Teachers lcnvlng NmtlpL James Mlss MocDonnld Mn Marlin Jnmu Savage and Mn 11 anton FROM PUBLIC SCHOOL Teacher ionvinx the pubilc achools Mrs Grace Brawni Codringlnn im home duties Agnes Flynn Codrlnglnn retir in John bowling iullcresl lo Alllsion Eluln Green Kin Edwnrd to Markham Townshlp Mm Bonnie Morrison Kinl Ed wnrd lo Mldinnd Mrs Carol lizndmon Kin Edwnrd la Cobourz Jennnoilc Fails Onk Iey Yuk in Malian Mrs Mur gnrc Dangerï¬eld Prince oi Wain 101 home duilcs Minn Fmom Prince oi Vnies an olher occupation Mn Agnu Thomson Sicclc ior home du ties David Kcyho supervis or unwind education or pub ilc nail in Dcpunmeni oi Educatinn in moronio AIM Imm HM tin um mm rmr Chib MR ran lunmlm um In hu um HIM lhullvl mmmm In manlysix teacher 1mm ha public school and collegiate are leaving Bane or the school lcrm FortyNah teachers are com in to Enrrle for this school year Thlnyane teacher go to Ccn ml Collegiate 11 lo Nonh Col leulnle and 11 to the publlc chmls Tenthcrs leavlng the colle glalos are Cenlrnls Cale Dnhlke Mlss Desle lano Mlss Keith Hearing Mrs Le Gullah Mil chell Mrs ODonal Miss Prlmhard Smith and Teal FROM NORTH To PUBLIC SCHOOL Amun Mum mom llnl numlnlum mum on Am ï¬lm HA um um NI mu hymn on no row1 Cdn Imp Cum mm IM III pl FROM CENTRAL Teachers comlng lo the Pulr llc School Board mm Codrlng lemurs Donna lulu l9 Queen 6L llnrrle rem have Mlu Elnlno Dru rrlu mm one collcgc lllll crestJ Thoma Gnlu 00 Na plcr 5L Dnrrle mm lunchen collcle Klnu Edwardmlnl Cownn ll ll Slrourl Mrs Lorna Steele Aunts SL Bur rlu Mn Mnrllyn Schncldcr Pnlmwlck Oakley lnrk Cnrol Mndlllv ll ll Elmvnlo mm tenchm collelu Prlncu ol Wnlu llllchnel llndllcld lnr leyl lxxlze Pawnssnn Aynsllc Lllllc 51 anlcr 5L Barrio lmm lenchm collcxu Sltclo Mrl Cnllmrlnu Shnnnlum Phel mlon lram leavo Bellow School Jl llmckcr In Pink Ildo Drlve llnnlu Shltlcy Mc Kay I7 Slonu Aw Elmvnlol llllrllyn Nu Vlclurln 5L nurllnilon Supply cutlmn The worldn 10mm mounlnln rnnxo II In l0000mllo lub mmlno rldxa rnllcd the Mid Mllnllc Curdlllerm INQUIRING REPORTER ASKS EDGER HYRNE 16 No could very well lnkedem with aur work But you should Hallowed go up all with girl on weekends If yornï¬nb cut with only one glr here Is no chance In meet others 48 New Teachers Come To Barrie num Immmu III IMMIva MIMI IL I115 Mull mm at mum nu In In lllluy VI Mu Am om ml J1 mm on MI rIMnnc In rat rum mununa In Tum mum lflll Infill Induumm nv In mm up mumq up II Ivmwm urn MIMI min lndlmlllh up II Held dawn lull 0H III Do YqujBelieveln SteadyDating While In High School TODAYS STOCK PRICES Cumnllrd by Flynn Dunlap HI lllnlr LONGER RANGE ms nu hi mnunm vhum him Amp Im with inlu uniuin Inky Vt Jarll CIIAB rrixum 41 um InI hum mam Iumo II and II um Tougher comlnl North Cal lxlaln Min Joanna Anderson shmny Bay Terry Pnddlson Forest Miss Anna Qullly Ar thur IL Bellinghnm Toronto Carson Parry Sound Teacher to Central Collegiate Donnld ill Bollon Hamilton ii Brown Clnrkson Buckley iliaxvillo Daniel Cleary Mndan Miss Nanci Cockuhuti Inndon Waller Dublnskl London Richard Edwards Sirotiord Mn Joan ii Ferguson Taronio Peter Ferguson Toronto Lawrence Glmuz Windsor Miss lliory Gienny Fort Eric Emile Grail Barrio Miss Mnrurol iinwiey Essex England Dalton Kirk Mllvcrton Stanley iiscumb Tomnlo lilso liml Martin Parry Sound Wllllom Osborne iroquoi Folio Pamboukian Welland William Price Toronto Rolland Orililn Kanncih sallory Fart Frances Min Evn Jean Sway Toronto Min Elonnorn Tnylar Delhi iicnry Thompson St John NB Mn Audrey hun bull North Bay Whnt mough Winnipeg Man ilirl Doreen winch Barrie Mn hynn York naribog Station Edna Ball 89 Bayllcldsl to Oakley Park School tom leave and Mnry mrnnn Elmvale to lllllmst School from teach college 10 NORTH Norman Hanks with tho CNR in Barrie Ilnco Dcc ember 1002 will be appoinled whlum uperlnlcmknl at Ihe Allnndnle aanon omomw TO CENTRAL replace Wlllllm alum lormer uperlnlcndenh whu llm tomorrow