Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jul 1963, p. 4

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15 II ma In IM Ala 12 but nu mam 1mm mum AJVIVIYnlvnIHIHUI VI ml nml Hm VIMNIHL Ilmlvfl In ml Nnwlr hm llmu nun nnmlm um um AMI mm Llmnllnm Mlan mmm Ufilillo lull Ar Ill um lnnllll mm mu Kcnrns Rev Calvy was In chnrun or dnya cvenln New Lowell annna Inslllulu nhwrvul 50H nnnlvmnr nob Huhhorl Shanty Ilny mug 30 Inch 12V lb Northern Pike vllllo Alpin nln my Point ll Slm kln wroo mlclo on his trip In mm ¥r AulhmlId mm run mm mpunnm Ind to 91mm at run mun 1mm ml Mummy an IKNNIXII wuu rum IIMN ILAIHIII 0mm Mun Mannum mull mm rqun nAlml nun Mmm ml mmm Mumm um IIIHIAII IIONNKUI Inlllllnu MM Sllblrllpllhn mu rnIr mm mm mm In null In nnn mu um my CENTENNIAL YEAR IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 20 1053 James Gilmore elected president floinry Club Professor Vilirld Jury opened Simeon Counly iliih annual Quiii and Rug Fair in Barrie Armoury Gordon Weison oi Creemnre eiecied DDGM for Georgian iiinsonic Disirici Dr li Scott denied rumors of polio epidemic in Simeon Couniy Jenn Murison won eeniennlni essay conical at ncr Prizes provided by Kennedy Shnniy iiny Mrs Dnn Rumble deienled Mrs Roy Smiih to win Recs 3le at Iinrriu Golf Club iinn inul ninrlin Mlnlsier of Nniionni iienllh and Welfare vnn dinner gueai n1 Sir Marys pnrlslr garden pnrly vhirli Ilrew bit crowd Mnin draw prize or 3100 won 2y Mrs Dr Homer necond Frank Cnncliln lirirrl hy iiirl pm uh lefidor can squirm This was tile most flagrant case of overcharging but plenty of nddltinnal evidence was offered to indicate that Feople were being gorged for the priv legs of borrowing Heretofore in average borrower or pro ectivo borrower believed that re vlnc al and federal laws protected im against overchargln But the acts al ready presented to select committee roves ilmt resent laws are riddled with aephnles rough which unscrupulous lnmim Mn um Shocking revelations have been aired before se ect committee of the Ontario Legislature enquiring into the cost 01 consumer credit Already sufficient evi dence has been adduced to justin furth er legislation to protect the public ageinst usury The most sensational testimony came at an early session of the hearing man in nearby Schomher wrote committee counsel complain hay gotn $430 Imm In The Barrie Examiner Revelations On Borrowing Shock Select Committee THE OLD GRAY MARE AINT WHAT SHE USED TO BE Published by Canadimg Newépapers Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario 1m Waxk Publisher 711274Iaarrip maminet MN MEMORY LANE nan SATURDAY JULY 11ml bulclwr who was nod for uulnfi ml lhnl chanted hls CUIlOIlwll ha bclwr mend lun wrighn Mlcr nll would he Imhlr or lho barber lo chnrfw double for nhnvlng the man who hub ually goes around with long are cclcurnled 00m blrthdny home 05 lcnclnng Ha had worked nl the black nndlh trade for more than 50 am Town Council decided to mom 324000 lnr rxlNuInu ln sowngo UIUIII plant Immlrr walla Front of nlarlo wlll nfllulnlly uprn llnrrlnn Old llnmu wk and frulcnnlnl Tuluhrnllun on Snldrduy Aug land inspecting hayin and county shows Barrie Exam ner announced its 100pago Barrie Centennial Souvenir Edition would be issued on July at opening at Old Home Week It was be lieved to he largest special edillon of weekly newspaper ever produced in Can nrlallsln uwn machiner and equipment exciusivety Added to he rerular edi torial sta to produce this ed lion Were Wililam It llel Fred Grant and Mrs Charles Scotty Taper wile oi the new editor llnrrio ipe Band consisting of Pipers Buster Lanxman and Tom Kerr with lliil lilac McBride on side dnlm made ils iirsl public appearance by us elsilng Barrie