Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Aug 1963, p. 6

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VLm BARRIE IHUBSDAY AUGUST II By JANET KASK MONTREAL CPLHow lIlllc nobody lrom Cola St but could get Involved In wmcthlng Iiku lhls dont know lald Mu Elhtl Kcsler Ihe Monlml houscwlfn who started women across Canada lavlng baby teeth at clanuflc nscnrch Mu Kuler former Ioclnl worker has Imuncd Intemn Monnl Interest In her Manlml KEEPING COOL Toronto Ilgura skater Mr Burke 16 spend hour day during lha xummer polishan her routines and technique under the guidance her mother Mrs Ellen Burk Saving Babyl Teeth For Science Launched Housewife On Career Thu nhlfl lllh In mid unbrnlun line Um man Mull Illlwuruu Ill ul wn And II In nnl boon to umum Mum lrrmw It In 1mm my rlllc ml Irnn Imly domullu The vmlan Mum an mildly dugn by Donl Lynn or Indlulm witlnl 11w Ilrun In of It Im uynn In dunk Irm un navy nr mua Mdinl null lnmh Ilullrly III VI Inwl mldln In lluelulu flaw lu null POPULAR SHIFT lly TRACY MHIMN KEEPING COOL Baby Toolh Survey and lust been asked lo write paper on her wnrk nr Dr Benjamin Spock he renowned United 5mm baby upon The mailbox at her luhurban Cote SI Luc home Jnmmcd wllh Inclh Ind Inquiries lrnm molhcrs or away ma Yukon Sometimes cnllrv baby lcelh arrive and she has an received teeth mm dogs and com Sclcnllsl amo that both shed by chlldrcn are an Inval uable mum lnlnrmullon About the obwrpllun In In hu man body of slroullum 00 though lo be the most dun er nus ol ndlomlve make all Droduccd In nuclur cxplm alwn Thu In loath survuy wnx ml up by St Loull housewivex whn have collecled mm Ihnn 110000 dcclduoun mu Ilncl 1950 lollowhll quomon by Dr llcrmln Kllcker Johns Hopkins Univmlly blochcmlsl In Iclencc Journal Sclenllm nl Wnshlnzlon UnIvmlly In St Innis ancd by um U5 public Health Service Inc ch11 lo Iludy cflecu Ilmnllum no on thildnml bonu Contorncd about rndlnllon brand or name ma Mr Kuler Itnmed nboul the Ion proch nod In 1000 began what Inawballrd Into nnllonnl hnby lwlh cuflccllon In Canada The Monlrul Hnby Tooth Survcy begun under lhn Ipon mnhlp thu Quohm Cnmpnlxn Im Nucer Dlmrmnmenl Thll yunr Volta Women hn man over hi pmlnd mw penning In elghl Cnnndiln cllltl Dr Unuln Franklln phyultlxl wllh Um Ontlrlo march Funndlllnn nnd lhq Unlvnnlly ol Tumnln dlmllnx ll Canndlnn bnlvy mm la um Inlmllunrl Dr llun he Unhrnlly ul anunml Edame vl Ianlllry DI llunl In NI murrh hu mind mu vrrnxllrd lInMu nlwxlh lul Ilmnllum 00 than 0qu In on bole Ind lhll hlldrcn at Mn an myqu hnu almuhrd man In album BEGAN IN hl LOUIS Ilr Hunt lulrd mm mm MI In um and low In limnllum I0 almrpllon Ink Mn up mt yrr Now In nmh lrulh ln ml Um pcrlml mm 1901 lo 190 IIOOHR DATIJl MONTREAL lCllJnlo Cunn IHMI nmnlrllr luullu rhmuploh llllpl will In hed In lidnmnlm ROM Ml Kill nallonll rhnlmun fur Ixuhm Am nlcm Athlc Unlnn nl Cnmuln nnnmmmd Nwlny llo MN Ibo Nullmul run 01de In amtd In am so cvnl lunmvlnllnn nuln ul Null mlclplnl Irom NI Mm thnmlunlhlyi backgruund lormar aim iinx champion in her nniive Holinnd Peira nmnerup this year Canadian seninr cham plnn Wendy Grin3r is aiming or medal in the 1961 Olym pic Games Innsbruck Aus lriu Photo uvorlle question 1mm readers In Iva at an Men or an lnvenllon But dont knowvhow to net It Auxted and an the mad Can you pub llsh tome polnter on 0115 To an up pmucal palmm we mlde it our palm to inter vlew son voiced my hum Maury Medeck an Inventor who has marketed more man an of hls Invention and whose modem betrays the not um lheyva Ian made 10mm All through his boyhood Med wick told us he was Interested In of things and had the ambition townrkhnrd ating and making whatever he needed Ind couldnt mm Aa ha crew alder ha contin ued creating Ind maan linings iha lama iim he worked hard at various 30h during the day win he not hia college education at night INVENTWE CAREER Ullimaibly although in had innned to be an artist all that ad lalrnad irom