mu mmmm alterd olher mm and hut mull ul lhn nmnam mm One unllur nllmn Malcolm new In uh ha hurl hm new In llm llmnuh llml erl he 1qu whcn Hm lnlIhlr cnllldrd WIHI UleTvllnnlrn um luly aimml mum duvmhglm 1va hue Tho nnmrm mnklnl vlh lhlrk hroluu nmwmd Half know or ranl mrmlwrl llltlnl Iuww lny Mn WM lulu lo hnypm lo muul ul lhn qunlklm mud CAM Wllllnm llmhlnrk IM nmnnlh llwul mullmml he lulhmmy Hqudy btgnn Hm day below and Him ynunu llmlmill llrnd nnmrn rum lehrm hrlnnl were nuth tummy quullnmd QUHIIHC Cll Llllln cvl flrnre lhmwlnu Iluhl on Huml ol lllu llnllnfl nl lhu Tll lnnlrn In uhlrh mum ML bu been hard In lllu llnl ml dnyl 01 ha Admlrnlly Cm hanrlnm Inlo lho mlllnlnn 01 III donmrd rml nml flu Hm nnnh Hm on nKlhmlllhd Bl lulwmm llwr Thu prnpoml hlll nu placed below lllo wmmllltn empow eu Pmldcnl Kcnnedy lo ax cludc by cxcruflvu onlcr new mu any country mm Um levy II nund um lho In on thnl rounlry would lhrcalm nunllilcd nuihnrily mu ihni whllc nuw CUIIKHHM ucur iiy inuu will be exempt irnm the nu the Krnntdy adminis iraiion ll dclcrmimd lhni iha Inx will remain on outsiandinu Cnnadinn Issqu said in limer ll period ending WASIHNGNN CF The US gummun hna closed the door on any furlhor concesslon la Cnnnda on the pmpcsnd flock and band In whlch come up or cxnmlnallnn be on lho House Representa Hm ways and menu comm lco ncxl hnsdny Some trlllcism or the pm posal has developed nmanz 115 uncurily dcnlm and III like will he nlrcd at commu ee gnrinzs The llvempccts twp them Alston appeared helm magistrate in this lawn persons 42 miles northwest London Has four miles from Cheddlnglon where can of bandits nmbluhcd the night mail lrnln 1mm Glnsgnw eight dnyn ago and escaped Tritonica Men Didnt Know One the men charged wlth robbery Wllllnm Boal denied the charges But detective old the court that Baal had told him during qmtloning am Illly In gut Involved with thls should huvo lmnwn helm LINSLADE England Five hooded ï¬gures were hustled into smnll country courthouse In lhls llny Bucklnghamshlm village today and formally charged with tnklnn part In Brllalns areal train robbery or receiving part of the mllllnn of pognds unloaL US Curbs Tax Concessions 0n Canadian Stocks And Bonds 199 Yur No l9l TWO WOMEN SUSPECIS 1n Britains great train mb bery cover their head with Men Women Held In MailRobbery Case 01 mm APfleulen For Examlner Want Ads Tele phone PA aMu me telephana number to call for the Bulneu or Edltorml DepL PA Hm Our Telephones So an uplch her nvlnllbor 0M An you muvlnl loo Nu nu mylng hm The wumun mum um the bark mu wllh her mull Imr Wun ohm In Hvln In lelvr neighhmhoml mn Ille IuhL Inry mm 19 mm lhu rlvtr wu any Ind the um um Hm Hth lhc lunch whm ll wu mil uwny 1hr lloonunh llrnd hml llvcn hm nlmrl Mull on ha 10 ham err mud Ihcm had lwen an mome blul mm Um Tillonlrn II In IN wu vmlnu Emily Ilubuanl Al lhn llmo nnIEmlnhy Cap1 Nndflocll and pllétrlléhnnn lumuche run Illlrlnl wilflrnll whlch dllplnynl by Ipcndllll lo Imurl In lrnlnlnl ll lhl wIml One probable muon but complain uempllon lor Cnmdn would rtduce allecllvcnul ol the American plnn lo dtcmul lhu flow ol Ilmcrlcn cnpllnl abroad and add hull lo lha annnm nrlumcnl um ll Illa mould bu ucludnd Thu mullet likely lo be cumd hm moon nu month he CanadaU5 cabl Ml mmmlllee Am lrudo