Propose Coldwell As New Senator UlflwA CF Prnmlnml Llheral and Conservative sena on suggested nxcsday that Caldwell former nntlonal leader of the CC many he ap palnlcd tn the Scum The step was proposed In lha hum House by Senatar dc mm LBrlllsh ColumA bjn It was lupported by Sen or Ros Macdonald govern ment leader and member nl Prlme Minister Pearsons cabl nel and Senator Wallace McCutchcon PC Ontarial ma mlnlsler In the laxmar Progresslv Conservallva luv emmeuL In douhl Alex Qulhnn Snckty CIllll whn Inlroductd the oXullon In work wllh Imnmmlp nl ancro Ind Tho Ihlllpplnu Inld ammo wwld no Ilon wllh lhq than VIN AND Onl CIY John all llulmvlllu 0nl th ullp ml IIymold dnunhlcr hm llllcrl ladny when their rnr nn umluncnlh Imlml all well on Queen Ellubflh Wu FAdor Spinger Tracy Reported Bomr Thu wording ol the MmAnlnn molullon wu wilcncd Tuudny mln ol nmrndmunu In lrodumj by Vcnuueln mm lho mnludon lndltnlnd the channel were Mttpllhk bul flue ilinn lnrlulsll nut Annlhircouncll poiml 01118er dllocnllm wnm fluenlluw Ill Mum Mull ID Jimnu mum puc um Lon Of Woolwoth Holrou Inlurod Mr Caldwell 74 obviously Iumrlocd by he Mnalnrs mnrkl sold In cluphano In terview from his Ollawn home lhnt he wm nskcd lo becomo lenntur ho would consider Iuch no on Munwhlla lho Commons In almon an hour longer lhnn usull Io conllnuc debuts on he Economic Council at Cnnudl In tho hope reconsan or he Iummer lalcr this weak Add Ionll bout my be added Io hiwork roller for ml of the week 71119 government tamed nxcs day to make Innmer nmund men to Juan budget um UNITED NATIONS 4cmm United Nations Security Council was uhcdulrd lo vole today an wnlercdduwn mnluuan cull lnn on Iorluxnl to 1m her tlcnn Mrrflarm um non VJ Wmlwndlfhelru unborn 1mm vgu mud Wed 41 ha uenl mgr urban on Mumollmd DIM pollm fSewrity Council Votes Today 30n Call For African Freedom mm ANGELES AP Adan amen mm Imprnvlnl awry day ullmdnnlu Al 51 thrntl mum ny Thm III Men In Inld on when hl wlll luv lhv mun Tmy mmle In day no Dodo Inhl ho had pulmonary conunllon 117th uenl am bank on Mumollml DIM pollm mnmv 15 Inge Iona huap MI xlpclorl uld Three Killed By Oil Truck HOSPITAL AHENDANTS marry unconscious Dr Steph en Ward mm home In Lon dons Chelsea section today hem he was found in 99 an No 178 MP1 AND IM Llqu lgvgnllov npqrgn cgi IQOI and NEWS BRIEFS For Bummer WmtrAdedo phone PA MAN flhe cleanups number to gull to um Walnch or mum Dept PA Hm our Telephbnes on WARDISINCOM JURY DELIBERATE ielephbnéé num WautAdsTcl MAN flhe clouhmo to lhnEIixlnch Dept PA my Thu Imendmrnll lnlrndurcd hr Vtmudll Mln Alvnrldo um um mnlrnvmlnl dnuw under which ma mundl Wu Inked 1o docldo lhnl all mumben should rdmln from giving any mistnu In Form In lhnl would rnnhlo lur mnllnug rcprrulvm In lhu Hi flrelilcicd In Imcnded drnn wnuld cummund at lent rllIxM rum in tho llanon mun llul Slr lnlrlck Dean ml III who had Ihnrply crlllthcd ll ulzlnnl wordlnz lndlcnlcd the changes dld not no lnr mu II II Iupporl ul hIL nlcunlloq iltriolnl Sonnlor