Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jul 1963, p. 5

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000 Is pnld by Tucs dny he sold lho relum lights will be cancelled He said lhu nlrlinc in upcrnuun or less lth two years cannot nflnrd Io give the visitor lrip hnmc sews Christian Wofldl The Way To Unityl Mr lrlrnrn who mm In Um nnvy nn rlncltirlnn 1rIr lnymn wn prlly ofllrrr nbnnnl IIMCS 31m llrrlnn In Juns 100 when Illl revrnunxo mm mm The mum given ha Ilmu or murman Mm wns llml lhrm wnn In be rcmlluslmrnl In Hm Huh lnld Mr lrlrrnrn llul ho wn Ink lhc rrnl llul Mn wnq All had cir fares lhrnugh tho nnw bunkmpt Pic cndilly Club Torontn And John Sykes North American rules manager or the small Scollishalrlinc told lhe Globe and Mnll Friday Calcdonlnn has only been pnld for Ihe first log ofthy Vlrlnrlu lnwylr Lloyd MrKrn 110 Hall Frldny ho hill ncchcd lcllrr from Mr Hullyer whn Inld ho hnd IDHAHM hlmscll hat tho nrlinn In ml NHVIKIIK In Mr rlgmn mm In accord VICmnlA CF Delinee Minlslcr Ilellyer hm tndnncd lhp dllmlssnl of Inrmcr nnvy puny onlcnr Erlc Fame at Vlclarlu who any ho um um because his lnhcrlnlnw wan membrr the Communlsl party 30 yum nzo ante Irv Mcnnwhiltx Palm managing director ha PiccaA dilly Club unlll Frlday old press cnnrerence he operated the xocil club with money plld by members 101 charter Ilrlino nlgpts Mr Pelenfia radlu and leievhlan perlonncr whose legal turname Saundmnn mld ha used In much 385000 with gul permissiun club mom on He nlso ndmlued operallnn chnrlered fllghl In Europe or mom who had not been mem le monlhs cnnlrnry to v55 r5355 FDR cwn The lwn groups85 Canadian now in Brilain and about the name number of Brilans in Cun ndabcgan lhclr trips July 15 011 rd Cnlcdunlnn Airways Limited planes and were sched ulcd orclurn Au One lending 0110anan gum said It could take until me and or the ccnlury to appralse lhe cllecls of me conferenccl cnnfercnce oflicinl snld that in one sense It had been all dinns on the wrong slde he Allan remain uncertain how Iheir Icflxrnllrlps will be arranged Appraisals Ihe conference agreed that no major or start lnn plishmean were made but the delegates ell hwy hnd mmnlclud much cs Ienlial cxplarnlnry wurk WILL TAKE TIME The cunrcrcnce which drew 2W observers In addition to the nHclaI delegate mm 133 churches In 50 countries was the commissions Hrs slnce 1952 No previous conferences were held um nl Lausunne Swimrhmd in 1927 and one In Edinburgh in 1931 AREAL CP The world Is on the way although there ls sllll In travel the Faith Ir Outer Cnmmisslou ul tha Cuuncil Churches says The mmmlsston ended two works at study by son at the Mrlds leading Protestant and Orthndux lthIngIan the frobloms unity Frldny and ssucd specir massage to ChrleIan churches that said triumphantly we are an the way Christian unltxj Hellyer Endorses Seamans Firing llIy DI Iu Midnilhi Mudyd Tlm uuplu Onlv For 1qu 170 Passengers On Wmng Soil TORONTO CP Man 170 To Thu Mml Th Evuy SIVuvdy Nlnhl TOMMY cnowé aumm ORR LAKE PAVILION wflh iouumiaiuahcd pol DANCE wn old he lhnl hl L1H lhc rrnl Np lalhrrln Xaw hnd oncu bun member ol Ihe qugmunlal party In rumc lo rlxhl or ¢m ploymcnl rmploycn mull rrclse discretion in to he lull nblllly of applicant hr ha plrv llrulnr type or cmplnymcnl be ing oflcrcd Mr llcllyer uld In lho lcllcr Insnlvency or Mr Peters and the club were Hrs heard Thursday when an unidenllfled woman phnncd96pcrsans aimed In aka Mnndny charter light In England The club member were Inld lhe 1th was cancelled Ind her wuuld not be me to as the $275 back he duh sean were frozen Mr Petm who had prom able career In wlenalnmcnl in Britain bcrare coming to Can ada was master ol ceramonlcl Memory Music Hall na tional rndio mow an CBC ll yum uinli iML Mr Sykes nld Calcdonlan had not been paid $25000 or the light as Illpulnmd In 1h canlrm EXAMINER WANT ADI PHONE IA lIIII nir charm regulations Some Joined lhe club established In 1955 tar newlyarrived Brlluns Just Inge reduced nigh mgs It was rcpurlcd that many the 700 members have shnres In the association some us much as $10000 worth The dam debt was usllmalcd at between 50000 and $200000 PAN AM CANCEIS FLIGHT Another 32 Toronto resldmls were told they hnvc lllle chance at recovering 315 paid by each or on Aug 15 group night cnn ccllnd by Pan American Air wnys SPLIT INTO SECTIONS The delegnlcs spent most of he 14 days in small seclion discusslng spcclnl aspect of lhe problems Chrisuan unlly Amnng the nhscrvers wlm