Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jul 1963, p. 4

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rm WWW i4 tan Toronto has become such nfght mare ls that local motorists form most of the traffic It ls convenlcnt spot for someone to get from east to west or vice Versa in hurry And hurry is hardly the word It you dont stefi on it your self youll get run over end result is high rate of accidents mu um mm mm mm Oul mum mm yummm loulln mm nu mum on ummu Mi 1mm rm III UHIII Ill Ill fllmlll MINI VIMOIIIIL mun mm NunIr run Amumn TN CIIIIIM Im Ind Auflll mum Imvlmonl unin Im urludnlr mu nu new my uhllulh at nu mu In 4mm In um um lo Amuu mu nu Nu local an yumma Mm Super hlghways are meant to by ass population areas so that traffic my low umm eded for lon distances The rea son lghway401 ypass at Metropoli Aulnulm Wnnl in run run mm nounmu mu IM pnmul mm In mny lunlul Immon unnu nund Mum WALLI rululn mum ILAmnr uuml mum Mannum Mnulu mm mu mum II Mu mutm Almmlu lllUIAlL BONNKIIJ Ill lquleln mu Mum mm mm mm raw mum mnng There are uite number of these accidentvprone ighways on this contin cnt The editor of The Orillia Packet and Times believes it is just possible that his town may have such piece of road in the hansCanada Highway bypass which runs between the Atherley Road and Highway 11 Crashes occur on it at more frequent intervals than is the case on most roads in the area One explanation is exactly the same as what causes the most trouble on Highway 401 at Toron to It is convenient thoroughfare for local motorists to avoid narrower and slower streets in town The road is good with excellent visibility and surface hence the high speeds Many motorists in Barrie have had close calls from hitting youths ridlng on bicycles and in fact few have hit them fortunately so far with no serious injury There is no reason why motor ists should be subjected to summer nightmare by young cyclists who disre gard traffic regulations Year after year when summer ar rives motorists are warned to be extra careful now that the kiddies are out of school Were all in favor of these warnings the man behind the wheel at car needs regular remlnders to take care But what about the youngsters themselves Once theyre on blkc they Unfortunately it is also highway with large number of intersecting roads on which traffic is reasonably Barrie Examiner July 17 1913 Creswleke eom lalned to Town Coun cil about damage one by Bell Telephon linemen to trees on Dalton St Albert Bingham drowned when he fell from steamer islay in Lake Slmcoe on way to Lennox Picnic at Jacksons Point Immense crowd thronged streets of Al landnle for July l2th Orange parade Par ade marshals were Vlillam Rusk and Art thlle Allandale Band led and llarrie Citizens Band brought up rear with Barrie lodges Sur lus of $1500 from Dia mond Jubilee elebration relurned to town which then donated it to the band committee towards new uniforms Advantage was taken of Verlnestla half holidny to disinfect the public librar llorse ran away from front of not well Block ln Allandaie and carriage col lided with pole in front of if Firmans residence on Burton Ave llarr Shannon received broken arm Jonksfown Ivy and Barrie tied for lead of South Simcoe Baseball League Mrs Patterson presided at ten table at Bar rle Country Club following weekly Sal urdny afternoon mixed foursome in Entrance exams for North Simeon first LOWER TARIFFS COMING Ilolerborough Examiner Thr new Mlnlsler or Trade hlilchrll Slurp hu wnrncd Tnnndian manufac lurm that he Libcrnl Government will no conllnuo the wide arm prolcctlon at Canadian manulnclurlnu Hm lhe Yon nrvnllvo Government mnlnlnhlcd In llud It may use lower mm as manna of forum Tnnndhn Irms become more fillfclcnl and cmnpclltlvn Mnny Clnmllnn lnnn rely nu mm prnlcclinn ln kcci lhclr mm Ihu llnmcsllc mar ket lutlnmo other havn not on lwhl thclr nwn in Cnnadlnn markni wllh 50 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Study Cause OfACCidents