Our Telephones For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA sztri Tits telephone number to call tor the Business or Editorial Dept is PA 66537 About Year amino AN ARMED FRENCH PAR ATRDDPElt stops and checks an automobile on road in Brazzaville Congo Republic where antigovemment demon strations have flared Today chanting mob surrounded the palace oi President iulbert am determiner Barrie Ontario Camels Thursday August i5 i963 Youlou demanding his re signation and the iormatton at new government AP erephoto IIouSe Decides Friday On Nuclear Arms Issue OTTAWA lCPiPrlmc liiln lster Pearson hopes Canadian approval will be given Friday to an agreement providing nuclear warheads ior Canadian forces at home and in western Europe The technical details will take few weeks to complete iirlearson and his cabinet discussed the agreement to ob toln US warheads at two cab incl sessions Wednesday and said alierwards he hopes the grecmmt will be fully ap provcd lriday it will provide toothstation tug at US nuclear warheads on Canadian military hasesin Can orn France and West Germany under two key system The US will retain custody and control except it the war heads are needed ior oper ational use Then the 15 and Canada would exercise total control over their use This Is the same systemas prevails under American agree ments with the United Kingdom Indwtth other NATO countries APPLlES lN CANADA itr Pearson said that work log out the agreement with Can ada was complicated by the tact that in addition to Canadian NATO torces in Europe it will apply to Canadian areas at home under the North Ameri can Air Deience Command These are the BomarcB mis silo bases at La lilacaza Que and North Bay Ont and live RCAF stations where Voodoo let laterccptors are based The live ltCAF Voodoo sta tions are It Chathom ND iiagotvlllc Que Ottawa North Bay and Comox DC in Europe 1honuelenr war heads will be used tor the lion est John rockets with which the Canadian Army division in West Germany is equipped and tor the eight squadrons oi lowlevel let bombers the RCA has on two bases in France and two bases in West Germany The agreement drattcd by Canadian and American nego tiators but iollowing the pattern at earlier agreements between the Us and other NATO coun tries went beiore the cabinet Wednesday tor clausebyelausn study After the two meetings which BOYS PLliY iN STRLK MARKET llavt iarmerr Kenneth titanicy linvttnmt and thsrlrs Funk hnlh oi it it near Morten pat mp dividends trnm lntesitrtlnll In cnrusiwlkl made last planting spawn Agtirtllltrre nilitlnls say it lituqu crop is in sight Ct ercpholal lasted total of nearly tour hours hir Pearson said no sig niitcant laws were iound There might be some clarifications needed in tha draitsmanship but not involving questions at prin eiple which would require re opening the negotiations Once the agreement is ap proved by an exchange oi dip amolie notes between the two governments technical arrange ments will be worked out These should take only matter at lew weeks and will simply carry Jainoperational ellect therpov lltleal principles agreed to by the two governments MOSCOW lAPtRussia and lied Chino today laid bore the crux oi their acrid dispute over the nuclear test ban treaty liloscows reiusnl in loss to give the Chinese nuclear weapons Pairing iinnlly exposed the ieslerlng cut to its national pride in sloshing attack on Soviet nuclear disarmament pol icy published by the New China news agency today it disclosed that the Soviet Union had reinsed to provide China with sample oi an atomic bomb and technical data concerning its manuinciurc The Chinese broadside charged that the itussians tore up rim SoviebChtnese agree ment on cooperation in deience technology Ths Soviet abrogation oi the Youths Rescued lit Pigeon Lake BORCAYGEON Ont iCl Two Oshawa youths ware res curd lrom ilgeon Lake Wednes day alter twohour search Dan was iound clinging to en overturned canoe and another was attempting to swim to shore AllIn inltcrson in and Larry Oceans in were touring the Trent Canal system with six other Orbaws high sehool studt enls They set nlrl trnm here and had gone about tour miles when lhrlr tlinnu upset The rest oi the group untitled the camp director nt Murdock who dispatched cruiser lo