Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jul 1963, p. 1

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US Patrols Hunt And Kill xTFour Koreans In 99fh an Na I77 The first North Koreans were gunned down about am It was in Ihis clash lhnl soldier oi the US 7Ih iniuniry Division and the Koran police oiiiccr died At about porn the othcr lwn North Koreans were surrounded in deep grass westui the road to Panmunium and about mile south oi Freedom Bridge KILLED THEMSELVES While an American Army hei icopier hovered overhead about 60 National Police and hall dozen US soldier closed in No hand grenadn explosion Mm heard leading in spannin lion the ngcnis look their own V33 Associated Press photographer Kim ChangHI and reporter in Muhun arrived on the spot shortly balm tircairooiins SEOUL IAPUSi Army pa tmls and South Korean Natlahal Felice hunled down and killed our North Korean soldiers to day six miles south ol lhe dc hinterlch loner MArnerlcan soldier and 50uth Korean pnllce oilieer also lost their lives in the grassy rlver bottomlahd south ol thI Imjin River near Dahgdonglri lCol George Creel the UN command spokesman who cnn Tinned um our North Koreans iwnredcad said lhcy could he part of the same raiding patrol which machinegunned lst Cav alry Divlsian jeep hlondayklll in two US soldiers and wound ing another on their way to kuard duty in the demllitarlzed zone There also was speculum 1hzlour North Koreans killed lcday were agents bound on mission at espionage They egr Xied nulomallc weapons and hafld grcn ilarlcd They Interviewed the husband of an old woman who wns held caplive by the our Communists PARIS Reuters Franch newspapers today gave rcln llvcly coal rcccpllan lo presi dan dc Gnullas cammans Mom day on tho Moscow lcsl hnn Imcmcn and nuclear arms In lbncral yangchén Soon 52 was out wllgcllng mushrooms in the Da Gnullc lold nearly 900 French and Inrclgn newspaper men In press conkrcnco France would conllnnc la eqqu Mm wllh lhu menu of Im mensurnble dcslrucllon despite the parllnl lrcnly aimd by Brllnln Ihc United Emu und Rusaln France will not he dhhlcd by lhe Moscow ngrccmcnlx mm cqulpplnx wilh ha mum of mmcasurnblu dcslrum De Gaullé Speéch Gets Cool Press AHWRIUI LUCKY 00R IDDN Ilynruld Jamnlun 1m mm ls dlnwn In wlqu Man In mule In v2 rmm nl lllmlnnl AWMI In Inmlun lo dny 11M and qunuwd lhl F0 Examine Wanl Ads Tele phone PA Hut 111 Ielcuhnna number to call for lhe Business or Edllurial But PA 66531 Our Telephones bushy area where the grass Is head high Suddenly someone grabbed her by the wrist and demanded Why are ynu here This Is king range Do you have mthe working in the gov woman was held about 20 mlnutu and let gn Her daughter ran to the police box to report the Incident tn police but paltccmcn ware out search mg or the North Koreans The North Koreans came to the area three days ago they told the righlcncd woman All our were in unllomu the North Koran Army Dangdang Ir 15 about two miles nnflhwcst MannNI on the road tn lanmunjom It one mile short Freedom Bfldge where allied prisoners of war returned alter the arm islico agreement was signed 10 year 139d days ngu The North orenns were huuled down 400 yards tom the headquarters he 4th Cavalry Regimen command post which my have been their oh icié were no reports ighl in elsewhere along the 15b mile Korean lan fie 7375137 the counlry would lose ll chmcc Indnpcndnncn ll 11 did nut have nuclear dclcr mu The moderate