Where Many CrdShes Occur Teach Cyclists The Rules Walls Publisher The Barrie Examiner Publlshed by Canadian 16 Hayfield Street OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE MONDAY JULY heavy at various times of the day Hu man nature beingrwhat it ls these in tersections are vulnerable to accidents They are marked on the streets by conA ventlonal small red stop signs which are not always as visible or attentlon catching as they might be And des its the iaci that visibility to right and an appears to be excellent drivers frequent ly tail to see cars ap teaching on the highway and drive drecily into their path At the same timethe highwayIlsa does not always have the clearest vlaw of halted car which appears to blend Into the background or lf he does no ice it takes ll for ranted that the other driver has seen hm and wlll make no further move untll he has passed The majority of accidents which have qccurred on the TransCanada by pass have taken place when the car on the intersecting street did not behave as was logical and expected but instead drove into the path at an approaching auto giving the driver little or no or portunity to avoid collision the Pac et and Times points out the tell this stretch of highway has taken it seems logical or authorities here to make astudy of ex lsling conditions and Implement what ever safcty factors appearnecessary to end the danger are In world of their own Many at them ignore every mle 1n the book they ride two and three abreast ride the wrong way down oneday streets veer across the street in heavy traffic and dare motorists with great vnrrety of socalled tricks All this In spite of safe ty lectures and warnings The remedy lies 1n the hands of the police It ma be neither leasant nor easy to curb ts somewhat cadly youth ful enthusiasm but therels no choice Besides todays cyclists it they dont get themselves run over are tomor rows motorists and its time theyre taught how to share the road with others Mr noblru whulhcr hlu nuuguunn was nlnccrely mounl or us mmly Molar ha opcned In Inuo which ap pull la la public an allucllvu An nwer lo IImewnllnrx and money wul lug mum of lchoo opernllnn prenfllrl monoul dmmu mm Vlfu Irehqieil pmpohlvilmrvnu mm cumldmuan hm 1H balnl llun The propoul vnlml ml and arnln In the recon yam of up nlllngly Huh mlucnllnnnl nulln or moolx that Hula more luau ull mod hn bun ro colvul by the cducnllnual lop bran wllh nulnllla lack of cnlhmlum varlcly npvclouu objocllonn have been urged In nupporl of maintenance or the nlalus quo Nu mlly mum abjtcllnn hu been humI policy whlrh wnuIdll car Ilml uulcul full yrnr all ouryear unlvmlly mum class honors obtained Donald Mac larenfl 11ch 93rd Kale1jlne Broiwn Jack Scott and Dorothy Sarieani of Cen tral School Agnes Bibby and Frederick McDonald of St Marys Rhoda Bird and Jean Wlsmer of hits Vittens School Donald Vcstcott of Collingwood topped entlre county Eric Simpson oi Saurin headed the list for Elmvale school Ball Planing Mill lender or summer re pairs to Barrie schools acceplcd Ar lagh Cundle Butte Montana is in town ii Creswlcke left on Fri day for London England where he will appear before the lrlv Council in the suri of Stone vs Cane lan Pacific ltail way Judge Ardsgh of all town residents in Jubilee Parade had resided longest here since 1842 having come with family of his father Rev l3 Ar rtagh clergyman at Shani Buy Steamer Otonabce has looked seven excursions oul ui Barrie in next two weeks Keenans openln of new Pinno Varerooms great success or mus lc levers town William Shsnnon has handmme new cab built by Barrie Carriage Col llenry Ball general nu enl nr Sun Lite won trophy llth con HDCllllVD time including trip to seashore inrclxn competitors but two alncd nironu iootholrls In iha camp their cmnpcliinrs ii In significant ihat thew iillll usually producn oodx oi clover llrsilln amt llicanin si Such iirms will welcome llw mltiilfimnl opportunilf muiunl tariii this will give lium nbrom FULL SCHOOL