sat lnron the discussions were five lrnm Ihe Roman Catholic church Reports on lhcir delibernlimu will be orwnrded lo lbs 201 member churches of lhe wnrld cnuncil Mr Peters went into interim receivership Wednesday and was removed ram office by meeting beiwecn Interim re ceiver Hahn and club members and dircclurs Friday um but in another it had ac compllshed much Paul Minear newly elected chairman the com mission and prolessor nllg Inn at Yale University Bald tho cnnfnrcncc had tailed In the sense it tried to dn loo much too quickly Bul the area or ccumenlcal dialogue iI achieved remark nhle success said Dr Minear mnmber of the United Church offihrlsl The delegalcs have been unllcd in the truth which sur passes an our powers of lhnughl nng spcgc Dr mar 53ch the delo gates although discontented wilh the mulls the center encc have not drawn Back from the future work whlch ls awaiting us all LAST TIMES TONIGHT PLAYING SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Llnlo Road 300mm Hwyl 400 and II HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE PLUS COLOUR CARTOON Forecast call or temper ium in the high 905 with the possibility ol thundcnhnwm Sufldny Th hcnl wan blamed for the deaths Thursday Ellloll Din worth 59 lllnz he 31 and in nnl Pclcr Grulzlnna whn up parcnlly dlu lmm sullocallon Al llvcd In Thronlo Index hov ering around an unmmlnflnbll so per rum Toronlol tempera Ium rose duncu Friday In degree less than ho dlyl Irfnrdlog Ezly 0rd temperature been bllmcd or are expected In Southern Onlnrlo weekend InNauh iii Myurold Soon Lylwns bmkcn by lwv Sudmwrécbrded hlxh ol only on drum short I113 man so in ma Meanwhile Capt John Swansonv 50 one or 17 surviv ors nmnlned In hospllnl sulfur inz heart candidan ancoil Gravel the captains lawyer sald doctors hnvu orhlddLn vis hmn to talk about Lhn cnlflsinn wilh Mm Ha ha only one at UM 17 survivors who was on deck at the time he collision Ind coronal1 inquul has been ad Journed lndefinilely lo Await bl mme are not clnlm that her vs have been truly conscious or such vital Issues he strug gle aver nuclear armament blue racial conlllcl sclonllflc eglgnolngy nud sacjal ghauge The conference clused special service ul worship at whlch Rev Dr Willem Al Ves ser null gencml secretary of the world muncil mid Chris llans shauld seek real pence wilh God They must nnl lhink lhcy would aver have inner pence unless they ldenlilicd them selves wilh the radical and In pacllicnliun whlch God has lnillnled hlmsLll The body Ch 542 sennmn also was recovered rom Lha ship which rests in 61 Ice 01 water by divers whlle unnlhnr body was lnund washed ast near PetilnRlvlom SC FranA wise 45 miles northeast horn near he accident scene The closing message In the churches xald Gods gifts can not he shared by in our 10 cal churches unlll we become the one rintonle nl Gad In each place an are prnpared In real he this by new and bold ven lureguof lvlng high Camnz or Chns ans to strive Io understand each olhara church It said We lnvlle our churches In mnllnue In every way Ihey can In manl ten the unity which hlddenyllh God In Christ It saidlhe delegates admitted they had nnl laced he prob lems ol unny radically QUEBEC CP The bodies plln Armand Luchmlce 60 of Quebec City and lwu Chinese seamen were recovered Friday hrlnglng to 21 the number of known dud In he Trilonlca tra gedy Nelve Chinese Seaman also are missing and presumed dead anhancea body was found ln the wheel hum of 1268 lon are carrier Trilonica which sank clghl minutes nncr an curlyvmorninz collision with lhe 600Man British lrcigmcr Roon ngh Hgaq last Saturday amalgamimimm Record Heat To Continue Recover Bodies Lost In Crash IORONN Cl PLUS COLOR CARTOON Nonrvmc whlch haw lhms death mllnue 1n during the It would have lhn council de mand enrly lndependmce or he Icrrilarlcs alsn would ask SammyGeneral Than lo ensure hnl thn resolution ls curried cm and to report back by 5ch 30 ll wnuld also call or an em bnrun on lhe sale In Porlugal Arm or mlliury equlpmcnk lhal would enable Portugal la continue her upmmom Dy CAMIAN CUMMING UNITED NATIONS CF The Unitcd States and Briuln have turned thumbs down an new bid to force Portugal lo glve up her Afrlcan posse alum The rcsalullon was sponsored by Ghana Morocco and The Philippines on behalf or an African dnlcxallnn representing the 32 counlrlcs that me Addis Ababa In May Adlnl SluvcnsoLoI he US and Sir Pnlrlck Dean of Brilnln Inld lha Unlled Nations Security Council Friday they could no