seartlr tor the boys ilntreaygeon is about 21 miles north at ietcrbornugh NEWS ANCIIOllMlIi Alaska iAil Command said here Wednesday HAM Ont itit hlr host overturrmi In itutlertly MIDLAND tint till Etliiit rind deputy trou oi CP trom ReutersAP LONDON Police moved in on Britains great train robbery gang today arresting iour men and seizing large sum oi money Newspapers said the police had seized about £l00000 6300000 in possible loot irom the train lob Rank experts were to check it Contract Awarded To Midland Firm OTTAWA rep Cohiracts worth $0811720 were rewarded by the public works department in July it was announced today The details by location pro lect contractor and cost in eluded Midland 0nt Construc tion oi iederal building Vilchar Construction Ont $2ld35l Ottaws Federal building to accommodate DVA records stor age andNFlJ stills laboratory John Shore Construction 0t tawa $208000 improvements to heating system at load and drug laboratory iloneywell Con trol Ottawa $31000 Dredging contracts at Besvar lactoo 0ntvtllt8t bltpbaat 0nt 4766 Peking Still Mad At Arms Refusal agreement as iar back as June 20 1050 was done as pre sentation gill at the time the So viet leader Khrushchev went to the United States ior talks with Etsmhower in September the Chinese charged TillES T0 JUSTIFY The Soviet Communist party organ Pravda in seeming ans ticlpation at tho Chinese blow today published lustllicollon ei Moscows reinsul to shore its atomic secrets with ilsalltes Tho iravda attack was re print at on antiChinese docu ment published in Vienna by the lilascow sponsored World Peace Council it accrued the Chinese oi hav ing broken with the rest at the worlds lighters ior peace vcr tits partial nuclear test Ml Terminals Retain FiveCent Charge TORONTO tCiiCosboillv lug increases in the contrary the livetccnt pay toilet leo will remain in tho sis tray Coach Lian hus terminals In Ontario the companys directors have decided General Manager John in glln had recommended tht the llvcccnl ice in elircl IlncI Um no Increased in I0 rent llut directors voted to Irrcp the ire the same nilrr rtlreclnr Ford llrand said lira dliicrrnro to revenue would ltd negligible Gray Coach sutrsidtnry oi the Toronto Transit Commis sion has irrmlnan st Curl it Kilrhcnrr Oshawa ltsrr North tiny and Toronto BRIEFS Balloon Drills 0vor Alaska Coast The North Anwlrnn Air ilcirnce night rr irrs air balloon at am known orlgln drilled otrr thel northern out at Alaska last thin day slirrnoon and Monday morning Lodge Owner Noar Bala Drowns William llsrold Fprncr on proprietor oi Lack Ads lodge at tlinn irrhnrd was drownrd Wednesday when Loire Radio Executive Liberal Nominee Airtimey rsrlls etstlnn tiriills Wednrsrlyy was nominated tone Da Out rt WW4er to see it it came from the ship ment taken irom the Glasgow ioLondon mull train weelr ago today Police announced two men were arrested in London and two in the south coast resort city at Bournemouththe latter pair alter putting up strug gle The bandits cash haul in the robbery in Buckinghamshire 40 miles northwest at here was world record $7500000 Police said they took posses sion at considerable sum oi money mostly in bills at an undisclosed spot Police said considerable sum oi money was ioimd in car and later another car was found with large sum oi money about mile away WOMAN QUESTIONED in addition to the our men arrested woman today went with police to station house here alter being questioned by detectives at house in west London BRlSTOlr England titeut erel Spaldlng Steele hus bond of Canadian playwright Patricia Joudry told bank ruptcy court Wednesday th wile gave birth to now lies siah She did so last Septem ber Steele 47yearold Co nadlan working as salesman ior an ice cream iirm told the court We had daugh er lio said guiding spirit told his wile an actress and radio and television writer born in Spirit River Altn oi the hirs siahs coming Steele was in court to ex plain debts oi £lr000 $30 000 ior renovating house in the village oi Withington near hclicnham lie was said to have debts totalling Mimi $11273 Steele told the court his wile who has had plays pm duccd in London and New Yorir is spiritualtst me dium she bears and sees clair voyantly he sold in the in months up to last September he said