my MI Indullrlll tom mlulmm 1mm Ilamk mm an uni mm mum In Hit mlnnr hnxclmlL Thnl Ihv lrnlllc depnrlmml plans In Ilzn NAUTum on he mulh lmulnlrd on Dunlnp ï¬lml hrlwecn Snmpwn Ind As an lnlcrlm wlullan whlle lines wlll be marked to dlvlde lhe cnxl and wcsl Ilne ol lralllc on McDonald Slml bclwccn Own and Codrlnulon SlmLs on lrlnl hnsll About Flon Guldcs rubber lublngl 25 In the high will be lnslnllcd Blnnz the pninltd dlvldlnl line la rmrnlc lhe lluw cl lrllllc olhor rccommcndallons were That nlnp Ilgn he placed on nnylltld Slrccl 0th IM rnn rlxhlolwnyl and xuulh lhe Luke Share llnnd 11ml lhc mclcr an lhe Soulh nlde ul Dunlap Slml Enal ol Tomnln Street In lronl ol he SenIce Slnllon be mmved llml lhc unnmltclrd pcdulrlnn unsswnlk nl Dunlap Slrcel Vcsl ol Tnmnln Slrccl be murrd nnd rclocnled nn Dunlap Slrcd Ensl ol Toronlo Slml Thnl lho clly cnzlnm hl nqnulrd lo prunnre In all muc nl lhc cm nl lnnlnlllnu landing and unlondlnl buy on Hm Slml nl Inc from enlrnnca nl llm llnynl Vlclnrlz llnnpllnl rhal lhe nnynl Canndlnn Lb xlnn hr ncrmllled to hold ID lnlolln nnu nun ms The Flre and mm Com mllue of City Council mud Icvcra rccommcndatlom la tuuncll last nlghl and lb report was carrlcd In It enllrcly The tommlllcu recommended hat the paving Em Owen Slrul Inmncllon and wm Codrlnglun Slrcct be dtlcrrcd nnndlng rccnmmzndlllnns mm he Truffle Cammmee nanla dress shop owner was questionnd by DeL 51 David Saunderl ol Melmpoulm Toronla Police yeslerdny be cause she reported mlnz woman belleved In be Mlnnla Ford 56 Ihe wealthy Wlllaw dale wldow who ha been min but slnce Milly 1L Ire uld woman calling herself Mn Ford pur chased some clnLhes In her 110 on May 22 and Iald the wnl vlnnnlng to live In count on Sparrnw Lake near Gravenv hursl Paving Work To Be Delerred Pending Traific Proposals The ma of flu 51mm Coun ty Recreation Commllm Iank time mm their dune lnnl enough to man or plcuu Front rom Xefl to right Anne Huxlable Shanty Claims She Saw Missing Woman EXPORTER VISITS BARR PLANT lln Rule hurl In Inlarmll chll Illhl llnnm MM munulnl Illudnr lh um Couuulonmlm Vt Icrlnl nbxcrvuflon ml min lhnl mm moo1m hlnh plnlrnu hrluctn river whlch mlzhl um 1m Mu mo lar human hnbllnllon and Thus are no record lo nhow whrlhcr my human beinl hnn em hdnra pcntlrnlld thin lnxl tl dornda hrlwcrn the Apurl mac and Uruhnmbn nlvm That an early marlin be arranged or the purpose discussing Wellimunn Slrccl bc lwcen Sunnldm Road Ind Tor anlo sum Thu Ihc non mm on Mil burn Slml at Cumberland 5L be removed and lbs yleld Ilgn be plnco an Cumberland Slrctl ll Mllburn Slrect EM ll Dunlap Sim Ind Ann St and that lender be called to Departmenl ol lllflanyl On tnrlo Apecmcailonl LIMA Frru neulmDA Unilrd 5mm expedllion equhwd with nlrcrm and parchum hn mum to ex plaro lost world hluh in he Junglhcavcml mnunlnlm cl wulhcnxlrrn Icnl Remy 5mm and that Mr Tribhle be Idviscd pe onerl requeslln angle parking on Calller Slrcel be Idvlazd that becausa the heavy lrnlflc was bound on Cnlller Strut angle parking can not allowed but It lhcy wish wider alde walk they may petition