So Iew harness mnkeu re main in an bualnm or lumen makinl In Ontario that un doubledly you could count ms or In fingers on hand On of these crammen 15 Roy Allan who still operate hll harneur mnklnu shop on Hayï¬eld sued in downtown Banla Mn Allin Italled hualnm In Thornton in me when the horn was sun kin In 1911 moved to his present location mums or aEAmv Every type 01 human II madl by Mr Allnn These include mm in humans sulky harnesses hanvy duly dull harnesses or arm harm In recent years has recelvcd an Increasan num ber of orders or special bush harnesses to ho used on lanlnx harm II he nnflhem bush Ho 1110 enjoys creallng more valuable hlahly ornnmenled Ahnw harnesses Many many grim and champlunshlp awards avn been won by horses and turns shown at local and na ganEI exMMlInns lnclndlnl lhc INCREASING DEMANDS Besides in find In evu in creasing demand for mil oi other lcaihu items He has just compieicd six huvy daz collars or husky cam in Alaska Local hoyl palmniu hi Ihop when lhelr ioolhnllx come unsiiichud Aiier all he lays you cant hold the boy up when they hl whale Saint day to play Hallm And huvy collar Ire In great demand by dalrymcn and 4H memben Canvas lrom he vanishan grain hindwr alnnx with flat belts med exten Ilvcly on grain separator Ire mu hmughl hlo bu Ililchzd and jolncd so an lnnumerahlo human and hone collan Lhnl hgve urn better days Some the Hm customérl had when aimed In Thorn on are sun bringing their work In me remarks Mr Allan And the lam grandsons and treatgrandson mm of the fin mnlnmerl hid In coming Undur hh practiced hands mm fresh smelling Iealher buckles anlpa hooks rivetl chains bridle bits ell padding and heavy thread are Iranllorm ed Into harnesses nl numb and beauly Mounted Policemans gun holster bell Ind bullet pouch bmughl In or repair In Inolhar Ixumplo of lha real vnrizly lenlhcr Slam um pm under his care TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Mund Mtnu Ltd Tho Com pany reports nel onmlnzn or lhe monllu ended June 30 1963 Imounltd to $175300 nr 5105 lime as compared with 33601900 or 50m share lnr lhe correspond hill or In yur InternHaul Nickrl Company Cand1 Ltd The Company has Announced that ll ha ha requirrd deï¬ne Cnnndlnn ownenhlp and control qunl or lhu minced wilhholdlnz In 10 pa cent on dlvldcndl fluid In nanmldonl Ihnrthold In 15 per cm wu Wuh hoId from 1h dvldend nld June 20th It Company land In lltlll per III man cheque an be pre pared Fulure dlvhlrmh Ihnuld mum only lo 10 yer crnl wllhholdlnx Mumlnlum Ltd Tho Compnny hnl fluted ll unecll lhnl Ilur mm on Seplemher he wllh hahflnl In an mmmon divl deml nynhlc lo Ihnrchold HI rudcnl oullldc Cnnndn will he ll Hm ndurrd rain 10 per unl Inllud ll prr arm lormtrly lntnpmvlnrlI Murill Ill The Comnnn tIchml unr erly dlvlden olwunun an pnynhlu Sopllmber In Ihmlmlden oI record Aulml MI Thu Company mm null quarterly provlomly Mlllh CvIIImlII llclvrl Thu ammm pomd nrnlnxx lar lh nu yur ended Mum II mu Imnunlod In mum or ml Ihnu rnmnnr IIIII ILWL or II prr II Am than Iar II pnvlum Hm your mm In And nebula bhnnhnldnn cl Ontrim Innrl Inrl Debrnluu II mrlvu An oIIur In In nul llln lay lvom Ilvllhh lnlomllnnnl IInunu FaunaI IM lo punImc lhrlr slum II no 00 TM all would