Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Aug 1963, p. 4

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mam While few accidents havabeen re Boned in which seat belts may have can factor in the cause oi deaths the great majority of informed opinion seems to favor this equipment to prevent ser inus injuries in motor accidents In recent address at the Montreal General Hospital Dr Bruce Williams nssisiant director of the hospitals out aiieni trauma servicey discussed speclnl disease In 15month period endin Dec 31 1962 this disease lied broug in the hnspllal for treatment 4000 victims an average of 10 er day The diSease was the motor veh cle accideni The best known roieciion against ii he said was dev as called scat bells The Montreal and the Lachine Gen eral Hospitals conducted twomonth survey from Jan to Feb 28 this year during which 114 motor vehicle eccl dent cases were treated the Highway Safety News reports Positions in the cars in relation to seriousnesso injur ies were studied At the top of the list VC record of more than $4200000 was paid to Ontario rcsldents during the ast year by the new Motor Vehicle Acct ent Clalms Fund Transport Minister James JAUld reported today Drivers 51 were treated 10 admit ted gnuum mu rumlullw nun sunmu mu WI Ammm rm lulnl hell ml ruNunu mun Front seat occupants 43 were chat are im ortant they are onlyone c1 ed 11 were admitted the go bag Paid To Motorist Victims Aulhovl mm nun Full omu nayum nunu In In vumm ol mun In ml Dull Iumlnl um Illhllmy an unnnn WAIII rlilhhn IIIIAN ILAlmn mum MIIIIIIIDN Idllnv mum Hm mu Munr null HILIDN mum NIUIAIL DflNNlLlV Ivrl II luMlhllon am Ivy nlv Im my 00 0mm nonhuman mu mum mm ymmm 11 mm mod oum nation Av 7mm cu mu moull mm mm It Nuuy mu TM dlM ln mm mm mumm The unda first year of operation end ed on June 30 and during that time it made payments on 2417 claims or dam ages arising from traffic accidents These were damages that could not otherwise have been recoveredi Most of the payments were to the innocent persons in aceldenis that were caused by drivers without insurance The other were to persons injured in hilandrun accidents and or damages Seat Belts Are Favored To Prevent Serious Injury TIME FOR IREASSESSMENT Winnipeg Free Press ll ll 13 wlso lho Pcnrsan gnvcrnmenl wlll ndmll frankly that some ll pro cleellon plnna were based on Inaccunlu assumptions and must be revised in their llmlnu leasl llchlnd nll the recent hndc gem changes and rclrenu lhc lrnlh Is slmpy lhnl lhe government Incks lha mum to do all lhll ll hnd hoped to do ln Ila that car The nnllonnl cupboard ullcd hy hr lenrannn predccmm ouml lo bu even harm than ll looked when ho lnuk nlllcu Now lhnl ll lrnu alnlo has been revealed lho government must let Icconllngly The Northern Advance July 31 1913 Barrie Citizens Ennd directed Putt Addison took first prize com Eetltlon at Orillla Judge was Lieut John iatter of 48th Highlanders Toronto Picture at this band appeared in piner earlier this ear Musicians were ell McViear Bil Ness Ernest Carr Scott Varnica Fiannigan Sid Smith Hobley Japp Teltord Shar Landon Dick llomewood Karl Mars alll Fldler Parks Jimmy Keenan Donald Jacobs John Merrick Bob ltlnlcomson ltedditt Parks Dick Voltenden Gibson Art Wolien den Lee Ind Arnold Wilson Brake man John Wilson killed in rearend col lision of two irelghts on mainline Grand Trunk ltailway at liinple Barrio bent Cookstown and will meet ivy for South Simeon baseball championship