Turrll more llhrly In hrcumn An Inluullnn nuhjerl lnr Llllon Tho lelnolnlx 10W nundzr mm Clllcnuo haul Iahlrnnklnn hnnlhllllnz Claw land WIIIMmI In mum lllhl lull Apr 11 Ill Ernln Inn Inn mm Ilrllklfl lnr JM turd Irv ï¬ndinan lnnrlnuln 1th mm nan nlnlh lunl ml plxhlh hy WM NEW YORK AP In the Him at King Sonny Union hcmywclxhl dmsnl nrccuur lly disuunlily himsell hucuuu he ran ppnch This here new hnpa for mnlrndm Zor Folley and Er lulu Tcholl couple in 200 pound heavyweight who mul In Iclcvlslnn Hound 10 pm EDT 0N ABC nl Mnd Kqunfe inrdvn lnnlghl In lhc day whrn llnyd Pal lmnn wns thumpinn and man nnrr Cu lAmnlo had he Hnnl vnlcr um MI nmmmnln lunvy weigh mnlemlcrn wiIh WI In rarely wue zlvrn hnlli In Ink pol Ihnll Al Flnyd Chlnn rhln run mnrd In mm lurian 35 knnrkuull Mn II ranked lunrlh hy lllnl Mnun zine nml novrnlh by Um Wurld mglnu Amrluuon llr uuvcr muld Krl clam In Inlmnun urn llmuxh nnl Imllcnlcd he denrm um Nuw hnl Ind may In over Hm Illl Humillon an 10 ycnr nld whasv golï¬nx has been crralh until lhls ycnr inlshed lh 36 hnle laurnnmtnt uver Ike Aur or Iliuhllmd mum Hum over on round at n71 AURORA Onl CPI Slu IHnmlllon or nmmplon ullled flown In same scrlous Roll in the slrclch Friday to win lhn Ohlllarla Junior 1011 thamplanA Final plans are belng made for the sonball tourna ment at Edgar Aug 10 The com elition should be keen Today at Edgar girls softbal tournament Is be ing held The entry list is ust about completed for the third annual Canadian jun or tennis meet at the home of Rechnitzer in Shanty Bay Aug 10 and 11 Among the entries is Bob Moiiatt of Vancouver rated No player in the nation in the under18 divisioni Many of the top juniors in Canada will be on hand for this meet Theroll be second game at Queens Park tonight It will see Simcoe Coop meet Smiths Dairy in an inter medlate contest and Smiths will play thclr tourth game in as many days tomorrow afternoon at Queens when they meet Lakevtew Game time pm Had chat with Steve Hines the other night and Mr Hines was quite disturbed over column here re cently concerning the poor condition of Queens Park He stated he and his men are doing their very best to keep the infield in top shape Its difficult what with so much ball being played there Still no signs of hockey team operating in Bar rie this season Its next to impossible to stir up hockey interest in the summer especially in heat like this But if there are any Interested parties theyre golng to find themselves running out of time lf they dont get cracking soon lll the old story of never missing the water until the well runs dry Therell be plenty complainlng it there is no team here this wlnter and once town gets out of hockey its mighty hard to get back ï¬nd it hard to believe that no one is interested This ap pears to be solid sports town to me Tonights senior league action Sees Stewarts and Truelove meeting at Queens and Edgar travelling to Elmvale Trueloves top batter Pat Wanamaker has been out with leg injury for week and it wasnt known at the time of this writing whether or not hell be available for tonights tilt Truelovas toughest team to handle in the Inglis ls Edgar Theyve last five ames to the airmen whi winning only one lruelove as Stewarts number win ning four out of five while Stewarts baffle Edgar and Elmvale can give Barrie Plaza some rough times New Hope For Contenders In yesterdays column whenihq list of injured Stewarts Garage was given the name of Bill Bertram was missing Bill is out of the lineup because of an infection in the left am No telling how long hell be missing The way Jim Armstrong was nursing his back in Pregame practice last night ha couid be oui for wh 1e yet today TillJ MINE EXAMINER SATURDAY