Mt iï¬il Drlr Ann Luade My hul hnndu lmu mm In hln Inle In hm nn nlly unllnlrnl mnnnor erh nflrnth me Thin mnn hm and llvm rlxlldrtn hul yuud Mm knuw ll lhu way he nnlu on In mmnl rnmAntc In Ihaprly mllwml who unvlu mlnummllnu dppnllmrnl um um In lull in you MIMHIY URINE Thm In nothlni In Amman bul young people Thu couner made or rlllnr encru Ilon III II nrrnngul nr lhcm hey no mo dnlrucllm l0 clcly Impln Inlk Hum wu ddtr Inm Mer lo lhrm bow down lo Ilwm They are niwnyl prurnl Ind nhmmr lhry Ira prmnl lhcru II III and lo evorylhln ml And Iny chu drln 0111 mm Ilmplu In lunln mm nnylhlnl lcn than lvttnl chnnuo Iyrn ml new in ll vmlly morn prevnlrnl lhnn ll uud 01m Thll II wlml Hun Jamel wmlu yum Mn Wow Drnr Moth Chlidm are not born with tho upper hand ll ls glvcn lo lhcmglvcn by pnrrnh who dont have the comma la cxlnbliah lhA mlu or line Family This is ï¬lled discipline And when rules hchnvlnr um walked nut mull nhly and lensnncd with lava diaciplinc Iroducrs rnpulful wcliAndJuxlcd chiiilrrn llaw dld lhu chlldren today Rel lo per llundl My lam um mollu mu eel like an em loycol find myncll ulwnyl $eran to pleaseand never qulle mnklng the nude Plcnn lull whrro all he MkMum modd up 30 every morn lng la prepare breaking or my teenaxenl All cum plnlnls The mllk too warm Dld you leave out all nlglfl The cnnlnloup saggy Thu cereal rumyl The en nre 00 hard Dur Ann Landm wondcr how many mothers In the lame boat have knocked my nll out or yam tryan la please my children nu no mal lcr whal do its never enough Then must slzn an my bask saying me When leave It mcellng early la pitk them up at he club for he Wh tlmc lhl nummcr mm look and Where have yuu been nnywny1 Weve bccn walglng 1h mlnule ANN LANDERS CHARTER MEMBERS who mm It Mn Eran jolnedlnlhecelehmlon were dun Hlllsdale Mn Fur chlrrly Ind mm or ml pnllnnu Excellent Incllllm lvr prlnln or umlnrlulu MM and mid In in mm nule ed Nuru In nllendnnu Teenage Tyrarmy Needs Firm Hand smmsn NURSING HOME smvuani our MARSHALL R0 PMO llenr Inn Landmx was murrlrd lot one year and re cenlly had the marranu nn nullcd legally and In my church wall How do about an nuunclnx tho nown Shall II can have It ubllnlml In tho newuplpm Shnl um um tnnrnvcd Innnunccmcnls In lhu main ll pranrr la km ho hum him John 0001 or shall in back In in Mary Smllh1 him Chllll Pleasurndvllo ma None at my lrlmda hww Um mum lmd my Ihoulden Dur hand You an ml nn nauncn In annulment Your Inmfly and mud will no um ward man noun they dnnl Iqundy know Slum ynu have child ynu should not be Min anybody You cuuld make Mn Mary Doe howuvcr mm John mnnlcl you wont be nuln bl wllol lelrphuno cnll In Mr dcpnnmenl Iloro bllll Dem Mn Whyx when your husband pals araund wllh lhlx pnlr he glvrs tucll appmvnl to the whole shoddy busineu married man lhauld bu al homo havan dinner with his lnmlly not mm as cover or phllnn dcrlnx lrltndl N9 ANNOUNCEMENT yourch than he Is Sh drives hl car all ovar awn and shes been wearing Inmo mlshly ex pclslve clpghn mm The problem Is lhllz My hus band has been layhlg down town nhnu three cvcnlngs weakhaving dinner with this couple dont like and have said so My husband my the boss 11 three times uven Ind whnl ha doc his own busi ness lay bird tamer Hock lagelhor and dont wnnl nnyono lo gel lunny deal about my huxband Who rilhli Mn