Mn Hanks began his carver wllh lho CNR an oIIIm boy In 1911 In tho pnrll depmlmenl IIo gradually moved up wllhln lho orznnlmllnn and In 1056 was nppolmcd nulennl dIthnn enulnm In Irlnco nuperI IIIC Ho stayed 1ch hr two yearn and moved to Toronto where ho became aupcrvllor rnlnlnu Ml next nppolnlmcnl wnl nl Cameo where he ml in ma cnzlneerlnu and mnlmcmnw Iccllvn Ho cum to name In 1002 min mhlm unper lnlmdcnl Ho llvu 1n flnnlo wllh Ml wile Jan and lbclr ltycamld Ion Dcnnll LINDA EMERSON It dont hink no Study dating might Interfere wlth school work when you date one boy constantly hm are no chan cu to me other boys NR Appoints Norman Hanks Area Assistant Superintendent IN nu In In In ml Nu mm mum Inlllll 0th cm Him Iln Alum Mull luv lovl Ynlld Oll muny mum Non um um rd Inlv mm at Cm Ta Dom Ill Tum In Tun MI mu hum mm on wmn MW mun mi Vlulnll mm Killu My Mnry Elluhelh lludum as lame Vltrounlnl thcllfle of pneumonh City Calls Tenders On Sewage Plant Tender have been called by the City Barrie or An elu mnlcd $1000000 sewage plan ulemlon Mn Straughnn nnld comme lion for the extmslon designed by Gore and Stormy Comullinz Engineers Tamnlo mould an in the ML mm Mtlemlnl MILN111 11mm llnmhh nnallml Clmp Onmown hrmrr who lmmlll Indnl Mill wllh IM mnflnn Army to nmnln on hll InmL Tender will be received by Cky Clerk Ban Slrauzhnn until le3 oclock on ma Afternoon at 5W mu 7mm Group Clpl nnhm Mummy 14 mm mnndlu mm No wlnl CAP Mr Divlllm In JULIE PELLEmEEu 13 NO dont Glrll shouldnt ha tied down one boy throï¬zh their hlxh heal dnya It could nlsn Inurlm with high school work Ntnlyrllvu Mr Trulnlnl Corp mm mm Gnnl mllaln ac oompnnlcd lyy lhrel oulclnb ml us cmt Mr rm Cndlll lmm lhn Unilul sum nlno ncompnnlbd by Ihm ol llcnll who are rmnuy laur lnl Cumin wll vhll RCAF Bullnn Cnan Harden Frldny nm nu wlll lmml Tho tullch wlll weml he nflernnon lourlnl noun Schnoll ol lhu slnllnn Ind wlll In unit It Mm Dinner hod Lml by In Senior Mr Cldu hunk 11w Amerlrnn Cldm luv lnlunlny memoan lor London um lhn mmm Cantu In lo 5L CMhnrlnu 55 Air Cadets From UK USA To Visit Borden II THE CANADIAN IIUZM IL HAN DEATHS Darrin Aly Palm Immd 1th ho Min In Xompen my and AM ha boll In Myan loal Nauu 1M boul ï¬nallu WW II BL VIMCM lnll The rmme of mm Ind men the adult lemmlnx clas moqu by lha Banla YMYWCA every nlxhl at the Communily Poolhns been all um the olllclnla had hoped Urmla Iloehnar Iupervlsor of womenl mlvllks reported m1 mumlnl um 27 5qu Were out 1m night Although the smpxln Wank dhturbnnm moving entwnrd mm US plan will bring shower wellem lecllonl lhe lower lnku 1m badly and emwhm In louthem Inld central Ontario Luke St Clair Lnku lIuran Nlnmn Lake Erle wellern Lnku Onlarlo wulhem Geor In Bay Wlndlor London Toronto Illmllton enlem Mk0 Onlnrio llnllburton Naflh rn Georgian Bay loulhem Timn um Sudbury North Bay Sunny but with increasan clnud mu today Partly cloudy wim Icnllered Lhawtrl or hinder Ihowen onlxhl Ind Thurday Wlndl llxhl lodny nonmeer 10 lo Thurmny PEGGY HALL 15 dont really know depend on the amount likan Involved In gain steady Danna all right but not through the school week School work Ihould com um Mjamn mlnn Vnrll la claudlneu lady Ind Thur law Ihowm or lhundmhow Ilker both dnyl Wind mgmyly 1010 ll FontII Tlmwnlunl law Ionlflll hllh Thundly WIndwr nm london Kllchener Mounl Fam mwm mNMn RI Cllllll Taronlo Pelllbaraulh hmm mmm Iluuknh Nnrlh mm Human ï¬nal lBIG Inn MImmH 8338332338388228838 Szgzzzzazazazzniagi Nnrlhem Tlmnxnmi WMH mm wultrn Jnmu Buy to Irma Sunny wllh low cloudy lnlcrvn Ind warmer lady Ind nlurd Wlndu Allah Lake Hu Inn llny Luke Elle Lnkn Onlnrlm Wlndl vnrlnblc manly lm lhnn no knoll lanlzhl nnd ml la nann ull enernlly 1m than no hIOI an nlulldlx Fllr weather dny Sulleml Ihnwerl Ind hundnmnrml lanhhl awmmmo mmumn mndnmehlalx or me dda Sum Taylor explain the mph pm 01 the Adult Response Is Good To Swim Classes Bartle Police ï¬nd