and rconumlc nHIlu but It Ivnl annealed In Informed unrtcn um US policy ll unllkc be releod But the NH Ives the pm dcnl nu stmtlnr cxecultva power on outstanding lxsucs When lhn proposed 1ch up to 15 con tut was an nouncc hut month the Cann dlnn nuvemmcnl nought Ipo ctnl cxnlustuns Exempttom on new Issue Wm pmmlscd and Flnnnce Mlntstcr Waller Gar don Intd lnttr he Ittlt hoped tn ct exemption on nuutlndlnl xsuc welL slnblmy he world monetary YEEFL Pallce Ind detective hurried to Redlands Wood near Dark Ing 14 mile 1mm bundun after coup repnrlod lndlng the ban Had locked brie cnse The nmnunl was no immch algly disclosed Tï¬e note whim belleved In be part of th mull Iraln robbery Thl mnmlnx lwo sulleam smiled with money were mind an woods snumwest of Lon on The amount ha muney re covered ma today with ta po lice announcement that It to lalled ENLOOD $423000 FIE SUITCASES The three men and lwo wnmen were ordered held un til Aux while the country wide hunt continued for cash In conledcratu wilh 500000 51300000 in HWY coal hey are escorted to court In Unslade England taday Thu women laid to HERES ONE 112 Emir Examim rumor Mllu lilnlr ol the rllllh nml ummnnmllh luly mrlml vnlu nml pap Ilnur DMIII Sulrlu hmwn II Ecrumlnl hm Sulrlu Hm Inn an nallvmal Irman IlrM Nu Im wllll 209 Illnlr as Im In nmmml In NIUIh unrtlrlunllun In Iho Common Mmer mdly lmllwml In umpnlnn In lwowuyllalvl In lbw lrvlumo 361 vulu lo 11 Mlmlo polled IMM vulu tom and wllh 370 or thur umldnln Andrew ledu 40 yrnrold hmrdrd mnvle nml TV Iclnl and 11m lar leml camlldnlo Dull Mlllln IL yrnrold tdflllr Olflclnl gum nnnnunml In dny mowed hm Mnudn wnl clockd with mu nvlly nl M10 nlcl mmpnml lho IllupA plnl mm mnhully lrulumu anlnul In In 1m grnrrnl eluc Inn Camcrvallvo Annul Maude 50 your Id Juurnnllnl WM elected In ml the uni ltll v4 III wlml Imlumo mllnnl lrnm Hm uuvernmenl Mm ho dildoad In In Hull Cnm man In hm hm Had nhnul hnvlnx III nflnlr wllh cull glrl Cluhllno KnitL SHMTFORD 0N AVON EnglandThu rullnu Conserva llvn puny mnlntd mlznrd war mlnlnler John Prolumnl ml In In Slrallnnl dlxlrlcl Izy clccllnn nwudny Iul lhu Tory mnruln vuu tally rcduccd That was Exlcmnl Mfulrn Minister Mnrlln only comment Thursday on In lulcsl spnln criticism of lho Cnnndlnn Int clup AM Mark However unochlnlly was ported that an Incrcnxu In de vnlopmcnt mmum nllocn llons may ha In tho omnz OTTAWA CF The whole quexlinn Canndinn economic aid in underdeveloped countries is under intenslvo review within hi xgvnrnmenl 11m two arrested in Bourne mouth alter light with pollen were Idcnlllled Roger Jnhn Cowdery and William Baal both London They were churnd wllh bnlnx concerned with other unknown in It dawn robbery Aulharllles lndlcaled they bev Ilevcd the gun was lull In Br aln There was an uncnnllrmed report however that Scotland Yard had naked French polka to watch or 2040 British yacht believed plying belwecn he Enlllsh luulh cons and he north coast of France Pollca fanned out Ilong lho muth com keeping wnlch on 11 lIe used human Olflclnlly police said no uh thu amsls were Imminent But than was reason to helluva the net was tightening rnrnon llARBDRS Reliable reports sald nearly 100 detective wue combing the London area or member 01 Illa gang Canada To Up Rid To Needy Lands Tories Retain Profumos