mm Ilm Paul my comp En IJl All NI Tm IM Ill Bot IA ll TC ll Ilnmfll Jun lam Comp Fill Ill SI Illul 7H UM 79 llol Tl Zool l1 FA mnrc anhru Irma mg mp 12ml LII Ms TI Um Trlu and mm nu incl lllyn Mulem c1 Erny Erwi linl nmp ll Ln 70 llrnm Tlll and Mn 70 lh 67 1va 11 1n VFC 7m Dunn Wilml 14 Ill All mg and SIM 50 CantuH Dmld Hill omp ling IA 52 AIR lirnm DD Trln nml MM 704 Ilnl 61 101 lllyl hrm 5L Drmlnnmk Hum Marlo inn Cnmp 56 Hm Lil llisl 65 Hal L7 Zml PC Dunn 51mm LII mup Hm 704 Al NL lrmn 7AN 77 Chem 11 Dunn sum as um 75 7m Brnokl Clurk Is to ML 01 Cum 75 Brown Ralph Enl Comp 61 En Lil All 62 Gram Trlk Imd 5m 73 101 19 Zool 62 Chem 52 Goal 53 nullyn Shnmn 74ml mm Alex Enx Camp 55 En LI 110 Ills Zool 01 LA FA KL Hum Gordan Zoo 5L uyulay Inul En Comp 64 En Ln 71 Ma 61 Gwm 77 Trlx nnd 5m at Zoo 71 Pb 71 Cllnm 75 Challloux Noel ling Camp 1er1 mg 5m Collmm Larry Enl ram 04 En Ill 66 All 5L Gram Trll nml SIM 7d lhyl I50 Chem FA FC seam 72 bl 79 50 FA 68 FC Brooks Man En Li 50 MI Trlz Ind 5nl Chem 69 FA AN Bradley Philip Eng Comp Cum and sun 50 FC 53 bridle Enx Lil geogjz Anderson Shirley En Camp 59 Eng 56 not 69 Zoo 61 Dates Ruth Eng Camp 68 En Lil 80 Ln no 75 Zoo 70 LA 55LC 55 FA 64 FC 61 Bellord Joan Eng Camp ll Eng th Is All Trix and Sun 62 Phys 59 Chem LA H7 LC 69 FA 76 FC 61 Bolton John Eng Comp 59 Elli L1 All 53 Geom 56 Ba 100175 Chem 55 FA Adamsfswphci Eng Camp 50 Eng Ln 57 All 69 Geom Bot BS 2001 53 PM 54 Chem Amon Alex Eng Comp ll Eng LIL 55 55 Gem TH and Slut 57 BM 71 low Phys 32 Chrm 55 Amoi mi ium aim so Goom 62 Bat 7B 2001 71 Phym Chm 9L The Department at Educatlnn released the ollnwtng result of Grade examination held at BMHS In June 1963 Top slu dent and an Ontario student with seven ï¬rst class honors and an so per cent averazn ll Deny symam AdmEevcrly Eng Lit e1 Trix and Stat 7B 2001 so Phy so FA soFc 53 Dumlnn Imm En romp ling HI MR BI llum Tm and 5m 60 mm win 51 Flphcl JNIHI Ilul rump Wu EXAMINER mummy Noun ms Jimmy llcndry lake heal thy hits out of juicy Pen lican BC peach to chrisch um ha nununl peach fes lval The csllval natures Hulh Em Camp 65 75 1552 Ah so BANTING RESIETS PEACH OF FESTIVAL 2001 no Nikon lfnz nmp 50 mm 73 Eng Comp 59 61 Cram Phyl ll Is to ML mm Lancastcn Jncquellna En Camp 65 Elli L1 60 LE 60 All 71 Chem 60 LA 63 LC 02 FA Mound Manure En Camp 50 Eng Lil 7E Ills Guam II LA 69 LC 70 FA 31 F9 Kenny Chrlslona En Camp 53 Eng LII 71 ME 61 Geom 60 1m and Sun 75 BM 75 2001 LA 66 LC 56 Horin Clan En Comp Zoo 57 Huzhu Wayne Eng Comp 58 Irwin Ruben Eng Camp ex Eng Ll 52 Mg 51 Scam 61 Trig and Slnt 56 Phyl 51 Chem 50 FC 50 Kelly Eliubc Enx Comp Eng th 50 Gem 67 Trig and Slat 66 um 55 Zaal 53 LA 59 LC 52 enncd Mlchacl A11 56 Half Manure Eng Comp En L1 74 not 75 Zeal BO Chem LA 55 LC 61 FA 71 PC 61 everythlnz tram rodeo lo 15bnnd parade Ind two lame by Satchel Paiges touring baseball team are photo CLEARANCE mum Barbara En Camp 60 Eni Li 56 KM Zoo 57 LA LC 57 FA FC 65 limo John En Comp 55 Ryan Jnmu an Cnmp Parkinson Elizabeth Em Comp 60 Eng LII 79 Gem 69 Ind Sun Chem LA as sagu 77 Phelps au Camp 67 En LI 64 All Guam 67 Trix Ind Slat 68 Phys