Annuallya rm mm mu mmm ul pm In mum um um Mummy IlMy mum mam mun rmmn nun Imam mrnuum IMIIII Imml nun vi munn Adnflhlu Nmun IIDNNIIJNI mu mm II II In an an mo m1 nunn pomum ma non um my 0mm unlvmu Av mam an mva 11mm mu 0mm almL hueum umhh mm mm Nunm IMI Million flldln Fl I714 tn Ulll III Ill nllill In II II nu AIwIIM an mu mm no mm BarrlcExnmlncrJuIy151043160mgo Johnslon IIIncsIng basket mnnulnclur cr unnnlmous choIcc of Irog Conserva IIvc Io conIcsI SImcoc Centre In provin cInl election CIIIoI nddrcsl nl nomlnn IIon nchIng In IOOI IInII BarrIc was Ivcn by Iberia Drew Onlnrlo arty cndcr Su 1ch lo ucrlaIn cond IInns Ind noI more lhnn rlx weeks harvcsl Iunvu grnnlcd to number of Army pmon n01FIISgIlIlbmlLKeIIy of Thom Ion reported mlstng nllcr nlr npernllona overrun IOrnngc Order cnunly cel chrnlcd July wllh mrmlo Ill Iol Ilnxwoml Capl Dr hnrlnn loss IInrrIc nm wumrm commlrsloncd In Inn ullnn Army now In IIIcIIIIcrrnncan Ihcn In of war wllh IICAMC nccinllsl In lrn rlcnl llscnxrs IIlol Ollicer Chuck MC onnld formerly nI lInrrIr now In Iorncd In Sweden onI IICIIF mnn of IIrln gar IIoIgIholII and DIIII F11 SgL chkrlrlÃ©ï¬ nrrlvcll MM Zan is probably the word for them but at would this dull world be with out an occasional departure irom the normal and break with the convention al wa oi doinfl things Bricks are usually asso atcd wit mortar rolling pins with thick soit dough Throwing them ior dist ance has proved so unique that thous ands of spectators come to watch But the have to be in places called Stroud in anada England the United States or Australia The mosi recent of such contests was held last week More than 2000 Simcoe County and district residents walched it cal Stroud contestants put up very ï¬ned showing Sixteen earold Donna can Watson was just nches short of second place honors in the rolling in loss but she should be in line or he cham ionship next year it she keeps in praetce Musclemnn Bev Coehrano did not win the briekthrowin but his 106 mm toss was most creditah To the unlma Inatlvc contest this kind may seem lly But when ou come down to It hitting golf bal kicking football or runnlngthe looyard dash les Illly That ls one holds to the view that contests are wnslu of lime Thu more fidlhatrévwomnn rolls up her alcoves and Ms fly with rolling WAR DAYS 20 YEARS AGO There Is something refreshing about brhck angi rollingmln throwing contests Tossing Bricks Rolling Pins Is Unique Entertainment Walls Publisher Eh iï¬atrtg iixiaminrr The Barrie Examiner CANDY IS DANDYBUT LIQUOR lSQUICKER Published by Canadian thspahefsldmlled 16 Bayfleld Street Barrie Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE Brian islalzht General Munm WEDNESDAY JULY 1m PlM overseas wilh RCAF group Major Caslmir Ii van Slraubenzcc whoso lame ily reside In ilarric reported with Can adian tank regiment in Sicilnn invasion llcntais commlllcn ul Varllmo Pric and Trade lloard announced ion lisi nl Iixalions or llarric lcrcy El raw lord Midland car cnlcriormorl olOro oi TCF nominal on ior Slmcna Iasi tl Marjaria Black oi Slrond and Lt liai cn Couch oi Barrio nuraing niatcra reported with Canadian iorccs in Mui llerrancan llarria Kiwanis Karnival in lull swing three nlghla al loal oillra Square wilh Medical Corps land irom Camp ilorden in allendanm with 76 pracccda for war work and 25 ior child wailare Mril Flcnlham and Mm Scyihcsi were prize win iicra al hridpfe held by ilnrria Lawn Howi inr Cluh in lea Jana Slmpann who in Itll Canadian Vnmana Army forpa ialnd by lrinlly Junior luliil prior to dcparlnru for iralnlnu LAC All liar rla cmnplalcd radin