Seat he sisters are charged with mlvlng 1190 pounds 33332 in stolen bankno¢es CF fmn APnculm Tho nulmmu mle Huh Inn mt rum nah unmvm plat In muml one FAIIIII ml Mlmn murmur nul dlnlnnwl llw Connervnlln an by Sl mu M7 tor Labor candhlalo ï¬lmHum 111 linnmullvu Mljullly In lrndlllvmpl any dlnxvlcl dld Imlhlnl lo boon ham nl lrlmc Mlnlulrr MM mlllnnn uumnmml In he nu funnnl oluacllnnv nrhnluXd hl um ndulwr IBM Chnirmnn nlchnrd 13 Russell cl lhe nrmcd servlcu mmmll lee InId government dlplomnuc milllnry and sclcnllnc malty mm muko very umnx use Bul ho added that ha kccplnz an open mind unlll all tho evidence In WASHINGTON AP The chairmen oi hm key Semi commliicc nxrccd ioduy lhnl Kcnntdy ndmlnlsirnilon wiiv nusc an building up slrnng and ciiccilve case ior rniiiicn ilon oi 0m limlicd nuclear lest bug igenly Mr Pearson 3an tho arrange ment retatlnz tn custndy Ind control at tha warhead nu lnclorlly protect Canadas na tional Interests and mntnrm wtth the posltlon Canada has taken Internationally on the non dlssemlnntlon at nuclear weep BULLETIN OTTAWA CPlPrlmo Mink lur Pearson announced today Illa Canada and the United States have reached agreement on tho condluons under whlch Canadian force will acanra nnclnar warhead All Vietnamese In Hue nxccpl civil servants and troops were MEIch to slay Indoors Tension reached new pitch when 71yenwld Buddhlsl monk Thlch Tlcu Dlau burned hlmscl lo dnnlh at am In Huaa biggest pnxudn It was SAIGON South Viet Nam President N50 Dinh Diams gav arnmeni clamped martial law an iwn major Vietnamese cilia Iodny in the wake oi another Buddhist sulcida by iinktha thlni this week Martial law was imposcd on Iha central Viet Nam capital of llue whm the latest burning occurred early today and on the coastal city ui Nhntrang where Vietnamm troops quclied big demonstration with Ienr gas Test Ban Picking Up Votes In Senate Committee Hearing Thi Viicdrxln ï¬Ã©mncml unld Diem Dispatches Army To Capitol After Monk Dies Barrio Onlarlo Canada Friday Airgun 16 1963 ONIARIO TOVOTE 0N SEPTEMBERZS ANNUH MAUI cr mm ANuuten ludny arm need me lulu mlnn lem am luer Hulr Mn 5mm lhvpl Mn uowdod ium nu mlnmm 1h cpllnl clly of 130w mulling fllflmdiu Mrmll Mnxlumhn Dthnl 41 MM ovrr horn rulbul Ynulau lho rrpuhlicu only pmldml Ilnu ll named independent mm Frnnu hm yum no llul Mnunmhn Drbnl mu mde thlr nl avrrnmcnlf or run ml no pmvlnlnnll pm ml Vaulml inningi 1mm dny and lumnl uvammml um lo my am not nu mannlln charm of ur ml IHMZZAVIIJJT Carla no IMIC MUIo Congo Hannib Icl today nnnounml mlnlmrm Alphonse Mnl Inmlm Delml demnml lay lrlemh milrah lulul la hml ymvlniunul nvvmmnt lor llm conga llrpuhllc llnfl whlch he ll thnlrmnn nsmd lo Iupporl rallllcnllnn llhoul Iny rmlluru Arm lwlxung mm Icnlnlon clvlllnn Iupcrlml flawlhm commlllcu lil an MIMI hurd Gcn Mu wfl 119 WM nbaul lhls Iruly ha nddcd lhlnk he lound real deal of comfort and Insurance In In lulimmy NOT IflKISURED Senator Jahn Pnslart Rhoda hlnnd Democrat who chairman of the Joint Ilnmlc en ergy committee uld he Ihnughl lho can or rullflcnllnn LI lcrrlllcnllyslronx Sennlar William Fulbright Arkansas Democrat who is chairman oi the foreign roll Ilon commillrc laid in up nrnio lnlcrvlcw liml he believes lhe lrenly l5 pltklng up oics the heating procud an ihu base very