paf increase for Canadas Members of Pulamenl is long overdue and mo payers will have little cause or dispute even though somq say there Is nathlng they 9611d0ï¬ll9l It rm 99 Anthll at Ottawa ls paid $10000 year wlth $2000 of this amount tax free which sounds most Impressive when it ls consldered that the national average come ls about $3800 per annum But an MP his almost uncontrollableexpenses For Instance there are telephone calls long distance from Ottawa to home and many collect calls from constltuenls When the House at Commons ls not in session lllPs often have to make calls to Ottawa on behalf ofsomeone or some thhtg ln lhelr rldln The llst or demands on an MPs pocket ook can only be ex plalned one who has been through the mill onslder donattons to all klnds Elrrle Examiner July 19 1923 Slm coe Foresters arrlved home from 12day camp at Colllngwoud vlth Carmichael Cup for best shooting in brlgade com etltlon Sgt lrank Lennox Cpl isher and Slgnaller Butler lr won badges Mrs Anne Jane Wilton Bar rle only centenarlnn at 100 years four months died at home of nonlnAlnw James lllarlln rlneipnl of Vlclorll School Town lcrk Smlth auld tnxes were belng pnld more promptly tlll your Frnnlg llobcrly games of causes can hsrdly refuse Election expenses are almost unbearable especially when there are four In slx 9552 Membersoi Parliament hive been feeling the economic squeeze for some time much more than prnfessionhl men in private life Those who have given up lucrative jobs in public life need con sideration The fact is that many well Insurance incrqases are merely keep lng up with the increased cost accrulng from bad careless Ind dangerousdrlv cu insurance companies are not benevol ent institutions they must make some money lo 5in in business and their in crease in premiums in 1982 was only half ihe cost of increased claims The answer to All this is Simple Driv era must discontinue bad driving or auto mobileinsurancc ralca wlll go to oinl where many people will not be abe to afford to drive at all How then are the poor and careless drivers going be shown the error of their ways this year Fronh liioherly Barriers oldest native died at age 88 lie was born In Poyntz Street house on July til Hm Three places broken into Mon day night rtwo garages on Bradford 51 id Si Mn Church where our hole as were rob ed iionor rol for lior rle in high school entrmce exams was composed of Henry Sluts ilicitord Abbott Verna Ferguson Marjorie Glen nie Evelyn Buchanan Florence lllnds Desmond Keenln ldn liose ilny Living ston John Swan Gilbert liorlonI Alfred lelllnd Richard lier loaton Edwin Shuter and George Snltl Barrie Night on radio station CFllll irom To ronto arranged by Edmund llardy had the iollowlng local periormers Charles Muslréémmunltles have been endeav wring la cducala drivers but it just isnt m1 my1 13 mu Mumn Illlulmy and mum vm nun Alonr mullum munL um IN MI mum Allullllu mm nomm mm Inbmlguon nu dully unm ll umly um nuy my in an In mm on gun uu amnm qum m4 lm And 1mm 7mg Iclerborough Examlncr lhc Chrislhlc chlor olfalr was In last straw or The Scull the mm of Inmlou modelllng school 15 dls lrcsscd bccnusu lhn word model seem to have become nynonymous wllh promln tully lndrcd the word In Illnchcd lo Mlss chler Inlerdmlgcnbly with all glrl prollllulo and mrlyqlrl Mm Scollu school has drop mil the word model and is sung Imlcm munncqulm She aisn asking Ilrlllsh lnshlon houses In make lho llnllnullon MPs Deserve Increase To Provide Relief From Bufden Bad Drivers Up Insurance vexious TypesOf