Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 1 Aug 1963, p. 4

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Looking back over old news at tiles 50 and 70 years ago ehowe at most towns in Ontario had at least two newspapers some like Barrie in tact had four weeklies With few exeeptlona they supported political party and in many caaea the parties au ported them financially As he ohan ng economiea or the times took etfect newspapora be gan to disappear through cloalng or amalgamation Now there are very low towns in all Canada with more than one It came to ho popular conce tton in the past quarter century that power of the ms was much ovenrated that Vedltorla had little influence on the way people voted in tederal or rovinclal elections Vote as you like ut vote hecame slogan which had little mean In the last federal election there never were no many people who were puzzled about what to do With four parties blasting away on the air and hustlugs it was pracucnlly 1m osslble for the av erage voter who on not spend too An expert has been somewhat lace tloualy defined as one who is never in doubt but lrequonuy 1n error and Benjamin Stolber say the oxpert one who avoids mall errata as ho sweeps on to the grand fallacy An Arable hllosopfier puts It rather well Ha known and knows that ha knows Wise Follow him He who know not and known not that he knows not in loo Shun hlml How to separate the one who know from the ones who just think they know is no mean problem Everyone in en tltled to his lnlon end we can hurdiy tell person shut up until he known what he la talkan about men as the temptation may be to do so owever Barrie Examiner July 1038 Sim cue County farmer engaged in fight against army worm rim dealm er of crops General airman Le ghton Clarke reported good results from Kiwanis Karnlval held this year It Barrie Arena instead oi Post Oiiice uaro Ciifi Carley placed 30000 In trout fry in bay obtained from ro vinciai haichery igy Banipfiiwania Mini own Council passed law to limit downtown parking to 30 nutes Satur day nighte Local police report out break of house and car them in past week Catcher Dou Ramsey batted in five runs as Barrie esebaii teem de feated lilentord 72 Pitcher Ken Terry niluwed just five hits Aliandnle Im perlnln with Dick lloe pltchlnF won first of county you noitbail line 94 from Alllston Ionl Earl Rowe resigned as leader of provincial Conservative party and returned to federal oillicr Public school at Churchil destroyed by lire lit llex Clark Gable and Myrna It in Test PiloL At Grenade Rudolph Va entino in The Sheik At the impor ial Buck Jones in lonely Veiley Willis llppin 10plece bend irom Shel burno was paying for dancing every night It Barrie Arena Bob Powells lllo Anlmnlnd Mud III mill rm llnunl mu lo pumml you In Out DL1I IUMI IM MIIHCMI am uuyld Ill WM hillh III flu ll Mailman Muqu mm Mun nun WAImI mm muml AIImIII mmm HONNIII ulnulvllm all mm II 00 Hr Inll¢ Mr Mill In DillIrv III Mflflhl IllI IIMIIM 01 MIDI Onllllo Ind nunn WIMHI ll In AM Ilen moo nu limbE omen mm Mm Anaemia am And mum at Llnnlldvn In other words good mm of them gonq kxng wpgt they are ng abgut 6m Vimum An Tatum mum wm fluull mm hmum nun Inn meluvnl CMMIm rm culmlul Inllllol aweum an mm In un mr la mum bu 5M lb IN he I4 Duuhd INKu YEARS AGO IN TOWN ENOUGH MP NOW Financial Post Thu roman government 11 rupoflcd plannlnyo cnlfllfil lho Common when on me gull lDoluccnuulIontu are rodlnlflbuted Among the provlnccs nw Irgumnnl In favor of more MP 15 hnrdl convincing