The mall has broughl lhe re tulls lhc Inlomalionnl Brick sand llulhng Pin conlcsls nnd the following are lhn names of the first ten players slnfling wilh Scc Neill of England with Ms 125 fool who is world champlon for 1963 and is out lhe canlmLs or good The rest In order of dislnncc nre Frank Meadows land Warren Hllurlcy Auslra lll Chllds England Johnny Roach Eng land lkv Cvcllmnc Canada Tth Thompson Cnnnda Jack llunlcr Cannd All Chalmers Canada 690mg Inngunz nl chnlrmnn nnd sccrclnry lnr Slmud Oklnhomn wrilrs Our men worn all They lmd been mnklng couslslcnl throws in pracllcc average in lo 123 col hut on much TV and prcss ex hlblllng More llm mnlch did no hclp my my threw so In 35 mlnules or plmlagmphcrs below lhu conlcstl They should haw known holler In Rolling Pin Tllmwlng lho resulle fur the lnlcrnnllannl rum he lirsk cn nrc Ills 1n Davis England will her not ind llumw Beryl llawdcn Amlznllny Min 07ml Jenn VJILnm Cnnndn Mrs nuyl Nonll unlnnd Mrs Ward England xln lltxllllcr Barncll Amlm llas Mary Ellen Cunlrcll USA MIL Am than Slockvmll Ennlnndl Mlss Llnda ll nndnl Mlss Clnudln lhu wlcuhampion Oklahoma cam lo make hr warldwldo ist 71x cnmmcnllng on he mulls flnrqldllurhcs ha inlgmmlgm England Mlm bolll the hull Inna Cun nan he Inlcrnnlionnl Ilallinzl Pin Trophy Cnnmla win In runnrrup plaque In brick lhmwinn mnlrnlln win he mnncmm plaque In ralllng In Dunning The U5 plum us In hut nrnls Atrurdlnx lhn mlnlx mum 10 mm L1 lullm Ix1tklinÂ¥nml min 1mmln palm Iqunlin rlulll points our Mm Inlnllnu wlnll In rnllim Mn lhnminn llw point Mo 11 lulhms lInnluml 26 Auwlmlin Ive mnklnl lninl our Inhk up cmle In nluynncn um yvnr Imu rlcnl luVrIM Wm Hmwn kln lmmn hall Nu urn In lhl wllhh mlvwlrd mm llm Huh TIMy luul rlmlrflnnlm mul mo mm llml lam Inn um up In llmvll or TV slur lanw 1qu Amy nl llvr rm nrrhlrnl H10 mrllwml lvlillï¬l lm Cub In Road hlwn nnnll Vr my Inna mumd In Inlnllnn mun mhrr mnlrnll lell In manvm Mlh Hm Fithl Day urnalum whhlnu hruuuhl nu umw alnlnl plny Hm lvnwluul nnll Milrw MI winl lmlml mu ll 5mm of 1m mink HlIl uml Mdhlvull mnr Nth mm of In Wilma Mulm Iluyll mul lirmu Imnu nun Ill IM poiule NnH Imiun unm uun hv lnlinu MrMnh In And lur mm hy lnlm mlm mnnn Alum Hrmh 14ml Hm Illumxnim ml ml Jim Mr lmdmm nl Ivunuylvmvm pm mum mm ywutml pulp tummy hm MI yrl mrth 1er IN awnnh In Itl Hrmln IMMI NH llrlk lflll I1 mlrmnunl In we NHL OHHHTION ï¬rm nmron MOTEL Is one of he slgn progress In Barrio The name will chnngo INNISFIL NOTES EVERYBODY SPEAKS progress and Barrieilns lure doing lhcir share Here waxk is Canada Is Second In Brick Throws By 65 BUILDING ROOMS IN BARBIE collided will another alter los lnz the front wheel and skldding 133 Incl gave the name nl the other drlwr who had crowded over as from the palh as posslhlc before me whcclless cm slmck his The driver ol the Jwhccl small car was Ken nelh Eormermnn R11 Banlo In the area new the scene Ollllcnv whose address is not On but Vancou ver Slrccl Barrle wn driver he olhcr car in which 50mg persons were injuer No chm gcs nru cunlcmplakxl by lnnly ll Pollm James Healing to wax Injured In tmck drhen by hImeI and whlch Iurned turtle after leaving 20 sIdcmad said Iohu In In condimn alter reaémcnl Ior Iamrallons al the en DITCII COMPLAINT No bench association haw hnd lhrir socrctark write tn the townshlp nsldng that the stagnant ditches In their area be clcnmd out Bonsccouu litnth at the foot at the 9th llnc and Leonnrds Btach nt the 10th llne The latter also want speed control Elms Sandy Cow Asoclnllon whlch operates park purchased on plan partrpuymrnl between the rule paym and tho munlcipnllly