his wlio wrote It major literary works dic Surprise Finds Opposition TUllONm CPIThree ill hlnr cabinet ministers were sworn in Wednesday by Lieuten antGovernor Earl llowo follow ing it surprise Ontario enhlnct shuttle by Premier llohnrts Tho ulrultio was prompted by the resignation trum politics at llrynn Cnthcnrt to year old mlnlstrr oi travel and publicity who announced his retirement at lnmirlon Wrrl constituency meeting last Friday its bad Iirrn expected to stay on how svrr until tho coming rlrriion instead iitr ltobsrts so ccpterl hir tnihcnrts resigna tion with very keen regret liltl lit years in the legislature iii appointed t1 year old lntttnlr Aulrl to the travel min lrlry Hoodlum Priest Dies In St Louis ST LOUIS tAil Father Charles itlsmns as known as the hoodlum priest tor his work In rrbslrliltnllng tormcr convicts died here today It tpoirermsn ior ilrmns ilaure which Father Dinner iounded In me to help prison on adjut to civilian lie said the priest died lit long Ili am In tit Msrys limitI In suburban lllchmond ilal his rather Dinner was rrt in Lllwnl rnnrlidnts tor the provincial riding at Simeon idol in the southern illlnols and hid been out election priest for more than to yuu Local Weather Sunny and continuing cool on Friday Low tonight is High tomorrow 60 For complete summary turn to page ihreo Grab $300000 Arrest FOur FOr MailTrain Robbery The two men arrested at Bournemouth were nabbed Wed nesday night alter local per son became suspicious when they asked tor rooms tor the night police said The two men put up strug gle beiora being arrested po lice reported Mrs Betty Last 47 Bourne mouth boarding house keeper said she telephoned police alter hearing shouting and lighting outside her home was terriiied Mrs Last added Someone was shooting tor help and thought It was murder They were trying to push what looked like body into big car There was no immediate ex planation oi the incident Detective Supt Gerald Mac arthur ot Scotland Yard and liinicolm Fewtrell chiel oi the criminal investigation depart ment in Buckinghamshlre hast ened to Bournemouth to ques tion the men held there Scotland Yard checked scores oi scattered leads Ind suspects SHAKESPEARE orcrarEs gypsurwmrrs IT DOWN tatcd to her by the spirits of Shakespeare Shaw and ToLn toy They hoped to sell the works to cover the cost oi the house renovations and to es tabltsh new world religion But none at the works has been sold Steele said he his wile and two children came to liritaln irom Canada in 1057 They had lost money on plays they produced here Questioned about liiise Jau drys pla writing output Steele sat as tar as know it has never happened bcioro in history ills wile took the plays down in longhrrnd lrom the voices she heard he said She can produce lull lenglh stage play in week which is dictated to her by her spirit guides The olilclal receiver sold in tho cold room at In oill cial receivers oiiics this seems tall story it may seem arrsnt non sense but the works are there tor anyone who wants to read them Steele said The case was put over until Oct 2t Shuffle lilr Auld minister at trans port rtnce inst Oct 15 was suc ceeded in that portiolio by lrwln ltnsirett tit and hir llaslrells depnrimcnl oi reiorm institu tions will be taken over by AIIn lrosman who wru minister without pnrtiulio Ind ttiiei ll qoor commissioner iilr liobnrts announced that the position at chiel eonrmls sinner oi the provinces liquor control band will remsln open or the present Neither opposition party leader was enthusiastic about the change and both relied on Air ilrossmans appointment ior comment Mr llronunan has inr some time horn on the periphery oi the cabinet tlrcll said New Dcrnoerstte lsrty iladrr Dom aid itnrlhrnold end has ï¬led the premier has moved irrl lillilie In the hem that this will salvage iir tirossutsns root titrronln St Andrew in the lorihmming election HERES ONE the man strode into the bank and sired to borrow 0000 Certainly said the NHL dent Can you give me stslrrnentt Yes said thsynsa Ind you era ms for very do momma be Not More Than 7s Per Copy44 President Youlou Resigns litter Riots Violence BRAZZAVILLE Congo ite public tAPiPresldent lulbcrt Youlou 4o resigned today In dramatic announcement trom the steps at his palace The