Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 Aug 1963, p. 4

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1m Infllm llrlmlully ml4 In lul mluuun Ufllru Unhmnl A6 7mm Ill wm nmu Illnl ml llml Emmi hnmum Mmm mldll lIMn Am TM Audll mu lllfllllllnm 1m Mlm Nlnulyu Tub In run lmlulv nullA Amwna mm um mu rm um nummmu mun m1 lnr pnmm n1 ynlhll In my nuly Mmlln m1 lululmy Ilnlldnyl mum mum nun rumqu Mum umm vmul my Mcrnuuw um mm nun nun mu union Amuqu Mum muun ININNIIJ rlm sulmxlmlnn vIn mm runv le Ily In sirqu cm 14 11 mm In 0mm um un nI rutum mu mam In mmuh an an In m1 panmu nu my Ill and Imm mm FINE EXAMPLE OF BROTHERHOOD Ollnwn Jmlrnnl From Valleyncld cnmcn story In xlmllmtlnn or rohulll SI Marks Am chn Church with othlrd the pew nl lhe mvlcu orcuplcd by Hnmnn Calho llcx Includan Monsignor leleux who loge Rlchnrd Tubman of 5mean lhlown from rnke whllo hnylng was all ally kicked and trampled horses Henry ODonnell Wu CW lllmbury ar mer killed when struck by llghlning 1n harvest field Capt Orok ar rlvcd home from France where he was on duty with Medical Corps Llcut Leslie Frost of Orlllla rpporlcll scr Inusly III in hospllfll In lInglnml Ilc Jones of Allnmlnle with the rall ry lllrsr Craig and son Willi had thrilling experience while returning from Toronto by motor While slowing up to enler old toll road south of Brad ford our masked men with revolvers stepped out of bushes and ordered stop The lad at the wheel ammed his loot on the accelerator and ear nir ly bounded forward leaving the men he hlnd but thef did not shoot The boy driver certain had both nerve and pres enee ol mind to meet the situation as he did In Middle School exams at Barrie Collegiate llal Creswieke secur ed his Entrance to Royll Millie Col lege Richard Tubman of Emvale Prime Minister Premier WAR DAYS 45 YEARS AGO Barrie Examiner Aug 1918 Bio graphical sketch of Ross new rrinclsul ol BCI lndlcatcd wide exper ence education and Iexpert in The two grovlnces concerned are Que bec and maria with only Ontario One of the remaining two described himself as Primo Minister and the other putting on even more dug wrnes under the style Prime Minlslcr and President of the Council 0f the 10 ansWers eight came on letterheads captioned by the word Premier or by legends embodying that word its hit interesting to note how the heads of the 10 provinces describe them selves on their official stationery On July 10 he tabled thelr replles in the House of Commons These re lies have since been printed 1n Hansar On May 15 Prime Minister Pearson wrote individually to the heads of the 10 provincial government inviting their opinions on his proposed royal commis sion on bicuiiuraiism Highlights of Alberta medical plan are reviewed by News Letter published by The Canadian Chamber of Commerce The plan provides ilnanclal contribu tions toward premium payments for those in defined income ievals The plan is sponsored by the government of Alberta and endorsed by the College of Physicians and Surgeons and is made available through the approved insur ance com antes in Alberta members of the Cans ian Health insurance Associa tion and MedicalServices Alberta ln corporated In large newspaper Ids which up ear ed on June 26 thalgovernmeni the Province of Alberta outlined the details of its plan which is aimed at providing prepayment medical plan governing the cost of medical surgical and ob sletrical services for all residents at Al berta regardless of health