Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 Jul 1963, p. 10

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Mm By JOE REICIILIZII Associalcd Puss Spnrls Vrller Barring complete disinte grnllnn hls arms no Kun mdy the incudlllnus Chlcnuo Cubs appeared ccrlninly day be vulcd 1983 National League Manager at the Year Bu hold on lime How can one bestow managerial nc cuade upon cousin even he has hcpn dcbignulud as head canola Cub mum Philip Wrig lcry insisls lime is no such animal on his clnbi Couches yes but managers no Kennedy in his first year with Cuhs is last an iliu Iisl 12 Chicago maniacs nppvnrinu in he Naiiunni chmuc grucn hunk But he is lhu acknowledged boss on the iinid So much 50 ha hes hum more all year In car ni lile last two years Cubs rolnlcd their head mncims using Ii lcusi Him sensnn All ll lllrl Yuslrmski nus ID 116 313 Mallmm us 3wa III Kallnr Dr Rnllinx Min 31 Wagner LA JIM RumAllisnu Minnrsnlu 07 Run MINI IrvRuling EL lHlsMulnm llfl Duuhlvslerzrnhkl 1V7 Trlpln mnlltw Minne mln nnd llmlun Rushinglun ncgnrrllcss nf his Mr Ken ncdy has done magnificcm Slnlrn hrsIllfllitio Ball mmv 2H IHrhln Ilmlnlt lloslnn By THE ASSOCIATED IIllfiSS Home lluns Killrlucw md Allisnn 22 itrlllmut mmmng Du lrml 11L Gronh nonkle Qunrlcrhack Lynn Amedce um Toronto Argo nauls dodges couple wuuldrhc Edmnnlnn Eskimo Ilnlur mu Fumcluu xI Mmkmn 11m 51m Mun nul JIM llnlrby my ym 1mm Irl 11m 5m lllrhlnx Knuhu ms llul lly TI AllA1llll lllllh Cubs Move To Within Game Of 2nd Spot Humll Alum Hum mum In llllniuml lmuhluIuml munn Im Mulrn ILuulmnl filrkwnllnnllx FIGHT RESULTS BALI LEADERS SAFE CALI rmnumm mmnn PA 85226 QUALITY FUEI Anlrrlrnn CLEAN PEACOCK Nullnlml Lrnuur ll 100 in Ih NLI Kl DEPENDAHLE JII nl I21 Illfl mumk ll HlrL Gil 137 JILI Wm Inlmll mum SCORES BIG TOUCHDOWN Sm job He has hnd Cubs pm season plck lo bullle New York Nels nnd Houslon Colts for eighth place In pennant cunlcn lion yirlunlly from opening day Nim games over a00 Cubs are eight games in hack of he lcugun leading Los Angelo Dodgers who defeated Pills burgh Pimlcs for lhc scvcnlh slraigm time San Fran ciscos fourth place Gianls cked out victory over Nels und Philadelphia Phillies whipped Iinusion 63 Vcdncsday the third plum Cubs doiealed Clnclnnaii Rod behind lhc ourvhil piiching ni southpaw Dick Eilsworih in advance to within game ol ihe snwndpiflcc St Louis Car dinals M10 were beaten 81 by Milwaukee Bravcsi Ellswarlll mgnmo loser last year mllpilchcd Cincin natis th Purkey or his HUI vicmry He has losl sevcn Trail in 1D Cuhs scurrd twice nllcr me out in he sovenlh nn back What doubles by nulllcldcrs Lou Brock and Ellis Hunan Andre Rodnurs hud singled car licr In he inning Dun Drysdalc whn nlmnsl nmcr mm in July puslcd his mirth Victory the mth as Dndgcrs increased lhcir hrs plucc loud mar Cards seven games The big lighllmndcr who has career record 31 vidarius unll only in delculs during lhu nuth July nlluucd Ii Mls slruck um eight and walked EIGHT GAMES BACK tncklcrx on hls way ln the touchdown lhnt set up Toron lns uhlbulan netball vlclary over he Esks Inst night Am Ila xuccculrnl am your nM aulomulivn Haul um big wrMs an Lunvpmn Inn mu nla purl Ind mmwllu um In yau om lwn Nun ynur mm In bu your own hm Ind mm In on NI harming Automahva Mum Mn lhl man In 120 Indzplndlnt Wulun hmhiu nulm In Onluln Outblc Ind Muilimu mm mmng mm Wesllm And Me Svpply 9mm mm lcv wmnl OAN OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS HERES PRONEN AND PROFIT ABLE WAY FOR YOU TO GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF no IKPIWHCE MOUIRKDWI show you Mal lndrpm dm Wulun dultl you mum in mluxm mm mu mu mmme Emma m1 ullmncm Dur nan null mll lid ynu In mvy Nun nl xlm managrmml Includin ulnlhm cl Imtion Irma amine ullmz up madam Hum disphying yaw xlnzl dc You hmm mm kn powuhll mm Wnumr C005 Mmudnz pmumma Huh tnmnllllTy pupmd or you by nu mm mummy lhh dynamic prngunm Ill Hm nlm you Mom cumin