Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jul 1963, p. 6

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Lu lrln any lhnl un lnkn flue lrkaunwnm Jul at rx erclse Unu ynu hcgin ha Ilimmlnz Hmls your ln There are two ways no cute he swing You can bend oxward all the waist lhus lenzinl 1m 45mng an 119 you swan rnnrwnrd Or you can swing ngalns the re nlllnncu of opfimlng muscles Keep knzo almith lnnsc ha leg muscle and In the rear raid lhmsL he Ihort qulck and nu HemAI hall dnzcn llmcl wllh tho rlnhl lac then change over nnd lwln wflh Inc It lrg 1er uwlng n3 Elm INCIIEB Thu dy who pmvidnl III mm allmmlmz mum lnId me Ihc hml mun lulul chill Inches at her hipllm Sublmcl rlghl inclm mm In 41 Inch hlpllnn and youll have ll Inch pm five All an old the telephone rmlvcr In your left hand Krlb hold chulrback wilh your right hand Swing rlnht lo tumrd lrcnly 1mm uminhl lhcn Iwmg back forcibly lulu keeping knee slrnlghlu Hit rhyhm xwlng Inward swing back and nrwurd again On lhu second win to the rear MM As you hold yau conlruct the busllc of mus cle pudding Hm Mp Hold fur lx seconds By huldina he muscle nu you uso he prim clple Iwmelrlc contraction Teenagar wkh hips past the yardwlde llnc joln our swing nlonx Interested 0n Ihu Icle phone as you chal wing to lose challenge fun Why no tum your UngAaJing call Into lwlngsculon BARR EXAMINER THURSDAY MY 25 more Ideal location or bake ula on torrid July ulter noon would be dlfflcult to llnd Thu women St Pauls can Church chose the shares Lake Simon lhn 12th llne beach In hold their aha nnan bake sale ycscrdny Member of lha Glrls Auxll iary Huh VA also sold variety naveltles convened by Mn Laurln Gregory KEEP IN THE TRIM BISCUITS PflllNfl NH Swing Your Hips Into Shape While You Keep Up With News By IDA JEAN KAIN LAKESIDE BAKE VICTORIA CWIII 5m 1m srnmy in Mrthwul Vlc lurln DulthCanndinn Inmlly pruidu nvvr must Inum nl paradise HIM him then rundm rum furnwnyplum Al the drop An order Ihl Vonrnluy lnmlly ulll Illm Mn Ennlhh ullllnn Welsh uvrnflvllly Huh cnlhy Smulnh Glrlu lhll can nramlsc ynu Swlmmlnn make lur bvaumul 1m shapely thigh and llllflmlilltd hlpL build curves when cums should 1m Swlmmlnx slralghlcns your pus umv lune you up nllm ynu down and goals you It Come whenever nu lcel Ihe need In first lush quarter of mllo may Nam like quite swlm Try It III Inn and Illmmlng Aflcr the threeml candlllnning paint from lhrn an shnuld be continu on warm mllc swim using varlcly of llrokcs Swlm one lznglh ulng the crawl Ihcn lem the back stroke on the re turn lrlp Use tha may aldc mom for rcsllnl and lont nuhile on hut uré ynu wmuni Inr You can be bathing hcnulyl Nu an you game in try samcihhmv that will make you every lncha beauty Join the simile swim You can get ihe rules the ponl where you swim The iirsl ihrce miles are inr conditioning At each swim msion youre In awlm quar irr ni mile but ynu mu whenqycr ypurlcel Ihe need lhuslasm will keep you swing lng happily Salung Big Cheese Runs Thriving Business slshtd by Mrs CecilRobefln sun and mm Owens Mu Jnspch Pratt of the Paulette the WAI mnvcncd the bake sale win on ccnvener Mrs Hurry Holdcmfl Above Jnmla Robertson wonders why Ihm Isnt any money In the plggy bank one ha nov elly items offered or salc He ls shown with his mother Mrs Robertson Examiner mm SALE flake PEEK FREAN aw In In Iran nor pmlllml vnrleflu which lDyI pmrlrlar Gm Voor aluya him blz chmo Hm bullneu In nrllhh Colum Mn dunlafi CAnndlnn cheddar and when they can Austral