In ix SUMMER RESORTS cornuxu Abl wukl In AillIuL 50m Ill cum Vlnhnfll yr and hid DIV Mn amu Manon cum mum to nu au my num nrnlxhed Auxh1 An 99 ml mm nunaomm smet run munh Summer call mexdl II tnlnr Ind huv dulz In Aunlll TI Dixon III Tmmcuas for SALE slzu la Ideal nl hen houses lines mxloa min at Balm on Highway 11 Mahogany poster bed Wuinut posier bed Pnlr of mahogany twin beds Wainut dining room suite plan Cleopatn couch in ma condition Several real good dressers including one in cherry wood Mahogany and Bubingo wood plea bedmom suite Buried walnut piece bedroom suite Muny mailer pleces In various designs and periods You may buy us is stripped or reiinishinx or re finished WE BUY AND SELL FINE QUALITY USED FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Call Stroud 106 Evenings PA 66178 OPEN AM TO PM Plus Tax Apply Th Banla Exnmlnu Bums OmanIo CLEARAACii JV Set N5 Cleaners 10 and up umlled qunnllly Repair lo all make TV at USED REFIUGERATORS All with FREE Year Warranty PRICED FROM $59 McFADDEN FURNITURE APPLIANCE PA RK andrvracuum ileum ADVANCE TV AND VACUUM SERVICE Pgsapu MOFMI mum 5E Inch In and candlllun phnnn PA um IILVIIK GRAY yllnlld Ilvlnl mom lulu mul mmunn mum Tnlcphnnu PA Milo humus AND Sprint wlm nmcuhlt mum Ian um All and tondluan Ttlwnom PA In or tunar lnlnmluun man mnmn whuled wun out In or hlfl olltr Tellphonl PA mm or unhu MamKlan nnuud lot Aulu Vuku Mllumlly Aram 100 Count dam ml cm nun Ion HP at rum Einnl EONTINENTM ued vim PA 60 Clrln on my muhlm slum Swan Conln uml PA Ida olmul Vrmy Man opm mnlnn your canvlnllnu um amen nmun an momm In my 11 Nnnh Trhyhnnl 0m muL COTTAGE TO RENT Nul ron Mu burnr lulomlllo l1 Ir Alla cum loo mmm wl Inc mu old lenm um bnlu ny own All Mornln IIImoan PA 011 nun hhcllun ll Cam our It Ill W7 an Implnl mm lnwul wk In III or umvt lqulv ml DIE Ink rumn 91 Dunlap Wm 5hr 31mm Olmlclu VUINACI lame Iv unnua luv lwn nlulnd Im IIMQIL mu tonamnn Ina um nnnml mu Aha mu burntum mum uufl kw Flvvhnl IM Ilflll IN lulmln Imnw mm mum m4 Illul leuod IIm PA Mm iséEER DOZEN as Dayflold Sr PA 82843 only Power Lawn Mower sum Only PC lluhhur Mr Foam Chnslcrllclr mos Only Wooden Cllllll 00 on only 12 Inch Elcclrlcllango 24M Only Now Pa Bedroom Sullu $0705 Only New Platform Hooker 3905 Only New Space Snvnr Couch 3011 ll only New hroma Chalrn 371 Only Uml Beds comglelu 905 Only Uml Corner CI Inn um NEWSPAPER MATS HIGH ST PAULS SECONDHAND CENTRE SPECIALS CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS It Mulcnsler Street nr mm mm or FREE oeuvng um minnow suuu Ava pl cu compl 50 Ind up lllll Serond all Dunlap Wnl llllfll ARTICLES FOR SALE fï¬ium ï¬Jhï¬ 31 In mm or m1 Nu REFRIGERATOR CIIblc loo Glnbnl Nickle $55 Aplnmln Mnllll oubhumer Iluulc no Mn In nod condlllol Tllvphalll Ivy HRH IBPflC TANKI Dumrld ll no and Iqulvmlnh my when mu Now lï¬nlgpld with 10 Inch dllpnnl IIII Kin Wnllr lqllphuni PA menu rm hum dgllcr who mgw 1mm lumen mm Imlc thmu nu IV PA um um mmn TENTH CABIN Tflfllr cm to nmp llnvll coaln In tin DY will Blnh Tint Awnlnl Campmy 14mm Bnylld EL PA 0M Em nume nu unfnon mun 11 All men EM shew tour nun 5mm an Art or alapbonl PA MWL on sum nnuommm to ma homu m1 oumn mum no mantra chum flock mm mam nu damn ï¬n um Marnmnms or ul mummy cumnmLmm Ru Mm 111va km Aw Chulu Dum Mxmnnh ur mam Mlncun hon rum mn llumux mm lluwun Iwnl mm Approval Dcpuunlm Alrkulhm my mm mm mam vllu no bushll mm an mm H700 rman mman or nu Tn ma meme um mm mm ML nmmbxu phonl Elrnnd mm nlool mun mum cum nu mu mod connllmh er Apply I1 Clmphfll AVE WILL