JrAItMEIIS MARKET MESLEY EQUIPMENT CO to Highway at too Cookstown shit4m ticKEE HARVESTERS iielluntaading torage boxes NEW IDEA CORN PICKERS lmowers conditioners rakes PAIZ anon CLEANERS silo unloaders leeding sys toms VERSATILE SP Swathcr conditioners tours Pit DARRIE PA 60302 IIIRIEIIING MACHINE In Mount rnmt in good enndi Iion Anni lu Percy Jory RR uIrm Tezotinna PA nut cocuaiiurr on Tractor Binder or rule aInot cut In good run nlnl order 30 Telephonl IIRII are aI cnIIIIINE ready to go to work It Ilcriltcl yricl 50 Cu be seen It stmcoe Sale and Sen vice Highway inutti PA aIsTT DION TIIRRIIIIRDI Onlfl 32 Int one with ipnl feeders bout ma ll new Apply Dion Deli Francis ucmu In no Telephonl mm um eIrAnANca sane oi used IIlh mi Irinininent Used uni Iii Ina SP Combines Illg Itueir at used combines mite tnm or nutmien by Sept liver on soutn rmn Equip innnt Ltd MnaeyFergulon neiier lteathcote antrte Phone Thorn btflY 6553 so AUTOMOTIVE moron cans For SALE YOU car coon DEAL no GOOD DEALMORE an FRENCH MOTORS 15 Bradford St PA $5971 Ilsa rant lutnmalle exesilenl condition call an be icon at Mil lera llP station Pulllllll Street or telephone PA l4 arm nJrL ï¬k IIIII rIAr In very lood condition Red ln color Al very lnw Price with the new tlru rIIcnnnns PA mm tor further min we RED VAUxilAIL aIdIn In aond condition lrhlle iIII IIll PA 165 um pm tor runner inInrrnIIIon ms OLDSMURILB automatic PI Iilo Tires motor body III In very good condition you IuII pricel IIlInIInnI iA arm or Ivy IInII rnivAinr 1952 A40 Austin cIrn bridge Ton condition rIirI rea mnlble Telephone rn ouots int rurtnn plrticullll ml cilzvnuLzr Convertlbta VI ennlne automatic power emu Excellent condition TelenhnnI PA use or apply It nrncl Street Isii METROITOTJTAN Convertible rflllom mun In very nod condi on Telephone PA artist Alter No money down um Ittflfill lulunlnhlle in very id condition Telephom PA mi RAtllthlin St III cylinder IuinmIiic Illnlnllllun ouutuul Innuittnn nIaiu windshield usin Ilfllllll owner going Ibroid Tulenhnn ama Inn citavunanr lwu Hill In IonI Inlldllinrl niuI Inn while illdln Titti excellent SIIn iIIrd IYlnllllIlIIML Tetrnnunc IA Milan tor lurther deIlIIl lass iiinli tour our lutbmllil mclatile blue ruIlrim unto rm IpIIIir new um mm It un ilgtih New condition Immrdillcly iIIIi otter lA SAL lliSB Plymouth tinny Iuinmllla iiIniniIIIlnn utltn ZItlllr hrlgl Ind rillmi rendition Trrini Tfllplmlll iA ruin Im ciIeIniILnT new body inn Illnth utellrnl tlrra Al Very rrarunahlr cm run It tleen TIII Servlrr st anuinrtI nIrIIl iA nails or PA aaIII IvInian rIIxD can msunANcu Inn iur antmco at in any driver III in lIIIMIIIIIIRrII In It at ruit cover iirnIIIy co II Collin Im at itIn rilto inInv wniiI with IIIIII Imt mt Int nnroileni riIiIilItitliI TfIPlRMll rn mu III pin or turtnu ln Inimiiion TRUCKS TRAILERS IIII lill m4 lInri tnr Arluli miIurI woo mlln nnoo iim Mrilinnlrally Inund Tlll rltmll new mnian niiit ltlAlHll toy It long with Inuit Iiii In uriiint rnndittun rriuinnn rA UNI Iur IIIIRH Ininimiilnn nvntiirr run Trina In mitt Irlrtlilnlul rIiiItlillniI Eu iiiii IInIii Ilvcl rnr lurth Ilvlnlmllllln Illljlhliill niinnh IIIII Im IIIVJMIIJJ irnN riurl IninIpui innminim nmy out III InitniI Innm Intuit In At iniuiiitnn IlItly nu Illil TPInIIDRl New Iliwoil Iii MOBILE HOMES l1 riiur IirItIIrIru Ii Inn Innnu tire In lllllmlml MIIIM iIIvIvn nIr IIlldIllt PERSONALS ACCOMMODATION NOW AVAIIAIILI Al illilVlilANlI IIIVATH NUIISINO HDMH ï¬lltitlll lieiiil niul