In 105101 conlrnl Clm gained envlly ln populnllon while some other parts dld not the Commons knpl Ila prmn Ilzo and tho exlnllnx mu wm rolocnlod on Ilrlcl mp by Imp llnu Onlnrlo Ind Qunhnc whom he Liberal Iro now Ilmnxw would have more but Suknlchnwm nwopl by lho Torlcl on April would NeWSpdper Election Role Has Undergone Changes What Is An Expert Wllll Publhhh The Barrie Examiner 119 matrix Publighedby Canadian Néwupapm Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWNMEMWQBKLANE Brim Genm Mum THURSDAY AUGUST PIIO much time by day keelilng up with reports of po lice events me new leper editorials were read more avidly an ever before There no change in thereapoplslbll ity of newepe era To provide unbiased reeporie of ticai events in the new column so et readers may have every opportunity to form their own opinions would be greaumpiunus for newe asier editor 11 Canada today to try to al hiaegeadeee iiow tp vole almoagh some in Toronto do His main function in to set out as best he cantho Issues which are to be decided and to provide his vlowa candidly on the men and pol lcles involved In the last election all three Toronto deli newspapers were opposed to the Die enbeker administration No Con eervetivee get elected in To ieronte But times change quickly 60 de of decision have gassed and it is pie that some disenc entment is showin especiaii after the finance ministers first bu get we introduced Likewise before the expert should venture to counsel eople no far as mar tinge end the in are concerned it might he good idea ioiake look at the back round from which they ap proach th delicate and difficult one of modern liie Never mind how many college degrees the my claim to have the onl one rela ve would be the de gree oi 17 Master of Experience Dawler Arthur Coo er Victor and Bert Lou heed Mr an Mrs John Macleod ot lllsdalo announced engagement of thelr eldest daughter Vlolet Catherlna to Bartlett llook Slmmonl 0t Barrie Barrle Llons Club enterulned 30 war at Childrens Shelter at illcnle Irlp cross to Mlnets made in arry Bryronl launch BIbbys barber shop In Web lln ton llolel remodelled Fran Dutcher lnr Alled Universal Cooler retrl orator ln hls grace store Charles exand er hnd bulld ng contract for new Unlted Clgm utere Albert Mollltta store hu comfilete redecontlon job Lulst Romano Kln Edward llotelorchcstrn Eleyed one epcc Al nlght It ChlteauGnl elm Bench Complete new tourist cnmp opened by Geor McLean at Wonde Valley where lllow Creek pess when nu expert hangs out his shingle so to speak and presume to make living 1mm the business of advising his fellow man we have suggestion to 01 ier before seeking or taking this pen aene advice Physician heal thyseli is not surely asking too much of these sellstyled experts and when they ofier Idvice on how to bring up children we should ask them how they have done withrtheir own ody Men were at Mlnetl Point Bud Runner popular hocke star won male vocalist contest Jack eivert Ailendelo boy whistler was featured with band and Bunny Mor enson Toronto Tcly sports columnist rected on Saturde nights Bob Hodges introduced new mptenlre delivery we on for business section by BarrieAllan 10 Dairy Attending Ma sonic Grand Lodge from Barrie were Alex Cowan Dr rott Thomas Pewter will C0096 and Bert ea Illghwny 7171 wlth 205 memborl II blg onou already Wllh 10 llmu Camuhl popu allon tho US manage with House of Represen lnllven 435 number llxod ermin enll lha US Scnnlo ll IcluII mall or Inn our Slrnllord BOICON on In oppnnlng menu