JULY 1953 Brampton Golfer Captures Tourney VIS 11614 CAR IRUCK ay RIVCK FRASER Examlncr Spam Edjior lts jdst too hot to do much more than ramble on wa RENTALS CALI SPORT AT GLANCE Weekend Notes OnLocal Sport Tho nurnlmrnl alxo prmlllul Onlnrlon lomnn um In nnnunl launlnmrnl wllh Qurboc ymmxxlm Choun wrre Im Hlnlmll llmdun and Flndlny Melvllle 51 11mm th l1 hlmrr Hmklllm Ind Knrrh lrl INKhard lnlon Rm lnw lmrcvllrh MMUn Mn mu ll of Tmlnlnr lllmlllun Ind Cm Runnerup was Torontol Bill Cressy la the lahale Itldel wilh par 71 More waxIn In 75 on tho mom round for M7 lalal No lbyeamldl Ihartd the honor with llnmon and Creuy lo wln plum on 0mm 01 lnlerprovlnclnl Junlor mm Imr Tunm Toronto and John Daoknlam Auron had stores and 150 la op 11 Juvenlle xnllm and plum lhlrd and laurth In lunlor com pclllion WIN ANTAM TITLE The lournlmcnl ulm duldcd lhe hlnlnm champiunshlp lnr IJyumldl and under In an hula compulillan Ptlcr Court ney Cnrlclon Place look with one Ilroku holler lhm Bruce Wilmn nrnnllard and Paul Grass Chnlham Pater Kncchlcl prKllchmer Insl yrnru jnvtnila wlnncr who Ilrppnl up to junior Hull yur mlxml lhe Interprovlnclll urn hy on ka 151 mm mnmwd by And nzI nllxnrevltch lmndnn In tho Junlou nnd Rocky lnn lnlnnc Toronto In the juven Ilrl Filth place nmanl Ihr Junlnrl want In Willinm Hutchimn nl Ewnnull with clnscd out with lhree pm and blrdle BALL MODERNIZING mum M1 lllnhl mu CI 48 Anna South PA DONT MOVE IMPROVE CALI Thuy uhnl put on lhn Hut ex lrn hols lhcn did he lama on IIcnnd wllh Sonwrth mlulmL ourIowa ull Ill would nvn hmuuhl vcmm Advnnclnu with Martin to the Saturday llnnl Jnck lJdncll oI Vlnmuvar who wnn Ind nvtr Gram Huvemr wlnnrr lnsl year of the um nallonnl Ionlor lnumnment 17w wmlrllnnln wm plnyrd nvrr Iho nnyll Quebec cmxm ln Awnllerlnu mum wuhcr nw MnrllnASomcrleh mntrh um lhrlllnr Bomnrvllla down hm with llva Imlu In In won Ihm In mw lo he lame nolh Illa lmulrl on no HUI bola Ind Dnflld lhn lath Glam mend baseman Chuck Iiiilcr nloncd or two error wiih hum nm in lha bottom lbs nlnlh that broke lie with Piiisburgh The winning blow was given up by reiiei pilchar Elroy Face who pur miued Ilngia lo pinch hlller Orinndo Capadn before Hil Ier connected only his Iccnnd homer oi ihe reason Jack Fisher picked up Mr iilih vic tory 1ch Iwiiiig Mchvey hilhfi mu Glnnl immer 21 Hcr In he game QUEBEC Cli WHllnm Mnnln DruAllard ddmcd Invaml Sandy Somcrvme London on Iha flrd hnlu Friday In wmIllnnl lhl mudlun mdar Amateur gall chlmplomhlp Tony Tnylnr drove In five run In Phlillcs nanraw triumph over Dodger The second bask man batted in the first two Philadelphia runs with single nil Nick Wlllhlle In the umnd Inning drove In another with ainlzle oil loser Bob Miller In the seventh and brought In two man with basesloaded xlngla all Itarrysherryin lilo elnhtht 5mm Ilnwnd Dodgcr only five mu through nevcn Inning and had lead galng InIo the dumb But he needed help 1mm Jack Bald nhun In lha Inning when Dodg ers scored lhree runs It was Shortu third victory In cixions iha zolh straight mad defeat upon New Yark cellar dwelling Mela 7G The loss gave Mei undisputed possession oi the modern mnjnr league record They had been tied with the 1918 Philadelphia Alhicllcs at 19 rand losses each Ken Boyer paced Cnrdf nine hil attack against Iormer Car dinals Paul mm and Dick Le May with home run and sin gle driving in two runs The hnmcr was Buyers lalh the cagpaigni Gibson has now beaten every loam ln the league at least once The only other pltchm lo make Ihe cycle are Cubs chk Ellsworth and Glmls Marlclull San Franclscox llllrd place Glunls also gained on Dodger Wml triumph over Flu humh Plrales Glanls llllh slralghl lrlumph advanced them lo wilth all games nl the