Ilitlll mum on tho ginuiiil lliIor ltrn iIiInlila rain Qiiiiiiiictt Innrlltat nurse on duty at tunn IlliiNI lillliiill Itllllll 47757 In lIun ti II hits in nmII its elm lllnmt niiwivnn wniut Inn Iivlllelt wantii lnl Ilfll IIHII AltI Mien IM HueI sown rt Ins or Imi Tth tiiiilï¬lI rmmI tinyht mt IIIlisted tun Inumiins im itIirtII It lull Iiimva IIii as um Iniiiin WOMENS COLUMN Frail anan unlitu II fQVIIDM RIIM Ill not Mme IV km on Runlre am door iulsniiui III 61651 Fourth WALLET LOSTmink leItIo VIII FARM MACHINERY let innateII anID on Aim can an bung Finder Dill ttlophonu PA Hm GLAD LoanLuau nruecrlpt lion lun Iluel III nited Clllr Eton Flea Ielvl It Elrril Zl Ilnlntr learfl LOSTIII ntcyels hlfll with WM on tall on Swim Inlnl Pool on Mo Iy August Finder pien llilphonhlA Hill 00W 20 Want Ad Section accepted until pm Day betora publication PHONE PA All l== IO HELPWANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED BOOK IIIBR Slenolrl Ir will an Imali store or It lies Ex AvaIIIaI September rill on ll Barri Examiner PAINTINO All BI Dllnunl It very Britputt utiellnt dependlbl rvtcc Interior or Isrlor ca atii PA um hm wru LnnK Iitu pmtnnnl rhtld In my own quno in AiiInaIIa mi Fenced nIcIt mil with no box Ind playground equipment Telephnnl PA Hm YOUNG nIATtIIIID man it yam niIny yam nt mlnlxlnl Ind capertcncu In retail Ind wholes store In Toronto want uan niInt In IIIIIIE Excellent veter on re Dmi Examiner FEMALE HELP CHRISTIAN WOMAN needed Full or part time illctlmc Security Experience Sunday School ministry helpiuL Earn stoo Weekly and up No compe Lllion Write John Rudln Co 21 Illicst Madison St Chicago aiinnr ORDER cook tor restaun Int Good working rondllldru No late Mun Telephonl PA MIN or lurther inlnrmllion RBIJALlGIRL in warm or sea erli mIIurInt work LivI In IrInlI anon wInI Apply Bl III Reltlullnl human or iIiInnnnI Ivy artist LAIillS WANran tor rut nnins work Nursing exprience preferred but not necessary DIy or nIInt worn Apply Pationl nut Hunts RR Ellyn HiJMI Stlyner YOUNO WOMAN In it In Light honelleeplnl lnr exchlnll at room Ind board Nu obeetton In one child Teilphonl Hill alter nrn auoIIuItaPINII niIenInr Operllbr required tor City Hall nltico Sain IxnerIIncI with accounts and un II rt Pkiulldr IIvnoay neck ary Icheoulr and tall uni ptovu cnInlI Apply by letter stating experience to City IIIInI ger P0l Box To nude or we pnonI PA lam lor Ipnolnimcnt IvnIIIN Will can drive It you would enjoy working In noun day cIIIInr resuIIiIy each month on noun or Studio Girl coImIIic client on rouil to IIIIbIIsnIo In Ind Imund narrlr Ina IrI ulllinl to niIkI Ilani ilvcrles etch erII Studio Calmctiel Dent Cnsa iItIeui Avc MontrcII Ii noni ViIII pay up to noon on nour TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER FOR SKI RESORT AREA Qiinliiled public sdiool teacher wanted for TSA No Calling wood Light cnruii salary Apply it Will Sta ing qualillenllom and name of last inspector to FRANCIS MeKINLAY SECIREAS RAVENNA ONTARIO SALES HELP AGENTS MAN WANTED to Ian nut ILIIII by CInIrII unirlnI Ilrr III re turn Ior IIIrrII Inu din irlcl II it II turnII nr inutn Ii Stauti Itsmetti Limitd lA Noni slvn SairIrnan to ram armtry Ind roniIrIinnm Nationally Idvfllllrd loll until nmsrim LinnI rrimlllle IImI Ilnunie In lull Muira TorTn lndullr In Spittin III Tnmin Ont MALEHELP HALESllliIN CHAMBERS FOOD Liill oldest and inirnt In fronds now extends Invite to the nor rle Men tixcritriil opportunity tor right then WRITE RON 12 RAIIIIIII