TRADE Crlfllmln mm Bell Pawn Mom or lulllhlI tour and mow ldul 01 mm 7mm lnm 1m lnvrn Talk plum PA Mm CAMPING EQUIPMENT BARRIE AND DISTRICT AUTHORIZED DEALER IUsed motors owmm Italago or boals Ind mum SANDY cow MARINA FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Illghesl price paid or dead or crlpplcd cal and harm SmnH anlmnls removad me For In nervlcc PHONE DARRIE PA 32 Collect or ask or immu Mao N0 cnmqp ï¬lm when you tln let yuur umkmea but nu ma wrlnpud mm mm mm Add IAlmwkk pl Mm FRUIT VEGETAELES Mummy An yyu You More and more poultrymen CRWHJK DIKALR PULLETS 5mm undy to lay and day old chlclu Order now or early ordnr dlsmunt For mvlcu or help on your poultry problem call Cram Rumor CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD STROUD PHONE 11 mam am all Ill GiEEYEï¬Ã©ï¬‚ï¬géls rm Lornl urmhm NICKS DEAD STOCK 37 Iianhm PA no you Mn mm mm mmm MI 01 In run it nll Avle 5mm 11 or lollvhonl FA mh cBnflimsm Townth nu Lake Slméan UJ SW10 IM mnmuwhv on um ma candlllan lclcyhonu hour 14 mi m1 Foxmcnd anarlo Licensn No 172w Nlck Munlague Prop Farm Supplles Service Jun Nuw llollnnd Unvh lsmwn Hutu Farm Equlnmtnl IM IIUIITUN AWL IA 3117 CASH TRADE TERM GARDEN SUPPLIVES BOATS MOTORS DEKALB PULLETS Worlds No Outboard SALES AND 53mm POULTRY CHICKS CHARLES CHURCH DOGS PETS FARM MACHINERY MERCURY LIVESTOCK SWAPS FARMERS MARKET DE LAVAL SALES AND SERVICE 25 lulu mllklnu with nnw De Laval loo Series Mllkm Barrie 5130px Hwy 21 mu uurnumaimn or MR nun Apply nlchud Hulam menu Tlmhonu mm ualn nmmmn Mlnhllu with arm hell my nmmn Am Una cams mm um gullml Nam mnulu CREAM IIPAIATORI Ind In NW and muwunmd Pm lnd llrvlu Vlklnl lh lion Bu uilhurfl ll phone PA 6911 MINNIMOHIMOHII And Ell Ina 5mm slnll row and mo pow cum hushnx um nlrvllllfl blownl Ind ml nox um mm In cup cumin pnm oa drv Mill Ill unk Ind kkufl CI mm In hlch II Mary 8m PA mu IKE lfll Clnldhn and VIHAHII lIllprophllld lfl awunu wllh Imunundluonu Cun mm um Ind mme In on pm Prmd 00 It um Amman mid mlchlnu ll AW Mull Cm Hth lnd NIW l9 MIMI ll 00 4mm nllhh llflll WEADICK MELING CO CUSTOM GRINDING AND MIXING OOn um Inn with our mobile teed mm 001 at our national1 mm Stroud IWa carry complm line of prepared beds concentrates an ALSO IN TERESK FhEE FEED CON WAGES PHONE STROUD 52 MINESING MOTORS Ford Tragic and Equipment SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 213 MINESING AUTOMOTIVE WETOWN MOTORS WAGON Tone Brown White Clean Interior Custom Ra dio Whltewall tires 13 F1 PLYWOOD BOAT and ACCESSORIES TEENEE TRAILER and HP MOTOR This is In excellent hmlly cur clean and flood condlllon Cou ind wlth the bout molar nnd ml er becomes an Ideal camp lng and boating package and you cant beat our low price whlch Includes everylhlnz MOTOR CARS FOR SALE 1953 anklwnzen Deluxa with randy lo so Todayl mam leather InlerIor lrcsh palm and PIERCE MOTORS PACKAGE DEAL VERIFIED WARRANTY USED CARS Mann ma uafmd onflmnn mwnon PA um um pm VOLKSWAGEN 81 ESSA III PA 06558 71137th 3p nnuhn am mom ma In My mo um PA mu mm 11mm hman DIM Awll lo Chfllth yum um mnum mum um nmmmxn rnur dnor mo mullt mm null In um FARM MACHINERY II xmum mum Mudllm un Nu vim mum In lar Aulmnl nmlulum Cur bl Ir 1ch unluva madI In mummuny In In um Mm mu Mm Chum mule IHIHI Tlllvhanl PA FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PHONE PA 115192 OPEN TILL 10 PM EVERY EVENING 1m form nu mlnhndlm Illln IH MI Lumm will um vI 00 LOW ll ALL FOR ONLY own uw mm uwn on mum dun math um 93 Bradford Street ION 1857 UHEV Vanna WARRANTY USED CARS mo