YEAR Chnlhnm Dally News In upcoch no long ago Sudbury Prrmlcr Jnlm Holmrls AII¥KCHINI that In Mllullmu Manor learn nu In this pm vlncc upnralo throughout the 12 mnnllu Hm ymr Newspapers Limited Barrie Ontario Brian Slnlzhl Genera Manner 19 1863 Pllel Pllrlck Nlchnllonl mu col umnm todly Wnllaca Nes hIll Prolreuive Conlernllva MP or Odnrd Onlflo OTTAWAThe Speaker lb House Commons not the prime mlnlslar ls lhe lenlor ranking member Pnrllnmenl and the new holder ol his Ilce Alan Mucmuxhlon be zlnnlnz la llnd out that It not mm hqnonrv Doslllan By mum Mr Speaker he L1 railed is he unanimous choice nl all MP1 Likewise by cuuam Mr Speaker haa niwnya been member the party forming the xovemment oi the day in recent yeara number proposal have been made that permanent apenker be chosen bui yet this lune ion ha not been lampied rIIN Ian mm 11w ulrmlon at nm mmllnn pfllod mlly not under In 1m durlnl an plpa IJne dewIn whpn Innurmlvo ml CCP MII und the duvkc at nummr to WI lhu fin of Du Mmlwt llpo nu nu lrmdmu Inch lbw to unlonumlniy dim nu ma hm lu ruchlnl lull 1mm dm IM Damon lUVO CHM IllIN lb Mr Mr Mncmughlnn in In tx cmflnzly popular choice or lhl posillan of Mr Speaker He wn film elecled lo Pullmen in ms and hu npmenled lha Menuell mil Mount Royll ever linu He wu born and filled 1n Napnee Ontlrla ed ucnlcd nl McGlll Unlver Ily ln Monlrul speak bath Lulllsh Ind French and ls hlghly nuc tmlul Montreal buslneu mm Mr Spelker paslllon In course very much Mk ml chlirmnn or pmldcnl mccllnl and 1mm Ilme la llml he Ls ulled upon In mm dtcl Inns on point of plrlllmenlm proctdun Nowndnyn Mr Spuktrl mm dlfllcull dilly luk Inku plm Jun nmr Pnrllnmenl optnl uch dly Thin dmkult pcrlod In known In the quullon wind Durinf lhl lJme Mll uAunlly oppanion MP1 nk overn mnm mlnlslm nunIon an every conceh bl nulljccl ny rule lhm nuullunl mun be or mum Ind nuJannl penance Unlll lhe lilo mo Mn wu prelly aanrrnlly ohmvtd by MP Ind only wry law on nucnllom wm ukcd nl Ibo duly opening lnrllunrnl Any quullnn on any mhjecl um mum nl my be Iuhmllltd In mlnln rr In wnllnx and an nnnwer ohlnlnndlhu helnl II nnmlnl method at nlxnlnknz lnlormnllun wllhwl lnklnz up um llme n1 llrlllmtnl When tnlmd lnrllnmenl In ma lho nnnllon period uldmn acceded ll mln um day In Um Hm ol on Oval up naked dnlly III the mmllon pulod mm In nomtu nnywhm mm 40 In mlnumx ff can Moran ponlnn of Irllr menu dIIy wmlln Mum 1h Hilly IIUWI down In carrylnl 0th lullmuml luullr lnIIIMII Ind II mu nl Ilu mod lmwunl mm of tho prmnl Ian urnlam MAINTAINS ORDER own 1an llwn Ihu ruin nnrdln urnan Mr Hon llnpomncn bu hrcn fipuk Aljawgd lrgll lulllludo OTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOUON House Speaker Faces Diflicult Decision erala oak advanlaza ol the yrecedent and used ll with great eflec to harass and an occasion obstruct lha lovem rnenl Thll latter ln particular appeared lo be the care in he brief Elli Parliament Juna 62 In February 63 Durlng he present Pnrllu man lha question period has normally been hath so to mlnule per day And lhls llmu wnsumlng upcrlllnn has Ippar Anny permanent problem bl Plrliarnenl Mr Speaker Macnnuuhlan Mw lacing dullcull declslnn mnda partlculnrly dflucull dur ing the present Pullamenk as thc navemmcm In only ml nomy MP3 And Mr Spank must rely on up pofl ll leusl some opposition MP1 uphold his rulings nu chlcken hnlchm by Mr Spenknr Beludaln In 1956 Ind by ML Speaker Mlchener In 19571961 have now came home lo roost Ind xlncc It hm now become lha ulnblished cullom Io uk Ilmosl my kind of gum llon lht daily npcnlnl Par Ilamcnl except or extreme vln 11mm nu old rule mos MP wnuld rum any rlxld np pllmUun or lhnl rule 011 me other hnnd Mr Spuker must apply lhe rule In ode um the hullneu Pullmom can be carried on Mr Speakcr Mac nuukhlon II Indeed on he hams nl dilemma nnly one of lhe mlny problems Ihnl he dzvll he uprdilloul conduct at lhe mllanl buflneu lhfl luv II luv Mr mm On day pulvm rxmnq NOW ll loan houlh run my he wllnl lam lm chlrken