Onllvln Imn Ind Do hnldm II opllnn Ir no run an mImnn 0f murIIIn ml leh InmnIlmul Plum Th of mnuumt Iuwm nululllnn mInlmum of IM wlmmllnl IIIr Dimlnhl lnllki IIHMMIII tummy mm but umlnn In nu mamm m1 In to nu Immxnud In MM or am an WMPIIM with IBM FStill Much In Démdnd Bull ll Prtlerfld Iluh common luau1m ll Hlnlnl My BRIAN 3min Compiled by Flynn II Dunlap 5L IL Burl IIIUchu Sum lur flu Wul Ludlnl July 26 19B LVIIAOI YIELD BULLETIN BRIEFS $300 An indication of the scarciiyoi hamnss makers is lndicnlcd by the incl Iha his customers com ram such dlstum places as Par ry Sound North Bay iinuyn In Quebec Cnilingwood Paisley on souihcrn Lake Mum and thin ouxhoul Ccnirnl Ontario can remember in the gurly 1900 as young fellow loading cordwood at bush near Thom lon and hauling it to Barrie far dollar day Purple worked harder than or dullnr day lhan they til now or 25 dollars At that time people did better loh too Blacksmiths wouldnt leave hammer mark an shoe they placed In nhout 1930 assessed all the proparltns ln lnntslil and personally handed out the tax notice alter or me now have seen lot of chanxes WORK COMPARISON IMPROVED QUALle Thé qhalili hldca has Km ly Imprnvtd Butcher knlfrculs share for he corresponding period Ian year mum lmul Ind Plprr Co Md The Inmpnny cpmll nrl cnrn Inns or mu nix mnnuu fndnd June Hm umnunlrd In WJJDO or slum as com pared th 7l237l Of 116 shnrc Inr lhn carrcspondlnn 12mm Inn your Crown Zrllcrlmrh Eanndl The Compnny rcpnrlx ml mm lng or III nix lnnnlh ended Jun 30 I96 nmnunlrd mm cnmpnml win $5164 or me campnrnhln mm per mater Vinnipu Gil Cum puny The Company declarrd quarkfly divldcnd $0 commnn Mmrc pnynlvle Septem ber JO lo Ihnrrllnklcrl retard Scplcmhrr IOGJ Tho Company prcvlamly paid 110 qunrlmy rmlnn MIMI mind The Cummny mm ml mnluu Inr me Ill mnnllu cmled June so no nmmmlvd lo ammo nmmml um 115000 hr the cormwndml vulod In Onllvlo Man And rbfnhlln rompny Imlhh Inlcrnnllnnnl Hnnnm 1Cunmln le Imx nu mmnwl an uflrr In nrqulrc ml the lhnlM ol nlnrlo mm and Drhrnlurn nnumny For filth ol the moon oulalnmllnl lnrlu Alflll mu Drlvrnhlm Ilmm mm In nmlonnl Flmmro will nllrr In Huh nr Twn And one hull YIMI llmru ul Drillsh lnlernnllnn n1 Flnnnro plul 15 In cnnh an 13 par value prr rrnl cumula llu mrfuml Illnw nl llvlllah lnIernnlkmnl Flunum rlm 1m and onehnll Inu nhnrrl or rxrlrmxl Illnn pluu It In IL The nllrr which cnmlluunnl nn wt mu twinnro ulll uplm Rwumhrr unlru ulrmled Impnlnl Ill T119 mn puny mmrln Ml ramm hr 1ch x11 mnnlh whim Juno 04 IMI anmlrvl In UMWMKI nr JD Wm rnmpnml wllll SHARON or dun or lhr mnupflmllnl pulml lul yur HIMIll flly Illnhll And lmrlh nmpuny pun ml Inmmn lnr 1M nu mnnUII fruity Jun 30 UN Imnuulnl In 10 an an nun mmpnml IHh mum nr 01 than or IM tullflpï¬mllu Nllml but yMr FLYING THE age old an of harm milking Mr AHnn swing at his actoperated workclumplng true repair 1ng Yul An l7 In I1 are bccnmlng less cumman as butchers ara learnirig better melhnds And doubt ll cauld show you piece of leather with warble grub hale In It since the warble fly spray program was started can remember tha time when hldes cspeclully those cornan from western cattle were so riddled with wurble grub holns that you would have thought lt had