Thc mm mllk will rlsa onehall can not quart Sept uran Onlnrh cw mm In be no Aller nallvo but lo pay llm armor lha nrdcrcd Increase Hnwuvnr we would ban to pass along he cnnsumcr only In exact nmuunl oi the lncrmc plld In the dislrlbulur whlch came to onczhnlf cent quhrl local dairy dillrlhulor uld ha hld recelved loner MI morning mm Mack d1 rcclur ol fluid mlk dlvlsion De urlmcn Agriculture nullly dishï¬bula lhul Ill Incrme ol cent per hundred pnunds milk must pi lo lhu pro duccrl Tho Keller mics Thu fluid milk Industry has accepted lhl he Lllmrnl lnmnmcnl prm cred wilh III plans to Rdnpl nu tlcnr woman or Cnnndlnn maps hnme nnd nhrund it wlll ha ndd man out In an lnlnrnnllnnn movcmcnl awntd permnnanl walrld pom OHILLIA CF An mm mm anmm Inok only 10 min ulc chnuduy to unlock Snmmcd Ormlu polka Ilnllnn conlnlnlng mum at the wcckvndl Marlpun nlk 15an The lack wind Sunday nlnhl alter the last receipts had been plum Inside Ihc sale The to lnl amount was not disclosrd Thln wan lhe at mume wlrcd todny to Ilchtr Smllh MI 0r Slmcna North and Prlme Mlnlslcr Pearson by the Barrie Ime sludy Group The lcxl In lelurnm InlIn ll nmwnn lhnl It In mnmrmnrlly Imminent lhnl the Cnnndlnn Invernmcnl wllhoul pnrllnmcnlnry npnmvnl gain In ndopl nuulcnr mm or Cun ndlnn ruups Al hume IId Illmnd Wu bulkw the recent mm mm hrlwml the USA Hum nnd Onnl nrllnln hn llvtn nw Mu Frnmn Mltrvilll HI Nnymv will be Him we lmmlyn urnminim In line Iqu lrlnml Mn pmilun II um nnndim lianll Exhibition in Twin Appenrlnl ma Barrla Ar ena tomorrow night The Four Season will be on hand wllh Expert Opens Iammed Safe Urges Government To Halt Adoption 0f Nuclear Weapons Will Boost Milk Price Half Cent Per Quart 1N PRINCESS CONTEST WILL PERFORM AT BARBIE ARENA mm lormuln price or Huld milk as being In Indicator ecunumlc candlllonl In respect the prices pad la Ihn produccrl In lluld mllk mppllcd lo dishlb ulorl and has used It only an hnsL ln InMnl mnrkel price flay Alklnson co urdlnnlnr uld lndny the will Ilnrl main lnl llllsun ollccra Linlsnn icm will be Irpolnlcd nr Iha our mu Mld Ind Orlllln Al lIxton Ind Colllnzwoad The Ipnkcsman lflld Ms or mull used by lhu Donalimam lakes Into conxldcrmlan many actors Involved In mllk produc llnn wages cm Md Ernlns Ind arm implement cum They lho Dcparlmenl ml the wage paid lahnr indium tha Slmcoe Blrrlc Emerflnncy Measure Organizallon ll pm pnrlnl Inr HI Ill prozmm Thnlr lnhs wlll he almllur lha arm comdlnnlnrl Jab hope In humunlly that Nle lion nf arm pnsslhlc nml pm vidcl um mm or rcnasu men at our commllmcnl In wcxh ern hemlsnhtrlc dnfnnsc Mr Alklnuon Inld lhe tom milka wlll nnpnlnl the nlllcm at the next mulling This will the rut lime lhe dishIda have had Maison ollic era In he cirwmslnnces can Ildar lhll any mow by Inn nda to ncqulra nuclrar mm In unllmely nnd unwlac aur own message In Mr Khrulchcv re We npukrnr many Cnnmllmu In urging yau In ulraln mm Idnpllnu nuclur arm for Cun Idl Ind prejudlrlnu nn ulllmnu hope or pcace and dimmn mcnl The nnrrle Pence Study Group