iiizens land in musical rnprnm at Queens Park Rev John Klorria Strand United Church deliver mi mhlress at Junior Farmcre service Sprln water lark llarrie and Sear lloro iwnnla iuhn mei jointlr at Mill hnrnt ior riinncr The speaker larold Lmh Toronto outincrl principle prolil sharing an answer to indualrlnl strife North Simeon farmers undor direction Stewart Page are lead ing all ml province in nactical aoil renscrvniinn in opinion agriculture expert from GM Joseph Graham Mlor nlll This however in digression from his main them that rates should he straightforward without gimmicks and hidden charges The rlelgiIioihand financing is beyond some people They are the ones who deserve special protec tion which only the law can give The government must leglslate to protect all borrowers celllng on rate could ellmlnato some prospective bor rowers butlf they cannot unllf ss rea sonable rlsks then they oul not be consldercd for loans lt ls fact that some people are so seriously strapped for money that they should not be von tho rlght to go into more debt rum nuucuvu us un AL rlsk But by no stretch of tho Imagina tion can 87 per cant be regarded as any thlng less than robbery Nentyflve and 30 per cent are also beyond reason Its sad to relate that most of the people victimized are those least able to pay exorbitant rates They are tho so called little men and women who need money but ilnd thefl do not hava the solid collateral whic would win them preierred rates Perhaps they should pay more than the person labelled as an Ad rial Duo Bria 51mm Genera Manner 11m Pngu Mr Marun In runlenl Ia flunk cur churchan on hi ruin lllmllklnlly in mm lhc van and thumb Hum pump to ml what In Immhl Ilmn Inuvlmply In lhln yuan Ilulur wlnl In pare mm mm Hvlmlrv Im lnrvllnllllily not no nuner ML Mar 1mm an 0m wnnllm why Mr mum rhm In qu mg 13 Am ppm in Amlrrmn me ron Ilurlnr la Mmm Hu III In wllo chlld Ind mlllmu tom nm dtlnh and ml and Inllnlmnry rmnn tor ullllnl In mlny nyl ha nude Andorran Um mm Inlmllnl thunder In UII book hul him no luncllun lo lulllll UM wunhl llm hlVI In hnnw H17 Mk llnur In In turh luvlwl nrlnn mu lhc dulro wllh dillarencv homvcr llll our dmraclm non Dllch nn eldarly mime dylnl un cor Junk KInn thmrlcll um with or hmdllnl overmed Icmn Funk Nclwn Ill nut 01 man who nuworll Mmch Ind hll by hullnx II urdl Ind Frunm Linda dllcununlrd hmwwlv who hu lull tlmd Ir wlth In lmpecunfolu mm lll mumd lhmuulh nul lho almn couler In an Ind have no rnnlm VII 00m Imlll In th lunmll Ind borrnr wrrrk uch Ium rlnxovm plrllcullr monwnl ml Now lhl davlu lmmlnl Iovoral lndlvldunll unnan In each nlher In mllway ranch In Airplane or wine other hlclm llld lhen Iplnnlnl III In which lhm hllhorlo IlllIIKIH Innuanco each nlhur lnr huller or or war II welllumwn Illuan technique Armlclnl In be lure allen very elrccllva Uh REVICI THE llXELEVEN by Al Mqu Thu SIXEleven II luxury commukzr lrln numln belwecn dztmck Acm munlym bol luhurb and mu ermlnnl In New York tlly Thll book III the alarm cl our mm In lhm man llld an woman naval led by that lrnln on lhu dly lbs wmk Den Dr Mnlun Am hav lnn lroubln with my new have llchlnz mm And eyu And cannot breathe through my mm In lhe morning up with III dry lanzuo Ind The doclor lava nu Naurlm Ilwayl any to diagnose rea fly but one ll plnncd do treatment he comes much under And mora lmporlanl lleclive ALTER LIBRARY sin harbofirxi Ioma chronic log Lyngmn mi thorough Mum and mm blallan as you can lea mm tha multitude of possibl causes may be necessary he ore the root of the trouble can be dlimvered Vitamin deficiency especially the complex vitamin as wlth berlberll is another poul bllllyl lymptome oi neuritis Ira varied too Dimrent degree pain tingling aharp