Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jul 1963, p. 2

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WM Inmnlllnnll DInHlm can an my ulrnulrn bmlnul In Units Klnldnm and mun mm mmn whisky dll mm and blundm Ind ln lhl DIIHHNI umnllu Au lmru mum DIIHIIHI ponflau muum Mmllrd And lnlnnnllaml DIAHIIm III Wnlnul LIA hmdan Enllnnd um Immmnrrd Ihnl My Jain in ma Iormlllun nu rummny nhlch wlll own um flavllnp nxwrnllmu now mm furl Ivy Inlvmnunnnl nmn Jnhn Lulu IM nw amwmy Ill urnlnu or In ll rn yur 0min ml 30 um Immmlrd 04110000 0r um mm campmi wllh mam nr low Ihm lor llw pmlnul Irl yum mm min Inr lln Ihul ycnr rmlrd Apyll Io mu Mn 0010000 up 1mm 00000000 In llml yur mm qurll 30 Im folxlmhl Collulou Co Ml my many mwru url lncnmn or Iha le monlhn ended Jun 30 1M Immng lo 1521054 nr NJ Ihnrn command with fl00fl050 nr woo than or IM cnrrupondku puiml lnnl yonr Turnhull Elflllflf Ltd The Company rrparll m4 rnrnlnu lnr lho ulna month ended my lmmxnlrd to 73151 cnmpnml wllh WING tor ha compandnt period lml yrnr Amrdlnl to Mr Baker doz en cumhnpcd vanes mundlnz ha lnlcrlnr flu klln keep the descendinl Kuvel con Ilnnlly Inlllnz through space al lowan the heat maka every mmdu ahiamtely moisture lree lt mun In ulna phalt belnz wntupml will not adhere lg dump mater 400 hornpower dluel Mr or Ilandlnx In high II man generate all he eleclrlclly Imd by tho Icom electric mo Ion lhcmselve ranging up to 100 IDIIII powcr In the Inndwhnd flawI Il molt rtd hut leave he lnwlr houul end he klln It all TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Iha lower end of the kiln Iawpresmn Ira Jet so pow erlul that Ihe roar drown out all other munds land unrlng mm nnma lhunder in along the lmuth gltho Kiln mm the two malerhll were comblncd bucket chum curled them aloft onca mm to depaxll them In the upper end of III enormous slightly In tllned drying kiln descrlbed by mechanic Tony Otterlck Ilka nrcemcnl mixer only 10 mm compllcnkcd and lot blmr revulvcd mlzhllly about IL Um mlnulu an an en circlan gear wlm tenth clam Inchcl wide LOW PRESSURE JET Behind and 20 Ice above head lavtl bulldozer lent um Ilnl Ivnlance of crushed tuna cmth down the draalln pickup area From hm lha drnzllne swung Hrs aavml tan crushed nlona Into one hopper dun lumedlo he opponlto Ida Ind Illled an ndjalnlnl hopper wlth llno znvel starting thn ugh xpnkgnl pracelg Compafiv quing P1931 Is City Withifi With hl drnzllna hinted nix lee up we side mounnln of land gravel and cruahed none John Glover was lead inl this material into the we zed happm at ha head of the Inn the rate 2000 Ions din Most peopla don¢ know this but lavernl kind or halt mix tures are used In pav nu lBld Mg Vqloyeru lnhntd ma Comman lndum Hlnn flock Sure you my look around the ouult Ihuuled orcmnn Funk Baker above the denier in mum and roar maulvu machinery mum and re kn But dont get your clothes dirty Ind dont get caught In We In slght implant and the llald lull nl accessories lea ve you undecided lo wheth cr It most closely membln mantle lhreshlnl uulm com plela wllh smokebelchlns xleum engine modern oll tunnely or clrcus Nni unlll had visited U1 cal high cnpaciiy asphalt plant Peel Construction No plan iempornrliy eracled lust mi of Barrie north oi Highway 90 where iha company il paving live mile of Ihe highway and shoulder building on Highway 400 near Crown Hill did nu ma who minatlnu place an uphnlt