Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1963, p. 7

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There up lhm classes Class ll open to everynne Mn Nelson Waunn ll In chnrge and will mnll out prim um on ro qucst There 15 no entry to class is defined to en goumo entries tom home lab ldml want In Me any man lhlnm mlnrltlmlnl nr nnl mm do you muemlmlh vlllc luv dllcumd lhll wlm our Mull dorlnr ml In mid polI far poop In my 1mm Illhout Mn Ill them ulvu HI alto ul lhlnh pman he lumlly Himu vm mlncldcnm W11 ml hnw Ilncldmlll qn ynu on Every Iu my cum to vlnl us or In mil Fur lhl In Hum yem My Pure mln ed brln Marty Cnlrnnm Ille term In our Old Km Iurky Hump Tun Iflh no null nl lhelr Annual II Imou lollmolher 5M II III kl Du homllnl with an in odlon Ind lull bl yrll mm rih commundmrnl rupecl ll 1an ny Honor your mm and math th In brllhl or ll you um with humor hmqu mu oldrr ny honor themInd It nu em no rul lDlI ucrpl lhll By In your hum and mnlhlr And um ll mm maulh HUI CAflfllEflfl Du Ann Lander1 My flu in II mum Hm mlrrlrd la phyulrllm and may him lingo rhlmmu Du mm filn Ton Co mlndmmu nu ma hr ml la llvc by No on bun th lmpmvu on hem Inl000 yc My parenll hnvtnl been cen um lor yum no what do my knaw about ll Inywny1 Im nun you wont prlnl lhll Idler bmuu lm rllhl nnd you dont know how Io Imwcr Bill Hr parenl Ire In Iqum you won dnl bellevo ll Somu ol lhe Ihlllll they lhlnk 17yearold kld Ihould be doing In In Ib lolula EM wanu ms to 100 ll unk In muscuml My old mln lhlnh oughl to work up Iwul on ma lawn Why Ihould whzn we hm ud mun who nu good money oLlflIHnlInpll She llmn Du Ann Ludml am link In people who demand respect Ilmply beenu they no older Sums aid people are dumb Illd lame yaun pcopla are lmlrl I0 lhl crummy nd vice out hnnmnl your lhgr and molhcr smoun eclal Wednw any Aug 11 the this set or the lnnlafll Flower Show to In held In tha Community HIIL here The Womenl lnsllmle Iponsgrlnglg Ln yearI flower thaw wan cancelled nwhu to dry weathen The union In hasnlheen loo llggrable either ANN LANDERS This severecut cotton JackA el blouse ml tapestry paL am to aymcltchln enact Flower Show Date Set For Aug 21 Respect And Honor Due Your Parents um STYLED FROM TAPESTRY THY EXAMINER WANT PHONE lA LNII Thm yum lMer had my hll blue zyu opened up mur rled lullnw who navnr had hld lupunxlhlllly In In warld Wu III only chlld rlenly WHM and Ind Ilwyl lvcd ll ham or nothing To him mom wn mmrlhln lo throw Iround Wu Ion ll llm Ind ll my lnlnlnl hIdflt bun my boner than would hm bun dlvnmd um um yur null uum hlm haw In mm AM new we are mum Jun no llollvve mu Ann mlr thern lulnl In In brounhl up lllm wnnnnl Ike my huuhaml Imp ymn prlnl MuM Dru ML Hm II II um can nnly Add hully umrn When mdunkd from hllh lchoox hundtd over an luurlh or my Elychcck In my math rum led HUI nnd lhnuxhl all lhl ulrn anuld bu buy lnx 11 didnt him to pay mom and board it home Dur Ann Lnndmx Thu Icl Ier mm the zlrl who dIdnl why her pmnu Ihould chum her room and bonrd ovzn lhouxh Iho WM 11 ytnn old and urnlnl dallnrl weak really an my dander uv 80 um didnt Ink la bl ham Thu wnl mm mnPW come back SAVING ADVICE The hall will be open pm allowing the Judglng 0rxnnlz an umnglnl far weaker in Ive flora hlnu to the home Dru uullvll Slnce you have perluuded yourmll that your Cllluuo relatlvel are zermy you will probably at llnk ram Just looklnz at them So lull lhcm lhey cant Ilay wlllr you next year Incldtnlnlly my medlcnl con lifllnnll nm with your phbe can cm In opun to WJ mem but only This competition will give the member chance support the committee and their president Mrs Mel Cook Class L5 or hose 16 years old and younger to dlsplay the skllls Junior gardeners Good Hm and second