Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1963, p. 8

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iii Ilmo drlmlcd Inb KanIle numnxlnn Ind and nlmxl mum nruno Cumin wmnm by In nmo cnunl In tho othlr qulrlrrllnnl mundl Yuan rllmlmdrd ddrndlnl thnmphm Hob Inn anonlo and nllrr HumIn hockey alnlr Andy Dnlhnln Tamnln II dutulad Hod 10mm Tumulu and In MI openlnn mnlrh Ind allowed up WIN and lrlumph ovfl Kgn Hrnrdnol Tornuw ANIASTHIL Onl ICI Hob Innnliuk Ilnrrle And Sum You Toronto advanced lnla lhl Unlnrla numnnl 101 pm mlonnl ml with qunrlcrllnn nml umHlnnl vlrlorlu Thun dny 11m llllc will In Lluldtd ll Tom110 Ann 30 All wtro undtlcnfld Iflcr our round of play Thunday and all had work lhrlr way up through Held of no other TORONTO CPDTho tlxhl tum zoln lnlo odnyl llnul Ihm round pnlrl trophy compelluon ha Ontario howllnu loumummt hm mnking dllfleull to cream likely wlnncr FROM HERE THERE Theres still nothing new on the local hockey scene although from reports reaching here there are couple of plans in eration Perhaps something will break next week lontreal Alouettes are having their troubles in the Eastern Football Conference For club named as the team to beat this season theyre off to poor start Wonder why Barrie Plazas Jack Vstr wasnt dressed for last nights game in Ed art Jack pitcher sat on the bench Seems to lot 01 interest in the proposed AllStar game between George Mtles team and this corners selection George says hes ready and has the lawn mower ready for me told him Id mow the outfield of his Minesin ball dlamund my team lost The Ladies Soltbal League swings into semiiinal action next htesday when Ortliiu meets Monarchs and Newmarket takes on Vareoes This ll doubleheader at Queens Park Next lhursds Varcoes travel to Newmarket while on Friday 0111 hosts Monarchs Sunda at the Vesper Valley Golf Club tournament is be ng staged for all resent and past senior soitball players Leuguean team offlclals wlll also be In on the tournament and rev erel grim wlll be glven away The ballot are out for Most Valuable Player award tn the Senlor Soft ball League Ell lble to vote ere team managers coaches and capln ns They are not permuted to vote or member of thclr own team Also ell lblo are executlvu members with the exceptlon lll Rny craft who has elected to vote as hls teame Stewarts coach and also umplrcs The results at the ballot lng wlll be known Aug 30 Bob Panasiuk Beaches Final Eight Teams Undefeated Plants saldhe had read different newspapers with different salaries quoted read In on paper that the figure was 822500 gagioglflte think Ill keep the newspaper that said ACCORDING TO STORY which came over the CP wire the other day New Yorkers are wondering Plants will take Worsleya spot as the team wit Seems Piante while in New York to sign his con tract was asked if tha figure of $23000 was correct for his salary Another reporter asked on different sum that he heard which was closer to $24000 believe New York will he the most improved club in the league Coach Red Sullivan doesnt hesitate to predict playoff sfot for Rangers this season and hes gutting lot of Ia th in Plante Goyette and Marshall was overjoyed with the trade and with just cause Detroit Red Wings with several youngsters and the class Gordie Howe could be tough and Chicago Back Hawks are always dangerous Boston Bruins dont appear to pose any serious threat New York Rangers with the addition of Jacques Plante Phii Goyette and Don Marshall should be stronger believe Montreal will be weakened by this trade as no one can convince me that Plants didnt keep them as close to the top as they were last sea son Dont expect any better ram Gump Worsiay TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS defending champs will be aiter their third