Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1963, p. 8

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film 1m Ilm nranrl bnyl have me In IInnI 0n nrrnlfinm IIIII holdlnl In In wilh lhru vlclarlen In lhl rhumplonlhll cnnml llnn Novlh HIyI Luanda Phllllllfllld Duh Mannan ol Ahl nm On and In mnlv lhm Jenni North my Mum llnnnl and In Illa MII Itnolr 20 chon MIL who lost In the urea mum am In Illchnrdmn In Snlurdnyl nnoIldcd umlHnnl Inld hLI return urvlce no Ihnrp you cant Ihlnk Ilrllzhl when toyvlnl Dnva dld ll unln Sunday In mman me hm mm mm In wln um mwn hm yem In row llo mm um vlc my avrr ymlmm lymth lllll hum ulXMarlnnd llunl nldmmmn ranktd No In Um US hfll MI lunlrll hundl up In dinhcluM luu bun NORTH BAY CPIWlnnlng lhe Norlhun Onlnrlo Imnlcur no mnmmommn ll lnllln lo be habll th Dave Mound nLNMUI QUEBEC CWHam Rich ardson Iormcr Rhodes Icholar won he Eulem Cnnadn cham rlanshipx Sunday night by bent nx my Scnkowflxl and Blll Lenoir lwn lopranked US plnyeu In lhl Hnal Ind Ioml Ilnnl rupecllvcly Richardlon from Milan Tex med hll hoomlnl nreclael laced llm nrva Ind clmc nckhlnd lo demolish Sunkow In In lhan an hour In Sun dayl llnnl He had lhn bull an ynyn IBId Scnknwnki 22 thl old cammerco Iludonl mm Dtlroll who um Cunndnl lop player Bob Bedlrd and Whllncv Reed Bl Allnmudl CHIL lo to On In Theyre scndlnl up lholr pinch Mum two or hm Um name So you let him am he first me he come up and the sec nnd or third time he klcks your hand In Unfair Well not qufle Take Elston Hownrd and Hec ior Lapel Haward won in in but for Yogi Berra In lhs eighth inning oi Sundayl name with La Angelo Angel and flied out in milno iashion in tha same Inning Lopez bailed ior Al Downing and also 1le 00 No damage done Sn Angels no Into the nlnlh wilh loud and promptly re tire lho first two Yankeex Bur lhc next two draw walks and Howard cumu up Again So Art NEW YORK AP Gun Fullmcr mauled bruised and badly beaten in his Iilorl to galn iha world middleweight boxing Ililc has reiurnnd in United State to mull over the Possibility vi retirement hnva no plan fur retiring and no plan at gnlnz on Fullmer suld Sunday night en route la hll home In West Jor dnn Ulnh Im xoln home Io talk It over with my family Tim uycnrmid Ilghiing Mor mnn was cut and bailered and drenchnd with his own i1in Saturday beiom suiierinz levenlil round TKO at the hands of champion Dick Tiger in ihadnn Nigeria HI wile Delurel said In West Jordan thorny after the mm but she hoped Gene Iormer champion Would call It qulls Mrs Fullmer who has rcfuscd to watch her husband llghl also repented that he had promised In rcllre 11 he tailed In but the lecrlan chem Ion Fullmcr was nuncummllla He was great champion Mrs Fullmer said of her hus The light hu lim lltle bou ever held In Nigeria wu chrd Its not bad enough that New York Yankees are mnkinx rout of the American League pennant race In their usual swan but now lheyve come up with new gimmick Bu boil the game Almhied hfiflsfiom Writer Dave Morland Cops Tourney Ham Richardson Captures Tourney Tiger Stops Fullmér In 7thRetctins Title Yanks Hold 9Game Lead American Loop MI Iqulml CENIRAI TAXI Eon 51mm thcm Itoch 1n II nulm my diam will mod You may mrh lmn My Mom us madam 51 Bank or by dlul In Id any top qunllly wt PA HMS Favored Ann nnrclny Tor onlo lull Sunday nflcmonn In an In Tomnm or he omnrlo Im lncinl chumpianshlpl lcavlnz lluue ovcnlslllo womenl nin qu nnd doubles nnd Iha mlxed rnulllvlulo be awarded by dc GET REVENGE Lcnolr ruled No 13 In Iha US and Scnkowskl ltd mh had solnu mcasure of towns In he mcnl doubch llnnL They turned together to ounsl nkh nrdsun and mm slxlhrrankcd Amcrlcnn 75 64 While Sox spilt palr with Dem final5 Tigers winning first 72 and Vhlle 50x Iho sccnnd on Dave Nicholsons mh homer of Um season with one out In ho lllh Mnncsoza mm closed to within half game or White Sex on he strength their 1th straight vIclury 52 over noslun Red Sox whllo Cleveland Indians edged