under lhe local Imprnve mm It oral on the mailer when seen by In Examiner reporter this momlnm Barrie City Police Chic Ed Tuchlrhart Inld Mls Cum called MI departmentï¬alurday and that an hl men accom panied Del Sat Saunders her hop or the Interview Mn Ford Inherited 00000 when her husand died ï¬ll 196 Toronto pollce have been searching for Mm Fords body in well because In many mou phage callulnsllv Peru Peaks Scene OI Lost World Janet Abram Touenhlm Waynu Mezdnnal Barrie Niall Human Camp Borden non Boarman Darrin Dllnnu Lnlnnd Camp Burden Roy Urbach Vlllowdale Jeannln lflou who hnn flown um COUNTY RECREATION COMMITTEE 1M lamina EnlIInAI Mr llnrnu In mm In dl run In murhlllly nf pm llnl mmhmdlu Ianminer mm the um um enhulnr llc Iboul lll PM Illracllnnl They ducrlbe bcnulltl cnn ynns lowtrlng WMH ml urnl Mona hrldxu nd Ihlm mtrlnu hlue Ink Iunounded ly hrllIlmllycnlorld Ilnd unpen will also be lent to II hoIderI villa Io lulu who have not complled wllh Iho candillnm In lhe lease aInL In and Imuvanu lhelr mm In In nccurdnnce wIIh he by law Thin all or pninlinl an lhclr mm In wu npecllled In Mr nxmrnenl runmmcndnllon Council decided to mud leuer lo holder cl waler 10 mm who hnva not camnllcd with lhu condillom ol bulldan but houu wlkhln an yurl lime wn Ipecl fled In thelr lease The report alto mommmd ed lhnl the City Manager II vlcw IM Munlcipnl Huhlllty In mrnnu cavmn hr Clly Cily Councll ls consldcrlnx er ccllng mice lion he CNR tracks adjacent to the recently purchased properly on old mllon urngmdl nlghl asked he city manager In obtain compar alivc prices wrouxhl Iron and thaln llnk fence and to ab laln an callmala of he addlv llanal Insurance premiums ll lhg iilllgul qug Ia malnlal Consider Fence At CNB Tracks INVESTIGATING MORNING FIRE Duff stayner camp director Centre Mrllyn Disclow Shan ly Bay Jun McAdam To ronto Clrol Newlan Barrie Elalna Drury Bum Caryl CummlnzStroud Sun Crooks Ken Gllklnson 21 12 Wauley 5L Iald hid just came home mm work when saw the name shooting out lhe roof went Inslda and woke tome girls up By he tlme had done Ihnl someone else hld nullIled the Ira depart menl ChIe Irwln uld thu heat was vtry Mensa The cum ol the blue has not yet been determined An nlllc in which broke out In boarding house he corner of Clnpperton Ind Wnraley meet shortly alter midnight hep Barrie ï¬remen busy or over an haun lre Chic Rally Irwln IBM this morning the re cnuxlnl dunInge csllmnted over $500 wlll he Invnsli gnud by the Ontario Fire Marshalaromce In Toron Irhtm In mopmllvc ï¬lm lo mum munlrlpnlllm lml lwo run cammunlliu In 7mm II loomn nay Dmllnpmrnl Almlallnn Span wlnl lhc moltcl II Ihs lmlm ltlnl Commllm Al lhn slmm County 7mm 1le by Wllllnm nnrlmL Imluulrlll Calnmlulon If nrlllll nu min am no lncnllnn Ike lullcllulllnl muulrlpIL In Inrl Illu Mum II 10h mm In ruulm In urh mn Then VI run tvrry manlh lor pulod Mn mun mch nnu hlxhluhln mm nle ndvlnlulrl UN am lo Inltrnlfld Hrml 0n lho lrwI pm lh com udlon III the Paul Inch Idvrrlllcmtnl IncludInl flip oI um um poInII out In 020 promum lnduulrIIllII lhl ndvlnluu nl Incullnl