age or occu pallon Alberta launched tts medical care in eurance program on June 25 with un qualified supporttrom both doctors and insurance companies As some writers pointed out the harmonious triangle was ahar contrast to the bitter cross tre faced Saskatchewan government year ago when it Initiated ts compul sory program Alberta Medicare Plan 51 Has Unqualified Support The Barrie Examiner Willa Publisher Ch Examifipif Dublinl MIMI OTHER EDITORS VIEWS Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Rama Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Brian 511ml Genml Munm mum mount Is In Pull The lumen ho churchu mm that Christian unlly In the name on church In long way And yel amld many rv nrln of new mocinllon and un dmlaml up than may ho hnpa llut un Ion or uplrt II clmr than lhlnk lhn rcclor of SI Mnrks llcv John all Im come to he known In Fllhfl Jnhn nml our of his valued pomxxiom Iclrurmn from the Governor General nnllng nwmnrnhle manllululon hmllnn hrolhorhnml In Valluylluld Ind cxprrsslny Ion Vnnlur rnyer that St Marks will llvu In In on mnding mu mullnn of fraternal Inllh Ind Action lhe ostlnmlo In lhnl on per cent of Vallnyflulda puopln no FrenchCanadian Illlll Roman Catholic but they cnnlrlbuled 120000 to the rcslornllnn the Mg cnn Church rnzcd by fire in IDOL Froncllnpunklnx conlrnclor Raymond Immune lkl the rebuilding on mr pram mix and at tho lmllcnllnn xcrvlcv he nllnr wnn Idorncd by wllltu Chrysan lhcmllms he had null Imd mmlu plea from his own pulglll Hull Ills parlshlnnorn help restore Mnrkn roccsscilgolnizrdl ounded sol In huslen of En land and Franco lluxlablo Mind molor boat scrvlm bulwan Barrie Shanty lay and um um 1ng My Point way cor overseas reported ill Pte Gordon evils of Cookstown killed in ac tion He went overseas with the 157th Bn llerbert Jenneit has won the Croix de Guerre and promotion to ser geant Lieut Stanley it Johnston Barrie with the artillery reported wounded and fused in France Pte Clement Ether ngton 24 missing and be lieved to be killed in action Major Erie Pe ler awarded the 050 Four of his brothers have been in action In France one killed in 1015 Capt lerc Sarjeant arrived home tor tur loug with his parents Mr and Mrs Al bert lt Sarjeant ile had been with the Ilrltlsh medical service in Mesopotamia and Palestine and was with General Al lenhys forces when they took Jerusalem from the Turkish Arm Capt Dr Sar jeant expects to be ass gned to the west ern front on return overseas in list of Entrance students published last week name of Charles Douglas Stewart was in advertently omitted Slmcoe Canning Centre opened with everything mumrm Mr Down the practice has been generally accepted of referring to the head of the federabgovernment as the prime minister and the head of pro vlncial government as premier It is useful dlstlnctlon to preserve But where good taste and sound jud mm are leeklng it is doubtless perm slble to disregard the disllncuon There 15 however no stlpulation with regard to the titles of the rovincial gov ernment heads Seeming that ts left to the good taste and good judgment of the individual concerned There is sound authority for restrio lion the word Parliament to the na sembly which meets at Ottawa The British North America Act clearly sti pulates that there shall be one arlla men or Canada So that refer ng to the 10 provincial assemblies as parlia mghts lsla misusaof the word claiming the joint status of prime min istg andpresident