Kansnl 0in M11 lellu and Baltimore Orin beg Wxgghigxtqnfigwmy more diabetic since he wan 13 Ha under cnnllnunl threat during at alter mnlchcs rcncllon ulcd or 15 round but Marv Fullmern mnnnger usde that it be sloppcdal tha end of the seventh when Ihe blccdlnfl Fullmcrwns virtually dulcnceless ngalnst Tigers wn handed allnpk There were no knockdawns but Fullmer was cut over llle brldge ol the muse and blinded In the lnlur raunds by cut over the right eye Ihnl bled freely His body was marked by angry red well and mg brulm Illll showed on hls lace when he relumed lo lha us guess ha caught me can pla 01 times In the early rounds whlch must have knocked the sharpness out of me Fullmer uld But right until the and thyghtjllmfi aghan he only nlflclnl declined In any how he had scared the fight but The Assaclnlcd Press had Tiger win nan every round unnmwmns nom 50 Lane comes up agnln In the lam wilh runner on Second and singles up the middle driv lng in me labreaking run He scored second run few mln n15 19m on anAngnl ennr So Ynnkees wln extend lhnlr wlnnlngslring to six An Kell lasing airing In scvcn and boost the New York first place margin over Chicago Vhllo So nine full games CHICAGO SPLITS wnilud to slop It In the fifth Jensen said but Guns lnslsled an going onf The Niger an novernmem un derwrnke the haul pulling up 30000 guuranlces Fullmer was guaranteed 3511000 and $10 000 in expense and Tiger map Fawlur come on to Inca hlm HI its pllch land In the Mt fleld cnls and lie gamg flew VYrork dclcnlcd 107 in Isle 21 WhHI llnrry Lnlmun Him three hlncr at Alhlctlu with all ha Aa MIMIC mnan In um nlxlh lnnlng Cleveland Km hlm the bntklnx ha needed wllh lwo first lnnlnz mm on Ilnzlu by Al Lupluw Tilo lmncnnn and Fred Whlllluld and wlld pllch Tiger currlnd the light all um way Fullmer unempked fight hl usual crowdinl Pushan lack only sporadically and late in thu llghl appeared to be able Io be mgly dglenslvely In the last lhrce nunds with hls blnud covering both fight 11 Fullmer was able to pre sent only left hand Ihal grew proxresslvcly weaker and weaker finally becumlnl little more lhan palhellc pawlng slnp lhnl lhe aggressive cham plon Ignored completely In Ihe lmh wlnnlng pllchcr lllll Slnllord led all wllh scratch single and wan to end on Phll Llnz nurlllcm Lo pez followed wlth hls runscoran alngle nnd one out later scored on shanle Jlm hezosll er lnxhe opener Hzm banged out 11 hlls Including lhrea each by Bubbu PMals and Al Knllne threerun burst In the fillh bmke nnd um Dolmi gpnqd to It Don Mincher and Zollo Ver sulln hit homers or he streak in Nina and Cnmllo Pucual stopped Boston on Iva hlls for his Nth vlclary Red Sox Dick 5mm Increased his league lending home run MA to 2a with tworun shot 1n the llxlh but In Vain ha Sox lost their nlrxlh 5mm some big hlllinz mm lhclr pitchers ln lhe vic lory over Vnshlngwn Sun and winner Mm Pnppu Ml worun homer hk Hm Ind mile hum Stu Miller tucked bnsclgndcd triple 000 Thu bout drew crowd or about 3000 lo the outdoor le my Stadium but there was nn announcement from nmmuler Jack Salomon on total allend anon ornrecelms The fight was the third be tween Tiger and Fullmcr Tlger lifted Ihe Illa lrom Gone with 15rmmd declslnn In San Fran clsco last year and they ought In limund draw In La Vegas eafller this year There was no immediate com ment mm the Tiger camp In further title bnuu but Eum pcan champion Laliu Papp of Hungary Joey Giardeiio and welterweight champion Emile Griiiilh of the United States huva been mentioned as passi billties Chicago defeated Delmll 51 Minnesota delcaled Boston 53 Washinglnn edged Baltimore 55 and Kansas City deflated Cleve lnnd The Yankee victory at as Angela Sunday was their mh In 25 games and their elzhlh In 10 extraInning aflnirl lhla sen son llowardl dramatic shot his 21rd homer ha mason was the turning point Nicholsons lllh inning homer enabled While 50 lo Lalvun spill with Deimil and mined fine pitching ciiQrt by lixnn