ï¬lm In 12 of In munItIplllllu ol Sign Couply lndunlrhl promollon mm Slmm Counly munlclpnlillu Innk runrrclo Ilcp larward all wuk with In appearnu lbs nm at ulna Idmnu menu lo run munlhly In ha Finnnrlnl Poll Tn Royal Canadiln Multan wlll hold II Annual map box derby parade Oct pm nurric council voted Inst nigh lo allow lha request following communlutlnn from Um lezlan Idler lhnnkl lrani lha Canadlnn nod Cnm Socllly to znrdlnl wnler my bunnm an Dunlap Street duran wnler late ly program was mdved byan to name ccrlnln Ilml In Harrie received third rudlnu Councll gave in Ind locond India In bylnw nulhorlunz um Um no No Reznrdlnx appraachu lo Ilikh way 400 and St Vincent Street it made the allowing recum mendlllom Plum should bl made If poaslbla on Ihe bull hat In ovarpnsl or under DanIa Mayor Les Cooke or his represcnmlve will attend tho Gcartlan Bnyannual dcvclnp men conference Delnwnnn Sepl 1a Ind 17 Dcplrlmml Economic Ind Development report of Hand and demand for Federal vainclal renlnl hunslng wan relemd lo lh Cfly Develop men Commlllu Council In nigh pulsed public work commmee report inclndlng his Ind even other recommendatlml The cnmmltlee met wilh he resldcnln Orchard Drive 114 galding Inn placing curb and clcarlng the approach Orch ardDrive to SI Vincent Street Later lurveycd the drnlnng problems at Reld Slrael Ind Bay vlew Drive Barrie City Council will con llderj Cloverleal an overpau or underpin la hum It Highwy 400 and SL Vincent street Promotion Simcoe County Starts With Financial Post Shanty Bay Anneto Rnlkes Barrie Back row Judy Switzer Elmvale Mary Kel Iy Barrla Catherine Caulu Burle Jim Barr Bank Ray Fortin Clmp Borden Council Considers New Cloverleaf COUNCIL BREE mum Oil nrumnl Mmlm tm we Al man mm rnnu mm Imp ldn hp an un Irmqu ml run um hm um hullMI gum AIMIIM Ahlllhl Alloml Imx Mumxnlum Almu mu Alhnll Au Tl ï¬nal at mu hl mumn IIA ml Tony II My III CM nu nun rum nn Inn An llm ram om MIMI Anm IlvmI 5m Amal Vldarll larbour Port Mchtoll nndlnrd Ellyn Wnubnulhlne Drillll Townhip munlly or Mike Inqurmnllon Thnl Aldermen WAlIon Monaw Ind Smith 150 City Engineer Tamblyn and Clly Mangar Gina meet Vupn Townshlp council oommunlculion mm the commltlee ol Adjullmcnl mud Inn decision mncflmlnl Ip pllullan Slollu Conalruc Hun ud lor lwo mldetached Ilnxlo lnmlly dwclllnzl lmlud wu received Ind Med Thoh pnrilclplllni In In co oprrnuvn Ithtml Ire mule 1llln1 lon Colllnlwood service road on Vlhe mulh Me Highwny loo Ihould bu Included In In plum That lhe enlneerlnx de nmmen Inch quick Imi hlllly check lo Ice 11 Ill under pas could be made hare that we have dlxcunlon with Vupn Township Council as won possible and hlva Iheh Iuppan possible when lhoDcparlmenl ol Hluhwayl up chad the hylng out loot ton crele atdewalk on Grava stmt East north side from Dav ldson Street to Bolhwetl Cres cent on Grove Street But until sldc mm Dnvldson Street In the west limit the vrorerty at No HI and on Dav dson 5L cut aldc from Gum St la Grav Street Councll Ibo ave Hut and ond readlnz In bylaw chum the mm Hlllmsl Ave to Wellington Street West