nlm urml Mr Smlth lo Inc kcy paslllon memlmr ma Name Common Commlllca on Urnmo In lurlher world peace lhll llmu An Eh HI cman unlnli ollw rumum In mllklnI nu Innwdzg Onllrla duh Inmuuy nml dvmnmml and mintmm Emu Ma Dee Dee Shaly Hub Snxx Ind Hue Blue Jam The An gels Randy and lb Rainbows EMO To Appoint Liaison Officers economlc level wt Mllk usually purchmd on the Make hula and the spoke man laid mm wlll be no dlm cully remnanulnl prim In that respch For the Individual who buy mllk by the qunrl how mr one exln cent will hm lo l7 pqld CORNWALL CWA Mun rul man with pm fly In Carn wull clnhcd We nndny night with lhe chairman Comwllll planning board over enlalm proposal In turn 2mm un dcvclnpcd ml Inln houllnl and Induxlrlnl whdlvlulon nllolldm oi hr mu um mm ll lo Mdoï¬k like In unld Iha spakesmnn must Clarence Roscnhrk pralulcd lhnl ha ha been denied plan or Ihe development Board chnlrman Phillips rcpllod thm lhu whnln Idea wu only an Irllul conccpllun now and nnnry wngdx llzw The rlnsh came mccllnx called by the planning board In give lhe public chance In look at proposals or the and In any qqcsilloq Involvcd Is macro unde vnlapcd ma ncxl In vllcosa ï¬bre plnnl Courlauld Cnnadl lelled Cornwfll flesldtnl Barrio Edzlr and Ivy were lmunl the 109 descendant of John And lldllh Hamr whn lfltndtd lha mom annual Rich reunlnn held at Snrlnlbnnk Pnrk Lun dnn Ins Sulurdly John and Ed Ilh nachlr nmllmed Iron En zlnnd In 1700 nclnllm Ind Mend lrnm laronln Norwich Burfmd Lon dnn Edmnnlon And Flint Ind Delron Mlchlgan numdcd MrL Mlfll Campbell troll was he oldul lady nruenl Ind Edwlrd flay char Norwlch 7B Ih oldul unllemnn nolh uprmod thrlr plenwre In lwlnl lhm Mr RI rhnr relltd mm lnlcruunl txmrlcnm bymno dIyL Illdu on mlnlnlurl mum ulna um mun Ihroulh Imam Story Book Ulrdcm In flu lnrk um mloyrd by UN yuunucr lenrullvn Dun llnlnry thllrmln md lha nhllunm at two whn werc nrmnl II In yurl rlunlon Mrumlrr Amnld ol Mml 0nl In riled l7 nn Fehrunry l1 Ill Irl wlh wn Mary nlchlr mug chug Jannlu Ilnchnr Drillln ul rluw Sydney lllchnr led on huw 11 III II llrr hulhlnd mu he nllIrl mndmn n1 HI vhfll mm and luallrlmlwn uuhn IHII IIIIIIh llnrhlr Kay nmm nr anlnn urlnlml llw plrnlc In an placed lho rrunlnn IWHI In lhl ark nmk lmhnr In human wow rd nwulvlmnn whllh vuvrd hwulunlplu HVIVIIIIIM lunn llr HHHHI Mrl rham vrlhlnllnn ml dlllmmllnn mum mm mm Ilurhr nrnnlruvd III ulllrlul WEVE Eva flnchlr McClelInd ol Etlmnnlnn MIL lhc lh ul mumher ol the Ruh Ilyï¬ dacldrd mnnlhl In ndvnnco lo Iltend lhn reunlnn Nu Ir rlvrd enrlirr an phnned ln alum lhu funml nl hnr Illllf lnlnw Jrnnll Rich on Jun lllmldlulllfr John and lhrlur WM llu ll lur vlrnr Euphrn Huh Im Iy tlrrle inuvflmmnn hmkul Hum who wurkrrl In mnkn lhl funlgn mm Ill Ind and tho Compllmanu Show nu underway at pm Clash About House Plan 109 At Reunion Of Rachar Family whnlupegple do mi hut wa Chlirmm Burrla Rucrca Inn Commlllee Ind Parkmand used comma day an mollan Introduced In muncfl MondIy comblnc thu two bomb anp chnlrmnn the committee