iButts Winds Up iHis Testimony By MURRAY ROSE Alloelmd Pml Spam erm Mlckey Mantle and Tony Kn bek In benchcd with uni mu hla Ind nonu Mull has am hand Youd think New York Yanluu would raula Ilonfl Ilka ul wlllmut lwo Imm wheels uSa Jnlmny Blanchard Min No home runmnelndinnnm In nlnl mud Ilnmmer and drive In six runs Hec Lopez and Phil Um uch hlnl douhlc Ind two Ilnglu Thn IubslIIuIe wlnd up wllh mm eIght hltn and eight mnn halted In dannx In hlm Bolton Red So Thun dly IIed Snx would IIke to dump Blanchrd In the Chulu River Thn catcherII baseman nuIIIeIdar ullIIIy hand duunl III or nverage In Bnnnnl Fen ny Park but when ha duu connect lhu ml at In anul IIInslIngl IhInk Ive onIy had an II In IIIIs pnrk In my 2mm en reer Ind VI them hnvn bun humm uld Blanchnrd am he wrecked Sax HI mollu Jnhmnnl rm wlnnlu homer fur Muller lollund bun llnfll Ivy Jun PI nllnnn 11 um ol nnn lllarhmm nho uIIImI Ilnmr Al lehnnld In Hu mm ATLANTA Willy Bum Inrmer 6mm toothll conch ended lesllmony In hll 0000000 llhel lull wllh Ial tmn decllrlllnn In ha hid old Ihl lrulh In dmylng Kame rlnlnz churn by Unlled Empmunml ClnIInl Irxumenlu by Allan nay hula lodly with ma can ncheduled In to he lury 113nm Bull wn mulled briefly Thurthy Ind um ha hnd Md Lhc rum glad Wlnn victory om ro Iumbu Jrll In Ihl Inlumlluml Lulu Thumll Mth LI lander mu Mum wtnl lhl dhunco lor Hm Wlnn My mm on Io uan ï¬lm In lho nunlmn dlvlllnn hrhlml Synqu Thlth Syucnu lllpurd mnllwrn ll vlllan lullrr lmllnnwulln Inlll AM whllo Mllnln lmlm pull rum mu In dium by lmunrinl Avkunm Tlmrlm IIT llullnln Nlum nllml rmnnln anln Lull Ind llkhmnmll duulxlrlmvler Fl fluhnnvllla unrrllul b9 IIWIHII Ayuwld lormu Alh Ieflc dlmlnr II Gennll med flu publisharl of H13 Salurd Evanlnzv Im becnula In uld hl led Gmrlll lum uch to condu Paul Bur Brynn Allymg Po Illexcd Bulk and Bryan lined and llxed tho 1061 GEOIKII Alabama um whlch Albaml wan 50 Th conclullon nvldcnu um nine dlyl In Ihl lrlnl opened nulrlylaur wilnum lndudlnu univmlly pm damnl llv tlxllmnn mm Ilch quickly mnvtd nr dlmlzd vmflru Ind Nu mm on Wm promptly denied by Jude Lew Marlm l1 1m AMDCIATED TRIM nan Iahnlnn Inlnnnlnl lnHIXd pllttmwl nï¬wl leun hum mn lath anlnl lo llvlflnrhultr lled 10 PREPARE CHARGE 11 mm mm wmum Mhrodtr Jr lulu Illornay la Ruble Ernlo WM the 0mm nmuh Rider more on Myard run mm Blanchard Belts Two Homers For Yankees Red Wings Move Into 2nd Place Mimi blumd deu th lmlh Ilr ha WHITE SCORES FIRST TOUCHDOWN Man correct the Iva harm on our wnn gun Johnnyl slammer mm In Yanks llvrrun lrxl 1n nlng all Earl Wilsnn wlth that cushion Sun willlaml won MI mand IhllgM mutezoan job wllh llxhllllh includan Dick Smurf mh hnmlr The victory Increaszd YankI lead la Imus over ha Idle Chlcuu Whle Sax whn now Had lha Iurglnx Minneson Twin hm onohll uml bIA hlnd in third place Nlm