straight Stanley Cut but they ahould have tough road ahead It wasn any walk away for them the Past two years and this season shouldnt be any dit erent By RICK FRASER Examiner Sport Editor Hockey is starting to creep into the sports pafca these days what with summer schools coach ng schools and other activities going on it makes us sit up and take notice that another summer is on the way out and it wont be ionf before the National Hockey League clubs open ial training camps Thats the time when youn rookies pull out all the stops in an effort to oust oldtlmera and tha veterans dig deep lnto their bag tricks to tame the youngsters Its an important stage of the season Irnizflnml EXAMINER mmAY wausr Jarmi CENIRM TAXI mm liqInd rm SPORT AT GtANCE Hpckey Stafling To Enter Scene mum Nan Ponumll Dodzm nllwed unly on Ml In Inning ol nllel work rmllcllnx Nullannl Mum udm II ltlumph nvrr Mll nukn loved noalnn 1M llulllnl John munchnrd Ynnkm cracked mmd mun homer Ind lwomn harmr Amgrluylulun lrldm wal Ammu prevlo undtlallrd min who wu oullcd lhl third round wm Gard Wnlkln lkllevlllo Emu Dnlzurnu nl Owen Sound And Gold MIC Millnn nl Olhnwl BI Tl lhn Onlnrlo pnlrl chum lonl Ikl Joe Domh Ind In My nc do 01 WIlcrloo 1H In lhl third mund Honk Toranl Jlm WIIHII of London 0n Earl Albertina Slmuvllle Im Wm of 01 tnwn Adam 01 Whllhy Clark of Henmlvlllc and Jlm Grnlnztr IUrhmnnd Hill By llxo end Hum mundl ol pIny Thundly moral Why Margin gain ad bun wlndm hi Wudnudny nlzhL Tho Alberlmn pnlr delenled ll1n inngo plnlrl ghnmplgnl pal norm of lhem flu but In I19 Suhlvhiu were mm 11 pod 1y IL gnrdlnurnndr arm ellmlnnlca lncludlng gull Mp anqlmuy qud STEVENSONS BELL STARS DUNLOP AMOCMTED PIIPM kawu look lend WM two rum III the Ihlrd and they Inked ho verdict nwuy wllh ourrun lwrlh innihg Ono the xnmot hlnhlluhu mu trlpla nluy pulled on by Clnmon In tho lop nov tnlh when Conp at lhelr In we butler on bnso Cow grabbed 30 land in lha lacond inning nnd lclt ho bases loaded Clufluon turns right back In heir hall or the Inning Icon two runs on Durnlordl tworun homcn Coopl Hnnl nm cum 1n ha lxlh 0mm bannd out an even dnlcn hlu oil the wo Coop hurlcra nlmbull nlded hll own can by helllnl two In cluding double Durnlord hnd highlon Smith unrltd Ior C0471 but Lu Jolllfla cam on in lha ucond Veteran hike Nmbull went the dmuncu to take the via Iory He stunned Coop with ulreethltler and had only one bad lnnlnzdu second Clarksan Halal cellar dwell ers In tho Inmnncdim Son mu Lem kept their slim playall hope allvo 1m high at Queenl Park when they dumped ucond piece Slmcoo Coop Omluon Ipotled 0001 Ind then came back alrongly In the scam third and lounh frames to post Ibo victory LONDON TRIP POE LISTON Edgar Torry Easlhom look the ills wllh 393 mmk belt in out 21 lull In limes bat He we followed by team mate Chuck Blanchnld who had 28 bill In 79 official trips or 351 mark Elmvalul Dan Mcflugh lulled by duh llmcs bat to capturl the Senlm Softball Lculua hat Ing championship Thu Elm vule pitcherImlelder had llmm at bat noedcd 45 and wound up with slzzllng 459 averpze 11H flrllllh publlu will Ionl mm lhn uppnrlu nlty of mlnu ho world rhumplnn box our man mumll Hum Amrrlnm Iprc Inlan luvn donu In IN HEM chrne InM Juan wlll hrlnz Ml own Ipmlnl Mlnm Ila wlll my In Wain nlmul lhru urrhl Iml uper In urnvindl LONDON MP flnxlni promolnr Hurry Mvrno dd merulny Hut Ronny lelnn world hrnvywrlxh champion will box Hum round unlmt lwn innnlnl rnrlnm Al Inndnnn Wrm vley Indoor Ilndlum Sept It lm coal mt mumy lo hrinu om hm uhL Clarkson Downs Coop Squad 84 13 his Gel and Country Clubprfilusnlonai Frank Vyse Ix pictured above presenting the 0111 Brown tromy to Da PA MN Easthom Cops Batting Title With 393 Mark VCAPTURES CLIFF BROWN TROPHY In an Dan Jolmunn mm nll Hm may lor llw wlmm