Boat WEATHER wmwmmumwwNMMMwmwwmw program untied tIowly Inst week wn are happy about the way Ls going now 5h nld mlnlmuxn mpcople is re qulmd the programs In situation are to be run she said Attendance kccps up lhcra will be no problem in pm vldlnz men nnd woman wllh the hour from 545 fl45 every weekday There are still places nvnll able for Interested novlccl vr experienced swimmers Adult who wlsh to join In LN lwlmmlnu mny nhow up at Him pool or register at lhu flux4 RANDY JONES WY to certain extent lbbnfl or you when you grow up Because than you know how court them better But dating is betler on weekend than during the week Eloctrlclly Is Safe Clean Flameloss 15 BAYFIELD STREET ELECTRICITY IS BEST COSTS YOU LESS Matchless Electric Water Heating BIIBBIE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION is proven to be over Olhor methods may only he as muzh ll 65 offlclonr SL Andrews and First Bap list churches are Joining one through lhe summer munlha xiv Iho rcspccllva mlnlsml holiday During July St Andrew con artgallon hns wouhlpped with First Dupllst people while Rev Ron Adams was an vacullon Thmuxh Auausl the cnngre gallon wlll change plum wagshlp whlle luv Harold Walk er First Baptist on canon These uullcd scrvlm hnva been carried an or more than 25 years BYLle GABLE IE No because it can easily Luluere with ynur achool work girl 1on in out WM 35 many guys possible to gm her chnncs meet more fellow Congregations Get Together ran Flameloss And More Efficient Iool FOR FULL DETAILS CALL THE 0F PIPING HOT WATER EACH DAY AND IT COSTS ONLY Independent survey prove that more water can be heated at lower cost with llnt nlte electric water hcattng lhan any other way YOU CAN USE OVER MONTH T0 HEAT IT Tho mun volunm hunted by anulhcr mrlhml cnllld ms over $1300 per month Dlal telephone servlce wlll be lntroduted ln Camp Borden lale In 1964 Nelson Bell Tel phone manager for lhln reglon ld this Week llr Nelson also sald lhal ï¬id this Week llr Nelson also said lhal conversion in lhe dial yslem will mean hat Cum Borden cuxlornera will be rece Vin new telephone number next year Thus will consist oi the preiix and iour other iixures part oi the dial conversion pmiect Bell Telephone crews will be active extending and re arranging the network of wires cable and poles in the Camp quden when yeah Mr NcIson nld that Dell craftsmen wlllbe calling on homes and business establish ment in Camp Borden In make adjustments to or replace tale phgny uls 11115 work will go an ï¬ght up to the time 01 the convenlon to the dial system Mr Nelson Barrie Clly Police are inves ligniinz iwacnr collision which occurred at ihe corner oi Owen and McDonald simls thoriiy bciore midnight yester day According to police llnrvle Johnston nerczy SIA was Bell To Introduce Diql Service To Camp Borden lute In 1964 Investigate 2Car Crash THE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY MY II 1961 DICK BOSWELL land hand Durrecn Caldwell at the adult lemmlnz class 90 Io EFFICIENT said that customers should re raln mm using the dial unlll the me the changeover When placing calla belore that Ihgy shoulï¬ ghnply the IE secuun opHizhwaylN aqgm 21 Just nurlhjol Barrie gnlnï¬t to be widened ta our lump Arthur Evbnx MFF for Slmcflg C¢nlge auflgi lndny tower ï¬ï¬d answer This median is now two lunar and part 01 ll 13 known In Paddys any Mr Evan said There hm been la 01 accidents In lhlsw aecllun andthere In zonxeg inn with truck any no He sald halls been lzhu¢m or this or long time Widen Highway Noxth 0f Barrie proceeding west on McDonald sum and EIWood Hon Wmsley 5L wu going north on Owen street Yugoslnvln 2x ccudcd 96000900 or the Ir Police sum Dom mn made 10 um and collided wllh each other Damngu wera estima ted at aboul 20 Miner ol the driven win Ihjurcd live moï¬lhi of I961 conducted at the Barrie Com munin Pool Examiner Phoi as PUSH EXPORTS PA 64325 Zypéï¬tor wm GALLONS