ahootlnl attack or burning sensation disturbances in sense oi touch tam nature xenao oi posltion or hrattan ll motor nerve is involved there may he weakness in governing tlta neilon oi mua clear 0r miracles may waste or Ikln changes occur Nenrltla llka rheumatism la word that too loosely used by laymen to indicate variety palm that may not be re lnted to it In todaya case would like to ask how llrm la the dlaznoaln Did Mrat decldo or heran Hm aha had naurltla or line her doctor had an npportunlty to make uniellan agaplinnllonl Diabetes gout and leukemia are examples oi systemic dia easea which can cause neurliil Diabetes oi inn standing la common cause oi neuriiil oi the lower extremities and can dam age other nerve mum lha eyes and the intestinal lrnct he lnl iwo oi ihem JViEemin deiicimcyh especially Story Tells Eur People Travelling On Day Of Wreck drugs can calm nervoflch In lulflfiflbla people Alcoho Iyneurlm lound in heavy dr llkEIHnd this can 1113er iwomen Indl may be umlllva la hem drugs can cause nerve lnguscepubla people Irln ay mm dlplherla Palm can be lrom nico hol lead nrlenlc phospharnl Some of the may be contIned In small amounts In medic mn ulndllejupln Neuriilx in disturbs nerve trunk or poiimp than one Caumi Mani Jury Inflammation or ircm Inch diiieriug in virus iniucliom incl ini of teeth or ionsiIIi iyphoid Irln syphilis dipiheria Dell Dr Malnm What about murlllu me had or year but cannnt at much relief from ha many kind or medlclna have been mumMn HA TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH By Neuritis Symptoms May Vary Greatly mamMn ILA dlulurbanne of TRIP IMI MOLNER l1 Man In or mini ring Inn null lnlecllnn thold mal leh An slimc Who In mm ll lrlvolom 1m unhan and whnlly dell hllul DI le uhlcla lnr Hr and malth mm In vanda Irhnllnhl Iltlch In an vnnnt 1mm rhulutlrrlflle ol mud undomlo lfll lodl MIII how Ir hII mkonrd wllhoul ha llolnllon lm tall cu Ilmml nunluhlrnl flo mullc Irrlnummll Ind Ihl pnlllnfl uccnnlrlcfl lumhlnx In of tho colleu Ind of MI ollaw VIII mm whom dolnl Amer purl rot1m mlly In Ilcohallc II mmpllum hlI IIIuIHnn Illll lurlhmr My 4de dlcidlnl thnl tmxld nm thI cullun much htllur Hun lhI prmnl IdmmlllrIllvu had In Ihnnl mlndul tlIuchl IchoIIr with lam Ind domlnmlnf VIII Im muIIIlely ho balm pln ml lull Ilrlnu bul Mm In pumad rlnlltr mud llnlnmll In with lhII ynrllnmar lll Iv IUIM hlI mMMMllnu end In dimlyn upva lnunullmly hy luv InIVII lulu Durulhy Mull II hlhrlry rmurd mm hi In by Im Inply lmnmllnbln ml ulnnw 1y nanny In lln Ind turn ml ean uxurllll lnr year In cndemlc lilo Ind pcrhm Io bc mlldly Ilonhcd Illa put lo In uh lrnm Dnrolhy whn even marl nwlul Ihun her poury cqplrucuzn wmmnl Mu aw Pryur an Enlllnhmnn Independent mean and pre rnllunl scholarship mm to Cobb minor Amerlun unl vmlly lho wild Na Hnmpxhlrc Vhlllnu Fellaw uxnncu lo com 1m hll on dbllyld monolrlp on lhu dc edly II wn Ensz THE ELEVEN ll naver lheleu Ibwrbln mndlnl Thl our foudlnl Inclm Ind Iovenl mlnar one are clearly Ind lympllhdlcnlly drnwn lo rmm lha renderl lumen NIIM and Ellen Who II He In llmlordrlohnlon temper ha nluhL lhnl he chose to no to wall or Ihe Ilznnl in proceed Ind lhul brought lb wreck II our pleasure in exprm the lhanh and Ippreclaflon Sllvaklan Army leader or the uccllent luppnrl which your ncwapmr lava lo Ihu Red shield Appul Ind mould AIM llke to ha opportunlly throth lho courter of your column My l9 all danarl Ind helperl how Hateful WI Are for their generosity and or urvlcu randered Wllh avery md Wllh Your lincenly arrw www lion Ii former divorce Judge lard Holman moved Ill amendment to delete lhil clause from tha hill and the discussion ill or adults only came in debuts on divorca and how lo mad broken