Student with as these atten ding lecture at Torontol St Josephs Hospital nursing Ichool Also the cast an old house can be spread over longer period than the cm ni new one You can move into it and chew at ii Inye Miss iiame who with her sister he been Iedecuraiinn three storey live bedroom Victorian house they purchased in mini ior nnig live your ego TORONTO CHThu new fashion Ad In home re turn Vlrhs old Rum Home past president oi the Architectural Conservancy oi Ontario my old house are coming morn inin Ityie every 1qu csgecinily in larger cilia People who want an old house usually want the amen luu that an wlth lltha lllgh celllnn large roams 10 rooms Ilurdy comlmcllnn and central location An 61in ï¬ouiar alto allows hr greater pmiblllllu with the ollyounell program Older Home Is Right Buy For DoItYourself Plan NURSES 0F FUTURE FILL GROWING NEED Oul nl lawn anti were ml mm nullvlllr SMII or onlo Klldlmr and mulch ulldlnzu are like ladlea dresses people Ilka to do mlngs WIUI them any Min Hume explaining that such lea Ilm as shinglol windows palm and wallpaper usually have been changed Tho slnlr cnscsnro lha mus frequently chgngcyl femurs But 60 per cent of the or Illnnl huildIn la mere It ll worth men in man cues aha an In Ontario more are male nlly no house alluding which data luck to 1793 Ind many lbs house bum between law and 1314 were destroyed durlnl counted upon to help 111 Canadal growing need for min ed nurses One problem how The Architect Conserv may an organization of public splfled Individual 1mm all across Canada whn Wllh to pro surve old bufldingl Irchlteo lural social and Mllarlcal erlt has Iound that vary few old home today are In um 0151 ondluon ll lomorraw In your birthday your horoscope Indicate lhnl for lho next lwo momm would be ndvlmble make lhn very but me your lkllll and Menu IlXKI Um mpocll wlll be line or Hnnnclnl and occupa llunnl znln nml ynu may In highly mulled ll lho mogul lhm you meln by Oct Olher upward mp nm Indl mm In Janunry nnrl Mnrrh 11m do no mum of mum lhnl ynu wonl an In oh that vrrynnn do with Mo Inhmnl Ill pinc lknllly Ind mung own In lhu nu al advmlly lhBlI hurdlu gnu he uvurcnmo Fur Immnco midOctober rnrly Noumlxr lhn lnller hall rreler nml April wlll Ill mnvlml with hrnvy rulricllnm Mwn mm In lllmfl Ill MIMI mlllolln dllrlnl Itll po ylmln llvmlnrr nml shove All IMHKQ nvnld upon Marlin nuralfxgrnmurm nave Inlah GP Phota The dumlnunt Ikylo which hu survived here llncn tho mu century that ha Gothic vlvnl 13351890 which can b9 recognized by NI Arched win dow sleep roots Mall 1an verandohs and 12plned wlm down the century pro gressed ill mo llnu becaml llefperJ more mllncd vmlnn at tho Georgian modiï¬ed by lha Unllcd Empire Lo allm 15 also rare and the p13 heavylook lnz homes designed in la style the classical revival with flat ruched roofs pillar and com cggnr9 geld gcnn in Canada Whether 810 or 1380 sculm cabin worn designed In thu same limpln patternon or we Mml with shallow xlceplng Ion overhendumuzh out mas the munlrylldo laid mm Home The conservmcyl nnnull hnusa luur in Tamnln May 15 ll based on lho dmllyoursell theme lhlI year Max lhc lmnll house to ho sludled llhu Irma how much can bu done on lmnll budch FOB TOMORROW day of am nchluvemenl De aim to Num 0ch and opportunfllu whereby on can ndvnnm your gonll ncremn your pnsflle and gm ernlly lmï¬rovn lho quullly nl ynur war PartnerMp dull nro cspcclully lmorcd Fly nu BIRTHDAY nr ailmmnmf Whore wr bnnnl relulhnglllql equ mnml nur ml rad or muman um occur Annul ayexft that go per cent of then Rarely men In Canada ha rectangular Geo an 1783 1310 characlnflud by mep moi llxhl eaves bold mold heavy ulx anelled doors and zlApnned wndowx 119 War 1m or by ï¬re Any that old house In worth preserving not Just be cause they an old but becauu they an vlsunl example or such and economic condition of their llrnu Homc bull in gnlnllly In this country mm 1m to lnclded wuh the ralhcr amm gingerbread In mmpo CHIEF REMINDER THE STARS SAY Mtlmnlnl varllllln II nw Flnl Marl Ill Mud Tl 9y Tu Flml Impallod MuchIdl lolluwlu Mm 37 MARY fly EslflELLlTA mum mm cums AND TOBACCO FIRST IN BARRIE CONTINENTAL SPECIALTIES Dm In Some mendhand cm Iro blrulnn and can uflcr