Anlnumd run om Dc um yymm Dally Inn1m m4 Mummy mum tumult Dun IIIm Mun lumm Hm mmuum IIAIII vunul Mum noun my hr In mu mum mm mu mnnliu OMIIIO OM IN QIINIOII Ill 1mm mu ml mm umqu Au 1mm mum vim mu IMEIIIII Mun flu Cmam mm Nnmm rub Ilmu Atnfllllm 1m Mann rvm n4 mu mm InuIIIM um Ilwn no And In Ila loud III In the end pnllllrlanl rrly on on mlall Ind clvll nomnln or Mean and In these plecidnummer days it is un dereinndnble that mind drift Ile irom the realities of life In iect it is health advice that they do for time But is necessary to realize that the peril to the iree world me only been partly eb ted by signing of the nucleer testban hei do you think is the 91 niiiclnce oi the bitter split between Sov at Rusain and Red Chine Cnnndlnn Pres Pollllclnns npcnd too much time Malen Inï¬nnd not enough lhno dolng my PM 10 Helm of Qucona Unlvcrslly Prof Molscl In speech to the Toronto 1an the American Mnrkullnï¬ Anode qllon mm the backroom boyn lm du llmylnu the pnllllcn nml mnkng minim tor nmnluurx to enter Im11n mun Barrie Examiner August 1053 Ra iael Mendez world iamous trumpet virb uoso thrilled audience at 3000 at Barrio Arena Mexicanborn Californiaresident Mendez was featured at Barrie Collegi ata Centennial Concert Sharing star bliiin was Reginald Godden Barrloa lame concert pianist now princi al Hamilton Conservatory of Music so on program was Toronto dancer Zena Cheevers and numbers by the band dir ected by Allen Fisher Barrie Lions Club sponsored event as part of Centen nial Celebrations ilarvoy Perrin Toron to choral director was master of cerem onies Mrs Perrin is former Gertrude Scott of Barrie Rotary Club of Barrie had lirat outdoor barbecue at St Vincent Park on Civic Holiday and it was com late sellout Bob Williams was chairman or club in this Centennial event which also featured concert in ark by Barrio itieenszBand directed Ey Joseph lle Nellllo Jlm Gilmore poultrymnn and Ro mun suggested this event mu Smllh wal head of assisted be Eldon Doolcf Greer Ono of vlsl on wax Bohh Rosonfcld who travelled 400 m1ch spe cial to her ham town for Old Home Wu Bobble was Canndan nmcd grl Air Marshal Dunlap spoke glowineg about the Bomarc missile when he ep peared before the Commons defence committee it could hit highiiyin as well as lowflying targets he said course its no and against other missiles and its range quite limited but the Bomere and other entieircreft defences could destro quite hi percentage of an incom ng bomber feet One of the committee members asked the logical questlon How much Is quite high Much higher than the 10 per cent sometimes scored by defence forces in Work War rather toward the other end the scale he suggested What he did not point out was It the rurvlvora It has nothin to do with ideology Nor does Khrus chevl new litiiude of Iweet reason toward the West indicate Any erosion in the USSR concept of worlddomination through Marxist Com munism These Ire views oi John Scott writing in The Mngnzine of Waii Street In in uenlial journal of opinion Mr Scott any thlt aim is considerat ion oi nw national surv vnl based on economic Ind geogra hical factors are the main reasons or split The West ern world can take scant comfort in that Khrushchev must have come to the con clusion that the Chinesa Reds not only no wiilin to risk EastWest nuclear war but actua iy are anxious or it to com It must ho obvious tothe Rgd Chingge may thinking Thai tiie oï¬iy ossiiié winner in such war in which Bus aim and 15 industrial complexes would OLD HOME WEEK