no in dlmurml Ill MI um ury la am no IhI wavld luv and mm Ilul In In llnrlmlrr ul lndlnnnmlll mullmn xllvmun Irml In In our Mlnuln wlnn Krn Nnmllu rnuhrd bnmlundml Iouhlu In mum lo dvlvl In Huno rum Hurry mek And oh Hum inm mnnm EXAMlNlj SATUnnAY AUGUST 10 1861 The mall numulud lhm ch vilrhm Int 15 MN lntludinu Mn homru hy Inn Jnckmn and Inn by Jhn MrKnlpm huluunl Irrnnll Immrr Illl ml Inmkn II In the In Inning Tumnln lulled Columbus Jels 5J leny nlglll Imhulrr IlNl Vlnu htnl Ille xkllldlnx lmllnnmmll lntlinn AL lnnln Crnrkcrl ulurd nlrhmnml Vlnllnlnm 52 llullnln lllsnna munml by Symnm ml Alknnsnx TumIn downed Jnrkmnvllle Sum 71 Tnnmlu Muplt Leafs are rhnngnn lhn lnlrrnnllonnl Luau norlhrrn livislun rnc lnlo mlnlcnm lmlllc pulling ml In place wllhln llve Rzlnlrs Syracuse Chlcll dhisiml lunhru find it difficult to believe that there are not enough interested parties in this city to raise the capital need ed to tee squad Granted the fans may be spoiled mm the days of lien Emms and his Flyers but youve got to make the best of What Is available cant give you exact figures on our attendance last season he said do know that the ans werent enough to carry the club The executive had to sell booster club tickets and do other things to keep the club on the ice dont believe it Is fair that three guys should have all this responsibility Voll Paul has some definite views and it was re ircshing Ialking to squareshoollng guy who gives honest answers to honest questions Hes interest ed in coaching agan this season and it would be in4 torcslliig to see whathgvcoulq do with good club Of Eoursc to gét milsldrérlalenl money is neces snrxhandulaql is quite away of thls HEARD PEOPLE talking about the rlnk being cold never missed game and certainly didnt find it that cold These people want to visit some of the other rinks in the league and then theyll know what cold rink is like If we had winning club the fans wouldnt find it too cold Paul stated herwras inï¬coï¬tracl With one of last years players who is interested in returning and has line on few other players who could be persuaded to PW But these players wont hang around waiting for us sald Paul Theyre going to grab the ï¬rst of fer that comes September Is no time to go hacking or Mayors Now is the lime Leais Move To Within Five Games Of Top Spot In 11 vWe were weak on de fence he re lied he lleve slea goaltender two defencemen and com plete forward line is need edr With these additions and the cream of last years team believe we could have competitive team PAUL MEGEE Paul had high praise for the work of the three man executive of Don Coulson Ken Robertson and Bill Bennett if our players worked as hard as these guys thered be no complaints from me he said They watched every dollar and had expenses cut to an air solute minimum Iiany grounis thinking about taking over the club check with these boys would be wise because they have it down in black and white ihe exact amount spent last season Why the poor attendance Betty answered this one What would he need to ire mamra able of bold ingmlgs own Is spason WE JUST DIDNT have the horses last year said Paul We lost several tough games because of thls and with perhaps little extra effort we would have won half of these This is all It would have taken to get into the playoffs and this is where the money is made In the pleasant atmosphere of the Barrie Golf and Country Club Paul gave his views on the situation freely and honestly and his charming wife Betty was on hand to inject the comments youd expect from the Mk of coach and an ardent hockey fan Exlmlnnr Sport Edltor Paul Mcger former Montreal Canadtens player and coach the flame Bay City Falcons last season sum med up the hockey sttuatton tn the city just about es neat as youd want last night when he stated Its matter of bucks And If anyone is Interested in spon sorlng club now is the tlrne September is too lutle flERED us co IN BARRII PA 64412 lick Smilh uprnrd III nnh lnnluK will