Fanlrsrrpféï¬osifl Mr Coldwcllu nppollllmcn durinl ghc Scnulg lhmnu Ipccvhflcbnm provldcd Hwy ensured wldo mp port In lhe councll Ind pmvldcd noumore cgnp we laugh Th anerconl lnx proposed In the budget was nailed down July lo our per an emu llve Jun The In will bu boosted lo clghl per cent on April 19041110 lo lhe lull 11 per cap nflcr jhu and nl 1004 In nn adhrm cniflï¬zfor re Iorml to mnku Pullmun mm Illclcnl canccsslon was made as ho Hausa neared conclusion debate an the zavcmmnnll bill fnrmally npprnvhg um £3115 lax measur which also Ipplle loyrouctlan machinery Finn rommiuoo upnrnm ol lho blll was put aver unlll lo day In nllow an amendment lo be drafted to clarify Ihe appli cnllnn of he sales tax on con strucllon under lender when the tax cnnnuo becnmn effective June It The Eovrmmcntl dcclsion in exempt public libraries from the xnle followed it July announcement Ihal school and universities would no hnve to my his tax on building mnler Iv pomsexemption nubllc ll hmle mm the conlmverslal llpemml sales lax on building materials coma rnm drugs Continua tion of trial In Old Bliley Criminal Court on vice diar zrs was postponed AP Wire pholo um Cull mum Mll Cnml runm In nlxhl my Imth nn hrr nomad mm nun bl EMMA WM DOVE Englanq Mums Claudfn Mdhcnnn Wlnnipau Wu rcporteï¬ lodny Iva miles on Dover In her ammpl to cross lh Engllsh channel mm France to England Ilwihc succecd shu will be he yuunxcal pcrsan ever 10 hnvl swum ho zlmile chan ncl Sho cnlurcd lhe walcr ll 30 mm French limo 1030 EDT TugsginyLH sm swam out Ihc canllnx oi grcnsu used by most chnn ncl swlmmnra lo protect them clvc agnlnsl the chilly water The 17yeartoidrglrl wax bal lllnz heavy sens whipped up by flesh easterly prcqzc Followlngrthe meeting it was ofliclnlly announced that the power corporation will make court appllcnllnn Monday In re turning of BCE assets Chlef Justice bell mlcd lhe provincial govtmch does no havo the power In upmprlm BCE because came under edcral lurlsdlcuon 80 Power operated under ledeml chub La parent company lb VANCOUVER CH The Hrs move we uses the sot lhe llmilllundouar British Columbia Elamk Com pany was made nlesday by the Brilllsh Columbia Power Corner atan Officers oi the corporation canicrred with Dr Hurry Purdy reoppoinied court re ceiver in Mondays Judgment by Chic Jusilco Sherwood belt that the expropriation oi the BCE by the provincial government was mEKFi CImdln Mclhemu 11 Jmuh lhnflohl enlar Young SWimmer Miles Off Dover Coast PoWer Action Taken Jmn Pu SWIMMER Times AéAINm The mulls aru coming out lwn weeks earlier than usual hanks In an earlier cxnmlnn llan llmelablu mud speedup ln lhe mnrklnz lnlnl 27 380 sludcnls wrolo Ippmxlm ulcly 208000 yupcm TORONTO CP Grudu ll mull be mulled la Onlnrla schools Thursday Mlulslcr Education Davis an nounced today but Annual who Md lo uv Mr luluI 11 nllor mm min lnr name nine Imm Mw Impol lo Innkn Ibo cm In In In lbw It her NI new AP WW Grade 13 Marks Out Tomorrow Mc building In Vnncouycr Ncsdny or