Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 31 Jul 1963, p. 7

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Im her Hm mn lur Hum mnnlhu loo Mllrvu Irmluryl lllm bllunu In her rmplnytr hm can do nhrn In 0M woman Mum lmr Ann Llnlml Had whm lhu wumnn nun Allnnl ulm wu named Sunmy lhu War IIIle unml Ircm lny Hmlln her pmnnnl rnll tn urnum and mmltncirl Shu nut ll lhln way Ilrmrnh bur whrn ynu an In amt ynur Inm Mnnll ynur om plrvrlr mm Woovlrnw nerlll pmlrulnnnl help ml ll ynu mintch ll hed vrnlmhly hnve nnnlher Inn lrum lhl mornan Mlhuul npcnkinx ba cnuxa unahcd mm mm In NI llllll parka dont knuw how dcnl with In lrmncr Cnn you uncut namuA lhlmMouy llur Molly Den wllh him In uu wuuld any chlld whn ml nnlrumn Tnka all nhnxp nh jcrll uul hlI hand And num hlm Lust week whrn Wnodruw gnl hnld 11 short wllh Ions bullnn In um Ihu collar on Ind 121 the Ihlrl In the nlrlr unlarrw wuuldnl mlu ll Dur Ann Linden My 11 bind and have hun manled our fun We hnvn lwv yeIrad Ann Thu pmhlcm II mlruml nut ho bnyl hut nlhe Wnodrow cnnl find what hu II loaklnl or ha ull every lhlnn uul Iho rnwer and have In llonr Snvcral mom no ha brokv hlx loo kltkinl lhu lurnilum TM IDIIIII ha nprnincd hls wrlsl punchan In den In he an lua cnumll will oyl qlgns1 Mlss Jeanclla wllkln Tot nnlv allcndcd mid of honor Th hrldcsmnld was Mls Clml PenIcId of Slmcae lecn 1n mnrrlage by her falhcr he brlde worn gown ol Chnnlllly lncc over lallela The lmdice ol lhe gown was de llxhcd with scalloped sollly scooped neckllne and elbow ltnxlh sleeves wllh scnllopcd tdxlnmflhc full length sklrl was lashlqncd wllh prlnms panel lrnhl wilh unprcsscd plenllng de lull in the sldcs and back end lnx ln scalloped hemllncl Three while snlin mscs held lhe brhlnl elbow lcmzth veil of sllk lulln illnslon The brldc curried huuquel of pale plnk roses and lvy slrcnmoral ATTENDANTS The 5010 Mrs Ellzabclh Korchuk anmvlcw was no campanlcd by nrgnnlsl Mrs Jenn Gordon of Bradford The bride Ihe daughter of Mr and Mrs Phllip Sidney Wrighl R1 Gllford Mr and Mrs Jnhn Edward Amnn of Cooksluwn are the hrldegmoml parents CIMNTILLY LACE GOWN pretty weddan we toleran Ized Bradford United Church when Rev MncTavlsh unllcd In maninn Phyllis May Wright and John Joseph Amen ankol of whlle and blue mum cream the background emu Inr the aflernnun cere muny July 27 17 MARY nnllnrnlnl Nplrlllllu Th Tlrll Man HI Ilnd To llllrr 1M Flan Impomd Mmhlndlu II Tim Follulnl Llnu TEXTILES GIFTS FIOARS AND TOBACCOS IulyfiBrride Wears Traditional GovVn CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES FIRST IN BARRIE ANN LANDERS Delete ShaIp Objects Ignore His Temper ME AND MRS JOHN JOSEPH want our rhllrInn In like lmlh urll nl lundpnrrnu lln mm Wu hnvl or mun la in lyleM nu ma nut hand nu lgnumlmn 00m Whnl do yan luuunlmblo flim ul of lundpnr onlu lry lv purnln nra Jul lhu up pmllc They live Murhy lml no dont In much at them Dwy him nrrrr nHmd In III will lhr kluln van luktn umn nul or In In mum me Tho poumvn nnwn llvo out ho Ame Thry Aro huvl ma dunl und our chlldrrn tn lhtm lnr on monlh ovtry nummer Thcy nan kldn gill lulnn may Ian III lnnm uvtry we Jun In lllk In