Walls Publisher Tho Banio Examiner THI NEW ARISTOCRACY fhtaEarthajiixamim éubUShed by Camdnn Néwspaï¬erajuinned 18 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Brlm SIIIEM VEDNESDAYJULY ll ll Plla4 queiiileri then must more than think twice before serving their country not iawa even theiexpense of the hustlngs There are many potential MP who could not nliord eVen to think of running for election Not since tBM has there been chanï¬e in stipends for MP5 But the House comlnli to demand moreahd more tlme oi its lembers Late sessions and short recesses make it all but impossible to carry on any outside activities roiliair ly There are few except ons of course and lucky is the MP who has Runner or manager to carry on while ls working on the nations business lllany competent man do not offer themselves or service to their country for this very reaon in the United Stat es the congressmen get $22500 year pigs tree ice We dont want people going Into pol ltics for monetnriy reward That has been aald olten and belng said today Surely we dont wnnt good men stlyln out of politics hecnusa of lhe luck monetaryweward In democracy that is be depleted Snso Tony Cnncllll Arthur Jay Hazel Marshall Moore Sadie Bremner Mabel Cheesman Mrs Hardy Lorne Arnold Emory Hill Harry Shannon Nan 0rd Jean Kenrns Harry Barron Mrs Franklin Lew Ind neglmld Godden Barrie bnscball team 105121 to Mid Provincial Police lnspeclor Putnnm de elnred culiin in was main reason for so many real enls on lwolnne Highway 11 between Barrie nnd Bradford Not for many years has there been such heni wove this month in ihls urea Standard Bank merged wilh Cnnadlnn Bank at Commerce Bolh have Barrie branches Andrew Wiggins band mnsier pleased will progress oi regi mental band of Slmcoe Foresters which hnd 17 musicians all under 20 years from Harrie Lewis Merrick DIVG Man kle nob Orok Clelua Hindu clnrlnou llorold Kemp Arnold North Chlrlle lilnds corneia llonald St Clair Alto horn lrnnk Lennex Bob Powell Jock lerey trombones Arthur McLean Ilaude Sylvester buriinne horns Allen Percy nob Mnrrloli hm horns Bill Blogg Ward Smilh drums If we pay Ihemvell we can expect to get good men to handle our business that of running our country well hnvlng the ellcct ll should Then we must say what wlll have the deslred el lcct One lhlng ls of course to take the poorest drlvers all the road those who cut ln do not stop at stop streets and are he instigators of accldenlsu An other ls to lncreuse patrols on hlghwnys whlch has proven better than education at least It results In the drlver remember lngson1e ofhls pgucgllonl The Provincial force is to be in creased from 1888 to 3366 Ind extenss ion is going aheihi as fast as the force can absorb these recruits When so many nunger drivers Ire becoming invalved accidents many of which gre iaial then the application of severe restrict ions wiil he the only way of holding the increasing insurance rates lahdffealuring llchers due him31 Erenglanl and lldlnnds Oulclle Mrs Suoll Ix llghllng balllc on In lng groundl Slnco models In usually mlscd and IlllllLlIVC ll L1 nol mrprlllng hat girls of negotiable vlrlue usn he won too the word mnnncquln galnl lavour he Illrlsllno Kcolm the world wlll slmply ull lhomxclm mnnnequlnn HOUSING DISCRIMINATION Gwen Ilny IrcsaInthIc It Is unlorlunalo llml much me pro Izlcm In housing 1311 upon me ml Inlc nxenls And yet they mm In up In lhe Issue and accept It The Chlcnio lIcal Extan IInnnI Im reconlly IdmIIIoII mch N01qu rcnl Mule men In mum bmhIr more the problem II II cum