IO YEARS AGO Reason For RussiaChina Split No Comfort To West Throw Out An Anchor Willa Publllhzr The Barrie Examiner 6112 Earth Examinrr THE BACKROOM BOYI Published by Canndhn Newspapers Limited 10 Hayfield Strut Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Brlnn alnlzht Guam Munm THURSDAY AUGUST Pllll Bomarca Mr McNamara is reponed to have said reminded hlm the slot two men drifting In owerless boa to wards the edge Nagan Fills One nhouted Throw out the anchor The other replled Theres no to on it Said the ï¬rst man Throw out any way mny be Itll do some good In Toronto an the lame da 21 yenrold man wu tonvlclod nemng of nlnu Illnk bombs In rimml Ila plInca lhnl ll voice had command ctl hlm lo pcrlnrm Ml ndlnm ML Tlla mantalrhlo nalrl he Viewul the incident mloun omnu And hnpmed In 500 COURT CONYRASTS ieicrbornu Examinuri Early this yrnr Kirkland Lake driver ran over Hycaroid bay and kllird him He wnx nuluuqucnliy clmx rd with impaired driving and dangerqu drivln in couri rmnlly hr wru iinrd SIM or him Impaired drivan And given suspended ncnicnce or his dangeroul driving Tho unsuclnlo professor of polltlcnl lclunco ll Quecnl uld Thorn Is tend cnc for pollllclnns In llnlen rather Ihnn 1cm They put no much trust In the pub llc rclallana ulvlur Graham and Flemings ss con sidered No or number old mo exhibits and dresses Others ieh brought much comment were st Urry Brothers Walkers oi Bsrrio Monkmsns dru store Reeves Jewellers Zellers Lim ted Lowes furniture store Les Cow Eers photograph Town Talk Shoppe vel Tucks liinery Instead usus shorts and slacks many Barrie lsd ies appeared downtown In Centennial dresses some dsting back 100 years There were more beards seen on street than elesnshnven msles Hundreds oi former Barrieltes hoth nativebom Incl extresidents were registering daily at Community House Centennial headqusr ters where Enri Cox we in charge or Chamber of Commerce Struud won tugoLwar championship of Old Home week outpuiling Barrie Le ion in iinsi Toronto Police cat Burrte oiicel Grahams team of horses outpulled two full terms irom Genersl Electric Chsm her at Commerce best Town Council in donkey bssebnll See tomorrows paper or Centennial Parade details rely on public rcllllonl man to market Mons in the mo lbs public rcinllom mnn politicians ahould keep him on up nol on top Thu pollllclnn htromu mldrliomln llktg lUYYIy In 11M pew alhiele of first half centu Olympic runner hocko and basketbnl starnewx pa er column at and nthlellc director Al Barrie downtown store windows were Eyeglally degozgted qr Qld flame Week be destroyed quickly would be Peking Chinas vm Populllan and growing manpower dame key 109w The historic Chinese smhitlon to ex pend north and west into Soviet territory and to seize aii oi Southeast Asis could be realized easily This was undoubtediK what Russil was thinking Inst mont when she charged Peking with waniin to achieve supremacy Ito mountain hflndreds minim corpses The Vancouver Sun suggesh that Air Marshal Dunlap might better have re ferred to the Hammer the way US De fence Secretary McNamara dld before congressional connnjttee counter Khrush chevs more sophisticated cam sign to evontusllioca ture the West ashing ten and on also wiilhaue to deal with increasingly reckless adventures by Chineseinfluenced Communist elements in backward countries who are more de termined than ever to spark conflict somewhere which can be tanned into lobal war Hence the recent trouble in orca Despite the current relative calm in SovietAmerican