Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jul 1963, p. 4

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The federal government and the Progressive Conservative Opposition are at odds in to methods which should be adopted to ease the sirains on the Con federation parlnership oi French and English Canada positive step by appointing lOmember team to consider the Confederation problems The team will act as royal commission to interview witnesses and delve into bilingualism and bicuiturai ism 0p ositlon Leader Diefenbaker has poure cold water on royal commis slon As an alternative he suggests Dominionproylnclal punfprgncq His reaction is understandable by those who know something of the north Timmins is situated in beautiful area blessed by excellent hunting and fish ing One can get away from it all there and enjoy the amenities of civilization on It 15 little wonder then that the good people at thiscommunity are lrked by the laxlty of some pencil pusher 1n the government travel service limmins and Its counterpart Kirkland Lake are not Irontler towns They are neat well VIUIVDHINI mu mum mun mm or null III nm In My flunfllyl ml lululnu uHrlyl myw llNNllll NIHh mum ILAIUIII mm In Mmmmm rum mm In mu munn Nuluu mmnnm flnnllflnn Mnun hummm dilly ll Infill I70 III llnlll 7N 1r II In lmll um hn mu mum um mnmh ml mm Yul mum mu ml mm mm rum UM An Tmnlm mm Moulth mum Imu cum Mdivv Ihl Inldlln Dlllv Nllplnl Tu lvflnl MIMIIla 1h ulldlln run Ind And HIIIII nl lilltullllnnl mum In In IM III fill led In II III 1h Im at eulul 1m um yum0nd moll ally he federal govern ments action and Mr Dlefenbakers pr0 posal have hlgh merlt royal commis slon can and will carry out an exhaustive study of the politicallyexplosive question spokesman Lake of the IimmlnsPorcuplne Chamber of Cem merce has described the omission as inIuriaung The Nahthem Ontarlo mlnlng town of Ilmmins isljusliflably enraged by the omission of highways 101 and 11 from federal Government booklet illustrat ing circle tours from the TransCanada highway Examiner July 19 1023 Harry Coleman county treasurer badly hurt when struck by telling beam at barn rais ing on term of Victor Ross east of Cookstown on the Broken Front of West Gwllllmbury William Marlin cho sen to fill out Harry Colemans term as Reeve of lnnisiii Barrie Kiwanis Club started program of community singing using slides in Queens Park Simpson appointed chairman lilothers Allowances Board tor Simeoe County in lace of 1an Daniel Quinlan Cliiiord orris Beelhy son oi lilr and Mrs Wil liam Beelby of Thornton drowned at Regina while saving lilo oi companion in Waseana Creek Freeman Campbell county engineer reported much work being done this vear including construc tion live new bridges For third year St Andrews wan town junior church baseball league trophy beating St liinr in final ill Buster Clark pitched for ners allowing just two hits July 12th celebrated vllll arnde speeches and sports events at it nthletie grounds by Aliandale Orange lodges Churchills new saxophone band was something new John Bowman riding white horse as King Billy was parade marshal Seven teen hands in nrade judged ll Robertson Morrison an llurst llarrie golfers deleaied Col llngwood 122 Skip leler Clarks Barrio lawn howling quartel Alex lint 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN OLD POLITICAL CUSTOM Windsor Slur Quebec Conservative MPS are Indig nnnl because lelenletl burn cnntlhlnles are announcing me awards at Govern ment conlrncl In their eensllluenclea nut wh complain nlmul lhal It In nn nld ml Heal euslom II mrly In In power he rnlronuue goes In he sllllng member XIII Ike member mm nnnlher pnny lhen the defeated candl MUst Seek A11 The Facts On Biculturalism Issues Rage Of North Justified Walls Publisher 112 flarrir1fixaminrr The Barrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers lelted 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE Brian Slalzht Gum Munw THURSDAY JULY 15 