Mr and Mrs Lunar Nob visited on Salurday and Mr and Mn Howard Nubia and BuLy and barnlend Toronto vlslml Sunday with Mrs Mus W39 yoble Vlsltorl with Mrs VJuhn Feb rlet hlvo been Sit and Mrs Frank um and chlldrun of Burl1011 and Mn an Llllle and Dennls Lin John Njw pgmlswlgk Mnfï¬Ã©nnld FarrIcF spent cw day vlsltng relallvas In Puget Rnd Bell homu for few dais wilhuhls parunlsltl Thu welfare commlllce held successful camlvnl the r1111 Salqrdy evsning Anglo Mr and Mrs Beasley oi EP worth Newfoundland are wh their daughter Mr Douglas Reid and rumiiy other mem bars or Ihe inmiiy visiting them have been Mu Erich Dreischu New York Mr Ind Mrs Jim 1M and family Welland Mr and Mn Bunsloy and inmliy Toronto Mr and Mrs Bur goyne nrl iamin at London and Mr and MrsSieve Nagy and family of Toronto Rncnm visilnra with Mr and Mrs Mel Rodch were Mrs Colo Uhmla Mr mud Mrs Orr and Mnrllyn Newmar ket Mr and Mrs nabclla oI Villowdnle Mr and MN Bud lrcndwcll and children Tomnln Mn and Mrs Jack Stone and Miss June Corbellu Barrie Mr and Mrs Murray Hubhcr and chlldrm spun few du with lhe nrmcrs mnlhu Mrs Huhbnrl HIMY AUGUST oo 430 100 00 Ion no lo on 1110 Eu Ill NIH vmunn nm WI of mmbllonu Tnnllnly Nun wmnr syn Dr mam Tlmyl Pnunl Tru Muua Sllnd mp llannuo Cut Nun wum upon snurdyn chudren qunnu AUnLn Inc Loo 83398333 Tm hum Pupy Mnll 5mm Wmmnl UMF lu nun uunny Tum Tum II To Ir HIM Danny Slone Pholpslon holidaying wllh the Rodger or ll summer Sympnlhy ii district is cxiengicd Io Clarcncn Price and family in Kile recent death of Mrs Price Sh died Saturday In Toronto hnspllal aim ienxihy illness She will be re mumhmd by many nuislde of lhe dlsirici as she laugm school for several years Bl Utopia Femdnle and mum MORE WEDDINGS Mrs Mason and Vzndy relumed from RDYRI Vlcloril Hogpilal on rldny JlmmyNSulrlén was pallcnl lnhospilql or nutcw A51 AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY By MRS MAURICE REID thdinz hell in sun rinl By MRS DDWNING ll 1qu uuln nu ml mm In mm Is no CHAROI ron mnisikvicu TELEVISION PROGRAMS DRIVlVOURSELP CAR AND TRUCKS LEFROY And Copy mu llo muva In lulu HOLLY CFTO CHANNEL CARRIER MISS YOU VALLEY TAXI CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE PA 82433 In In the d1lrlc Saturdly Au 11 No wedding will mm plant In Holly Unlled Church 11 noon Mlu Mullyn Gra ham will become lhs hrldn Brian Fletchar pm Mlu Valerie Elliot will mlrry Nob man Murrow Conunluhllom lo bngpcquplu Valerie wn snarlbled miscellaneous ahowar Aui It the home of Mn Fisher Game and contesu were eluoy ed by lha mnny wells Alter um Vaalulo wu presenled wllh Marilyn wu hnnor mm th evenlng Auml at the ham 01 Mrs 11 Lougheed Comm were cnnducted by Mrs Pryda and Mra ï¬McCorrklon Marilyn wu ISJSKM ln opening her am by Miss BrenaCook MissuCarol Ind Sherri Clmp hall unlemlned MnrlLyn It dmwer at their home Guest in mm Mend 01 hi brida STEELES CORNERS Sunday visitors with Mr Ind Mu Emu Dale were Mr and Mrs wlllam Humor and Robin annsvlew Mr and Mrs Arch Adams Carol Ann and Terrillce Weston and Mr and Mn Sam Mcllz landlord John Dalu who has agent the lust hm week with grandparent re turned In anmw low In In ILW In ll IUNDAY mm In um um flunu Im lpulmm uoo nun numu nmo 11mm um um lroumau leaVIII held In honor or her dau hm by Mrs Gnhlm Erdly Mr and Mn Kenwell had ï¬nest the farmers uncle 1mm