nurriaxe the debate went on lame em began lnnclnl Inxiomly ownd he public gallery when three children accompanied by LleulCIancl anal Campalm Dlreclor louse Aof 534er ng or on children tomall the House House Lords dgbplea This Thu hu the mumm ahould we fly In thin one he nuaemnrkl Illerly It could result from dust mom cosmetics animal or hlrd dan den or nther Wm An allov Iu may be IN to he you qunu readily Thu dry anus and throat are probably lrom breathing through our mouth since your nose on up night Ihll hu the ahould we ny naaemnrkl could result Iron firm but REPORTFROM ILK TEANKB EXAMINER Children Are Barred From Divorce Debate LETTERS TO EDITOR McINIYRE HOOD Mmmlni cluuu or men 10 Is in 1100 am Md Cm Inlmlrlon In dime Mao pm Hm lnr rhlldrrn nc rompnnylntt mol Mn Dnlly Mummy lhmuuh Fr day Ecnlar Soflhnll Suwnrll ulrrlc Hm Mlnuln pm lnlumedlnlo 50mm Bhnrm Comp VI Cvn Inmm Inn Queen Pull no pm Clown Communlly lknlc Ipunmrod by clnuu 5cm lruundl 00 pm Baum 51mm flincan Lmmnu ll Thum lnn 700 rm Ulnpll nl Mldlnnd 745 pm Orlll at Knmk 100 pm TUMIIM JUL Ladlu Sulllmll nrllIIn VI Juvcnllu Al Qurcnl lnk Munmu va Vmou Quernl lnr nu pm Inlmnrdlnll 50mm fimllhl Dnlry VI um Jnyrm shcnr Im MI mm 50th filmcoc llmlrlll Union ll Cowman 100 mm SUNDAY JULY Church Servlcn Sta Church pun lnlnrmcd Son Clarklumllnlrl VI unr mu unr rlnrjnyce Qurcnl Pnrk Mn pm Soth Slmroc Dmhnu Tolrnhnm nctlnn 100 pm TODAY lAlUnDAY JULY 21 Anna Canadian Coon Hound Amciailnn Water Ram Henry Cala Pond Hwy so pm Angus Canadian Coon Hound Amriaiinn bench Ihuw Angus Cnmmunily Park 100 tor grade Ind roaillemi wan imun Scnior Sailbaii Edgar VI Elmvaie ll Eimvnie MS pm Siawam VI Truclava4 Quecnl Park 100 gm Lawn Bowiinu Tournament Alinndlie Mixed Tuhlu 100 pm Sauih Slmcoe Danbail Midland at New Law 700 pm Cochin v1 Uiapil ai Bnrrie Fairgroundl 700 p111 Yarhl iincu Conilnuinl Iha min by Darrin Yuhi Club afternoon and evening Ill blddlng uniformed attendant was In talk la the funds and advise them but was not considered my er lhat lhclr chlldren shnud ha lhlenlnz lo debate of this kind Thu was though or one the peers Qulutly he approached Sh Geom Mllh who was re unlly appointed lo the office of Blatk Rod when Iuncllan II to keep good arder In the am The persistently heavy drink er ur the man man produce mild wife The uumm or lazy wile produces husband who 11 multu Indlflercnk 10LD TO LEAVE thelr palenls were llalmln he argued his me Lord Nubian was maklnu tha am that it was wrong or naband In be free to we 14 guilty wile Ior dIvom aflcr having rammed manlnl relu llnnn with her or the propoiod men month specified In the The anxiety ouhe peer seem ed to become more lnlennu when Baronm Summersklll lpoka or my knowledge gained In the dealers consulting mm In her speech she laid lluAuufin regained her jndapandmce By THE CANADIAN mans III In 1m The Hut uucceulul rm Itlnnllc cable wan cam pleltd 97 year agoIn ma wllh ma landing the Manila cabin Heart Coment NM The In cable laid In mu lalled three week after It was completed second succasl was achieved that war when cable that had parted while helnl laid the rev aus your wan Ipllce and wmpleled lossThe Korean nrmh llceflwu signed 17 1m Try my THE FIRST COLUMN MONDAY JULY HISTORY and district lurdly July lo autumn Ann ALL CAN DO now ofler Iympnthy wllhout ten to those who miter tram ragweed hay lam Thu mm mm In Au usl and canlinucl In roll Rims and they lay there In In mars summa from ragweed than mm the common Nudslde 1m weed and mm hay which hlt me In up Menslva mearch done In mm yam lhero ll um no qulck specific cm or any type ol hay lever Latest In the lrealmen of hay ever In the SNEEZING SEASON llay lev or is an allergy not necessarily connected wlth hay