um hnvo nu comment at un limo Chlflcl Grllfln board chllr man uld Thll wlll Ink In lwlul In or communion Md Robert mldo lhe mouun Mnhdayl council mullnl um thu park Ind ru August Ilm wrlllnx lhla It 130 pml durln mï¬ watch perlod Can only III all lhI page and my IyeI keep clollnl The was Dulch Ilall Wnrkur with low mlnum In Iamplc my excellent calla but he wascalled away In Iubduu mher Inlhullnllc um which should havc end ll 30 Aug breakfast the bread wnl Inner Ihan usunl And one cauld Ictuafly Iquecza and Ipllnl buck lntn shlpr Prcvloun broad has been no hurt that we had In wrlp In damp town unlll It wal tdlhll Wn wen lemmlnx ll 11 clock The In two Greek vay Ihlpl Imloned dawn II In swim In In area mud all IIns lhnka or lllllfllflfl 7or nomylhlnz We at inlo unorm It 330 or the olflclnl plradn whlch wu revlewed 11 King Foul Ind Quzon Fro rlckl The panda lashd or about one hour with each nullonolily marchlnl conlln am On lha ulule lhe Scouu ull pymnid boy piled hm thh and than holl tcd lha mllonnl Ian oclock we went down In lhe Greek villas which II collcollon tumll no sow yengr nolll Thoy loll merino load Arid ihey hm an Ameri cln 1qu box with luncx that lens two yam old Auuusl Our Iroop wnnl Into Alhen lulu Larry Adanu lransrerrcd mm Emil lo Em last September 101 one yur lmxr went to my In Inn on or low day helm Iain Prodded bunny ofllclals lo do mmelhlnl ul the land Conr lluldl brouth In Town Plan nlnl Consnlllnll lelled whlth recommtnded lhll 154 mm ha used or houllnl 35 me or Indualrlnl development and um parcel or Ihoppinx cmlre church school recru gnlnll laclllllu Ind mm lecond lnrlu employer and owner lm ldla land unlnn rcnd lhl mInulu of hi pravinus mecllnl Ind ru IHICYI rpporl Declines Comment ms or Docx BOY BROWNS on lljlyllrOH buy drowmlv Scouts Exaggerate Gestures Hake Pantomime Understood Somo lmn wnl men in MI cuninu plans In prlm hi flue char Family Hillary In book lel Inrm Jnhu Euluon or lb 511 Mlle Pm Toronlo lmd ln prlnl the bookltll ml rlca whtn mulclenl hln lorlcn nou II IlIbII OflIrm chonn or In 13M nunr Reunlon chllr mun Brock ï¬lth wetr lmlum Kay luchlr Myth Huh wnl nquultd In con tinua hhlorlm 1m newly elcmd nmcm wm Ivan Iulhorily la ulecl Iddlllnnll commllln memhm nnd lo chum lhn mullnl pIIco or lhn 1m nuhlr ncunlom Album Ahlllhl Alum Mummum AID II DIII Mumn on Mt hum dn In con Im rmml mmlrll my ImH an NIH lm nu mm mm mm mm Mm lmnnl IN MI lIu mm Inan ummm wlu In no IN qu max xmmm II II on an am an um mum Mlkc DBrechl Qualn Sunui Fauth Binla WI from Human am ll lhl World Jlmhum ml III TODAYS STOCK PRICES IIImn cmpum by nun Dunlap nvl mm Annx mill lula Im Nmn TubI hm Ilom Innunm It Mu AvaAu Inmumm My 11 In up Umuln up in IN in NIL ram III any Immm All Iln Amy Ilnlln mum lnllM nlu mm mm llllmlu Murmur rm lulu Clul Lavm nu ma laml hm my um mam mnvlnuu MINING Allnd Beauchnmp lha Royll Clnldlnn Army Servlcc C011th anmrnla Fm er lhnl ll wu Ms flrll appur Inca in court He hoped It would be Mal ha Inld The ma Alrnla nld lhal hp hopcd Io oo