or lugpy 11¢ch luv hnnud lhtlr IllRh flywl vmn nu Innw IM Vulillnl rlrnlc Iu 01 ml wulul Th olhtr my firm Norman flaodhud mad Ier for re lonnl plannlnu He um Ihm mu In any nrdrrly dnvtlow mml and In urth lmrullvm Hrmorl mu nunr wrll Iudullm ml vuhhnllnl lrnwlhl wrrl to ho lnlrn rum plnnnlnl won hnn In hr dorm nn ho hum of lnricr nreu lhnn ll wmnl Mr Frml wen lo comm llrmllnvt qu mu mm AM In mm but murh Im pmml wllh lb nlloml phan nlnl In the UK mm um he Id In hm mm Ilul llnvrnl had It Fur yrglnnnl pllnnlu II M1 ulna qlnnl II wllh mull mule Am unlm firm umnrnl ry Ml ll lillrm um umlrl Mn In ha unnll thlllllur mu nul many 1mm TORONTO111m heller lhun Amm mv In Nurlh ank In uuhuthln Toronln Mr Imw ynurn In load rnmpuny mny pooplo um wllh you xrurFmr lrrmler In non uLmellb ymnAxenrg Ill QUEENS PARK Proposes Planning 0f Larger Areas By DON OHEMIN VICTORIA CWDrills Co lumbl luu Jolncd ourth In op poslllnn to he federal govern mnnll planned municlpnl lonn lund lnlcmonl released here by Premier Benncfll bl lico mid ll nunporls the hunt In principle but mu lhc mclhod pm poml by Meral legiIIaHon bnnyl tnuh nl he lather lha Con nrnnller Sir John Muc Donald ly lull win Al ll llllil IM lnrd Ind hm vim lb wmmx filth lurl lnrll III II ud Ilm an Ian mm nu II why will ham IIIIQIT Ilrl HIII By my CANADIAN bill55 0n ptnslnm however mpportcd Hm princlple 01 pan wu umnulrd lnr lul yenrl Ilumn IIytlrclinn Ihf wm distlnlulpl 11ml duh Iho ulmml mm mm In mm Ihlwlh mm in II 50m sIrJImm hnughl plcnlc wnl lhu heal lhlnl lur mum nlu Mmlrrn anln parllculnrly 1hr wry mmluu mm who now In mnxlrrmlndlnx Hut Ox Irln nm ihm me ubmlu mm am And My nul oul 50m gm pl Am unn hl flirt nm mun lur mm And Ionn Nrnlu may In In low tiny rrrmlrr nn hm mnl Io mu luld hr Itdw ullnn MmIlrr mu mm In rm real luccru And lhm lalk party will hold mm mm an pmth Thin Inm lhuuihl yrnr Inn ml pllly nvluhl Illll hum Numm BC Opposes Loan Fund wilyhm Irran hullntd la oak down lhrir mm lhrm BIBLE THOUGHT Jug 37 mg The Spanish Armada was llzhled all the Scllly Ialea all the southeast coast England 375 years ago lrr dayIn ISMan ll ap preached for lh lnvnalon 01 England Slr Drake admlral ol the Enl llah Heel allowed the Span luds la penetrate deep lnlo the Enzllsh Channel and Hum engaged lhem in lhe Slrall Dnvcr Drake de alroyed many or the enemy and Icallered the remaln der lnrclng them north ward to the coasl Sta land more were wrecked an lhe lnhaspilnhla shore 1599 The Pgrmanenl Cnun nl Arhilreuon was umblishnd at The lune lmPnlnlcr Vincent van Gm dlnd TODAY IN REPORT FROM ILK HISTORY Dear Dr Molner Whitcm Ida to keep vnrlcm veins mm becominl worse Im nnly as How damninx HIV can allowing he Hiklnz dont mean 50 miles poundm Exerclalnl nuch den nnslrajedon TY will cu dawn these Ictlvl lle to mlnlmum If you an advise but will heslluke You uy it wont help realize the ulna exercise Anyone Willa is yhyglcllly yble le ive fried wéarln lupport hose hut these lend to mnka allnglng nensnllonjar about Modems exercls will help you certainly dont advise 50 mile hike lor anyonn with vul cose veins advise reasonable walking and Ihls depuds on Ihe degree vlrlcoslly cant Answer categorically without knowlng more abnui the pull culm use daily wnlk oi few black might in ian or one person and mile or two or another TO YOUR GOOD HEMTH Up and dawn llnlrs II or elghl um dIy Most women with varicose veln do that un less they live In nnch houm without basements Llnlng Il you mean welsh lllling Id mgr no And dont know why lIHnl so or LONDON Ai int It ll ol tlclni There is in be no zeneni leciion in the United Kingdom this year Announcement ot this was made by lnin Mqu iolnt leader at the Conservative Patty in speech made down In Sussex Thus Ill speculltlan that there might be In election In the ill has been dispelled and the party iolinmrl and workers knww where they stand The rmly qunsllnn lclt is lhli ot the actual date and Ill that can be said about that is that the unvernmnnt must ace the el