prizes are awarded In the vegetablo mllmlon here are three prize of merchlndlse in Human have um nuullnl It fashioned In cranberry or blue prlnl on bolus imund CP ercpholoh PERMANENLI All nml mlucurs uod lu imm IVES BEAUTY SHOPPE iqn wArrfn 0m nm In gut 550 Fashions Selected 1n Italy Be Présefitédj At sCNE Ill In III balmn In In Italian on lnm Durlnl ha mnln blnuo wu plnynd Ind HI lulu wu prumlnd In ml of honor Mn Down lhlnhd than mom lot but mu men Wu 1ij by Mrl 1le and Mn Gilbert CAMP BORDEN 15pm Mlny Irlendl md neighborl lhered It lhl home Mn Evrlyn Dnvll of San Leonardo Loop rmnlly In honor Mn now who wlll ha luvlnx loan or her mm in Clmv Penu IWI nwn Illendlnl wen Purl Edwurdl Dal Km Jnno IllM Kny Mnndlty Mu Ieburv Mn Houllllru Mu Whnlen um Ferguson Jam slnnoll Do allbcrl Eulyn DI vh Jenn 1mm Gull Ron ery mm mm Imam mm Pam 1nd Gen Cm mm Whlle advocallnz canon mas he specialists Interviewed clullnnzd against the use cl rulr be wants and dhfwsable cellu lose dinpm cc ally when flu hnhfa Ikln not Ihleldzd If the rubber by couon duper worn lnllde lhu pnnll Sevml daclorl nld lhl rubber cellulnsa pad or olhar luball lulu Iqr cotton warn nut to the Ikin un provoke Ikln lrrl ullon Innmanna Md Inlet Ion Some uld hll um 01 rub ber punu risk delnylnx or lup pmxlng the mndltlonod rallox cieanllneu French pediatrician Ind poc Iallm an lnlant hyllcnn memo mend cotton tho only mm or dlnpcrl according to lur vey conducted by the Franch Colman on Inlgnl Hygiene Conan painted auto tho natunl bra brenlhn allow lnz veuplmllnn and mine to evaporate heuun cotton can bu properly Itorlllud by balling and became ill laflneu doel no Innate the xkln The long Illa and economy 01 cotton dlw eraullo filed Janzl and Joan Aym ung Th wedding Hymn and an re quest Whisperlnu Hope with MIL ElxnurPratt thq piano Prlnr to her mnrrlare the bride wn honored at several shower In Burlington where the L1 nursing The member and friends of Slroud Presbyter lnn Church presented Bu wllh linen shower STROUD Special £1119 home Mr and Mn Nelson Wuhan Wu the dome ol latherlnl re cently aver so Hands and neighbor mat to shower re ent bride Mn Gilbert nce New With thru girl friends Mina Mary qu Marlon Gibbons and Margaret Cowan as convene me bride wu seated In ally decorated chllr Mary Rlx reld poem on hulldlna house And home Mrs Gilbert opened her num emu film And expressed ap mdanon for them She invited the guests to visit her and he hqspnnd at Pqflngkon Aiurlunchrivu served Ial hour followed The most mum thin wax to learn thahCanudlan houses 19le Standard taste In womenl flxhinnl are llmllar in most countrlu today any Mn Jen Hm The mlonnl ecuumue In union before days my travel amalmost obsoleta wall dmsed women uny whera dml Almply and choose Infieuqflga clmtullyu Mr Jenkins describes her work oi presenting iashlons to tha crowds um annually throng the huge exhibition Al Tannin Neighbors Hold Farewell Party TORONmwP Canadian uhlom will and up ngulnat any Impom nys Ella Jenklnl manager the womcnb divi Iton ol the Canadian Nullonal Exhibition Mrs lenklns In Just back from week In Italy when she vly fled fashion houses In Florencl And selected renntativs Ilal Ian Inshlom or the luhlon ghaw at the ONE Aug 1659 Cotton Best For Diapers Stroud Friends Honor New Bride WHERED IN BARRIE PA 6I4l2 dds because one designer bu drequ above thrkm doesnt mennulhnt this should Tue Rails fashion are daily suited for Canadian 711 wglher and qre availablehere The most Important charac lerlsllcs nahlou fur all an lemlnlnuy and elegance lays Mm Jenkins There ml By mlnl the likes In vanL nun modes the extreme as well wnxervallve dasIgns the hope wnmm wul gain courage to nice their wnrdrobea with during and Imaginnuon We also