crushed the Iourlh pllca Baltimore Orioles 1N1 Dclmit Tiger walloped Kansas Cily Alhlellu 111 and Washlnx Ion Senatora eked an 51 wln ovur Lo Angela Anlall JImmy Hull Nlnl candl dala Ior nonklo the Yur Ilnmmed three hlLI Includln hls ml hum run and drove In Iiv runs In lha mu Orioles MInnmuI Ln Sung went all the way on nInehlller and ulna alrlkeoulu lo boast hll ord to 61 Dan Mlncher Ind Bob Alllaon Ilsa homered Ior HALL 1101 Precedinz Buns lo Iho mud WA Dr Funk Rose pm dent of lhu Unlvenlky of MI hlml who wnl qunuuned about mm he had wrlum Dr Aderhnld Unhmlly Gegrflil prusidcnl Krepm chlrn In tha my on ll contentlon um lullmouy about nmbllul or nlleled hm Hill by Km num rlands be excluded In the Much letter non nld Bryant cl Inlormnlinn About Georgia loothlll Play lmm Bqlu Thus wan lech My Ieller was my but lay manl lnltrprclallon Whl Ihguzh go lrygnt Iqld ml Ran lmlmd Dryn uld lmldv lnlurmallm on Ge mm from mm but mu he Mlhlml cnlch wu trying In lnlerpremlum of rum Applying to deremlva Ic Ilu nun Ave my ml Gmrglu mm In 5le Itlcphnnl ull him 11 brim ho me pllrhm II hlll In mmpllll Humum mu Mrr Ar hnm Jnhnny Km nrunlrd Ml lnunh cnnmullvl vlrlnry hm Mele hflp lmm Huh llum phuyl alli MI hlihll JIh homer ll your lur Tnv alert CIIIHHLIY All Null Chlllltr lhm run Immer In Ilw Illh helped Kyu nm In ll Irlnry ovrr lmllnn mullL Iulnlry nln Iruw In hlrh llul um mm Ilnnlr ln IhI llnl nml lrlleI and now In HI mrnlh ml lumnl Hnl nya lvlplv lnrllm uulhll Wm lot but mu flmulu tlnulvla vluyl ml Ihlul lndllnupnlm rnl In Cull Andmnn nlm Inn rmlnlrd lvr Hullalnl in vklarlu hnllul on Tornnlo winning nlmk nlnlh mum at Ilw uuuu rumrxll mn MK harmr or In an Iml lho luv Mm lulu Ilunthrra Alum lhll drnu hnmo mm In an Illlh mlmmnn against an Mon Iren Aloueues inst nlzht In Ottawa Whllol Mora came Ild In no Inltndtd II enl datuman but wu In Illempl lo envoy Adtrhold mt Ihm MI nov lhlnl unele exchlnxcd by Man DJ Cuitn Puhllnhlnl Com lnny lnlmducud mm In ov In lullporl jl mlhll Tlgcll wallnpcd starterlaser chgn Sezul Blll Fischer and Tom Slurdlvanl nr 15 hlls 1w cludlluz thrca apiece by Bill Bru lon Don Wm Ind Dick Mc Aulme Slx AlIIKIEI walk and an error produced seven runs in Iha fnunh innlnu and made flu day breeze or Hank Aguirre 1111 Axulm welded tight hlls Ed Roebuck mm In Senn torn by Dndgcn came back Ln Angela and collected re llcf victory on aoIo four in nan mm Ha lava up our hllu and Inlued the lrlumrh when Senators broke to In tho eluhlh an plncMImm Larry homuI hlnop double an Inlleld out and chk Phllllpl fly Ron Kllne held Angel In the Inn two innlnzl lwlns Wu No or Min chcr Ind No 28 or Allison AB PH Groal StL as 150 314 Clcmcnle Pa 131 an Pinion Cin 97 153 328 Schultz Phi 67 15 327 Davl LA 39l 51 121 32 Ru Aaron Milwaukeg 90 Runl Butled lnAlron 100 IllGrout 156 DonnaGrant 35 