nmson ma represen Iuliv or the union laid Ihe workers wen nnllfled by war they won released when tha plant muvu mm castend Tornnln to location In nmby auburn Township In Scplem world production Increase hu dimmed export prospects or Onlario produced apples he said TORONTO CF spoke mnn or the United Eledrical Workers Union 1nd said ch ncsday the unlon will hold meeting It lhe plant gate at he Amalgamated Electric Car parIUon lellnd lo proleal planncd plan rclocallon that will result In worker 10 lng my jobs NORTH BAY CF yuamld boy wllI pmbahly not mucr serious penmmcnl dam ue to his 1th eye because he Imkcd Al Inst Saturdayl total eclipse of he sun eye much lxl Dr Guest suld ch ncsdny Dr ansl sald he examined Cecll Lnrue Mm of Mrs Ther esa LANE nnd ound AWEan and Innnmmnllon hlva lflb nldcd The eye nppenrn lo be mlurnlnu quickly lo nnrmnl and My permanent damage will be mlnar Dr Guoxl added Jo Brawn secretary traasurer of the Duluth Frul and Vegetable Gmwerx Assoc aliun wants Cnnadlans Io eat more or halr awn males and sald an Estimated 580000 to 5100000 would he required to get them to do so It grower approve levy of two calls bushel or our cents per hundrodwelghl at lpplnl Inld wlll ha lnsliluted anld Mn Brawn It maelan nl vege lhle zrowers ln Aylmgr The boy Iookcd nl eclipse or nboul Ive minute Ihmugh nhccl expnud lilm 11L eye Imr hccnme Iwnllm and ma ST THOMAS OnL CHOn larln Apple grower will meet in anomn Friday to dlscuxs ropased plebiscite lu raise evy lhat wauld finance an ap plugsllnLcaxgpaIxn Plan Meeting Eye Improves CAPSULE NEWS Shooting vldlm Mrs Mary Hudson shown with her hug band Guam charged yuleh Apple Growers Want An Eating Campaign Ybu EStill an1 Beat Natural WOMAN SLAIN HUSBAND CHARGED GAS THE HAGUE lflculcm Qucen Jullnnn were Sn new cnhincl Wednesday cndlng Hol lands uvcrnmtql crlsi The new conllllon governmcnl is hvndcd by Pmmlcr Viulor Mmllnrn nrnvinusly mlnlxlcr ngrirullur and llshrrica hash Such was charged Wednesday wllh dung erous driving as mull nf colllslon which claimed lhe live Paris 0111 couple on llixhway Msoulh of here Sab The parent saleillle sent up from Vandenberg Air Farce Ense near Santa Barbara Calif inio polar orbit June 24 ap peared similar in ihe Discoverer series about which the military has said iillle Ilcd in the cnlllsion were MI and Mrs William Crnnlan nmlr son John 13 was still in crlliwl candillon In hospital us Mr Force disclosed Wed nesday that has hitherto se cret salelme in orbit Iocollect dam on radlallon In space It was launched 1mm another snl all more than hroe weeks IKO New Cabinet Crash Kills Two Gets Air Data day wllh capllul murder result of her death with revolvu shat GUELPH CPI Frank Pm WASHINGTON AP Thu JULIANA man Mrs Anlke Daumn lmhcr nl six and cm Dodcnhu holh at nearby Laurel were on lhclr wny lo wnrk when lhelr day hé didnlnllcnd his um year ago bccnusc ynu didnt Ilnnd chance Sumlny Bigclow of Hnwkox hum OnL ï¬reman lokl lhn SlU appeals board that he hnd hcnrd aboul lhnm the Mala before No mm Wednesday when Huir an mllldcd on My mad nenr lhl cammunlly 15 mile mmh Guclp cm mnidm MONTREAL CF mem ber of lhe Scalnreu Interna llonal Union Canada Int appealing penally slapped on him by hp pnlon nlï¬ Wednes The councll agreed