Iln thudm Mr and Mn Arnold Foxbu RR Barrie hnva announced the engagement of lhclr young csl daughter Muriel Elizabeth in John Vlncenl Harvey of Tor onto son Mr and Mn Hur vny Halllnx The mnrflnzo will take place ln Hope Unlled Chumh Toronto on Au ll pm Mr and Mn Cameron of Long Beach Calllamh hnve MIL Carl nichehelm or Jr Green Road Syl ranh onln and ha like Mr Illcbuhelmer Thu cwer pln nn Aumm wtddlnx AUGUST WEDDINI The nzagemenl hlu bun announced 01 Min Mule Pn Iricin Hope dnulhler Mn Granny Hope 01 Phelpnon nnd the 1m Mr Hope In gohn ukbuheimeg Mn nl Mr and Mn Frank Porter Sanford 51 have returned to the city following thrwweelu holiday Victoria Brillsh Co lumhiar While visiting at the coast they were guests the home Mr Pnrler brother and slstenlndaw Mr And Mn Ernie Peder Holiday nests at the home at Mr Ind Mra Jamel Brennan oi Owen SL were Mr and Mn Ray Moore oi Si Jahrh New foundland During their may in the cily the couple attended reunion All the Brennan and Trait amines held Angus Park on Saturday Sixtyfive persnns aitended thereunion including relative from Weston Exadlord Midland Oriilia Barrie and Au gusi Mr and Mrs Mooru are on route to New York City where they will vacation helm mum in to Newiuundland VISIT COAST Arrlvlnu 1n the city Mny to mend weekl holiday at he huml Mr and Mrs Wray ol Duckworth 51 L1 Mr Wrayl ulster MrsEd Famine accomplnled by liar dmhtar Cindy Gun Lake Snrxntcha wan the In time Mn Rulclmo 11 seen her brother In man than 10 yum ATTEND REUNION all In mm Weddhll In menflu mum bud yuan awning olIn pm Ila VMIMI fulfill In Item 01 lulum to woman render of at gun Your help In NWW um um bf new nam clnted Plelu plum Th0 Bird Exlmlner ll PA um and Eflnu Dixon or Audrey Cannon ll th Way Dangmeat mom ms Wm AUGUST BRIDE PEOPLE AND PLACES PbmfllmbmnuAufimPAm Cmuva worker will be lav mod by highly leullHnl up ptcls Irbm midDecember Ill Mnrch 1M ll tomorrow ll your blnhday your hon0100M lndlcam um whlle lha anhmmlnx year my not be nlrllmlarly lllmulallnl whm lob Muhammad mun clnl advancement arr mn mned It would no lth able to let down In your dlnrtl Ilnce nod Influence nut month In mldSepumben Jan unry Ind March un help to all let lnlervmlnr advma upccls Use hue per min In make plnnl for Ihe futureu clam when lonxnnn ucurly promml ug conctmed This yr oraxcope II good one Aspect en eduly ll var outdoor acumen travel and romance Mon olkl should In lo canienlal mood And group acllviuel kind Ihould prove highly an oynhl Foo nm mommy my qumnnow Wetland rues Ch home of Mr and Mrs Douglas Rend mm Elihu Ave Toronto were Mr and Mrs Wnlur Am and Ian Murray Straudl Mrl Frank 2111 And Mrl Inny Exell held mhcelllm cam show the lormul home In honor at Ma Crwm Guam ll ham Mn Dorgmea Tampkim Dundonlld stu Mn WSKNII Ind daulhlefl Lorrlu Ind Vlckl Lynn London 011me wlll be In the city until Sunday BIRTHDAY SHOWER Mn Betty Chum of WI llun SL Inwtalned It mne ellmeoul Ihnwer or Mn Gilli Crown the Ionner unwr Ex Ind community mower wu held Grow Dnnco Hull Orr Lug in honor 91 hi nuwly we The en agement has bun Announce llenla Jouphlne Emu daughter Mr and Mn John and of RR Banla to Paul Peter Hunncl Ion Mr And Mn Theodora THE STARS SK been halldaylnx In Nu city uer Mr Cameronl bran er Ind lllflMnIIW Mr Ind Mn Geomfllmmn Pm tlnl St hm 511 III II In perqu mnllerfimyw 1N II II Cont HAIRCUTS $00 Ix nun bm 50 WATER at Armanm only EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE PERMANENTS thrl 550 PEEK REAN podum The