Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Aug 1963, p. 12

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241 17Mlnnu Funny 00 um lehuul ul Ulllu Twn um my IM Mm My Him In mum ll nlm mum Ivy Ilnhlnim mm MM Inn um willy mund by In mrnnrv IIASTONH CORNERS Onl Cl Llnlrlnlnx mm or ll mom mm In In wrrh nl Mmly Sincu tum Im In mva hill nwrpl II mm Vnuny Humlay Hrhlnlvll nlnrlnl In In MI rll mummy lvvlzk hum lunnr mu Ilnlmyml In wllh mm car In an nd jurnl gamma The Inn um llmnlrd Al 125000 If Mr 51ml ank nun Morrlum limo Lnkr MIL len MI cnr ulrncx lno nrnr hl bump MINIM Mllnn Velcmnr Knjlch Wlmllor whrn Humwn from If In uhlrh hr wnn rlvllnn wlun It rnlxlvlnl wllh nnnlhrr cur nlnnnl rlzm mllu mull hldnr Lightning Strikes For Second Time The survry doc Ml Include Imlmlrlnl anMlnll Ilaylnzl or nulrldu Quchrc ncmulfled nr 20 of lhu lrnfllc tlrnllu nnd we llm druwnlmu while Onlnrln hnd donlm Um mmh nnd lug by lrownlnx 10ml 50 Cnnndlnnl film In wmkmd mhhnps according In Cnnndlnn Im no 1mm pm Frirlny lo mldnmfll Hun duy Iocnl llmcn Sovrn prorlo Mm druwnrd nml lhrco dcd mm olhcr mum By THE CANADIAN PRESS Trnflhz nccldcnls clnlmtd he Hm I6 Canadian duran lho wekmd hul lhe numher drawing nccldrnll all sharply mm previous INITIme Mrkcmlm Inl lunhm 27 um Knlvln Chic among lhu chalns cun tuning the Angllum misslon Is 115 IIngllslmuss church leaders say church Um rests no hmva on lhv Anqu Snxnn hnrilngo religion politics nnd culture lnnnul ham to Impress lhe people at developing lulu Mricn and Latin America nor even Ihe mlnglnd pnpulnllon Hm Commnnwcnllh ruunlrlu nnilhu Unfit151nm ll hn nm 105 In lhe bulllv howcrcr sum we The 1000 bishops clergy and laymtn gathering or the inlay AHRHMH congress will not his rampering with church dncirlno Jul they will discuss Ihc med lo shake olf limiting hlslarlcnl irapplnxs in nrdcr ta conlronl an altered mulnr world more cllccilvcly TORONTO CPI Anglicans or the world unile here Tuesday In cansider throwing Inher llcd chnlns lhn mil lhclr mis slon In only chaqge Drowning Deaths Low On Weekend PRESIDENT KENNEDY es corts his daughter Carolan Into the base hmpilnl at Alr Form Ease yesterday mor ning for Carolina first visit Bishops To Remove Sfiuxch Trappings Jnmu Scynmur M7 Nuwrnalla Dnl when MI lmrk minded wllh Imuth lmrk In Onhnwu Mnrlnn Mny Dunnzhue lelnn nL dmwmd In nlmul Inur ml of mm In an ullll ctnl 1m Mar llnmnlun ILIMlI anllm l7 Im qIIII Juncllon nlmm In wulhwrnl Ilmlunh III we unmal druwnnl whrn he loll lnh Hm MIIllhl Illvrr Imm mm lmIL Mnrlnn lelnn lwr lrrl clnl Iain ton Mm mm Mr uhllo rm uric MnrAfrrrnlnn Hurry Vnhwtcr 15 Pnf lrrlnw when much by tnr Mic walking nlonl llluhwny mur lcflcrlnw Harlem Therm nmlour ulwn uh WM nlmck by cur uhllu plnylnn In lmnl at her lnnw nrnr Shntlml Lnku nboul 70 mllu mulhml of Guam FIHIMY ohm Alklng Hamil In lwotnr ramInn nrnr Snrnh Wllllnm Jackmn 51 Trru ton Mm mmnl In lmnl uhllu rhllnx Mn bl James Puulson In hospi tal In Colllnxwood Inc luml xkull aullcrcd Salunlny whm ha last Ml ballnco whlla Illllnu on brldxu SATURDAY Ivan anlcr Emu II of Ol lnwu when motorcycla crushed Into lruck In Onnwn Pmlun Gormlcy Onl whcn lhtlr ruck muck hydra p11 and round nvcr nenr Kw mnrninl panni hassion in he Royal York iioici church men will spcnk on lho