Conscrvulivn paper Figaro called the remarks singular mixture InaHsm and drenmln The risk wing Aurore rc mnrkcd Perhaps do Gaul was rlghl expressing doubh about the significance lha Momw ngmmcnl hclwun lhn AngloSauna and Um Sovch Onc mny neverthclcss ram lvclnrnllons canilrmlng demo for isolation uhlrh are no Innxvr ppmllrlnlu to ho prucnt xmo Han possessed by olhcr pow he sald DRESS IS LULU EVEN FOR LOLLO Nevertheless she decided order NW he Immod es dresses for her rule as vamp in hcr next movie PARIS AMGina Lollo bflgidn tank look the daring new luwcul neckline In lhe Christian Dlnr all and winter style mllccllnn Mondayand sald that it tightened cvcn her Ooh la la Gina aid find the dccallctc sn giddy that dont know whelhcr would dare wear IL mmmm Human one mum Kmelevn ulavm on dun of maulllnu alymrM rail 1le The mun MUM Hod Golden mm Innyaw mlmn nmlenu mmmm antmam Examim SWlasagn Tourist Stabbed Mu Spencer was taken lo the Coulngwood General and Marine Hospital when police any she Is slowly rccavcrlng Police have arrcshzd 39year old Antonin Piccoll Spccr Ave Toronto Toruntu vldow bullevcd by police to he in her 50s was stabbed times yesterday mnrninx in walurflnnl hole at Wasaga Beach Barrie OPP detachmcnl spokcsman Detective Sexgaunt Lennon said this morning that Mrs Ilean Spencer 43 Her cslord Ave Toronto was stub hed in hallway The stabbing is under inves ligalion by OPP Constable Wilson Wasaga Beach detach ment and mum Lennon Bar rie district headquarter Report hdlcated me mu Inst seen Monday Cape Kurd he Peninsula hadmmmnnl ucL owner Richard iii Long oi Windsur president oi Bendix Ecilpse oi Canada lellcd hi wile daughter and an unldcnib lied passenger hnd lolncd 1ch other craft in cruise from Kincardine Io Tubcrmnry in dis umca oi about in miles LIONSHEAD on CP Senrch for the 32400 molar niler The Escape and her our occupants was called on early today when it was reporled Sal at Pine Tree Harbor 17 miles south of Tobcrmory Tobcrmnry 15 on the norlhcrn 11p Emu Emmy Hubert Slrnllnn prisonbr No 1329 In Her Mnkslya lull Hull announced his mndldncy In lellcr la the Slrnllonl awn clgrlg pouglas nnlmrnrq Anyone in enllllcd to nsk or nnmlnnllon pnpcnl Bu bdore Slrnuon mu become rumli dnlc he will need proposer mnndcr tlzhl nlhcr mnnsnn pnd gm Mouc Th Escape wn nol equipped with ndlo STRATFORD 0N AVON Enz Innd AWA uycamld pris oncr won the all clear loduy to neck ulccllnn In John Imlumos Innl In Pnrllnmtnl Balmiard cansullchhI law books and nnnounccd nnllhh Inw hm lurdn lulu Ilsa church England purse and mnvldtd clam ram lnml In or lhu Commons The 5be oituiea umdldnm In In an onu cighlh of mu lolql vole OFFENCE IN MINOR In mvlnx In mnnlhs or mnllrlnus dumnzu In cur and Hm oMrncu mks Fl5°2 lrnl nr away Shnkupcnre In In mtmlwr lull monlh whcn wnr minlnltr lmhxmo rulgmd nllrr mm In ho had llcd In llm llnuse hi denying he Ilml nn nlrnlr wll ull ulrl Chrmlnu Krrlnr Craft Discovered Near Tobermory Cam nl Crlmlnnl ipfnl lmlny Iqunuhml llvo rmlvlrlnn May Ilm Luck yt Gnnlnn an IImu nmulllnu plnyulri Chrlnllnn Keclon Gunlom Jyrumlll Nrgrn 1m Ilnzrr lrum Imnnlrn WM up Inrr lnm nl Mm Krelrrlurh rrnlml gun In Hm Wm lrnlumn allnlr Unulnn wan unitum In mm run In wlwn lnr talkgully waMnl up Mlu Kcrlrr Tmlnyl Null Milan Gordon mu lnllu Imam um Uunlnn had Mnlon up Mln Krrlrr null 11 nulnlde wrnl End lnmlnn nu Garden mnvlrml Juna Mler Gordnnu tonvldhm new Mauro In he cm rnmu lo mm inrlurhnl Irmhy