many yourl lnllhlul urvlco Olherl Ira leul dinppnlnl manta hccnule they war mil rrpmemed wmeonu who wggltdjo qulgk can unamllnd My cnrlu who nnl very well of rd mluhl mum to havu lama In nlInmund and monlh or All munu well II In early HeMnmber next Avril And May Good perladl lor lllVlI Au gunl nul January Juno Ind July Dnmuuc comrm 1qu nm unloath lur mobl ol ho year but lry In hold Indian durlnl lha lullnr hall nl Srp lumber Km lul unk of 0ch early Navcmbor Ind nul Fthml hlld born on lhlx day Mil In ondawod with my Inlrnlu qulrrd mnlu hlihly Inc crulnl mlrnnlnrr nr If nln lndrd III II bullnul wvlltl wuuld who nullenl um cullvu Only oxcnl food In llflenlnl However lha muons In to dlyl column India am to get out of the Ibopound elm Shu wrlm Between am Ind II weighed lupoundl or 1123th diele and 1m roun But now unl or tha Ila of me let back on the diet to lose the 15 to an pound lhlt shogld comp ol For whole35am my wellht has stuck gmqnd 155 pound to in out of ill Impound bracket My present helzhl la In weluhl manura menls MNM have heavy knees 1m and thighs Plem 11¢th ma to sun losingIn th rlz places the concluded Fair enou it Youve med you Irg lrl with my The amount you In now an Em your prevent wright To teak the pound barrier try diiiereni lyslem out to build iennneu Science indictl wareting at one liiilnl and nndmu plenmuiinu lo melan out the calorie in accordance with tho my nature burn fuel iormanerxy Dur Ann Landau Ive hem It Inld that marrying d1 vnmd man In like buying ucondhnnd car You Jun huy lafntï¬qdylllfll troub II Ihll true or not Iva dlp culscd UIII wllh Ieveral rlendl and Mn Canceled Insclnat In vrizly or oplnluns Id Ilka In no your Inswtr In Ihn cal umn mnk you In Lou But In Doubt is In AMT Why II on he mnkm III II bun In ml nul wmk and pnlchtd up In oak II and In new or did lhe orlulnnl nwnnr unload ll merely hncnun Ihn wnnlui new moduli Bur Ann Lunar You mm know In about psycholaly wm you lean explnln wmo poop who no wall of ï¬nancially an am Ihcxr wny lo llvo he Impmllan lhnl they If lulull hprdup First word about your body mm You lnhnrltnd LhaJon dancy lo be all and belng an annual you to mom calorln KEEP IN THE TRIM ANN LANDERS Wouldbu cowbayl 11k Ihe two boyl nhovc rluht have It Iauï¬h when they hm to wall In no or hone flurry Phil lips Ian thrteyenrnld Ian Before Signing Deal Check Out History Brgak The Pound Barrief Eat To Build LEanness By IDA JEAN MN PA M7 IUNIOR COWBOYS WAIT IN LINE PA um 10 Dunlop Mao were mm in morn warding onel Inherited ten dency whenexcen youndu mm with new food tho ally depollu on In tho lam lly pumm tendency to thin Illm or Ihlck legs 4nd lhighlnrqnn lnlamllle Now the meal pattern Slop overeating It Any one meal In plln your threumall meal dny each meal bum mm hlyh quality pmleln load Ind lnbelween have protein plck ups By lhmlnl mm lllsh car bohydrsle In hluh pMeln you will lose rapidly at am Then you wlll reduce at the tale of we unds week Your total ulor us must not exceed 1100 1599 day Dont inmr lo concluslml you hm been tamed On allm mlnl pultem ol Hanna and the Hub kind of exclcm the lat II encouraded to name oll the pots um us too abundmlly plddad For In allmmlnl lemmlnl II the oxerclae par excellence lhll leg motion pull the muscles on long and month Add walla callaghenlcl no the edge and mm lens In doloaldu motion against realmnca water ln lho week coming up your dietitian will include week oi slimming menu planned on tin anHohuild leanneu pattern thinl hut whnl about me other koakfl Our Irlcnd llvc In 150000 homo drive hm can mm mm HP and he who hmlly drum beaumully Yet lhey Ira louver crying poor month They lay luCh thlnn at We cant undmund why Ihu Smllhl lnvllcd uswo arent In thgly IanIgUlnpncInll The Irth LI they can buy and n1 ha Smllhl I0 me out What mnku pmplu hnhnva like MyC my Em ur maulh hlVB ly nollnn About how penal muml an cx armed to behave and lhey dont 1ch tqunl In So Ihc Iry lo Ihnke he lnhel cl wcl lo do In uvold llvlnl up to 1th1 mgnulnqlurcd lmnne Hrngï¬lh Tn Vrchru nhnny Ind onlm Perhan mayll Ico Hull and cul out Mr Ind Mm Ronald Pmmpx now Nobleton armcrly Alllllan take urlou vlcw ol Ills dchu In lha saddlt Holding the pony Gordon TORONTO CHFerns Mex Indek