Sib Rowe oi Barrie anti Dewey Hopper oi Cookstown were in close pitchers bnt tle Morrison declined to accept offer 01 principaishlp in Colllngwood or $1400 per year preferring to remain in Barrie Auto speeding has become 50 YEARS AGO BARRIE WIXIH Puhllaher Whal in Incl viaI Mr Pcmona com 112 mm Examinpr The Barrie Examiner hull specdirfi has become Published by Canadian Newspapers umlted 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Brian Sl THURSDAY AUGUST 1361 Plu Mlnlm nwearln seat belts two were admitted but on 107 n9 wear lngbells 21 were gdmfltteq Rear seat océupanls 17 were treated two wereadmiued it 315 Iéund mosl accident or curred within 10mlle radius horne It was agreed that Person could wen seat belt for ears thout really used ing it Bum en In one split second it gould savelyoug lite Guest speaker John Moore PM special consultant to the surgeon cneral and the public health services of Un ixedflSlalesL 3ld The problem is man in motion Man must have motion to live and when he moves he must stop therefore it is the stopping with which we must concern ourselves Accidents do not in them selves cause lnjur lnjurI is direct result at force hitt ng an Seat in slow ing down We cant however stop the advantage of moving instead weehave to consider the question of packaging If we can safely package spacemen in their vehicles why cant we saier pack fie drivers and passengers in autumn as 13 Moore added Although seat belts are im ortant they are only one club in the go bag caused by stolen vehicles Mora than half the claims are settled without court case It is sald now much more practical or Innocent parties to make clalms for fairly small amounts with the llkelihood that they may collect ln mal ter of weeks Instead of havan long anrl complicatetildelay The statement is reassuring particular ly in view of the many drivers who quite apparently have no financial means to meet the cost to others of accidents in which they may become involved It is or course an nilence not to be covered by either regular public linbiiit insur ance or the Motor Vehicle ccident Claims Fund Barrie dcicnle for Hodgson Trophy iiandale only club undeieaicd aiicr three matches in YorkSimcoe lawn bowling league Dr Dew has returned from tho Old Country where he look special course in surgery iii Wan Chincso missionary is visiting It Lem Bros inun iry Work siaricd iayln Pavement nnilramiiord Si Quo Vn splnyinz at IJronmlnrndrTIIcnlrLTT and Alderman Wallace just corn lclcd 500 cflbflbaxe games nnd found can had lly hls own doctrlno rcsponxlelty lllc hm hnl come In reassess In tho Hum or the Inlenl huder gum lhu pm from nlrcnrly mulo and tho cost ur hcr reform would be my in plunge nhcnd to wnnlu desirable mulx wllhnul renxscu mm means and thus pllo up more fu ture Iroublo on lo of the IMHDUI Iln fucinl hefllugg kl by ML Mrhmbalwr1 Mn Inmon ha not deceived them but on the olher hand he lm no lul lclvnlly warned them yet llml Ihey cm nnl have everything may Want overnlghl and In wine Hm Inn munl wall Ilnlll lhelr mean to dam to lhelr dulm qulle common on Collier St at nlgh and Constable Hagan should keep on the look or these smart alecks ll ap cars that Slr Vlllrid Laurler has been ald up with bad cold followlng polll lcal mlsslon lo lllontreal Iljhero 153nm danger of ihe ailment seiil ng in his feet and preventing his projected autumn tour to Ontario Government announced oid power house on Severn River will get new dnm and powerhouse at