tiicdivu pm mlnlian Pick Leitist To Head Congo he was Impressed um lha witnesses mm aware that than are milllary dlsndvmlnxes in Idhmnce whllu mnlnlalning Huey are mom than 11th by nlhcr Inclora In US Invan The Nhatrang demonstration erupted in protest against the auicida Thursday oi flycar uld illlllDifL1thwVElL thousand Buddhists gathered in rant oi lilo railway Italian No hundred anidicra drova to thammna in ï¬ro trucks Whén lhu demonslrélorx re fused to dlspme the troop scallcrcd them with car In Tieu Dim also uld him sui cida was in prolest against chnrgcs levelled against the Buddhists by Diems politically powerful slslcr in law Mrs Nag Dig Nhu Mrs Nhn has said repeatedly that dissident Buddhists an iraiinn masking under religi nus robes She advocates ihul tho uvernmeni use ium n13 sllihem Several hundred governman troops ringed the Dam puA gada but did not try to enter the building where Buddhist guarded lha mankr body ï¬re burning apparently was urgnnixerl by the Buddhist hier archy No young Buddhists who burned themselves to death this week acted indcpendently The old monk announced over loudspeaker from his pagoda Thursday night that he would commit suicide in support oi Buddhist demnnds for civil and religious right they claim are denied them by Diem the mm such ritual mulclda In two months In Ihe Buddhist campaign against 1h govern mm at Diem Roman Cathw IL Two Moth mm rm ralnll ll IN mo tuned mum on walla Mk4 van Nun bum pollen Ipoknsmnn snld 11 person New nrrcllud on charge ohslmcllan In the dcmonslrnlluns alnnd mem ber lhe UN mlulon drovo ram lho allfor lo lhu clly Tho lenm here la make Iurvcy lhn Iltlludo ol lhu Eooplu Snmwak and leh mm In lhv Impaled Malay Ill cdcmllum KUCIHNG Snrnwnk Ilcul crsThrlccn person wcru nr tested and Invrml olhm worn Injured In clusth wllh lltc hm Iadny durlng nnlan nysln demonslmllnns wh Unqu Nullmu assessment lenm nr rhcd yeï¬llleachers Should Get Degree Us In cdernllons aw nunl meollnx he thouth ele mentary school lnnchcrs should hnvo minimum of three year unlverslly lrnlnlng and sum zcslcd lhe department of odu callon eslnbllsh commmce lo Investigate pouiblo Improve mmu =AGOOD YEARTOR RRGWEED CROP TORONTO CF Lung mulr president the Onlnria Federation Teachers suld Thursday Ontario lugging he hlnd olhcr provinces In lhe Im provcmcnt elementary MycthImlgullu2 Riot Greets UNs Arrival Gayle iillchan above of Vancouver and Mrs Belly Stanhnpo Colo of Edmonton de killed two British players lo day Io give Canada victory in the Australian womans foursomes soil champiuaships Sydney CF Wirephala GAYLE WINS Iur Mm Wool mmlll Ilul MINI lnopw hr 0mm lm mad IllHI Im IM Milli KINGSTON CF llzrbm Clucll Mycnmld mllrdnuï¬h met mm In mend Thursday nluhl lhnt ho had unveiled 1mm lho Yukon lo Nonly tumnd out dinner upomamd by tho Klugxlan Vhlgfllndnrd one al limo portal had dllcnmtd Clucu wanderan In downtown Klanlun In Salunlny mo DE JANEIIIO nrnzll Haulers lwcmyllivo person was klllcd and anund ladny when bus caught Mn In lmunasnmn about 210 mllu nndh here Pony person wm aboard he bus that wan returning mm pnrly LOS ANGELES AP Atlor lcler Lurml wlle sued Thunduy fur divorce clulmlnx ho was ullcrly Irresponsible In innnclnl mallow Mrs Anne Marlo Lorre I7 dmrzrd the Wynnmld Lorm wilh cxlrcmo cruelly She