RI Rev Frederick Wil hinxon blshnp of the host dio cm of Tomnio and national chairman oi the iorlhcomlng Anzlimn Congress lee unl iied missionary strategy one nilimale result oi the gather inz of 1000 delegates from mnny countries limb of All churcllea in the Anglican com munion will Miami the loday nssemhiy la he held in Tor nnto Aug ma Plum uni mwhlnmd Zenith M600 IMm Strand THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTEDTO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BYTHE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS In Um whlmrlnx of all In Um mmlc of run lng bmoka he nongn 0101c blnll thu gay laughter of happy chlldrrn we hm the volcn the mat Creator Through his Inflnlln gram bird In rnnlylul la mrenmlu Ml mule tiny cricket thlma in mm rnhlhl Do you over mum lo llnlcn to the volco of God We hm avery dny wherever we may mqu balm 100in Rnd Im hurl lumlnu Church Aunounummu mm or llmru um mum HILL HARRY ï¬llElJ IERVHE flTATION CHAIRMAN DENIB SHEAR LTD LUMBER AN WILDEM HUIIIJES BANDYMON MONUMENT 00 Mu 1025 11 aqua if nhnliiniL tiny crickcl thlrpa lid faint refrain Burton Tuwlny mun ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE An ambitious ate new housing or many oi the citys 500w Inhabitants More than 1000000 trees have been planted amund Kaimuan in the last three year to bring rellel to the parched plateau where the city was built luxurious new hotel under construction to increase KalrouA ana accommodations tor tour istal pouring In growing num born into mum But other thlngare happen In to the holy city some 100 miles southwest of nmls once the proud capital of Arab North Alrica BUILD NEW HOTEL 1m priest ml call for prayer flve limes day from me cuys 135 mosquu In the walled courtyards 015000 homes women still weave car pets known merzoums kllm and zortglyns As eve here else In Alrlca progress as reached Knlrounn lhe Holy established In 610 by Arab warrlor Okhu lbn Nam lo serve Islam until the end of time Barefoot zIrls came out of the medlna old quarter new factory to try their inhulted Ir carpetmnklnz on Iron iramcl unplug lgorn France VOulsIde he rumpm that de landed KaIronan against Inva slum and assaults new mod KAIRDUAN1mlIa AP Newly planted trees and hum dreds of modem cubeElsa homes are changing the 100k 1M acted Fin mam In the Ancient mm ua of Sldl European echnlclans huva Installed modem light lng syqleqn New Modem CityNow Sprawls In Sacred City Of Kairouan 3mm EXAMINER munjm mun 1m thlnudly mm Ill COOKS CARTAOE Ind HORACE Lm um an 1011an mu MALIIIML Mr Lathe Prow my nilh 210 WmJuumuqmu Let us give thnnkn to lllm who has no cnrlchcd our liven Open church doom hecknn All over our land Lot nu mk he Home of the Lord and enter In In my Him humngl Hm through prayer nml humllly nu ro dmllcnlc nuruclm In In mvlcc 1nd glurlllcaunn God In Um Bringcr of all blcnnlnm to mm and beast nllko AIuvnluulc mu umu www ooozallons or fuel in lankL USE MANY NUTS YELLOW NWT CmAbout 50 tons oi nuts and boltsabout 500000are being used In hold together northern Canadas largest iuei depot The starngo centre being built Yelipwkniie will hold 3000 no BTECKLEV FUNERAL HOME The publishers Cambrldga Unlverslly Pres nnd Oxford Unlvarally Press plan to have some of the books ready by Aug 12 hul the remainder wlll not be available untll late in October The SS Beaverglen gutted by fire In Montreal harbor July was carrying more than 10300 copler the book TORONTO CM Plan to dittflbnte copqu the newly revlsed pray book at the An ullcan Church of Canada he lore the openlnz the Anglican Congress here Aug have been upset by ships Hm The influx mademlsm perhapa heat demonstrated by nus new 111M of SIdI Okba thc oldest masque In North Africa Amid 600 Roman and Hymn the column sup run tho r901 Italian techn clans have hung lamp on wire varying length Resembflng mobile the system blends smoothly with Lb stark Interior 01 the temple The 1mm bflng out the tai bealyy cedar panel on which ï¬rai verséahï¬r carved mnlurge ngn Fire Has Upset Anglican Plans 90 Du 5L Fvlnhy Snlunlu Tmlnlhlnnl hall 12 Mil10 BUILDING MATEIHAM 6015 Bllh ll IA HURON MOTOR NJ 156 Va HERTIMM HOB LTD Juan All Servlce lhl