relations and the warm wind from Moscow the peril is seen as probably greater than ever because the enem although divided is ap proac ing from two directions with wide array of tactics While disagreeing with each other neither Moscow nor Peking wishes the us and the rest oi the world well would be carrying not the high exphr slve of World War II but nuclear bombs And It doesnt take many Hbombs to make quite mess of count Thu Vnnmnwr Sun mmnx Hm Alr 1W 116 will and then uyn Wcll gm hum Ind not myml ulcclnd KEEP ITUDY IND WINNIIEG Cl Wollul MIuIer IL Cmoll Iny llama Iludml Innn an Inhlldud lull yrnt unlnl Illldrnll plnnnlnl NI lkl um ullnn rmm MI he rnnA Immi you ll um loan up In rm wm mldl undul lul nu ï¬lmflmu hmflh In lhnl dum not llnmlnl Vhrlhrr II II Ill mm ï¬llllrnlly hurl hm hum but DI Mnlnul drlm ll mu old an All Ind mm pound mark hour day walk mil to work Ind mllc home wllh no olhrr uorclum Wt Im on KM and floor When nl homo Im no AM of bmlh but In all dawn or mlnulo or I0 Man an talk In lha Ill Ind Ildl Whun Monu Ll uh no rm Almplc ha ulm hlrd II III my bu when Hills Me Iglln mum to hyntrrlcll In Chlldrm ncqulro dllfmnl Iluy pullaml child whn ll not llrrd aI bedllmu ll llkely In III mkowhclhu quelly or nnlnlly II Inolhcr mnllurl And Incldenlllly om Mm II loo llnd um um ulmumm an my uwnh whm sleep II whnl In Media mm but Dr Molon We hlvlnl bedtime pwhiemx with our llmanlhold dauxmer Recanlly on belnx pu In her crib hu crlcd hytlexiully for ll lonx an O5 minutel 0r Ihm mly In some quirk circumlllncl one of volu In mud ward unlnl lo bad norm unwllllnl remlrk ha child ur mnny vnrilll However heu pmhlum mu llly boll down In he 1an that now thIl In In be da valopod Puma mun loop ï¬rm Illltudm lho uma Inn too much Ida loo much ex plalnln nrdcdn or what nnr un HumIa ha lilu Allan by luncth morn Impen Incc lhnn It warnnu You mllhl ll dhuul wllh your prdllulclnn Somt llmu very llny do of win flu In short period wlll Mp ulnbllsh good Ind lul JOSEPH MDLNER MD anlnl the 11th on mï¬ku no dillmnce She doe no deep will Wlkln up Avery law nluhu lor Ian van hnurl Shl ha ndond baby And lha ctntra lamlly allcnllon In Ihm nnythlnx an do Mrl LG yllnrlcll wecplnl or 45 mlnulu Isnt nod for he chlld Ind ll xnl good or the par nll nerves when Flul mo of the Ilecp problem are thn result of early lnlulnl or condmnnlnl Nu Ill but mm This may be clue In your rcmnk that uh 1a lho Adored baby and he cen ln llmlly Illmllon Ill nulurnl or bahlu lo Win be lho centre of Allen llon Sam arm lhll more lhln omen Imm baby can pick up lhu lrlck creallnz us very elrly In ol lhl luu Imp hlm or her In lha llmallihl And qulckly It hlbll T0 GOOD HEALTH Parents Must Get Firmer Attitude Ill MI umrltrl hm lhol lhe Tumnln InnMal IlIullvm will it ho Ilia mini lhn Houru llnnllnl llllll Ilan pm hmulhl IL In In nuanllnn nulhomln hm And Its not unmuly lhal nl IM nut uulnn unme mwm my be Ivm he nrunmtnl In Id In Iununm mummy Ilnn lhm II Intlulu In ulu NI NO NIKE nw nlvrrnimm would MM In ulu ll mlnlnly umhl In lhr an Mull hmpllll Innlawn Ilhmllrm on uhlch ho Iml known bonnie lhm Iml any ll whnl wuhl hum Ilnh Im cullrd when lhm wu rm IqlAllluVL COMM hlpprn durlnl In rleclinn umpnlgn Thu lull Inn hn lmn dlunlvtd And lhm unl Inolhtr until an hn bun Ilfclrd llnl Il umlhl lune unbor IIy in do In or wmethlnl else In lmpoulblu for me lo luau But you Ihwld doctor You my In some nor of mum in the hu bur Dr Mullen hive de vnlnped tuch man or cnrmu that en three pound ol lhem week then any hqrm lnrhlflMn By