mm mm All Krrlcl Prisoner Can Run For Profumo Seat Negro Jazz Singer Is Freed Beating Conviction Quashed LONDON lAlD lhllnlnl VLwd Chm Julllc PowexTakeover NotValidfSaysCcurt SKOPJE Yugoslavia AP Dynamite munds today spelled the doom oi what remained oi pestilence threatened Skopje ripped bbyand repair by lrl days anniiquukc Miracleworking rescue crow dug 10 more persons rnm tho rubble before he blnsllng began Monday night Tr mm or mare than 80 hours they were found by llny microphone In boned inlu the ruln nl lhc end of probing lulu Just In case how were mnru survivors he dynamite charges were plunlmd In building where was npparcnt no one could pnglhly be llvc The government hunlM lo level lhls nncu huxmnu my 270000 The earthquake which dulroycrl 90 per cent or the cily and lunr lyphus outbreak lcfl nu clmiru Hut mu unwmmcm promlacd lhnl Skopje cnpflul Yugoslav Muccdolllll mo until my logmn an in rlccldu whether the man cvnlnrirwld me wlll mm or rrhulldmn or whrllwr the survivor Ihould be nln nnnw nnofllcr Incu hm namilr Mrw pm trucked lmilxllnun clmkcd lim Iur Ilgm of Ir wilh Hm mkrnphom Knsilhc ll tnn pfick up he mum man hronlhlnx mm MSW CITY ml rule nu Um vnlmity lhll uvlvlrmr Ilul Inn Inlxl nu Jury mle lmw hml xlmllvln nlmul rnnvlrllnn hudnn ll ll hml lwrn nvnllnhla n1 Hm Hmr nl hr lxlnl and Alhlnl ll may wril lrr lhnl llnI mvh yulalnnnln Mlu Krrlnrn lvlll run wm mulme llulhlul ll l1 nnl In my Wm Annul nnnlyle ll nml Ilnlulc he mnl In ulHKII lull ll Ilw hull ovid rmn wau lilwly mm ml mnnhlr dnuhl nur unly mm In In mun In r4lnltllnn RESCUEIIS HELP to pull linearold Yugoslnvlnn girl from ruins nl carthquathah toyed bullding In which she was burlcdlnr an hours Thu girl was Inundbenealh mu The coil drml Idwd nl mm mm LOW Humlmll mom Ixuliu wrro bellow hurlLd In ncm Mrulus In lnwy lhu lylnwln lnld Hu nvml llml hu lml mn l0 nrw ovhkmc and would apply In rnll wllnmu Inn In or nplaimll NM rvcr um um Mlpml lnml hml nu Jmmlldhvn lrr nlvy he can on lmh tvldeuu nhvduilrwvrmlfiu Ilnrk lulu lull uhlll Ihlll nnd Ink III II nvgl In QM0€I4IIHKIL from nuns nf carthquathah an filqu senslllva llslen eyed building In which she 15 devlw aquhe French was buriedjnr so hours Thu clallsl II rfcenl girl was Inund beneath mu tr Ruins In Skopje Bgrrlo Onnrlo Candn Tuesday July 30 1963 Yuamlnv olllrlnl mld mnny MP5 Approve Boosts In Pay And Pension of lhe bodles were taken from the rubble 110ch Murc donln where some orcigncr but the vIcUms wm not Idcnlillcd Unlil ycslcrdathe were at least nhla la take hngcrprlnu he omclul snld 1hnl now lmposslbl Na Canadians have yd bum ldcnllflcd man he dud The government wnl flooded with qucrlc lrom Mound lhu World about the sMcly oI vlalh on Unable Iracv everyone It xcnl uul radio appeal In dozen lnnxuam nsklnu mlun erl lo mule lhclr reluuvu lhul they are IME mel luborcd In an almost unbearable stench of he dcud nmi bmkcn scuran haul wnvu and wntcrahoflnu com poundcd lhc atmosphere The governmnm prtdidcd that oncn 1ch trucks lmc ou hulldmn nnd curlhmov rollcdwln high enr ho clly would be clcnmi mul lcr pl guys dhmvcrtd that Mr drtd lmllly dux graves um loo Ihnllnw Ilyfilulc lcnms wm ordered lnta lho crmnlcry oulnldo lho my la spray Um um WIHI dlxlnkcv Inn whlln deeper lrrnchu wen duu or mnM rchurlnln HTVA lCIlMflnbrn nl Pnrllnmcnl hnva nuned grunt lbwmlm hlulm pay hrllrr puuhms nnd bin upon nmnml llml rnvrrn Inmu ol UuIr ml ul mud lrlcphonrl and lrlrgralm Tllry also