mania her nppoinlment Impactor on the Metropolltan Toronto police force vlc lory or policewoman never dreamed we wauld at anywhere eh uld altar her prnmauon wax rannounced July 3311 Hi fMistér For Easy Arrest Wu wers lruled ll pnnr re lation luppose wnmen so thmunh tha urn hlnl In ny field that has bee domlnud no long by men There were three women on the Toronto 10m when Mn Alexander joinad 11 year ago Ella naw heada samembar womena dlvlalon or whlch she would llkelo recrull anglher 150 Women Thu wamena dlvlalon cauld handle all sex nllencu and assault aaalnal chlldren Inspector Alexander Iald Woman also havn an easier lrna arrestlnz bou male and femurs pmonen Id Impac tor Alexander Itl Amailng how Iho must obstreperous drunk will calm down ll you can hlm mister The asyenmld lmpcctor has learned he mm or wnrklnz in mans Hold In wrllo to tho Volta Bureau 1537 35m Slrcct Washington DC Thll ll an huormallon cun lra which wna ouadm by Al exandar Graham Bell whose wile Mabel was alone dent do hopa you wlll print lhla or ha beam of all the Marcella who are struggling with parflnl dulneaar You own them mar than may KM from your Hm replyTampa Teacher The Deal 01 course policewamen Ara Ilwaya conacloul my lack the Rhuch lrenxth male owner as and they are more apt my on persunslonr When you re woman in mnna oh you Iuam lo we at the rl llml helm you make luuutlunï¬ Denr Tucker npprcclale your haullnz run up Ihnrt ur what you consldcrcd cold and Inadequate reply Your lunar II uslly bullet and mom useful than my answer l6 COLLIER 5T Conlldcnflnl Frulled Nervu Why dont you slop lry In In plum avuybady and 1cm yourself far chnnze tn case one ycnon will be Inllxllcd Conlldenllnl Ollendrr or Ollendtd Sarry bul youm mhlnken It Iho lap of your hum penan who dm lhe lelcphonlnz ll nupposcd Ia Iden llly hlmull Thu womnn wu not rude whnn she Mkld Whu II lhln You Wm mdc or nal lelllng Mr before Iha nlktd TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA lzlll Quinton owner Quinlan Pony Farm Belwood whn lurplled the ponlcl fur the Allaton Lions Club Frolic Alfiaton Lian Clui VFIDUC Enmlner Phnlox Special Purchase of DRAPERY ENDS nAmuz zximn ionnAiiJuwnn mi Dlmrnmx mapper ulll bl qultk In urnp Inn nulslnnd nu valuu ulhml hy Huh mum purrhnw Illnwx onlll Avnllnhln IIIVKK mlnln lnvrly llolnl Iml mp uxnr alrlpu In wlvln range mnkrlnll They um Men or mmnur nhllln Ihrnll nmIru mp ML Min Iklm NC Wu yml rnn mn uu lhvm or drumIL To cover or no to cover In the question In lemxulu thlx nummer Ilnd Its absolutely matter of taste whether to burn Illa mldrifl or keep It discreetly covered Here we have one at each Len ank ml with hlxh mldrll band of vertically ribb ed Imll and low rounded neck line RED DEER Mu CPL Mn Geerda Vnobeekhnll of Holland president of the Asso clalcd Country Women lhe World Inyu Iha asmcinuon pun mlll women who alhorwlse find no common moelnz ground to work together Right modlfled hlkhll will wide scooped bra mp ex posed mldrIH Ind manned Ihlped trunks Mrs Vanheckhnlf on Ipelk Ingtour nl Canada told an an dlcnce man Ihan 200 women Saturday that this possible because the assudlllon baled on things commun In all women nanseclnrlln Ind nanpo ca One woman alone an do lll ll but women group Ire unlimilod In the lhlnu which they can do for their commu nlly lhdr country and or hr world through the vnlcc may now have In Internalloml or ganizations she aald Shn urged the women to take Ihelr common rasponslhlllly far lho people 01 ha woer ml ously DIAL DINNER MANCHESTER Finland CPlHouscwlm here and lecrpoal now can dlnl num bar and rcclpcl mm llmh mailed with cherries and apples Ls one 01 lb most p0 ulur at the dlnlIonilshcl 3ch cu Women Are Urged To Unite Efforts Slum Yardnu Roaululy lo 650 ya STAVNER NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT For elderly and convales unl pnumu Elcdlcnl Incmuu lor prIvnlo or Icmlprlvatu llol Ind cold mm In rooms Remna ed Num In Iucndnncl CLEARING AT MARSHALL Rog PHONE 12 SHOP of Bank 29 SWIMMERS CHOICE PA lN I2 ynrd ESTATE SALE 76 Dunlop SI Em PA $3745 SIIIIng Far Bnlow Orlglml Cal LOOSE DIAMONDS gonulno bargllnl RINGS $1000 up DIAMOND ONCE YEAR OPPORTUNITY REEVES Jewellery Jewellery ANTIQUE and lor awn