supporl draft resolution on he lcrrilorics although they ympalhlzed win some pmvisians 15 find UK Wont Force Portugal To Release Holdings The first and only Canadian bred and owned dog to win the water race Champion 300 pm SPECIALS JACKPOT BINGO EVERY MONDAY Abon NuSlrvko CIIInn $25000 SHARE THE WEALTH Admlulun 50c 14 HIGH ST RCAF ASSOC CHAMPION 0F CHAMPIONS Watch The Examiner For Complain Details Bmlos Nowon Ind Mon Fashionable Eating Plato THE LUXURIDUS lhe peoples of lhe territories Ispum PonrUGAL Dean mic ln lhe resolu llon an Ille grounds would lend lo drive Porlugal lnlo posillan ol lsolallan llL ex pressed doubt that It would nu tually help lnhnbltanu ol the terrllarlcs He urged he council mm In work or removal of the sus piclans and misunderstandings between Portugal and her Mr CMI DCCHSEIE And called an Parluxal la accept new baton it 15 too late lhal warld annIon cannot acquiesce In conllnuing dcnlnl of the logilimnlc aspiration of tho people Angola Molnm blque mud the uUlLr Parluzum territories Inward mlhieter mlnnllan Wiliie this British and US spokesmen found the rcsuiullm inn slmng Soviet Ambassador Nikolai Fedorenko lnid re porter wni Borwrcai sni him SHHNTY BAY mm haw Mum nunulna mm Champluns willcompm the Canadian Coon Hound Association Days at Angus lo OPENING SOON Dianas Mex QuaIsanSackLy DRIVEIN llluhny 11 II Guthrie BOX OFFICE OPEN SHOW STARTS AT Ml THIATII vardend SUNDAY MON TUES WED Vuamar lormnlly lnlruduclng he drnn nnlod Ihat mined for only limltcd rather Ihnn total arms embargo and did not demand Ponuxnl suspension or expul sion mm he UN Bath Dean and Stevenson oh eclcd In one clause the arm declaring that the silumion In the territories was scrlously endangering pm and security In Mrlcu Stevenson backed the pnrllnl arms embargo myan the had Iollowcd xuch policy In years But he cnufionnd against placing an Impnssible burden on the secretary gcnml Ind selling unrealistic lime limits hat would only raise raise hopcx 100 MANY COUGARS CAMPBELL RIVER EC CPlR Black of Redonda Island has asked the govrm men In lhln ml the gmwlm mugs populnllonl Recently ha tackled cougar wllll his bare les In make ll drop vhls pet dog but Ills help was on late And hey both dcplorcd Mr can warnings that Independent Iclnn would be lnkm gains Porlugal the council tailed move dccslvely day madmana Thunder has chalked up numerous Km phles nirale wor er June Slew III STALAG l7 In Color Glace ully REAR WINDOW TONIGHT ONLY unnan nunmintme FRICI THIS INOAOIMINT hum mvmmm mrmpglfl In Vlhenlmsl men mnslsls Pa STRATFORD CF leh man the ildllpnnp may get nld Tlfllnn n1 Mhms swinging The sklllpoop Is dancea bl of twist bl or MroOrlem ml Ind hu hop Iassed hero and there Itl In lot of Duke Elling ton He wrote the mm and prgyldud the title There very Hula move men In lhe sklllponp partly be clus Its designed to ba danced In smallarea on slag with fillin buslness sing on around AQQENT ox mrs In tineskIIIPWYI instead Ewlslinl the as ypu would Its very pmvucnuve dance since he charmer whn dance are mum to provlda Entertainment very rlch First Monday nlght In con version Shakespeares Timon Athena final production In aeasonl Slxgllord Festival Choiéifiapher Alnn Lund who put the steps to the Dukel NEL WI Th lwlsl has slendicr heat than lhe new dance Lund ex plains THE MINE EXAMINER SMURDAY JULY 21 156 THE GREAT ESGAPE fltilfiflmm 100 cm JASON QJHEARGONAUTS Its Really True The Skilipoop TODAY ONLY MATINEE DAILY AT 200 pm miln mbv raising the FEATURE LOO AND 00 Mn THE lONGEST DAY For example when man arrive an hour curly for his uuln then messes around until he misses ll you any he was skill ellz Among the members In lusty marchlng song ha Alh enlnn rebels lhe llrs march Ellington has ever wrlllen BURNED AREA DROP OllAWA CPvAn estimated 138000 acres amt am were hurnnd In Canada lo 19 end of June this your the far estry department said Thurs day his was decrease of 224000 acres over lha corres ponding period last year klllpoop one of Uwsé words without dellnlie mean Inn any Ellington who hnl composed nll HIE mush ax11 men Alhens About the tax hls muslc 1n the play mm um null Wflefi Ir action iwlnxs Iha mummy Vtry expensive and very lavish party um Is not exaclly an any bul an where provocatlva dance are part or the are Hl slow dance but LI spgedcv up gowurq he and Wm docs xkllipoop came lram The what all Ihase women inlkfl ago 3101 mm comwoua PLAYERS SUNDAY HENRI mom Ln

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