Swill Rap ids CPR issued circular to irainrnen and conductors to take special care wiih ladies wearingnewiaihiglned iighilskiris The innmllnn people are nlwnyn ready la main mlslnku lclnll by my gov ernmunl and will forum lho vnrloul ml lake the mutant bmluol What they wlll new lurglvo pruvcd ln lhe In two clucllonn In any guvurnmonll Il lumpl In lccclvo hem to xnr nvcr Ind over axnln that woult undertake now ox cndllum only as growing nation can Mord Ilium He would put Hrs lhlngs first in non nlblc stlcm priorlllcs Mlcr lllllo more lmn lhrco months In office he has mmlc food more prnmlsu lhnn the nu Ha hi my rcnsun to expch In such brief period ll wlll mm high rournro In alum 1nd Jaw Ihe Iacln chlnlly II Inc as Mnled by Mr Gonlnn It the pmmnl ralu le flcll Hm nation will and on lho rocks won 250 mllmcnl lo lho Cnnadlnn people He uarnnlecd to govern with rcsponslblllly Ar his election qgccchca he was pareul The lemur Ihe lhllh bone the held the lumur the rounded end Which flu late the mkel of the NY bone the neck he mm the lhlnnur Mellon between maln pm the min bone Ind Lhe rounded he By JOSEPH MOLNER but Dr Molnorx Please elaborate on hip nailing for lrmnm tht femoral neck Hencl the neck of the amt heln Imlller Ls more likely to bran gm many lncturu hlp Ire instead rm tum of this bone So the pnlenl It Nflflmd mlzht wall be one he olhur Both Ira bad but not MR3 they lonnerly wm For immune not many year no mum ol the hlp or In Him or lhe cmun was close In dulh Icnltncc 1n com nl elderly people Then you had to keep thl lucldm one absolutely lullIll over And lying mollunleu or long wan lrequenlly mil Lack exercise and movemenl Il lowcd fluid lo accumulate In lhu lung Ind presenlly pneumonia tended lo wrlla Huh T0 GOOD HEALTH Now however wllh thn My plnnln Itchnlque corroalon proot rod or mllnl or pln ls Illnched with Imwl ID that lht Iwo am the broken hon In eld in posnlon The thing can be don with DON OIIEAllN TORONTOWalth he undh dnlu Thlll Ihu clue be old pro pomlcll nbumrl would pm on ur Ihr mlnlnl clcc llon nn umm hul lmn IM hulls putty to am In mmlnl cmfldllu And It ha been re mud may luv lmn Mllnl out mm mm mm 1h NIH hu lwn rmnnnldy Mu wlm unmlnnllmu lhmuh mmmnchuhnwnbauum promlm la ridinghy rldlnl mm In ledml ecllnn wo um provlrm In nun Ilmu And 1nlhll lypi cum pllzn In undlduu Import ml In menl umpnlunl ml Il molt Ilvuyl could ell lhl mu lhl lemll Ind NDP would Kirk up lmm lhu nvflnmlnl the last ol men they hud In Mr Em mouth lhc Irend mlxhl nlml clr pmlu nu cd lhrmllhoul Km pron you could um mu ynu would limol wr wuld wln COULD Ilm WINNEM In ms or lnlllnu lhc Llh mll obviaunly nrrnl lulu Anywlwn II puny nul In 0mm My but new undl nhlo In uun Uoqun 1mm rupulnr Guflph Imy Warlnn nmnlul In er Inxlnn Raulh and In nnmh rounl dairy man an Whlrhcr llehl In llruu Thu um walk lhmlmlc mm mm filth and Ilnndlnr In lhllr mnvnunulu You dud lhrm wlnnm And 01 mm Durmuh QUEENS PARK Hip Nailing For Femoral Neck Break BidingByRiding Fight In Election WE BEWBOTE THE RULES LITTLE The mulls MI technique have been spcclacularly good In patient can move wlthnul destmylng the early stage knllunz of hi hone Ha all up much sooner on eel sooner lrnclurcl elsewhere mum All his sound wmewha nlmplcr man it really la ol course It sllll takes quile at me before lha bun man enough In curry lull wclzhl Then Lllflnm Ind soreness and the pallunl nncn II Ilrnld to put wdlht on Ihl hlp evcn alter Ihe donor know Iale thnth p90le bmmg marq of