lap Clnclnnall Reds shellacked Milwaukee Braves ll and moved pasl Cuba lnla lmmh placeu game all lha pace 41 and closed to within five games the ï¬rstplace Lo An gem Dodgers who dropped 65 decision In Philadelphia Phlllles was Glbsnnx mh victory In hls last 11 decliions He hasnt lost lnca May 19 when Cincin nall but him HI seasons record 124 zou ROAD LOSS But dnng Ignore Bob Gibson when it comes 1m to select Inc National League pitcher ol the year Thu 27yearold Sl Mull Cur dlnnls right hander ï¬ilchad ourhitter and posted his Hm sualghl victory Friday Car dinals datgnle Chlcago 0gb Shnut tha pulse Snmjy Knulnx Sing mean for War ren Spahn Make can or Juan Markha Gibson doasnt hava ha gm lerln wanandlosl record of lhar oulnx nr Mnrlchal and ha hasnt pitched as Ipedacnlnrly as Spnhn but Hum Isnt hoi teLpllgyer In 91 eaguelmglay By JOE REICHLER Alumled Pm sport Writer Favorite Upset In Senior Meet Gibson Racks Up 12th NL VictOry Cs2496 mm HUM on the bark nine mm under par 0n Ihu mull he hull 71 um nvcr pqr luvcnor had 75 In lha olhnr mnldl evenor wu onn up nller Mm hnln They were lhu ml hole hm Edull won In Him Ind 17 holuln lnku Ihu mnlch mulnx Tony Taylor Phil llcs dmva 1n llve run with lhm slnllcl In Phlludelphlnl triumph nvtr lha National Dengue ludln Lo Angelo Dodson Pllchlnx mm Pnpras Orl nks pitched lhrce hllcr and pamd MI hlrd mum and ninth yiclory ha campnlm In Bnlllmarel lrlumph over Chicano Whllu Sox Dial me Bulllmore undlspulei om Alon lecond plnca he Amcrlcan Luzue They mo par on lho third and lamb um Own on ma Lba Wynn parIva chal lenge Somervlllo completely mlmd MI much whlln Mur lln not to umn In three Somervllle lormcr Unllcd sum and Cunadlnn nmnlnur champion look our mm to on the 1mm lhm miuud pull He picked up ball and ahook hundl wflh Mnnln end lnl lha mulch Mnhln aluminrilanhl rm lnr round whlll anrvnle urdrd 71 Columbus went an homMun spree In the opener Larry llol hlt hl 17m Bob Burdu hll mm Geno Alley his mm and Tony Mam hll Huh E1110 and Eurdas were lhreo run Masts which rubbed out In Indianapolis delealed Rich mond and 104 The rampag lng Columbus Jets brought their record up to 500 wllh double hander wln over Burials Bisnhr 94 and 75 Allanla Cracker de feated Syracuse Chief Tur nnlo Maple Lear shut an Jack sonville Sun and Arknnsns bent Rochester Red Wings 64 Indianapolis scored slx runs on our Mu the Inn inning upnner wllh baseslanded double by Jlm Napier driving In three nlns Fritz Acklcy went um distance posting his 1th victory In the la dcclsinnn In Ihu second game Indllns pounded news right runs In the sixth also enturing bus loaded threerun double his ï¬rm by Ramon Conde 0N HOMER SPREE By THE ASSOCIATED PRES indianapoiis Indian went an the wnmnlh in iwa big innings won boil games of double hendcr aver Richmond Virgin ian Friday night and widened their lead in the International League mulhem divisinn In lhrce games over Arkansas Tra vellers Houston scored all seven runs in the link inning in handinfl Mats thsir ninth straight loss grand slam home run by third baseman Bah Aspromonto was the most damaging blow Tracy Stniiard was the victim Dick Farrell squaring his record at went the mum or Colts will sixhitters The iireballer who fanned morn than we batters last Mason did notreconi singia strikeonti Mela with main road de feats are two behind the all lima remrd 22 set by the Pittsburgh club 3390 fly THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Redl bombarded llvn Milwau kee hurlerrfor 18 hill Includ Inz hqma run by Pm Ruse Tommy Harper and Fun Rob lnson ennbllnz southpaw Joe Nuxhnll to cum to his eighth victory In 12 decisions Vndl Plnmn Johnny Edwards Har perh IndRaxa had three hlts eac Indians Increase