Chem 61 FA 60 FC 57 Pomr Gmg En Comp 51 En Ll 50 All 55 Gcnm Tr And 5m 65 Phyl Chen FC 57 Nulmn Terrancu En Comp 65 Eng Lit 66 Mg Guam Mz and Sm 77 PM Chem 75 FA FC 81 Melnnmn aware Eng Camp Eng 68 All Gem NE and Stat 60 Bot no Zoo 66 FA65fC g1 Mexinlcéri nmfaldT Eng Camp 5a 61 Tr and Sun 71 Mackenzie Donald His mum 6qu 69 Mnand Mrs Kezukcwsk and Imily Barrie have moved to he villau having bought the property Iormerly owned by lha Illa Mr Russen luv and Mrs Tran End Mr and Mrs Harem Dunkln Nonen Ind L01 Levcland Coloradn and Mrs William Evans Barrie were visitors at 25 gr Mgnday By MRS PROSSE Church Vuallon School will be held at Chumtlll United Church bexlning Monday Aug 12 am All children our year Ind up an welcomc yau can spare frat saw or lcrfp Iurpber Iggd IA 101152 Friend Jnhn Newlove will be pleased to know he is an mm work wllh the Depart ment of Lnnds and Farm Junlar For Ranger It Dub reullvllle He has visited many Interesting places Beat wishes or specfly re cavrry go to Mm Mabel Pa trick who is in Royal Vlctorlu Haspllnl Banla or nursery to John Forbes who ln hosrflal followlnl an accident ch Dlplack recovering from ML ly cut lea In lulllnu on brak englnsg Members of tha Lelmy Scout Troop are spending Iwo Week campan Hallburlon Scout Reserve They are Bub Mnlm Stephen Newlove Ken Sunman Dennis Curtis and Enwrlihl HQSIHALIZED By MRS ROSE NEWWVE Congratulations Mr nnd Mm Paul Straw on the birth unn BELLE EwAnT CHURCHILL gmcon comm ans Tho allowinx Um mulls of examination wrfllcn nl DMHS by private nudy cnndl dam Bucknell Frederick Eng Camp 57 Eng Lil 50 Hunk Gary Mann Mnrllna IIle 51 Walker Margaret Em Comp 61 Eng L1 79 Alz Do 65 Zoo 62 Chem 59 LA 74 LC 77 FA 69 FC 78 Walson Ronald Em Comp 50 Eng Lil 53 Mg 65 Geom 7B Trig and Stat 724 Phys 65 Chem 79 LA LC ll Weddell Alvin Gcom 53 Wheeler Kcnnclh Geom 62 TrliuA and Slut 66 Jean Walker Annabella Eng Camp 52 Eng Lil 7o Ala 70 Trig and Stat 77 not 71 2001 $5 Chem 78 64 LC 69 chnmn Larry Enl Camp 64 Eng LII 60 Mg 51 Gem 65 Trig and Stat SLIM 53 Chem 50 FA 55 FC 55 Symuru Denys Eng Camp 72 Eng L1 76 ll Goon 93 Mg and Slat H4 Phyl HZ Chem 33 LA 74 LC 76 Stubbs Patricia Eu Camp 59 En Lit 67 Gem 79 MI and Slut Bot Zool 78 Chem 50 FA 58 FC 55 Mr and Mrs Dun Prince and fnmlly spcndlng Ihelr holl dny at Braccbrldge Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Currla aldwln were Mr and Mrs Ha vvy Princa and VMrs Cook and 534mm mell are with Mrs Hummell alfllhe 51m By MRS GASTON Recent vlsllora with Mr and Mrs Arthur Snldcr wm Mr and ML Harald Charlton and daughters Petarboro Min Amid Caylsy Alla also apendlng some time at the Snider hume Mrs Addisnn Barrie spent Tussday with Mrs Susie Cuw ar Alt While at Toronlo callnd on friends in tha villnga on 85 luggay MEand Mu Ernest Eu more and skis are spending er daygkin North gay Mr and Mrs Robcrt Kend rick am home after three wcek trip to Quebec and the maritime Mr Ale Cowan Bank and Mrs Adams of Fort William spent nmdny at Slounn Presser Ls having an auction sale of arm stuck my plcmunta and some household eels on Saturday Allan 11 Mr and Mrs Sluan Gall Ind