lcchnlclana conm willi lilyll ai Tilnlonl llrwrva lint lalinn of lnrrslara inking advanc cd inianlry training at lamp Niagara linl McDonald Owen Sound was 70 with Major linnald Mad rn of Harris arcnnilliwnimnaml rralnliui oiliur WilI Major Middlnbrn Own Hniind llarrla fisilillliln rc pnrllnu limI calrlm oi lmiii mm lulu and hay Cpl Dang Smyila ni lnr nnlo was Individual am of Camp Borden track and litId meal Charles Johns imcc Mimis lainl dance pavilion placed windmill on building In nonorlle power or park ilrhilnq duo in wartime rcnlrlclinnai annv llolmar had nice callccllun oi lady nllppm wild lilies and nlhcr iinwora lar Io downiown Jack blanwyrkp llarmany Grill ninu de iulcd Co 590 in lawn Ipilgllll In our view tossan brick or roll Ing pln Is one way getting away from convention Most of us are creatures of habit We go to work the same time and quiz at regular haurs too We go to bed and get up by the clock and gener ally conduct ourselves by rules that gov ern our cconomlc exlslence 41 96 KV For day or two the contestants are in the worlds news And Stroud Is place of distinction rather than more dot on the map whether it be in Slmcoe County or tar pit Australia 9t Engignq No one should expect tourists to lock to Stroud because few bricks or rolling pinsrare tossed Thats not the purpose the contest real although every event adds its own are of attractive ness lo community its refreshing then as we said earlier to watch someone do something just little silly it makes for break in rou tine living and thinking that helps to make life worthwhile Even the con teslanis lont take their work seriously which should make everyone happy in for distance rather than at hus and is unique In itself And there is something droli about man hurling brick instead of stolidly lace it on bit of mortar to make we All of this is so different that the penpin of these var ious Strouds have taken it upon them selves to participate In redcnt article you stated lhal lhx would mean auxring ol the heart muscle which would be lhe healed area lol lowlnl hem attack My hus band had no heart attack Plum Explain himMn Tho whole explanation He in lwaordg ha write Du Dr Molnar My hIIs bandn sum recently ahnwed posterior wall Inim nn 11 you hndxald My husband had no hearl muck which we rccnznlzcd the lime lha last 51x words would Iell the whnlg angry heart attack man an In errupllnn of the blood low In one the branches or In car nnnry artery whlch serves the heart muscle ll large part olthablmd flow shut oll then large pm the hem muscle ll ul lccled ll the stoppage In Mr along 111 am at the gmnllar branches amnll pm OK this muscle ls tlamagcd TO YOUR GOOD HEALTH Whether largu or small It In sllll an attack In the sense that we use the term or coronary hurl dismale Th cardlogram shows an arct or Waxcum Thls means that panHan me muscle no normal and scar Ilssue Is arming or has ormedAaerund iL Yoinhizé3and hid him trouble even though you and he were not aware of IL Such re not particu larly uncommon Cardinloglun are orever encountering pa tients who hnvcnl the slightest nLllon Ihnl this has happenm The most likely explanation ls Ihal Lhcy passed ntl as bad snack or Indlgqsllnn You vehpmbnbly rand but no really nullccd wnmlun about acule attacks at Mixer OTTAWAPamck Nlcholtdn hlvlng given me the role col umnlstlaraAday my in de sir Is In acqualnl rtnderl across Canada with certain nu nlflcnnl changes In Onknrlnl midnorth especially along the north Ihore of Lake Huron card oi Eillni Lake and Iwnre ihal iha gov ernments recent decision in Ilockpiie uranium pmvidea