army temporarily assumed power chanting mob of 10000 had surrounded the palace shouting tor Youlous resignation The hailed his announcement wt jubilation The downiall oi the little priestpolitician came an the third anniversary oi this Equa toriol Airican nations independ enee irom iranee Youlou had been the republics chlei execu tive mm the start Strong gendarmerle roinlorce meats had coped with the crowd since morning when workers marched to the palace to de mood that Youlou get out La bor leaders had charged that there was grill and cornrption in his government Altar the announcement the crowd began breaking up They walked all toward native vil iages cxeitedl talking about what they cal ed our victory Workers rioted Tuesday call ing tor relorm to government abolition oi Youlous lan tor one party role no higher wages Then they stormed the oil prison and liberated roe pr sonere in search tor sited labor leaders Police itrs iiled live and wounded about dozen 00 LITTLE TOO LATE Youlou promised Wednesday that there would be Niorml in the government ills prom ises either cIme too late or were not Icceptcd by the poo pa There was no Indication who might succeed him iormer Roman Catholic parish priest who was iorbid Will Question Taylor 0n Ban WASiilNGTON iAil Gen hloxwell Taylor goes back on the limited test ban treaty tiring lino today amid demands that he lustiiy his sup rt oi the treaty with detail plans to sateguord United States so curity Tho demands came irom the Senate preparedness subcom mittee conducting an Independ ent investigation into the treaty banning tests In the Itmoh phere under water sad in outer space Taylor lcstitied Wednesday that while there Ire mil sry risks and dissdvantagcs the total chtcls ot stall with lp0 ciiied saieguards Ipprovo Scn ate raillication Is compstlhls with the security interests at the United States On motion by Sen alor ilcnry ht Jackson Dem Wash the subcommittee sub quucnlly voted to demand spcclllc list at the planned snic gunrd requirements at the iolnt chiris oi rtnil oi which Taylor is chairman Hot Weather Speeds Crops OTTAWA iCitlitsturlng at all srsln crops on the Prairies has been sotcried up because oi hot westher sad swsthing ll well under way In southern mat the home oi statistics re nrtrri Wednesday Iowsvrr crap deterioration has bccn reported in some areas an result oi excel vs heat sad lultlequsis moisture and site because at lent nut The report Is the iiilh oi sis covering all at Cnnsrls sad the 10th at it tor the irsirl sssd on lniormstiun triegrs tut up to Tuesday alibi by selected Iirid correspontcnls in Ontsrio harvesting oi isll shut is well Irlvsncrd with em reliut yields at good quality Springsown grslns Ire doing better than expected Corn soy hearts snrt sugar hosts are in proving Ind hsrmtinl oi corn 62d tamtoes tor processing hss gun lircenl rsln to expected in Is rlsi pIIium corn sad lste seeded sprtn grelns but will lay hsrmt ct wade up PRESIDENT YOULOU den to say mess because oi his political activity Youlou had been believed to hold this coun try at 795000 people in ttrrn grip But complaints at gralt and his pro sat to instal only one politics party brought resent ment to pitch Then Monday night tour prominent labor leaders wars thrown into prison This touched all the storm that began with the sacking oi the city prison the radio sta tion the burning at some homes oi ministers and other government oiiteers and tin ally the resignation oi the pres ident Youlous resignation may have saved the city lrom blood hath Labor lenders and striking workers wero unarmed but in determined mood as they sun rounded his palace Ind shouted ior him to get out oi otlice TROOPS 0N ALERT troops and police stood by tenseiy Unrest was also reported in the citys Negro townships Return the surprise resigne tion Youlou had announced that he was tiring all but three oi his cabinet ministers But one at the three Justice litin istcr Dominique Nzalnkands announced today that ho had ro iused to remain MISS cannon Marlena Arron at their ter Ontario who is hills Csn ads in tho nternstinnsl lenti ly Congress at Long ï¬nch Colit permits on the runway during the native coumne part at the progrsm last night Judging oi torrtsn roa tsslsnts will begin tonight in thbote