yenra oi making and creating things iha knwwiedga andbackzmund had absorbed mm coliau and aiudying and dabbling on his own and the practical experi enca had gained in various jobs inined farce and painted ihe way in career in mm lion an Inventor got Ila ml um tn ha Second World War when he filed need by leamlnx to make rubber heel without mbher Since then among his 400 In ventions have been met thing as adhesive or gluing mind lens In sharks eyes for US Navy research duplicates ul dinosaur bone that can be distinzuished imm the mi thing or the Harvard Museum boxmakinx machinery nonma rug and recently lnmlly ol chemlul lubslnnce lhni mold In minutes into pieces of lyn heiic gold Jade ivory marblc and other precious demenu To get In Idea or In In vanflon of lo good mu he um you have to be nun aomeonu has used for WM you want to lnvanl and um CrédfivéMbfie If Inventor Is Ambifidus PLASTIC BAGS AID T0 TASTY PICNIC TRY EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE IA Iufl Individual polytheno land with bus Ira ldeIl to use or picnic an outing lhlI sum mer nwy Ire juxt the right Ilze and the clan plutch make it easy lo rmznlzo Invarka Illllnxs Emnomicll tho the bugs um be saved and used again The InludAln Ibag trick is IIvoritI 01 many plcnlc hoslum Pre pare and wash III In greens Ind pilce lhem In lune poly lhcna bnz then pop lhe bu Inln Iha mlrlgemtor Leave it there untll the Inst minute so lhIl the conical will be well chilled To keep them crle en route plIu the ban on II had nl lcu tube In mvered poly Ihcnu container Bring Ilong supply of luvorlle dressing in separate boulo and when ready lor thn Inlnd Ilmply Idd the dreulnihaldtMlop ol the bu llrmly Ind ton By ROBERTA 30m Aclugally Medyvlgk pulse may mllk Ian ounul lronn run lHlllllr hulm Flulldl orlnlo Julre my uhlrlul courlnlrm Unwed mp mun unnlllulml whlpped laupmn Ill Cambium mllk 11 ml cup In Inr at dank boll nur Ml unlar oak Illnlnl run un ll mluun ml mum Coal MI mmlnlnu II cup Iul mm lulu mm unmi Ind ull INII Inln muMr my In In until Ira Inlnll nun Imuan ulul flvmmr lvnm new Ianlnld In hhhlfll cmm Rtlum In Imm mm mm ll lml or omnlm YIELD quill On duxllnn mldwmmtr uh Inch 00 nr mm mm nlmhlnz llun nrnn Ihn wl clIly Mun In home muln Iml It In no munl run on Am lhl Inllrloul mum um III lnhlonrrl xlchnel MN 1m onvwnlrm le ounr un nl mun Hall onnu lulu rnnnnlr mulllulrd Rh lnun fluor Iml lush rolnr nhel uhllauhlp rd Inlku umdulully unth yl Whrn Iln rm map It Inlo your nml Ihulwl nd mnhh wlm mm mm IM chlllml nr mum Flovldl etuunl In puny um tool Knuth FLORIDA ORANGE SHERBET Tlolhll Onnle RImM you have the determlnlllan and Ability to hap worklnx until ynuvu created somelhln better than Inybody else In created EWhen youve lucceeded ll um no to palth luarney ungjlle 1011 pnlgn nd Eller you hive the patent how can you um ln radon on ma réadf We prod JUST AN EXAMPLE one example lell in my bounaklng machinery he P51 h°1P¥ her rinvenled and ya tented ll went to my local ll brary and asked or directory HARVEY BLACKBTOCK Eumlner Sh Report It hl alwayl tar as we know been wumnnl puma Willa changenhe This may all rum Any one Ihaud be able to chann hll or her mlnd In Incl mind that In not mum to chanle probably not much mlnd lnbcln wjm Now as tar as men go they hava used this maller chang ing their mind wllh Iome div cmlun But It stems to me that wo mun reallzlnz she had prcw gnllvo to change her mind wen overboard with lhe who thing amid lllcrnlly In an lo her an HEAD FIRST ONE MANS OPINION Na belnz content with chang lng her mind Iha no out to chungo lha color or her hair as well the Mylc II was hlnck bluchcd ll Ind dyed ll red or brown or whatever ca9rdyn wnLhnqdy lilfhuilonde more than Ilker uh dyed It blIll or grey nrpoultgly jet hllcy Rev and Mn Ki Calh cari oi Haxunu wish in In naunce the enzaxemam oi their daughter Elizabeth Jam in Murray Alexandar Grave son oi Mr and Mn Willinm Graves oi Crnixhursl The wedding will take