It is interesting to note that it is not necessary to go into atateoperated compulsory scheme to assure benefits in the field of medical care As Dr Worrall spokesman for the Calgary Medical Association said One of the things we like about it is that the money ls being spent where it ls needed most It is to be hoped that the adoption of this and other plans across the country will demonstrate that there is no need for the federal government to step into this field the writer concludes The Alberta government will pay portion of the premium for those xesi dents in Alberta in the defined income levels resident to receive subsidy must he person who has resided in Al berta for 12 months of the preceding 24 months In brief Alberta residente whose taxable income is below the tax able level according to federal govern ment regulations will receive rovin cial government contribution an those whose taxable income is below $500 will benefit by about 50 er cent of the government contribution the first in stance The starting date or benefits under the Alberta Medical Plan wlll be Oct 1963 with enrolment commencing July 1963 belleer uni lmnlllul not In Iodn ulth Hwy mml than ulvnuou Ilu hm mun Int pl Mm llul ll um puh link pom ll hp Vol bill nthl mcnm fly 04 Iliummm I111 Aurlculnr Hhrillllon mqulul unlul Iurnh or flu me nd thrn luluhlv lnfllmrn but lonl ml modelmy ml llfl In mnnnnhlu uprcllllm lor mun wilh III lmuhl Aurlrulnr llhtllllllon hnw urr mum lhnl lhuo Im pulm lmlrnd ol mnlnlllnlnl nlulnrlly mm In In lmzulnr fluythm ma Iflwrdorly 1m pulm arm lrnm mumI nul IMI lho rxmper node 11 Ml ormln ylhm lmpuln lhn ob flclmcy ha burn mlon 1h huuu lb hem orlu lnnlu In Ipccill node In the uer urnliar humhm of the hum In mm Im pulu which normllly In my orderly and rrnllnr In In hurl bul ll nmdy BIBLE THOUGHT Dur Dr Molnen thl Ilmul librlllulm Bl Ibo hem You In relrrrlnl am me lo nurlmlnr llbrlllllan mull Iallon In upper chlmbm hurt Thu rtllrdrd thlld Ind IhIn may hu pnrllculurly lrua the monuolold ailerllonnla and mu nllecuon ntmznlxlnx MI Hmllnllom one lhlng Loving him Inulher You um lava him Jul mum Perhan mum Danl lry loyal the plum hops Rather they must nmpt luau and no lndulKI In wllhol uhich havu no chanca of war In lrue Such child unlm he can be brnughl up In pcrmmcnxly nhrllmd environment ll llkely to be happier Ian fruslrllcd In lml amonl other who are llh Mm relmod TM parenll muxl lhlnk cm fully about mm lhn chlld hould lo homo or re llrdcd childrenthk has or hlm mum they are In poaillon to lulu cure him lhemselvu whit Du Hecl mthl be mm are other hlldren Puulnl Mm in home don nix or uth nmd not Ind Ihould null mun Ihulllnl him out hair lives Visit the an frequent am lhu lyplul cumI Tho mum of monlollsm are both physical and menu In toms use name ll enough lo 11 In child mango laid nlhu limb appearance And behavior may be such that cum oblervu may not no lice Inylhlnz wryn bar derllnl use but Dr Molnen My year old mndson la borderline mongolokt The doctor lay the boy can be put In home or retarded children but my son Ind hl wile dont want that least not ycl If can xiv them any hope want to do It What do you Idvise Plum explnln mongolism MRS Monxollsm has been mud to the promm In um chm mnsoma In each cell and It evidently must be nmcm from me 11m conception mm MOLNEE TO GOOD HEALTH Careful Handling Retarded Child BRINGING HOME THE CATCH The railway ml rvrlmI 500 or In Sctlnlwlrk nlnflun For Um an Slunhae