ml lor my med luro Inn llm Cnnullnn Labor Congrou In on lrm lohallni round Mon peopla lry lo my out of 01 con lo can no look homo balance ll pr co lulu lllelr Income Ind My Vu unl allord ll no we wont buy The couple rune not nlm up the cos of luluru lllnm the wnylllo tan Illa no culpla lulunln home My Illll nnl know nml any means lul lhnt could ho nppllerl lo Inn nul people who cnn Alford in pay Inclnrn from how who cannot Allard to pay doc torn would be nonsense To any queullon In no form Can you mom to pay Ibo nbvlnnn reply Can nllnnl imy wllall When here In no lower lo ho lccond ueallon lllere run he no aenalblo lmwer Um um qucsllun low Iboul ono umor of It roprcaentr ion This mm be quite falr udtzod mnlhumatlcally Thu unvornmcn is anld wlshcl to Old oven thh appearance of gerrymandering An enlargement of the Hausa glving the nxpnndlng rovin cea extra mu whllu leaving Sn Itch WMII quota rou hli In effort wny 0133 gt lhu qbgocjoplla hut ho glouqo MEQICAI PLAN Nousaum By PATRICK NICHOLSON Patrick Nldzollonl lunt col nnenht today ia math Mac quarria Promalva Cowm lln MP for clam PIJ Although the want me minister rpent meat of he life in the department oi external attain hie overnmanta aixty day at dc lion brought cw advance In the iield of drain galley while it in true that Mr aaraen did viait iha Brlliah prime miniater and the pra dent of the Untied Stat there was little that war newlet alona bold or imuinative about fiadl calla For many yearn Canadian prime mlniatere ha been making pertonal con tact with political leader in Inndon and Washington Apart mm the unilateral daclalon ra mming tha lZmlle limit M6 in hard pressed to ind evl dance that tho naw adminiaira tion lava much thouth to any change oi amphuia or direc tion in grain licy TM in all the more aurpr ring in the lilbt oi Exlemal Mialrl hlinlater Martina utterances during Iha air yeere when the late Dr Sidney smith and Howard Green bald the portiolio which in now his altouLp Jony manic buildup oi economic aid More imaginative and possibly more helpful would be to otter tha inland custom union with thl muntry Indeed it ia not too Matched to envlr an eventual political mion well world atateeman not lend no declared that the iuture of mankind and the outcome ot the nontin EastWest minute tlon wo in decided by the people atth oi the equator Canada in in own Waxtam Hemisphere ha the opportunity to play moron and helptui role It the new uvernmant would like to putrrea lty behind lhl aranca new look it realme wail cut ill ma tn the aouth REPORT FROM ILK Wives Can Holidl With Navy Hush MMeINTYRE noun LONDON The Admiraltynil Patrch Nldzollonl um col nmnhl MI mm Mlc quurm Fromm Conun lln MP for clam PIJ erlln wu Idvocnllnz Cunn dhn membenhlp In he 011nm lutlan Am that mm In wu mm mm urgent or to amp Immllundinu 1n vllnllan at ever member the OAS Ind in Jon um nrunlu tlon But hm II no Indlclllnn Hut ll Ian 19 membmhlp tn 1h homxlphulc ornnlmlon Dun ever Wu In lhb SmithGmn good doll wu don lo llrenllhm Cand canllou Mu 1h LIlIn Amerlun world Both mlnlalerl Vlllltd Scth Amarlcn and won wume melved on Pierre swim led in ob Iervor daleullon to the Inm Amerlcan Canimncn ll Punll del Kilo when lhl nu or Pmurm proxrlm Inaugur Ilcd nem lownrd 0mm 1m ofllcu Clnldl Ind ulnblllhcd d1 omallu nprmnllflon with Lnlln Amcvlcln npuhlu Th fill Ilep membmhl In In 0A9 would not be dl hull to nrhluva MCIUIO Um has Ion been nhundlm cvldenro um Ill pruenl mumbnrl would wulmmu Cnnad Idmlulon Nor lher rum la New ha ml nrlly CI Mdlnnl an