Councll rccclved Ill lnvlllllon lrnm Barrie Dlllrlcl Callexlm Board In vlaw new llcllllles ll Ccnlrnl Collegiate on Wedneh dny Ann 28 In the ludllnrlum Olllclnl openlnz when lho publlc will be lnvlled ll Oct pass bull Hilhwny 400 and St Vincent Street lhn clover lcqfcould he bullg In the future Bill Johnson Mimi camp director Jule Wllklm RCAF Edgar Donald Nash Mid hursl camp director Jlm mid recreation director and Mrs Helen Newtnu Blrrlm Examlnu Photo TODAYS STOCK PRICES implied by Hm Dull IL lmk nnmonu yaw mu AVIIAIII Mumh up mm nu Uunuu up 35 nu IV uucu vmmn Inhrpuv rm lmlny cm labII In mum Imday IAN lmllufl lanlll nun Mm huenuvl lnnda Mullllml Mun on mm mainl Dll Dam 1mm Dun mm on Tu Vilemil mu Imm mum mam mm on mm mu nuam mm mnh mph DIDIJITIIALI uman ummu an mm ï¬rm 1me In TO ATTEND MEET Fire Chlel naly Irwin will allend mu Clnldlln Association Flra Chleh nnnull coutu ence ll Wlnnlpci Aug 26 to my Council In nigh Adopted recommendatlon by Ina Fire and mm Committee culllnx or Ihll represenmion the conterence fl EXAMINER IAN ADI IHDNI PA Mill 10 MEET ENGINEERS Clly Council In 111th adapt ed city dovelopment cammlt lea repon which muuled meeting wllh Ind Coulis mum and Comulllm Enlinur Beck The meeting discus Lh pm vexed lubdivinlon on BIIKC 51ml cut Johnson Street LOCAL GENERAL REZONING REQUEST City Council In nllhl refer red petition from property owner In the Pam sum ml to lhs Plnnnln Band for fur ther nudy lolluwlnl mom mendlllon by thn Clly Devel opment Committee The petulan liked um um 11an be rezoned residenmlr ILln elude In Ire on the north lid of Blah Street 155 feet deep and 150 Ice cut Punt lo Downsvlew Driver PARKING METERS 0in Council In IIIth Iuth mad he punth 175 park lnz meter In he pllced an the 51mm Street parking lot Ald Wllwn Ihld Till mien Ilep wwld Ilka re 11 mm um 11 on the vnnlalu Ind dilldvlnllzu would Ilka to knaw the ndvnnmel um 15 per cent sun In oppon la com quesuon whether lull vocational win at Burl Noflh II who at cm lime mu mlIllon dollar ln Imuqu Ind once they us than meyn were In lhll day of In chum 99 the mar Emle City Council In nlzht referred lellgr from Harm malrlc Colleglala Bond realt dlng the pmposedmddltlnn In Barrie North 001125th 10 the Financa Commltlea utm con ammo dlmulon Vomionnl mth for than who cnl keep up their Icl demlc IKIIIdIlll gain Against mm the beat techn elm 0N HOLIDAY Ald Newton old City Council In night be In zalnl on halldlyl H0 lnvlud memberl press Ind ndIo up rmnmlvu Indtheir when visit Mm Ind hll hmlly thall comm It TonInch Lo mink um cam wan Demands New Report On Schobl Additionr Winnipeg mu 0an Onlulo Ind mum Colum hll centm In hnvinl mllk deuvcrlu nudl by the man nuiury method om ldVIM whlch II can lhc mllk lllyl mh loanr Ilnca un nldxenled OLD MILK CAN AT END LINE ma end of June no cnn wlll be plcked up lmm mllk producers Illlvvlnl to tha clty ha Mullah Ikrlcullura epmmmL ln llbfld Ihlpmcnu to erenmrrles wlll b0 mldo by lnnk truck only Almou Ill producer in lln Am hlVO lnxtnlled relrlunled bulk lulu In order to hold Ibelr quotas nld mllk an hllvcomanlro