rrlplnYlnsnn 13 llama ImuHIcCauy San Francllca IL nun nmd loSlunn Bur Ian as llmYulmmlkl Ill DouthYmmmlkl 3L nlylu Vunllcs Minn Inln Ind Hinton Wuhinllnn ll By ASSOCIATED PRESS Smith BIeIWilll Lol An 935716 PliEhlniPcrranuskl Lol An gel 122 lulu iii Ymrmlkl Bo Knllne Du Rollins Mln Punon LA Mnlxone Homo rum5mm lo Eloltn nunAplrlcln BIL 190th suhlrhewun llonxhrldrr lclory our lllmlllnn Tint Clll Thundny It Rain In an lnlrrlocklnl Canadlln Football Conlcrrnu urn5 had Int Iecl on lhu Vuum Contannu Imrlnl um ruin Whllnhouu In klckod III lull Inertml lolnl In Ilht uhllu Ill und Mutln rM Moved lhc run Mlh hll Iuo wlnnlnl lin xlu nunLKRilie Aillmn Milli Ioln lrgsh New York Il Cnlcmnn Krmpl nc Ilnhlnmn Dillard Flonllnl ILC Hum DC FunInn Vhllrlmum on the Eldera in mm of play In tha Kim Photn No Changes In WFC Race By THE CANADIAN PR Tho ludmx rikgouï¬Koulu In An Fallon 11 BALI LEADERS lenulllnl Dimple Fm Elnmml FIIEE PICKUP AND DELIVEIW Phanl IA lIO Mmmt thnlmlnl II 0m nun Mu Nol Junl ll llnn UPHOLSTERING ANTIDUI AND MODERN WORK nnAnnmn Amrrlun Lulu PCL mkl Do 473 71 All Del N0 In an 61 HI LA 436 60 130 mu Nuthnl Lung BAY CITY THE Ill 311 REGINA CPlNo younl Ileu hm rmdu lhu me loolblll conch happy for Bob Shaw Sukllchewnn Rauh rider In thl non When lhu ma Clnldhn Foot bnll Lune louon beflan Shaw Iuzenlly needed lullblck Ind punler Rookie fullhlck 6mm Heed Ind Cnnndlnn end Mnrun Flbl no In hlva ï¬lled the bill Flbl husky 2Wan Thomas om nlllve proved hlmlel Thurldly when he raunded out two myrd punt UIl Hull nlno minute to live Rnulhrldm upm vmnry over Hamilton New In In lnlerlucklnl um balmo H609 tundreuched tuna The mull xhol Suknlchewln Into llrnlpllco tlo with Idll 110 Lion and Calgary Sum padm in In Western Conten enco mama Rider hm lwo vlclarlu In three mm whlln both Linn Ind Stumped won their tint two yum THE HAIR lEXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST ll SH lhl doll let Hlmlllon deldlocked for ï¬rst with 01pr Ruulh Rider Ind Toronto Ar lenuh 1n the Eulorn Confer mu Toronto wan ILI flnl Illrl whlle Olllm which whipped Montreal Alnuelm 1114 TnIur day Ind Hamilton In 11 Toronto meet Edmomon Ev klmo In he Ilmnd interlock In nma ol ha mm mm It Edmonton PUNTING WIN GAME It Wu dilaml uule Rum and FIN punllnu spilled ghq dlglertpcg Don Sutherln Ihnl Hamlllon ahead so In lhn upenlnl uarler wllh myard Held non Rel Whilehousa draw Saskatchewan abreast with Myard Iield zeal in the second The erd quar ler was Icoreleaa and FabIa palr ol alnilea wrapped up lha gin In ha in la nlnul The me 1190 markedlhe debut In Sukllnhgwln unl lorm for qumzrbnck Ron LII clmr In OltIWI lulu lh In hm yen SAINT JOHN NE CF Bob Sllmplon 0mm In un qumlnl uyumld mumn hid in chance zolllnx Ilfa tlmo today to am the current Canadian amllcur loll chum lfnsnlp lournlmn an nlnmlc ol Ha mmpjlled