hum run In xlvo nuflnln ll wln nvcr Symwu Julm Sullivan homered fut mum in Hm luurlh nml Chlrfn made II in In he MI The llmi Mnmprdtd back II In More lhrccmn humrr by CHI Cuuk In the mm The lll umph mm nu mm mm lwn anu Syracuse rhwya tnllnhnralrd nn IHIN Allnnln IMil 11 three xmne llfkl 1mm fllchmnnd IIOMEIIS IN NINTH Inn rum can ma INITVIHHN mm mm Im mum ll ml Hllfllll lmnlmimm Hm mu win In unm al In unmoun AIIIKUX Imum XtAVATUfl mnAIN In vn IXlAVA Tmls IIAV CITV vn uttAvAmnn ru AN nl 111aner AT nuwr mu LIIuntil lAT no nu mmm Inmull InnunNMu Inn mmm Ilmml AIM umuuunlu AN fmmr MIX wATnI rlmln mnrAnu wunm anvMAnc nnrx mum INflVMATllZ mrrnul vaTnnI 1370 WTUN AN wnm KIN nuns MACK mx nNnnI nucmn mun IM tnMmn lmv Inw ner nwclul mm All Tnmm IH TNUIKI mml 7M nu NVLITI MA NI almr MILLINH mlltmm IATIIm unmier mwnl HAme Ilmlrr HUANIIYY Mm AM milll rpmm mum mnmm nuunm mqu an an uul Im In In full ml Wm In mummy um II can mulu Itll AM yonI umqu CANADA ummn NATIONWIDE AUCTIONS on mun AT II mmv LANE IIUNTBVHJJ ONTARIO Anm Iu Imu len Tmmlal TIIUIIIIMY AUHUDT II INS AT AM AUCTION PADAFORA CO Omdo ND MUSKOKA C9NTRUCIION lIMITED HEAVY CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT ONE MILLION DOLLARS 70 Ill now Mondny Aug 11 530 pm Wednesday Aug 505 pm Wednesday Ann 11 543 pm Saturday Aug 14 45 pm Monday Aug no pm Sum RCAF mm nnrrln Plum Followan are the ichcdulu or he bcsmmvc mm Sales Sttwndl Thiclovl VI All he Truclovo Slcwnia xnmu wlll be plnycd al Quean Park Plan will use Mlnrxlnu lnr lheir homo names but 11 lhc series Km lha limit the mm game will be played at Quoonn Park at 330 pm on Saturday Augnsl All oHur name In the dearrllnm oer lm wlll begin at ezu nm Senior Sonimll League new Inry Dorlun Parker today re leased he schodulo or he longue scmlflnml Mllch wlll pcnnaanlnninu Slcwnrll Garage nnd thirdplate True lme call In scrch and arm Plaza and RCA Edmu In series Shakespeare will meal Der nnrd llnldup Toranlu and La mnr Rasmu of Houston Tu will square on wilh Mike Wll4 son Oakvllle Barry Shnkespenn of Halifax and Dave Bmwn Port Credit Ont opened the Canadian hzrrd court lnvllnllm Junlor tennis championship at Shanty Buy Frldny with wins over two Ear replayers Shalicspcnre damned nu Thompson 60 62 Brawn doyngd Dun Slmmm Consumora edged Lakeview Dairy while Jnycec upset Smiths Dalry 1M Consumers Gus tank over ï¬rst placo and Barrie Juycm edged clnser In plum berth as result or last nights dou bIchoudcr In lha Intermedlale Sollbnll League at Queens Park Mommy Ant Edgar Local Players Are Defeated Senior Softball Playoff Schedule Plum Thursday Aug 15 PM Edgar chday mm to P1 Thungay Iguz 227ml nl Ed Saturdayz Aug 20 Quecnl Park 030 LnkevIcw grabbed Ihe load In Ihe Ilrsl InnIng hul Consnmm moved ahend wIIh three runs In he second and acorcd lwn more In the Inn 11er mm Innlng sInnd proved In In the dncIdIng ant and It cnme wlIh nx Lakeview ruillcdfllor we run and loll lb ylnz run stranded Cord Madge was the winner wilh Ive blue whlle Jnko Jncnbson took the loss Ivlnx ug qlghg hils Now Consumers hnve ow paint edge Smiths and Com are dad or second and Jay cees and Lnkevlew are led or lhlrd However Jnycecs hnva the advantage as they have played an In lama Ihnn Lnkcvlcw Consumm bull up 51 margin nvcr Lakcvlcw utter llve Innings but had to hold on In lhh bottom 01 he scvcnlh Smiths amend the gum llcd with Slmcne C14 or In place while Consumers trnilcd by one palm Lakovlnw was In third plum lwn palms ahead Jaycces Billy Red lyons vs Mike Valentino hilhmul II llmuh IM 2km Iwmlul Mark MIMI Ovmmlulol MONDAY NIGHT 845 WRESTLING HARDFAST ACTION BROWER HADY MAIN EVENT GENTLEMAN JIM BULLDOG DIPAOlO MARINO SIKI TAG IEAM MATCH SWEET DADDY Wayne Hum alnrlcd for Smith but George Machnnld was callad in to rclleva hlm during Jnycues muck Bot Lyons annealed lor lworun homer or lhu wlnncrs two men out Kcn Rabcmon nnd Dan Coulson haema hack double mid Peck Reid followed wilh slnglu lo coum far the two rum Lnkcvlew nave It good try In the