the and flu 11m in Wlnnipcl dlslflcl wmmpm 5cm ll HI I42 nu III fun Alum Illvn umu Mn It New In rmu all Unlll lem leuy mm at Cm Turk lnnl rm nm In TM rum ulna nu mum mm mm mum Mm ham um rm lung Iif Eu iiu 1h report Ilsa recommended um ha in manager make Irv iinnnce committee repori nmmmended um rent oi $15 year be paid to the my tamed ciiidrens Association or each oily Bunis child wliil normal litcndance the Retarded Work Shop In auth oriud by he MunicipalAcl commencing Jlnunry 1m Ind bylaw Authoriling samebe WEPPW Ald Roberts wen Ilnng with th mpon which was carried Ind he commented Ihlnk thh wlu move but my Elton hallo In this In Pro erInl Ind Faderal uovernmenl rcsponsibilily and hope may will qult ahlrklng their resum Iihlllly Ald Roberts 13 nlzhL accused the pmvlnclll Ind M4 enl govemmenls uhlrklng their responsimllty In respect to gum or marded children like to see the Finance Commit uudy am very cmmlly Alderman Roberts Raps Government 66 Dunlop Elm lm Ind LANACANE NIAZO 20s NOCAI NUV DIET BAR 3s ORAFIX VElVOJEX MPUENS FLASHBULBS GE M2 or KG 29 lISTERINE Antiseptic 98 value 87¢ HOLLYWOOD an0 So with comb 29¢ SOLO Bobby Plnl reg 52c for 44¢ SHOPww LM ALLERESY AQUAFILTER TIPS Dr ChIIOl NERVE FOOD HEINZ Baby Food COLGATE Fluoride Toolhpmo mg 108 Value Free 39 tuba with tube U63 lady Patricia Hair Spray GILLETTE FOAMY 11 oz 98c 69 GILLETTE Righ Guard reg 896 77c ODORONO Deodounl rag 150 89c LUSTRE Creme Lollon Shlmpoo 129 99 WILDROOT Cream Oil 79 value 64 DYNACHROME Film mm or 35 mm 329 UNGUENTINE FlmAld Spray 125 119 BROMO SELTZER plu Iwo IO Plloplkl 99¢ ALI WILSON THIS WEEKS SPECIAL PRICES These SPECIAL PRICES End Aug 17 VOTEX MPUENS H1 AllANDAlE DRUGS lTD HARPERS PHARMACY CALDWELL DRUGS LTD R09 99 EASTVIEW Onl CHGur dun ancrzne embluled Pra Iresslve Conservative member nl ha Onlarlo legislature or Russell uld lnnday he will mk re clcc on in he laxll comlng provlnclal elecllnn even Illuugh the Dnlnrla PC Aunti allm hn recolnlztd mother candldale An auocllllon lpokcamun nld earlier In Tunonto that Hem Lawrenca has been recoznllcd the olllclal Cauxisuvntlvn uudldale 1n Rus Aid Hersey said111i the First change in soryrurl that iknnw at have alwnyl ell lhut it is rather seiilsh or lhu man who has the education and the ability to think nut to Mulder the man win may in handy with MI hands Aid Roberls said it in my npinlun that the people who nira this sort ui educa tlnn con Ill be channelled into one school It is my thinklnz that we should slap now llld say to the townships Any schools hum lrom now on will be or Earrll aludenln Mnynr Cooke said lilera ii desirabiiiiy oi his crossseen ion ul urban and run Itudenu II it contributes mil to our community and wuni enmur mull Ether than look for lep You should lalk lhl over with this Board and come In decision 1th isnt done Im not prepred to vols nngemenls fur the ï¬nance com mum to meet Illa Ippruprlnle committee County Council to discuss plrtlclpnllm In the Hur nnln Assocllllon And he Ilnnn In or Advenlum In Bunni MLH lieelection Battling PC Seeks 49¢ 89 139 FA PA mu 407 25c mm