Elizabeth of 6le span the weekend with Mr and Mrs 512m lamlly have returned mm hallday In the GaolInn Bay diglrlct End Mrs Thomas Flush min and family visited friend EIIfolley Harbor over the wack eind Mr and Mn Pu and lamIIy are enjoying vacation at Ihelr cnflngg ngar Orlllla CRAIGHURST Mr nnd Mrl Jnck Nudunll Damn have movcd Into lho mldencc lhe can Hallon vuulcd by Mr and Mn Rana Delaney Ind wlll take charge olulhn gurclnlLlnl dqflcsv Mr Ind Mn John Clnrldge at Windsor are spending lhl wcck nuhnhome of line form crl molhnr Mrs Clnr ldng Mu Pater Lclleslu and um lly 1m Sunday by nine or her homa Haustun Tuna hnvlnu spflll he an month wllh her parents Mr And Mm Georxo Bull By ETHEL WICE ML and Mrs HUN mm are halldayinz ll lhelr cnmze ll Roman Gordie Clements and Dale Brown Banis are spending few day with Mr and Mn Ernest Cation slur with Mr and Roy McCracken for last week and the weakend were Mr and Mrs Vasey of CAL Mrs Jack Brown and Mrs WIth meyer Pelerbcmugh Mr and Mrs Calhoun of Port Mchcoll and Wayne McCrnnkm of Shanty and ï¬nsRalph Hodxsun xpentlhe weekend In Owen Sound Marlayna and Ann Marla Dale ol Toronto Ire spnndlng months holidays with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Ggqrge Shemerldr Gnyle Peleflmmuzh and Nor man gnldyln of Toronto Durlni the weekend hall rain and wind storm chimney was blown doynnn thu aglqua hause MrafCook and Percy Hum mall are with Mrs Hammell at Ihgr llore Mr And Mrs Don Prince and Emily are away on holiday at Eggcebrld pissing amateur photo xrlpher cllChE three ynung buys having an Idvenlurous Floral Patterned TAKING THE LONG BOUNDABOUT WAYY HOME nham arc gul llng lnlo lcsllvn snlric for thu celebration nextSaturday when the Black Knight willhold their convention here Thu various churches are busy planning meals as well as hoolh conces sluns lhraughoul he lawn Mr and Vin5 Roy anlcr were host and husless fur birthday Bay wlth her daughtér Juan and family Mr and Mrs Bruca Mc Cullam BLACK KNIGHTS time an Montreals Jacques climbed dawn Ike brldga sup Carfler bridge 11 boys part then swung across the DRAPES Odds and Ends que numbed dawn Ike brldga sup gap 100 above the St Law boys part then swung across the fence Riven CF Vlrepholoh Beulah gala day Agnes Wnlsh Hazel Vanlkem and Helen Slnclalr won the la dlcs Myles laumamcnt Sadie Tough Ede Palmer and Doris Anderson were high or two wins The Sluurlville mixed dou blcs Monday last Mr and Mrs pariy In hunor Mrs Eaxtcrs lather RobertDrnmmnnd orangovillc who celebrated hls aslh birthday There were 35 guests BOWLING NEWS 199 Hero wo have rayon lurnlon pan ch In your choice of bolus or while colourn SIZM nvnllnhlc nro or In No lronlng rm quircd Reduced In clear wows WILL NOT knowingly or uunsnsom EATON C9 RED 290 and 29 In PANELS CLEARANCE PRICE Jamie Anderrwn Toronln called Saturday on Mrs Drum mgpd nndnplrsl Earl Irwin Vernoxï¬vlce am any visit nd Sunday last with mother Mrs che HOLD CENTENARY The flube LondonsJub my system celebralc Its 1001b anniversary Ulla year Wilmer Palmer wnnlhclr lhrco names Doris Anderson and Bill Emlgh were high or two wins Duralon mun