unwillnl to no lhelr counm llkl Ill plln In mlhflfillpjllfllfi Momhmhlp In mu 0A5 II no Um only loulhom Vllll ol ov rlunlly lor Cnnldll nnw mnllnrmen The wulblllly ol tlom Ind mom munmlul ramm wllh lho Drllllh Wul lndlm Inland mould bu quickly upland Tl Mum lhl huulllul flrllllh Cnihlmn Ir Imdn and Cumin Mumm rmvlncu hlvo bml clan hmulh flu mu Cum mild do much Ivullrm In Mun Imully ot lhc mull Ir Ilndnlfl In pmnyluul poll Han when Jiml mul mm flldeonl Mr nwn upmlo nu 1m lull Hui umld ho don would Iulnlnnlll ll Ira Ila Lonil Inmln II mman uuo bl ampulna lull not Admlull mum Enldul Hwy dml um lhpy xlmrvl hut ml Hz 004 mm OTTAWA REPORT BIBLE THOUGHT BUDays Had Few Foreign Advances msfiovnmzs or THE DEEP mail ml mum mu 1h 1min lrppoged In mlrrlgd mnnol when lhey Jul $0104 10 Ian porlodl pan uon from mrlr wlvu whtn on duty with their lhlpl In IMwa ulm Admlrll Sir naynlnn erlht thc Scmnd Sn Lard ha been xlvlnu minul mmld culinn to thin problem And hl hu come In with mher bright ldu or Iolvhul II He II warhlni out plan whlrahy III on who no Iervln 1n the Fur Em or periods 01 up In munlhl or longer can hm lhelr wlvu flown out In mud holl dayl hm wllh lhelr huhlndl wlm In llmlr lulu lunl Ind only lwenllu ollrn lull lo mundale llrmnmll III In 1h Navy nnrl Iny um lhvlr hulluudn In lry In My Ihrmnlwl nul Thlll lm lw com mlnul luclur mm that hull of lhl owlllonll II In lhn Fur lTul lllo mlnlmum nlum nlr rlmlrr nlrllna lo filnupon ms nu plan ll nubIdli lhll thnrlnr llll ammml nu plnn now belnl given can Ildeullon by Admlnlly chlull II lo Iuhl mm In lml Ih Slnxlm or Men or the wlvu nllm whm lth scheduled la mend nv on wall In port with their IMVL mIrIlly mlnlllry of defence And lha lr wry nut II II blllll InHM Ind being man my hr the Ipnmvnl nl lhm mm at uvrrnmcn hluuu flu Ad mlnllr ll nnulvwly would by lhl mm Ion plrllnn on lhc mould ol men In llul nnd purllcullrly Ih youn nr manlcd ullnrl Alialnélum In lho mm In woqu llul uhu uhllo Tho uhzmo which ll be hllchtd out or lhm hulldlyl Em of Sue II III In Hm plnn nlnl ha ya lo he Iubmlll lo lhn mm Ad Tn old ullan who hlvu mnl lhnlr Hm In vay purnnl II mnnlhl mm mm null on In nu pm Day hm dured much lonnr period npnrnlon nm In nu Nvy my many of em you Ian newlrmlrrlrd Ill hump Illngd on Iar lonl pcrodl VIVICI PARTIEII FLOWN OUT With Navy Husbands Wives Can Holiday with hair huxbnndn mi in drnw lilo overml living owulcu now unly given to than Living in married qumm with im hlndl Ililchod lo Ihoro uln hllshmlnh or 1chin bated lhipl Thll would unable them in draw iemporlrily the nml Iiiownncu widen wivu Mrndfi menl Ihlpl tom pmln IVI clubbed lonlhor And lawn out plrllu of wivel 1111 CANADIAN PB Any 1m rf aIIIhnd In III BrIlIh poumlonl lEur Ixn lodIyIn m4 ut not until IIII vIe cry In Union In tho 1le In ms that IIIVlI were Imd In In United ripeninlrup of Amrch hld mndc Ilnvlry lucrlllvu lrldu In In New World In lha mm pm of the lllh cgnggxyggd mg hqxlnqgl 1m CalmIda mm Ilehood sum 0351i in We Ind And math of Ihc mh tenlury public cnnlclenu wu around the ham And Iuflerinu ol Ihll Inlllc But Internl uda conunqu In tha Unlkcd slam 1m 1mm beam Relclumhm GermMp TODAY IN HISTORY ENJOY THE RUNNER WHISKY WALKERS GOLD CREST VMLmfl VMAaMayig irfltmuwddmrér 7m7Qmmw Den lln nmnrked to my hmher um my drinkan wu mnklnl ma fl wright and In aid lhnt ca nrlu in beer win Ind liquor were LII nonm tenlnu kind Ha wem Ind 00 odorle cuunllnl boo lhll uid ulorlu lrom alcohol In In nonsloflnl kind Well don helluva lhl book and wont mull hear from you When