Frnnk Lnry He went all In wny llld allowed only Iaven hiLI Gary Palm went the distinct or Sex with nixhitter PETERS WINS II Collier llrm In My llrst swan with Ihc Cardinal in 1960 he came dawn with lhu 11m sore arm his career Last year he lost his Job Io xophnmore quarter back Chulle Johnsnn WINS CYCLE TITLE REMIX leglum IANFla vlann Vlcendnl of Italy won the world cycling championship am ateur road raclng event Salut dny covering the 12218 mlla dunno In Ive hours 10 minute and 20 xcconds ms av any speed was 23650 miles an hour for lha lZlap ram Twn Canadinns Garry de Jung Camry Ind Benult Lavola ol Vlalorllvllle Qua tailed to film the nu ST LOUIS AF The keavjelllng mu you have to sooner or laler know thal ul Im not ready to alva ll up ye SLLouls Cardinals loe NB uonal Football League released hlm Aux Unless some one want to lake chance on hlm he oolball will be taken on of his hand or the first time In l9 yam Lu year was Etcheverrya mom with the Cardinals after nine Iputaculnr season with Monlrul Noumea of the Ca nadian league In which he er virtually every passing record in th league Ha lhnw or 15 touchdowns and eomplaled 97 yams Wpcrcenl corn plullon Ivan or 30381 yards SUFFERED SORE ARM Sure the pubucity hurt when lo Louis he said Penple expected too much But Im not making nilhis II you cnn lhmw you can throw Anywhere have no regrets ahauI comlnl here Im Just sorry So quarterback Sam Etchet verry 33 the Rifle of Cana dlnn loathall am home walt Ing or In telephone to ring No havent heard from mane Ind Im kinda pessl mkllq he said lot of clubs Ire loin on last ycara pariah lhnndnrce They think my arm TEE IIAEME EXAMINER MONDAYAUGU51 11 ms ateheverrysstixl Has th ReceivedflnpfierTo Play EASY TERMS If you need new tires NOW is the time to buy You can equip your car with ist line Firestones and save $32 or more in the bargain $4 DOWN $4 WEEKLY is yours carmur down with me lo arm Etchevcrry Inslsll Inn Is In lhu best shape Ilnca mm In SLbmgis to cut ludlannpolh Indian southern dlvlsion lead to games Indianpofls lost In Tur nnln Maple Leafs 65 Buflaln Blsans delenled Rochesler Red Wing 97 and Syracuse Chief edged Columbus Jets 65 Humphrey was ha leagues lending relief pitcher when he wns cnlled up two months ago by 51 Loqu Cardinals Crack ers have won live straight since his return He made relic Ip pearnnce in the second lame haiding Suns hiiicss in 23 in nings in prose rvo Riverboat Smiliil third victory against nine losses the Cardlnaln had re leased me at ha and last seasonwhen my arm was all lime soreI mlxhl have glven up but nnw It feels gnud lhlnk have two or lhru good years xtlll feel can do somebody sums good By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Now lhlt Bob Humphrey back Atlanta Crnckar have stopped lhelr skid and In fly Ing hlghlgaln In the Interna tional League Crackers beat Jacksonvillu Sun lwlrcaHSundnx 51 and Johnny Kucks evened his ten am at $9 he went lh route in the lirsi game Mae Thack ers twnrun homer in ihe ninth won the in game and Johnny Lewis hit his 12m humor with man an in Kile int innlnu oi the nighinnp lhrewun uprising Ipnrrcd by Tony Washingtonl Real home In lhl Iourth Inning pro vided Tornnlu wIlhIu Iounh vlctory In It In Ive mm Not Jingle wilt wn Issued In Léafs Win Fqur Of Last Tilts DELUXE BHAMPIUN ur NEW 500 TIRES when you buy Wlllle May hllllng anfl San rFranclm Giants are wln nlng The Nallanal League Mary umpla as lhnl With Wlllle worklng an 13 game hllllng slrlnl San Fran clsco has wnn 15 of last 19 From 10 game back an July 20 Glam now mu In Anzcles Mudca Pr snarl WrIler the me an Toronln used hm pllchuLand Indianapolla lwn Hdlevcr John Anderson picked up the wIn HITS GRAND SLAM One swim at Richie Allens hal wiped out 34 Richmond lend and produced all oi Arkan run as ii iii grand rlam homer In the sixth inning The inurrun blow was Allens llrs lrand slum ui the season and his 23rd harm run Billy Smith plcked up his 13m vlc lury and