VDHII In lnvnr at rny Inurnu lnr Amluu nnd ur lulul judgu mbhla by Frinah group Ihat negrd wandrlromfler IgyAuv 11w hm mnvnnlnn plrrrs ul lulllnllun mu In In xlvm Ihlnl Iml llnnl rwlinz lmIIygcnnr nlly lull lormnlll Thu fien mun npprnvu hill he 1m mnl mm am Ihu fien nlly lull nlormIlllr Innl npprnvl 1m mnl mm Iivm Few lunln mllllully dellullp for MII In Mr I1 qymllnn mlny ylewvlll nlum Minnmum In and vumy 1m mlltnll vole Ill lamd In Commnnl 100 MIA mm qr lha 151ml wllh Iu apposed The am an Included ommm HAMILTON CWA Wear old girl Illeglllmate and with belownormal lnlcuiguncc was nrdgrcd Monday In be p5ccdln home or emollonally d1 lurhrd children bccnuxc she had slnbbcd playmale In the on wilh lzlnch sllvnr mirmr Juvenile Cowl Judge Arrull remanded the girl In the cuslndy at her mum unlil fAuK 19 whlle lhc Childrens Ald Soclcly find place or her in Hamiltons lwo cmde trcul inml homes was arrested lwn days nflcr Brenda Lester was ullurkrd Daclorx hnd In re mgu he Lulcr zif Igh cage Th accused zlrl old Hm court she and Brenda hnd plnyul with lhe plcca broken mirror most he lllcrnmn wilh our nlhcr cmldrcn Includ lng nn cighlymmld bay When llrcmln slurlcd In leave or home the hay lold her In no and hil Hrcndn won and Ml Iucr wllh ll llhc mlrmrr Iho lullllcd nul xlm mid Iho dld nnl mean to slub her In the eye with Hm rude pupll Um Klrl nn Illrglumnln chlld who Mm wllh her llalcr mnlhcr nml htr mnflmn pllrtnlx The mnllmr In drnwlng wtlfum hlldrml Md hmlcly ollicinln told mm lrlclrnlmkrr and 50th leil erlrr llrnl Carmella rescue or glrl yesterday in SknbjeJhat was hit by quake on July as The dealh toll nearv ed levdlgz min IIOUIKH Al 0Nfllill wkrsmrn or am pir ch umphulml ml Mum my II nonmy In nllml tn pm ule lnla Iulllmcnl Thu lm nmm vul In 1m Wilhqu mm llnunclul In and doglan fight lid 1n ma Thm mu pnxy nam mrnl Hm Mln wnrl human Inugur ml lau hlglm miner hnn uvu hlglou Bumuphu 1mm No not lhlnllh Juniur Puhm The lo In ll IM own diet on Mon rmmm Mi lUYearOld To Enter Home For Disturbed JunIor raier tn pull dummy An you doln qulhlnl or crying1 HERES ONE VANCOUVER CmPremier Bennetts Social Credit guvernment plan to light to the legal and the provincial su preme court ruling lnvalldnllng ll $172000000 ukeovu oi Illa huge British Columbia Electric private power utility lwo year ago Th was made clear by Al tameyfleneral mum Bonner follawkigJ 89811313 fudgmanl made public Manduy by BC Chief Justice Sherwood belt It he ruled In declslon which brought lnw question he whale legal bull ol the xovernmenl 30 hydro And power authority that Three places of provincial leBlslaLlnn dalln Aux 1961 lhe exproprlnllon DUB lu amnlinmnllon lnlo urn authority and luv In prevent null nxnlnsl the formerly nrlvalely mmod power an and unnsportallon utility wthnul government con sentwere ouulde the consum anal power at the province un gel the Brllbh North Armrm wai 9282515 lmlead tin 3111 333062 paid by th avemmenL claim by 30 Pawn Cor pornUon for mum of BCE as ms was dismlued but without prejudice In the Hahn Que carporntlon or BCE to Initiate such other proceedings as may iuhsequenlly prove necessary give Heel lhII Miguel ued to continue BCE met In the recelvcnhin or Dr Harry PurdY lmngCE prcsldmt Inddww Uruverllly at EC economch profrmr Ills appointment as receiver was taught by the prov ince to the Supreme Court or Canada Ind upheld there READY To NEGMMTE Bruce Robertson prcsldml BIL Powzr called press confluence