challenxn ui nonChrislinn minions and idcaiogics racism the new na lions social iusilce iniernn iionui relations nummnlinn ur ban ii onmass media and Helen olhtrlhomns UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK 41mm Sammie Fm murmu FNEF IICKUI AND DEIJVEIIV mm mu nAllan Uphollllflnl It 0m hm hm NM Jul Im IIM panels in small siudy groups and at plenary ses sion delegates representing uoooooo Anglican in coun tries will plan slraiogy or Ihu churchs misxlon ia the world on the religious puiiiicni and culiurni ironliers An npcninz rnliy Tuesday night and an other next Sunday will bu min in he moanal Maple Loni Gardens nnAnriinn may be of winnlng lho war tur ch it fight ar to lnnk honestly and cmqu at he sil unklon and to confer together on whnl we must do says has Archblshop Clark pri mgta Canada KENNEDY CHILbREN VISIT MOTHER for her mnlhcr wth her mother slnce Mrs Kennedy emued the hospital last week Carollne hugs her daddys hand and carries be lower she picked IQAYKCITY Kynmm Inlllxclml mm Cnpe Tnnnvrrul Flu July will hmrr urnr er1 Ind ll Mllmlic 0mm ll ll uprclnl lhnl wllllln llmo xluyn Hynmm ll wlll ln In tho wurlcll llnl Iynchmn Olll MI Hm will In Inv lml II llm mun mud lhn rnvlhn mlnllnn nppenrlnl In my am as duan MI Innul lurk ughAlum mill an Inn itll wnw Hred Ilnw 11 WMIWMII Vltnnlncornv n1 lhu Nullnnnl ner nnnullrs nml Space Admlnlnlrn llm Inlrl hydrnfln pcrnxlflokll 4an2 Md AI Rpm nclcnllm Illnflllfd 22000 mllrs nut In lpncu sumlny la ul llm brnkn on Um mmmun cn llnn anlellflo Syncnm In one nl mlu 01 mum tn mnku lhu wnmrnn hover nvrr lined If 9n the mm Dr Wnllur my lrm ohln ullcndlnu Snlurdnyl menllnn hm rcrnmrmcd he paliry 01 ha Inlurnnllnnnl to turn down Negro hut uld lhu qnuuan would he dlxcumd nlnnx wilh he Omnrln mallnn whnn ho Inlcrnnllnnnl mllll December In 5L Loull Mo Tho mullon arose lrnm pm lrst nnniml Hm xlnlcmenl In Juno rclring Opllmixl lulu nnllonnl president John Grim lnnd of Mlddlmwn Tom lhnl Negro could nnl ho chnrltr mcmhcrL nxry nuM hrlnld banrd ry mnmhm LONDON DnL CF OnA nrlu OptlmLsts moved Snlur dny lhal control at churlcr mcmhershl be removtd from lhe onflms lnlcrnnllonnl and given lo Incnl ornnnlmuuns Scientists Brake Dritting Satellite Three plenary sessions am dcxlgncd in gather and orxnn lzu ideas posxlbly in lhv innn nl rcsoiullnns inr Milan Tho congress which follnws almllnr conclnvns ui Minneapolis in 1951 and London in 1006 has no iormnl nulhorliy over he in member churches llul policy nuggosllnm arr hound Io have an impact on iulure Milan In lhe allcmnons delcgntu will diaper mm 37 study groups mccung at the Univer slly Toronto to rehnsh and expand on the mornlnga heme Local Groups Want Member Control KENNEDY AND ms SON Sungay evenlnx visit Mrs John Jr mlcr the hospital Kennedy wFfllflilfl fiSfigyncrlime Comfort In hrr nHur Herr lrofmnr lwunl Akhmlutl 1n Hue pmldrnl plnnrq WHEN nlllnllhfllm 11 will II Ocrmnn draw lni mom In low Frlud Reunlm hrouzM lur ymml lZnnlhh Ilnnca Io mm her pur nu rrlnllvu yml lrlrmlu nrnll nudllt nruup lhc Pncmcm ohlllrml copy unrl hu pmenled it letelul yenr II mnvcnllnn In renrm wllll my hnmllul ul nulnldm nu luau Ind Frlc xlnl nlahl In who had never me nudlll though would In run In wrlln lhu play con Ildmd It Implnynhlo hmum hI Inw nu pinto