the pro Eu mm nd blood are the prlnclcrll lhlnis The test does not ircclly dl lflnnse uncer but pmence blood Indicate mm problcm which may or may an be malignant pus course Indi cnlcl lnlccllon cur theyqu hive more park Inca Ind recover IOOMI The limph mike crutches his aim been an Immense boon In zoning peoplu back on their leek but Dr Mnlncrx What an Ihow up In urinalyllfl ll can ccr delectcdulhn wuy7JF nnslllvily means nmllhily tun or oflcn In other kind or llghl th some pcoplc even vary smnu amounl ol llxht can 1mm lhe Ikln calllvm or men and womtn they Ire ollcrlnz ll they run to arm lhry wlll have lam number ol unlun men wllh probably on or lwo Ilronl enoulh II llldhldfllll lo plrk up wmt lelll Ea the avrmmcnl il mucemrd ll will Ilka nu nut law wcelu la lrll lhl alory Amrmllm bun Inning wllh Ihrlr nnmlnnllvnl Thln laid In bl lulcnllonll II fell lhl In mall rldlmu lh Huh lo named In luvln men In lho Held mly Ind pull Ilulu huI udllu yrHllhll uh Wm Inf nullo III m1 low ml cl Inn Ihlcl lo Innl lhn MM lhyllul urrlu Iltmglhml 01 may mu umin mum mm 11 xly ml pnytr unclul nd In lhn hm um Then hu bun no III how cvnr th they lcnmlly will be worn Iorctlul lhln Mm lC TROUIILE Inuperlrnn DUM pull mponllhll lor um TM Inlc MncKenzlc QC nnluln PC ounnlm hand plum their rmlldnm lnr run And ml mlly pldrd lhem but permd lhrm mil Tn lulu hm hI hem Indy In uppmnco Imund lo llll MI Ihm nul ll ulna hu bun rumored lhnl KM ICI hm not been lnd In uuy lo go out In good mrn hey wnnl BIBLE THOUGHT NOTE 10 ML Phnlo OTMWAClnadn will luvs new dislinclive nnlloml nu nnd In alliclul nullonal Inlhcm belare April 1965 Prime Mlnluer Mslcr Peir Ona he pmmlscs mnda by Mr Purlon durlnl ha elcdlon campaign was that lhcse lwo Ilepx would be taken wllhln ler yam leeral sawm mcnl assumlnu olllce One he declulanl mud by lhu nnw lecnl government durlnl Ill Slny dlya Declslon wn evldcnlly la lmplcmenl thll prgmlu By 1le CANADIAN PRESS nu durinl lhe Hull week in recently adjourned uulon IIrxlnmenl hurd lht prlmc mlnhler report um nu nub committa 01 he cablncl no my inmdepmmenlnl com mlllce hid been Id up to pm nure propmcd dulln or lhl Lu yur Hon chk Ilckm Ill pmpoled hi the Unlon Jfltk should be Idopltd by Cam Idn lhl In or lhl Com monwullh be flown lo IIK nlfy Cand memberIMp In tho Commanwullh on Ill Ip proprlnlu MCIIrOM It would bu flown huldo new Candim llnl whlch unuld ho adapted In our oflltlnl Ind dhlinc nlunnll llu II muth In lhm moodl lowlrdl lhll flu quu llan Thou Ioullrd tlhnlc mm namely Ihou ncllhtr llrllllh nnr Fund Inmlry mmlly would in In new In burl no lndlullon our pm huary Ind mod lionl lrtnchCnnldtnlu swulrl like In ms Frmch unhlom lhrll elluanY or own nrlda plum an Caden In hul magan Hm unlitInnbillly nl lhnl nlm they would mm mind In nlher mm on In whlch my llrlllh lyman Nedumlnnlrd Ilv Cann dllnl MI LInIdlln IA abnn are hlpry wllh lhe Conn llu um Inllln lml lm yuunm lulullun In mum hmhlry wllh mlum lml Aml lmuucclly nnumr Illl rvllln In lmI Pinun nu mum whrn 11w uy Hml III In mum our pmrnl mlmdlnallnn In Ilrlllln INUIGN IUIIDRTED an ol mum In theIduh 0m coul nur pm My In I1 nhmlnn llvd Enflfin would Iorlcnlly no leuhlnl CumInn hlllary In our Mall 10th Mrlcl Imnlln and myomnl than Canada ll now mllher num nnhy nmnlzlnl Ellnbefll Qurm South AMCI nnr um mum nl lh Cour nmrm yr ll um Ml Ill my dhuncuvo mun OTTAWA REPORT Aug 15 jug The Allies lnvnded France from the mulh 19 yam nun IndIyln ml alluklnl nevml beaches en the mouth at the