lo deter lnrlher dcbalu on South Mrlcn until lam In he session due tn end next week malrs man of Pleasure book written 200 year ago In England was harmed In New York Wednesday by Judge who mad an apparent refer ence to lhe current vlce lrlul Slgphgn WErd In London Jusllce Chnrlu Man Slnle Supreme Court snld In his opinlnn lhe book halter known as Fanny HIII could no de lcnrlcd as typical the an And ruled ll obscene GENEVA flamers The Uniicd anlms Economic and Social Council expelled Porlugol from he Economic Commission ior Africa Wednesday but did no ranch decision on South Airican membership in lhe re signal body here wlm Injuries lullend In the crash so njured were he Cran lans 16 year old daughter Mary har Hand Anna Gcary 16 Thornbury Ont and lhe Prahaska ynulh all whnm were In saustuclory condition Two Killed No Chance Book Obscene Hudson several lmu on downlnwn street In Kitchener 0nL Tuesday night CF Wlmhola Defers Debate ORANGEVIILE Onl CF NIEWVYORK mm PORT AU FRINGE Halli MP President Franéoil Du valiar regime appeared once again in control of the country Iida Wednesday but liaillana still spoke in awe oi lhloody twoday battle In the hillside overlapkini iha Haitian capital The 1th fawn by band ynung robe at the nearw mountain cammunltle of Fe tlon Vllle and Iiunm week was one at UM mallc Illemplslo topple Dnvnl leg sine he oak olme in 1957 But day qu el llftlng travel restricllons In the Pellnmvllle and Kenscol areas and govemmcm com munique an tho llhllng bola lered the Impression hat Duval Ier wax once agnln In cnmrnl he akuatlnn and 1h younz rebel had ellhar been wlpcd out or dispersed FIGHT AT CAVE The week of llxhllnz July 14 npparenlly began aerlcs of hitancHun gun and bomb raids by antiDuvnlier ï¬erce non 35 lbs 62 beam Equlxmed with 20 windshield steer controls cables and hardware Thls boat can be seen Cathys Beau South end of Mn caster Sum Rig 153500 Suva 30000 I4Mumlnum Bom 51 Burn SAVE 3000 16 Trlmom leu 15 hp EATON 519 EM Motor 09 27900 14 Flherglu boat and Vikllll 10 by Eleml Mylar WAS 49900 12 Ft Fiberglas Runabout Demommlor 53 bum SAVE 14900 13 Orlnlom Cumpm Wm EATON SIIO Each Sherlng whool clblu hardwnn 25001 14 Ft Aluminum Specials niadysatneLastsiwonays Bebeis Fight Haitian Regime Ml llcul conxtrucllon Rurlncl nl parla cllrnmo plalml unlnxln ml nnlklmnk rm pnnll can BABY STROllERS Nicola nlmrulrllvcfllm Jï¬ phlro blue Demonstrator Special Save 30000 lloyd All Stool EKEATO Nsswm EATON Sula Each 21 BOATING SPECIALS Outdoor Shop Main Floor or 11 31221 at nioreflthun 40 dead and an undetermined num her cl wounded Ind ruched lurpeak In In en nnment munnllln cava nenrKamcaH July 1710 The oven11mm admIlledIn cnmmunl ue Issued Wednes day that cs 11 men 11x soldim and six mllitlamen In the Kemcnfl cnlllement but ï¬ve no averall casually Hz llfll However unufllclnl source Plug xovgrmpent caguulllgg Th government communique listed only one rebel dead In the halllo at Kenscofl ANTHRAX KILLING BISON FORT SMITH NWT CPI An nulbmk of lnlhrax Imonl blson nnrlh 01 Wood Bullnlo NI llanal Park has killed another 36 nnlmllx was Ieporled Mnnday Thu aulbreak was um reported last week and hu has since kllled anlmAlap 123500 Boar Mom And ExIrn Complain Wllh Hnml IN IN lnhl In And