when It could ht pryscnled l1 nlunlll Icvm yen Mur hlnfldenlhiln ms Thu Amcrlcm unbnlhldx AI mclnllan holding Ill nullanul convannn prmnlcd lho play In promoln loodwlll The hour lnnu comrdy wu wrlllen by Charla Qprlnn Cuahlng um nurcuslul nwndwly plny wrluhli PILOMQTE MODWILL But he pay an oulnzmufly tinnybut not nnuzhlypool pullni 110 pupchcs on nudlsm Tho nlfie nclurl nvd Iclmm worn nnkcd Hs uly lhnl many the 500 who law the play Barely Proper blushed with Derek tho Icndlnx character For mm lhu Invllod Iudl mm It wnl rnru Hm look lnlo ha cluhtered confine nudlsl tnmr Tn unto the uhan la lho out durl the camp ml dcnu nut on clmhu Fulfill luvu Duck IIoM No dcnr motherlwlaw you or nulntrlp Derek Hammered PENNY LAWRENCE Kun AWDo we look you expeclcm km lho naked woman alnrk Cnnnn Mnx Warren head of lilo church missionary Incier In England lays Anglicans are scrinusiy limited outside the Englishvspcukinz world because boih the Church nLEnaland and he counterpart Episcapni Church of tha Unimi Slalu lendcd lo coniurm in lhe iili cli economic and culurai spheres oi iniiucnco oi their humeinnds Unplayable Play Is Played Stark Comedy WithBare Actors BANK on MONTREAL wllh lowcontllfolnnurod loan TM wu haw rlnrher my cum II drkrlhml Ihl Ilnrl ol lrnk crop dulllnu mlnhnn Ihul cent as mm women And hIIIInn In bundlll bllunlnr mm all upolun ha Inna Insrcllcluln Dodo ulrl none nullmd Iny lullnl II If lrrla Then lhm mm Ml nvor Ind my ID mm mm mm rnuuhlnl Ind huvlnl erTplnl Ind elllnl up In mlnu or MI Illrtrd to tho Ind couldnt hlnlly brulhu TOPPENISII Wuh MP nullctd lhII klml whllo cloud Maxim near lhl mm In went out of my lhtd Ihm on tho round we wo my mm mm lhnn Hand Inl room Indium In lhe lent llh building Ind lhl plly had to ho pmenled lwlu lo accom modm overybod Aflerward pllyiom hnd Inca In mn Ill wllh lhe Idorl And mldmu nl Iht camp 1m modern German youre old Ennllnh Frlodl tells hlm ll one lnl Lava lnnlly conquer Fried get dressed lo he dluuxl of er hmlly Du Derek inllnnl Ho undrum Ind Iverylhlnn ends barely Crop Spray Sends 38 To Hospital Dcrckl lurprlso lurm on rnua and he nccusu lha Iamlly ol parading Imund Ilka flock of Lady Godlvnl And wlullng Ibo Ilka yormg in cum That in Illnkautho miid he In told Didnt you Me Mr nvsonrri lhal ukl Derek with In whllo Aundggsso or lg Ind uio Inmnfi walk In 081 In bull 15 Project pmmdn uyayuuuuu Mlnlo Oomlnlcllon lnd teven xubconlmlon said they will hnva lo lay on In 500 work and ylntu unless We were cxpecling to am this project In June but sllll lha Onlnrlo Munlclpnl Board de IIyInK Ip ruvll Mr 0mm HM mkmenl New 11 The dalmuon led by Irv 1m Greenberg president Mime Connrucllon Com pany Limited Ottawa which plans In hulld Inbdlvlllon with 8500 residenllll houslnl unit an wml guy 11mm OTTAWA CPDA daleznlinn oi 00 construction worker ioii Oliawl by bus curly lodly or Toronlo to anneal brief to Premier Rubnm protesting in lppNVli oi 0000 11 000 outing project Tho damn Many psycholo Isl helluva all neurotic behnv or learned and can he unleamed with naw habit panama tamed by he lmvlar lhenpy Workers To Protest Delay 01 Project This wan repeated 75 time day for xix days The mm wu so unpleasant lha ha me the dashed norlndulzed In any lrnmvesllle behavior when check was made 11 month hagqllu1 