place Ann in Hastings T0 WED AUG 10 NW hivfiifi 11th Mr hulr Husbands Better Beware When Wives Change Minds box manufacture all over um country Then wrote each one Ind old thlm had patenled Invention which would um mam mow Ind pmducl better box aster naked them in let me coma In nnd nhow hemthe blue print and demonstrah my mn chlne And approach worked One man actum bought my machine had other Ilka It constructed Ind mm mynltlea Id certnlnly sums Ibla gamer to lnvenion thank Inflated Gel fluted by selling your Invenllon an rnyllzy huh Inimd at all WI going to ma you mine money dun In oulrlthl In chlldranu indmlues shoe his nnemphasll on tha Im dentaled look Dma hoes thaw use strap silhouette which Include the sum And vus Indians as well the camplelely madame 3mm Thean you will to um our awn bualnuu with other nveuuon lllfll on an un ll ngqcenfl as did In the ray Therell be Ikimmer pump or the older 11m men with plain vampl and an accnlonll cut anl yank For lchonl utlllty Ind plny the llghl flexible three eyelal bnl oxford in month leather wllh color trim or In brumd leather lypes In popullr with Ihls xgoqp Blue In the prevnlllnx color llghlened In lame Instance by brIth touches Black patent Iaamer lend In dress Iypes and Mack Velvtl In the plume also In cum and uIIlIIy Ihne brown sun and Ihara re newed Inlerest IhIs Fall In rcd Somewhat between the Ihauld and WA lhb will me name kind Wm or pnddlnl lo mph the huluu ar ennmun wwhmveryou call lhem lp pear mam perccpubla than they rcully are look dmerant Hun actually was and prabahlywore the started to man other pull oliher qnnlarpy Busmans Holiday For Travel Agent Autumn Shoes Show NewLook lllnklnl lrlvel Irrnnumenll In dnyl ml or lnvtl null but ml um local nun ll enlaylng hulmlfll hollqny Mlu Kay Vuunlh SI Vlnrtnt Slml In ouran Colon Inl New Ennllnd Iollnwlnt mam vlu Amerlcnn Mr Inu 1mm ginllun to New York Clly Amt Ilnll member cl 01 John Inn Travel Dunlap filrccl Mlu Ynumnkn romrlmd own with the Amercnn Sod of Trnvcl Agent In um van Iwnrded Iho Thoma Cook win uvnn dny our Col nnlnl New Ennllnd 5M ll um 19m wlnngr 9llh1A5 choc Upon min In New York Clly Kny wnl um It thn flurhlzon llm Iluto IMVIM ml city on Mondly Mlu Fallowinl lwn nlghtl In Ilaan lho laur will mnllnuo through Mnlnr Nrw llavaMrI Ind Var nwnl Mln Ynunnku wlll mum to limit Sunniy KAY MISS KAY YABUNAKA 11mm II PA um um ml PM SPECIAL PERMS 499 1250 Pack and Ca nndwlches or omce heavy oh or plcnIe neednt bu humdnun To keep them Interesting vary the chute of bread thu mltngs ind Ilso thg butter or margnrlnaplgtura For Instance to hnli cup at creamed bullet oi maxmine Add 14 cu threaded nappy chem or sin or duviiied ham sandwiches ione inbielpoon honeradish or sliced tongue or coid musk hnei cun minced wltercres or V1 eesponn curry powder for chicken or chicken salad sandwiches Then imher down the will ma Iomo mt hexnu lo cinch her middle In and mike it Ippenr that aha is nboui hall the Iixn in that particular part chm she really Is No mien wlUI this much dacznlion Ihe mull ptriorco buy Ihoa with hoe ihli add lean our inches to her height mgr yugumqs Add Variety To Sandwiches Howavcr we think lhll If many at them could get back to we burn essential Chang hu lhu baby and poulbly tha manu one In whlle mlny ammu would bl hippie 1n Ntw um for polythene film If conllnnlly hcinl dhcuvcrcd Shlru run drupu and blink cu In In nnylhlng um um he dryclunod Mo lndlvldunfly wnmd In th plutlc Ono th mall populn ol the now um II he pucknxlnu ol munl Ihlm Somu dune huvo cllmlnnlrd tho cl bulky cardboard lhll wm sun In mtod In lht IMrl Io keep It firm but which mndo crum Imlend lhe hm ll lolll loldud then lnurlzd Inlu 90 ylhm Invelopo and bond Luvlnz St John Vlannay Church allowing thek wed dan are Mr Ind Mn Shel dnn Dlvld Campbell Fuher Ruelll omclatej go And hnvlnl charmed every lhlnl lhll ls paulbla to change right down to the color ol lho Inger null and tomellmes lhe louvnalll Illa