Dar Telephones FortExaminer Want Ads Tcio phone PA 82414 Tho toluphono number to call tor the Business orEdltoriaiDaptls PA 6537 Local Weather Mainly cloudy today Scatter ed showers ending Saturday morning Low tonight 58 High tomorrow 79 See page two conï¬rm No iasf PRESIDENT Kennedy look Ing tense and worried arrives at the Childrens Medical Centre tor the third time yes hiOSCOiV iiteutcrst State Secretary Dean Rusk at tho United States and Soviet Pres mier Khrushchev inked light heartcdly today as they headed into talks at Black Sea resort aimed at reducing EastWest tensions The American otllclai had Vnowo1hursday to the resort oi Gngra where Khrushchev ts va cationing to continue discus sinns held in Moscow belora and alter the signing oi the three pnwer nuclear test ban treaty Monday iictore the iormal talks began lush and his wiie drove up to Khrushchcvs twostorey man sion where they were met by Ilibs Soviet lender and his iam EXCHANGE DANTEII Khrushchev and itush cx changed warm handshake and Khrushchev prescnicd mcmbcrs oi his lomlly to ltusk The Soviet and American groups sat down at long table on spacious vernndah and Rush and Khrushchev ex lielon Iiuairr iv lakes ilme lmm her duties as playground supervisor to sum the flow terdsy where he spent the night His new son died early today oi respiratory aihncnt AP Wirephoto Black Sea Talks To Cut Tensions changed pleasantrlcs about the state at GeorgiaSoviet and American The state secretary was born in tho state that has the same name as the Soviet republic where Gngra is situated The two lenders met alter 7d countries at ceremonies in Moscow Washington and Jan donsigned the nuclear treaty banning tests in space under water and the atmosphere representatives signed in it three capitals George Drew Canadian high commissioner put his name to the London copy to lead oil 23 tirsLdoy signatories to the Brit ish capital HERES ONE Once upon limo there was man who gave up his seat on the bus to woman She lnlntcd When she recovered she thanked him Then he tainted in garden near her home at It lwsii Dr ttu ricnt sit the University ni Ton mo lielrn tinds ms with nuns Mail Robbery Losses Reach $8 Million Mark LONDON tAF Known losses in historys greatest train robbery approached the $8000 000 mark today Scotland Yard and police oi It counties hunted the gang that ambushed the GlasgowLondon mail As bank alter bank reported on the cash shipments seized by bandits at rural junction Thursday the total climbed to £2t71000 57418000 Unnliicisl estimates placed the loot at staggering £3000 000 most at the loot in tho holdup near Cheddingtoa 40 miles northwest at London comprised used banknotes British paper currency The currency still negotiable was being shipped by banks to London to be de stroycd The Midland bank said its loss ran around $500300 The National Commercial Bank oi Edinburgh estimated its loss at 5320000 INSURED AGAINST LOSS The National Provincial Bank said it had £1084000 in tho sec ond coach Barclays announced it lost £5l4000 spokesman said it may be little more but we are insured Three otlser banks reported lied trainings To fight Gas lire FORT ST JOHN EC CPI lied Adair giobatrotting speci nllst in lighting gas and oil well tires takes command today oi the battle with wild gas well that has killed one man and in lured tour others Adair t7 arrived here Thurs day night and today makes his lirst thit to the well 65 miles northwest at here lie was called irom biasing oil well in Mexico to tackle the times in the remote bush nrca that are eating up an csiimatcd 250000 cubic icet oi natural gas day The tire broke out sitcr an explosion Wednesday annals FLOWER GARDEN patients THIS Miss irwr good time to get my irom biutiiea and hooks and enjoy the outdoor norld tBs amines Photo usunsriiio govtrittp smaller losses They were the Linen Bank £55000 the Bank of Scotland 431500 and the Royal Bank of Scotland $7500 Rewards altered by the post oliice insurance companies and banks tor apprehension oi the robbers climbed to total at 5260000 The goal at about 15 masked bandits halted the 10 coach travelling post allies hetero down on lonely stretch oi countryside to miles northwest oi tendon The bandits overpow ered the two trainmen in the to comotive held postal workers in the first th coaches at bay and escaped with 190 bags at rolls tered mail includin gems and quantities ol negotablo bank notes it was brilliantiyplanned operation said senior police oiiicer It was the llrst sucaessiul roba bcry ot mail train in the 115 years the unveiling post olilcas have been in operation Police were convinced that the gang had been told when and where to strike by an em ployee oi either the post ottico or the government operated railways The rest at the train contalnlng some 70 unarmed postal sorterswas