plant wal UNDECIDED To most as arpilalt in mere lucky alronl amelliag black maierial uud la make our road rater and more com lortaizla to travel But law oi as are aware ol the great amount work and machinery iavai vad in Iho production of thin anexceiied paving material be cause most asphalt planla ara located Just oi lire beatm track usually eat up in an abandoned naval pi Oomplled by Flynn Dunlop IL 13 llrrII fly BRIAN IMKER llllllllcll lummln for Ihl Wu India July AvIlAal IIILDI BULLETIN BRIEF urn n1 mm nr ms nhm camp with ammo 71 per mm lnr lhe mm pondlnl wlod all your humidltd Mlnlu and Inn Iu Campn ul CutMn The hmpnny mmle ml urn hu or Um munlhl mm Jun mnunlrd to mm nnmlldulvd lupor Ferven UM 111 fnmpnny mum nrl anrninn or Hm mnnlhI min nm 304 IN nmnunlld la 107mm or 1115 mm In rmupnml wlm 0191mm nr nu per mm or he corm mmlln prrlml lull yur Net In an dawn prlmnllly lw tum nust uhiin Ill Ihl UM Ilium Wllm Modulim Company pom ml umlnul lur In9 moulhl OmINI May ll Hm Imaunlrd In 12050 or mu Ihm rampnml wllh I1Mdm ur um per Alum lnr lluo mm pomunx pcrlml hul yum InIo wlnu nan lplrlll In umnllrmnl nhllllm mmud with nIlbLyl le In May ml The IIIhoyl hrnmIl In nnd rum mnmluIe an lha Inm ululIInu Ilnu In Not IIm rrlrn mnrkeu nnd Ihl JInLIlI lxrnnd at mum whbkr In In In Inn rnnk lnr vnlumo win In UnlIrII SInIuI II II undu nnorI lImI lha nrw company In Irndu lo IIIII IIw Mym brim cl mm In IIuIr IInu Tho accuracy at he halch asphalt plnnll wclxhlng mech nnlxm ls revtnled whzn ench truckload rewelzhcd hm Iald wallhmnn 01m Ewing AI you can by these checklnz slip the mu wellzhl ul truck and loud wont vary by morn than hundred pounds either way on the Image In one you hlr Ewlnl check lhrough nn analmaul Immune of pnvlni termed payload llmnlcd at lens ranch llzure Aal leopop Ions Dnrrle Mr Klnl dclcrlbcl Bur rlu on the but com munlllu they hnvu worked In The cook hnuan Ind mm 0n ho housekme Ildo ol lho bullnm clerk John Klng exnlnlnnd that none in men llva In the county and that thcrulam lrnllnr uccomodnllbn II lunplIzd or lhosa who want Ll alhegl bpnrd 1n hole In Alkcd ll the cuuud rauth by ulcklnz to the hollum and the aide la the truck used to haul It to the paving Illa Dave Ilvml truck driver would Embath nlve camlrluruhle lrou la lhlt wuy ll we didnt upra our truck with kerosene tn rly lcn Thu produnlon ol the plant really dolermlncd by the d11 lunca the paving Job mm the plnnl 0n uhnrl run we can take all tho plant can ducu on Ion run lha pan mus flew down There up pm blcm lo awry lrade ACCURACY Mr Turk watchedum hand on largefaced molar until reached 000 pounds hm he puHed lever and blink Ilcamlni mass 01 mph IV lng poured Ilka to much ack Itqur gap 920 thofimck below into pii mm which it pie vnled he to of tho iour Hornyhigh Eif e1 towerile tincture oi the mixing pilm whiin dun arresting chambtr removes uivemed dust from the hot ar axhnuu to pram ii mm Imulhering everything wiih cloud oi choking dual standing on his mom Iiamy pinuorm igh ahove the waiting trucks below batch operator El gin Nrk flood before an may oi pneumatic witches lever and dinil controlling the du ctending mas ol mvel And one July COMMUNITY within community L1 thin tamporary asphalt paving hickory which IN Luke Clnlr Lake Erie Lake Huron Nlagum Lulu 0n larlo Goorull Dny Hnllbuflon rcglom Windsor londcn Hum llion Toronto Mostly lunny canllnulnu hot and humid lodny wlh