breathing all nl ll lean Ill other yenr or lhu lumom cam munlly But how mlny are nwm oi lhe promise lint huge Iron ni Ontarla oi which Lake ll but gm pa E1110 Alkb closely Idcnll llcd with my own mnsliluency nl Sudbury but In all part of mu Onlaro mld nanh whlch In In lul dccadu ha llkcn an campcher ncw look POWER OF TOMORROW Sudbury hm Ian bun re nowned an Hm nlckcl cnpilnl the world wllh rut Inlu nnllonnl Nckcl Cnmpmy cum plcx at mine Ind Imcllcr hr Kllher wllh Fulconhrldxu Nlckel Mlnu Nd Moro nun wnl thl Ihmllvrd dbllncllon oi lIlllnl Lake lha nranlum clpllnl Techmlonlul chnnnu cumrlvcd to mm host lawn even whllu the pain wm sllll new on Ill hundred nl nllncllva mod em hamu Bul now Illhouzh here Mllla pruenl demand for uranium maul bend cxlnu mnl lhl myslcrlnm um lhl pcnwllmo no Hm lu lure llul now mlumnlIHnr dly In ma um um um lulu n04 mMy drpmden upon mlnlnl Men or lhll pml cl Cnnudn II II mmtllmu Inuollm how much nur hu nnlrlhuled lo Hm nullunl economy and lhnl aur hlnlory In long Our Ink nnd lnrull uw Inmz ol the rut whllo mm on lhu mullncul WIMHI wnl In lurch ol hm nlltr whlch came lmnm day loulu and lumber rnmpl and uvmlunlly lnrml lllll null mmmunillu In In lho laundnUon our wer Inhd lrfly ol ham and Imlnnlry lnhnyl Ihn mull Illnlllrnnl duaan all In nccnl llmrl rum uMul wllh lhc mmphllnn 11 IM Tunnnnnxlnfllihwfl Purlck Nichnlwnl uul col munlll today ll Rodur MIL chell leml MP lnr Sudhuly Onlnrlo In ï¬mlhury hnvn Inn lwn nmmumm l0 ulNl lux Inlnm runmlmlntnul rnlnl ulllnl In our rlly lere dny VII lmul uur llno nlvpml Jul 010 muhl min hml wino OTTAWA REPORT mama MD By PATRICK NICHOLSON Hes Attacks Not ï¬lmy Recognized Dhmbuim lnr tar hum nml Tmlur nnnlu ml lull Ilnr Hunkn1 nnwlum lur mm mm mm Muln llhrt IM mm In um NON IJIINI DON 0N IMSMIIM Sudbury Now Séen At The Crossroads NOTICE TO FARMERS lARM DEALER Cull MAM Alqo LIIFIIICIA Pam Suvlu an An On DIESEL FUEL INJicTION HARRIS AUTO ELECTRIC IIInIo ©S©IHI This In In lllulrlllon reason Even In unmlslnhhlo he INBICKS the malorlly not all But all dnnwoux Ind ill do wma damu Some maple hnva lulu nl comparatlvely llth hunks they Ind out Whit hip penlnl Ind take care them selves they can remain In pretty load health they all or refuse to recomlze the truth they no In true dmzer Den DrMolnm My dauzh er and her husband km their bqhy on the mouth Ind encour the mndparenta adult lives and Hand to do lho name Isnt lhh dangerous Will you elaborate4x realize that youre bezzln Ihe queulan but mes wlth you do not Ivor kissing babies an Inn llps Tho solll warm mom lur llm nl nose 1110th and llmm are deal rooallnz place lor Ill aorta nf germs good and bad mint and mlnor Colds llu miscellaneous vlruscs may slsphylncuccua you nun And dont large the mlny vn letles ol pneumonln But Dr Mulnu dia phrlgm Inserted lnmmclly and pregnancy results could lhe baby be harmed In my wayrD Im in favor of kissinl babies on the cheek or iorehead or even better ha back ni the neck But dont know Ihal grandparent can lay much about ihi without inviting iii wilii May be the but thin you cm do is in follow the at kixsing elsewhere lhln on the mouth Ind oi no uyinz one Ilnxia ward Ibnul it Just hop Ilia acliun weak louder Ihc Hm lranxcnnllnental bu ume along our main lhomuxh lure marked Vnncouverl Thl is whal would like tn emphasize columnlstlar day mm In my camllluency In Sudbury Ind Ilong lhe north Ihnre we Arc not merely lhe Ontario mIdnorlh but our uh lruly us And wtst In at the crouroada of Cnnadl In Maul In Ihui II nu bullml hotnu lhl ynur Inllh In umflulyll himlulu 50m maple Ilka Ilnllrd tn WI