DON pllEARN Tollon Onal may he lurnrlled hero Al lha lack knowlcdzl there II the law and lbs mnchlncry av crnmen few day no ho pm wu full of lytculllinn lhll lha govmmenl wnuld Id In my lhmlcned Toronlo Generll Holpllnl Ilrlkl TM Ilarlu uld ll wauld en lorco mmpulmry nhllnllon nu Ilnrlel wen 1n lobd llllh hul quill wrnnl NM lhll PM ovmmml wouldnt ac to Ivold lulu nm on It own It can an nrce mmpulwry nrhllrlllnn or nclullly do Inylhlnl Ill um will nvold Ilrlku nu you cnnt hllma Inyane Includlnl the union whlth ro poncdly Implrld man ma Ipocullllon or Ml knowln lhll Elfll on llum mvm number of palm llw who muld poulny Imnw lhrm Ill Not ï¬nleurlymplami divelo the Inn amount hr Only U1 lezlnllluro can do lhll lhm wouldnt In very many pearl In In hulldinln hm Mm would hlva been Ilorl la MI mm palm In llll lhm wmnl whnn he VHHII Mchd up on IL 111m 0130 purl exclu IIVI ol lmlu In flu vul urnu of lhl mo Rcvlud su lulu Onlulol N0 LEOIKLATUIIEY nu miaiaunibuou um QUEENS pang Lack Knowledge Govt Machinery Como Ind lel In mm lolethrr Illh lh Mrdflhonxh your Ilnl In mum the null no whlla Inon hum may b0 red like crim Ion any Ihlll be wool Inllh nu not unduly lrrlmlnx llama touch dimhen perhapl or unless you hello yellnw sh Inn in the whim of your eyel there no need to worry And eHher of mm hnppuu Xaw down on he urroll Ind lhlnn will mu be right In llkcn lor unnch um 0m 11 culled Illa Invernmtnl Inmehnw or olhur wlll but Slmm can be usured lor lvenen If they wlll com to God In mm bolh tha unlon Ind lhl board unwrnm wlll do Inythlng tn Ivold this Eul this ulna nobodycould lcll you what the mmnhaw or other wu liker lo he BIBLE THOUGHT Huron Rnndwlm nmm Ind If hrm Rlndwkh nm Mmlwlch nltl rd Wrnlrm lJrlIn or lndrflnp IA ITAIITH DINE IN LUXURY FOR $125 EuyALlcnIod by Tho L1Cl0 Agvpla 5mm HM llrrl Snmlwlch wllh Gnvy ï¬uprnm Hot Iall mm wllh Gmy Summo HM lmkey EIMWIrh wlm Gravy Summt CMclun Sandwich Illhuuvy Bupmm Tho flu Ineludu their nl vrlellhlo FEM TOLESMW nu PICKLIZU mm rnnch Med human or 1th union AND REVEMOE DINNER BOUI OIITOMAIO JUICE CHOICE OF JIFFY 0IEIIIITE FRIED IN IIUIIICII Spulnh wmun Mushroom ur Chm HOUTIIIIIIN FIIIIID CHICKEN LEG OII 0UII CHOICE Businessmans Lunch MNl Grllled Dre lerr with llncun or Onlon HIldld Polk Cullen wilh Tnmllo Saul flmdtd Slnqll r3luloln Pork Chop LONDONTomlin who wish ed to pay Sunday etternoon vieit lo the Tower of London the National Gallery the Tete Geliery end the verioue mu Ieume end historical haunts ound the way lnta them barred by picketr and line indicating thet they were closed The inm ed Beefeatere Itthe Tower hut in civilian clothes tormed the picket Hunt the entrance end explained to thousands at tile Appointed visitor thet they were main onedo Sunday etrike beceuee at dspnle with the treuury over WISE and honre claim The etrike of guide to hietoric pieces under the control of the treasury epreed to other pert oi the country ï¬nd even Edinburgh Ceetie end the him of Hoiyrood House were eloled to the eager eighteeer who wunht edmiuion The writer and their mutant threaten In on llrike every Sundey unity the biuest day at the week tor vilitare until their cillme Ire eettied GOOD YEAR FDR BEA The slalmwned Briklsh Euro pean Airway made mm of mm than three mllllon dollan in the monlh 01 June Ind up purl be headed or it bub ever inanclnl yenr In June of 1m year the corporation had loss In fact for 1h whole of 1982 IL deficit the Hm or men yam amounted to room The pram In May of this year wa 315000 Thu carpantlona ofllplals