ignored The richest haul came from the sec ond coach which together with the coach ahead and the loco motive was uncoupled and moved mile down the track to be unloaded The robbery canted out in Is minutes with splitsecond tim ing probably was based on months at stopwatch glanolng and spying on the line elyalt erwsrds did people livin in the nearby village at Che dington remember men who came to take movies oi the trains rsitl ing by Haitian Exiles Take To Hills Drive Across North Fizzles Out SANTO DOMINGO iAPlTho exiles who invaded itaitl were mod to have taken to the hi to wsgavguerrllla warler idcnt Francois Duvaiiir Reports lrom Port on Prince the Haitian capital indicated the drive which exile spokes man had said the invaders were making across northern iiaiti had tluled or been dispersed by Duvnllcrs lorces spokesman lor Esso stand ard Oil said the American coma panys two bulk plants near Fort Liberte were crating nor mally again An American evacuees were returning to their lohs along the northern coastal ICE detector irom tho ltoitlon Amy who tied with it oi his men into the neighboring Dom inican ltepublic said Gen Leon Cnnlnvc the rebel commander and the main column at his ont other force had melted into the Hai tian mountains The detector More Sylveln aykusstd hows the adtuunt ot armypost st Deroc in northwest linlti lie said Can tnvas invasion iorco totalled about 00 and picked up ro emits on its march itebet spokesman Paul Verna estimated the guerrilla moun tain iorce at about 150 He said cxlics in the Dominican itepub he had rallied to their cause The rebels apparently hoped to mount campaign at raids and harassment that would eventually attract public sup port and topple Duvaiier Sylvaln detained tor oucstlon log with his weary lrghiencd men at the border town oi Dn inhon told rc orters oi bloody lighting Mon oy at Fort Li berte but the account at the IIPIIiIitlfl was believed exagger Find Ward Death Is Drug LONDON tltcutersiA scvtn member Jury at coroners in quest today iound that Stephen Ward ccnirnl ilgure in one at liritalns most sensational scan dnls oi the century killed him aeii by taking no overdose oi nembulnl sleeping pills ills death last Saturday wna nilributcdltn snitcnlng oi the brain llssucs hrcauss oi depri vstinn oi osygcn Ward divorced son oi an Anglican clergyman was to have been buried this nilcrnnon at private luncrni ceremony liut his lawyer Jock Wheat lvy sold the lunernl may not be held today ntter all Ward burst into prominence thin year when iormcr war mlnlater John lroiumo resigned his attics over his sitsir with NEWS Suicide one at Wards protegees pretty redhead Christina Kceler Word died Saturday atlcr some Bo hours in dcep coma without knowing be had been convicted at London trial at living on the earnings oi the prostitution oi liilss Keclcr Zl nnri another girl irlend Marilyn thinnriyl iticostics ll QUICK VERDICT the inquest took only three mlnuirn to arrive at the verdict Ncithrr litlss Kceier nor hitss ltice Davies attended the in quest As the Inquest was taking place Scotland Yard detectives arranged ueaiionln oi con viticd prost into Vic Barrett who was alleged to have ad milled nitsr Wnnis icido that she lied at Wards tr sl BRIEFS Duke Of lirgyie Secretly Married LONDON iAi the link oi Argyli was secretly married eight weeks nun in Amerrlantmrn Mrs Mathilda Cinder Mortimer Irlrmis disrlnsoti today The bride to is the lakes toorth wile him has three long by presitiill marriage to Professor Clemens lielier oi laris University Hurricane Iiriono Threatens Bermuda hllAhli Fla iAIl Capricious Arlene llrst hurricane oi the solemn moved townnl nmnuds with gains up to is mites In him today threatening to slap the iiritlah Crown colony area dill ths afternoon miles southth at New York 11 weather husenuiaald pass rsiiwr close to Itermiuis Artms centre woui to at islands coins Driver lumps from Blazing Truck mumom ill anck driver Daniel Dormer so coca inlury Thursday when he leaned irom the biasing cab oi bl moving trartnrttsnltrr on iltghn He said he saw macho pouring it burst lriio lismcs 14 seven mile north at hm rain the gasoline tank ltd time II II HAPPY DIES Opposition Leader John Dieienbakors Labrador retrie ver llappy has been des troyed because ot congenital ailment which provoked vie iousness The dog was Chris mas present two years ago when Mr Dieienbaker was prime rnlnisier CF Wirephotio Endorse Dairy Scheme TORONTO CF Ontarios 70000 dairy iarmcrs who saw milk marketing schema lounder last year may be nearing more compatible arrangement The new scheme would be based on tho princi is at equal pay lor equal qualty milk as agreed to by the Ontario hitlk Producers Anguo and the On tario Concentrated biiik Pmduca ers Association Endorsement oi tho principle has come in bricts presented