Duo or wn Isolated Ihuwcrl nr hundcmorml dnveloplnx Ml nHernoon or cvcnlng Partly cloudy lonlnM Ind Sundry wlth lcnucrcd afternoon and evtnlnl lhundcnlorml Wlndn south In Ia hwul 10 lo 15 av 1mm nmh MM momma Lhurdl ll knvlnl Arm lomnrrnl mornln lnr mew nl Jlfi hml Immvlnl TImp Al Fart Wnllun flpplnrlnl Mm duvlnl Mu lmc III In Eun ullu Kmth no Erl mmuon Tlmlxnml minnl udbury 5ng Sle Marie ollfy tanlnulnl hot and hum ladny wllh lmlaled lhundtmorm dcvnlop In lhll uIlcmoon and mint lnrfly claudy wllh Icnllcrcd lhundmlorml look and Sun dn wn Ioulhvim II lo Wmu live Cochran cloudy with In low Icnuorrd Ihowm or lhumloulorml lo Foreusll luucd by the Top onto wealhar owe Im snap Thu end of Ontario cunent heal wnvu Illll uppean dlltnnt Nlnotydenroe rcndlnul nro forecast or mulhnm and central rcgians nln lodny Scattered thunder own an screens or man area on Sun ny In 6011 all them mat hnvo Ileakl or lupper tanluhl or well hava cverybady 1mm All over waillnl the can house door Mr lelor called mu left lhl Interesting lrnnllml communily In mphIt praduclnl plant People wlch Imall kllchenl could learn lamelhlnl from ha 5pm nvlnl devices um on thin ualler Thu dlnln table or lnmnce hll two Merl the mend uer balnz hall wlda Is the lower above whlclu ll mud on Ian lluu lvlnu hull mudh table room luln would otherwlu hm been pay Ilble 0n Ienvlnz men deposit up In Ipeclll dlnpmr at anciend room comm oi two ion tuli ylnced side by tide end joined by Ihortmrridor lo the hungry men entering he mm mm thrath the modern kitchen oi the cookhonee let an eppziiunl preview ai whet in or lunch nmAunANr wan lowed one mile west of Barrio SUBSTITUTES thii WEATHER FORECAST NWT PLAQUE TORCH fl lumllr Du Hohlln Mnnllnm um llmMl mane Mil tnm mcuwrmlnz bl qrnmmlher sir llmhmml nhlln 0mm vrnmlrr wulom prov nru Tho plums II ha un vrllcd nn he lnrmsr lloblln Hmlly Immmwl ll mllu with lldnn In Film Ed unl lmmly lmulr Mull nl 0mm And lmllu mem Mr lulllnlun um ll lend In comma lun Mun Mlllu Jerry my Md lw Ihln III erhrl Chmuulla nml Mlnrun Tmlln wm um dlm rpndul prunrnm ol rhll dnna lull Iona Marl lmnn Fulk Fcllivul MINI II 11 am Inn 10 nmrnm wlll Irv dude Icllon mm Plvllclpn nu mull Jull or Puritan tun Inwl ovcmlzh rnlum Indxor 71 SI Thoan 7D Londun 70 Kitchener 70 Mount Forest n3 Wlnxhnm 05 Hnmllmn 70 51 Cnlhnrlnr 70 Torunln 71 IMerbomu Truman Klllnloo Mmkokn Mmflw Sudhury Elrllon 68 Sun 5m Mum Knpunkulna Wu mm Momnru as mwm high Sunday SSSEEEESSSSSSSSSSS Lulu Super or ulh to south west wind 10 lo 20 knots mm lng to northmsl 10 lo 15 over wut hull Indoy nnd ovcr ens hall 1ch Ianluht lcnllered lhgndurlqunlll day and loniahl clearing Sun day morning Warm and humid lodny lumlnl less hnmld Sun dny winds southwest 15 today light Sundny Mnrlno lemma Lake Onlnrlu Luke Erin South lo loulhwcsl winds IO to 20 knoll Isolated thunder Lnki Huron Gwrglnn Buy Southwest wlndx ID to 20 knoll luzlngednlhungmqpnly annebmne Francs Tha Duke of Leeds 62 whose mla porlrnll the Duke Vclllnmon to an Amerlcln wa yearn ago Ipurknd Britainl mall hmnus art the Arrange Program For Children Naw YorkDr Ivan hiolkvi linaii 7a Im international lu Lhorliy in the field hydraulic nxinminl hydrology and fluid mechanics Rochuur MumDr Donald Balfour 80 natlve Th unm and retired Mayo Clinic surgeon and dlrectnr cmorllul of the Mayo Foundation Worcexler EngiudAdmlrai Sir William imnanl till beachmuter who guided thou