been hung up on thn wall and blasted with buck shot You had to do some fancy strï¬chtnz on such leather can Taking skidlike instrumnnt lined with backslanling razor sharp kniie and straprwldlh guldo Mr Allan drew lhis along the edge quarterlnchlhick sheet leather and heavy harness strap tall nwn as easily ns ll it had been In paper Then he cranked it lhrough creaser wringcrllke machine wilh series al rollers and cor responding caltnns llike ml or at dillernnt wldt lo embosa lina down each outside suriace 2ng al lhafatmp to give it an nllracliva appearance The lur Iace or must lcalhm he pur chases Ia dyed and imoaliled ny rubbing highly polished hana similar to lhase used hy Eskimos or lhe aamn purpose he rubbed away the rough surinca iait by the strap culling knife His work bench and tho shop walls are lined with hewlldcr lng array 01 lcnlhcr working knlm punches spllcm glm4 lcu pliers rlvclm hammer and vim each dcslgncd exac tly lo meal nu hundreds In thcHurmlnz lobs On one band mud hnlhlze nnvll On an other and 11mph but vary 2chch pulllhmuuh lcalhcr IP Ilcr or snlmlnu all lhin meal of leather since leather spill like nhlnglu In lhe center the shop ball ¢d lo the floor and two heavy duly placing mnchlncl uscd by Mr Allan la do Iona lint rnpld Milrhlng 111m mnchincs which are hand crankcd mam ble sewing mnchlnu com rtnscd cmlwise Cnunllcsl pcap who no them want lo buy lhesu mrrllmus Mus pmpll lune orxollm lhn lcnlhnr needs regular np plicnlinns leather prcsmlnu oil In kcrp ll ml and lrcnoi cmLlu Dont um crankcase all that ll murder on lcmhrr Danl mm hnrnm In the liable wp null Mr AHnn In on corner lmnu mnulvu hardwood double thknndhoop uxcn yoke MI mtmrnln 1m no lull oldcr than the hour nun Mr Allan wu nnm cnllnl upan lo rcpnir ax harmu Una nl hll tmlnmtrl rtcnllrd hnvlni lwnnl Hue old lulkl tell how he Ilrounnl lmm 0er HM hunk Iouulnn chnlm In Imullnn hmy lamu nnxlly ltnm Imms You In lhll old dork Inkl Mr Allan polullnu In largo wood lrlmcd keywlnd rlnck Ilcllnl nwny he llma Ilvnnuly cur Um clack II Inn 00 yran old lwcnun II uhn oul til the nld wmlllen mill lhnl mud ml the mnrr man and Hrnlllnnl mm llll In Men xlnun an un un Il wnmt Mul dork hrumo hp good Ilmn ovrr IIMI uma mm In MI llnmNflllly le loo Mr and Mn Hulk mm In funntln mm and mum ll mmlh hum hm Ihry mow In lllllldnle For In ll pm My llvrd oumun She hVuwlml M3 thv lundl mu Hodnkk Io Funrrnl mle lur llmn Elnrl III lwld Cook1 In Unit rhllllh The vlre MI winded hy nu llu olll le Ilom In Alhlrvy Rwlnml In Iml Mn Rink mu Hue mun Irr live Illl Mr Aml Mn ll Nolrlv horses haller punching Ila es with needthnrp aimch and making slmng hand alllches Milli WILLIAM KTAIIK OBITUARY Ontario Dc artmenl 01 Land llld Forests l5 announced Ihe open 55mm ilor game birds during 19 In he Lake Simcne district Im BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY AUGUST my Rulled grause spyucq grnuse thawlulled Erouse plarmlgan tn Dullcrln County Oct to Dec 14 Inclusive Rcmaindcr oflhe dlslrlcl npen from Sept 21 lg Dec 14 Inclusive Thu deparuncnt announces that no person shall lake Iu am day an aggregate numbcr rulled grouse and spruce grouse exreeding live No person shall mm In hls possession at any time an anuragale number