drlnkln In WIIIM Ind Ion whan mum tor whlle Am rlzhun You might he ever mluohol contain ulnrlel and to body calorh II calorle llnt used up It convened In and shared lugh In Idea of compurison alcohol runs uvtn calories to gram protoln or urbahy dnUa our to drum Ind at him to dram Any IBM rcduclnl die omlu alcoholor most It 11mm lha mount and strum that the calorie be taken Into tic count Far drinks with Iweel mixes Alla hi couMed Some drlnkm cl well Ind are IL other me be lenn because they eat Ale but 12 moulh calories for mom tram the nlcohol TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Bfwbe you cant panuldl your hmflner lhnl III cnluflr counting book in man Bu ask ynu dont hm to beflevu Neither the but way In hgallhE naturally Du Dn Moherx Whit In your oplnlon ol Adults Invlnx thalr tonal removed My hfllv band Ipédlllsl Idvmd removIL Do you think it but nn hearing wm 1h moat ennuonll wavr had hmJn will Ion limo ey old man elllnI up to £0 per cenk Ind mor inm ut or landlnx munw And flu nlmosphm of Ihn hurlnn wn nut much leer an lhnn nlu quiet lnquul or turnle meullnl The most mkinz to Ihn observer however III mlld mun th munl hur lnn themmvu in mailer law dlyl ommmce 1nd numbar mum balm Evarybody walshnckld But lhl mack didnl lhnw Men In men whether 1th callmlnz uorhlllnl lulu ul or nut Everybody WIII welldremd ohvloully Illlucnl Ind very ull rluhlwul and dllnllled Thm wun dun in lhl room dun in lhl room Thurs also wnn Iny quw Hon howuvar Ihll lhll Wu twentieth canlury Ilylo QUEENS PARK 7M0¥na¢o ly MOLNEH MD Hléohol Wont Help AnyoneTofleduce What Are Means To Confrol Usury mom HIRAM ESTDIBBO anon ask your brother heard the lam Ibnllll Ihoizld bu moved Ii any mY ll they are Inlede Inwaqu trouble Thnlu nmwer to you question childm balm young Illlznt Menu tom ramovnl much mm wily thin do mm Yilthe mm with hldly th med mun my used to them reamed mu mm uh er your huutund should hm an opinion mm mother Ipeclnlllt might well depend on whether the am wu emphm lie or In he uld Then isnt mu we can do until then tonslll come aul thltl amphnllc II In nld Well the lunllll look pretty red Ind they could nun tumble you milht wml to welt while and no or lb tn hnve unothur we cllllstl oplnlnn but Dr Molnm Am womln and mm Um la llme have Una weight In the bladder 0n pawn urlnl can an aetlllnl whnl look feel 11kg n31 brick am When um 133 over night thc etlllnn distinc ll lg 9m yau Idlee me Certain chemicals pm im Ill out tbs urinI In MI condlllnn you hlvn lawn or mien hllddar that can be lhe mm ulnce ll result In lnoomplcll emplyin Ike bluddar This uncommon And it In no dmlmm Dflnklnl mom water IIIIIH¥ helm 1h brick dual wqu them up man Iller nun nun Ind meubles but um doesnt man you lhwldnl at UN lrulu nndvezeublu you and or ballnced diet Actually whll lhll commune In In llun nut and th ml or lhu whnlc quullon ll can you collml usury 1H camxiiuu llnll ll wm onrthll 50ml member lhlnk hm mould In In mum ny bndy chlmnl murlnl mu lnleml bellavu lhm Ihnuld Sun In IIWI covulnl dhclolI urn ol nlerelk ram and lhnt mu lru Inlerpdu vrinclrlu Ihould apply on borruwng mu coum tnmpflclllnl IL lhc lac then In quelllnn whclhq lho prpvlnco fillln WKdawn 11 5171 In hook any lull on wild Ip phod to thLI situation FREE ENTERPRISE iii no mlly nnt 01509qu lb wer lo cnnlrol ralu And Ic unlly whit will prohnhly ruulk wlll bl whlch wlll lay lhll II eplanhlo Altulllnn Ind lhll wmubody Ihould do lumelhlnl Ibnul ll Cenqln filming preciajlalt

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