Toronloncenlly By MRS ERNEST DALES Mrs Jack Rumhln and he queline allended lrouxseuu in Sunday In Rllchmond Hill In honor at Miss Donna Rdhson bride 01 ml Saturday Mr raid ï¬rs Ernest Knee shlw spent Sunday with Hand InhAylnn We are sorry report Mrs Res Bell In Ruyll Viclnrla Huspllnl Barrle Her lrlcndr hope or quid rec9very II on ILIII nun AUGUIT It Mk Mom Club Inauny runTum Klddn luau uy Ouldwr Dvufllmul Nw Nvy llm Gun Wm hm roomII Twmlo Mmenlan IAIIJIIDAV AUIIUIT Mm humu Amun Pllnl Clnoonl xxnunnm ï¬mmvnmhl Tlnnll Wumlnl Ll myNmu Hull Mrs Jack anhie allmdcd lhn luncral on Tuesday Mn Clarence Price of Hnlly Burial was In Barrlm Mr and Mrs Ernest Bell Ind Jnhn were Sunday guests with Mrs Bells slsler Mn Arm Ilrgnl Mlgnlgo Congratulallons In Miss Nor een Kneushaw Ind George Palm whn were married Aug 10 ll Ebenezer Ulllltd Church Kiary Browr relumid héï¬e an Sunday wllh her mother Mu iQu ma lnlll Thuln An mu Imm Nllhl anlo nrl Van nullnn Dull TV mm LTV NI Mum nm PM Ilvlnn mm cum Tull mm um Gun wnu mm mm um um ror cue rv Nm wmm Nm lpnfll mm um All Cun lrul TORONTO nun Bmwn mar Ipendlnl two week with har uncle Ind aunt Mr Ind Mm Fred Vernon Brnebrldle MM CARR Mn McCulloch and children from Clmp Petawawq Ire vlslllnl hero with her pur only Mr and Mn Landry One natntmp Vlthout lha pm more two club would bl the normal renpome but with It nnu notrump the preter th bid Thu mum II that two ctubl not 1min And nut net at ltbnrty In puns an therelara Ihauld avoid the ml at pllylnz 1m eluhttrlck contact wlth luck went trump lultt Dna nntmmp tn un doubtedly to contract ll gunner Iccnpll It Ilnu ll hlxhcnrd palntl lulu In openlnl bld Vlsilon with Mn Jlm Culahu on were Miss Ruchel Brook cl Barrie and Gnome Crelxhlon of Woodstock Vurnn Jolmett celebmed mar mh birthday WWI party or loumgnd last Fridqu ny Barlow 0mm wu last Wednesday tn lake star Irena home wllh him or IJEIIUdRY We rem lo mporl hi Wln Held Lockharl ls conï¬ned to hospnnl In Battle When ha ro lurna home he will hm la mnln Inncuva or some time Two nutrump thoul lhe pan score the proper response would ho Ihrce nulrump show In no or 17 pain And rump type at hand but with tho pnrt Icon slmllar values un be 3an by Jumpan to only lwn nulnlmp Slnce one rolrump rcsponsa wnuld be urns bid with pm Icore of 50 the Jump to we nnlrump commune alum try The Md II no larclnx and parlner may pass The Jump show 15 la 11 olnh provided lho mm more 60 or mom Mr and Mn Marlln Gall and Mr and Mn Paul Priest of Barrio Wnyne Landry Keith Water and Peter Switzcr n1 Alllsmn called on Mr and Mn Vrmun Jennelt menlly Recent vlsllor with Mr Ind Mrs Gnarls were Mr and Mrs Wnllcr Anderson oLErud lord and Juan Helmet or Barrio Partner bids Du Diamond next player passes Nellhcr Me Is vulnerabla and you have park more of 60 What would you nnw hid wlh tech the lollnwlnz live hands Mrs Ferguson llld family Tarunlo had slum vhll wllh Mrs Wllllnm Johnston one day last week Miss Jessia Mandanqld 01 Me dlclna Hal win is guns wiih Mr and Mrs Neil Macdonald in Barrie Vlaiied last Friday hm with Miss Edlih Greene Her lwln slsinr Kitty also liiudlcine Hut who died recenfly is buried at Aimonie OnL Their hrolhar Rev William Mncdannid was iormcr Unlied Church Minister on this charm Mr and Mn Scam Hal ul Iendcd the tuners lhelr ulster lnlnw Mrs Vlelnm Agar Beelnn Al the