1965 Pllll of blcullurallsm It will reach conclusions and bring in recommendations The re port could be referred to Dominion provlnclal confluence with excellent Proaeectapiaeflen hit Dieienbaker fears that royal commission report could be quietly pig geonhoied hate suffered by far too many findinfis of royal commissions This is true ut its risk which must be taken in the inleresk of an exhaustive siudy If you want hospitality go North and you will find it there The main high ways and the secondary roads are among the best In the province The motorist has breathing space and burn erw mmpcr experrenccs are few and ar be ween People think nothing of 100 or 200 mlie trip in the North Towns and cities are few and far between buithere is plenty to see and do The bracing air and the quiet countryside are reminders of earlier daysix1 anaiiy lhls ucunsldcmlc lrlvlng munc lnlly common during the summer wwn he wcnllwr Ia warm and plunnnl How nvcr lhm poo 10 must ronlhn lho hlgh wnyn mo 1an wing used to carry hunt nmmcn rum pinto In placu and llwy mun luvcl at reasonable Ipecdu The royal commission will provide forum to air diiterences between Que bec and the rest at Canada and to re ceive suggestions from citizens at large infiease growing tenslons beseiting our na on But they have one big distinction They have major gold mines that have turned out billions oi dollars of the pree ious metal Gold is king but it is not the end of all of the peoples existence They think in terms of secondary industries and the touristtrade It should get on wlth the job The end result welding of all Canada into gnrmonious nation 15 the main objecc ve Th chin1751s khould know hat Ontnh in does not end at North Bay Them is exclfing countryside beyond vice workers addressed meeting of Bar rio Social Service Council at Trinity Par ish Hall on evil and perils oi venereal discaso James Nixon badly injured when nlrurk by piece callolding which fell from welldrilling derrick on of Mary St Ai new Dreamland Thea tre Guy Bales Post in Omnr Tho Toni mnkcr Al Grand Opera House Jack iioii in Tho Man Unconqucmbio and Hoot Gibson in Double Dealing Dr It Ives associated ln BatHo with Dr It Lewis bought Stayner medical pracllco at Dr Dobson All lano or nn vocal and theory pupils of dmund tardy passed exam Toronto ConservatorI and Canadian Acndomf of Music vlth onoru CNR plctnc eld nt Couchlchlng Park Orlllln or more than two thousnnds who arrived by mo tor and speclal trnln Hr nr he In the pmnn vhn lrrwcln nl slow 5pm nlmm Illgllwnya vhuro lhu lwqurnlly long no at cm following cannot nnlrly pass blck Joe Seagram and Thom son de feated Alllston for the Currla up Central lllethodlst Church eholr honored two members who are leavlng town llllss Effie Dobson and Mrs Wantngton llughes Bank amalgamation are or publlc good by Increased stablllty safety and lower costs Murray Colllng vood banker lold Barrle Klwanlans ln address at Velllnglon Hotel Peter Bremner won weekly door rlce donated by Tom Brown lllllne Sons mens wear store and chk llepFlestons but cher shop bur larlzed at 11 gm Mrs Emmellne Pan hgrst ernlnent soclnrlrser Norlll llny Nuuuol Perhaps mm at the mosl annoying nml wnscqucnlly Immcrnun drlvrrn nn tho highway Is what mlghl bu Iermul the pnrmlo Iomlvrf Halo of the Government party has ho pamnnge When tho Conservatives wuro In pow or from 1051 lo 1903 no lllcks was the dutcalcd cnmlhlnlo FASCX Baal but ho was llm man who had the pal rnnusio out there In the sum way RI chnn lhrnnhor hall the nlronnuo or mm Suulh from the 106 election to Ins April hi In Old pnlllltnl custom It Is Just lhu wny lungs nru duno In the pollllcal world launed communities wlth iorwaid ooking ygsldepts HIGHWAY DAWDLERS MR MANNING THINKS IVE GONE T00 FAR ALREADY PATRICK NICHOISON Patrick Nicholnn nut to umnm Indny In lhmld Dan urth memflve Commule 1le In Km Ontario OTTAWATim unusuai num ber ai iederul elections that we have experienced during he past live year have