hope that from the extremal every woman wlll Ind an adaptation within the uhlpn rellm which In particu larlyunlted In her About 700 gnrlrlenu Includan chlldrenl wear Canadian In shlana and fur and luaell fu Ihlom will be modelled between mm and pm dully during lhgtwngek exlllhlllon stuns mnumnon an educational job which nllemptl to 11 Ha standard 91 mm Czlstomyfitted Furred Coats at Befora ailment he wom enl dlvlslan ol the ONE 11 years ago Mrs Jenklnr learned the Iubtleuea at Mon ed 101 Style nrtnlghtl la Mon trad paper as on umn or Maymr Mlgmna and future and uhlon writer for Ike Toronto Globe and Mall Personally grater softly alloer lulu Ind allc dresses Hallespecially lam hm with extram unenua her wenkneu have aven bought as many an bllhl one time Coior are mile dominated by rich greens Amber and deep rods Childrens clothes or the com lng lemon have sophhfl naked young adult look rnlhur than child look any Mn Jenkins And thin years Inshlnns am particularly good or preteens whom Mrs Jenkins deurlbe as lha usually forgotten this In lhg union teens 139 la fabflci um mines SQBILE COLORS lhrmy mothers prepare them selves for the Septh back oechoal flurry of bookcovering by lelllng aside the lrnnlparent gobllama hm which arrive with loum swam 1nd dryclean nl Lay the book open an the sheet nl polythene and cut piece about we lncbu longer than the book all nmund Fold la the galv lhane over the rent and ck covm lenvlnl It Itandlnz up lop and bottom Then wllh sum cut the film Illelm lnlo he bank cornen at he bnok and old the Imnll reclanzle ol lllm hm tanned lo the Innlde In glve month edge Now comvlele the lolda Inside each cover and la len Ilnnly with cellulose tape School boob even recently ll 10 year no were no drab in color no linden minded yawr lngthem with wrappln paper chlkell to protect thrlr male VI Today psycholoky hnl entered cover lo cover 50 tronsparent book cowl have hm come povullr means ro gagg thq book yvhllq um nluw color and dexlato show mu ed Itomahlboonfihtmdgh Cover Protected Design In View WALKERS FIRESEASON PRICE 11 your husband gnu here there It continues to be wur vocation Mm amae laid she Ip pmvel dun nu Allhuuzh she doesni net the chem to da much now die added Id hate to Ihink of any young girl grow 1n up without period no in In her we TORONTO CmThu Ville of the Archbishop Canterbury thlnh common aemq II bet ter guidepolt behavior than log llslgslr1ctrmles Mrs Mlchael lesag who llopfied here wllh her ushand on way In an Anzllcan con leyence In London OntH cuued her Idol during an In urvlaw on logic 113an from drillan to mining There no harm In an occa slonnl drink she nld providing isnt oyerdnpe SHOULD MOTHERS WORK should mother hold Hob People are Inclined to make rules the Irchhlahop wife re plI ve known many and She miened 20 immune vacauon um mm munch Auatinv nu Archbishops Wife Discusses DrinkingDahCipg And Marriage few mlnulus may cl his Iory should convince you um each generation was llld mm the worn eneraflan no Tuay were married In 141 whcn was canon Dur hnm Cathedral and pmkssor theniozy at Durham Unlver ally 11 antenalnlnz Increased when he becnma Archbishop at ank and grew still more when he me teammate of Iha Church Englnn In January mnmm who And equally mlny poor lane who staged home she declined comment on the WardFmtumo lax Manda that has racked Britain but he dld nut mink modern loder was sliding down path of moral decay People today make tmizd many xeneraflzaunns aha Her nwn llme devoted Ia makan oomlnrubla lime or her husband wherever xx am She nvokxa cammitlee wo but Ind that entertnlnlnz take up much her time It has or the man her life with the arthblnhup

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