Lead To Games Oovl Dock Foot Bnyllold SD PA 664 TOUR BOAT AVAILABLI FOR CHARTER OnrHour Tour Plflumquc Klmponloll lhy BALL STARS DELANEY BOAT LINES SCENIC BOAT TOURS DAILY TOURS 210 310 730 NO pm The luvenllt boy looynrd dash record was cqunlltd whnn Ed llournu Haul ank In In month opcnlnzdny ovenll flay Tucker at Samhwulcm 0n lnrlo won Hm juvnnlla mtnl mlla In 42 and mum Judy Dulllmnru look lhc Juven lla If we ymll In IIJ other marks which tell were he mldm fllrh jnvnlln Ihruw and high Jump Ingrid Galuch Onkvllla look lhe armor with dlxlnce lest Dev Pierce of ha Southwcxlem 0n lmlo MU hranth nailed to ma high Jump mark of Iva lecl In mldxcl bay competlllan nary Campbell Imillon dropped the lmynrd mark in 101 mm In and Rod Manl mm mmpcllnz or Toronto Eu York duhed yard In 51 wound to bellcr lhu old mark of SLI Chris Wllllamsan lanky ycamld nallva of Fredericton who has been lralnlnz In Tor onlo recently under Kldds south Fred Font covared he mile ln faur minutes Ice ands lap lddl lwoyurold mark mt Wllllamson also no dun lng nca In In Ihmnmlle event lnpp tha old Hum to breeu llama In 14209 SAINT J0ilN NJ CF Five Canadian records ieli in cluding Bruce Kiddl junior mile and another wax aquaiied Friday on he opening day 01 the twwday Emern Cnnudiln an class lrnck Ind ileid cham pionships Toronto Jim Hnnnnn besled Jacksonville Sam McDowell In ylnslball duel Sparky An dersons runproducing lflple In Ihe slxlh and Jim McKnlxhla lrsk Inning double were the games big blows Rochnslcr bum up lead lhcn lost II as Arkansas rallled With two an In the seventh Illchla Allen slammed Ml mu humor with two men nbnard to II he score Then Travelers wrapped up the game wllh ï¬ve runs In the eighth early 41 lead by Bullelo In the nlghtcap Gary Rushing MI hls mh homer aml Elmo Plaskclt his mm the Janet cnmlnz wllh one on to break 55 Me In the seventh Atlamal Johnny Kuck sat down Syracuse on elghl hlls whlle Johnny Lewis powered an Insldelhepark homer or he only run ol the game Stewarts entered the game tled for second with Truclnve Heating our point behlnd luneleading Barrie Plaza These two clubs mm tonight Queens End wln or Suw arts would la them or top spot while Trnelnve victory would put sucoud place at stalemate aln Enid yielded lhma NM and our hit in the llrs Inning but mlshad that nflhtmprf he ballad down In perhzrrriArbrlrll Butch Boyd at at to his poems stun of Lhe season but recovered superny and his mates rallled behind hlm as Stewarts Garage bombed RCA Edgar 11 last nlghl In Edznr to take sole possession 01 sec ond place In the Senlor Soil ball Lugue Kidds Mile Mark Broken Stewarts Take 2nd PIGCE In Sen Lectqu Jmmso Opp Qunnl Dunlap Tnlnnlu llmlahll mrrunl mm In nuvu lllVlCl Mr Ihln nun lull mm In Crux Trl IA 33 ml Lush nlght at Queens Park analnsl Clarkson Hotel Smllhs lulled $0 entering the seventh and alter the Ilm twn batter popped out Tom Garner walk ed and Jay Decade slammed hornet In annular gnme at Queens Slmcoe Coop belted Barrio Jay can 111 Norm naycmn med brill laul lhrmhiuer for Clnrkmn Jack Etherlnglnn Ind of lhe ï¬rst innlng wilh single but Ihal was the only III nay cran unm Garner llnglcd In Slewarls Iurnmi In one ma mos Impmslva hmlng dIspIays ol the season blasIIng out MI the thme Edgar hurIuu PncIng the luck was Art Mar IIn IIIIIng In hehInd the plate Inr Injured Jae Marley had hm hm IncludIng don ble In Ilve uIIIcIal trips Lorne Armslmnz rIIch out pink oI doubles and Tom Eslar and JIm Eeltram each belted double and aInule Smiths Inst 52 declsion and first place do Consumers in Thursday night Hon 2ch kea tworun homer Ihe hol lam the seventh Inning saved Smith from hulonl llanlly allowlni only two uln zles over lhe last eight lnnlnls ans