Ihem Funkly My overda ll Fnystshvufin in n3 hmhnnd nmlly Ind Ihu Indlllmnl nul lug my own Wynn lier Ann LIndfin Plum lrll me how lo mulnllln heullhy hnlnnu brlwun um qu randy nd chum It Aloud you lay Il emlly Hm lumnla Plcnu um ll or Inlet Im lerrlbly bchlnd mm Then tonllnue In walk ll ynu rtbcnlrlhh or le Hm ualnz pmhuly ha uma we hell Kellho gglura She bubhlu alpinu nnd nlrlnu her nmlly lmublu rcporllnz In dclnll dnluzl of her brldxo club dron Inn on and on unlll could Icrenm dont want In lnule In the alllco murmur cl lhl hum rcdum my pro uclvly ahuul 15 per ccnl What cm do Tnylrd On return ram lhe honeymmn lo Soulhweslcrn Ontaria mo cnuple will reside no Mnln Street East Milton Following the wedding rr ceonn was held at Churchill Community Hall The brlden mother received atllrcd In Jacket cnnmbla of pale plan llnm plnk chlllnn hnl whllu nmcssorlcs and cumin of pink rose accented her coslume Thu brldegmoml molhzr misled wcnrlng powder blue Huh WM malchlnz Jackal Ind ha blue chum Her colsane was plnk rogphudg fior lravellln Ihl bride chose plnk llncn an with plnk law ergd 1m ang whlge qmcssarlcs The hrlduwoma hrnlhur Al ex Amen of Cookslnwn was but man Peler Wrigh the brides hmlhur and Garry Amen hm net ma hrldcgroom acted as ushers The lower nlrl Gayle Amun sister the hrldegmm wore buumnt of tiny labrlc mes rock blue mhroldered cot lon with matching headdress She carried bash 01 while and blue carnaflans naczfifion Thu ntlendnnll wore matching street lenllh owns blue em hrnIdercd cotton unlurlnl bell shapud skirts rose of much Ing malarial with veiling ash kmnd their headdresses They curried bouquels whlln and big Carnations yllg lyy PA TAKES OFF CAP WINS SONY MICROTV run flan um IV Windy Ill be cxvn 1mm lrmlll ul Dul lh mm llhulnlwn mqu at In In mm llnn Inn 1n pm hy unaln In hnna ml hm hm nu mm ma ummm mu Iufln guyum nu rould Mr my hum mum 70 mu hm In mum up In mom My mum In ym cm rm III waxl Comullhlu hm hm hp Inm ml mu In mm llmL mm mm mum Haul Mr Ihnwln umnm In pa Nun In mm un nuhum ma Ilmu Nm mm Hr rmna Ochw Innd mmu ha in wmm llahknlv um um mm MMMMCnInnnHMI nnuy mmmmm an nle nm In Mn Ind Mu IL Mm dunnld Glen Roch nnl nan wllh lo Immunca tnxnxemtnl lhclr laugh or Mather Ellnon anker Hunter non of Mr and Mn Elmcr Hunter Bnrrle The marriage will take plan an August II pm ll Em loud Imbyleflnn Churrh Burris Th bride clul graduate Royal Vlclorlu Hospital Photo by FMch Want and worsted tnbrlcs whether In summer or wlnter compnnlonl and when It came to pucklnl here are Ins Fold sult coat or Ipnrt jacket the way lullar docs lnxtda out Start by pullluz lha collar up Fold the shoulders back untll they touch wllh seam carclully attuned much lnslde on shoulder get hntd at hath shoulders Now tllp the jacket lnslde out Chqck to ace lhat sleeves ltc stralght luslde th mutcrlal Fold Jacket over dnuho la la tlt tn easel Rnll up trou ser and stocks Theyll coma nut smoother utrunxe It may mund Lny them on flat aur tace wlth cream llncd up Then start at tho cult and roll lightly pullan thu scam taut us you no Thls really works But ll nu want to allck tn the old nz method told them ovtr In other