for narrate catamaran raunsoag worm is Tm Phota by Favem ME AND MRS RAYMOND LACHANCE St Marys Church Scene Oi Rites Vows wers exchanged between Carol Joanna Birnla and Ray mond Lucien Lachancs In St Marys Roman Catholic Church Baskets of carnations and daisies sdomcd the church for the ceremony performed by Father Peter Rosettis at high noon Aug The choir of St Marys School Accompanied the soloist Miss Ruth Coleen Wilson The bride Is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Ronald Alfred Dirnie of Duffertn Street The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Airs Henry Lachanca of linssey Ontario CHAMILLY LACE GOWN Entering the church on the arm of her father the bride wore gown of Chantilly face over bridal taffeta The bodice of the dress was designed with scalloped rounded neckline empire waist and lily point sleeves The full length skirt softly pleated was enhanced with large handmade rose at the waist from which slight train fell pearl and rhinestone Irowa held the elbow length veil If silk illusion tulle The bride carried cascade bouquet of pink Sweetheart roses white Iarnntlons and steriranotls ATTENDANTS Miss Nancy Beach attended maid of honor The brides as ter Miss Ianet Ilirnie was bridesmaid sheath gown of coral or ganza over taffeta was worn by the maid of honor The dress featured scalloped neckline short alcoves and organza over skirt lier headdress was white crown with coral shoulder length veil The bridesmaid was similarly attired In sheath gown of teal blue organza and taffeta with headdress whlta crown with teal blus veiling lioth the attendants carried bouquets of pink and white can nations Arthur Lachanca of Massey cousin of the bridegroom and William Van Iceuwcn attended as groomsmea Hilliard Laehance of Elliot Latte brother of the brldcr groom and floss Hill cousin of the bride acted as ushers RECEPTION Following the wedding re ception was held Baystaira Lodge The brides mother re ccived wearing mint green floral printed sheath gown with matching organza coat mint green orgama hat beige acces sories and corange of pink car nations complemented her ea semhle Assisting the bridegrooms mother were sheath gown of lemon yellow nylon organza over peau da sole with matching or game duster white flowered hat and corsoge of mauve car natiqu and white accessor ics enhanced her costume The brides travelllfng ensem ble was pink linen sheath with matching locket and hot accent cd with while accessories and eorssge of white camalions and pink rosebuds On return from the honey moon Io Duncan British Colum bia the couple will reside in Barrie Outofcity guests attended from Ithaca New York E1 liot Lake Massey Data Grav enhurst Toronto Kingston and Sudbury Resenllul Wives Nag Van Lines The most difficult obstacle to successful household mova Is not the grand piano that wont through the door Its the mmovablo wife according to on cxccutivo oi Canndna blggrrt eoasttocoast moving organisa tion There is one lhlntt we ran count on when we move wife INCESS ANNE Ii TEENAGER lrlarsra Anna Ia ll yasra alrt today iAltluaI Iii Aha poses In bar girl gulda unl inrm Aha Is member of the First hurtlingham Iat ace Company The photo wsl taken in lha rentral room of the palace Aha II fire ant laughter of Queen Elisabeth and Prime Ihlllp lIrr two Struggle For Equal Pay Needs More Than Laws EDNA ILAKELY Canadian Press Stall Writer Eight of Canadas 10 prov inces have legislation based on the principle that woman doing tha same lab as man should ha paid at the same rate But arartha laws effec tive CrossCanada Survey by The Canadian Press shows wo mens groups involved in the long campaign for agree the laws have helped but they feel Improvements are needed They note for example that Quebec and Newfoundland lack equal pay acts and would like to see this remedied They are unhappy because the individual employee is the one who must lay the complaint that starts the wheels of In vestigation turning Sometimes they say the employee toier ates intustices because fears aha will lose her lob Ivan thoth most acts protect her against dismissal or discrim Inatfon Wording of some acts Is of concern to womens groups Ind Prime Minister Pearson recently asked the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Womens Clubs to look into this The sets In British Columbia New Brunswick Nova Seotia Ontario and Prince Edward Is Iand require equal pay for we men and men doing the same work In the sams establish ment The federal not which covers more than 35000 women em ployed by banks railways com munications firms and other businesses under federal juris diction provides equal pay for identical or substantially Idea tlcal work The same wording Is used In the Manitoba and Alberta acts The federation in brief pre sented in the government asked llsat the wording of the federal act be changed to work of comparable