lhemun Inï¬eld hlL Al Smith slatted iorEdzar And unlike Boyd he was mar Jharp Lbs beginning He Rd Slewms In order in ihn In two Innings than was shull ed on In slum third by Stewarts Ralph Knapp came on and Smilhwcnt In centre Smith came back In the liiih and Balizer look over hr the levenih The onlyvswwnrta halter In no Mlle was lhclr second hlghcsl ballet Pele McCIaskcy Smiths Dairy lost the ond game In many nights III the lnlermcdlale Softball League and In both games um mm was lhe same and Smiths were wimln one out being blanked Omislons While Hose Norm Raycraft Hurls Clarkson To Victory 369 BAYFIELD STREET Ihlhlllon nluulh Idem Iulhollml by 0mm MMch nmmlulwm MONDAY NIGHT Special Tag Match LORD ATHOL LAYTON BELINE SPECIAL TONY MARINO vs THE DESTROYER SemiFinal lll0 DIPAOLO vs STAN STASIAK Brake Les Jalllfle turned In his hlrd straight impressive mound ycrlnrmance Im Coap But It was he only one he won Ha used two three hmm AI Lnkavlew Dnlry anly to Iase Arm retiring ho Hrs six men he faced tlg walkni Fred Guam and slat to open he lhlni Boyd hen smashed single In 11th to score Cub hug and the any was un Jim Berlramfioiiawed will single and Martin lashed dau hle to scare two rung Knapp came in lo lac Lorne Arm strong and before he got the side out three more Siewarl runners came mian home Stewarts upped huh margin to with two runs In Ihe mu1h George Falconer double scored Lame Armslrong and Falconer scored on wild pitch Veteran Gcmge MacDonald went ha dlslance or Clemson and was reached for eight hiLs waik to George mcuiik and hacktoback daubies by George Boorman and Lloyd Timmmis resulted in two man Clnrkson runs in the mend They scored their third run In tho third inning and mundcd out their lntni with single run in the iiitll Conic had single lo 50 with home run Ind Doorman Ilsa picked up alngla along with his double TM acmmled or he of Clarksons mu His average kick dip as he wellthillequnlive Lripy Dél Punks Woiun single In the ï¬rst Inning highllzhlod Ed gngg 11th rally Faiconer came through wllh another BB In the sixth It was warm fly mix llme Slewma scared lhdr inn two runs In th ninth Boyd drove In his second run wflh Bob Holller lwnaul base amply homer In the ï¬rst In nlng started Clarkson down the vlclory road ma mm The mid me was Decarlas homemn ALL FOUR WHEELS SWEET LORD ATHOl lAYTON Porvun has PA 330 DUKE NOBLE Al KORMAN DADDY SIKI VS and Ind lxrun second inning hlgh ligmed Central United 94 vlo tury aver Essa Road last night In Banla and District Church $013an Lenzuc acglun scored two In me first six In the second and one In the sixth while Ihe best Em Rand could manage was nlngle run In cach of III second and seventh inning and Wu In 71hr third Don Ball tossed IlveAhltter or the winners and gave up homers Ia Dave Forbes and Bill McFadden sacriï¬ce fly and Jim Dwvnn doglgled lo cnrg Cu Edgar cauld do vilh Boyd after Ihe first inning Over the In six Innings he Inc edonly 21 alters lhrce over lhe minimum He wound up with nlne sr£kcouls wilhln Ihreewpoinu of Mudu nlng Consumer and theyr only two hehlnd Smiths BMNCHARD ILL NEW YORK AP John Blanchard who has been heavyMum ï¬ll1n for ailing Roger Maris in hospital wilh bronchitis and will be lost to New York Yankees for nboul week the club Innuunccd Fri day night hi They naved lo Jaycecs used two pxk an In an attempt to héld down Cowt John Mann started and was mllevgd by Tupman Tanlzhls an um shawl amp and Smiths clashing In an Important ult Theyll mm at Queens at man lollowlng the senior game between True love and Slewarll Pair of to dcdslnn In Ed Central Wins Over Essa Rd 4wp vigory llghtgned You phone Ill no you Your om Central Imumu Alum DONALD ETHEET PA 66085 ANDERSON CHARLIE if pl