Mutant or un rat at tlslue pupar In the tuldrtn help pnvcnt wrinkllnz you are going lo hot cllme you can take your own arcondlllonlnz wllh you by pucklnl clothe lhul Ire unor od In lIthweIghz woollen and worsladso Wool becausa it has the capacity brenlhu can hep to keep you cool And or he same mason In cold cll muleahnrdy weeds and luhlly woven worsted will keep you warm in cast 0N Packing Tips Save Pressing BRIDEELECT Photo hum chlld born on thI day will be born lwdcr would mnka an excullonl oxecullvu or lenchcr This new yur In your 11 also promise much In lhe way or domestic wclnl and roman llc hnpplncss Ind lhere llkcllhood that Ihon lrlp lnkun lhls month muld pmva hlzhly enjoyable Travcl Incl dcmnlly will also be favored next January Jumnnd July 11 Ilnule here chance for new mmnnce helwccn now and at high peak bclymen mid December and end Mnrch 1964 ll inmomw Lx yam birthday your haroscopo indicate lhul since the beginning oi the year you made constructlva pin or job advancement and In Im provement In ur financial lug than to wed them con ulcnllously lha next two month should bring ii not com plete least pnrilal lulilii men of yaur Iimx Funher boosts lion these linen Ira in dicated ncxi ry and March Do not be reckless in lniervcninz mnnth howaven tendency which all Levilu willhhnva to control during hl neg iwelvo months FOR TOMORROW really bad day Both bus nm and Human should go well epeclally ll you put lnrlh hes ellom ln lhe Long Kendlnz projects nhuuld mach appy tulmlnallnn now and also good perlod ln whldl lo make longran plum Ex cup lame loud nuw 1mm Ilnr F9 THE BIRTHDAY SALLYS SALLIES 5°°uh°ioé 323 an mg we Ind body are not moccasin Ily directly rallied to such other II true that an over land taken one bl gmell lands to uler at shrine However the total cnlories Identical your welght would be the lame whether the calor ie consumed at one hula mall or taken In mulflplo rm meals Calmla aravtha mew are thu fuel valua nl load and on he wellht score calo rlgmunt the anymore In limes But here what happens 0n the Identical number 01 calories when you In men fuel At one big meal more of the Ingestud calories turn Into body at lead to dlspm llonnle Amount your we ht belnl In fully Issue In lhe lnlmal experiments In file whilu rnll who Ill Ihelr rations at two bl meals Ilored more It In the tluue wen thoth they welghed the mm Howover win In clarity summon made in In earlier column regarding oodlnom 0n the identical number of modes lhree modes meals day plus protein pickup In bulwnenvm more IlImmlnx than one bll mell 1m 1m RAIN Our modem my mug breaklnal lain 11m Inn and min dinnor nu lha stage or twin um axceu calories ll Ihnl meal Into It Th1 ll underunblyhlrue THE STARS SAY KEEP IN THE TRIM PM wu un m1 who mun4 du old nur Goxéing AtThe Eveyifid Méél Sets Stag EOr Overweight By ERMA LEISURETIME SLXMS of nandnm cord upcruy Lail orcd nr llxureflnucryl Slda xirncr Ilnsh pocket Sand back In Ilm la la 20 quler ibuy $299 Value 111m 111w balmre de lemlna welllghI It is when In excess 01 orlea are consumed nnu meal um disfmfor clonal amount lat Ala fln in the tissues 01 he Illu II the nlbhllnlvudmals