Anderson Funeral Home Tnllcnham on July 29 Mrs Allrcd Spencer of Mn gara Falls In been holldaylnx here or the past week wlth he nigge Mrg Vllhnr Sqndpljs Mr Ami MrL Frcd minnow sixxm all and am 01 Tibia Illendcd lhe Black Knlghls coir co Simmer nun or 13 mlnulu mo um qqn 4A0 um was on 972 was oxqu an on um Mu 90m 41mm DAILY CROSSWOBD 10 Addmon Oormdtd Iln ll mm 30 Hr Ind Churchills l1 Inclmy Hue uan tumult It 911w lhlpd II 5201 Conduit In wnun fluid 16 mu of my ll mm JG1mm ll mi huh mill twaan lunp Ixh I1 3315 Ind am It Mild hf Amos loundl on mm lugman THORNTON CONTRACT BRIDGE LinLk lnnnxhlq Ilkknunn Mlunluon Banbun for In nun animal By JAV brlllon II SI Ind Mn horn Brnmlay 1nd three chlldren 01mm visited onMonduy olthll week with Mr Ind Mu George WI Ion They wet on lhelr my to Algunguln Pgrk BECKER Funk Dwemnd hle wife Edmunlon were renew In ecquelnkenre here lee week Mr Owen lion wllh hle bro ther the Rev Albert Ovien end oeher member of the fem epenl their boyhued am on the Innmll term opposite the Ivy line They eljended No lnnlrlll Public School Thru clot AImIll Ilam In diamonds viflually Issurtd and tha but my Invest In and ï¬lm pomblllllu by mnkln umpIhm Noll III lumw Iham un llmllcd vilueI Ind 100 er tent forcing II dhlinxulx ed lmm Jump he whlch II merely In lnviullunnl hid Thu plan II lo lump lo le dIImondI an lha next round pmnu IhoWI Ink lnloml in IlIm by Mddlnx lhrel dlImondI or Ihm nolrump Tomamll dlllmm cl ov Inn Church nnpened Sunday morn lnz Ann Sundly School will mrtnaln lhu Hm Sunday In Septemheg Mn and Mn Frank Holmu Ind Helen wen In Toronto su urday In vlan lhu 1mm IIIIOI brotherMaw Ind llmlly Mr and Mn Mllll Hulen ro ned wllh hbr aunt or cqllon Rum vhllflll will Mr Ind Mn Cola and Inn wen Mn WUIoughhy Bubbelle Willowdale and Mix as Marilyn Ind Carolyn McAr lhyg Boqdufle One heart Wllhnul the part more lhl but respome wnuld he 9331 but with la helm Ia keep me pom blllllu open by ndinx In mmo way even wlh only Mallard wlnu The choice bnlwun on hurt and on nolrump Ind or Ihm two lha preferable response 13 um heart Low conlncu wllh poor hand annually um um In ml lhnn 1n nolrump Pom I1 Oammln mm malunl l0 Pm of lutmm tow Mr Mid Mn Charla Cola Ind llmlly mended Wlllounhhy salmon In Mldhum Plrk Sun ax Mr and Mn Dabmn Ind Inmlly Mlas Mamm Hunla and Miss Yvonne Van Dumn Barrie Ind Mr and Mrs Scull Slayner Are holidaying at Sauble lunch Tum dlamonde Since two dlemnndl would be lime hld lhe Jump In three dllmnnds one beyond game canstllule Ilarn Invllnunn The bld II no min merely Announce the posslhlliy elem ll partner hu lubmntlnlly more men mlnlmum openlnu bld Usunlly he lump rnlse beyond the lame level Show approx mulcly he minlmum value or In npenlnl bld v67 IIIIM £150 93951 nim Congratulnllons tn Wayne Har rla and Miss Manddcn ol Burris who are to be mlrrlcd Aux1t IMRIJECUE SAUCE good has barbecua nuca enough for healing ax hamburg er puma frequently may brown undo Inllowa Cum blno nna cup kelchup wllh Va cup mlnced onion V4 cu water 15 lcnspoon celery la spoon salt and dug 01 T9113 11M mll Congilmllflons to Mr and Mrs Flsher on tha hlrlh ol GRENFEL Calhuinel lut 37E gm minim rxmirm nmm Auuukr is 1m DID YOU YE MRDITNIRS HE WITuni HAVING HIE COVFII BREAK E5 ouVoy POOII DAILIW we mmmmsm HHWWNIYAID mvma com max mmflllWNW wumwuow NI mum Maximum HY mmmmmmm