why Invlle snip nAnmtm Ian onILUAuz in mammu punn nkmwuuoax onILUAa mm Plvon013267353 um HIKING IV AWINIMMfmoï¬l WM FINANCE CO OF CANAER In In In $500049 loan can Imuml 30 mod Much on IOIM om 81500 mane the minute you wantt BENEFICIAL the ONE place to call for YESI for mh In hurry cull amncm nut um III 1o vmllonc an 31 hr my good mm 1h lollu It umllclll to 11 Culmlm my mlnvhl ialwn ivy play no luvnrilcl younl Ind aid nru Iiiecied by in mm Iomcone do coma in mint wilil ll Ihl exposed NM timid bu WMth immcdi niely with man map so ulion However ii Valery bil imw uimdy inrmui hniiul lilo nmrlrd purl with loin iinn oi hicarbonnic ml will And urnld rubbinl flu hiilim will upmd lo oiher arm In relatively easy In rld an area of Mn dreaded plant wllh madam chemicals No whlch do an ellecllve Job are Chl man Palm Ivy and Brushkll er and Chlpmln Allaaldn Halli them ara used as ray but cure Ihauld be taken al none lbs chemical in an um plant or ahrubl far will deaA Iray them along wllh ho palson lvy plant It may aka lwa treatment In klll lha wood no check It two la Ihrea wash Il lrr lho Hm mnylnu ll lhm are allll name am the plant lhrlvlnl spotl ml lhcm wllh he may Though ralsnn Ivy dounl row In culhnlcd nrenl It ol lnn thrive in he wood around lummzr cullnm camp and plmlc xroundn Jult when reopla cnnurcgnle It II who to mpcrl Uncut 1er lhornu hly upon anlvnl no th chll run cnn be warntd PDIIDH dluovmd on he 1mm Even tho llmlly pol can cmy Inath up an ll hllr lo can mmlnnlc multle person Thrrdore nonlble but to mnke IUN that lhu wuodl MB pollenIvy More your dog or cal mm cxplorlnx Earrch red have no dread bnrrlea whlle yollonau ll ht leave three qulckly flee rhyme wath memorlzlng Fur Inch yur hundred of holldlyl Am mnrred by Ihe Innocent look lnz pollon lvy pllnl Some people can touch lhll puky wecd wllhou Iny lll elfecll but for other even whiff ol the lumes lmrn broken or burnlnz plant wlll cause tha llchy bllileu lo uppcnr Thnln why the weed should be Iprnyad rather llnn burned lo dcslroy lL Spray Away Poison Ivy Slessor and mm Annie Pa temn omua lnhcr ledlan our Mu van Bukhafl mu Iddreued women nIllu lelllnz ha Intervlewed durlu the 1m day twomonth mm lnce Canadian our the mall dun of tho Alsocllled Counlry Women at the World nld In many counmu lhu Illlkudo In Illll It th at Ind the bglonz 11 m1 hom car he emanci pntlon woman lhnuld remem ber Ill old nylnl Educm man Ind you educate human balm educate woman Ind yug educpk lgmly Th MIMINd Coun lry Womtn of Ihe World hnvo 159 mu womenl and home mxakcn Inclulu in coun tr ugmlga ayxc manner MANY LOST Bulween m7 and 142 the Church Mlulonary Socialy the Anlllcln Church last 109 mlaslunnrlesmalnly mm la= varIn Alrlca WINNIPEG CHWI Itlll mllll world uyl Mn vm Beekhofl widely Inv elled Nglherlmq woman MW ihnve Women must be lhglr husbands DETROIT AP More than on delmtelnra expected hm todayor ha opening at the bl ennlal convention the Plan ear Women womenl lnbnr zxanm organhatlon The mup with an esiimaied membeuhlp of 50000 in Cmda and the United States work with lhu Mmeminr Moalzei 11mm Working Womena Council in Israel in mounting network oi maiionni gducu Iionui and mini mvico insti lulionl in me Urges Rural Women Td Assume An Interest In Civic Affairs Electricity is Safe Clean Flamelon l5 IAYFIILD STREET