hnve mkcd that ho township and thclr mower to col the long grass and weeds hm They also want oml writ dono with township machlnery lmprovn thn lnndscm and park surlncc The rrxnlnr mrdlnl Innly lil Council will put um on day until nmsdny August Allhmlgh ll Is no In olllclnl hullday In Innlshl ho ollirc sin In that nllrr ha hnrd on lnkinz In hm whlch nre paid wllh disman unlll the end July lhty should we Hm Clvla Holiday 0n Hunky inst Innlsflll Clvlc Holiday um llneup la my me In Buyshom Mnlnr Hotel once the cxlcnsion is cnmplelcd Ind the addiuunl made to tho 0pm Null shnwn prugmsing good 2le at Lakeview Dairy exten muss mum nun munow 13mm FRI SAT unun unaccocxs SHANTY BAY Stalagll mum nowm DON TAYlOR 01W IREHINGER BumJpn No mm mm mm or mm II ll nullIla MIAII 2ND BIO HIT WOODDRIDGE Ont CF Bruce McLean ol nenrhy Tuxonto died in hospltul after Wucur crash un Highway 400 Wednesday lie wag asscnsor in car driven by Ja Clumpus 19 lmonluR Spencer Caldwell presldcn the CW lelcvlslpn network drlver ul he olhcr cur escaped with minor lnlurlcs Ghana Wants PortugaIOut UN Till Angola Repression Ends Ana passenger in Ihu Clumpus car Cnml McLean was renamed In cnllcal condi llan In hospital Clumpu and lwn nlher passengers Rance Smith 19 and Earl Chlnssnn 20 both Toronto were de scrlbcd as being In an condi tlun ll nnnlan Un ed Na 0M Security Council chncs day It should suspend Portugal lmm UN mcmbtrshlp unlcss Portugal act by mldScnlcmbtr lnlcnd nllcgcd repression ln An ge Pnrlugnl dcnlcd here such repression in II Alrlcnn colony and lnvilcd our Mricnn cnhlncl ministers meson an loAn Kola and Mozambique mlnx fur lhemselves and talk with the Portuguese about Al rlcnn problems wax so great that ho rout door could not be closed Aircndy sum nearly lnmc nnaugh to nol lho bl $700000 bank loan has been lnkcn In from rule payer who wish mu the lwa per ccnt CTV Head Hurt Youth Is Killed exmlng nffice building Shan 1n Ihls picture Lune restaur anL sion on Dunlap Examiner Photo UNITED NATIONS AP lATllmM RUNIMV Film AT mm THE INTERNATIUNMLY ABCLMMEII HIT will 42 Inlumnlronnl Slam and cmmmnuw DARRYL f1 IANlCKS HIV m1 MIMIINDEI um um ENHMIEMENI ONE EVENING SHOW STARIS AT pm pan MAIINEE DAILY HELD IVER IMNUCKS HE LONGEST sued east Mm won voun cowonr mum mm MR couomomo HIKIIIHII Rllldmll Adv LONDON CF Frlncl Fhlllp in fine arm Ind ah vlnusy enjoying nigh wLwIth Ihe bays was guest of honor Wednesday night at Ihe annual dlnncr ol the Canadian Vcler ans Associallnn of lhu Unlled Kingdom Th9 prince armed with only evL scribbled notes cracked aboul the sealing arrangement hr the dlnner and joked abnu the number 01 Canadlnn velar an llv Bringin Prince Philip said he was sup prised to learn in doing re search or his speech that than are about 25000 Canadian vel eransand lheir dependents liv ingin qriiain hnd no Idea we bid so many hockey phyers he said Perhaps It is that British II are so attractive The prince tongue Inmheek snld ha noted whenqver the Cr nadlan established base they built Hm hockey arcna ï¬rst An zxcepllun was in he Gun 51 pmbably um why the men on go there or year at llm mild Nu prince Amid has Phnlp noting the elbowMl buw sealing arrangnmmt In the crowded dining hall Um Sir John Macdonnld Building said he haped the member ap preclnled the effort that had gone lno arranglnx the Hair particularly he billetan den my which has bun achieved Their Ipflchu hlxhllxhled lhl thd day 01 ha 1nann coun cll debau on the Illnullan In Porlugueso Airlcln territorial nlnrled by lequell cl MIL can countries Ghnnnlnn chlel delzznlo Alex Qunlsnn Suckey accused Pan qual of lunaran