main over the am of the Illegully can Bmlo Ontrid Cindi Wldnoidnyluly 1963 ENTERING me no Elek nu lung odd Maul lrnlly wllh Jim Klunlln hnvy lccnwd Mnle ul mlkm an aboutlace un llm lnl hn hum yum nrlllnluul Hm Inlmm of lhn Ilunlnm Um Chlmn and An nfllclnl nmcm monl llnltmenl cnlcd hr wnrldwldc lummll cnnltrmcn In dlncuu Ilm qunllnn lhn cumplelu Wolllhlllun nnd lhnr nuxh dmrucuun nuclenr MIMI Cum open And unn nmcd hamllly In Iluulnn Khrushchcvl unvemmcnl Observers an rm al lcnuu lo Russlnn polity carnan Irom the hlxhul Chinese lthI £11 Hm scvonlh ml mm cl dlsnule maul The ulunmrm has double ulxnlliumco lhey mld Opposl llun In last weekl nuclear lul bun nzmmcnlexpcclrd by all nnd cmdcmnnllan Ilux llnn polity In murmur and mm lnal minmy rclcvnnl in ma nlnlcmtnl and In lcrms peeled hy few IVANTI HUMMIT NU GUEHH CIAllthï¬l NUBI In hem Nam In honl 000000 bulldlru pmlrd ll llu lrulrrnlu mumI ol lhc Onlm tin nurlmllum hpMme by 10 lrlklnu momiwn ol Hm lhlth lnyprl Mum Ind llndmn Unlm CIL nn unkm umek Manda nlunt lllfl umum Ulnlltd at mt mlmtm or IM mullq pathology Imlldlm do munfljnxg IvHu bn nw Ilnluncnl luunl by Hm an Chlnn ncvu Henry or lhu Hm llmu nprnly nml hlluly nlllllwlltxl Suvlol govcrnmrnl 90 17 lulu Imilï¬ii China hurled out me unprec edcnlcdly blller Iccusnllonl In nnnrlly denouncing lhc parllul nuclear lesl ban lrcnly 3n lllnlltd by lhu US Russia and Brlluin big rand In 1001 lhn peoplu or lhe war The viaicnce he sinicmcnl cnumi immediate xpccuiniinn ln diplomnlic clrclnn here wilclhcr it would lend numn lo make nma mavc lnwnni severing dlvlpmnlic rciqiinm with Chitin PEKING meme Corn munm China charged today Russial volley wn Ia ally with imperialism lo op commu nism nnd la ally tho Unltcd Stale la oppose Chlnn College Project Draws Pickoting liscalcd wnwny Irom Ion Goldie vice pruldm 01 EC Power Cor ration and corporMhru wyen pong lefgn und USSRBi$raud Chinese Retort ll Mfg 1mm MI er Ilnl In In Dentmm llrmhn um er an lnlllal MA chrnllnn In lem In on the ungnn In med Nu mpon mum DUBLIN lAIInrrndnn Ile hm lfllh pluywrllhl who all hnn npuullan lunl drmler has nnmnud in him nubegxm hither lululo much Innur thul mu mmnlm ol Hm Wulrrn ocruvmw lam wlm all In huh Ion obwleu oc HICIILIN Mll IZml irr mnn Communlxl ban Wnller UlhrlrM nccuxcd chmn mfl Hury mu lodny nl lllcunl nmwlnllun In Knsl Hull and indlcnlnl hl mlhllry in IE nlllrl ler movnmrnln In lhl Cammunlnl umr lha LIly Ulhrlclul told Em Hr nlllnnwnlz llnwcvcr mm as SoclnlIsl newspaper qualcd Clmo Kuo Chlnng secretary at Communlal Chlnn All JIInn Federation or Trade Unions as unylnu his country would not be nblc lo prmluco nuclunr lmmh whhln lhc nexl Ive or ï¬x ycurl NKYO IltulrrnJxIwun has duldcd lo Ila lho pnrllal nu clear lea hnn lrrnly Fnrrlxn Mlnlslcr Munuynshl hlrn nn nounccd loduy was recalled ma ny Kou Mojo chnlrmnn nl Cum munlsl Chlnnl new commll Inc lald Pekan rally um the prescnl monopoly ol nuclear wnupolu would bv lmuhtd ln hardlslunl lulurol Behan Announces lhe pcoplu oi olhcr