Alaulnnl men Allnmey Chnloncr told lhe Bench lhll the dthndlnl had bun upm htndcd It 1140 on lha evcnlnl Auluxl whtn he wu driv Ingl Cnmp pgrdgn crullon bnarda be cumblned It Hon llle time my Cankellald would llkI to see lhla no Band at the present Um eel it would be pre mnlun at the mamem would like llaï¬ee hanzroqp um mqku Md Robarll served miles motlan In much lhnl he would bring the mullcr up analn mm but of Greece and back lolï¬uypla innVAdlms wu ScoulrnnsA lcr of 5th Burla Troop More Milan Thu hux ride in to Athens was very humpr but at less It was 11 change rom this prnlrlc Illa alallnn noticed that was 60 Iccnlg Iaullan The shopplnx In Album was about he Mme at the Greek village hul ln lho city II the tom of one In merchan dlxlnl Irzhlaxclhcr In lhiélly wa saw an nlms llng Byzantine Church wllh Ihc 1ch ICPIIMMK on the other We notice Ihe hunt ma deal more Several hay In my camp hnve had de cum upstroke but nnlhlng Ierlous study this hnim Jjee hand wllhuul my overtones lyom cpupcll W3 need In study August The main event in our lroup was an lnvllallonnl cump llre We sent on Invlla Ions each nnuonlllly in our Iubcnmp Thny came aner It beume dirk Sklu rnqnlra mat deal pnnlnmlne to make lhclr mean lnl undarslood ln he dlflertnl lunxullo mup and Ihls aver acung make the Iklu quill humorous Thursday was also the Sea Scout day onlurlux nalllnl ma Imus the Mnnlhnn Buy and dlaplny later In lhe dny Thu boy were In unlnmllinr wllh tho Greek crull which ru Ivmhle lhe mung hum used by Inclenl Gmkv lhat many ndcdd up Ialllnl the lhlpl hick wnr Aulull Thll morning we ware Ivan brlcllnu all our tour 0mm We wlll he Imluned In Athens and leavu on our our lram there travelling by Provlnclnl wmlnmu To day In Mr Scout day and HI Iky has been ï¬lled wllh glldcn model pllne Ind preclalonlly In Jelx lzvumld father six wax Md 175 and coal SJ ladsy when hq plnudcd xullly In chlrne mpred drlving In Harrle Mlzhlrnlel Courl In drlverl llcrnce WI Iuspcndcd or lhreo mqnlhs Nil lose an kept going lrnrn Ihe centre the road In curb Mr Chnloner nld 111m wnl no Iccldcnl When muted the accused mnnl watch wu lhlck Ind tohluud Ind hll brulh Imell ed Illlmlll Alcohol AI he IA ogho air In all In ll hidrlvcrr our HI eytl were bloodshol an wul flushtd Ind hll nlll ludu wn cocky Ind nnluam llllc mun old cpl nuhcnimomï¬d no dclrm Soldier Fined Rs Impaired ï¬lial queonn of hires in In Im In Néc an M1 Mao rm run Mull um at run Tumor III Tum Fun gun YIN Tum mm lhl wmn mw wmnn lonllh hum funn Alum um um Tlllv 1qu leHd IM WHIN Wm Hunr rm Nnnhnu mumm ru mu unil mn Mm I11 31 31 WASHINGTON AP An nemulhehoard Ilnah In both Individual Ind carpalno income tax rules lhe bl objectlvn ledent Kcnnedyl tux ravl Alon plan was Approved Wed nesdny by he House olnepre unlnllvu way and mum committee The cuts would Ipply to In came heninnln Jan 196 Twalhlrd Indlvldull ducllon and bit more than hall the corporate rcducllon would corn In 1964 Income the remainder on was and Iuble quent Income House Approves Kennedy Tax