ulna pm Illempls or yards and had two Interctpfld Riders Ilsa llhld 59 yard rushln in p11 ln up nlm um downs Sllmpunl uk wu lo ellml nm Nlck Wulntk of annnlo who knucked out Glry annn Kitchen Thundly Bolh Nlck Ind Gm wm unnlnl nr their mend llonll tillu Thu ï¬wo me had on yenr no London 01 whm Vulock drlenlad annn Iand Lu angnlnl rim It wu and vlclory Thunduy or the uyumld Wuhtk over hlI IIYQIrold chlllnnxer In llullnl bulllI that prnduced hung Web in an lhu Iron nine Ind lell Nlck ong hole lg ha good Bolh homl much but Wellock lull hi Illylnx powcr Ind won lhn holes wllh pm In lclnry WI emphulnd by hll lourundrrrpnr medal mm or ha playod Cuwnn wu on our 10M MICKOSKI Sllmplnn moved IIonI Ilrlu ally unnnllred with up wln In tho mornlnl aver Dive Muc Fnllnl nl EdmundIon NIL Ind polld Ind vlrlory uvu Nlcl Mlcknlkl olWlnnlm in llllmoqn ununvw 11M ellmlnlllon prowl QM cut laid mm In lho lwa mundl lell only In Amerlrnn conltndcr Tum Drl nrr II on Mlch wu nudn oul In lhu llnll Iul ynr by Ru mm South Mrlcn TAylnr nut du hnrdlnl hII NJ lhlllyr Thu WeslockCownn match In lhlrd round no he Ihow completely over lhu nlvenldu coum whlle Sllmpson wn plnd din ulonl tar lwa wllde urved wins mum Ionian Iormur Qutbec Imllrur plon Ind runnerup or mdlm luninr tlllo In 1959 up Ned Ihr urnI Vul Thuudly lnutllnr Dnul sllvch her ul Ca Ir In 11 In mid lhn um Ill Ivrn Lrnlrh Ihrn mm Ill 1an ll wllh hlrdlc Ml Ind up llu 15m to Slrmmrrl Mum nw runlulu hn uru hnlird Saskdtbhéwan 311 53 1de Victory Over Hamilton Club WeslockCowan Tilt Highlights 3rd Round 0M AM NA 0M ltpnln In All Maku VI lull HAROLD JORY MOTORS Aulhuln lulu To MWN TRIUMPH vmnmni nu pram mm PA IOIII MD Iï¬ï¬‚Vllffl Veleun Bernie Fllonly Ind hll undemudiuank Coun uno And Jun Zulucommend seven puer In Immpu or yard Ind Filmy Ill vls Um In our interception 0n lhI aruund TiurClll rulhed for 127 yards They had ulna In dawns OTTAWA OP 0mm Rough mam named to 31 toothll wln Thundly nlxhl over mt11y 1mg Mannell Alouem clgh um Ignt com la me until an mm mln ulgg Bylhen my oo Ii Slunl by ucond trouncln In two mrll Mnnlrul conch Jim Trlmbln wu anlemn Iner mrdl but uld III wunt loo downhearted right Th1 lgn ck Canadian flanker Whll flicker and Import hack ml White and Dava Thelen mred touch dnwna or Olnwa Moo Raclna kicked our convuu and an FNJW Both Monlrul touchdown camo In the lounh qulrur on pusu In the end zone by quarterback Stephens Funkck Don Curl Ind lull back Mm Pondn mhbed hem Bobby Jack Oliver klchd two converts Ounwl ran up 314 Ind In lhu In hall whlla the Alan ellu laundered All cauldnl Into an ouawn Ildl flald In the ï¬rst qulrler Ind got no further Ihln ha 0an 41 yard ling In tho qund wln mo Rlden into Ilralphcl In the Elxlern Football Conlmncc with Tub unto Argonnull Ind Hlmlllon luneL1 each will on VI 017 EBBY INJURED Monlml