or rullod grause and spruce grouse exceeding 15 Namenun shall take In one day mnru than live sharptalcd amuse or have In his possession more than 15 at one time 5085an or Hungananipart Ildge In Dufferin Cnunly Oct lo Nnv 23 inclusive Far the Foullean members Barrie Track and Field Club were lhe mask of the Onkville club at special meet Thursday uncr nnun Thu age groups compel lng mused mm 1th In 15 Ursula Hochner supervisor womens aciivitiu at Barrie said We are pleased with he showing we made at the meet Considering that line Barrie club was only organlxcd ihls year and lhat the Oakvillc club has been operating or our or five years we did very well The mod marked the Hrs lime um all age Kraups partici pating in Ihe nclivillcs lhc club had jolncd in compell llnn together Couches who accompanied the competitors to Oakvillu were Harry and Beryl Kerrimn Bud WM nnd his wile repre sented the board dircclars or the Barrio Among lhu person shall take In one day more Ihan llva marmixan or have in his posswlnn more than 15 at out lime HUNGARIAN PARTRIDGE lnlllnmru um AIMll Kr Ilnmmr Vlllwl Illdry lillwmfll Flth Tim men dz MIA Ilulululh FIMHMnml um 5mmle hmth Jahn Imr7 MIMI KP ï¬lly lmmnn llohln Synunln Ilfkl wk low ynunre UAlrnu mmmu quvln mu Um Mld wnlrru Ilulrx null rroulnx In mm mm It cnmln murlllnl mu lhrr In mlnl nmu MID lho pwvluw slzrahtr Men hulllvnlunm ll mnvlnfl Nul mulhonll hum llm Lake llm thanlnln Illwr Alwllnm Al llw mnvlnrn nml Ilmulll NHLII 1mm north we llumn nml Imrglun My um mrnluu Luke SI Inln Lukr IJIII Lalw llIIImI Irxlnui Wmvlurr lmrluu ihnwvrl nml wal lrml llmndmlnum durluplnz mnlnly lair In lay and mm mlllll mm In nlxhl Ulnllcn ul hwnny my lhumlmlomu Iuwnnl urulnn lrnllnn Mu humming Inn lumml humlny WIMI lmhl rnrpl In hlully In do nhunu Mmmlu nxnlhwrnl l5 ï¬lllklny nnmkhlhlvrn lnmrln mu Hm rluk Iidrr nllmllw nml luu lvrullwll luhu mul lllmm IYI ul SmilamL Mm umln lumhrr Alumni vmlncaml hrr Kell mm lmmnn llohl lmldl In Kcnnï¬h amnion Ntunrn urxlrm Lula nn hum Tmnnln Illllmnll Mww Seamus Listed or Shooting Birds Local Athletes Fare Quite Well Normnn llnnlu rcnlrc nu Ilennl numinlcndcnl lhn CNH Mntlou mu Null Smyuw WEATHER FORECAST CNR POLICE GET NEW UNIFORMS rest of the district Ills Sppt 21 In Nov 13 includver No person In allowed morn Khan elghl partridge In one day or have In hls passesshm more than 16 on time FHEAHANI Pheasant may be hunud thl yenr belweeh the hours mm and pm as lollnwn Du erlnHPeel and York counllel and the townships of Pickerlnz Reach Scull Uxhrldxe Em mum and Whitby in the Coun ly of Ontario and the township at Adjala Hum lnnlslll Tecum selh Tamranun llld West Gwilllmbury In Simcoe Cnunly Oct 16 to Nov lnclpslve The lownshlp Brock Thar ah Mara Rama In the County or Ontario and the runalnder nl ho lownshlps ln Slmcoe Coun ty not 1sltd above are open Oct 510 Nov inclusive Nu person shall lake mm than lhree pheasant in one day nnk more than one of which nhall he femaha Hoehner sald the club will travel to St Camarinen next Monday or the age class cham plans ps being mmpeled or by clubs from sauthweslcrn Onlnrm and upper New York Slate Sixty yards glrk 11 second Christine Panelsun brand jump girh la 11 and Chrisllne Patterson 60 