Cut Ilelzhborlnl mum Kennclh Thomburn llnd Vlaw Mlmlcn mun end hoyu body mm mm Ice 01 mm wllhln mlnutu warold buy drowned IImduy nllht Ibnul ll mllu north Vlclorln llubour Allu he tell on dock on SIXMlle Lake Dena II Chrlnlnpher John Parker son Mr and Mn John KuPnIker Cullnn Cr mnl Anmter The youth III lhhlnl on flu duck when lhu lccldent uccurréd lle hurl been vll Indyuntil Mr And Mn Wnllcr Parker LOOK What Price Winter Warmth 50 DUNLOP 5T EAST mama Very little wllh this Wit sum lo slop lho coldest wlnlor wind Now Is the lime to oullit your small miss with cosy snowsuit lrom Walkers Quilled nylon iackol completely ro vorsos lo downysoft Orlon pllo to keep her snug and dry with lho added advantage rollaway nylon hood Llncd nylon and collon snowpanls with double knee were meant lo go asliding down snowdrills with the added prolccllon ol knillcd storm culls ll you can put prlco on wavmlh and comlnvl lor Iilllo girl who 5qu you can heal lhls snowsull lIom Walkers lor value Al nllahlo aoyu Snowwlll nlourl brawn gmn In mvy Ilm la 09 WALKERQ TEE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY AUGUST II in Buslcsl week of the season or the Barrie Hmlcullural Sn clety beilnl Sundny whh at our Barri and area garden fol lowed hi lha mick annual flower ow Wzdnu Iy and Mp lo the Cunndhn NIHOIIII Exhlblllon Ihurldly Secretary Mu Jenn Gable ell be workan like hmlncu go complain Sunday pm chartered bus wlll leave Ihc earner Bayfleld Ind Dunlap Strum or tnur Banla lardens Hilb lllhl wHI be vim to the Holdenixlatu In Shanty BIy Tha Innull Ihnw Wednesday wlll ha hald II tho Odd Fellow TORONTO CY Thu busl non manager oi the Tomntn Bulldlnl and Conalmclion influx Council nnnounccd Wed nuduy In Agreemant hm hem aimed to end pickelinl by mcmher unions at Amalga mated Eleclrlc Carpalallow naw plan In Markham but ihe mnvn hmulhl quick rtheiiion irom tome unlon oiilcllis Albert mm councui bu Ilnm manner Innounced lhe Ilgnlng In roprescnullvu Arrqnge For Tour Of City Gardens Agree To End Pickéting lllv In gun II II um rum nghl um Exhlhlln ran requested bring dlspays helween 230 And =9 wayu ows Tcmnlc Calllcr SL Irom 110 An added allractlan le bl ma Junior Iecllan consllllnl or 0mm 01 lowers mwn from seeds Mrs Gum Iald that lhe Cubs Gulde and Bruwnlu were given seed Ins spran up an completion hlrd houm Seeds warn am given to than We WM They ll be Mind by Norman ï¬Seinrloxl Iudaewlil he Ray Hll ward mm the Royal Botanlcal Glrdens In Hnmlllnn On Thursday two chartered hue wlll leave or the Flower Ind Music Day at the cm cunslmcllon lmdc local at meeting called lo consider the proposed agreement whlch hm hm under discusslon line In Edgy Ve wore really mocked IBld Gerald Gallagher DUIIMSI manager Local ha In ternational Hod Carrlm Build hr and Common Laborer Urr lun CLC He sald Mr Hull lrlod to persuade lhe meellnl Hill the ureemont rhould ha $3 When he gal no support lmm those present Mr Galla gher uld the councils mun ager mated Well ll rcally dmnt manor because lvn l1 mdy Ilgned It