eciors helare the ill of tit pre sent parliament ends in October at Mt Mr Mnchod warned hLI au dicnce 1n Sussex la durum lha finding of he publlc poll In the poulhla mull xen ml elccflnn Thue he laid were Iorccnsls what mlzh hnppzn there wm general elcclim now and he Inferred mat the IlluItJon mlzhl bu mm next yznr OPES 0F TOME The npcs Comml Purly or mother election In cm In men In depend on numbcr clan rim lheru ll lha antral economic hum And praspcrlly ma counlry Ind Ihe uncmploymznl gum It the llma he elecllan Clrrylnl man might even llun Hut would be Iuccul lul nulcnman ha prucnl tllkl In Mosww on nuclur lul ban Should mm matted Mr Mncmlll neck and um unuld rlu II once And will bank In 013 llnry nl mu mlulnn ll lul camplllheq Amen lho olhcr Iaclm whirh mllhl Influcnu Ruhllc uplnion II In Auccm Bullet In murng an amlubla llrlmtnl nl Vlclorln Fall In Rhoduln lur In puulul dlmlullan of lhe Cnnlrnl Mrkm Federallon TM us In ulnmely dllllcull lmk Ind ml numulul uulcoma ulllmd Micmllllnl wlnd 13m MCINTYRE HOOD By MOLNER QID Has Vqficose Veins Asks About Exercisé Conservatives Hope Time On Their Side Running up and flown lllhl or zlth time dny1 Hm up in 50 nl 60 Wilhlng wonl mm you all bu In NH Ivnvolam willl 50 mm Nu holxdly now Borrow conlldlnlly Iopay unsiblyl Get an HFC Traveloan Uh Inman mlull Ich you rm HOUSEHOID FINANCI lum Managu Dualp Imu Med holiday moyey IAIIII Iu tar the exerclm hnvu yet no my on TV Ihnl would be harmlul to anyone with vlrh can veins except pouihly In VED gavelq cues Continua to wear the up hos elnxllc Ilnckinxs preler to call lhem even they do bother you for about day They he And now lhnl Ive Inswered your questions well 15 cm without knowlnz morn nbaut your case let me ldd lomu ad vice whlch may he mare uselul than in tryan to gauge hut amount mrclue Walking nr moving around 13 helpful wlulln reason Spend lot at your lime but not all nulan or lying down When you alt am your eel on onmonl or chair TM benems your return clrculnllon Huh mm or larmenll ll you no ovenweigh min 35 you might well consider surgical removal the fully velns Your doctor will have Ln evnluale mud or Mich practijure but Dr Molner Whnl doe nsmchondrlm mun Mu lnflimmnllon lwo kind of lluue bone meal Ind cull llgg ¢hnndg Note Then Ira wo kind of Puget dlb use one lnvnlvlnz the bane one lnvolvlnz ha breast cant Imwer yaur quullnn wllhnul knowing which om you mun The Illalnment of Sir Keilh Josephs mm 350000 newt home yen to bring hom wllhln lha reach every Inr 11y In the land In Inulher lac lor whlch could chnnu the pub llc Image of the Tory pmy and or course Harold Mnomlllan ls given credit or havinz started he governmzml homing policies BACKS MACMILLAN was Illnlllcanl um Mi Mncleod once conxldmd In All plnnl or the pmy leadershlp cameoul flltly in aver Mr Macmlllnn remaining In that polillon He did in than flam wqxjda When hhlorllnx come In write their account III part at the 20th century Ihey will give Harold Mncmlllm plau Imonz Comervallve prime mln Islen ucond only to lhc nobII warllma premiership Winston Churchill Munwhiia Mr iiilcmiilm Imp pinulnx any It hil Jab belnx prime minister Ind hundllnz wiih Inunnce Ind viomb nil onponillan muck In the Houn oi Cnmmnnl mm time hll critic within hll own party In belnl dimm ed Ind Iiienced Ind hi willing uul lo mm in rnulcilnnu oi in im cammiliujnd dis cun lhe mu the pnrly with lhem ll Inken evident hi conildencu lhnl he an win back their iull Illeglunce Ctr lalniy um nut in In hi Icilanl or lamrnu la indlula lhnl he in prlml minim on lhl wly cul REGAINLNG GROUND Mr Mlcmkllnn have on Auk un lnr vhu In Finland and Sweden and wlll mum an IM us It men hl wlll no on NI mull Ihoollnl helmy on he mom anklhlr Durlnl lhll pcrlod he wlll plenty mm In lhlnk hII lulu count key lo whith ll un dauhlcdly hr mull Mome ntmlnnom on an nuclelr 1m lmn nml non nureulon pm lnr uhlch ha Lu mined with Min mninly mponllhln hltphnnl 06 13

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