losfveurln mm Ted Elsby or 1m Ihm weeks with dhlocnled elbow Drnperl win wen Iqunl holll by caunu H0 eased put Bll Pl Ink wm mm In the mornlnl and holsled huulliul chip Ihn IL lllh In the lumen to preserve his onehnlo margin our Gordon hull of Sllnl Jnhn Bud Kennedy mother hamo duh mumher Ind In Mnltlml BOB SIMPSON IS HONORED Slï¬lpson pllyed II In mu pmiullonnl onlhnlL III with cm Icored iii Mn II ltiwu lhnn m3 mom by Vlrnll Wunlr Manual Alnueuu Innnunced Irv mcnl lnl Februlry lulu douqu mint nu rllhl um And dlllnuled hlp In ruck colllllon nur Mglll Onl pllyed on GR Cup II In ml and mo Ind pllced Hvu II on lh um um doul bllkllhl pllynr mImhtr of Can bukrlhlll mm In 1m Olym ic Damn ll NIL Ilnkl Fln Ind ll Ruuxh Rldm who ouullndlu umr will cut Ihort by cu Iccldlnl wu honored In hlllrflmi pru enlnllnn at tho OllIwIMonl ml Eulcrn anlhull Cnn mm tuna Thulldly nllht Barry OBrlen Ith Rld pmldcnt nrounnd Simmon with MI No 10 mum and $1000 band Innounced flu NV 70 wn helnl retired from lhl Oluwl llnwp mm Human Onl slmplon alwm on lho mull popular pllym or lhl mdm tlly II dormnn Ind own 1H uurmt Ottawa Racks Up Victory Over A18 OR 10 PIN ONLY hm LINI omm cm yum mm In alljunm nav lormlnl Call IM Iovil IARRII PLAIA Hgliday BO Were Fully Alr Cohdltioiea SNACK BAR 31 MIKE MIKET Mudled Im mm wnm Wobbly lefm Ilm Dmn pm vemu human when undnmlnnlm hm been in upoulzht much my chmu xrla klckln up us In San Francine Inll bid to VII curlod all on Ilrelcher um pinup 1n lhu second qunrler Mm inland wu cum mu buck Jon Polriar Men to ho mm with mlld tnncuuion two mlnulu helm um um Inded ye In expected pun in chhon who hid mm doun mm or 0mm uken out mlchvu through ha lhlrd nunlu lor mklu Tommy Lee nyurold HawHun Tin veteran Candim com pleled eight his pm lempu for yard and mu izrmlnded Ill ht Dunn Icob Lea lrled only two pnm om Hum good Ind on inm glad Skephem Uu Impound Unl veuily of Mlnnesoll product who Jolued lhI All In lemn handled mas lhl Monlrul llllllcklnl or In the punk déilflh Ind hld om Interceptor 1an in wit Buhhl Murrlolt recently ob lined 1mm New York Giants repllced Stephan briefly In Ihe laurm qulmr HI compleud bulh his pm llumpll or 26 I81 Blden lined Ml yndl plll In And 222 on the round whlll All mumred 205 kl lhn Ilrlnd on lhu ground But thu leII or manned Hm down to Ulllwnx la chiefly on lhl mouth fourlh qulmr Hr mm In which th prlcuclly uwned the foothill conlmder went to lwwxlu holu in tho thrd round balm Min oul Jo Fzrzumn nary down lour holu with In In so put on pressun Ind won at lhnzmh wllh an elnhlfnol hlrdlu putt Ken Alexandr Calnry winner am Ed Ron Suh loan and In lho mornlnl raund wiped out lhrwhnh deflcll 1n the Illemoon mar Chlrlu Ema Hllllu um with llvrhol wlnnlnl 1pm Wulock um out Nil murnlu round with ml wln ovur Don GIrdlner Vin couvor Com bull Ill urly