Oldlmohlll In our door Mun wllh aulomullc lummll Alan ndlo And whllowu mu um and um ml Prim PIERCE MOTORS VOLKSWAGEN Ill ESSA RD PA MW HANK BROWN FEED SEED GRAIN $1095 rm whom or My tum pmmn Hull FA PLUS AUTOMOTIVE 1963 FORD FALCON door station wagon beaut ully ï¬nished in sand shell beige with match ing interior cqmglp 9d by whitew ll es Powere ons big engine coupled with Standar Transmission for mile after mile of economical motorin Large and roomy with loads oi corntorta le room This one owner repossession is in mint condition and carries 12000 miles 12 mouths iull warranty Only 10 down 42350 1961 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE tastefully iinishe in lovely Mediterranean blue with mutching interior Equipped with custom radio and windshield was ers Its like new condition makes the ideal economical buy Owners name on requesL See this one Only 10 down $1295 1960 FORD FALCON door deluxe wagon in dual ing Alaska White with matching red and white interior cylinder ower ant coupl ed with automatic transm sslon to give years of smooth carefree low cost motoring lea sure Equipped with custom radio bac up lights and white wall tires This low milea one owner automobile will clear this wee end for 10 down and allow low price 1895 1960 DODGE PHOENIX 4dr sedan gleaming black exterior iinish with smartly contraste interior new whitewall tires This low mileage oneowner car is equipped with custom radio and windshield washers Just 10 down will lac it in your driveway For the unbelieva ly low price oi $1295 1962 VANGUARD door sedan with only 10000 original miles Finished in an attractive con tinental coffee tone with matehin interior in luxurious leather throughout qui ed with custom radio and white wall tires era is nearly new automobile for thrifty minded people desiring the ultimate in econ omical transportation See this now Only 10 down and priced to sell for only $1195 WEEKEND SPECIALS 1958 DODGE door hardtop Bed exterior with matching red and white interior Deep tread tires Good family transportation Balance Owing $84060 1056 DODGE REGENT door hardtop automatic trotremission radio snepme 1957 CHEVROLET door wagon cyl engine radio Mechanically sound Needs some ody work 1955 DESOTO door sedan Fully equipped and powered Automatic transmission and radio 1960 PONTIAC PARISIENNE Convertible in strik ing cascade blue exterior with ebony top and matchln interior Vii engine cembtnes with automat transmission to produce top performin combination Power brakes and steering or fingertip handling equipped with backup llg ts and washers All new whitewall tires yards of gleamin chrome set oil this classic beauty to full in vsntoge This lovely softtop is truly or the young at heart You can experience the pride that ownership will bring this weekend as this low mileage local car sell with only 10 down 1900 FORD FAIRLANE 600 door sedan in im maculate roblna egg bluo complemented with all new whitewai tires cylinder engine coupled with step my es men many additional miles oi economic al trou lo tree motoring We will be pleased to provide the name the previous owner on request demonstration drive will wed you to this nearly new automobile this week end wlth only 10 down $137500 1959 PONTIAC Door Sedan with jewelllke apple reen metallic finish with mnichin inter or nccentunted by all new whiiewnl tires tires cylinder engine and automatic trans mission ior smooth economical trans ortniion for the whole iomlly llero is nun low cost automobile with plenty oi style tor the thril