uh mu Incluch km llml mllly on mum uh Iundth numplglr um um and ulnan $15M lc llm fpyallurfily yoan hun rum all All mu In in IWDHIIMI Wnllmlumh ambition Ind Inmth cl $10000 Ivr In mummy In mm mm ndu Yuu Ith mm mm It VI HRH MY mm no limll um wl Wm Univ of mum rm luvlhcr Inlmmmon mm vimbrim HOW urn HM 1w buth nuleu mx pln mil mm at our mum mI lumwx dc mm Mama nil mum wlvl WU ToWNs BEAVERTON DUNDALK ELMVALE MARKDALE SHELBURNE MRI WON MANAGW IRANGIHKKDEPMIMIHR Dodgers got run In the third all loser Earl Francis and broke tie with ourrun rally In the fifth They scored one run on basesloaded walk two more on slngle by Jnhnny lmsubom and anmhnr on wild pitch Home runs also helped Phil us They were hit by Don Hook and Tnny Gonznlcl Calls oumil Phils l07 but poor baserun ning hurt They lagged wlnncr Cal McLish or our hits and walk in the sixlh Innlng but no mlly two runs because one base runner wns lagged out round ing third and another was cut down ihe plntcx Jim Davenports lwo run double with um out climnxcd three run rnlly that brought Giaan from behind in the ninth WINS SIXTH Milwaukcg southpaw Denny Lcmaslcr spun live hitter against Cards or his slxlh sea son victory Dennis Mcnku and Frank Bolling supported him wilh home runs Mel lcflhundcr Al Jacksun had wwhillcr and lead going inlo he haunm of the ninth Then he hit lwn batsmen In succusslnn mud shnmmp Larry Burright messed up p0 lcnllal double play ball selling lhc stage for Davenports gamn inning blnyv was the scvcnlh straight defeat Inx Mel and hcir lfllh row on the mud mod cm league record Phllndcl phins Alhlcllcs 1916 hold lhu mnmr lcnnun mark of 19 Pil54 burgh lnsl 22 slruighl on the mud but llml was In 1390 cdces 70 ynrd romp broke 14 14 lle and Argos wun 2140 In the game Toronto CF Virepholo IRAHGIIISE wmum mm AUIO sumv nu 201 nuqus 5r Lemon oumuo PHONE 4324191 In THE BART EXAMINER TIIURSDAY JULY 1963 By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Wedncsdny night pravcdlu be limo fur comebacks In lhn lnlernallannl League us six mums split duublnhcadcrs Allonin Crackers bowed lo Rochester Red Wings 10 in the opener but mbnundcd la 124 viclory Syracuse boat Jockson Villa in the first game but the Suns came back In trounce lhe Chiefs 9L And Richmond Vlrglnlnns Mfcalefi Columbus 64 bClorL falling 62 to flu Jets In single games Arkansas Travellers bdgod Toronto lllopln Leafs 05 and Buffalo Blsnns shaded lndlanopolls lndlnns 43 Lcspllc sure clbnw Clill Adams hurled nn eighthitter or the Chlds and pickcdmp his lolh victory In 15 decisians In lhn opener mu Williams slammed Ihrwrun humor in the seventh inning ho night cap or lhe Suns STREAK SNMIED Richmond ran it wlnnlng slrcak to five names but had It cut of qulckly by Ike Jets Threerun rallies in tho slxlh and sevemh Innings the first game gave Ihd vlclnry lo Jim Sloulcmyrc Home runs by Pancho Huncm and Gene Al ley sparked the Juls nighmnp vlcmy Buffalo onllud sligame 10$ lnx streak an the strength of Ed Krancpnols two nun homer Deacon Jones and Jim Kor anda gal roundrippers Iur lhc Indians Six Teams Split IL Doubleheaders Jnhn llcrmsluin Norm Ginny If it isnt it should be Dow is brewed to suit your taste tastetested by men like youmen who trust their taste and know their ale Thats why Dow always measures up to your taste expectations always gives you the smooth mellow fullbodied taste you want in an ale in wlnnlng but had It Ihe Jets the slxlh and Lee Elia binslcd snin hom era for Arkansas but the Trnv cllcrs nnd Lo hold all nlnih inning rally lo nip the Maple Leais The Crackers erupted for seven runs In they thlrd lnnlng of lhe nlghtcap aflcr to Wings took he first game be hlnd Nut Martinez our hll pitching TORONTO CF Gunrd Pele Thompson has Jen an nnlu Argonauts ul lhc Canndian Football League relnrn lo Queens Unlvcrslly conlnuc his lnw sludles Thompson am of Argos most promising Cnnadlnn prospecls had intended tn ntlcnd Osgoode Hall II he made the