FXAMINER INSTALLIIRS VANIEI IIalHiltIIuII itnta nun truck and tools nltnttt STAYNER I7DI 12 annilinn Anlrr Aluiiiliiuiii to mnnI IIIIIRI all not it Iiirnan timid AriIv it lllli lino II it Mllru Mnniiul MIliANII flululled IIIIiiMrI uni nIiIiI ruminu niitninlviwinn in tutInuit Ill II II III III In IVll Iil II unitunic In Musy 7n vlnlwi Apply IWIIMI mill4 pa It lininn IIRIIIII liniion nun burl niIn Mill ArrIr 7le you or my an in niii In Community Vlrell In In IIIVI IML In no mm ivin Iviilail in Ill Ii ilniic IR it MAINIENANCEMEN air and MAIllIHlMlIP Men inquired liy Aiilniiiutiilr Illlt Tml lIr ï¬nd BELLY DANCER IIMUSES OTHER CONTESTIINTS IiiI impromptu belly dance by Miss Morocco Andrei Pi cnrd is the centre at nltcn tlon irom other contestants in the Miss international Dcau ty competition at Long Beach Calit today Miss Plcard Casablanca secretary was trying on the native cos iumc shell display in the contest beginning next week AP Wircphotol WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF oucaN rouns LLANDUDNO Wales tRcuL crai Thousands ol Welsh voters were raised In songs and cheers welcome here Friday when the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh arrived at IItl start at twoday visit to north Vnies Their arrival at he na tional Eisteddfod the molar cul turnl testivril oi Wales was her aided by roar ol welcome train crowd OI 10000 packed into the main pavilion JAILIID FOR LIFE PARIS lReIIterslThe state security court early today sen tenced two nininlicrs at Secret Army Organization commando group to hard labor tor tile tor the murder in Algiers in told her liiï¬l ol Security otiiccr Mn Rene iostc military Sc curily oiticer The men were John Louis iilniicliy 27 and iriincoiI Leca lit WONT RUN AG IN SAIINIA tCIiC thlil lrincs member at the lcgirla tura lnr Laintiton Bast iur 18 years announced Friday that he will not Soak ROIIIIliiIIliiR luv the next pruilnclat elcc on Mr Jones said he hopes the nomination meeting will DC held within the next month DISCUSX TIIIIATV IAItIS titcittcrsiWest iior mtiii Antliiiblfltiur Heilieil IIIIIII ketllturn rallrii III the French trircign oilice Friday to discuss the possibility at his govern nlcnts signing the partial nu clriir tcsltinn truly French lurtlgn tiltiro spokesman siiiti here There was no attempt here the npuk niiin aid to Impose Fruitiur vlevta itlt Iinun Al IIIRSiltiiC lliliu lt II no wcret tiIIil IlNIiIIRI IIII Iiiulllu it rzarilI sutli II rriIp lIy lliinii lin IiiIuriitily TO III ISO ITAIAIITIALLII ADHN IAI mciiitl liin lirilisli anin oilicvr wlIu IliI II party Iil 45 Numb aeriitiiiieii tlIllI viiinen on it triiiitiiig exercise in Jlltlt which liiIiiI Ill lilo IIiItIii Ilcliulillc wlicro lhcy wriu iIiIItiiislictl will lie Iniiituiuitliillrd Aug iii liir iirnlilzriirr it was announced Friday iniir IliIIIIOrA ucin klllvii IIIIri IIlt Iiltll in the party wrro In cnptilily tIir iiliiiut II IiilitiIII IlvAN NIIIV llILiH VAIIIIlLllD tilll liIIlvTild Utiilrrrily Iii Wiilrrlmi will Ills ltinte liltiitriiiii tiilI tiill In trying Itlliilllllf eiigiiieiia nlirrnll oi new riminninnii lrtiiiililiiee iIlltI levitiri llr 12 TENDERS TEN in ms TruIlIIa III Iillriiy IIIIINI Ilir tr wiring AIIII rIilrlIlliIll pillt nl Iiiiini tulleginte llmvle ï¬pttlilrnttuue mill Iiinwlligl may lie IililiIiiirtI lIIIlII llli llll Illtaigliril upon payment at lln on per set iriiiieis will lie leiclvril up in pin rill MONDAY Attil llST ttttli that try the under lilllflI Lowrnt