ty shopper See now only 10 down WEEKEND SPECIALS 1054 CHEVROLET door aiallon wngon wiili llndcr onulno aiondnrd Ihlil mechanic ly sound car or ilro low low prlcu of only 8105 1050 PONTIAC door radon in ebony and coral ions frowned ilel cylinder engine with ulnnrinr lrnnrmisalonr All new rubber custom rndlo wnahor tender mirrors Local car with only 42000 original miles leo now condlllon Only 10 down 0500 Ml Foul vnomluw uuv dnor ndln xqulmd wllh udlo Ind V4 mom Cmnvloltly av hnulud Prlcod lo char nl um VERIFIED WARRANTY USED CARS PIERCE MOTORS xm ucunn cur um lull ml mm mm mm nmh n1 Inlnm Amnm mm VOLKSWAGEN 01 ESSA IlD PA 05558 VNfllulfl II VI lam an Mill In MN III nuch nlumm Inlnlan Moo um mm Cvmm um um mu um um mm am nu an man In BAY CITY MTORS LTD mule lulu uni3 gnuquvn 45 Bradford St PA THE LOCAL DEALER WITH THE METRO PRICEI Wiihin Your Reach Guard Your investment with Life Insurance Coverage Comprehensive and Collision Coverage Finest Anywhere sf LAC PutA Fina Car In nun mm MOTOR CARS FOR SALE nu ronmc Mlllon wu ya goof Alum Wnunmun nI mm mm mm mm mfuï¬hnun um um anvil uth iA um 7mm Donn Chum mam comvlm muI Pluhmllltm 1m mm In or bu mun IA Ho m1 rllnvlun mu nm In nod Mndlllon Ihrvu nmL Tn un mum ll Ar rly ml mm whom PA ll In Immm lvodum Mrdlo Ono mum at In mm Mllehlny nlnlM Uul mum mm in mm lav law PA I1lll Ii aun¢ulétmnr rofvinm um any um mg In PA 8793 $2205 $395 $675 $395 AUTOMOTIVE FRENCH MOTORS 1963 DODGE 330 1963 SIMCA 1000 I961 PLYMOUTH 1960 VOLKSWAGEN IEE BARR EXAMINER FRIDAY 10 1959 BUICK 1959 BUICK 1959 DODGE 6c 05 88 cm 20 88 22 26a 3x 1959 CHEVROLET I959 METEOR unnau um on tum mm FRENCH MOTORS 75 BRADFORD ST in IMn Inhu mun um gain mum to we VAuquu Volal Hug Funnon ml mu um um um um nunII nu um um In unqu mumn Ihvmllhnut Arr Innh In at him no um clmul an Mdmml In lull 1m Ann 1mm mn mm um rm 0mm nunn nu No run mu Ihn mu ml Ayvly hm 1m and vnlu anwlny Md II lnllld llnl TRY EXMIINKNWANT All PHONE PA 111 This automobile has powerful yet econ omical slantsix engine Convenient auto matic transmission Youll be proud of its gleaming black finish and matching black and red upholstery only 2395 Mile alter mile of economy and carefree driving lies ahead at you in this stur automobile Ideal for student of to co iege Has lovely blue exterior with match ing leather seats and white wall tires only 995 This spunky little black sedan is built 101 economy without sacriï¬cing convenience Its equipped with white walls window washer and bumper guards brand new on but youll save 300001 only 1695 Here we have family sale door black beauty with an economical and sturdy slantsix engine The low mileage and easy going automatic transmission make this Plymouth terrific buy only 1695 Here is smooth riding VB sedan Ideal for the tamiiy that has wanted big car comfort but until now could not aiford the price Eguipped with true ione radio and automnt transmission Finished in lovely bronze with white top Its door two tone blue comfort car Packing powerful V8 engine and auto matic transmlsslon Has accentuadn whlte wall tlres and run like mp real clean automoblle Why not give MOBILE HOMES test run car an one would be proud to drive Its CusrprAn Royal 593159th get ug Jun nu and en lne Highly ollshed red and iack am or In set of by lots at chrome Has ï¬nger tip power steering and custom radlo White walls whch dlsca dual mlrrorrarand window washers Real 13761366 eh Ah mi smnri chance to impress iho neighbours with our taste in automobiles nie Eel ir coach with luiomniie transmission