and lumnl In lehflm Ila WM In lrm Ma only mm In mu mlnl Imn Tuumhnm cum him Mr Imll er le hm and Imlh lhrlr human not In lulur down on Illlhl Mur Imnzlng out our hlln In In Hm frnmo Mnrmw held Thornton la hm hm om ner lll Inning nmrnlan wruer llmo llma kl sewn in Tomalum Ilarlcr Cuwlty Thuy dmnd hlm In the openlnl Irnmn lllh lluelr llvornm harm and mm llvormn him randy Mirth turn on lnkp our he plldr In dngI llvcnm In inning was 111 nwrnhm named dump To lcnhnm and pub load In their bratcum South Slm Damn Loam mnlllnnl mlu In night It Imlcnhnm Third game In In for Mom an lnmormw Wlarlan mired two runs In Ihu lolh inning to edge Elm vnla and Is their butol Ihm Inlermrdlnta DASA plnydawn min The Kama played at Wlnrlon Wndmdny law the teams 1le pair run in he llm In nan than play lhrouzh duh Icorelm Innlngu to End he lain lnlo exfln innlnxna Elmvnla not nm In um top lha loth but Vlnrlan cnmu bank will lwo In Ihclr hull of thajrargq to like Ilno unme Lea whom and Brown Wm Ian national on Ihe mound Dclcourl turned In llvehlller whlIs Brawn htld Elmvnln Io only lhm hlll dmtbla lo go with his homer mum checked In with Ilngle and double and Jardlna had palrpl tingle an mm In on mum Izuleu double by Lclrhton Barrie Plnzal pride and Joy Corby Adams was he only other league batter to go over the 300 mark having 311 av crgze FirstInning Rally Gives Thornton Wi Truelovel Pnl Wanamaker placed thhd 1n Iha hulllng race with an uven 333 mark and Stgwnrll Armxronz brothers Dome and Jim llnlshcd fourth and fifth with 318 and 375 ppcclivg total of 45 me at bat mg necdcq loqualll Elmvale In 32 Defeat vId Ghnppcll alter din Iallcr topped field 51 cullIns In the annual junlm taunmmcnl held at the club yesterday Chnppoll carded Ml ll over lidfindlnz nut top 10 are VALUE VIAU VIAU MOTORS 11 um Ill numm ll FOR Win Elmnll Mtnnuh Lm Holcoufl Valllrk llrynnldl nxrnrr IL Ornhnm Turnrr Blane Lou Hme llmml ankrom Cnmphtll Elbbnhl ob ammo lmchlu Truclovu Vunnmnkct Think Bundle Owen Adams Win Downcy Ven annLy mu Adam Tracy McCann Valr Barron McCallum MncLeod Jackwn Hunter ll Armstrong Amutronz Martin McCloskzy FnIcaner Marley Edwnrdl Follawinz the temple averages compiled and released by leagua secretary Darlqn Parker Ar Martin Stewart ng Enrlu Morris Edgar 291 Gary Thhsk Trnclove 271 Pete McCIoskey Slewartl 268 and Leo Belcoun Elmvnle 157 Eler an Ruwn huth Dykelrn Chappcl llcndcrson Utah imi 18 holes to 0th three strokes ahead runner up David Young Doug Smith llnlshml thlrd with 55 Examiner PM to EAGLES BRAND NEW Rug $675 3535 KINGSTON RD SCARBOROUQI 266 90l Plan gtewnfll Mums Iiian Marlin SALE All 7B l7 21 Ml $53 Ml Avl Avl 317 167 154 111 100 170 lfll 11 105 M5 157 It wu lhu mm mm In the other game ChrIsIIan Re loaned not 01 to flyInK Ilnn wIIh lhm tun In and of me first two InnIny 11w mred In every Innlna thqy lullch In In hlnI Men In he outh Ind rIIlch Inr III In in IIIIII Undefeated Shani Hay racked up Ihclr lath Ilralz win In the Church Sailan League Ian nlghl II Shur Park when they dawn ed Emanuel mu In another leagun game Codrlnzlon mrlallm donned blunted Eu Ilond 1H Sh lyAIJay waslcd no llml Ihowl Emmanuel Bapllu who wax ban hey flaxled wIlh aur mm In the int lddcd out morn nanln In the lhIrd mad men In In fourth And one In he Ilflh The wlnnm band an 17 hill Including homer by Simp wn and Cockbum WAyna Kloallermm Wll Iha wlnnlnu hurler holdlnz Em Road to Ihm Mu Judyixennedy wu the winning pl Mm Lou Bishop was Varcaeu Italted Iiawiy with linzla mm in Ihe iiral ihird and ililh inning but closed out with our run in the uvenih two in the eighth and an in the ninth moundInning mndhlam ho mer by Pam Bird netted um winner on that way They Icar ed on mare In the thlrd seven In thu fourth Ind one in the 1th Hillcml Monarch neared 1510 victnry over