnnyn was mocked lo learn Hul he was nut Ichonl and was be lnughl Enxflsh The nborlxlnnl boy In hll clnu lonk lrcll dcth 1n lormmlinx lhtlr lira English teacher and rlRulmly Imuulcd rcplllu lulu clnu In ltrrlly hm Th ncond teacher wu not my In lnllmidall and one exporlrnce with hcr arm dlsclplinc pul In 1nd to lhclr UH Douala Lockwood iI cor respondent tor Darwin new paper and has travelled exten aiveiy through the outback ot Australia and associated with the aborininel in order in nih er melerial tar this book Mr Lockwood en many home in tervtewinn aipuldenya lull blooded aboriginal oi the Aiawe tribe learningv tho details oi hie lite and the customs and rituals of his people Thus he was able to describe nativee exueriem tee in the two world at the biuck and the white ml Weipuidanyl began lite lcuninny an the Roper River the Inulheest corner otArm hem Land in the northern Ter ritory of Australin Al child he enjoyed going on weikabnutl Io he could rectice etaikinl and killing wth the toy apeare hie tether made him As he grew older he was taught to track and hunt in order to be eeltreilont in living oil the land end pro viding tor hie Iarniiyi the appropriate use he endured the tire otthe tribal inilietion end we rubiected to the many tn boos at the tribe their runerstt tionr and their lnllh in the hie dicine Mani But his training wenll on continuously THE AnbmcxNu by DoJmlAg urckwood FRANKLY THIS ISNT QUITE WHAT HAD IN MIND AT THE LIBRARY Summer Reading Tells 0f Aborigines find Court Life TODAY IN HISTORY rm nnrlinnl durln yum and am aomo hm nd mlnl mo hm died Dr libM Iupervlm ol hnmllotll mnlfol In he mm In ny mod mellow um yenklllln nnd Ilmulnmycln ummn mum on um RENT TO mums EDMONTON IIA mm vrtulnnrllnn ol Ilmlocl ulhml Inllhmlcl mnlzd mu lcnllu hqva find 11ml ll Junl one may run when prublfllm oHInr Ihll In lvrlp In Ihl uhlhlllullon olhndrr Thus In cnso oI Edna Wnllr prelly am who Ienm uhonl lo work Imlrl Ilzr mum 1y nun mrt her Iamlly Lan II envInuI UN rIcII lIrII who coma In tho Ilorl Ind chum he lhlnxn My wnnL Shs rnnllm Ihnl lhm In Iltlle chtcklnl don II he cullomerl mnnncr II qurrd Ind canlldmt So Ednl an In anolhrr um um Iho nnmn Inclely Inmlly Ind chum whnl IIII wnnll Wllh her new Mulrqu nho begin In In dam and to II Irmpled In tun unm IIMIIHL hul In mm and Icnlrncrd lo armKory Ihorl Imp On her re Ihe InovIlIth lrIu lh um lvlck Ind nu hnrk In rclormllnryI mll IImI when Ah remed IIII mm rnrcd Ind In mnrrImL Ilowavrr mm In III If ulml with nr humInd Ednl Ilnln In cnurl mud wllh lorlcry lrr mum InmIIuIIun Iha mm hnllnn ofllm Indl lhnl Fdnn II wuk Iml nul nImlnnI Ion SIM hnd moIvnI mm Hum Al hump hul III 01 lhrm Irnm Ilrr Innhnnxl The Jud puII Fan In Mr quhnmll cm and uh II mlnnd lo qunI ll prabullon Thu Iulhnr ulnm run um mm he flies of he Prnbnum Depnrlmcnl The oflcndcrl rungs mm hardened crlmlnnll Io pally ruckcmn Imwcr to why lhe ollendcr mike nu ngalnsl suclcly and what llu beyond nrml Ind canvlcllon ll ound In thll bank Thu hunting oi big game was only put at his work Much his hunting wax dam ur vtce to lha vtilnzm who wen being threatened by elephants lions and other beasts Then Mr Smith and Mandi hll trucker wouid be caiied in to luck And citminntn than nitendinl Ini mnls Mllldl number he Klmbn tribe ms the nth Mend Inl maker or over mm years Mr Smlth ndmlred 1h nailvu and 0qu his couraga Ifld tool has great men In tlmo of danger ll ll lurprIIInl lhl author lun vlved mm bl udvanluru All 01 ham Ire lnschndnz to md Iboul expeclnlly the llmu he Wu pinned to the ground by charging elephanl and the um In enraged 110nm lclped Into his truck Now Mr Smllh L1 primlrfly Inlcmled ln lhe preservation of wild llfe whlch ha tonsldm ricun realest 1nd most val uable nqu In lnlcmt now In In umerl ulnrh lnnud ol bl gnmo hunk Mr Porter had Had ur enr unlll he Joined lhe New York Prnbnllon Department In 1971 Consclcnce 01 111 Cour Is In account may Mr Porlerl cxperlcnm CONSCIENCE OF THE COURTS by Edward Senan Par or All wn Ilka Ihflfl hm out luv med every one to hi on my Ind lb Lord lulh llkl on him vlhe by Inn III mm 5m All hav tinned but Chrlst died or llns at all Io faith In Him saves SURVIVED INVASION The people modern Wale Ira descendant Ihe Ancient loafthe Cells who luro vlved Roman Saxon and Dam hh Invaxlom BIBLE THOUGHT Sulmmlnu Inml inr Mmrn1015 1100 Im Isa Monllly llallnx or delnlln Samar 50mm Pluufll Edir Plan Mink mu 15 wn Crremurt Counrll 130 pm Munlrlpnl nmm lelll Snub Orfllll VI Mnnnnhl Qumul