and aald he was ln vlllnz Prcmler Benncll lo new Ilule on an adequale price or BCE nets He declined lo nnma lh price to be asked but Indicalcd ll would be mar than ha $192000000 lure men lloncd ln Chlel Justice 12W judxmml JOE his arm lot money Inte ml lhe pres Idcnl Inld We will hnva to look at the bookl ix maxauhilrhe he said 30 Power planned to lake Illpl to rank and opcrala ECE Khrouuh NEW YORK MUA bah of llahlnlnz mulled out at mu dcrblnrm nnd Amok hm person on Hm beach Concy Illund why One lfiycnwld Joyce Willinsky dlud In hmpllnl alg hour utter bclnz Ihockcd Carol Sldlowakl and Carol Inlhcr Wallcr nclghbon ma dcnd glrl also were MI The hospital lhlcd Sldlnwall Improved but Carol will In crlllml cundllion renum lho CommaII wnl In dnnlrr ol hacomlnl rlrh munl club lullnnunlry any mmla up hula lmkmnlly phu varlnu nllonnum MII lam nu parkjunl ll my nl nr rillun nm name of lerlr momy In lhu mm nununbl nlkwumu LONDON IANPrincess Arm L1 an mmpln lrlp In nrllnln wlih her company glrl xuldu Buckingham lnlncu mp nounred Monday mu Inc About 20 girl In Nu Flrnl Bulcklnz lmm lnlnco Campnny ha Gm Guldes The nlrll rum mm nll min Iocldy mm of mm duughlun palum wmplnyuw In much mm lhc bule lndemnlty nlun Illnnnm luml haw ml Hark ml IIrllnmcnl ll hum mlluuim ml omslllon Lender Dlolmb hr called MW up rum NINW Bodll Cvedll Alder hump ml Ind Nu mmnue rm lander mull whn luv mIM In Indium Mrl my mm VH1 manila Iyym iilme Mlnlmr Imon will In 5000 1hr compared ulh hll 9mm 1000 Princess Anne Camps With Guides Lightning Hits Three 0n Beach value BCE amt ll Bennett SocredGovemmenLrv Plan To Fight BCRuling NEWS BRIEFS Nél Moro Thin Par Capt12 Plau Ennny today and Wednesday Warmer Wednesday bow to night 30 High tomorrow 71 For full xmnmary tum la paza two Local Weather court applicallon lo have tho resolver Ium over he assets to the rimttull Mr nohcrlson called Into quonn tha Iegnlity mo 000000 worth of bonds lsxued In the ham BCE alter It wax axpmprlatod and parity hands since Issued In the name 0111C Hydro and Power Authority These he snld were not let gully In obngailnn BCE Llnce IL nmnlgamatlon IMO the aulhurily has bten my illegal Premier Bennett made no comment on the chlel Justlccl ruling which brought into quus lion his whole plan to go ahead llmnltancouxly with giant power dcvelopmenl ontha Peace and Columhla Riven through the antharlly lnlmd puma this Is pcha as high and aslonx as necessary In establish pmvlnclll jurisdiction on whlch ulure pol lclc can used he said added but the ssue now had become the whale constllw llonal basil of puhllc power in 110 as unanimously authorized by um legislngyue Mr Banner however laid the monetary aspect of the case had beams of mlnar Importance In View at lhe consuluunnnl quel lIan rnlscd unllon In the In terim the altarncyaencrnl laid The incl lhnt lho Electric lehu am an the buses era run ning and thch is no lnllmnllon um Hunt is likely to come In an and lnmurmw or In tho nuur lu annmry will my mm 0000 lununl mnunrmllon up In mm yrnr ally In ll law an pmy Iwi Ind pnld Hum Vficnnlnrl will Illll rlllnl 5000 lmlrnd cl 010000 In nunlly LONDON lflllfllrfl null hu lrnnlnfi pollllcnl asylum lo man II It Nullhy Mal ndlu mwmq Hay lhllh flu Mlddlc Em mp moo ml the Lamina 0b urm And IM Emmhl ml tint dluppured mm Bel rul LahummIul Juan17 Nu tlud lhm with My Amman Ill Ind mum Russia Grants Philby Asylum PREMIER BENNETT

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