Communist munlrlm Chlnn charged lhal by pnrll ally bannlng nuclear lost the as ban pm aimed at prevcnl In all lhmlmnd pcnccAlav In¢ munlrlns Including Chlnn tram Increasing their dclcnco cngpbilll Thu mnnlpuhllon ha dos liny more than 100 nonmu clear counlrlu by few nu clear power will no he lulcr md lhq slnlcmcnl dcclmdr Will Be Father May Restrict Berlin Ulbricht Warns West McK Bmwn The EC Governan takeover of the building was ruled Illean by mpg pomt Monday cr wfgephoto Wm kmm and tom on mun mom to min and mum lmpcdlunl by Hlnl tumn mm mm who mum lhb mount of Wm mam hmughllnlo and liken It Mm Amrrknn rillh and Fund mldlm run movc truly be lwm Hm Ind Wm Ilcrlln mvldcd lhry In unlrnnn In nth ln lurch trout pom In lhq Bu lln nll nm lu bmd cm Nb pulvergmmmu Ulhrlrhl dld not My whclhcr lulu mlmo unnld lltlhll In rcnl Wromn mm mm ruler In In Cmnnmnlu pull dl lxlrd nulln or would lry lo mgrch ghrm up rngulnx Ulhrlrhl In rflecl Iccnml llvn Verm nrvu ol buying mm In Iinu Ilenln lur lJul mum Imunhl In Wu llulln rnlo mm Invornbln Ihnn lhn nfllclnl rxthnnzu nlpnllnn right man Indy In Ervl Ilcrllu lnlmsr lhl 1mu dum nl movrmcul In ennun IDINIIIIW bmlncmn llah wart Ipollighl llrfllcrl Irom lhc mnln loplc ol the aw Klanmu Inner mnfllcls of mu human mlnd and spldln prob Ing at the human ld led by Kaspar Nncgclo proteasor of sociology the Unlvmily mills Columbia PmL Gcrmnnbarn wllh dcurm 1mm M261 lumbin nnd Harvard and arm crly an Um xlnfl 01 um Unlver nly New Unmswlck Inim dHLld he Klinhl of women mph during Ls arranging mi drcsl um mde Ixhl ll lmpmluul UM wu lmd mm In whlch wumm can combine dlflmnl ways or lllc Ofï¬cials at SL Stephens Huspltnl when Ward was Iaken this morning below the his to sumed for Mselghth and ï¬nal day said Ward was griev ously H1 and under oxygen Ward central ï¬gure In the John ProlumoChrisllna chler spgndul was 0qu in coma um mm In the am of friend when ha had spent the night The judges summation lasted five hours and elxhl minutes The case went to the Jury on the eighth day at the trial pcrhnps the most sordld court casa in modern British hislory Hardly had Mr Jusllce Mar shnll son he jury at 11 men and one wnmnn nut to conï¬de their verdict whtn lha hospital mvdlcnl bulletin lmo Ihmuzh It said Dr Stephen Wnrd wasd mud to St Stephens Hnspflel uncanscloul at nbnul 0850 am 350 am EDT today flu grlevuusly but is now thawing sign respond In human and here hope of his recovery Thu next slnlcmon will he Issued 1mm lhm 011m ll Court olflclala In mde Old Bailey said however that Jus Hoe 511 Archie Marshall would no sentence the 50yearold lcapalh sellstyled connoisseur sex II he werercanvlcted until he well enough bu present Bu lhcre were grave doubt about Wards condition GENEVA PARK OnL CPI hu plight of wnmen got xoodhumorcd nlrlng nl 111m dayn swim or the commence at Ihe Canadian Institute on Publlc Mlnln and mum blll In wllh whnl nfpcm In bu mIs dlrezlcd cducnlonal yxlcma In Alrlcn CP mm APRenlen LONDON The sensalinnal vice Hal