character as in the Saskatchewan legislation it says the resent wording Is an open invtatinn to employ era to deflna fobs unfairly and in such way as to put those ALLISTON SOCIAL NOTES Mr and lllrs John Lewis Jo Anae and Bill of Alliston have recently returned from week of sunshine and swimming at Wasaga Beach Mr and lira Fred Hurt and family of Wellington St have taken up new residence in the Guehardi apartments on Victor Ia St West flick Frank has returned to his home alter vacationing for week at Wasaga Beac with his family brothers are Irlnra Charles it and Prince Andrew AP eraphotet Alan Swan and Allen llurphy flow to Orlllla on Sun day In Mr Murphys private plane to attend the second an nual Experimental Aircraft As soclatlons Flyin at Lake St John Mr and Mrs John Millward of Donald Street In Barrie and Mrs Cyril Itobblns of Toronto visited over the weekend with lira Gwen Dawson and family oi llosemont Congratulations to Sgt and Mrs Eugene Sauve on the ar rllvlal of their third child baby gr to place she doesnt want to go says Paul Kenwood prcs ideal of one of the nations larg rat moving van lines No mat ter how careful courteous and efficient we may be It Is diffi cult to make her happy For obvious economic rea sons she cant take Issue with her husbands boss We lost hop pen to be In the direct lino of fire and we lotto the blast os cheerfully as we con About to per cent of his firms long distance customers ara employees being transferred by ther firms Mr Kenwood says many corporations who regular ly move executives around the country aro concerned about these pent up resentmcais hld den Inths bosom of company wives For example am certain we movers are not tbs nnI ones who bear the brunt of email tears and Insecurity which are triggered by domestic uproot lugs he says Then no doubt the husband gets an enr ful too and that kind of stress is not calculated to make him contented and efficient em ployrs Moving companies have hnn aware for many yrars of the rotational tension Involved in housrhold moves and have taken steps to as them Air Ken wuod Van torcmen and other personnel are rigoroust drilled In murtray and would srstion which are important In all businesses but become vital when feelings are running high you uond equality she Jobs outslda the operation of the not For example thavfedarstton says woman sales clerk may be paid at lower rate than male sales clerk because she sells blouses sweaters an lackeis while he sells mens shirts ties and mksTh6y may be doing work oi compar able character but It Is not identical ACCEPT PRINCIPLE Elsie Gregory MacOill oi Toronto president of the fed aratloo says the principle that wage rates should be based on lob content without mud to sex is wImIn acceptance While the or ncipla Is not yet strongly enforced Miss Mae Gltlaays the laws are never theless guide to mans meat and goal for workEig Notes are intandad to cover the general social life of the city and district Wedding an nlverssrtas birthdays bridge partlel taming obsga para ties stsltonnnd travellers are all Items of Intreal to women readers of this putt Your help in supplying to news will be greatly appro clated Plans phone The Dorris Examiner It PA Han and ask for Eileen Dixon or Andrey Coutina It the Want ens Department VANCOUVER GUESTS Reverend and Mrs Gordon Dangerfield and son Vincent of Vancouver are visiting Mr and Mrs George Dangerfield at their summer home Ore Beach George and Gordon are brothers For the next truce Sundays Mr Dangerfield will be reaching at the United Church his home town of Iroquois Ontario MONTREAL GUESTS Mr and Mrs Travers Cole man oi Montreal and two nieces visited In Barrie yesterday They have been guest of relatives at Mansfield Mr Coleman Is on the public relations staff of Can adian Pacific Railway LAKE MICHIGAN HOLIDAY Miss Gayle Andsrton and bro ther Fred of Galen Street left the city Monday for ten days vacation at East Port Northern T0 WED ll Miss Linda Jenn Strong daughter of Mr and Mrs Al wed William Albert Johnston son of Mr and Mrs Walton Johnston Shanty Bay Aug 31 The afternoon wedding will ALLISTON Special On August the membors of the ltoscmonl Womens Institute took bus excursion trip to To roatn Their first stop was at More cer Village where they were taken on guided tour through the museum country store three homes and various other lots of Interest Plonccr VII atte ls located on what was originally farm owned by family named Stops The first house on the tour was the original old log house of the Sierra famin restored and com pletely fnmlshcd according to the times including an old apln nIng Wheel which someone was operating while they were titers The nest hours was the Stones second home slightly more modern than the first in that it was cordoned with large ovm for baking bread lined Ia still baked In this even hm Irma week The third hours was Imported