While he was doing thl he was told to undress At that moment ha wu film Iharp alanine shock In his Jen mum the haspltll the patient marina only dmslnu gown was taken to Innll room and told to stand on an eleclrlc grill Then the doctor ln umcled him to put on his ll vol lemma cloth an Inn in ourmyi The plum nyunnid civil nemnt hid Ilnca child ood experienced Ilmnz duhu losing in in chilies Tho current Inna ha pub llcauon Behlvlar Rumch and Themy told at the succuqu treatment at lnmveama Bfinlud Hongltll In umy The Med on ha nvarnhn technique ximlllr Idea has been used with some xuccm In mnklnu Ilcohnllu nvgm to drink LONDON lAPDA up British menu medml re ned Smdly hey may have ound cm for poxsour ll mcted with compulsion to dress In tho clolhu lhl up pofllo my Thay ho their work on lranlvuum If lead Io cure or homosaxunlly and olhn lulunldeylltlonl Shack Is Used To CureDesire In Homosexualfi mm mm Alumni mum mom Thu Prince Edward Island aavemmenl la Im mvinz lmul llshlnx In tho prov nee and now has 20 governmentcontrolled anxllng areal Desmond Heeleyx muted 3mm and block o1 Ibo Athen lona dun wntrnmd with the bright golds and whltes 01 the Trojans It was mo touch shockan on out of he somehow lnzrnlned assumption lhnl lhe Gmk on tho hem of ho plus and lho Trojans no the vi lains somowhak Intelor lo the noiblo Greekx Even lhls color scheme does no hold mmtonl The arrogant and nellpltylnl Greek Achilles appeal In blo linl mm and lalnclolh whlu roon MARKET l6 DUNLOP EAST mm Tho staging and coslumlnu ol the pmducflnn kept helr proper placu They emphasized and complemented IJIo play Haw nver lho hum the play was mm ll wa wrlllcn This no to any that Ihe mm Ilood taco to lacs reck lnn thulr llnes Thuro was mave mcnl ennugh but it was alwm understate and subordlnntvd to the veran action at tho play One had time lo back and watch tho latitude of expres sion both verbal and Implied of which Shukespum was such master BUEHLERS Langhamn randlnz at one at he Buds lesser known play has demanded that full and wager emphuh ha liven In the an word The text ma ucrmced to singing nr the 1m poslllon acllon and color might be expected In tho prod ulctlon somewhat ohmua fly POTATOES In contrast to the Hub tuit menl liven the Com ot Er mn and the disappoln men at the return at Cyrano do Her zem Trotlus and Cressldl played with all thu Insight glory Ind pmtonlonnl xklll that we have come to upon at Strut tord over the Inst tow yum 510an wonn MEAT BALI OR ONTARIO N0 TABLE Theatrical enieriainmcnl oi high calibre provided by this yearl oiierinz oi iroiiul and Cronin ni Siraliord Shak¢n puma Festival The men aiman without exception hm responded with anthusiasm in lilo Inspired dlrectinn nirMichaei unzham SWIFT DOG FOOD MARGARINE ZIP Pork LIVER SWIFTS GOLDEN DEW YOUNG SLICED STEAKS Troilus And cressiddéé High Calibre Play Pork CHOPS LEAN MEATY BLADE LEAN LOIN mytovn 315mm BEEF STEW Her nficnlng Iccna wuh her uncle lo ellemlnate and ex qulsllu Pandnrus in entrancing Hnr meeting wllh and avuwnl of love or Trollus ls elemunlll She bespoke perfecfly In word gaslurc expression and deed tho flowcrlnl 01 ynung glrl lnlo consciousness of hemwn nllrncllvcncu and the role um can play In Imusan lhu pas sion at men pmkanl whlch in her inexperienra and the