The emu ll mugs look plus on tho lama measured qgflc Intakg The mullml 75 munla nun ma or thelr welzm in boxgym rm had urum choleueml levels Iha wer doublo that the nibbling mup who bunt Inn badlel cgyoms MEAN wnmm WINNER 0F CMAISI LOUNGI FOR ZILLIRI FUNJNTHISUN LUCKY DRAVL Mmhlng shmIlnvio pullovu OPPORTUNITY DAYS NO DOWN PAYMENT BUY NOW AND CHARGE IT nuwu av mm wa woonnow 40 mm 51 OMLIM om WINNIR MRI DONNA LEWIS DUNLOP LOWJAIW PRICED Boy Ind ulrls collon Interlock playlimo xhlm ahrlnk mlslnnl Ind mnchnewnlh nhlel Crew unck Ihnuldcr mltnlnm Whllc colon lo KIDDIES SHIRIS Fruit juice haii 5115555 Ion cooked mm Thin Alice Ions mm margarine or butler pal 25425 small strip pncon crisp Cnnndian yin or second egg or Mr and hovarwalzhl regmien cl flea they no éonsumed Following is dayu menu or chasewho with lo eat to build lemon lemmalint hus Bzgml lhen wiiuHre brad gt 91m motif mm cnlqfiel Nutritionist lode must Aland up and he count WI cannot sun by uyinl mm Is not sui llclenl moi There in canva evidence 1h map pattern lint encourages aver eaunz any one time lendl io more in Home in the ti sues and lo hither mum ubqlesieml level NYLON CLASSICS Lowrmcnm Allrlcllva rhlp tool llylffoul bm mm In modnm dell lrlu wllh wuhnhll um Buy pnlrl LDNNLIIVI mu mam mum nylon Iron mammo nu we Nanny Imu mw ml usenu mm rad blul Mm vmm or bbqua 51er 288 SALE BOUDOIR LAMPS 44 297 BNIHIII REG $299 Zellura own brand soft absorbent Ilannolcltc sizes 20 Dozen to package Save 42c REG JV EACH Soft doublethick knit cotton with ribbed Icr clnstlc wnhl and high crolch Wh to In siz and SAVE TRAINING PANTS FlANNElElTE DIAPERS mymz um wanmnn m7 I1 Glass of lldm mllk orhultcr milk or oz chem 8585 Mldmnrnlnl Flakup Fruit plateI peach halve 4545 melon wedges 2575 hymn cup cpuagp mum may Kauai wuaga cheese cup nonu breath thin slices or ML thin Illa or Mm 10050 butter $51 225 Altman Pickup Glm of aklm milk ur buuer milk or 01 lgan meal or chicken so come black ar with ah my Iwe9leper VIM Menl nylon wlndbmkerl or chllller thy Ihead hmlnlled Inf welzhllnu wmnlh and qulllvlnternncd Zipper mat ulchln Itcznu laden bllck brown lit 36 la 48 Special CHAEG Only ms weekly MENS BOXER SHORTS Reg 3m Hlxlucoum collnn broadcloth Ihnrt In 77 vuflglyflo gerlrlApxinul Allround eluuo MENS BOXER SHORTS Reg 00 Hlxlucoum collnn broadcloth Ihnrt In vuler nu primal Allround eluuo Wllll Sim SML Save 35 Speck works Miam Mrs Dlnner Baked ham lean only 01 N0 DOWN PAYMENT ron YOUIi ZELLERS IJD CHARGE Ill Mla ornln 31cm um um Nm mum mum pumvly mm vlh Ihuddvd mm wuuy um um um myInl n1 mum um IIlulu SHREDDED FOAM PILLOWS BflMFflHII or ML oz for Mn 170435 com on cob lame elr 100100 margarine or butter pa so50 broiled tomato 6060 wssed salad 11515 French dressing mm 60 60 0211 nd with skim milk 5454p d1 J¢ bar of manled wnmen whé tnkc up playinglhe plum is on thI Increaseaaya Mrs Edna le kins who has been leaching piano lor25 yamLi hm more marrch women tnkfnl lesson with me lhnneverbr tare she says Total calories Mr MmHM Tolal calories for 011 day Mfr12 Mil1134 Mannqu mm Moymmgy cmnajnumZ 2277 257 l57

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