lhmholn lud um ry nayrhuk ul hlnnlrul whn louxhl hurt to th lwo hnlu but autcumbld llnllly And FORMER PITCHEI KILLED FORT LAUDEIIDMJZ Fll ANA cur Alrutk and lllled lnrmer mljor lulu hlmmll vllrher Karl Drown nmrl du hi lrlnd lo nu down pmlnl mnlnrln Pollu hurled lhl drlvtr Enrl nlch ml Johmun wllh drlvln whllt nlnxlul¢d rucilm drlvlnx And Iullfll Ill arcldanl Drew Jontd Not Work Inhn In IND Lam hl pllrhtd lor ï¬t huh lhllndclphll mum and Clnclnnltl nedl Ileeper In Ihll loumlmenl IUH Ippurl In Her le hum Vlnmuvcr who won modnl honor In lhl unmylnl rlound nmdly or thlrd lmo Thursday Tlcehunt cllml nlltd Bill thnp Sllnl John Ind Ind llrrd lo pm and flu blrdlu ll Blll Vlklhlm Vlttorln In lhc Afternoon or and win Hob Jlmlmn ol Huber nuxh delealod lwo Amerlclnl Jlmluun ll Ihumed nu Wll ler Sllhl Cllrzllnd Ind lhl mamlnl Ind broh loan or wlnl ll mh Hill and 1m In hi Illnrnonn lo dd HIVIrIUck ol Llnmm up Jim Davenport Paces Giants To Win In NL PA 457 Ind out the Hueup be an MI wuk lul Diven port plnyAd key roluln victory over Clnclnnul Red Thursdny vnlnhl um um um Iecnndplm Gllnh rInM an the lunch at lhe trontnmnlnx Lou Angola pqdup DI nparl who llroked lhru hill or flu Ilnllh hlh In two nmu lemd out kuy bum Ilngla 1n the mm Inninl to my nix xolnx Halon Wu over ml Mm had mom dock lwwmn slnlll Ind Elï¬nu had our rum and um Thu lrlumph left Gllnll lhm nmu behind Lu Angelo Dadzen who ulln lu perlltlvu relic won by Ron Pernnolkl in 75 dcchlon over Mllwlukeu Brlvur hll Hamlon Colu drop third plm 5L 14ml Cu hula Hvu gum Inhlnd with vlmry ulll on Jehn Bllemlnl lhm run homlr Phllldllphll Phil llu look flnh plm mm Chl uzo Cub by edrlnx Cubs and Plluburzh Plum wallowd N03 Yurk Mm Davenport med out rl II In lhl ï¬rst bu out In lnlle hll In hr third Hun hid down hi period hunt In the mm to land thu ham Iller levl Kuennl Ilnxlu had Accoume or G1 Inll um run Red mrtu Jo Nuxhnll Ipplunlly upm hll Wllll McCovoy with pitch In am In run helm Mm wrappcd wllh hll thnl Ihmulhlh0tp Now In Nuxhnll Ind nun Into an lnA nlnx wilh lud provided by VA Plnwnl homlr lick Sinford whn squlnd hl ord 1111 with our lnninu Nuw York Chlclio Mlnnuoll Enlumm Clovelnnd Boslun lax Anulu Delmll Kunm City Wuhlnnon Lou Anulu Mllwmkeo Pillnburlh New York Chlcuo Phldnlphll Haunlml EL Mil San Funclm Cmclmunl Tom lnblilu Pllchlrl 1m Antelu lodm uw New York Cull 1110 Phllldllphll Shorl Mn It Pillnhuuh Gibbon 13 llounlon Dmll Hi ll MH wlukae Hither HF San Funclm Mnrlrhnl um 93 ll 51 hull simmmu 1M hind3 Mum Now York 10 Batman Detroit ll Kuuu Guy Wuhlmon Anlekl Enlllmm Minute 13 Only nmu Ithtduled jodql Pll Delmll lamb MD ll 10 Angela Mcnrlda IN Blltlmon hlcNIlly II Ky Clly Pa Chvollnd Lllmnn 11 Bolton Heflnnr MD 5llllldlyl unme Delroll It Lon Anplu BAIllmoro ll Kin my thlnnon It Mlnnmu New York Chlcuo Clemmi Bolton Lon