lulhor lhnn Hwy punMd Th mm whu on IIIII lnr lemnl than SCENIC BOOM CENTRE In lhll lively uenlc lorwnrd lookan um Islrlda lhl mu Canad lilnhwy lullawinl lhc beautiful blue wler eurvu of Lake Huron our ml Interest and concern now ll upon lhe Illernlllvu development plans of lhe new Ravernmenl at which am member The qucsllon ha been uked Wlll lhls Involve the Insulwion nuclear power pllnl at Cutler or Spruce Iwa shoreHM wm munlllel Immediately adjacent In Emm Luke Our hope Alto hue been nixed by lhu nlw Cnnndlnn Development Corpor nllon which ll lot the expml purpose lnxlerin new Clnl dlnn Induslrlu Finally an mlumnlslrlohm day would mill lhul Ihl Ur ml party ltd Cnnnd lhmunh nmlzz ye lurulul my rlly Ind hm Income ch mud In renew lhll prolpen fly Wars III 0m journnl hi WM wnlch clouly my won olflclll uppmlllun lhe Cannrvlllm lo permd am pnrllu NDP Ind 50ml lelt Mn with lhem In non tonfldcnm mollnn Ilmtd lopplllll the government would seek lo libel Inylhlnl uhlch Imlckrd ol obumdhn tom and plrty polillu unlnnl ha be lnurm until mlnl tolumnlll lnr 611 could be ml lun For In whnl ll wm la lry In my own turlmully bull mrmlwr Ibout Him CMI mvlln munth who lulled la vnlu In mm mnwnll kan mmlon rllnllnl la Ibo budurl mu No nu Ih member mm Ibul Dlllcnlmlm wth BIBLE THOUGHT No UR MUNICIPAL BAN MONTREAL CPIA rem luuon mnullnl munlclplllllcs be Iven ma right t0 ban llml um Ihlfllln public marmy wu Adopted by delegate to the Cnnldlln Union Country Womenn conlerenm ream luuon will in to the provlndul lovernmenl Garnet NawkIrk nI Chalhnm Ix runnlnl In Kent Wash Wll Ilnm hIIlIn In KInnlon Jack Heemn oI Cobourg In Nnrlh umberllnd Eddle Sixgent Owen Sound In Gr Noth Owen IIIuIIln nI Burlnzlon In Hallon Ind Mlyor Perennnk In Welllnd By THE CANADIAN PRESS By DON OIIEARN TORONmLnll mayor will In mm or he chllll in the next auction The party luuad list cnndldllu at July 15 The were 10 men In the Heldhr mm Khan he other parties And II at Ihem were mayo The Conurullvel wonl run Iwny Ind hlde because the prominence ul these men how aver RAB RUN TWICE Municipal tame not ntcer Inrfly pass key In here Eddlc Sun or hutnee bu run twlco In Grey North And lhnulh um very clan once he couldnt but he 1m Dr MucKlnnon Phllllps The PCI us having lmublo In heir buckwomb mave lnr ment Soma al In velenn member they would like lo be rid In mining la llp dqwn Ind minn Theyare lioldlnl homlhntion mzellnxl Ind wlnnlnn them Hollll Daniel York Eu Thu bloodied Mills thl Mr of 1m wu fought yam no myIn 1m nl Lundyl Line Out Al though nuilher IJde could clalm victory the ham checked lha Idvnncc In lnvndlnz American forces Into Clnldl and creed Ihcir wllhdrnwll to Fun Erie 0n war hm 3000 men the delenden lullered cnuultlel with 54 Wed while In American lou 3353 wlnI111 klllcd QUEENS PARK Jay 251 10g VIVIIVI excursloï¬ learner Eullund sunk In ghedchlcua Riverwim an 1m MumIon léldcr Brimm Young apnrovcd thgalla 831 lea Cl Number Of Mayors Run As Liberals TODAY IN HISTORY Seagréma Star Rated Best TWIMIHIII hullhllllurfllhhn oll ludllll flnnmh Ollln Illon PICnut um amomhor in bonermum iii morn lulltying Hut gonulnoly no whisky populnr prloo iii In out Mun cont nflor mL ngninll the three landing brnnd In prion olnuu Cnnndï¬nnl llkod tho into of Bongmml Elm boot ann you wind thll grout whllky yet not do no man Boo It you dont ngroo mm the vordlol nI thounndn of other Cnnndlnnl and rule It but SEAGRAMS FIVE STARf CANADIAN nvn wmqu ANOTHER BIRTHDAY rlved or this culumnlnl recent ly They seem Io come morn frequently as he can roll on remamber drca hm In reach conxldcrcd ripe by than In