scvenlhbul all one run nhgn My lher xcore Jnycecs had lllHe trouon wllh Smllhu and molvcd fine muund performance from Earle LAME ZPA CHE COME SEE lLLIO 3664901 Taronlo CAMPING TRAILERS SALE VS THE IMllAN SIARS AND COME SAVE Vnrcocs dclculcd Tharnlon lï¬ ll Ins nip In Ludles Soft ball League camc played at Thornlan Illrun second In ning proved lo be he bl one or Varcncs although Thornton came on strong In lhe mm and aixlh wllh our and Ilve mm rcspodlvclx Mary Lou Blshnp was lhe wlnning pitcher Lorrnlno Greg ory look the loss Roman had an annunl ave vnge Increase In mum trade of per cent between 1060 and 1962 Repnln mlda mlku can And lruclu 0rmlston WHITE ROSE 0pm Mn Do 10 um Dilly Hayï¬eld smel mm Torml Cln BI Amngtd On All RapIn INCREASED TRADE NOBLE DUKE TONY Argus regained the ball on their own SOynrd lino lale In iha game mar kicker Dave Mann had been roughcd by lawn maklu Bill Qulnler The Ilnrtcd he louchdown march and chk Shauns uyard run put 12m Ipqilflop Conch Nobby erkowski Korma quarterback hlmaell mlndu group llsleneu alter the gum that Parker who Injured knee and ankle In reteason lnlra squad game nd panlcipnlcd In only three play In our exhlblllon gamut ActuallyiPnrker had In of hnlp In pulling the gem but the fire Shaun took Parkur thlrd down pm from the Ottawa six and Humbled Into um and zone or therlouchdawn Parker obtatncd mm Ed muntnn Esklmos for live ploy ers and 115000 cash in the 0H lemon born Iltllo resemblance to the anpcrquarlcrbnck of the past Tho 27551 Toronto an at Exhlhltlnn Stadium even lhounht It mum to give Park the raspberry early In tho mm PARKE HAD IIELI TOMMY CPlJuckle Par ker alruzgled lhrnulh can denaed lrnlnlng camp under Hm Friday nlgm lhun tossed lounhqunrlar touchdown pm to give Toronlv Arsonuuta an win over Ollnwn Ruugh Rld an In the opener of tho Eastern Football Conference mumv The two other EEC clubs Montreal Alnuellu and lho de lendlnl champion Hamilton Tl zcrCau open lhulr season In clngh onlth ll llnmlllon Modern hm My Ilnllnn wrll locum In daunlnwn erflnd lullnnun m1 11mm Thln mllvm well lullnl In mlrhmlc wlhlnl ln werle In Inna up and olhrr medium Irr vlrn Thl modrrn 1M1 bay Ilnllnn wllh Ian helm suunn well lunul lur mechnnlc ulmlnx lo lptclnllln In luneup Ind other Ipcclnllml mvlcc Gnllnnuu 113000 208 HAZEL AVENUE MIDLAND Eli Jprry Wilson scared the Argos Nip Riders In Opening Game J76 BLAKE STREET Mlnlmum lnvmmenl 50000 innndn llmlcd am prepared to Iupply Iny Iddllloml capllnl needed fur the wmplclo upcrnllon Gumnoud wollll 0000 monlhly Rnply 1P Caml Lid I97 Yong SO Toronlo MI llvrllu plum Mildly Lnulllhnllnl Unusually Good SERVICE STATIONS FOR lEASE BAYFIELD at SOPHIA ST BARRIE KEMPVIEW BOWL BOWLERS BP CANADA lleu WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR REGULAR BOWLING Fér camplcle Information on All spln leagues And how to enter your team call the manner It Kumy View Bowl FALL lEAGUES FORMING PAGE 11 TRY EXAMINER WANT AD PHONE PA mm 0llnwa hnd llllle luck with IL runnlnz attack gaining only 61 yards Along the ground Jack mn clicked on 12 of 20 pulse for In 17 yards Parker who dd llllle running himself completcd only nlne 21 passes or ynrdl An Argo doctor said test would be made to determinu ll um Heel hullhack would re qulru nursery We dont know what It Is he said He may aven be practisan awn Sun day Thu bright spot for the Rough Rldm ms the Run Jackson Whlt char 9min mmblnatlon nlckcr ruled on the tallest men In the lam continually drifted behind Argo defender 1n gunm In lonz passes Mae Enclnn booked 25yard field goal or Ollnwn and 11m glu on unolher llcld loul al Icmpl that want awry Omswul olhar palm wnx an slnale by roaho punter nick Black MANN INJURED Mann suflercd lrenk Injury an the tuuchdawn play and was taken to hospllnl alter lha name was turnlng In lee Shall caught lhn ban and In left knee Just lucked ho snl Now cant slralghknn my In other Tumnlo swim on con vcrl and llng Item mlmd Held goal attempt ADDITIONAL SPORTS 0N PA B976l