Dr Stephen Ward went to he jury today while the defendant lay unennsclnus In hospital alter apparently Inkan an nverdosa of sleeping plls Plight Of Women Is Aired AI Geneva Park Affairs Talk Wouldnft Puss Sentence llntil MD lsWelI Enough No Moro Than Par Copy40 Pug Partly cloudy with showers lo nImt and Thursday Low to nighl no High tomorrow 30 For lull summary turn to pale lwo Local Weather Flnnlmlun In mm mm 0nd Sound nmlunm OM ICII 11 amid Ion at Mr and Mn If Glam Tomla mu dmwnnl Mum mm In Funnln lake uvm mllu nmhom of hm 119 My hm been pllflu wllh hl mm on Ml dock Inn mu ullhu lnlo lm In Ullwlthl Mllmlrd lhnt Ihn ulr corridor um ulahllslml Alter llm Second World er only nllaw Inlmnry nlrcrnll In lvrlll Iupply Ind pmnnnnl 1mm Ulhrlrm nnnln mulled lho mu nl lhn Ilr mnlduu Imlwrcn Hm Inolnlcd clly clvlllnn nll Ilnu ol Ihu Unllur Slnlu flrlh nln nun France llu mlzl ll wu hluh llnw um um clvlllnn nlr llnnlc Ilnllll nmmfllu Io numnuonur lnw 11m msull Ila xuld lhnl lhe educated Atrium Innds la de Iplsc mnnuul labor lnclndlnl nnrlrflllnrnl Inlrur Indvllndn em pluymcnt In cum nflcn In the govern Irrvlcc ul 0le Inl nulurlu lrnnl Hm mu lho morlu In Hrcl mcnnl nu nu lhn mlunlnl mold Little Boy Drowns Near Flasherlon Mr Ward still uncond nus it is very diiiicuil in say how long he will ho in hospital This depends on his rate re cavcry But ii he gets an well ha might pussiny be out of hay pilal on mesdny cannot iell ynu whit he drug was which Dr Ward look Nd do we know when he look the drug Deniinz with newer Airitnn muniflus Proi Thomas Bninxh British cmmr mist mid liml under colonial ru ximu cducuiion had been con ducicdln iiriilsh Ind French irudiiluna hliii lillie murd lo Kim on med oi lim counlry conccmed and becauso oi the cash only lhewcllmnncc1cd inmlliu in Hue Mrlcnn Ioclul aniwlum could inks ndvunmuu 1030 um 510 am EDT to SE WWW He being given ithe usual rcsuschaklng treatment that In given In all these casu we shall have to await the rcspll lahnralury tesu balm wa know how masslve the dose WEI Dr Vard Is now In private mom on the lap Hour ha hosplkal And then police gunrd hcsldu him all tho me Pollce are also on duty at tho hospllnl enhance There was legal wrinkle oer lhe resumption Md Irlnllaw yer Jammy Hume £on Judxu he wnuld ncccpl lhe courts Judxmcnl without formal objection if It should bu ruled hat the use could 10 on In Iha absence his cum He dld not want women to be came lcu ltmlnlnu but then should be lama wny lo elabor Me the lcmlninn um In mu coll wny hula allprtlsc The statement was slzned by Mayne Butcher tummy of the hospital management cum mlllce Answeran questions by rnponcrs ag Ihe press confer ence when it we Issued Bu cher mid Ward was found unconscious shortly before am only an hour and half before he was itheduled to appear In Old Bal Pllcd on desk Ward had handlul ol nalcs Includan gnu luhl mastgirl lrltnd 22year old Jul Gulliver one to newspaper rcporlur lrlnn Barry OBrien and nuts to his snllcllor D599 taxmanrim WV 33