they wMtd 600 In Iplll ma M1 llml ll hm rm drinklnz filler no cloclrkily Ind no nlnlns mvlcu Mr maul Id Mulder III prln ll qullc opla mum home very nw prlctsY hy pmrnl dny Itnmlnnh When two miloru Sndxclard nnd Slnnhno on the North Norfolk colul were adver llaod loully or Inle morn than 101mm nwlled for them Then propane crrlllnly vmvldQ omnunlyu lor Amnny GHOST ARTIST IS GINHATER Whonovor ht wmu mm home 11 In In doA almn II In nnw lmun In mum our Imlllu In down link In nlhlu ha ul nhnd lhum TM harms out by Jan Mngulre who ha dlnlrld Mt Auneyur lwr nrllllh man way at Norwlm In him on books mare hm woo in qulrles mm Maple who no anxiaul to buy them hulldlngn Brllhh Rallwny lo clue down many IL brunch HM and over 1300 Ila xmnllor mil wny muon amused tome quay Ion as what would happen In all the small slnllom Ind rallway cmulnz mllnlu Ical ercd along lho qu whlch Are to be dlmonllnued British Ilullwnyl hnmver do no mm hum Any worries About d15 pminx or those pmpcflfbs The old nHwny Milan and tuna xu whlch It appears can quite tnxlly he lurmd Into tomiorl Able homu Ara in Inn de mnnd REASONABLE PRICE 12m mm ho rolw hnuuu luv Mn lrmln wk on In dnulnl minor II nlluyl mnon drum pull of rel wllh urmw ba hun lhrm mlnllnl Iv null pollcv uld land lllenlwnllollu lu nlllullni urln ol lmuuhru Inn In Hi Im IIImqu lhrlr hunt for Ike phunmm lll who hnlu lln Naturally purl ha trut menl will be dlrecied lownrd canceling the underlying cause In addlllon direct help In lha heml um be given by drug tuch nsqlgilalhgr qulnld Depending on he leverily the us and progress rank mam sums guldnnca III how much phyllcal mlvily II llluw nhle may be Involved lam Ira toxic nil rheumnliu lever coronary disease heri beri vitamin deficiency liowaver almost any ailment whim ariecl the heart muscle if cause iibriiiaiian REPORT FROM ILK PQSDO 1m decision of ifuwnqnnpoy En ny nL McINTVflE noon Railways To Close Many Branch Linés Mr Ivnrmnl lrllrr hrlnl untried Ivy vrlmn dlplamm lmu II In AIMmm In polnl up Ihc hard millln llus tumM mm nlluullnn aml In Inflymlnl rel Inlk uhlxh lm hm mammal by Hu Mln Amrll nn Hunan llmlud nuzlul In 1m OTTAWA IIWJllml Ml lrr lnamn hu wrltlon lvl Imnlrr Khnummv mlmflnfl Mm Illmln wn Sunni lell War lnuu Iml uulnl rrnlmlr ullun on rm rrll lllmmumrnl pxumulc mm pun Mler Hvlnx near nllmy Milan yarn It num he BMchlnlu lmndu In III III Illl nulsoIlml hm Ilul III wlle Mn Page min on lhlnl In her lormrr lnllwny alumUm Iound llnlns 5M uld 0n man ulm lmx lurncd dlmxrd unllon Inln plan reurcmcnl mm Page former rallwny nlflclal whn hu mknn our Ihu 6mm Ormnhy Ilnllon In Norlnlk Mr Page who Hm LelnMon nuunrd med he Alnllon us holiday hom Ho hn furnrd ha book In own Into lounge he mm ufllcu and pothn mom Into bedroom and ma lump llylulcr mam lnu klmwn Mr lnno hm Iner nnlrn whrre rnllwny lrnck used In ha and he rims lo bulld lemmlng poo bdwnn the Madman Thu lop hull lho IIMDI In In mam Ind UII ballom Iml nnna 5AM Mr Paw onwmn Hm Ilnllnn luu nhrn me ml lullml In llrrm it In drllnhlrdl wilh ll Pearson Writes To Promolo Poaco The main groups of people who are applying or nations In bmlncs men who want second homo country ro mm or holldnyn and week ¢ndl and people who are look In or home In uhlch In re llm FOB HOLIDAY HOMES nnsonnble nlll llallon like fliers Is unlque wllh In own dellyhlml mm In ha coun lryglvk The mnvmion of MI existing alnllon he points oui is IL in much ensinr muller irom pianninl polni ni vlcw ihln building