wlll jun likely not out to change husbands mlaln amount Ihll chm In In lnterutlnz and Almost all It Imuslnz died nut lha Mddcn benefit ml wlvu will bl ulck to apprecL II Hill In form mm Rackm II nnlulm Now uhby can lurch or AMI and roman ll lrom lhc pucku WWI ou dluurhlnl hll llflpln wllu mumon Ann nahndo LITTLE MIAMI Alumum lull Include in Mr ho world 11nd onLv mrtenlh II III or flu plow Plastic Film Has Many Uses SATURDAY AUG 10 million CIIIHJRIN II MRI MUTUEL WAGERING TWILIGHT BARR PAIR GROUNDS Fm Puklnl WED AT MORNING RITES Vows were exchanued between Mm Lorain ery llck of Ham lltan Ind Richard Socnrd Barrio at ceremony In St Eugenea Church Hamllkon Rev Leonard Cullnrpn amdared at 1113 weddlnli VJulYV if The brlda Is the daughlcr of Mr and Mn Jack at Decalaur Illinois Mr Jack former resident of Bell Ewart The hrldelmm lb ton of Mrs Secord n1 Drury Lane Barrie TRADITIONAL GQWN leen 1n Tmfiiéii by her lather the bride chase floor Joann Turner In lho daugh ter or Mr Ind Mu Vlncenl mar 01 Highland Avenue The hrldexroom II the son 01 Mr Ind Mrl Rodrick Camp bell of Rmrve Mines Nova REGINA CPiA palluclanl wlle who tried to has politch out the llmllyl prvam 111 would be Attempting um impou nihlc Mu 620m Brown wife of deputy leader the Brit sh Labor puny uld Wedner Tho daughter of pollllclnn ha met her hulbnnd whan both wera Ictlve membm the Lu NI partyl youth movement Ind their two daughter mw up In Ill ulmusphm ol pollllcal ac tvlly Mn Brown and her husband are hm lo attend the New Democratic Pmy unllonnl con venuon qulu mponlbla to land Iwo Iepmlc Hm 1h salt In III Inmvluw All nnol rlcndl are Pollucnl and so ha wclnl IIIA Ill Adm much caller or me now thu both our dingh Im an my lmm homo bc cnuu never know where mlshl be galnz nex During recon month lhu Bmwnl have mlde lrl to Ger many Franco Ind United Slate While they mm In the Unllod sum hay vhlled their younier daughter New Ymk Ilcnoznphcr SecordeJack Rites Of Local Interest Family Life Politics Go Together Go Pluto Do Thlngll WI HAVE NIW IHIPMINT 0F ITRITCH MIIICSI IDIAL FOR ILIMI TRANSITION OTTONS Our hbylc collecllon In WMINllnI Inl umn Our uloctlon lull Inbrlu ll Iccanlad wllh dnk pllllll mul law chocll lovely Ion pl Mu roordlruunl plum and mm now lur bod nloclloh SHOP IUI um 16 Collllr FA B771 lenllh lawn of organza wllh French lace Ippllque brlna neckllna and llly pnlnt maven enhanced the mnlped bodlca tho dress An ovar Ikln of silk chlflan Added lnlen to tho sheath lklfl which ended In chapd mm The shoulderlength vell or am Illux Inn Iulle we held by held drm orunzn llly petals The bride curled cascade bwquet of nildenies ATKENDANTS Thu brides tiller ML Yvan no chk of Decatur wu mild ham M13 Mnuldn Oazlm Hlmlllon And Mrs Warren Back of Guelph wm brldw mnlds Mm Klm Phillip Hunutonwas the flower 1114 The maid of honnr Ind tho brldumlldl were mixed In Ibeth own or hluo chmun with matching headdreuu They clrrlcd cucada bouuuzkl ol whle llldloll The flower xlrl worn boul lan rack of while nylon and headdress circle blue muml She carried bnakel of Imlhr blue mums Bradley Secard at Windsor nundad an annual hi brother The brides brother Allan inch oHlImllm Ind Robert when Klngllon Icled when rnchon held Rub em Rulnurnnl Hamlan lhu bridal momer received In lawn of duty mu In over man do 1019 Dusly mo acccswrlcl and hat al mllclk lnl me loncd lcnlhm com 19 mcnled her membla or puglelqolranza vim Pln Seoul weddlnl bmklnl rccapllon was held at the Nnn mundy Restaurant The nuwly wed will rulde In Barm Photo by Eric ol Cullen Cram RECEPTION AnalInn the ridemaml mother were gown blm prlnlcd chlflml with mlkhln duster ml min ICCMIOHEI Ind carllle pink tom en hnncod her lump For luv nm brldc war plnk lull wilh black unner lu And roman pink Ind while muml Followlnl lha woddlnl lrlp to Northern Ontario puInLI lhl nnwlywed will relldc ll llllh VIM Aplrlrncnrl St Vincent Siicct nirrle

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