Sunday al Swen Bridle Free Method Camp mile norlh on Hwy 11 1100 lm 130 pm Ind Ind 730 gun sl Vlncem Street mm Rev no Geuzehroel Phono PA mm 15 shanty Bay Ilad HUI Aunflu School Enllllh Servch 130pm Evenlnl Service std Sunday Ever Monlh Both Free Methodis Church 200 Hayï¬eld El It Cohen yum serylcu In Enxllnh Church or nu mm cm nour mm ummm um cm maul my Eundl FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH CHURCH DIRECTORY Warm Ill Vuprl BL worship the Lord in the beauty of holinessa Arflvmu Tn bu held In HI hm Church II Cm lllll THE BARRIE REFORMED CHURCH ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE YOU ARE MOST WELCOME 1100 Ian Sunday Echoal N0 Mnmlll SCHOOL DUIUNI HOLIDAY Vlcn rum mumY cnuncn mm mm JULY Com And Irlnl Thu Fun To Chunk Captain and Mrs Randall 214 mm SUNDAY SCHOOL mum For All Am ll mm lIOLINESS MEETING Owen Ind flonlu REV Amm ILA Mlnlllrr ST ANDREWS 11mm MM YEAH AND OVER No AM ESSA ROAD PRESBYTERIAN BURTON AVENUE UNITED UNION SERVICES Wtdnesdly MO mm Prue and Bible Sludy THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA REV 11 VAN NIE 11 AM INFAM NURSERY TO YEA VISUDM AM NEW END HIGH 950 am Sunday School 1100 mm Worship Service 700 Evangelistic Service All Welcome Rev ms SALVATION ARMY mm CITADEI BETHEL CHURCH MINISTERS MEMBERS AND MEN 700 pm EVANGELISTIC SERVICE Hold Dummy Dlrrclor or lulll PHONE PA Hm i515 PENTECOSTAL M53225 SPECIAL SUNDAY SERVICES WHAT BIN l8 DOING TO YOU Judge 1am Wild The TV Fromm Thu Thu we sundnn Lulhenn Hanr Brodun Sun mm Cu 1100 mm REV BELL MA MR5 WALKER ORGANIST EVANGELIST KEN ROSS EVERYONE WELCOME Steel XL at flllhlly Jouph Molltarll Church Pnom PAHM PIIWII Reliance PA 604 SUNDAY ECHIJIJL AT 945 mm ADULT BIBLE moo Il LUTHERAN CHURCH OF TflEGOOD SHEPHERD WITH YOUTH LEADER IN ESSA ROAD 100 1100 mm Rev Tunks Paslor Dlretlor ol Pulu Mn McKlnnoI mm mm ï¬puhr MILK WAYF MADJWCK nAkm Conan Tnmnla JOHNSON ST SCHOOL mm summnu Nurury Ind Klmlnllflul rumm WESTMINSTER MS lm SUNDAY SCHOOL 11M mm Mornlnx Wonhlv 100 pm Eunnum Service In Your Mule II Wanhlp 0M ALLIANCE CHURCH mm coon Rains Rev GemH110 lnnor ILM nmMmlnx Prayer Sermon Clpl Moon SERVICES 10 Im Sundly School 11 700 pm THE SIXTH sunnm Fisk TEIINITY 5T GILES CHURCH 51 GEORGES menu In llfllcnll School Andlkalm Toronto EL AI Dnmn NAZARENE Pum Rev thdon Bull CHURCH Mluhltr Is Cool Street THE ANGLICANHEHprH 0F CANE 1m luvn OF THE Momlnl Punt EIGHTEEN MULCASTER 945 mm Sundny School lcr lï¬ll Mn Th Lordn Suppr pm Oolpll Wldnudny pm Puyar Blblu Study ALL ARE WELCOME Ru mm but no mm 1on Communlon 00 Morn Sench Clappenon St at Worsley Sunday Survlcu NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL OlllER ST UNITED CHURCH Rev Williams BT1 LAM UNION SERVICES ST VINCENT PARK BARRIE SUNDAY AT PM BRIGHT SINGING CHALLENGING MESSAGE OTHER SERVICES EMMANUEL Meeting Temporarily Codringlon School FIRST Baptist Church VIIITOIIAND NIWCOMEIS WILCOMI Sunday Sorvlnl THIS SUNDAY ATTEND IHE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Gunn Smd Ammmm Burton Mum Al Bpmr Church St Vlnun St Burl 945 Im Blblo School mm Famfly WothIp Panor HEAR THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST Presented by the Church of Christ Atsembly lords Supper 00 am Sunday School 1010 mm 159 Colllor SO Service And Sunday School 11 mm Tanimonial Meeting 2nd Wed pm GranvIIln Ellen MHY llï¬lNfl YMILITIH AVAIMILK BARRIE CHURCH OF CHRIST COLLIER ST UNIIED CHURCH Mlllmr nkv A4 mumle um um rm arlll Mlnlnlcr ELI IUDDOLIJ CENTRAL UNIIED CHURCH OUTDOOR CHURCH 00 Im III WIllOWDAlE UNITED CHURCH Blul sum lubllo lchool Mn Lon Chomendu plum ll AM REV DUN ll SULLIVAN ll Collier street Nut to Paul oum The Van flu Mo Am Holy Communion Mo lm Mamlu Payer Loo Mn Malum Pnnr 700 pm Evenout ZION UNITED CHUIICH FIIOM SHANIY IIAY WILL JOIN THE CONOIIEGATION FOII THE MONTH OF JU LY WEICOME IS EX TENDED TO THE ZION CIIUIICII STORY TELLING TIME for 1111an Under FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES mums 600 pin SUNDAY MASSES mm mm 1015 mm 30 mm EVENING DEVOTIONS Sunday pm Wodnudny 730 Our Momr of Porpmnl Hllp Novlm TRINITY CHURCH Roman Catholic You An Weléamn 81 MARVB CHURCH 03 MUIAMSTER 81 PA was From ï¬nal