River Rhone 1119 mm landed from tom I000 Ihlps liter bony yrellmlnlry bum hudmenl and began puxh In npldl north to llnk wlth Iha led me um had linded In Normandy In June Within day French and United Slam unlu en tered Par ImKIM Macbeth cl Scotland was ilaln In ballle PATRICK NICHOLSON PM Promises Flag National Anthem TODAY IN HISTORY MclNiYRE HOOD LONDON For thn lint tlmu Ilnce me the Lord Mlyor oi undomwith hi oiilciul relinue Ind with the pm and pan oply which in tridltonul with the chic maintain at Biltllnl capital will vixit Cumin in Stile from Aulult in Sen mm He will bring wllh his oxmu robes oi oiilce And the word Ind mm which are the Iymbnll oi his nuthority ill pmy will includa two oi the Sheri at London Illd their wives iha Chlei Commoner who the Ipokeamln or the Cam mon Council oi the Comntion or London hi Iwnrdhearnr mum at uml Ind mace banter the city mini and two mum And he will come hearinl beautiful am at Illvu late for the live Camdinn cil es in will visit in Sluts Quebec Montreal Toronto Lon don Ind 0mm REPORT FROM 1ng SlrRllYh Perrlnl old me some of objectives and de luns his Canadian our In In dnwlnzMm ol the Mlmlon House whlch Ike omclll mldem ul he Lord Mnyor 0n lha ulp ha will he Accomplnlad by the Lndy Mayarua TRIP 0F GDDDWILL IhI very ml um oodwlll tour Cuuda carry wllh resolution melInz Ind noodwlll Irom the Corporatlon London In the clue will he vhltlnl In State Hut want Illa lived In Cm to Ice the people Inta may oI lheIr home an posthle Ind e5 Iend lhe hind IrIendsIIlp to them This Intended to be IrImdshIp why man who proud In In the sum Lord Mayor oI London Ind wnnt put man the menus Ihn we are nnl In parlnenhlp with the Canadlln people Sir Ralph expinlned ihli the word and mace he will ha bllllllnl lo Cliildl will no he the oriilnlil which never IUOWEd lo luv London They are whli Ira known ihs travelling word and mm Thu mm was preleuled to lhu cor poration law yem an by Alderman Jlmu Humn while lilo iruvciiinl award is Ill from he present bard Mayor lo mark hln year in uiilce and flag the Unlon Jack II rcpro unllnl Ilgnlflcant In endlclhla pm ll lulunl Mllory LEGION CHOICE This recognition that henldry Ind hluory Ihould play part In tho deslzn of nnllnnnl nu rclccu the wldclyplugzed Mr ple Len flax espcclnlly Ilnce lha maplt not dlnllncllvl tn Cnnndn Prtfernbl rum this gal of View lhc dulKn ncked by wme mllam of hu Legion field of en hon110nm blua Ind while hm represent In In provlnces wllh lhu Un lon chk In lho upper lcfl quid nnl Ind whlla FlzurdeLyl reprgnnllng fir upcrlny John Malhuan he ymlni am and llwycr whn rcpmenll Uniltd Emplrt Inynllll can fluency In Onlarlo lho House Communl hu shoul dtrtd lhn Ink prellmlnlry munch on lhc nu qucslinn or he leenl overnmlnL HI hm dul up mm most Inlcml In nnllu Ind Irluu lhll one dilllndlu Clnldlln dulln In heraldry Indly In our coil mm This Ippclrl ln lhl fly he find Emil Ill uppu MI qunmrtd to Ilmw lh Llnnn lInxllnd In Men Scolllnd Fleur6014 Irnnce nd up In land In loncr hull nhaw lmup lhm mnplu lum mnjvlnrd Ihln 1mm John Mathmn wllh nound HIM ma om hmldlc nymhol dullne llve 1n Tunll Thln Iruuu Ihould lhuelon be our II rainfall Ihtrlrreleunl mlplo ell In Iha fly Lord ngdx Londbn ToVisit In State conimcmo mow AUG 19 mm MORNING runomm vnmu man Mnmm Mum AOml Tlm For ALL TO THI FIRST 100 CHILDREN AT THI VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL HELD AT GET YOUR OAS FILLED BALLOON FREE IMMANUIL 31mm CHURCH vmclmt 51 Mum will