sand or British troops to Iner at the evacuation oi Dunkerqno during ha Second World War Berkeley CalmGeorg Ml zoo Cunningham ea pioneer In olllleld exploration and on mer preslden ol Amencan Overmu Petroleum Limited No Ire culls wera received In nlzht by the Barrie Fm Delfnrlmank Tho Hm Involved rs In an Incinerator Ron Block 10 we aully brgxghl underconlrol The second 313m azcurred al 15 this morning when the de rmmem wn called in Hr car at Blake and Dun donnld smell nuro N9m Rev Bull Mart 62 dagplnlnfiol munu um RoyalCaIEdlnn fleet duh in the Second Word War Nuw pnlatael were 65 cent bulhel lel was plenum Ind unld well Guam n1 raspberries wm Available nk so cents red cur rent were cenla hlnckcun renll tent and eating plum an canll Vin mpberry plo wld 101 nu app and mpr we null bread rolls can brown luwlnd 1mg cakgg There wax Mule chnm ln vegetable prices Cancu bro ouahl cent or two hunches pmij cpnu ripe lomatoe 32 cent pound beet10 cent or my bunchu and green beam 15 cents quart or 55 will burahelk NEhendl or cahbnzo or 10 luca were 25 cents Len lettuc wgg 85 can Spring chlchn as cent pognd ya 13 Ml glenmud Eu wZFo 75 5G uni13 lum so cent or large and 55 tanks griffin laga fincy work Ind knllled load were 1110 offered Brisk lralilni Ieatuyed hulln cu at Barrie Farmer Market mgrmomlnz Firemen Called Twice In Night THE CANADIAN PRESS Fannj Market Trade Brisk DEATHS in mlrlcllvn ba cnusa lho munumlurlnl Industry and he conllrucllan In dullry two 01 the blunt um plo of Inbur In munlry an lcl not his 111M lbs lac that he nrdlnlry lndlvldull ullImullly pnyl ha Ihol Dr Ilynnrd uld Ho polnltd out lhnl tho cow Ilrucuon lndumy emplorl our 600000 maple Ind nnylh nu that would mlrlcl Ihll Induer will land In mnn unemploymenl which wn he my lhlnu lhl luvunmml nvn Ill plcdn lo mince The 0rlllln doctor Iald hat Mr Gordan wauld no he in thu dlfllculllu III now Ind hlm sol II he had uxed Ihn wildom 01 lb experlenced people In awn department He mid lhu roducuon ol lhe sale In on bulldlnz mulerIIll mm to mgr or can wan nut loud mom and the In Ahould be ullmlnllod mmpledy or It lull year becnuu the can Ullon In the mindl peoplc OTTAWA Special Flnlnu mlnluer Wulm Gordon wan lad down In urden path lnla brlur patch by noup or am leur ndvlserl Dr Rynlrd HP or Slmcoo Eu InId In the Common um week Wlnnm plume Innkm tha compleuon maimed mllen wen Blll Mclhtmn Ind Ted Roblnaon My Ira mm Mr Gnrdun wlll hnvc Amateurs Advised Gordon Dr Rynard Tells House Blu EVANS left preda em the Mma Club pro Ienled 50ml pluqm to Can AppMan Penny Rud In hnlnflln um ALLIKTHN Ella Mflnlfltl TIM Ill NEW LOWELL Mun lmlln Tel llll IPRAYCO LTD dlvlllon poé unsung Includlngchemluln THOROUOH COVERAGE GUARANTEED THE LOW COST EFFICIENT FIST CONTROL METHOD TOBACCO FARMERS AERIAL SPRAYING $400 per acre Attention RECEIVE 50MILE PLAQUES and WIXllnm Cmmtnu nnrrlc rtWfltd 00 damn lo the Iron 01 hll ur Ha Inked wholher young couplu buyan home had my nal eqully In the home helr down payment data In cover the naw lulu In an the buildlnl malerIln 1n Inc home In nolcd lhat the ovummcnl had uttered 3500 Incunlm lo hulld home In ma wlnlu but he bur hey wml one that run In mm car near hem Thundny nlghl Ind wu knocked 21 ylrdl mm mld Tm Inlmnl up And lnlblcd Inlo lhu bum GRAVENHURST Onl CW valnclnl police Iomhcd all dl Friday or laugh bur wthoul Iumu lho blues dellcl In Cand hmory hut he don no beneva