ELECTRICITY IS BEST COSTS YOU LESS Matchless Electric Water Heating BIIIIIIIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION have In Huh lhls mull Qs partner wllh is proven to be over Oflm mulhodl may only an nauch al 65 afflclcnr Her current trip lllher loudh dlllerentwm of the world During the In three lummm Ihe vllned Africa the United Slatesnnd AuntHI and New Zenlnnd By ROBERTA EDEHCE Then day therel hurdly community without carter op ponnnltlu In mhlon marchin dlalnlwhelhar he apportunh den In depanmem Ilore weekly shop the commu nlly newspaper or the local TV nation my Juli Cohurn pioneer In mhlon amen and med or women undudovel oped counlrlel Ind urllnl up part or Iuch worldsld organiz nllnnl ha Freedom from Hunger Cnmpllln UNESCO Ind UNICEF Sha lrlu In turn women to take er lnleml In civic and Interna tional and Mu van Beckhnll who Ipeakl French Englllh Gar mnn and Dutchlnd lound um in Quebec lhey wm ex remnly planned with her Frmch laid lho wlnltd lo Ipeak lo In many woman poglllblg duth hy myl poulbla durml her In she in In 11 born ednuv dny ln llmo or her when can blrlhdny Next year she will vlm Indll But hm In promm Inf hul bund no Vlor sly wny anger in thfu math 50TH ANNIVERSARY CAKE wan by on the chute memben Miss Annie Fashion Includes Lan Flamolou And More Efï¬cient tool FOR FULL DETAILS CALL THE The nmo volumu heated by Another method could colt over 300 per month Independent xurveyl prove that more wllor cm bu healed lower con with mo oloclrlc water heating than my other way YOU CAN USE OVER 200 qu van uol UVIK OALLONS 0F PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAYAND IT COSTS ONLY PER MONTH T0 HEAT IT And with our present wor Ihlp lmhlon Iamaur Ind ho youthfulllonk In clreer Am that In mwlnl IO nu In my to kgep up with Lj Julia Cohurn hem ha wm run to Map up with cn mt um hu um her to the cog in hgr Held From her In Job In uu Id verllllnu department dare erbrnnched out la rctalllnl Merchandising Variety Of Careers Actuawufv mau pï¬ducllan in hylynn lh Eh noedlnr pry munn came nfler World Wu 11 5M laid and tha 11 Inch who at Job In Item werent lo Id upon vary londly We wen cum Ml In naw Helm our lumlllu were to cull lth ulrln Ind meqlgd Int found that lhle was an are in which Ihay wanted womena opinion In wlhln Ihorl lime lha Held opened up Today fashion merchandis lnf ha career which hr due the up between dulln and common Include lab 11 maan luhlan wordl nlllng advefllalnz promllon publiclly newapapcn maga zines photography and other relach Ilaldl Chancel In ld vance In It lntreaaa all he llme MANY OPPORTUNITIES lending educalor in mm mer uni nlwayl been Ibo Added wu interviewing her on her invarile Iubioctduilninz carter in Iii non designing Iide oi ia on WOMEN REEENTED Paltmon ormla rlzhl ls Mn Herb Swelswell Edm Wlpmldenl Exunhu plum to 90 Io EFFICIENT ldllflfl meme MIL IL Brmdon Bllbdu Ind Mn Blemr and MI Annie PL Lory Orgy wire helm NR It he belinnlnm who Added decide on the um um you want to and than at wllh good nrnnlullon or cw yum While youru there abuln all the knowledn Ind blcklround on can Mm arm youmfl wll racehorn drive 9r nullhlnul Dont hold back on thu 14 your mInd work an Ind coma up wlth lwn mm of one Then he dnrlnl Ind run to hep up with thc world an aduclm whol bun succelflul In