are pre dicting mm of around so 0000010r the whole the current IInAndnl year The Nalionll Fnrmerl Union wants mm publicity liven lo the up beiween the prices ha lnrmm receive ior their pro ducu Ind thus which Ir pnld by tho houuwlv Vluienz chum in iood price brim ing chums oi profit in ninxt shopkeeper mainly from Iha innmen who luiier mm mm the Iiumps When palto price crashed recently there was In outcry Ihnl the reen mcen were chminz three ilmu what Ihe inrmerl wen reccivinx Thu NFU II demand In that lhu public be liven full iniormaiian as in he price re ceivrd by inrmcra and those being paid by lha uiiimlie can numnr la lha retailuiam BLIND GIRL ON TOP wgm 7mm punucm ryer old bllnd Irl hn bulen more than 30 Ilnhlad girl In her zrnmmnr Ichool ex nmlnnllnns Monch Oymun daughler of lhe Spnnlsh consul In leerpool became lho lint bllnd glrl to Attend an ardlnhry xrammnr nchnol ln Brllnln when Iha Iolned Brouxhlon Hall School In Went Derby Seven prlsonen ll Walton lnIl LIvtrpool vol unlhrlly translaled her ml boo Inln nrhllle New II the end nI her llrrl year hlnnlcnl tx Imlnnllnn mull hnvn pul her on top ol her clu wllh hlzher marklnu than my of her Ichool mllu BUYWEY SURPRISE Pupil Mllhurn Schoal In lnvnrnm Scotland tnnducled REPORT FROM ILK iramar yardmw PA 72 OR PA 101 Summer Shapéhots Reveal EVénts By Mch35 1100 Tu Call or Mllkl FOR THE HUI ZATEIU Ilium um TnmlIa Jsc Fllld Eu Jm mm Ind Jam lM hlclm Elndwhh mm Told lotk 10c Cluh mini Iurvey in the town to cehtly inr thelchhooi mm 11M Among thejlurprilinl tact they dug up was that although no per cent of the hilt inlet4 viewed belonged in name church over hall at them did not at ttnd or lend their childrln to church rennin1y But 61 per cent of Ali than interviewed uid they beiievedln the Loch Ncu momter much on olirer with com lawns by having nireich oi 1h foreshore uida hovercraft nation to be aper Iled by the Southern Region oi British RIilwnylr Thin gnu ihl first hint that Briiish Railwnyl is seriously considaring the pa Iihliily oi crassrchlnnei havorv crlii railway lpokesman Ia Havinl regrd In hi naw arm of Import British Rail wanare not siovrin keeping in iileirminds ihadiriincl pouibii ily omovprcrnii being warned irom Foikuloned rmr non CHILDREN PLAN FOR NOVERCRAFT The Parachuie Relimenl at Aiderahat will play host in Aug uat ia children reristance worker who helped the Red Daviia during the war Twenty aix boy and if from bun and Normandy will have threeweei huiiduy in Britain at the expense of the OldCom radon Aasocialiun The will apend tha last day oi their holiday guest oi tha Parachute Reli rnml at Aiderahoi when apeciai farewell party will be given The children aged be tween and in will 5in at the homes ni iarmer paratroop era In Britain All their expenses wiil ha paid by iha auociaiian BEWARE IHPPO LUSAKA Northern Rhodes AP Angler hm huh warmd lo wnlch out or mun llippapoumul In the Kllub fllver nur Mumllm Three Inc 10 in tho um rtporled they had In lwIm or Ihm when the hippo bl chunk ram lhelr nu CANADIAN mass lulm The Battle Erlteln be un hrurnest 73 years no todayIn mo wth Iha Gman Luftwaffe making lent elfor to mask Brit lllll defences and let lha country up or Invnrlnn But thnugh bldly outnumbered the Royal Mr Force mounted defence that downed 1735 German raid erl by the end at October This rut loss We loa much for Germany Ind deylltht rllds the recol nlted prellmlnlry lhc Blltnrell were lbln donedr 1945 The Sovch Union declared war on Japan m5 Nlpnloon mm or um In ml TODAY IN HISTORY