or any trinlrr nnt nec runiily IIIPIIITII IiAIllllli IHHTIIIITI iillilillAlli IlttAlII I7 lltlilnll Rilllnru AtiilliliIIIRIVV lint It IlAtlIttI Int Telrliliuiw iAIinny Maputo Iiier In III itiniiipinn Mel Lli Illll niico lintlilini and Medical IlaiII tully mill Douglas Vrigiil denn at ca gincering at the university said Friday university olliclais have lound it great demand tor Such ll COHTSE STRIKE ENDS HONOLULU iCPAIiHono lulus malor daily newspapers are back in circulation alter today strike by slxunions but it Is too early ill tell whether they sulleer any permanent loss in circulation or adrertis lng revenues The strike emitd tctinesdiiy tiller 895 employees oi the two molar iluwaii dail ies Iha iinnolulu Advertiser and The SlurBulletin agreed on threeyear contract coiling tor Icckly pziy increases ranging liom ti to $5 each year TURNS UI SAFE ll ETIIVILL The Cungu iAliIcnn Lag he is Relginn settler III was we ptirlrd killed Thursday by lur mur hiitungo province gen darmcs is sale in Rhodesian hands Lagaehe Ivris shot at on his moored boat in the Lunpiiln IIIIEI but escaped tiy swim ming the buoyant PritCDiIIIIIR tested river to Noittieiii iliio dcslu lAliIl AGREEMENT STOCKIIOLM lliculcrst lrimc llilillatcr Mtitiiiilliiii speaking at tiitiiqiict giieii III his honor IltIL Friday night lie acriicd IIll liltiwuw test liiii RlliiLilitllI as it beginning by which two siilvs can now live wilhoiil destroying one an other It the two systems can learn to live alongside each other we believe that our way at life will succeed he said CALLS HYELECFION HALIFAX iCFt Premier Stunlicld announced Friday that liyelcction will be held In An napolis lJasl Oct to tilt the seat vacated when Hanson Dowcil was appointed judge lor the Annapolis Dighy Yur mouth district in February The announcement by the premier discounted recent speculation that ii general election would be held in Nova Scolia next month SENATOR HAS ATTACK WASHINGTON iAPiThc oi Iice oI Senator Estes Kctnuvcr Dani Tenn said Friday IiE has sutlcret ti mild heart at inc till in tile US Naval lid in nearby licthcsda Md Statement by Kciauvcrl administrative assistant sold doctors have ordered complete rest irir at least three weeks ite said the senators condition is not considered serious WOULD ATTRACT REDS WASHINGTON lAII $an ator Wallace Ilennell Uinh IIIiUIiIILiIiI proposed Friday that tin United States alter bounty asylum and ii lull in any itussiaiis in Cuba who will detect in this country licniictt In it Scnitte speech said the beaming Iii such nn otter to Russian tiers and abldicra IIuiiitl raise tremendously tho pilec it continued Soviet occu lialiuii ut Cuiill and the cost oi maintaining their Soviet rup plirtl Sovictlcil striking iorcc Elhink In Depth Urges Anglican TORONTO llfii Anglicans nrril to think In ilvptii Ilniiit IIil vitiilil IIIlIsIIIlI III the IIIISI iliirI cliurcli Iays lit IIiV Stephen ILIynr Jr tliIII An gilriiii rrrciilivu utticir ViIiII iIIiIkeI tits IllIIlliiIItl1 In Lun ilnii iiiiilluinl The tIIIiIIII iIiIt cluti nrrk liig ItlillliIiItII iiIiiIititrx ain Illnliup itnyiin who will Ill iiiin til the trading litmch ill the Anglican timeiets hrin Aiiii 1171 III intinns II not nimIy iu rlllltIllilIl llIelI ItIII IIIIIII ill tiiluw toil wlieio Ilil IIin II iii wilt on the tiiiiitivis llI Iiillilllil AiliIliy the titular AIII IIIIlIIIIII that in Hill illllIVlII IItilIIiI ink itllltl pIrplrriiig nlliI Itially Illsiiulr ilIyIie spent with no tliiiritv