among mambo of all um bu Inro mm In vlulcncc lIu holler Ihe chlnm Io Hold the vIqunu Them In cnnIInunIIy gmwlnu Noam populalInn In thonsln nml llm Imunln Illunllnn II lhc IIIMI nurqus problem dllcrImIn nIInn naw In the AIM ll mould nul only b0 the mm of II hlsr law In cm In ropoud on In In llul Ihnulxl Ilm lucomln rub cm at nll colon in lho Imporunu Ir lmlmtnl in houaln or No men The existence cl Negro ollol wlt lho ruullnnl uulomnllc ool Ind KFlay muml legrognllun nnd nubnllmlur llv ng condlllom ovenlmlly mom ulo pme wellbum wall conucl encu of ovuryono In lhl mu Gmnl Manmr By GHMOLNER Mn Dan Dr Mnlner WM hepalm and how long does It lusl Could person be ur rler ul In mu Iho pre muve measures Youve asked some very good Inneslians but leln change he orgy angwelrirlu mug He all lnnnmmnllon of the Iver Than number types Some are InIecllauI mm arcnl Jnundic mean mu he Ilem lkln hecomu yelluw no lo hlle plumenl body you see lurnlshcs lo the liver yel low mlarlnl mluu which be mmu pm 01 the bllt Blle II dlxeulvt Juice and um pl menl expelled Inu pullnx lhmulh um lnlulinnl tract lhe liver because ol um um or other cum II unlbla In It rld the plfmenl lhen lh yelluw rndul 1y Iprudl exnewhcrolo lhe IHII and Mm ol Ihl eyu ll ll AL pmle or he llver In he hnnllhy flu or Ihe bllc dud to become ohslrudui no lhl fluid clnnol reach lhe Imnll lnlmllnc Agnln he cnlorlnl mlllcr ll diverted and you hlvo Iundicef pcrsnn had yellow Jaun dice child could he sllll lei htpaflllfl Whll is he dil mnn lectn the two Can lhm be any rucurrcnce ul 14 lher Mfl8 laundch snl disousqqlll Iymplnm Hnwnvar rll usually but not always mean lher dlsem There Ire nth clum ol Inundlce may varlellu here In prlqclpl aneg Infeclluus Us cured by virus whlch um be acqulred mm canlcr or rnm cun llmlnlled load or walrr Sm load rohlhly man my cum cr In an food an Shell fun mm wnlm wnumlnlled hr uwnle lur oumrlh hm bun wllhhcld tram durlbullon hecuule 01 Hull Hmnolnlou mum laundlc In which lho cm In vlnu llllnl II In lhc mm Thlll any blood Mnlu mu pron donurl who hlfl MI lllll wlmln 1m lml ylnr or lm mnlmod i1 nuv 1m 731 Ilv ll ll uni lllI In Toxlc hepnlllIAlhl llm hm hm mnled hy tom Iuch than lunchlnrldl ur cum nrmn chunlul nl ind in dlmm II unlnn rwuurfllrr ma glth nl lollc typo Imnl In on mm le he MIMI Carbon lcltuhlarldn null Innu nlhu thomlrlll onm rlnmlnl Im mi 1mm Inthlnl IMIM II mmd mined by mpnml ol lb puplL 1m obflmlm lmr tlu nl lhg bllxlul frevenllon Mnld mnlnml nund nler or Icnlmrl lwhllh mean v10 ha la look In Ilr hullh dcplrlmenu lo uTa un on him on known hrrn expoud lo lnrmlloul hr Hlll don nl Immn llnmr lln la pmmllye Fur omouwl mum rpm Iluu cm dunKn Mom Ilrkl Ilulllmllnn mlnm Ihlth mu vlnm TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH BIBLE Hepatitis Listed IM THE LEADER ILL LOOK AFTER HER THOUGHT How on heplull lull II not mlly Inlwered case dud uburuclion nmovnl at he obstrucllon bring rapld rc covcry In loxlc casu espe clulli II mnlulll Isnt quit lyv ldenlllled lmubla can in all ma on For lnbelwccn culex hcpatlus usually mullet some menu spbumceg chn mm the llvori It the dmllona reéommeHd usng only In wellwenlllltad Fllce 1W bluelln hg daddy ol lhe lune lamily II Hckle llsh that dcslraycd lively lndualry In wemm qua 3mm Ive year no by Ilmply mum lo turn up or Ibo lnlcmnllonnl wwuporl MS lunn tourm mgnl algerjo yonqllful ylar club and cnlrcprcnem III hopnlul lhal bath lhl hunnry bluellm Ind dampm Innlm In llndlnl Conupllnn Buy hm ma hununn around They buckcd lhclr hopns lhls your by Increasing the