Peak Fraan package gels the blggaal hello wherever you go Everybody has hlo lavourlle Peek Froan oooklo Pack an yuortment or buy them wherever you go Peek Froan blacultl are would enjoy plmun damutlc Iltunllonl or man the year wm thc ponlbln exception brlef period Ln 1m Se umber In October early avember Ind mxt Fabrulry whan lame enllon my be evident Au ml an nllmround good month tar Leollu will be uculent where rumMa cancelAnd lrom Nlp ar wn nur Go den Rm ever But Nipper died In Jlnulry In didnt lendl her um um Mothua my She fly Ihould hm lent In homma But fly would hm mnde no um It Ill llnce an my mother Balm you call me heal wnnt to all you she not math dont bald that Inhm her mum know we muted lnmfly jun dId Unlortunau 1h Lord didnt us It to ban ul In oflur find 11 to be ex Ict alway glut her mu Math It Endulllned Humid from Hollmd The maxrim 10 wk place on Aug un 10 11 mm In EL Muryl Roman Catholic Church Bir rla Photo by anm Dent Ann Linden Here It 1m In July Ind will ll lull wnlflnl around wl 1m 1m became didnt remember hu nn Molhorl Day ANN LANDERS Swim Sum Slrelchln Slim Bermuda Short Dogged By Wife For Goofy2Misltaké NAME ADDRESS TOWN PRIZE gr KAYSER SLIP VALUE Drop nll unllétflli Th Conlnlnlr ll our hm mpmuarpmmmn pr sold ovarywharol 0N All SUMMER CLOTHING at hme mew Summzr 1310qu Summer Short Summer Drum LINGERIE IPORTIWEAB l3 Dunlap PA MM nm In anullad dull oplnlonl but must hay Inch 11an in Inn at an ch dun Hula ants in too us wo hurd Keogh uy to Ado ted lldren lav1y no uh hlvlnl your Aside mm lhu ml flu youn aflrl Ind 119 buy no nothing to commend Ihll nlnuumhlp It lnmdlblo me um you two would cm In mullderlnl maxrim Wo hnvo Iwa Idole chil dnm They no bolh undu two mu nu How clun hm 75°F E0 Deu MI Mnrk You ny youre engined to nuer wanderlul guy but In mm pells out clearly ow much more wonderful you Ian you Deu Ann balm You ecm lo hm mm Cu you Iupply on at clan lrlend min who recently married told no thll all ennled people um um um wlll mun our dlller enm Iller nunInn Whnl do you lhlnkYvmlfll QUESTION MARK Im m1 Dan mu mum to me but he Mum to Idmlt 1t Whenever flint Into In um men fly El thu verbpa wouldnt ny ut Ill them an lrul nou Annhndm an aged wonderful Dan and plan to be mmlc year from now Thu nmbIIm come from Inch dlnmnl back ground thnt wonder If WI ramble to overcomu tho his urdlel Du named from In ordi nary public high when and then hid lwo am It medl om collm went to mu mum animal and nunled from at tho lop lhll Ichaoll Ibo hnvo unvellld lmed and Du hn mver been an In ulck rfllfir you mug IQIIOJIIIIY Shel 351d min nnk 4mm 41 DmM 8h moth Ilium to won on am your wife Moklur Day the darn nun you mu hm uni In mm um um thu Howl You both mud Rh ch on but nut yen dq PHONE iéunl to unlerntand now but whathappens when they are pldefl Publpl wn are tun em anally Involved In lea 1y which ll nbvlou to an 0qu er Clu you halo WITHOUT WORDS Dur wlmanl You dont need In mar you need new Mandi Anyone who would InIkI web cutting remark to gldDfllVO II hlrdly want your limo So much fashion for such tlny pllcel Choose crls cottonsateen In owln tonesor fu yllnu sllk sumh At this oxce tionnl price youl wantn wardrobe of them to Wear item now untllthesnowfllesl 11m 10 lo 20 In In clllnu may new fall palhml cotton sateen WALKER AALKERS llnod Illk with LEAD 10 VIOLENCE VANCOUVERWCP PmIr Lawrence Connunt educr tlbnul psychéiozm It the Unl verllly 01 Erlushmgommlg WmW

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