tlIlIlliI AngllrnliiIiIIa hiitlilwliln HIIII piiillltilriily tiI tliluiuntiry nirnl Illv lul iii liriitl til the Illiitim Iii Ittllliiil ill iiin lltllliril sinin iZlIiliIiliul iliiiIIli in Ill rlIrIl IfliiiliIlililIlir III the Milk Iii Illl vnrluiis rrltcinrininu iliiiithri niiil piniiinvs minimising the Aiigliinii lunly IIXAIIINII ItllN III Ililln Allulltlilllslilq rillvlin In IilrI IilIi DI ltlrisllmi tilllty nttl liiipnilniit IIIlItIill Itnyiie whys Anglicans iiiiirl tiikn II limit Inuit ni their on liiilly lllil Iil Illfl rltitliila lilitkgltltillil ll Aliglii frown lull that II Inittly itinnglng hilllinnl III liIIr IeIInw IIIuIIIiIiIciI in Asia AIIIIJI Illlil buiitli AllitIIilt yilrl hill rIrrl lrllllilriy Aiirlu Sillun llin pinycr ItlllNl ni our Illnlllltltliitfl nnw etliI in more tlinn no in aiinrru lllIiI many more Ill nlrits liltit nie Iitiuy nntlir Atlitlltnlll ill AlIlIrI an lllite MP Iii Nuiili Aiiirilrii iintiy billed on the Anglo Fnsiiri liathgliiitltvl would lie unity giiin by participation In the lilo ol ii riinrtti at open Culliullc iiniI ltrturined and tiiit at the continuous titstorlc Iite III the apostolic church with it lIiliIllltlllIrllIIlIItltI llI wtirnlilp niiit iiiIiIcrsiilly RCEPIIIKII min IIiy was Iit rrnl iiipill and tin iIIiItIIlIT AnglItiiniun is no Itlllltii iin tiiiitllrh gill it he luiia tu Aillllltilm nniiilinns liipniieue tililneIr AIIItnnI niul iiriixillniiI til HITS WIiITINiI iu Iliniiien RIIII strengthen the tluiiilin Witness IIIIItnp ltiiyiiu in that more alton lliill AIIiillIlE lie giIrlI III III writ lug nut ciitiilntliitl iIl cliiirch IIIiIiIIlIll unit the liIIIiitiIIiIIrnl llI iIIrIiIItllIIflI riiuvnttiiii all too iittrii gcatrtl iii the iiiII at mtki rrnltiry niiti tinted on Al aiiiIIiiliuriu about the rilticn IllillJII irIrl irl llilIIRllRlI and III ntint IIllV will need to preach with re It liltl own which llilt liiiprlruly Initiated Illrltirll Ilayne Inyi lhe thurcli II liiII liikiiig lull nilIflIltiirn hi the twiuiiiinirnliim sits IflFItllI liiit piru television radio and the motion pictures Tlil hrin tlnii line nt in arts In an ex peiislis Ilillllltel and he trnli lllKvtllIiIlIIilll tur nttlun nuaht tn Iirnlngly In ha tnlrrrhiirrh niul Inteinallniiat in rhnrartii Anglican iiiluiiinnry policy he save la in rural ltir the no InliltsiIiIIent oi independent Int iiircnnus ehiiiihen In mlulon my tatnti The Anglican nm iiitltliiitl iiiu Imunte tumliy nt til rttuirliea and new chuiihn hate immense needs timrruinentii can help in uteri the nutritive ltnanclol tired at new nation in litrch and lists but It lit up to churches to impriy the parallel spiritual Mill it SHANTY Bar MRS WORTLEY The sympathy ol the commune Ity is extended to iiir and Mrs Sam Terry on the death oi Mr Terrys brother Fredrick Cleve land Terry Fox at Oshawa Gen eral Hospital July 27 interment was In Riverside Cemetery Lind Say July 30 Linda Glrard returned home recently after spending two weeks in London with her great groiidmother Mrs Thornton an Wortiey and Joanne re turned home last week train at tawa alter Spending three weeks with Mr and Mrs John Wort ley and Scott Sorry to report Austin Kendall is patient in Toronto General Hospital also James Campbell is in Royal Victoria Hospital iiorrle Major and Mrs Lamb and lam lty at Ottawa spent low days last week with Mr and Mrs Ross Simpson Brian Alberta and Brenda Simpson ol Clowes Spent low days with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Roiph