Anulu Sun Frlnchm Sl huh Clnclnnlu Philldllphll Chlcuo Pllhhullh Mllwnuku Hounon an York hlulo Elhwnrlh ll Ind Ilohhll ll ï¬ndnnlll Pur hy 15 AM hlurd Nu York Hmbuuh Chlcllu Zlntlnnlll llnullnn ll Mllwnuku 5m Pun II hull xelt Nuloml 143qu clum New York rm 110 cm c159 Pf ï¬ll TB CANADIAN PRESS Amerlul at Rgllmvlon ll now up hr 10 mhud mnor bowl Ing lugm Any ham pmom wishing to bowl pluu Ionlm Dol Dnrllnu PA lJlfl or 94 TEAMS MUST BE REGISTERED BY AUGUST T963 NIRAL MIIYINO THUR AUO BARRIE BOWLING ACADEMY IV threeinric lulu BASEBALL SCORES IIOISTIR NOW DONT BI LATI numnmnnuunnl unnuflflflflflflrl mmmmmmmmmmw nunuï¬hMtM Mall 70 591 ll DUNLOP lwnhll rellel work by Billy Hoe Hnefl ulmfled In run th eizhlh aller Tom Huller hammd lnr Gllnu In lhu lelh Bum knocked out Sandy Noun wllh ourrun nm In nlnxmm on Gena Ollvufl homerMm Dodger had used ank Howardl lwwun hunt to gel on In land In lln lop In lnnlnl Then In ll llllh will he INIlllld 55 Ddonra broke through on wlk Run Fllrlyl doubla lacrluce fly by Juhn Rosebam Ind Mnu WIlls unglu Per nnolkl l1 owed only on In lnulnu bomllnl hh rec 0rd to In autumn sinned Coll on In the IIuI InnInz whan ho lined III homer oI Ray Sndeckl lol Iuwlnu ErnIu Faun sing Ind wnlk In Ruxly Slauh SInqu by Fqu Butaman and Carl Warwlck Accounlod or Ihn other HousIon run In Iha mm Don Nnunhm lancd or humu hy Ken Bayer AIler ro tlrInz 1h 11m bumI nut Ihl vIclory wIIh HII Woodeshlckl ninth Innan nlIel help Num bm II 75 El Burlan homer Iva Cub 80 lud but Phllliu look Advanma In error by Ernh Bank to push luau our un mned run In In uvenlh In ninz tworun lrlpll by Tony Tylor lied 11 xer helm runproducing duublo by Johnny 11an won for Cal McUxh Pluln umer Don Cardle 11 behind 24 when appoan pllcher Gllen Clam ripped hlm or lwwrun ï¬nal 1n lhe lec ond lnnlnl but Cndwell In in In tho Iounh when In xtmked Iwnrun llnglo lhlt mugged 22 In Illd 11 Club In Eli xhowen Cnrdwell MIL lered 10 Mu In bflnxinl 11 rue 0rd to 1012 Syrmlu Rochelhr Bullllo Toronto Indllnlpoul Alllnu Arklull Cohlmbul Jacklunvlllu Nehméud nnndlyl lull Allnnu Arklnm Richmond mmuvlflu ppd mt round Rodmler Columbul Symuu Indllnlpolln lnmlo Bulmo FORT WILLIAM Ilh Inn Hrldley In been polnlvd pIylnxrcnuh Mn Pnrl Arthur numb lhn Thunder Buy Amalzur Senlor anhy Leuuu II In In nnunced Thundly Endlty who turned Lu Folnnn MI member of flu Btllevflle MrFrlnndx In IBM59 when Hill Ium won lhl wnrld hockay Ulla In Euro and mu mzmhlr an Arthur Bmlnl whrn they nplured Ull mmorhl 019 In mum played wllh Ilmhp Tuln Tlcaml Ind Suln jgr lo Joining MIMI ln Named Coach Bearcats Mum Gun Jnckwnvlllo Arhnnl Richmond ll AUInlI lndllnlpolll It Tomato Columbm ll mun Bullllo ll Roe 21hr PROMPT conrlmxl allrann ll llv en la In tho cunmnm ll lniernllhul bum Norman Mvhbn DANGIRFIILD MOTORS lepfllm MVllh Wk 13 wwwmm uuuun flnunuu