to the Pioneer Village and Is rmmtmcilon of home of wealthy family of that period completely fumlahed such SW at Ilse EMBASSY CLUB tllska St WEDNESDAY SEPT 4th mowmos pm pm pm aarassnMrNrs rasa noses ro Lamas TICKETS NOW ON SALI AT SUSSMANS il nvnmv or wear JOAN IAIIIIICK mun ITIVLlRIll In sum avg vln Strong Matswntchan will womaosnd they drive wedge Into the cppositlon She concedes that equality Is contrary toths deeply rooted traditional attitudes under which all grew it In Canada and Ich nome own to us from ths days when Canadian women had little vocational or professional training but she adds that times and con llltions have changed since an Training for women is be coming the rats The work ing woman la sails to the Canadian sconomy Do business and industry really ex pect that the woman who is cheated In her pay cheque will put forward her best efforts Or that the man who Is under cut by Iovaald women workers will be an efficient operator PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Ceuison PA sassr Lake Michigan the summer ldcnca of their hosts Mr and Mrs William Bur ass and tom Ily Lansing Mich gan WTLLOUOEDY REUNION The annual Willoughby raun ion was held at Springwatar Park Mldhurst Sunday with guests attending from Richmond Hill Willnwdaic shanty Bay Newmarket Ilo Oak Ridges Downsview Ute Toledo Ohio and Barrie Mrs amcs Orr of Newmarket was elected presl dent Other officers elected In elude Mrs Ellsworth Hilkcns Toledo secretary Edward Wil Ioughby Shanty Day Sports DI rector The eldest member at tending the picnic was Mrs Willougbby of Victoria Street and the youngest guest was Bruce Iomllnson of Oak Ridges GUESTS FROM MICHIGAN Mr and Mrs William Burgess and family of Lansing Michigan were recent eats at the home of their cousns Mr and Mrs Fred Aadert Owen Street The Burgess family also visitad at lira home of Mr and Mrs Angus Cam bell Thornton dur Ing their ho days OHIO GUESTS Mr and Mrs Ellsworth Hi1 kens and son Peter Leigh of Toledo Ohio re guests at the home of Mrs wtliougbby Victoria Stree Toaoaro take place In Beaches Pres byterlan Church Toronto The brideelcct graduate of Mac Donaldllnll Guelph ls dieti tian at Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto The bridergroomel pet is graduate of Ontario Agricultural College Guekah Pioneer Village Is Highlight 0f Rosemont WI Excursion things as china over years old and mlnet piano Tbs eotmtry stars brought bark memories of years ago with its stock of many candles for one cent From Pioneer Village they went to Irawrvncs Plats for ahoppln and lunch followed by gudcd tour of Costa Ioms and then on In the Golden Mile for supper In the evening the members stowed at Edwards Gardens beauty spot of flower gardens rock gardens and streams on an old estate In the Don Valley Then they returned horns to gene to AVIII In Itante ta sent new rar with automatic no power shoring at as extra charge VIS RENM CAI IN HARRIS PA 6HIZ T0 WED IIT NORANDII The engageme has been announced of MI Carol Ann Bury daughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Bury of Non ands Quebec to George James Hay son of Mr and Mrs Hay oi Pene tang sue Barrie The brideelect graduate of By GARRY MYERS PhD Let us consider all those boys and girls about to return to school who found learning hard and discouraging last year Theres the child who failed to be promoted last June with his class He may have had many reminders of this failure durin the summer Before schoo begins he may have more reminders and exhorte tions to work harder this com ing year Already he has been dreading the ordeal of repeat Ing the grade If he is your child resolve to Inspire him with ho on his fresh start Try to he him see that his chance of succeeding ls much better than he had been promoted and that he has the opportunity to master many of the things on which he failed to do well last year You will have to be tactful and skillful In order to help him In this di rection Theres limit to how much good you can do him by talk Ing Talking Ilona hardy will amount to much Certainly any remarks reminding him of his past failures rebuklng him for such or warning him of the fu ture if he doesnt work hard enough will prove harmful NEEDS YOUR CONFIDENCE He needs to feel that you believe he Is going to make good and that you are galagdo work out with him program to this end As soon as possible try to ascertain what his specific learning difficulties have been You might be able to get such Iniorrnatlnn from the school you might even seek the help of specialist The chances are you already have considerable information Perhaps you have discovered that be is poor reader poor speller or In number work or slow all these subjects SET UP STUDY PROGRAM dust to tell this child he must work harder wont help Set up home program In which he will be guided in effective study by one of you parents or