the tunnel 1361 resolution calling on her lo dcslst onhwllll tram upm slvn memm In Anuoll Ihtn thu mm at nbolllnn Tn aouncll adjourned day llc urxtd that no councll de cldo now In Iuapcnd Parlunl mm the xlghll Ind prlvlleku UN mtmberahlp unlm by ha llmn lh General Aulmby mm next Sept 17 palilivl steps have been liken by Por uknl lo ulvu cued lo lln deal llanl ol lhl councll Philiijg Honored At Meal IGOPOGO SEEN NEAR KESWICK feet long and had 50ml ï¬ns lgopaxu was llm reported 11 ycnrl ago by an Indian Irnppcr and has since been described as do laced animal with neck Ihe du meter at new pin KESWICK Ont CHA Presbyterian mlnlslar lunml director and than Inmlllu are the latest to claim lo have Men lgapngo the Lako Slmcna neg penk Rev Williams at Mount Albert on and Neil Lalhangun of landlord on their wives and children were boating an the lake when lamelhlng came inward them mmmyiumm MY Mntlnn In The Ontario Jalm Councll In new barghlnlng forum or civil survlca labor and management held Initial mccllng 1n the cabinet council chamber at Queenl Park with welcome mm Premler John Rnharls The council was crcnled at tile last session at the legisla ture ll has our member mm In working clvii service and our horn the civil xervlce ex eculive wiill Collins chairman oi the Civil Service Commission as council chair mill Trade Trip Planned TORONTO cm Newsly negotiations for Onlnrlns clvll servm opened Wednesday wlth preliminary hundshnkm ll 1hr lwo sides agree on pay working conditions and lrinuu beneï¬ts he terms of heir agreement will Lake died man as they sign Ii they dis To East Europe 01IAWA CF 1114 nov ernmcnl hopes of devcioplng xlnbla expat market behind lha Iron Curuln may move closer to lrnillan In Scplcmbcr with wkch visll lo Eastern Europe by he rad depart menl senior ofllccr James Roberts deputy Imde mlnism will visit Poland Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia and Ilsa nzuual Austria during Mamck our Invilallons or him in make ha vllex havo been outstand In or some time One of the purposes lho our wlll he to man closer rclnllonx wllh lhe mm who xuldu nude pollcy In 1035 cpunules But here L1 11 broader goal stated in the Commons locinin by Trade Minister Sharp lo build up slnbie mnrkcl in Cm munist munlrlu not only iar when Canadas No export behind 0w iron Curtain bu so or oihLr Canadian prod genealaglsl any Cahblt BC cant be hull calhalf bmok says Pco Io dont be thamsel W1 halo born on arm near Endarby rnbbll But owner van Dam lleva me until they see or Bargaining Forum Holds First Meet LhST TIMES TONIGHT ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ALSO COLOUR LAMIflON HUI COLOR CARTOON DRIVEIN THEATRE all An Cam In HURONIA PLAYING FRI SAT AND CABBIT FINDS LIFE IS MIGHTY HARERAISING agree the qunsunn aubmlllcd threemember arbllrallon hoard whose decision is hlnd nE Onlnrio become the sec ond Jurisdiction in North mgricu niier Saskatchgwgni Il II AME dyï¬nmn mund McFADDlN FURNIWRE APPLIANCE PARK Hw 195 North SHAWS FURNITURE lTD ELMVALI nAwgrpnqunE IJD Mutual Sum BARRIE Tycoon Buys Stock Worth $l00 Million NEW YORK AWA 66y old shipping tycoon has pur chnscd mom shares Un Ian on Co Callfornla sunk or $1005390W personal in veflment It was reporled oday Interest In lha mend lnrgefl all prnduccr an lha was must Ha Inn 71 ed Natianal Bulk Carrier us shlrruwnlng and operating llrm In 1936 He also has vast huldlnns 1n shlpynrda 1n Kure Japan well Thu Bnhnmgu Ludwig who llves in Damn Conn Ls snld to have per sonal mum at ammo 76 Dunlop Em PA 53745 Selling Flr Bllow Orlglnnl Con RINGS $1000 up DIAMOND Jewellery rï¬ Â£538 15