indeed left the Canadian pmpiu discouw aged Iired oi pollilc and some what disappointed with our par ticular iorm oi democracy They have given vent to their leellngs by crillclzlnx very na verel not only iha dilimni po litical parties but apeciih in dividuals in hue parties The leader the pariiculnr groups allrlcl speciai allmliun iao dun in the very nature 01 the poll ilons they hunt 71er II general luhnl ruwlnu In lhl mlnlry or null llml Ilium rmy hnlr llruwllr Iu mm wlnu mur ornlnl mm and man by um clnlllll who hnvn Irtw llnlnrd In On Illmml In llwlr ullrulur Held wrlmm some ml al rnllun nml Umuy luluhl lw nu pmer In the unlumfllnn nl mlr unmnmmn 1hun lrnw In rnnvlrunn Ihnl llm nrrrnin annn nhh In In mum Mn In lmprnvu Hm uumurmnl III Hm munlry by Ith he nrrmarr mm In lmumq In Illlnr wvl nnly ullh lhr hum of lhe Ilny Iml lhc Iprcllic Im hr vnrlmn VHIUII In lmllllcnl Ii lnlmm hll lrpomilrlllllr Ilmulll nnl rml We hul ha ulmultl help In nlnllln lhn my hm uman Ilunllflrd In trp menl Ihe vnrlmu pmlm boilEly lhm Iomclhl hulcully wwnl um pollllc on In Pnrlumull Indny we Ind reprmnllnl thn Cnnndlln people men more or Itll dch cnlcd lo the but Inkml ul than llxry rcprucnl but come hm from ncnrly uvnry walk Illa and IDtlII llruln WI hlu mm with hluh dmm urmfll ulutnl on and we hm men will Um my mlnlmum nmounl ol tdncnllon Ind Hm vnrylnx drum In helmen nmn cnn nluo he cum In Par llnmcnl ball mtn and womtn npmcnlnllvo at nunrly nmy tnduury mm nnd pmlmlun IIEM CHOICE BOUGHT The new pnllllclan nr bick bencher he commonly called cnten lha williel arena In most lnxluncu with ma den of hullallon Ordinnrily all new member pass through ho various plum ol exhllarallan and emhuxlaam allowing his elecllon lpprfihmlshn and 1m ldlly at his maldcn xpecch rus lraklon hla vnrlaus eflnru an hchull of mo he represents Ind ficncnl dlsconknl wllh lhu cumbersnmu machine that is called Pnrllamenl Here we have particular Ill ualian at representative body canlmlllau ha nation under to not only hy lhose acuvcly var tlclpalln In tho control but also by hm who all under la llucncc What La Indeed an lrlnl Tho Paxllamealary nyllem that Im wllhllaad the unrest cm lurlcn lha charming time modern clvfllzatlom or Iha call bra lhe reprcstnlallm that maka up ho Canadlun Parlia ment Thuo mach hat can be Ilalcd la crllltlsm each lumen but as deal Ipccl chlly wilh lho third caltlory Th0 nruloulnn mull pm Itnlcd mum lhul Inw ym and burrlnlrm and II wu rncrnlly Hmunhl lhnl hen mm hunlm nl their chm Iarlnlhln MU he Inw mllm mally hlcnl pmllnxnuuluflnm MPI GOOD CROSSSECTION OTTAWA REPORT People Discouraged By Many Elections system that often call lor un wiiilniz candidate to be dulled for this high hannr There is something wmnl when an biec tion becomes popularity con test Could ha that we tho Canadian people became nl desire mental Ipnthy or just pinin lack oi interest Ire Iodly ton pmns to take the easy way out Can it be possible um we would rather otter cridclsm only whcn government policy touches us directly than to ulh Ieliishly dim our alien to ctr tninlnl the very best reprmnla the to champion the demon tic principles It deu to elch and avery one 01 us Anunlly II In nmclhln mm mu NIL Imlmd all UH Mr Ian lhul you nlelunlly had In ulll cl many at mu luv hmer Ilnwn la lune tum uhnl Inmr upnm Inuond Irony mmll unm we luurr spam unnol muem nut ulr mwlctoly my mull OIIPI If Ihnfl hmalh ol uml blow up hullmm well II you um lo 1M nnphyumu qulln um Sllllnl In Parliament menu or Intu every MP ha to ace the Inc lhnl he and the poo lo he represents mull doc do whether Ira mice or men Less and lens today an we have Io lvold Lune or muddle thn fence Perhnpl the Ilma has com or In all to uk ourselves 11 by carrylnl out our own obll lMlom we Inv earned thu mm to alllclze Hum whose task in lo dlrecl lha um His nallon Dur Dr Molnerx Plem lry In explain my problzm In plnln Engllah My dodor told mu mu bmnchlll nslhma 111m went lo cllnlc Ind lflfl mlu can lhn