Finished in beautiful beige lins vniive mileage and EEhEcrvmï¬u rprico tag Lola of power lols of class You can eel lho power of the qulck Vll motor Tnslo the class ol the bcnulllully nppolnlcd green nnd bclgc exterior Enjoy lho sound ol the cualom mile 110 proud of mo cleanllnesa the car llscll See ll only 1095 UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY NO MONEY DOWN N0 HIGH PRESSURE If You Qualify MOTOR CARS FOR SALE Mud riuh or dun mlnmnbllm Lem paid CARS WANTED TO BUY CAI ll mm In 01w Anni momma no nllADqu 51 SEE US NOW Elmo day cauulllllml and man mun phovml Mum Mo MIII IHONE IA M110 CIVAMIHIZM CONTINUED ON IMIM AND URGENTLY NEEDED only 1595 Hm only 1495 only 1495 PA 8597 $1695 AUTOMOTIVE Mun nll 1360 Vaikawmn lon Pickup Excellent mdltlom Extra muw um new duw mufller nan plpe PERSONALS ACCOMMODATION NOW AVAILABLE BOWMANS PKWATE NURSING HOME STROUD Sam and private rooms on the Hound floor Rea onablu rates Qualulad practical nurse on mu wnmm mm mm In gmnp yzgo Phlu strEua om unmoan my run um um sddI Kane and Pan In lumu mum emu An Ind nlnlhmmu 1s flan 0m I11 Thumu On and LEARN HAIRDRESSING uovernmenl Chumed School Thomah trunan 111 Ill bun die beauty culture DERWIN HAIRDRESSING SCRUOL WOMLEY ST FA 33961 BEAU mar colduvu Sch dc hy mum hlrdmm In your own ham or hmlm up 55 11mm um or Tenders will be melvod lot the omrann of the lollowlnl Bu Route for School Area No iéslalledonla until Noon July 31 Contract no effective Illl new school lo operntlon Lowest any tender not nec essarily accepted mm 11 mllu 36 pupllsI Route 222 mlleg puplls Roula 511 mlles so malls Route 411 mlles 12 pupils Bum fur Routes one lwo chm mun seat 40 penum am No 30 persons For further be CDOP l2 TENDERS TRUCKS TRAILERS COUNTY OF SIMCOE TENDERS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION SEALED TENDERS on arms Aupplled by the Cgumy Engineer or he Consulllnz Enxlneen wlll be malvcd by tho County Englneer olflco In tho County Court House Dnrrle 0n mlo unm 1200 oclock noon on IIIUIISDAY AUGUST I5 1061 or um rcconslrucllon oI SIm coo County Road No 17 MM Duvelopmant Road No 695 mm lhe hnmlel nl Severn Fall nnproxlmalely 47 mlles xomh erly In Iho Townshlp ol Mulch dnsh The work Includes grud Ing culvert and zrnnulnr baa course Plum Speciï¬cations And Form no Tender may be oblnlned ma Slmcoo County Englneerl olllco or at the Milan or ha Consulting Englnem In Port Cradll or the rum twenty Ilvo dollars $2500 whlch wIII no bu relunded Each under must be accomp Inlcd by marked chequo lo an amount equal lo lens 57 the lam under and the M10 cmlul bldder 1mm provide contact bond by an approved gunmnlcn tompnny or 100 ha lolnl lcndcr The lower or any tender wIII not mccsnrlly be cooled MIL CLARK PlEnlq Caunly Enzlmer Counly Court House IIAIIIIIE OMMII MCCORMICK AND RANKIN LIMITED Comultlng EHKIMHI Slnvthnnk IIond POIIT CREDIT Onlnrlo PIibNE 51110119 133111 Scaled marked tendon wlll b9 rmlvcd by underlined unlll II orlock noon Mun mu 01h 1961 or the pmlllon mum or new live mowed mpllc Aclwol nl Clugrdxlll mm or an lindci HM noc gmly nccpptd Send lnqulrlu Ind le in Edlm SlutKeen Seaman ol lhq hunt or nmlm lnnil glTSL No ll Churlillll SACRIFICE SALE WOMENS COLUMN 80AM will In anvdnpu pnnlrlrd wlll lr nulml by undmlmnl up In pm Aunul 1W lur lhu tnmplel ulnlml than ulerlur ul lha Ily Epeclrlullnm Ind antler Er morn my olvlllned um um Clgy Cl vmtg low any Tindor mt mu nmlly um MI BTMUSHAN C11 CluL PA 661 PA 980 TENDERS TENDERS FOR CAHEIAKING TENDER FOR PAINTING Vascy Ont 5051 11 235 19