Toronln club He will be allnlble to rcluin Qucnns Golden Gnu 1M sew son In Ihe Inlcrcolleginlu Senlor League HAS THREE CHOICES PITTSBURGH MP Sid Abel general manager at De lrnil Red Wings snld Wednes day three men are being con sidered as coueh ol Pillsburgh Hornets the Vings American ankey League lnrm elub They are Tony Lewswlck Al Rollins and Vic Slasiuk all former Na tional Huckey League players Will Return To University Yours iWhiteyFord RacksUp 16th Win For Yankees Ausocxntea Pren The catchers are carrying his ball club snld Yankee catcher Elston Howard Weve got thahuimnud In baseball suld Yankee mnna sqrfiulphfiwk NcwYork no that grout overall pnwcr said Red Sox mgygcg Johnny Pesky Thcyve come up with couple at line younu pllchcrs In Al Downlng and Jlm Boulnn suld Lo Angola mnnnger Bill ngnuy Shhth lheyvc all orgab Ken Whitey Ford lens nu one seems In be alklng nbou him Just won 12 In row 15 In all and as usual shuuld nringlhe burden me Impur tnnl pllching chores Yankee go bombing alung lownrd an other pcnnunl anhlng hnusunl about that Thnlswhnl hes uxpcclcd lo nutlanRon Hansen While Sax drove ln nll Chlcngo runs wllh home run and sacrificu fly In Chicagos 3l Iriumph over Delmll Tlxcrs It was he mh time this season he 217hlmng shortstop dmveln lhc winning run Pllchlnz Soulhpnwa Dick Sllgmnn nnd Jlm Knnl Twlns pllched hnckAloAbnck shutouls as Mlnncsnla swept lwon1ghl doublchcadcr from Cleveland BALL STARS 11 you GREEN the brew tastetested By men like you Spam ertcr do Hes Just the net of lhe staff nut llmls Whitey Nu reason to gellcxcltcd The 34 year old lenhnndcr was no more cxcltcd Ihnn bus Incssmnn ls wnlklng Ihe of lcn Wednesdny ushe lurned in workmnmllka 81 vlclnry over Lo Angela Angel or lhc Ynnks 5th slrnlghl He al Inwcd anly six hits and struck om clghl before nlvlng wny la pinch hlucr nIlcr seven In nings Minnesolns Twin gal good nllchlnx ncrlnrmunccs Horn chk sllgmnn and Jlm Kim In duublc blanking at Cleveland Indlnns and 50 Knnxna City Alhlcllcs swap lwo mm Boston Red Sox 52 and My Balllmnre Orlnlcs overcame laurrun deficit and bent Vnslv lnglon Sennlors and CM cugo while Sax dclcnlcd Du lroll Tigers sI There are at least two ren sons Whitey fall In cxcilc any one when huwlns Theyvn come In expect It and he raflqu glsnppolnla lcm His vlcmry put him In He wilh Lu Angelo Badger Snndy Koulnx and San Frnn cisco Gnnls Juan Mnrlchnl he mnjors lop wlnncr at he scasnn And he extended hls awn mnrk as the must consist on wlnner In the hlslnry of lhe gnme among nllthers who have won 100 or mare Hi lircllmu mark luI71 percent ngu 721 lends the nllllme list Spud Chandler next at 10943 717 Jnlu Blanchard converted calchcr pressed Inln service in gig Yunks Injyryaidd iicid once ngnln provilad la his hiliinm iiu drove Ill ioutr runs on homer and two sign ales and scored twice Minhcsoins Siigmnn was in Form by am hi allan that ll ncludcd lwo homers by Don Minchcr and ourbuggers by Rich Rollin and Johnny Goryi in lhc iirsi gumc victory Jim iinila nlnlh inning humm broke scoreless duci 1n lha nighin nhd Kant mi out ranch with threerun binl1 his first or ihc season Ha struck nul 11 and allowed only six hils WIN EIGHT lo Kansns City which has now won cIRh nl Ila Ins lo swept lwn from Boslon on lllu key hit um Ken llnrrclmn and George Musik Hnrrelsnn had twnvrun hnmcr nnd scored an other run In support or Orlundu Penns ncul savcnvhlllcr In ha opener while Aluslk slnglcd and douhlca Inr lhrce run lhe nlghlcnn Run llnnsén 217 hillcr go lng inln lhc game cracked tworun hnmcr and drove In an other with sacrifice fly 1n pro ducan all he Vhilo Sox run agalnst DIhnlt It was he my flame of Ihc season In whlch ha hnddriveruln lhu winqpgup on of 40 lead with Krnndslnm homer lhc second lnnlng but Orlnlcs cnmu back an homers by John Orslno Jncklo Brnndt nnd flab John son lo bent Scnnlors nr ha 10 limu In 11 mcelingl lhll yuur

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