new home in re mole mludmi counlry Ipol By THE CANADIAN PRESS Imn Republic of Bu pruclajmed Brleh General SIr Isaac Brock allacked and cap lured Dun011 151 years ago todayIn 11112 uplurinx Gen Wllllam Hull and Ms army duran Iha War 1m 1n the early mmlh of the war Brock was the heal1 and soul 01 In de lane of Upper Canada For the audacny of 1111 attack on Denall Brock was ga zellcd KCB allhough lha new dld not reach Canada until after death In de lcaling American 1nvadm ha Battle 01 Quecnslon 11cm s1n 001611051812 lNlsingoi JnhhIConlcs TODAY IN HISTORY 0n ncwwnptr porlrd MN llnnnclnl lhl am an nl dnzen poor ninthnu mm prlme nllnlm lrrn ply hill II uhml Occnllanl poor lndlnn hay unlblu la pay hll wy lhrmuh Ichool lulu llnanclnl mlnlnnre Surh nquull are mrl on prlurnyfinxit Muny ymmgxlrrl wrllc Mm nhoul lhclr Ichool hnme wnrk boy lrnm loIan ukld hlm cxplnln Ipnce problem Nnhru mu ulenco Iludrn and mm Al Iml nnu heck mnnlh an ldlnte Nchmn mmnrlu Ira under Inslnxcllons not In use re qumu lnr Ilmnlu 11m Thus unto mm ptnclh notebooks crlrkrl lull um Ind nulo irnphnd photos In lndlnn nuncu pocket money And my nuns Thou he cannot tackle him tell he mum on to dnuxh lcr Mn lndln Gandhi html lha rcciplcnl lnnumnnbln Idlers from Mr lalhcr Whln mg was chlld In reply In most cum permnally He rmrllrulnrly curelul wllh the leter Irlum arelun qapnlylu These were nmoni he 20 lol tm day the Indlan prime minister rccelvu rum klds mnrma In Addfllon um Indlnn boy Ind girls wrlle In Mm wlh various rcquesll quci Hill And plus FEM wedan came request for book an Gnndhl pretty tltphnnl Ind Iwn hooded cw hum GET YOUR 0A5 FILLED BALLOON FREE TO THE FIRST 200 CHILDREN AT THE VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL HELD AT THI EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH IT VINCENT In IIAIIIIIK ya mm In Fran clsca asked Nehru lnr tuner Hon or name or hls ex pccltd lislcr Pleas also xiv noma boyn name In use Ihl happen lo be Iomethlnx other than he Iddtd BOMBAY CmA nlnevyenr old Canadian glrl from Vancou Yer recently wrote to Prime Mlnlstcr Nehru In whether It was lrue um he wu gamutcs 511 maharalu There are cynic who Iuflcs um Dielenhaker Ind hl six sell denying Tory lollowerl achieved the beat both worlds They could mllclnah that Enough MP1 would vole In Ivor lhe boost In make sure mm It became Hectlve by voting lznlnst themselves they muld Ivold criticism rmmv 14 pm mnmmv lerr Good Tlm For ALL The Soclll Credit deputy leader Raul Caouetle made good III promise that ha would oppose any Increase 01 MP unless the Rovemment first In creucd the baby bonus Ho volad against the pay boost and he was lollnwed by Iwo alher Samed MP1 from Quebec who an Ihs same Chum Euzene Dionne no the Ither he qulnm Ind Rlymond Lnqglnis TOMMKNHNO HON AUG II Am EACH MOHNINO THROUGH FRIDAY OTTAWA mom Included In those 10 were John Dlefenbaker Frlnce Al bert Sash Gord Clancy Yarklan Snsk am Homer The Buerlords Sash Ed Nasserden Roslhem Sask Ernie Pnscoe Mooso an SaskJ Reynold Rlpp Hum boldt Sask Ind Denna Gund lock uthbfldge All wgmmg CHILDREN FIRST The lull Mary at the Hausa of Commons dlnclnl 1mm lwlston that Black Mon Ry has not yet been told But lha rec ord uk clearly 100 MP voted Ivar of In Immediato boost in thtlr remunemllon to $10000 year while 10 voted agnlngtrit Greatest Of All Maharajas Is Childrens Favorite Mentor But not ward mm any Tory not even mm than seven Torle 1mm Saskatchewan Ind Albert who flood In lhI House