hunt at tho mnmen lbs lelnl nnd en alreclqmcnlg Mnrlhn Henry played her pm lnulllcssly She Is ono of tho most fascinating and beguiling temnle leads playing on the Can adian aim lndly Thu spectator Ll thoroughly nnd enlrnnclngly held by every evolution 01 em llon which sho enwmpnue dur lng he caum of the play Tho rm that their vlrllo love so rcnllsllully player In ho Ilrsl hall lhn play make poig nnnt nnd Ironically culllng tho mum manner and em with which Cresslda Incepls the ad vance and ammo of um younz Alhunlln Dlomcdes The lovmr Peta Donal Troll and Marth Henry Cressldn complainant each oth er perfectly Their lave menu are among the most InnId seen on Iho Slrnllord aim The rpm war almost forced Io turn hl hand for ear of lntrudlng upnn such an Inllmnm area cmouon between two fellow hu mans First tins pmienional mm are wnrkinz logeihu in the knowiadnihnl Inch understand hlspnrl ilnd II stimulating to and known that his conirlbullon an lnlrlcllo purl oi whole greater than lha nun oi the in dividual periormlnces Hymn LOVE SCENES This production has not play ed to conshlenlly packed hnum as have um olher two 01 um mmnt oflurlnn Howuvor It my to me wh lhu aclors lhemmvu prelu Ir parts In Trnllus and Crmldn There mrkla and glean1c Ih In the production Hui nllmflon tiwnrdi Dlrr Loafing back on the parlor mnnco Indlvldunl adorn the specular L1 It loan when to begin or whom topralso first prism was and gold emphasizing his pos 1er Ml pameg 1049c M90 LB quuu to read and nllend Lanlhnml biucr sweet mun and Cm llrla he hlghllkht 01 um yearn 011mm In dalo 69° Eiuy aficionado of Inn lhculr qlrc Flnnlly among the Hrstr or nob Ablo performance Tony Vnn Rildlo srnggnrlng hull of an Lea Clccrl shine as the mud dlsdnlnful Achilles whose oyal ly to lhu Gmk cause re awakened by hls scorn for Max jcnluusv Hector and tha death his belnved Palruclus Eric Christmas Ihe gall riddcu cynlcni Thersilox is in given part which don His is inrcclui nnd Kimly wroughl pertarmanu Jusiice Io his professional skill One hope that his good purl this your will bu rclumEd In luiuro Vicnsons 01 1le Amdnh ho Greeks Dough Ruin sham Ulysses Is plan which win back Achilles and Max or he cause and restore tho unllnd Iron 01 ha Grcok baseman Ruin ndds un nlhcr leaf to Ihu laurel he has won the Festival In mm 1an Wllllam Nccdlu surely one ho must ncmmplhhcd than ncler uclara In Canndn xhlnc 8le dgqry Nastnr uwwul In cup William Hull pmch 11 mar1 vellnu Pundunu HI appenn nnce zuluru and performance are sight to ho icon to be believed Jame Douglas mndu cani Vlnclnl Paris Ills handsome mm lneHecheness and nulnn or he Ihrewkh Helen nlcel tempered by hlx awn mass lho designs pnlillcl and Inn hon at people unm The flu or the mixed could no on In lncludo nll lhu lending members or the company John Collcos made noblo Hector lla wn wlso enough In mllzu hut hla awareness mus com romlso wllh his loyalty to ml and counlry llo emerges mob ed by the compgrplsp made alter ah ha bean rnnxJ fened Iho Greek camp Irue to her own nature heart rendlng lo mllus and rcptHunt lowhu wise saga Ulysses In tho only on among lha Green not won her worship and provide tho Hm kuy to our warenm of her real mm mgr qr mum L85 00 Enllkh 00

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