Incomplllhlng bl 0an Ind educnllnl other peo ple to do the nmo what It vlu would you KM WI uked tor luhlon or aunt ellcum IME OLD WhINAL Amllh Inning communities In the Penmylvnnll Dutch count IHH $1M church urv cu rqm 15 Pmlullnl lcu Vlrofr hymnbook moughout the war Ihe member dId MM Ind but in or he Candim Red Oran Ind lllo commuted 356 motor Imbullncl me by 51mm CMW promotion Ind advertising LI er arm yen all or mum pun lnvel in wen Into the edllorm Ilda ol mhlan dlllrl butlon Than 15 yam Ila Iho begun with un ml loba Caller Davin the mom TobaCnburn School or Fuhlon Omen which lha now dlrecu mar thought Id be school tench but lvo Ilvuyl land keen 1mm In caucu tlnn me said with her wum engulnx ImUe Ind Ive ll wm wmed to Iceompllzh bll thinn Build on thin on mother Ind me your experlzncn to climb lull Cobnm uld PLAN CAREFULLY mo Edgar WI omnlxcd Dec In by Mia Jen Cnm axon Smith It in homa of Mn Blucman The branch vm my year old the history book um when World War broko out ALWAYB Amnmguq ManE EXAMINER MONDAY AUGUST 11 Edur Womanl institut membm tanner member and um nuakum antheer it Ora Memorlll Park madly oven In lo celebrate the Ann Ilnomry of th hnnchu lound Over 50 guest hand 11 the plvlllon or to him and lllld vim meal urved More the program meylllned the vlohorl uch the Edm Wl Twuadmulr hiltory book which man In Lhl ten con tain normal pr viou WI mnlverharlu as well hlstory nltho congmgnlty Edgar WI Marks 50th Anniversary 9h bunch fly Gcll CLEANERS lID mmmr wm ll DUNN IT ï¬uwï¬ wur dud wool lav Th Emma We In East Sflmcoo or tunm to hm so your ax Perlence behind us an laid Todny the chnilanze of mm Mn nklng place In the Northwcu Terrlmlas Wo must help then new branches on In mglr 911011 lpï¬eglgpllshed Mn Gordan Lauder Edgar rocelved 7m presented In up preclatlan her W1 work over the yun Mr and Mn Bert Simon Orlllla won the prlm the oldest couple premL Thu youngest mndmother was My gem1e 11mm Ednr Your dolhu will bu dun mum Info mu In lbuvun Detail at tho early uclivlller of the branch were related duh In the prolrnm Mrs Howard Brnndon road the mInulesolW um meellnz Mfl Uckm den read ha mlnulel the Iolh Anniversary meeklnl and Mm Audrey Slum the minutes am meeting descrlblnl lhu 25m annivermy plcnlc held In Sprlnlwner Pnrk Mrl Gnrdan Bldwoll mem bir the Edgar WI Win In ohm ho program Eu Slmcoa dlstrlcl dlrcclor Mn Norman Tuck Crown Hill was preakerr Mu Waller Howell Oro Sla llon read the 1le deceased memben twominute lilence wag observed ln ml memory The name preuldenu from ms to wu read by Mn Gordan Lauder ha name or an 1119 member by Mu Maur Ice Hlyu Mu Bldwcll Imm duced the nfllcerl or ms to the Indience Harry slulsor Barrie In lhg Ilnzlaang Several prim ware distrlml by the 1983 prelldent Mn Herb Shelawell Mrs Victor Sleuor won the prize or ldue former member there Mr Albert Link Wlllbfl no he prlu or former member wirq had come ghe garmgg Mn Hurry Slum Barrio ex tended thank on Inhllf or the lormer member lament and my Mum Bum or tho an than Mrs ch reminded the mem ber Iho are convention to he held In Goldwater Sept Ma 24 Elm urged ham to ab en PICK 11 All DELIVERY HVICR CALI IA Ill uglu mitt Irmu In WRIGHTS SANITONE DRY lEANING mm onlly nonJ TM hylluynpukla WRIGHT MASSAGE BY APPOINTMENT PA 871 SAUNA ROCK STEAM BATHS Then Tfy Prlvm if $1