Pollen of weeds and grasses cause the most trouble extreme dlscom Inrt from almost cantlnuous enman andeye watering Even dust and halr at out and dogs can produce lhl allergy lor some people My hay ever or more Ihen 40 years has Ilwaye eluted promptly on June and ended Just as iuddcnly on Aug ust And to am looking or wnrd to next week becnnse these East two month have been out the worst 1n hlewry Thu years wet min and the long dry xpell lhle nunAmer have been perlect producer of hay lever my is none other than bard Layton ltli oi iVe mini and Iron hirulonicl Lord Alhoi the above named araunizeliom may recall was guut speaker at Community House one ovenlnl last April 0n the occuion the Sheba Shrine Club enierleined the Knlzhtr of Columbus and greet epiril oi togetherness pre vailedl or lhe speaker Shri ner Layton oi Remem Temple wee terrific he kept hie nudi ence doubled up in ieunhter for more than an hour with anec doiee about hie profeeeion Those who heard end met him It the Shrine banquet three month ago will Iuroiy went to watch him in notion in the ring with his partner Al Formen against Sweet Dnddy Slkl and Duke Noble in special challenge tag team hultie SHRINERS Ink note And Knight Columhul loo Fea lured an the wrestling card at Barrie Arena Mild Mayday My Something In Airy To Cure Hay Fever ll 100 pm Coo ITo Ilu mull open mo lrncrnl public mm by wlnmunlly arunlullnm mnlnrl Tu ommunfly Cllendnr Edllnr Tho mm Euglnur IW LOH wn 0mm Peflrrlnw Urhu Club Ilml dlncc and ur lel 000 pm GATURIMY AUGUET Auln Span Sponwml by narrla Lhallcnxm 11min Arum am pm Scnlnr softball 6mm Elmvnh Il Elm vnlo M5 pm Irhl mum conllnulnl he mm by nnrrlo Ynchl Cluh allcrnmu IXKI evmlnz Aulo Spar Imnloml by Ilnrrln thnlltnierl 1mm Ann Optm ll moo 50th Slmro menll Imnmr Lu Ladlu Salllml anmmcl v1 Burl ll Thurman MA pm Juvenllcl vu OrllIlI It Orlllla pm lnltgmfdllle Softball Lnknvlew Dnlry VI Dnlry Quernl Park pm Harm Jnyrm VI Slmwo faop Quetn Park pm Queens Park we win EImvale vl hutlnvo Queen Park 530 pm THUMDM AUGUST Ladlu Sollblll Ram VI Monnrchs Qutenl Park us Vnrcou Neumurm Al Nawmnrkcl Scnlnr Snllblll Elmvulolnl Edllr It Edur pm Intermediate Soflbtm Clnrkwn Hotel VI Lnku View Queenl Park 100 pm KEN WALLS FRIDAY AUGUST The Lord In my polHan nlul my mu llmelm III how In hlm hmtnlnllou ml The Lord not only In Iha llnvtrl dally pollion but elenul hopa THE MORAL hr slnry Dont hatchet your count helm he chickens WHEN THE muntl hand was placnd on he black the king almnllcd lh axecullaner to Ilvcr the fatal stroke of lhe axe But before tho blow all the count suddenly ahwlcd Ill tell Ill all Dont cut my head FEW DAYS LATER ha klng qucsllnncd lhe cnum nxnln and old hlm hm he would have Mm beheaded he did not re Vul the names The count still refund Ind wu taken In lhl block ONCE UPON TIME king In small country found thlr native rcstlcsa He discovered count was one at more plot tlng his death when he qucsu tloncd tho count about othcrs In the plot the count refused slvo him tho names and was thrown Into Iho dungeon BIBLE THoucfi AT THE OFFICIAL openln and ribbon culling for Iona motor lnn one the speaker menlloncd lhal Hydras Ilngan or the year might be Lell pas 133Mayba lhla wlll hm an effect an lha pallen ln nlr mud brlnl rellnl lo luy lever sullenm one Ilml lnlullon wlllch ll uklng the pllcl 01 Ill older lengthy sollea cl Woollen am quoting local medical orules not Ben Casey hm when the lengthy mles on lev urol occaslons and got to at loaal 80 per cent lmmunly and mm But then you always lhlnk you curedandqull lhuomm must be slorlgd two to three months More the lrtllallon he alns and you somehow dont lhlnk bay lover lo March

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