Park 700 pm Nuwmmkrl Vnrmu Qurcnn hill 15 an pm ll Nmmr Soth Slmcna Plnynlfn Ulnph VI New men lame Flr Ground MONDAV Mull Stnlor Sonhall Plnynfll Burl Plan VI Ed nr Mlncslng 645 pm 5mm Truc ovn Quccnl rm £230 pm Alllxlon Cunntll 100 pm 1mm Hull Swimmlnx Chum In women 1015 00 um llrd Cmu lmlruclnrl In chum Mm prolrnm or rhildren nrcompanylnl molhcu SUNDAY Aulull Church SHVICCI See Church Pun VI Hlllgresl and district SATURDAY AUGUST 11 To SATURDAY AUGUST TODAY SATURDAY AUGUST l7 THURSDAY Army Corp Celebrallun It Camp Borden Lmflu Softball PWSll Ilumlllnn v5 Juven flu Qucenl Plrk mo pm PWSU Trenton lllllcrcal Queens Park 130 pm 1an xnmo WEDNESDAY Mulull Ill Are you too heavy Do you eat too mucM 1111 alone can upset Iome slomuchs and many peopla ea loo much because may let their nerves lake churn Are you mad ll your husbandl 0n Ihe out wlrh your neighbors Do children uprcl youl Do peopla pick on you Do you eel out 01 things A13 yauborqdf Your reference In Immun hm or wmelhlnz or Ihe nerves conveyl to me ha Idol that one In mnybe all of doctor you haw been consult lrlm have com to thin conclu nu There an vhyslcal mm or every solllnry one the ner vous reflexes that Ive men tioned But when camp lest Ilmlnlnnte phyllul causes whats left Tension on we lcinll It psychosomallc disor your lomach all right until aller you get up In ha morning and here an no ul tm all slums delcctahle trill and upon but you In lame Irritable warrled appre hensive or whalhavyou Its rather good evidence um crves In the cause luv been checked or all Itnnes ulcer Ind other things and all mu nexuliva here some human other than lust taking lranuulllmn or lolngthlnl for the nurml Nervous tenulomwmulhz per El met In minus wyl Same ave headaches tome hm up xtemachs some break out wnh hives Iome Iwnt nom zet blekache llrom muscular tension toms too much mme devalnp odd breathing 11 could go pn and on leurn nervous nwmlch It Isnt lha domlch thll nervoul n1 you ay JOSEPH MOWER Deu Dr Miner 15 than web minus nervoumomA lCh1 When In In thé mam ng Im Ina but In lbw an hour bezln lo at 1an naulen have been to leverii doc tanMR8 TO GOOD HEALTH Tm deem uralch lhI lur Many Causes For Nervous Tension To lll mnu nprn Ia ha mm public mamer by c9mmumly ornnlmxlum con lm Hu Communny Calendar Eduor Thu Bu Elnmlncrl Senior Mlllmll Plnynlla Tmclure VI Slw pm Qurrnl PM Angul Hururulluul Sockly mmul 1mm ahow Anlul Unlled church bmmenL slnyner Horticultural Socky Ihow Swimmlnx Clam or 0mm mu am See Mnndny Ilsllnu or dclnlls Adiri Sollball Munnrch orlllln HS pm Orlllll Barrle llorflrullural Soder Tour Canndlun Nllional Exhiblflon Flourr and Hum Dly Take lunch 1mm or home II no pm Swlmmlnz Clams for women 1045 11m 18¢ Monday Hating or dclnilm Ludch Sunbnfl Vernon Nwmnrkct 04 pm Newmnrknl SATURDMZ mm THURSDAY Aflluxl ll FRIDAY Aulull PUSH EDUCATION There are 5000000 pupil In Romanian lchools lnclndlng 100000 universky student com pared to 26000 in ma Lell tall spade spade You need lo lose some velzhl Few ol us have perfect llzureh The lhlghx and much are nalural am or In depoalllnn Total wolxhl mducllon Is your only recourse Rezlonal wclghl reducllon hard lo Ichleve but any loss wlll luwcr he dimer lion your thlgha and nbdov men iace oi the list oi signs that along wlth nervous tenaiun But it any at these tits Id Inspect that finding on Inswur to your tensions might lead to treaty llie Your stomach will cam oi itaelll Qult mnninx from one docto to another Choose any good one and stay with hlm hanr quiltzera may help you dont expectthorn to do toomuchr Sometimes and perhaps often your treatment may ha mostly conversation with your doctor But take lt seriouslyr Every emotional trouble on are taught to recognise wi be at step forward It few steps or ward and youll be able to ml that you are making proxreui Den Dr Mnlnm Does 19119 no anemia havu Inythlnl to do with leukemm have hurfl dlflexjen versionMRS Strictly peaklnm no AplasZ 21c nncmln mun lhnt the on mallnn blood cell has been depressed usually due to soma logic The dmerent version you have heard Ira probably qulka understandable thnuzh For ci nmpla has bane mponed hub poisons such as hcnzol can cause blood coudlllon resem hing mu nn related lo lcu kamll Dnr Dr Molner have an ces an my lhlgha and slum nch Exercise each day bu Its not helping at LL No matter how hard try to hold my slow Ich In meml always bulga lamewhera elmA ll Annual flow at am at Mm $4

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