Answer wu that hnve pulmonary emphy ml The doctor lhem lrlcd lo explnln II but lhey used well bl mrdlul word mu do on undermndIIM ll Hmmhlll ulhmu can mull ram vurloul clum lhn mast hequml um bclnu mmlrldlm nr mum betm ol Allury or unollonnl or fiber Imam mm lhn lluuu became my nl vnrloul lyprn rrl lullnn nr Inllnxnmnllvn and cloulnx hum of phlum When my or Ill lhue cun dltlmu urn vrtunl llu Imuunl nlr you can blulhc In and out In In llmn IIWUM In MI WHUnl plain emuxh Dullh no In ulm ry emphyumn mm llml Hm hum In no pcl Mull uIr Ind rmw qurnll rumml lull numb In ullh 1K9 nul Mme 1h lung ham Inn mum nl flulr uprlnu elmllcliy Asthma mum dilllcully In brenthlux Indlhu Pan In It lo dlfllculy It In In hmmhiul Iuhel lhl mnln bruncth from um wind plpo Inlo the lump The bronchlnl lube bunch all lnlo Imlllor Mu Ilka flu molt ol lm And finally down to In my mm or nlr thum herl mm which oxyxcn II no cm In lhn Mood TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH By NOLNER MD Womans Lungs Lose Springy Elasticity NEVER IETI HAIN Nu In hu cm hem rnnlnl ll Calm In CM Alnumn Dmrl YWVI Mm lh llnl hnlplul Ilrp You rrmlnln lhll Irv loo III New II up and Illn And mm lhu Incl lhll uman MOM II nnly null pm no problem sun lumlnl whlch loodl In lul mm and ul Km Hum Url plpnly nl rurcln lm but lllml pm nm In do try lhlnm lkml pm in nmvm Ihh mluclp mmnuhl DUI ynu lry ynull HM null pm pmly lhcyll lion ulllnl yw Inlly Na mun Ihwli In mud by then nlfllctlom or yuumlvu know lhll In In Ipwlnled thereunder nunloam Inconvcnlcnce pnln and even handy are necessary wme Umu In remlnd Hut God In prepared something beuer or Hll own manly ls accompanied by or lol lawn ulhml ln the lube Muhnr up In tho lunzll Each typo lmublo lend lo mum lhu 0th lhnl mud worm Drum can help nduco the nlhmn 0n lhn other hand lhm ll no MK lo unda lhu chance that nvo occurred mm um emphyleml lmlud flu must lry to prevent ll from comln any wom The doclon Im nun him nlrcndy lold you In slop Imok lngor remap you nlmdy vo Th LI ulrcmely lmpon I0 much to lhnl norm doc Ion Ind cllnlu nluu lo lulu pnllrnl unlm he now nuk lnu ll he will Ilop my run hvlp hlm ha wonl they unL mu Mnlnrrl um ynunx Iv Ind all my lrlcmll all llly Im clllnl 1ch nl hurlnx II huvu alnmuh hul dml lumw whnl umlm lo lulu Med halp FAITY hen lnvov WhaUver II 14 good Illll II my prnvlnu don hm our do Ilupn Ion quthhlVId but Dr Molnm II It 00d luau And mm Io lmm hulth Inglm lo It cock upmch Ilctp In In Inmu bed nu lop of UM cumnM By THE July 25 BIBLE THOUGHT Benita Muasniinl dlclulnr of Italy resigned 20 year an todayIn innand wnl arrested Thmuzhoul the na tion demonslrnllons hora wilnm to tha popular tulle It In and 17 ll Ducau rule Ha wu resculd In durinl nld by German plumm Isl In the Abnm Moun Illfll In 1515 he was up lured by Italian pnnlxanx and win his mlnreu was unwind ImLoni Blarlut made the In light across th Ensllxh Channel xsu The Nether Linda proclaimed indepen dam ram Spain TODAY IN HISTORY CANADIAN PRESS LONDON An eppeal lo ihe government inr power to be liven to Ian authorities In on able ibem to ireue the price oi land which would be required to development came irorn couierznce oi delegate oi tho Royal imllilliion oi Chartered surveyorr in making his plea Wheatley clerk in the Hemprlriro county council cited case in which on area at lend increued In value from abouo $0000 lo 31500300 in eerie ni speculative denie over period oi ilve yearn He war nierrinl lo Iran oi mm 150 acru oi land near Famborouzlr in Hlmpehire Mr Whammy told how by lnl public funds to clrry out drllnan schema lhh llnd It anborouzh tunnel1y qulu un or development had acqulrtd gavggopgmentj up Mr Whulley ualnl this In Illustration mda out uronz cm or mammam Intervention to ennble Iml councils to no land price In use um kind MND VALUE BOARED hands Inillllly ll about $30000 hut by tho time the developer had finished with Ind lmlll mu had been added to ll lu valuehudjnno up t9 590000 Undcr the premium for curlnx