he Invelllnu to nnolhar counlry or the firs dme whan Cunada is an exch npllu of the sword Pruenled tn II Carporlllun of London In mo and which used on ail 1an ocmlons exccpl whan th Queen In mnklnx stale VII lo the Gulldhnll On such an occlslon purl nmd he Jewelled wlth 3000 pearl and Erelenltd In the city by Queen llxahelh lg x51 used my mummy The Lord Mayor has an ex iemive itinerary mapped out or his villi lo Candi will lakl him irom Quehac in tho Eu to Victoria on the Pacific Conn in due to arrive in Quebeti on Io CPR liner Empress England onAugusi 11 and will IpEfld two days there In QuebEC he will present the formal r6 lolulinn oi tho Corpornllon London Ind piece oilllver pins in tha rm or ol Ihll city On August will wood day on Ilole visli to Mnnlreal and make slmllnrprescnlniions He will apandviwo any in Man lml and than lrovel by our nigh train to Toronto On Saturday Auzun 17 un Lord Mayor wlll be guest at the Canudlun Nullunnl Exhlbl llnn and will watch lhe War rlou Day Parade On Sunday Aulusl 13 he wlll travel 11 cu to Hamilton Ind Nllgan alls relurnlng Lo Tmnln at nlxlll The lollowlnx day he wlll be gun hnnar Al the ONE lunchean will make lnur ol Tornnlo Ind Toronto harbor Ind vlalt Ihe Royal Cnnadlan Yacht Club and 1h University of Tor onto 0n Tuaxday August to The Lord Mayer and MI lull rallan will drive London Onurln 10 VIII lhe Unlvcrilly We lemVOptaylo mi Illend lunch con the Chamber Cum mcrce He will than drlvn 1a SlraUnrd lo allend he Slrnllnrd Fesllval In the evenlng lhen re lugninglq Toronto 0n Wednuday August 21 um Lord Mayor wlll motor In Klim um where he will visit For Henry Ind Inspect the For Henry Gnud which ho had Hen the Royal Tournament In Mll dan few weekauo On Thursday August 22 tho drlva will cnnllnue em la Cum wall to visit the Lawrence Seaway and pawnr dcvnlupmenl snll through the Thnurand Is lnndl Ind vlsil Upper Clnadu Villa slate vlsil ln Ollawa wlll bezln on August 11 and on me nllowlng day he will lake part In pnradc la the openlng of Illa Cwlrnl Canada Exhlhlllnn luncheon lho clly hall he will present sliver plat In Mayor Charlolla Whlllan TRIP To WEST Thls will end lh ln Slulr parllnn 01 ha Lord Mnyarn visll Ind ha wlll lhen leave by Is plnno lmm Toronlo to low Illa Wall Place In bu anIlcd unnll llevtlxlnke Pnnllclon whrrc he wlll be mu Mayor and Mn Flnuny And then on lo Vnncouver or busy day olllclal vlsll and mm mlnl Frlrlny Ind Salurday Iluml no Ind 31 will la Ipenl ln Vlclorlln an ourlnx yum var III Ih Mayor and Lady Muyorm ha flunk LleulGnrernn Georu IL Pmku He Ind MI party wlll nllend dlvlna urvire on Sunday SeMcmbnr In Chm Church Cnlhedul On that all Irnoon he wlll 51an MI rrlurn journey hamc Hylnfl ln Vnn countan than by the pol mm In Amsterdam Ind hum bark Landon Sir Rnlnh nnd Lndy Perrlnz lull cl tnlhmhum our er larlhmmlnl Isll In Cnnndm has hem In Cnnndn only on on prevloul occlslnn In 1925 whm II young man ho Ipcnl mm llmo In Duminlnn Iludyinl buxincu ndmlnlllrnllon methods firm In tnlnrlnl hll lllhrrl unlneu whlch he and MI brolhtr uCol Perrln Irg Jul nnnxinl digeclpr slr IInIpII Perrlng nIy Inlerultd In Iha vromullnn upon Imlo Ind hu mndI In mum Hxnoru lIm llmm hi mnynrnl year In Landun nkcd hlln II he prnpwd Io Iln my mmlnnnry unrk nlnnl Ill line In nnnmn ImI ha nuld lhul he uuuld 11 la uhrnmr nn Ipnmprlnla upswnunny alum IlnIl In Iumi lw ldlIlMflfll nl lmwny Inulo luluMn Iand nmI Iho United Kingdom

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