Vlrcm last nlghl Quecn Park In La digs Sollhfll League cyngestu Knapp let Plaza down in or der In th third launh Ind Iflh but Gary Hines opened the mm with triple and Wen Downcy drove him In wllh uncritic ll lg rlghtfiefi Plaza secondpiece finisher In Illa fiveteam league thump ed out 10 hits They chased Ed gar starter Ralph Knapp with ewun ggvenlh Iquigg brother and battery male Win anney blasted sacrum fly in the secnnd Inning In score Cathy Adam And lend Pym mm lead 1n he lelll Jlm Fran started um lnnlng with single Knapp gal Harm to pop out And Wln Downey fllcd out to unite Ed Donnelly followed and singled Shanty Bay In 15th Win in one metal from the second to ihe leventh innluzu Downey retired 16 balicn in row He then walked Del Peck and no the next inm beiore waikin Morris io upenlhe ninth Mon ris advanced to third an iwo wild pitches than Blanchard wni iaped triple in cenlre to score Mandi lllzhlllander Wen Downey was wllhln one out of hurllnz two hll Ihuloul over RCA Edgar last nlnht at Edgar but wound up with threeMiter and 41 victory name Plaza captur lhu npener al belellve Senlor Softball League ulel nal urlu Downuy gave up single In the first two Innings then didnt I14 low hit until Chuck Blanchard tripled In the bottom the ninth with Earle Morris on to account Varcoes Bow To Monarchs DofWfiév Leases Shutdfifi In 9th Plaza Wins 41 CRYSTAL GIN Iwmus full gln flavour for glarlom roulm Mammalmm from Imported bounka Ilm the rum bllma to cum DIN lull In nnvour fut km cool villus ml Imh ndflf number In kller nunlnk lllnm Wilkul 0mm Oln It bkndl Imuumfly IIIMM WALKER SONS mell Wham cum Dmuunuon mu Ina yum Tun flu Ilamm smoriing Ihis mild will be tagemu maid ieaiurinx in always pleasing midgets That little guys are worth he price oi admission alone on hi curd Sky Low law and Irish Jacki team up In med Farmer Pm and Tiny Tim This will be the final appearance oi tho midget um season The openIEz bout will mald Stun Shasin and Billy Red Ly Lord Athol Dayton one most populnr wrestlers ever to perform here headline Mm day nights mulling card at the Barrie Arena Hell meet Sweet Daddy Slkl and Main fro the response when this ma was announced Arena manager We Album pre dieting the largest crowd at the season Glenn Adam hlt grnnndcr lo shortstop Del Peck who threw wild In first and Fran and Don nelly icored Adams scored when Hines singled to centre larJIlA Ihrd hll at the gum Th In lshcd Knapp Smnh was call ed nvcr mm first base to lake over the mound chnrel whlle 5min tnak Smiths ml at Smllh so Wen Downey on popup to end that Inning and go by the next wo frames with out any lroublc first Layton Siki To Headline Card Monday And lfiéel moral luvm to ALL mu Tlllln BL PA Ml SIMCOE MOTORS MECHANICAL SERVICE RAYS BODY SHOP Spcclnllflng ln BODY WORK FARMER PETE An added allractlon to Sat urdayo rennin promm oi stock car raclnu It Wang Speed way Wasaga Beach will in Ipecial wreckem or demolition race Thu in car Illll running in this event will be declued the winner Th1 pedacle xhnuld prov lo bl one of tha hlghllzhtl the lesson wisp lumman chnmyionshlp will be nu on Am summary 38 Hlncs Blanchard SH Cur tls SP Wen anney Win Dow ney WP Downey Knapp PB Blanchard DP Smllh Monk Barron Wln Downy Hlnu Adams LOB Plaza Edgar Campuu plate Knapp bases REAP Edlnr Mania Easlholm Cums cl Blanchard Foch Smllh II Knapp Gaynes ah Roy 11 Bnnle IInu Hines an Wen anney Martnrl Adams 53 Pratt Barron lb Vln Downey Tracy zb Donnelly 2b McCanu 1f Adams If totals Barrie Plazaom 001300 RCAF EdlurOOO 900 001 Special Race At Speedwayf AUTOMATIC DEIIVERIES hm HHqu Arampg Mlfimuuu ISANNEBI PA 82563 SIMCIIE PETROLEUM Pltchlnx summry lungs IRAM Maud mutate Room lavage QUEENS HOTEL Beulah VISIT ABRIHIBI

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