stranger who will be so patient as to show an anger but will help this child cnloy success at his lessons ATTENTION be resumed Child Who Failed lune Exams NeedsEncouragement For Fall Pncte by lea Cowper Studio Toroato East General Hospital School of Nursing The bride groomelect Is graduate of Wheaten College Wheaten Illinois Following the wedd ing In Noraads Baptist Church Aug 31 the couple will to side In Pasadena Calltomls where graduate studies will You of course will set reg ular program seeing that the child faithfully sticks to It Perhaps your child Is In school where all children were promoted regardless of their achievements you know he tagged in one or sev eral subjects You should be as much concerned about him as If he had not been promoted The to suggestions should also apply to him lune Loses Out In Wedding Race Montreal The uts and songwriters may sill rhyme June with mean but the sixth month of the year appears to have lost its magic appeal for newlyweds Like many an other hallowed Institution The June Bride is becoming van ishing species on the CInIdisn scene survey of the nations msr rlaga pattern made public by Canadas leading bridal wear designers Indicates midsummer weddings have gained Increasing favor among Canadian brides with July and August followed closely by September ahead of June In national marriage stat Istlcs In 195 and every year since then Jane has been relegated to either second or third place to wedding Popularity as reflec led In figures published by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics August was In first place twice with 17299 weddings in 1953 and 186 in 1959 July captured the honors In 1060 with rates wedd logs and In root with 111240 While figures for tors are in complete indications are that June brides trailed far behind less than 11000 weddings were recorded for June while tha Sep tember total was close to 11 500 Experts have no pat answer for the apparent trend away from June weddlngs although weather conditions ars consid ered possible factor The un eertalnty In recent years of Juan weather appears to have prom pted many newlyweds to choose midsummer or later In order to Improve prospects for fair weather honeymoon Ebenezer UCW Plan Bazaar Ebenezer United Church Wo man met at the church last Wednesday with Mrs Ernest Dales as hostess The president Mrs Doug Kneashnw opened the meeting Miss Aileen Gardener sva tha flower tor the Min arias inutes were read and approved and treasurera report given There was donation to the Vocational School of Christian Education and plans were dis cussed for the bazaar which will be held Oct to at the home of Mrs Doug Kaoashaw at Fen nel Comers Mrs Knesshaw took the study book on Hong Kong Mrs Ernest Knacshaw read the Scrip ture Mrs Dales conducted contest with Mrs Gordon Ifaas show the winner After the lunch the ladies took ma sawing for the harm Sept meeting will be bald It the cottage of irs Ivor Rod ger Bally Down Baseh8aat at pm Roll call will ba lKenna or lace starting with at or or THE STARS SAY asraalaml Planetary positions new pre sent both good and bad aspects Curb emotions and be unden standing with those who may be edgy Those engaged to cro atlva enterprises should find In aplrstloa It high peak how ever and flna Cancer Influc enee favors home and family matters FOR THE BIRTHDAY 1f tomorrow Is your birthday your horoscope indicates that while ou can accomplish great as In the yaar ahead where both Job and monetary aftatrs are concerned espo cIaIly within the next month next January and March It would be advlsabla to avoid or travsganca and apaculatlon dur Ing the next 11 monthsparticle Iarly In midrfictober early No vember the latter half of De camber and next April it will be Important too not to sale onlss those to position to ad Ill Remember this during the lat ter half of September the last week of October early Novem ber and next February During those periods many persons born under other signs may prove lrrltsbla and difficult to get along with Avoid these ten enclea yourself Personal relationships will be under generous Influences throughout most of the year prom sing happiness In social domestic and sentimental II fairs Best periods for romance the cycle between now and mid September next April and May Opportunities to travel are In dicated within the nest two weeks also In January June andor July Creative workers can profit through original ideas between midSeptember and the end of March SPECIAL PERMS 499 so 1250 Ilyiista Mllglll mowle Pat smas KAYSW fl Dunlap St PA Mm Elan Peacock Prep HIGH scuoos STUDENTS We Carry Complete lino Of TEXT BOOKS AND SUPPLIES For The High School Students AVOID THE TERMOPENING RUSH Plan ysnr order In advance far your High Srhool lup llsa Na seed is wait sr stand II liar small lrpaalt aids your books sattI required WEAYMOUTHS BOOK STORE lilINIm ST VI IA Mill