lllckllng Mr and Mrs Jotm Lolly ol Canton Moss were recent visitors withiiir and MILIIITITn Campbell Miss Mary Wilson at willow date is visiting Mra Folk and David David Glrard Ls holidaying YJNII his grandparents in Mid and Cathy Simpson entertained er oral littic lricnda to birthday party recmtiy Mr and Mrs Alan Bowman have returned home alter visit lng Mr and Mrs lrving Vorttcy Lake Rluil Ill Dr John and ilcicn Quinlan have returned home to Kent vitic NS nitcr visiting Mrs Holden Falklands George and Frances Sutton and lamlly spent their holidays visiting with Frunees grand mother aunts and uncles In Manitoba iitrs ill Ryail and Susan and Mrs Macintosh Toronto who are holidaying in Midland vist ticd Mrs Wortley chncs ay MANY GUESTS included in over I00 guests attending Young Progressive Conscrvatlvos annual chicken barbecue at the home at Mr and Mrs William Garner Roads End were Dr Rynard Orilila MP Simcoe East Lloyd Lclhcrby Coidwatcr MPP Simcoe East lllrs Lethcr by and sort Jack ileer Smith Barrie MP Simcoc North and Mrs Smith Art Evans Brad lord liilP Simone Centre and Mrs Evans Gordon ALIIcn Gravcnhurst liti liluskoka Parry Sound Mrs Betty Knight Toronto Iormcr secretory Onl ario Young Progressive Conser valives Gucsts were also present irom Toronto Oshawa Owen Sound Grovenhurst liraccbridge Cold wnler Penctong Midland Elm vnic iiritdiord Dorrie and dis trict SALLYS SALLIES or dont know hlm in any bol Iullcilng rmm unnaIa but be known who on Sally Band III Ostrich Plumes NEW YORK AP Thirty years alter she lirst stirred the US imagination dancing nude behind her fluttering tans Sally Randlr still going strong Now 69 but with the tlgnru ot woman at no she seemed genuinely shocked at the sug gestion that she put the ostrich plumes on the shell cant imagine not going on said the liveloot JHIAS7 dancer who has flirted train the stage with several generations at American males dont think oi it as career career has an end and dont think at closing it Pavlova did some oi her best performances at 65Ihougr im not placing wool in the cate gory with that immortal soul Ten years atterhcr last New York appearance and is years altcrrho started dancing pil lcrslonaliy Sally returned to the stage here recently to re place ailing stripper Ann Carlo in the oil Broadway review This Was Burlesque rlicrrroie was thatola nar rator and tor the booking she had to go on shopping spree iin not used to wearing clothes in the theatre and have to make dozen changer Salty remarked dis bcitcl still to her voice Only at the close oi the Show does she poriorm with her soil white and prctty leathers PERFORMED AT II troupcr since the age oi 1t Sally hit upon her ions and the bigtime almost simultaneously Nobody paid any attention she avowed when she opened at Chicago Speakeasy in was wearing lust tans But every body pnld attention the next year when she took the act to the Chicago worlds lair She tell bchind the postage stamp stages and prolcssors at the piano to play night clubs and theatres across this country and all the big fairsSan Diego and Dallas in 1936 San Fran cisco in lotsexcept the New York Worlds Fair at 193940 Mayor La Guardia had put himself out on the limb and said il we have to have Sally Rand to put over the lair iii Tiger Is Favorite iRADAN Nigeria iAltNow Its all up to the rain doctors Final preparations tor the Dick TlgcrGenc Fullmcr world middleweight title light have been completed Except oi course tor the rain doctors who