lhelr 20s But no 40 because hatx when Illa huh So may Iald so he nfllcc hald party and presentatlnn or me Some 11 the nlrla avcn llned and Hum me that no ey considered min Oy an theyd been tuld NOW FIND myieii one the tow at Bunin Curling Club eligible to enter the provincial lemurs compelltion Harry Armstrong is unanimoul choice lo skip this rink think Eli wgrth Crawford might make um Ieam loo The immediate past resident cant qultc make it in deceiving MY BIRTHDAY his year brought Iorlh variety of cards or lnstnnce is one slated for pasture He had other ldena nominallan meeting dared They tnnk um Ihe mecllug wilh lulsnme praise or Mr BackelL And he will be the candidate unln MISSES ORGANIZER THE FIRST COLUMN arrived at It supported by Rev Downer Major Lox Mackenzie and olhcr oldlime EC members Here where the party misses it IonaMme organizer Ihe lale MacKcnzlc Mr Mackenzie worn still around lhtse matter would ha handled with ï¬nesse Mr Beckcll luday would be gelllnz ready Io flap 1an therm ofï¬ce pm on cummlsslon or name olhcr Iln ecure Bul more Is nobody around now with Mr MacKcnziel knowhaw or determlnmlon In seven yum 520 plaque have been put up lo mark hlslnrlc alle In lhe provlncn Few have the human Interest of one being ereclnd In ldanllly lhe birthplace of Muzzle Clark nzlr Hlmlllnn Mlu Clark WA he original In the old old mug When You Inï¬ Vera young Muulg ll Vwanflilrlilrcn by nnélhnr nllriaan Ilsa born near Hlm Hon idrkk Birthday Come More Frequently By KEN WALLS Hll riding was or who was also the usual cheery and re lleved mellnx mm llla In Iurnnce company whlch hold pnldup pulley One curl allowed lll nld codgcr luring wellalacked lass passlnfl by Page one read youre neu er too oldi But you looked ln alda the card Ind laund the words to dream ANOTHER CARD Ihowcd mala lnoklnx Inlenlly In min0r Fran read Happy Blrlhdn But dont worry MI 01 mun prefer aldur men Inside ha curd nld Spatially oldur women Now dont knnw About that But did apnrecIIIa r9 celvlnz 1m muslc entitled Tha Sen or Cullen Waltz THE WEEKLY nswspapu Bridle Rlvnr Lillaoel News Is nubllshcd In northern Brillsh Columhlar It had nuw article on lha Japanese call lnduslry and maimed ll grunt Iucccss due to lha fact they crossed Japanese cow and Swiss sleerZ Isnt It remarkable the progress that agricultura has made In recent years SERVICE CLUB In lhls clly entertained at dlnner some the lap bras he Barrio Power Squadron and he Barrie Yacht Club Looklnl er wmclhinl appropriate In the slngsong the leader selected Way Down Upon The Sum Riven thu recent Ktwnnts Intematton convention in Atlantic Cty part at one evenlnll program was taken up with tntroducllon or each of the 10 district govern ors and ht wlves As the gov ernor of Cnlllorntn and hls Indy came on stale the organist pooled out Cullfornla Here Come And or Indlnnl Mil snurl Texas etc there wu state tune appropriate to H1 occnslan thnthe governor of OQhl dlstrlct Eastern Can ndn came out the plpes at the lamest organ In the world roll ed out ItlouctteZ Ho ts trom Dartmouth Nova Scotla but thats all right Quebec forms part of Me dlstrlct However the organist was It complcla loss when they announced tho lovernor at Western Canada distrttt who comes from Re xlna And in again the stralns ltloucttu were heard thrnuuh the must cnnvnnllnn hnll tn the world COME TO THINK ll what would you hav vlayed you were lha nrxanlsl an nc caslon And Canndlnm Wm be Inx Introduced Evldemly we had heard about The Mapla Lu Form MAN leaching wlla In drive Go on men nap on mi an like my Mum turn while BUT THATS NOTHING Al 41