um Heel down beau lmm lul yur elm Flsherlulk wlse In In my ol lho bluelln luuul lhu lunu wlll lnm up In worthWM num Inc quldï¬u llkuwllc New mm In an regbnull nmlcipnle tumor Inurl In the locll Iaurlsl Induluy In hluenn Inna cunllnuu In npgllc od mm to Irrlved nurly In yur Illd Mn Muriml Vllllamx pruldtnl at newly lormtd Newfuund lnml Tunn Fllhlnl Auoclnliun Muybo lhl Iquld wlll In only loo mu hippens luna will Inflow BOOKING IRISK Hy miss uussnv Canll Preu Campendent Mu Wllllaml who onu um lulu bout Min Town Ind Coun lry Ilyn booklnn or 15an um hrllk lhh your and whm lhu llul Mudllh ll hauled II £54m will Illrl wllh nmh ulnon opunud nllltlnly July II lml lho um ludlllon ally IN MI liken unlll Aulull nnd marl cvnllnun lhroulh ombcr rim lmdlnl Inl mr wn Aux ml the my hclon ll lm lrom nilud am In mllnllnfl Cnnldu 1th hm Int mum unJ unmhl mm In Conconllon my brand body cl wnhr tulllnl dun Inln lhl Avulon lcnlmuln nl nnulneul Ntw umdInd wllh llnlyrnnd II In on Tm card leluundlml hul hluallnl Wu In mm Ilnuln nlch In Nrwtuund nnd mlm In Mlvpound huuly band In 1131 by pvovlnclll ourhl fllurlor Vurdy who hum lht Nth lnr owl Inna llmm umund Nowlumullllkl In IPM MWII wunnurnnr DOA nu annual hm try rum lhv In Rol Illul Ill Wnliqmrl wbm Hull In I0m lunlï¬un hmkrd um vnconllnn an llml mu lnl mm 500 pound ullh In more ulrh Jun Ihy NOVI lmlll Mgpound may nmver qu mm hm mllM nnw MIN lha lncmn nm Tuna Fish Will LiureTourists Maxiï¬me Resort Owners Hope IIOLYIIOOD Nlld CE VIMI BI opmlu mm nunphy who has been runnlnn the Mk Van Mum or our ycnrl added Iwn more Iunn boll lhls year Ill hounhl lhl Tmy um II In Vcdgcporl Ind had lhe Flzhllng Lady bull the The Ncwfaundlnnd lovcrn man 11 anornllnl Ill Shamrock ll hero lhll year am All un luccmlul Ionian Ill yelr lnullnl lunn wlenllll in Bonn Olllclnll dnnl lIulyrood hecomlnu moth Vcdzmrl yzl um Ihe blunnn populn llmI In Concepuon Ba knobs wllh loul enlullum Mymod mlxhl ycl become mecca nr dbéprlen Imrllmen WERE UNITED Up unul mu Dmmrk and Norway wan unlled undnr Dnnlsh ruln lnr Ilmun boo yuu By THE CANADIAN PRESS July ll ma An Amorlcln doctor mu far one cl lhI molt lrhy murderl In Ule MI Iory at London Enzlnnd wu mauled yum ludIyln mOII the pllo nullnn Fnlher Folnt near ernnulkl out Thu menu at Hnwley Harvey Crlpgen Ind hll pmmaur mm Lo New mum 1h um mu mule or track In down crlmlnnl Cm pen wn hanged In Penlon villa nrlaon London on Nov mo or um mur der and mumallan or his Tom IN HISTORY MelNlYRE noon LONDON The old Chelul centre the art whrld wllh Ill plcluruque old vlllu Georzlln ileum and nudlol ll lm an IPernmJndeed ll hn cheni ed lmmenunbly even In the yam Ilnca the end the second world wet The prom nl chm he been vlalnlnl pm ln recent yearn with he old let me and Ihupl dluppmlnx Iud beln replaced by luxury lygg ol levnlaprmnlh REPORT FROM ILK The other day whlh on rip through Chaim noled Ihll Ulla luxury duvalnpmenl In over whelmed ye mother hlalorlc cor ner lhll Inclent borauah whlch hnl mam richnu chmclur lo thin man the harmlth at greater London Thu demnlman Hull hm moved lnla Park Walk and are earInl down my 914 trance Park Wllk oncl ml of collagen Ind small errcu wu known to he poop ol the are usLuvcrA Walk Both ends lhlx street are being redevelop ed and In place of lhe Imnll lcmccd dwclllnn hynom day the bulldeu no menu lawn home which will can any lhlnx mm 850000 Io 0000 DESCRIBED IN BOOK Thh newest ench to cm dawn In close to Fnlhnm Rand whlch Intersects 1h borough houses wm ducrlbed In book Lllllochellcl by th ncv Scott built In lha