may or may not quality as oitlclol This light the third between champion Tiger and lormer champion Fullmor is scheduled lor tonight In Liberty Stadium an openair ltcid usually used tor soccer matches About the only thing that could hold it up is rain And this Is where the rain doctors come In Tho rainy season Is on the wane In this city oi 730000 but drcnching showcra still are daily occurrence Chtct Joseph tiiudupe Johnson minister or labor and sports has hired couple at ruin doctors to chase away any clouds This he said Is last to reassure any olui llal customer who may at ll be Itevc in soc mumbolumbo The light twice postponed al ready is scheduled tor It rounds liritlsh reierco Dick itan will be too only oitlclal TIGER FAVORED Ititcr who IIIIitI the crown rmi annals Stuntman SATURDAY Admin to tics II 59 Hasnt Put On The Shell resign aha explained lie was good underatlndin man but he was rnayor an couldnt back oil publicly So Salty played night club in Manhattan instead Sally said travelling not can or colds was the biggest haz ard of her protesslon the change at water and bad lood Despite playing some dralty theatres in her Han Sally said She had never caught cold and listen you cant imagine what it was ltke playing out on that Chicago lake lronl In No vember out In the open North Pole Once In Saudi Arabia SALISBURY Southern Rho dcsla tAPiA team at scien tists at Rhodesias UnlversiLv College says the North Pole used to be somewhere in Saudi Arabia The potential express ballet that the earth has llitcd during lls ages at existence because ol the drill ol wnttnentr which were once in quite dittercnt positions lrom their presentday locations They contend that the poles have moved accordingly The scientists working on project attempting to prove the theory continental drilt are measuring the magnetism in rock lilcy say their iirtdlngs show the magnetic pole must have moved thousands ot miles irom LI original position Dr Opdyke graduate of Columbia University rays rocks at the same age when measured showed diltcrent magnetic di rections appearing to indicate movement the poles The Study he says should help geologists work out when oil tor instance can be tound it we know what happened to rock lormiitions and why we may be able to take lot at th gucsswork out at all prospecting which is done almost intuitiver at the moment Opdyke raid TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA All Heavy To Win trom Fultmcr on points in San Francisco Oct 21 1962 ranks as topheavy lavnrlle The two taught to draw in Las Vegas Fcb L1 in their second meet tlng with Tiger retaining his ti to Tiger is 33 Fuiliner 32 They are wclimltchrd physically al though Tiger has twoinch reach advantogo nvcr Fuiimor who normally lights crowd ing punishing style aimed at getting inside his opponents guard Tiger has 411 record with TI knockouts Fuiimcr is 5553 with 24 knockouts The light Is tho that title bout ever in Nigeria and has bcen subsidized by the government The government has put up 80000 hi guarantees and ilrlt ish promoter Jack Solomon came in to run the show Tiger is guaranteed 00000 and Full mer $50000 plus 0000 In no pcnses The light originally was scheduled tor July ll but was postponed until July 17 because tool tnlury sullend by Full mcr It was set back again at iullmcra request crowd at nimut room ex nettedbarring riiln tramsr 1r Igloul needs iii aim WHITE flux at tlAItlllF VIMIINIRI Inttrauma but Iiv riintiul lhn thou societies