Iluruv ï¬llllll IN MIMmlle our inhth In mmlnnc mini lith rnlllng tul Aboul 11 45 Mimi Ile PLAY IENJ EATON III um 250oo 2490o mag GAGETOWN M3 CF Canadian Army ex perlrmn In supply services de xcrlbed by the WW lint com manding 0mm completely successful to be axplalned lller his lummer Ioolher Com monwealth eh Wilton 62 lnwn and Canary commandln ofï¬cer the experimental Br gada service Enllullon xald Ihe new unit 1t wlll explnined by he nrmyl chief 11 ha general all LLGNL Geomey Wallh conference Io be called by the chief at Imperial general Ila The confluent wlll be at lended by other Commnnwrnnh mny men The 900 oiiicer and men lbs battalion are lclling on the msqunra mile camp their iirsi test AIinzle unil oi supply ing 5000 mmline soldiers with everything mm small band ale to abooliace Th lost in pm of nineday Exercise Tri bulation biggest army man oeuvre ol Ihu yelr In Canada Anny Expeï¬ment ProvedSuccess 79 10 OFF 5YllrAlD morons Now Is The Time New And SuVef ledwm Dam Main Floor Evinrude Wlnler or flummrr My curlu mun mm wmu hnrnrwnd II Ill WI am 59 Ink SMIHIMI wuhn vlnyl mule Avril wulnl nurmy mun nn ugh gum mllhnl OI IIIIH lMrnd PLAY 1N IMM IATIIN 5VI hp lo hp 18 hp 28 hp 40 hp elec elec udlc ma Mlvllrr 39 John Staples presldent of Mmember CMU sald In Human his unions members are much encouraged by the government action In sludylng the report ol Mr Justlcu Norris onr Willemon lawless neu OTTAWA CF Thu Cana dian Marlllma Unlon Wednes dny hinted that It Is Mllenlng IL Ihraal to tie up thn St Law rence Seaway to force govern ment action against the Scalar era International Unlon Cu ndalng Kuvcmmenl in up an Interdepartmental cummlllee uf deputy minister In recommend for cabinet study acllun hucd on lhu Norris repnrlr It also ap pointed two lawyers to roe whether crlmlnalv charges should be pressed agnlnsi law lrgu elcnrgrrlr up the rlrpnt MIARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY MY Bl Maritime JUnion Softens Threat Mebnwhlle mp omen oi REGULAR 29900 39900 69500 31000 000 II MIqu gm urlum lmmly Km lmllnl wlur In hlxhrhalr day erl MVMNI vinyl lmlk Inlrr nr lymlllnn Imk lnrllm lnr llan Mal mm nu ma nlml 31 um Ont EATON Noll mu rrmuuM SECOND BIG DAY OUTDOOR SHOP MAIN FLOOR SAVE 2000 TECOMASTER TILLER hp cycle Briggs and Slrullvn Enulnc Bell Drive 25 Tilllnx idlh flu 35900 45900 62500 72900 26900 Diluu Ar rd Mn EATON c2 SALE 95 Eachcn mid Iiu cnbinei will 1m icrmlnc whnlilcr lcglsinllvn ac Ilon based on the Norris repurl can he Inirnduccd helm Par Ilnmeni vndluum for its summer mm which may hell the and of next week He was replying in former in hnr minister Michael Starr who asked whether government at llon can he expected before ihl Vsummcr recess the Canadian Labor Congress met Wednesday wllh Labor Min islcr MacEnchpn lo dllcm the raporl Informants sald then was an cxchangp qUIews Thc Vancnuver jurist pm posed menu trusteeship on marine labor after ï¬nding that the SIU was lawless dic talurship SIU President Hal Bank that threatens the Cunudlan economy thmuuh slgnngphnlg on lakcshlpyng am 649 nth Tubular Ilrrl Mm VIM llr ulmhhlchl Imndlu II Ind Nlnll Adlunl Ah amlnllr luhlur Un hmll Mel ulrlul Muuulan mr uhulu nhtvul TC in with Ihlu lrlm Tull mnm 10795 EATON Sula 49 lllll