Ipprovd ol revhcd davub upmcnl plum urn consid arable llme lag between data of the plan being Ippmvcd by an lacl mummy Ind thux be cnmlnl knnwn lo lhe public and their luhscquenl appmvnlhy lha REPORT FROM ILK 1b dike they hlvorbeen Ibll Io do this only durlnl 1h weth There to be lmnl eon lmls Spechl permm will be nqulml And they hlva la ho hum In Tomnlo not by loul 0mm And with equlpmenl ovcr temln sin neon veh lcles will be required Its all development to be wnlched however 11 II out of hand it could cause lo trouble L1 there Mum 5er hazard an hilhway than loader ur cullivnlor taking up twothingy lhe right my WRONIOFlnnm no lo be allowed to move their equip ment aver main highle on Saturdlyl and holldlyl It was uyerlenu no mnmi corn than at nlght Ind came up on wlu bewildered ham TORONTO AGAIN Thmll Ilwnyl be Toronto wlth lh hnnd out it has cya on lhl plansand your meatyagain And with human Hilng can get cut hind They hlVl per mini om In Quebec or Inslance in years4nd perhapl nullIrm en dldn haw lo curry Iny llzth on bump MIL Tho clly ls Lalldng About ndzvtlopment project Around 111 MW clly hlll An ofllclul wu ukcd when he money would come 1mm Oh we mehl mm mm lhg provlncp hy nld 1n pmvinco much muon lo ulv money to Tn wnln for mkvelopment you have lo build our new ha Imfrdng poo MthlYRl 800D QUEENS PARK nul he ally Ill15 complex Land values Soar Would Freeze Price TOUCH Indoor BL men And for but my Irml mu Ipyllulion lot nunlu For That COLOURFULL Toronto Has Eye On Your Money By DON OflEAllN PAINTS Benjamin II in my El buuly lmb mm or awry ilnd wwl Cull hill or all ywr lulnlnl mdl REZ STAIN mlnlllér housing Ind loch government PLAN SUGGESTED Said Mr Wheolley Loul nulhorlllu ought to be able In freeze the valueol land In lame way can be mun under new lawn schemes The llnd value Are frozen noon the mlnmer makes an order Th mlnlner make lhl order Al the my lncepllon at chemo Ind bermo plan are prepared Local lulhnrllln augm lo llvenwlmllnr prolccllnn lulan Ipeculllon Hampshire wlll zrlnd lo hilt with nuullnx Man done In lmpmva ll road it lhe money I11 la be lpenl an new town There III not been any majur scheme on trunk highway 1n HumpxhhI Ihlcc m9 Alter speaking the diman llu In pmvldin funds or 59r vlcu Mr Whuuey uld There we mun aunporl imm many quarter tor Mr When ieyl word at protest nsnlnat the exorbitant increase in the value of Innd required for home mild in purposes Another dclczlio uld that another eilect at tho lncrenaa In the price at land war llut it resulted in exisilnl build ime on the land being demolish ed ion betore their economic lilo had endedl 1th situation ex ist In many part oi the country and particularly in the multi out where it Ls not uncommon to house oi comparatively recent construction bequ demol khcd so that property developer could build lail block oi apart menu hut flu pmvinco own It ani 1m momma Then will be an Innaunce men won on lhe type of pro has which wlll qunllly or unwary mum The federal government living 01 head and the pro vince $1 Inward local memor lll projecla for ha 1967 or lemihl The municipalities also Are to chip in dollar For mm mm year now plnnnlnz hu been held hack by uncemlnly as In what Up 01 undertaking would be ap proved WRONTO CN YUM creed rallxlon Ind lanxuno no nol ham Romy In lcrnnllnnlll annual convnmlon Carl Miller pmldcnl at the worldwide nrnanimliun laid pm conlrrmu hm Tucsdny van but In complclo nrc mnucmenu fur the ncxl cnn venllon MIMI will be htld In Tnnmlu at tho Ihlm limo Juno HI INA II was htld hm ln commlllec hm has been Iludylnz the quesllon Ind lo E99° Word wlll pmbahly nvnr cullurll or rccrtnflonnl Meets and they luv halorlcal IlaIn Ill the beller 1m ivid 1581 useumsr his ncal mllcc lJonl pioneer vlllnucs librar lu mnmt hnlls nml pnzbably be 1313ch erk mll haulIrfiufillsuunrkx such city hall probably wont be ellzihll Has No Race Bans At Rotary Meet magmiliuii fiKS 3m

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