um dcflclll lll worn thin mu unemployment He llld in dly when peep buy on llnnnca plnnl It was no bad thing to have dellcll pmvldinx did not go beyond lhe mu nIlInnIl product And the Krowlh of tho counlry Barrie Man Hits Tough Bear flanked by All Dick ltfl or nnlzer the walk mau ured mile cnmpllm for Ike Yl Mona Chi Ind Gordon mun and Mn Andruwu It common at in Barrie yulerday Ilan Mu PETROSMN MOVES Ul LOS ANGELES AWWorld chm thamplnn T1rnn Palm alnn ha Sovch Unlan hn movcd up mm mm to undla pultd 11er place lho Plnll arlky on than loumnmtnl noes InIo ll llnnl mund Sum any In adjourned play Thur dny Iclroslnn haul Omr Pannn Argentina In In Iddi Llonal mum lclmstun now lend lnul Km ol um Sovch Unlqn 55 In Hi5 Dr nynnrd nlm charged that the tax would dnstroy the ct Karl or Industry and labor In make themselves more compell tiva In world markets Ho nug gmtcd the tax on Iplrlt could be ruined wllhnut dolnl any harm Ind lhcre were other 91d lhul could be taprcd In the ammo way without be Ilrlcllve lllV EXAMINER WANT AD IIIUNI IA PM nld lhn lha cast or winter bulldan mm the coal It lcnx 10 per can no um on 320000 ggg the Added cost would ha Eg Patterson president the Enrrla YMYWCA Examlnu Photos meme wner Alida6w 10969151 plnquaun bah11 of her husblnd who mu unlble to be 1an FlGlll SEGEEGATION NEW WESTMINSTER DC CPIThe local Sweet Adeline Women Slnum have dcclded lo wllhald their unnull duel unul Inltmallonnl ofllclnln mclnd hylnw uxcludlng mlorcd ling Plllhwm were our couslns Keith Young Douglas McNuhh Duncan Halon Ind Elwood GI ltn and two ncphuwl Mu Rlch Irgxon Ind nuxull an Honorary pallburm were Dun mo Charles Chuxch John Fledhlm Vlclur Church IL Wang IndAltumll Church Frlcnds And relallvu Illund ad 1mm Slayner Colllnnood Dumplnn Churchill Taronlo Ind llunlnvilln He Ilklonl mambcr ol the Pnshylulln Church allow ding urvlcu at Sunnldalc Co nerl Ind Em Road churdm He was live Liberal and Inn ndvoulc ha nun of typeng Rev Hall pullor Em Road Church cunducled the luuenl urvlco Pelhlck Funeral Home Rune Church wnu lulu God Understands accompanlcd by Mn Mslla Wllhr Burlnl um In SIIyncr Ccm ry Iurvlvzd by wlIe hls Donald Ind lwo rundchlld Judy Ind Glznn Younl Alter munme Mar zaret Gilchrist in ma hemovad la Edcnvnla In 1936 he mnch la amqu and In 1941 lo Bur Ion Avanne Blnle Fur some yam he was employrd by HM Flnl Cooperlllv Packer ol Onlulo Herbert Jlmel Georg Ynunl 79 or Inlay yam residual of Sunnldalo annlhlp died his hum In Elmo July 15 Barn in Chlnzumuly Tan ship Peel County In m4 was ha ran at the me Andrew Your Ind Mlmm Berrymln Ha Inqu with 1111 real and mm the like LII In Montgo mery In Sunnldale Comm when he nllendzd lchool MMWA Speclnl Cons veuve member at pullm from the SImcoeMuekoke urged lpedll wanderHan their Mich In the Common Ndny when the government south Improve 5peclI hmdolflndlllonlnlldtheni employmun ellundon In cartel arm 01 whiter Haber Smith 51mm Nomi noted that the money was to bu men only on when um Md high 1m content Re In the Ihbbulldlnl industry In tho hlshm dam of Inbor can um 01m and um the Donut moat cl hAnslorz Ind the Can Idlun Muflflmo Commission V9 v1 whim that could quickly bulk Mr 8mm Ilsa urged am the gov amment extend the lamb Eu wlnter work program thelama Urns wu 1m yen Ind not qhoflen It 1m sm 1mm mm gummy JULY 21 PIOpose Naval Contract OBITUARY

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