Ed Merrill who had held Traveler in two hits through iiva Innings was the loser Buiinio erupted or our run in lhe eighth inning in seal in viclnry aver Rochester Tho vic tory lined the Herd hack into Iecond place in with Wings in ihn northern division two lame behind pacesetting syr sense Pitcher Willie Smliha nlnchA hit single delivered ihe lie breaking run nnSyracuse ral lied Io defeat Columbus Chieis railed 52 goinginln Ihe ninth but picked up three runs to xiv rcliei ace Bah Dusial Ml ninth victory Saturday Atlanta was ralncd gut nl Jacksgnvlllg 51151qu lll deleatui Tornnlo Rich mond defealcd Arkansas 54 Cw lumhu blasted Syracuse 122 and Rochester defeated Buflalo Giants Closing In On PaceSetting Dodgers fin firestoue Acx 1mm Dodgers by why name wllh EWWFRUP 3° Thu trout llna Dodger pitch In altered Sunday when Cin cImmll Reds knocked out Snndy Kaulnx ln nixrun slxlh lnnlng lei mule to 04 victory on 15 Glam made It threa In row over Phlludclphln Phillics 51 an Ivehitter by Jack Sunlord wllh nlnlhAlnning mists mm BHly H001 and Dan Larsen Mnys doubled In No mm and hold We Covlnglon to single with no lny that cunld have been lurn nz point in the hull name Covlnglnn had our 01 the five hlls Sunlord Includ lnz homer Jerry Lynch provided the he rolcs wlkh lwwun homer that gave Pittsburgh Pirates 241 edge over Houston Calls Hal Brown had 14 lead with two out In the ninth Then Roberto Clementu slnglcd and Lynch hll hl mu home run Tuny Cloningcr turned In the up pitching Job by slrlklng out 11 St Louis Cardinals whlle pitchlng lourhlller for Mll waukee Brave who beat Curt Slmmon 91 Eddie Mathews hll arthrcwun homer or Braves Dick Ellsworth won his 16th or Chicago Cubs In the 31 upener but New York Mela bounced back with vengeance and clohbcrcd Cuba 114 or split of lhelrdnuhlehen4cr Saturday San Francisco de feated Philadelphia La Angola deleated Cincinnati 1045 Chicago ahut ant Now York St Louis defeated Milwaukee $5 and Pittsburgh deieated Hnuaion Chuck Hiller drove In three runs or Glunu Sunday of them with seventhlnnini hu mer John Hooter the relief man for laser Cal McLIsh Mayl key double In the filth opened up $341 qunt lead ank Rohlnson launched lhe big sxulnnlng rally or Cincin nall with Ml 16111 homer Kon Inx rolling along with lead at he mm of the xlxth was the victim Instead hi lslh victory Sandy had let fle or hit liflh deleal Jlm 1963 OToole wun III 1501 with help mm Al Worhlnxton lruuk Howard and Tammy Dnle ho mend for Dodgers uud Dun Pavlcflcll and Robinson or nods own and Joe Glbbon were locked In light halllu nl Ihe wny at Phlshurgh unlll mun nger Dnnny Murtnugh llIled Glhhon or plnch hluer In lhn eluhlh Elroy Face who wnrked only the nlnlh was lhu vlnlner on Ly npme Ciunlnger ll slrikvnula set club high ior lhe ycnr it was his eighth viclory Geno Oliverl Iworun single was ihe key hil oii Simmons in he sixth when Braves scared mm runs Malh ews homer was hit oli Snm Jones in lhe seventh Mel and Cubs had wild and woaiy nitemonn and early even ing ni the Pain Grounds Cuba chnsed Carl Willey in the lira inning and rolled in victory bo hlng Eliswnrlh 11W lopenur Mela routed Bob Euhl In in second inning oi ihe ninhicnp and milcd up 100 lead in iaur innings Mu Brock had six hill in the dnubiehcadcr Ind Kan Hubbn iive inr Cubs MONTREAL CF Mania ml Alouelle pared down thelr rusdler further during tho week en Hnlibnck Bob Mliicr 24year oid Canadian In his ilrat year with the Aioueuu was placed on walvera Sunday He lonnuiy played with London Lords oi in Ontario Rugby Football Unlon and with Saskatchewan Rough ridcra oi lha Western Confer encg He Is iromisl Thoma Also cut were Jack Nichols fullback irnm the Univer xiiy of Tennessee and Turn Mnudlin 21 quarterback from the University oi Southern Cull iornia obtained menin in irade with Toronin Ar mull Canadian end Tom Ciou wu also Lliccd Montreal 515 Cut Roster gruiémrmgfi 333

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