yards boys lo 11 second Ran nohbnlle lhhd Mike Chaddickh hrnad Jump boy to 11 sec and Ron Bobbelle third Mike Chaddirk 100 yards Eirlx 11 third Donna chlers brppd Jump air 12 to 14 second Elnapor Anderson lhlrd Edith ZemlLs 220 yards bay under 10 ï¬rst Doug Young 100 yards girls 15 la third Dale Bab No more Ihln hm pheasant are allnwed to be taken in una day parean were Mr and Mn Slan Bubbellc VPiacing In events by Banl participaan was as follows nnd ocruslmml llumdcr ntnrmv llmixhl Zlmuly Sunday cltnlllm In Mlvmmn Suuumly wlndu In hadny Mcnmlnu novlhwul 15 by mldday Sum dayy Hmltm 111m Onlnrln HIIL hulllm nnlunn Munlly Ioudy luulzhl and Sllmlny Sham And nrnllelrd lhumlrnlmmu 1m hmluhl and Sunday Wind lull rand Ionman Ind rnlnmanlcr hrmh up Huml Shaw nvw nummcr Lune uniform The pnllu unian uu¢d In Um Nntlco hereby given lhnl lhn um rcuulnr mocllnf In lho Innnlh Augusl llm Inwnshl WmI wlll he hold on no mh day of Anuun 1mm lm lnnlnu II In lIIln nppllrs or no monlh August only nml mplnu Ihv ynvollng wlllch Win l0 held on llm Gill August lllUIL NOTICE OF TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL COUNCIL MEETING Rcccnlly lcdcrnl member Parliament proposed canal iyslcm linking Lake Ontario with Link Huron About 71 years ago someona said about cunnls Probably no course has been so much talked as canal route with ac little nclunl rcnlixauo hone broad jump glrls 15 lo 13 tirsk Dale flabbcllc 120 yards boys under 16 third Dave Gosncy no yards hays under 16 second Dave Gosncy third Doug Young one mile bays under 18 aecnnd Murray Feldman 100 yards hays dcr 20 third Ray Thnmpso 200 yards buys under 20 third nuy Thompson Foxter Irmprrmum Low anhzhl hlgh Sunday Vlmlsur 51 Than Lunllun Kllulltlur Mmml Farm Inflhnm Numlflnn SI inlharlnrs Tunmn Irlrrhuruuxh Tlrnlm Klllulue Muxkulll Nun Ilny Sudhnry Jobn LeSage nlgh math ematics department hand at the Barrie mammath Col lcglnlc stand hcslda mln lnlurc Icrmcntnllon plant as Cornell University Instructor Jack llnwnfl expialns how ur Note Marine Railway As Goad Thing In 1890 Grml Lnkrs legion Ix drrp nmy blue and hm llm Lnxy Thrrn Insignia on me Ahoul dun lIxmnlncr lhulol This person refelrcd to pm Oroh 5gnod Clovk BARBIE TEACHER RT CORNELL UNIVERSITY posillon by Rowland Burr men ol Yong street near Tumnlo who proposed Cllllll schema lo connectLake Ootuln with 125000000 gallons ol walcr dolly from Lake Slmcoe by means 01 lunnel LOWER LEVEL sh lhun ln 1890 um lhls wuuld lower the level nl the lake by one lnch every 23 days llnd lhal scheme been carried out and no wnler sup ly demand remalned conslnnl all pmhnbillly Lake Slmcue would he annlher feel lower than il ls now Thu reference noted in this nnlcle were wrillcn by yet unknown nulhor circa mm In publlcnllnn called Lake Slmcoe And It Environs Thu lwo chpurpubnuuon doaU wllh lhrphï¬lm pmpch llc of Lake Slmme ind In duslrlnl nspm and Wm len ums which existed balm the turn the century One nllhe nnleworlhy pm umphs Is he menlian Inn ridge above the shnrellnu umuml lhe lake with lhe ex ception lhe west md of Kem pcnloll Ha snld lhls suggested lha p054 sibllny um he wcsmn end the hay slond the same height as Georgian Bay and lnllmnled lhny could be jaintd but didnl sp Ilicully