only pm lhe lath cent ury and In excullenl cumin period Thu mam ll mon 1y orlnhul and worthy 01 mm lnallnm Unlll lhu wurk of dtmollllon wu nlurlnd recently ho terrace hu cunlalned Imlll sham among them ma repllr shop mudhand the with In ex lemlve Mack 01 klnd of mer chnndlu In hm mm Che The llme vessel with three men abunrdwu caulhl In hurrlunu of mow Ind wlnd as she let the French lslmd St Plum In the Gull St Lawrence fur lh Mmllc run to Fortune FORTUNE Nlld CHIt was blucrly cold Dectmber day In 1m Ncnr Im llund In Hermll an Bay mile hum pm and In all mum Ihl wu drlven an In It rocks Blu mu came In over he dock Ind threatened wash uI overboard awry Plercey now 64 malls The dory WM amuhed la plécu Haney lklpplr 0mm EI Md and crew member John Woodland Icumhlcd on lo the mqka lhlnklnx In the blinding snow ihal lhcy had ruched lhI mnlnland llul bolllnl Unm dcrlng mulch ocun lay be IWlM lhem and sand 1mm Halsey undmook hi dunner nu rip tank In wrzck In ad mm In hllp h=m uhnre nu who wuuld plunu lnln lurhulem ml la uke one end the row lu land The Iklpper nld ha cunldnl lem Nor could Vnadlnnd MT ED IW TIDE Pierrrccymmylr hihnd mm mm hrlora Ind hunl Iwum Hurricane 01 Snow And Wind Takes Two Lives Third Escapes Ah World Centrek Fast Disappearing om mpemlonerl bought their dunno lew nhmlnu New hm hm all gone OLD FAMILY BUSINESS One the 1m than IIIan to Wu Ihll nl Wllllnm Ben nut whole mwmenla buslnen wu on flu oldulelllbllnh ed in Chelsea This Ahoy wu aunde mm thin 70 yam no by he wucri znndhlhen but hll Imflyl connedlan with lhe properly on back or more than no yam ltlr Bennett known Bill by hie many mulor eultomm did not five up hi huelne with out buer Ilnlulc ought ion but wlthout mm in the eonm lor tene But the much oi modern prozrul could not be halted Ind hll premllee were doomed to extinction in the prunes nl redevelopment Now with no me cl oi lEqllhltlhA in his bull in the new look boroughol Chelum he ll leaving landon lo llnd home in the quiet hllls Sumle The ills planning Ippllcalinn or he replacement he old lnrrlcu on Lavm Walk wu ior 35 flan Ind mu 111i wu lumad down by me London County Council But In entirely new plln calllnl for the em lien 01 Illiely lawn hmm hu been Approved by hi Cheim council Ind is ex cied lo celve Ipprnvnl ol LCC TM in only one of the Chel Iu mu In which the old npldly belnl replaced by lhc nuwl Amonn other which In dun or demolluon uhulldln pulol hmorlc Roynl Avenue whlch ludl up air Chrhlophcr wrenl Royal Che Hulpllll Ind earner ml onrlmly Cinean Walk Chelm beinl modernlud but to lever 01 old London will mm Lha mm In It wu whan ll wu Ihe mm hm dDIIl colony mm but win he did Ihl day Had one and cl lha rap around Woodllnd Ind jumped The wu mud mad mud The dlxlnnce had my lboul so alhnm About In feet lol but Ind hnuercd ncnr lhe share because the Ildc heaved In Ind aul but mac IL thanked God was uhare Ind resolved lo AVl Ihe olhcn bonnn worklnu to gel Woodland nshare tuned bu all Woodllnd holding back Ha dldnt wlnl to in Ink me ter tuned on me my harder Flnslly all Ihe rope rellfr Vnodlnnd will In lhu wnn mat alfllcully he made back In Ihorl wilh Ellord ll lhoulh one bl bnueml Plercey llfllnll the rock and he clm up lulhlnl blood Ind vomiting The lhrre Iurled at Grok tiny thlnl mmmuully liv mlxel Away In cnchd and mm hut Ilonl lhu wny Wnodllnd betme Io wuk cauldnl con4nuo linurdmwncd And exhlulcd Woodland WA hnulcd nhnrc Now It wu he sklppua um Flamy an thu rope lied nruund Woodllnd and plun cd bark Inln thl water The un er low took hlm Io Ihc rock