clnlma Lam earn about 70000 year and that ha ixrcspmuihly wnslcd and squnndcrcd or secreted money NEW DELHI CI Irom Aptnnulera The Chinese Commum lsls are making ollcnslvu probe alonz tho Indlnn border and building up strength In mm but Unch Intention are nu clear Prime Mlnlslcr thm and may Enumcrallon ln urban areas lhe prnvlnco will be held Aug am the premiera ulllce an nounced later The mun v0 lers In rural arenswlll he held Sept Mr Hobart aald ho dld not expect any dllllcully ln prcpnrutlon nl the volan Ile although some opposltlnn ulll clam had been heard that thum crallon during the vacnllan parlad might cnuse many per son absent on holldnys be overlooked Urbnn rcvlslvu court wlll bu held Seplt lHl OPPOSITION READY Mlnutm alter the prcmlcra announcement lecrnl Lender Wlnlcrmeyer Issued slale men suylng hls party ls ready and expresslng conï¬dence lhal the voter wlll delcat Can Wife Sues Peter one For Divorce 33323 55599511 Kills 25 Injures 14 ille premier5 announcement ended week of speculation on the polling dnte although most recent guesses lied narrowed it down to the llnnl week oi Sen temher The announcement came at press conference at Queens Park during which Lieutenant Governor Eurl Rowe brought formal dissolution in the prov lnce 76th ieglsinture by signing writ prepared at cnblnet meeting cnriicr this morning All members oi the cables it was reshuttled only three day agoflanked the premier he nnounced the election date Chinese Beds Try Border Probes TORONTO CF Ontarios ngmsslve Conservative gav emment in power or man Ihan two decades will xcek olher mundntu mm lhs prov inces voters in general clue Ion Wednesday Sept 75 Pm mler Rubms annaunccd today Bobarts Names Date Rowe Dissolves Session NEWS BRIEFS Sourdough Rejoins Friends Not Moro Than Par CopiH Pug glgar tonight with occasional rafnhmannw tonight omogmw 69 For full suinmnry 6m ï¬cM July to lndunlry Ind wlnlu cllhem requnun hem In noun Inch noxious wads In nary on run Mal Photo Local Weather mm our months time the lust elec Inn when lonner premier Ila Fmsl led the pnrly In ll of 71 man In the 98503 house The Liberals look 22 and Ive went to the CCF mm 70 NA la page two please il will mark lbs in time that Premier Robnm 45year old lawyer mm undan Onl has led his party in an clchnn He will be seeking Io extend the ngresslva Conservatives rule which earlier this month marina in mi anniversary Mr Rnbartn said he had com sidered provincial election in ink sprinzl But following two itederal elections In less than year and the inconclusive re sult of the lust lederai election held in April and the period of instability and ninty which tallawcd in its wake it was decided that in ths circum stance the late aprlna election would have an unsettling eltect on our ecnhomy and would bu viewed with dlsinvnr by our The Prozrcsslva Canservaflva governments lormal lenn would have com to an auto mallc and next June If allawed to run full come amnion nounrs The premier told reporters that with Important edernlpro vlnclnl conferences ahead is lmpErallve that we be left In no doubt that we speak or the people Ontario scrvnllve party whlch has run out of steam Earlier Donald MacDonald New Democratic Party leader forecast that the NDP will wln 55 the 108 la lslalum seats at slnka