or Common In by their votu uld No no no 0011 Rive Inhaly Iy PATRICK NICHOLSON WAWA Whni 10 newHob lbry MP going to do Iboul that wmmm yay uln whlch they voted minnn We llnve heard um Boh Thompson the Social Credit lender in loin to share the wealth that Barry lllnther the New Democratic MP lmm New Westminster 30 will Iubll dine worllly omen the Greene lhe leerel MP irom Renlrew Smith will donut his ingrem go ahalug What Will NewRich MP3 Do With Raise Ilulurmlun Indus ry 11w momlc Gnuuu unlly Irnl mum mm In dimmer ulml My ruulll In Ibomin5120 nnulrnllnq In In nnd lhurnuihly bud uglnlnguhlp Accordlnl Io lho nrm hm Hum Is no nhorlnn lumllurn Tm fluulnm cnn walk Into any Iho Ind lake lhrlr pltk 1ch rup omli lnblu Ildrhonrdl nnd clmln 17w lrnuhla II lhnt Hwy yngrrmrl dcmihml AI new Mark of upnrlmenln mu rnpldly under lho present crash hulldlnx nmurum flus Ilnn nrll Hockinu In Illa lurnl ture nloru In aqqu lhclr new hem Thu Iuddcn unleashing of lhll blllvr cumpnlxn nnninsl munlryl slalorun Iurnlluro lac lnrln nnnmcr Ihm rlsinl Sovlcl anR slnndnnlx nml lhn Impmvcd Inslu lha mnnln Inked MOSCOW lnculnrslmmlan lurnlture maker are comlnl under wilhulnx Hr 1mm pm and public hero for producing llxhl lnnks Instead htd nnd lnndinl nmumlx tor lwo heavy helicoplm Inslcnd n1 Inblcl mpphm am nna of major aurlxt allracliom Nehru Aald manly mm mm Obviously encouraged by lhcir ynrenls some children wrlla about lhu grievances lhelr lalhm Many descend on Chncha unclu Nchru personalry Each week he meals severnl depula Ion chlldmn lram Bums lhe country mary quietly fills out dozen rd sni Agalnst these crIlIcIrms So clal Credlt Leader Bob Thoma son Ila declared that ha wllI net up trust lund with now ol Ills Increase to assist lIIe expenses at any needy Soolal vCredlt Mls NDP Barry Mather will donate $1000 at IIr crease to worthy cause In hla constltuency And leeral Greene vIIl glue all hls Increase In scrvlce club and wellara charltle untll the old age pen aIan Increased by the pro mlscd 10 per month Thomp son and Mather voted lor the Increase Greene nhmlncd lrum vntlng at all In contrast those seven Tories who voted unlnst the amendment have made no gesture lo strip them aelvu ol the extra money thcII thayda not leel Ihey should rechve Th1 doprlvu them ol vulld around lar crIllclxlnz the government lor Inlrodudng thln overdue adjustment In MP munaratlon Sleepy Reds Hate Beds But there are two very valid rounds of criticism The lint is that MP who were elected to this lnrllament know the term nttlchcd to the position they nought It the general elm lion they had on implled con iract to the elector and tax payer to take the Job at that price and the higher remuner ltlon should have been made climch only alter the next election in the opinion at mnny peoplei Secondly it is Improper that MP and other legislators should along oi all Canadians permit themselves to draw on unnecouninblo1xpense allow once mgr pp sum up Wu lIlVl not hearthe In oi pubi criticism of that boost Certai MP ahould be paid men than the miserable 88000 nlary piua $1000 expenae ab lowance which run their total rcmuneraiion prior to thla boast Thia column II on the record an urging that it should ba increased to $12000 aaiary plul up to $8000 expenses which is higher than the boost actually given to them or III winged public Thus my could wn llnandll ad vautuu Ind make palltlcnl yards at the name Mme de

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