by the two groups representing total at 28000 dairy tumors to provincial Inauiry committee which conclude bearings here Thursday Other dnlry gmups would have to agree to it and the scheme would have to be or proved by isrmera bclors it could become ettcctive lnnncrs new are paid lor their milk at rates depending in the linai use at the product ra thcr than on quality Concentrated mlik shippers who receive icss or their prod uce than do whole milk ship pers claim their milk Is at Just as high quality it is cxpcclld the new scheme will prescribe price tar top quality lluld milk between the average prices now received by tho two groups Only sltion so isr wan es ers Association in hrici to the government conunluos The organisation represent lng 1700 Jersey and Guernsey dairy tarmm claimed the our posed lplan would entourage margin iarmars to produce more milk thus creating sur plus problem Priest Stabbed Found In Closet NEW YORK iAIkA itomsri Catholic priest stabbed twice in the chest was iound to lied room closet at his sisters Man hattan apartment nrew day night iotlu said the death was an apparent homicide slea Mic with blood stained was blind near the door at the kitchen in the itrsttioor apartment the Victim nu head maladies was Impréost at on srme Church in mono President sitting near When Sons Heart Fails BOSTON lAPiTha new son of President and Mrs Kennedy died in the dark pro dawn hours today The president stood only iew feet away when his sons heart tailed Presidential press secretary Pierre Saiin er summoned re porters hastiy at Ma am EDT to tell them that Patrick Bouvier Kennedy only as hours and is minutes old died at hot am Private tunerst services will be held Friday at time and place to be announced later The president stood near the huge breathing device that held his son when doctors told him the stnsggio to keep breathing groved too much at strain on is tiny heart BORN PREMATURELY Salinger indicated that Mrs Kennedy recu rating irom the Caesarean dc very at Otis Air Force Base hospital where the child was born prematurely Wednesday was not advised at her sons death The president was due to leave Boston later today to carry the tragic news to Ms wile The president spent the night in special ouartcrs ol the Boo tan Childrens iinspitsi Medical Centre Only Thursdo aiteri noon doctors placed child in the rbartc rnber submarineL iiro device at tees long and eight iect in diameter to aid his lungs to breathe The paratus is the only one oi its sad in existence The struggle oi the baby boy to keep breathing was too much or his heart Salinger said in packed room at the iamcd childrens hospital The presidents brother At torneyGencrai Robert Kennedy who himseii became lather tor the eighthtime iew weeks ago and presidential adviser Davis Powers were withiho president when doctors told him the boy was dead Doctors roused the presi dent at 210 am when the childs ooadition suddenly turned worse Concern for the child born we oks rematurely at 1252 pm We nesday started almost Immediately when doc tors determined the be had developed idiopathic reap rotary syndrome problem that causes breathing dliticuity This condition occurs trcoueotly among premature babies An air force hospital ambu loamaccompanied by cordon oi state policemen sped the child irom tho Cape Cod mili tary hospital to the Boston Chil drens ilospital less than five hours alter he was born Teams of top medical suthorh ties many irom nearby liar vurd University rushed to aid the child As late as Thursday attor uoon top pediatrician Dr Sam uel Lovsne at New York flew into Boston LOST Mill BABIES This was the third child the president and Mrs Kennedy lost She suticred miscarriage in last and the baby was dellv cred stillborn Another child died aiter premature delivery in 1556 At press coniercnce Ssiin ger was asked it the lniant had received the last rites of tho RomnnCathellc Church Salish gar IIDlieaill1 bsbyt was baptized reterrlag to the hop ilsm at Otis Air Force Base shortly alter the childs birth in the death at an talent the bopiizlng is suttlclent under church aw liirs Kennedy was vacation ing on Cape Cod when she bo gan to suiler pains Wednesday and she summoned Dr John Walsh her personal obstetri cian irom Washington The two Kennedy children Carolina and John Jr are on Squaw island at liyannis Port the summer White House Carolina will be six years old Nov 21 Jolm Jr will be three years old Nov 23 sacs anon cdummisr CHINA loweil Denver skinner right nyearcld Korean Wsr turncest ls ooeortwi through buildi It Now with idles wlld in morning by Terry lino airline represent tattoo to one at It American lame at war who retuseï¬obs striated alter the Korean or its lived in Cmununlst Chins nine been its returned to the try way at liong Kong and Myra Al Wilsphotol