any so The pnmphlel was given The Darrin Examiner by Lloyd Partridge ussmmenl ofï¬cer or Bnrrle Mould he found Al in his father attic Where would lho lhOICHM be nnw II was mu the plus what level Speculations lndL cnlc Ihul Dunlap Slrccl would be undarwnlcr up la about Col llcr mm or bit lower and htre would be nlct nlde river runnlng lhrouul he Inlan daIe Dunk boundary no Another lnlmsling Item Ulla llme dcnllnz wllh me wcnlher given by rccunls mm Hm The hlghul ltmpcrnluru recorded In lnwcr than 107 dome In m1 and he lawul In IBaL wan below mo Mcnn ltm emlum In lum me huvn mpdvcd comldcrnbly Ilncn then nu wlnm cmpcr nlum Inn close aludy llnlplnllnm chum wlll Ihuw lhnl lcmurrnwnl In tho lum mcr hnve been drupplng and Minkr lrmpcrnlum rlnlnn TM wu More lhe Momlc numb ll llEGfl mounting processes In used hi maklng chcmlcals and phlr mnceullcal products use one 12 10 Cunadlan leach who hnve received Shell Meril Fellowship from shall Canada Limited to mend lum Building Home paid you lhoukl die pmnnlurcly ml lhn hqu Ill lully bololll In uur lnmlly You proud ynur hamn hum flu and lel Why nol mm drnth Lel mo nhuw Nl Imw rully Ill ml ho done 11er run would cmuidtr Sun We Mnrllnn Im lrrnun lullry In lhll My Ilon mpleml Undoubtedly muny will re memher he lumr raised in ihe 1950 ihal niomic Izsiinz wu playing havoc with the Minor phen No doubt it played som Iaie as his every volcanic erupiion aver he years but ll least one nuts waiter Agnln Ipeculallon mllhl lead nna lo belleve um Chrlslmu will ha celebrated In aodqrcn weather Ind peraomwill In ikllng In June Raverllnz to the aspect of water Iupply to Toronto ln lhoso days TheToronlo Olobl nld II Iltozelller by man Ilreams Ind Imnll rlvert like the llnllnnd and the waters at lhcse are not likely ln grow ellher puma SHIP RAILWAY II He skélch Iurhéd cu hm mIIUrJhlmflwlflw In existence on ha Severn lam could be cnpublu at hand IE any nqrgbcryl beau gdzyz mosled vesscl bciuz yullcd along 1100 on ll plullorm by about II In men coalenzlnex Such mnrlnc rallwuy today could cuslly hand about to bunn The plallorm uhown holdinl um loolu Ilka In oceanonn pl ï¬ne my modem clvlllnllon has Improved upon lhlnza of DISK era one could imagine hop civlllzullon cauld hnve Impmn ed lhc rallwny lyllem In panhlet Him cutlinu sketch or projected lhlp 21W 99° Al aboul me 1800 lhs unknown Iulhur wrllu that he lenslhnlly Ihip nllwny had rccrnlly been dlmverod um ha known what repcrmsslon marina rallwny would have mm lnlcr Instead mention In commlulon was as lnbllsh gh Governmcn mar uminmll Cornell and Stanford Universities The lam inm an desiznad to acquaint high school lcience and maih emnlic ielchen with new inachinl techniques and the latest advances oi knowledu in their iiaih unnN 100 EARLY whlch Hm Elmum he could me Just ll well nld Your Ila dldnl know how true Ms Luke Simon has unusull mount would turn out be Grrry Tnmblyn Clly Enlin lodny provided mother ln lcmllnu Ildcnale Luke Slmm wnl purl um leraphltl lnkc Lnk Alznnquln This wu nhoul Ill llme Illcn iccbcrn lorznl whm Hm wulcr wu Ind plnwtd nycrlhp InngL inimiL Km airy slmcul mm nulinm IM IA um TOM HOWLETT Chppulun SI SUN lIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY lulan Mm CANADA